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1st International Conference on Pure Science (ISCPS-2020)

Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1660 (2020) 011002

IOP Publishing



يطابع زمن ي

ون يد الإلكبر عنوان البر Full Name Work place : University / Faculty Specialization Educational attainment Scientific Degree

General assessment for

the level of the

participation researches

7-12-2020 17:26:03 [email protected] Ali Abid abojassim Kufa/science Nuclear radiation Ph.D Professor Excellent

7-13-2020 10:46:47 [email protected] Abeer Sufian Fadhil Alani Jordan - Ph.D Lecturer Excellent

7-13-2020 10:49:34 [email protected] Rana fadhil obaid al kelabi University of kufa/faculty of medicine Medical microbiology Ph.D Lecturer Very good

7-13-2020 10:49:37 [email protected] hanan salah eldin taha diab agticulture research center pest and pesticide Ph.D Professor Excellent

7-13-2020 10:49:43 [email protected] Najdat R.ALKHafaji Alkarkh University of Science Physical Chemistry Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good

7-13-2020 10:49:58 [email protected] د هدى عبدالله علي صالح . م بية مديرية تربية الانبار وزارة البر بيئة وتلوث بيئة مياه عذبة Ph.D Lecturer Very good

7-13-2020 10:50:29 [email protected] Diaa Obaed Mahmood Middle Technical University Biology Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent

7-13-2020 10:50:36 [email protected] يسر نوري عبد الامبر كلية الصيدلة جامعة أهل البيت ياوية نانو ماجستبر علوم الكيمياء فبر Master Assistant Lecturer Excellent

7-13-2020 10:50:58 [email protected] Jamal abed al Wahed jassim Middle Technical University Iraq Master Assistant Professor Excellent

7-13-2020 10:50:59 [email protected] IHAB FARIS ABDULHUSSEIN ALFADHEL China university of geoscience Environmental engineering Master Other Excellent

7-13-2020 10:51:04 [email protected] Dr.Zainab Hussein Mohammed Kufa/science Chemistry Ph.D Lecturer Very good

7-13-2020 10:51:05 [email protected] Eman abdulmajed saied Salahaddin university college of science Physics Master Assistant Lecturer Very good

7-13-2020 10:51:07 [email protected] Abdulhussein Abdulameer Kareem University of Kufa Physics Master Assistant Lecturer Excellent

7-13-2020 10:51:10 [email protected] Fatima Moeen Abbas Babylon university/ college of science for women Microbiology/ Antibiotics Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent

7-13-2020 10:51:12 [email protected] Dr. Qabas Neamah Hadi Al- Hajjar kufa university/ pharmacy medical sciences Ph.D Lecturer Excellent

7-13-2020 10:51:13 [email protected] Dr. Khitam Jaber Nabhan Al-Mustansiriyah University/College of Science Chemistry Ph.D Lecturer Very good

7-13-2020 10:51:16 [email protected] Dr.khalid hamdan gathwan Baghdad university college of dentistry Biology Ph.D Professor Excellent

7-13-2020 10:51:20 [email protected] Laith Ahmed Najam Mosul University/ College of Science Nuclear physics Ph.D Professor Very good

7-13-2020 10:51:22 [email protected] Israa Noor Kadhim Witwit Kufa/Sceince Inorganic chemistry Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent

7-13-2020 10:51:23 [email protected] Dr.Mays Hadi jebur University of Babylon College of nursing Phd medical microbiology Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent

7-13-2020 10:51:24 [email protected] AHMED ABD AL SADE MIZHER external external Master Other Excellent

7-13-2020 10:51:36 [email protected] Sabreen A.A kamal Alkhafaji Babylon/college of science for women Biology Master Assistant Professor Very good

7-13-2020 10:51:45 [email protected] Mohammed J. Alshareefi Al-Qasim Green University Agriculture Master Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 10:51:59 [email protected] Abdulameer Ali Al-Dahhan University of Kufa Collage of Dentistry Clinical chemistry Ph.D Assistant Professor Good7-13-2020 10:52:05 [email protected] Hadeel Moutaz A.Sattar Aldabbas Iraqia University iraqi Master Assistant Lecturer Good7-13-2020 10:52:06 [email protected] Zainab dhiyaa jabuori University of Wasit / College of Science Cytogenetic Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 10:52:11 [email protected] Dr.amani mohamed College of medical &health technology Histology Ph.D Professor Excellent7-13-2020 10:52:24 [email protected] Ali Abd alsade mizher External External Ph.D Other Excellent7-13-2020 10:52:26 [email protected] Zainab Muhsein Hassan External External Ph.D Other Excellent7-13-2020 10:52:30 [email protected] Eman Abid Fahah AlhasnawiMiddle Technical University/ Medical Technical Institute of Almansour Medical microbiology Master Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 10:52:41 [email protected] Raad A. Alharmoosh Altoosi university college Microbiology Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 10:52:51 [email protected] Luma jasim hamood witwit University of babylon college of dentistry Msc.microbiology Master Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 10:52:55 [email protected] إيناس حسن محمد حسير قسم الكيمياء / كلية العلوم/ جامعة بغداد كيمياء تحليلية Master Assistant Lecturer Good7-13-2020 10:53:02 [email protected] لمياء صالح مهدي جامعة كربلاء /كلية الصيدلة علوم الكيمياء Master Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 10:53:10 [email protected] Dr. Talib Abdulridha Abdulwahid Kufa University, Science Faculty Physics Ph.D Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 10:53:15 [email protected] Zaid makki mohammed Al-Hakkak Faculty of science.. university of kufa Biology Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 10:53:18 [email protected] Ahmed Obaid Mahmood Middle technical university institut of Technical Anbar International Accounting Master Assistant Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 10:53:35 [email protected] Assis. Prof. Dr. Israa Mahdi Resen Al-Sudani فرع العلوم الاساسية/ كلية الطب / جامعة ابن سينا للعلوم الطبية والصيدلانية Pathology /Histopathology Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 10:53:48 [email protected] Weam hasan kadhim University of Baghdad / College of Science for Women Geology Master Assistant Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 10:53:51 [email protected] majid marine scinece center parasitology Ph.D Professor Excellent7-13-2020 10:53:53 [email protected] Muna Sameer Al-rawi University of Baghdad/College of Education for pure science Chemistry Ph.D Assistant Professor Good7-13-2020 10:54:02 [email protected] Dr.Maha Abdulnabi GathwanUniversity of Baghdad,college of Education Ibn alhaitham,Biology departmentEcology&pollution Ph.D Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 10:54:07 [email protected] Ikhlass Ali Hussein AlHilaly Kufa university / faculty of science Biologist, physiologist Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 10:54:14 [email protected] Prof. Dr. Obaid Mahmmood Mohsin Cihan University- Sulaimania camp Statistics Ph.D Professor Very good7-13-2020 10:54:16 [email protected] Mohammed Qasim Waheeb Al Muthanna University Biology- Animal physiology Master Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 10:54:18 [email protected] Sawsan mohammed sorchee Salahaddin university Microbiology Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good


1st International Conference on Pure Science (ISCPS-2020)

Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1660 (2020) 011002

IOP Publishing



7-13-2020 10:54:23 [email protected] prof.dr. sami ibrahim jafar alrubaiey university of technology - baghdad corrosion engineering Ph.D Professor Very good7-13-2020 10:54:28 [email protected] Furqan Moein Auda Kufa University / Science Bio chemistry Ph.D Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 10:54:42 [email protected] Halgurd Nadhim Mohammed aynda technical institute Medical cancer biology Master Assistant Lecturer Good7-13-2020 10:54:52 [email protected] مصطف مهدي عودة كلية العلوم /جامعة الانبار Nanomicrobiology Master Assistant Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 10:55:07 [email protected] Zinah Shuker Mahmoud Kufa University / Faculty of Science Physical chemistry Master Lecturer Good7-13-2020 10:55:11 [email protected] نجلاء حسير صبر الجاروري .د كلية الزراعة /جامعة البصرة كيمياء الالبان /علوم الاغذية Ph.D Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 10:55:13 [email protected] Sarah Mohammed Abdullah ي خارجر Chemistry Master Other Excellent7-13-2020 10:55:33 [email protected] Husam Tareq Majeed Mustansiriyah /college of Science Atmospheric Science Ph.D Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 10:55:40 [email protected] Hanaa Kamil Hamad University of Baghdad - College of science for women Medical parasites Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 10:55:58 [email protected] Iman Jawad Kadhim Al furat al awst technical university/ technical college al mussaib Microbiology Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 10:55:59 [email protected] Abdulhadi Abbas Alibraheemi Faculty of Science/University of Kufa Physiology Ph.D Professor Excellent7-13-2020 10:56:17 [email protected] Shaden Mohammed Hasan Hussein Mubarak University of Kufa /Faculty of Pharmacy Biochemistry Ph.D Lecturer Good7-13-2020 10:56:32 [email protected] Dr.Mushtaq Tailb Hammadi University of kufa /Faculty of Agriculture Agriculture Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 10:56:39 [email protected] Mohammed younes Mohammed NORTHERN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Laboratory techneque other Other Very good7-13-2020 10:56:52 [email protected] Attyaf jameel thamir Kufa univetsity/faculty of science Biology Ph.D Professor Excellent7-13-2020 10:56:56 [email protected] EL BOULIFI Hind University Ibn Tofail Chemistry Ph.D Other Very good7-13-2020 10:56:57 [email protected] Nidaa Abdul Abdul Jasim Kerbala education Directorate Chemistry Master Lecturer Good7-13-2020 10:57:00 [email protected] وسام عبيد كريم أبراهيم الكلية التقنية المسيب/جامعة الفرات الأوسط هندسه كهرباء BSC Other Excellent7-13-2020 10:57:30 [email protected] Shang ziyad abdulqadir Salahaddin university Cytology Ph.D Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 10:57:32 [email protected] حسير كاظم عبد الحسير الحكيم.د.ا Science/Kufa Biochemistry Ph.D Professor Excellent7-13-2020 10:57:39 [email protected] Husham Jalal Nasser Al-Mustansiriya University / College of Science physics department Master Other Excellent7-13-2020 10:57:43 [email protected] Rasha Saud abdulaali Kufa Kufa Ph.D Lecturer Good7-13-2020 10:57:50 [email protected] Saba Jameel Hasan Al-Mustansiriya University /College of Education physic Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 10:57:51 [email protected] Nabil Salim Saaid Tuwaij Faculty of Science - University of kufa Biology - Microbiology Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 10:58:08 [email protected] Raghad Ali Sahib Al-musawi Sciences/kufa Microbiology Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 10:58:14 [email protected] Ibtehal Aqeel Abdulmuneem Faculty of science/ Almuthana university Ecology Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 10:58:20 [email protected] khadija khalil Mustafa salahaddin university Microbiology Ph.D Professor Excellent7-13-2020 10:58:26 [email protected] Ahmed Jassim Muklive كلية العلوم جامعة الكوفة PHD in Analytical Chemistry Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 10:58:27 [email protected] Lubna Ahmed Abdulkarim Salahaddin university/college of science Microbiology Ph.D Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 10:58:27 [email protected] Biologist:Wadhhah Aseed Gumar Al.Badri Ministry of Health and Environment Biologist BSC Other Excellent7-13-2020 10:58:31 [email protected] Dr.Hanaa jaffar Alkabee kufa university /pharmacy collage microbiology Ph.D Professor Excellent7-13-2020 10:58:43 [email protected] وفاء فيصل روضان الجامعة المستنصرية كلية العلوم قسم الكيمياء ي الكيمياء

ماجيستبر علوم ف Master Lecturer Excellent

7-13-2020 10:58:46 [email protected] Afyaa Sabah Nasir ALhamdany Faculty of science Animal physiology Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 10:58:59 [email protected] Treefa Farouq Ismail University of Salahaddin/ Erbil Histology and Cytology Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 10:59:00 [email protected] حنان جميل عاشور. د دائرة البحوث/الامانة العامة لمجلس النواب علم الانسجه/علوم الحياة Ph.D Lecturer Good7-13-2020 10:59:35 [email protected] Jihan Razzaq Muslim University of Kufa -college education for girls Analytical chemistry Master Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 10:59:45 [email protected] ienas jawad kadhim Southern Technical University / Technical Institute of ArchitectureBachelor of Business Administration BSC Other Excellent7-13-2020 10:59:53 [email protected] Khabat Anwar Ali University of Salahadden Histology Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 10:59:56 [email protected] AHMED MSHARI THARISouthern Technical University/College of Health and Medical Technology in BasraMycologists Master Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 11:00:[email protected]. Mohammed Faeq Mohammed Koya / Faculty of Science and Health Physics Ph.D Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 11:00:33 [email protected] Thill Akeel Kadhum Almusawi Almuthanna/ science optical physics Master Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 11:00:47 [email protected] M.M.OMAR HAMMOOD ZALDAN جامعة الانبار تفسبر Master Assistant Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 11:00:54 [email protected] Dr.Fatma Makee Mahmmod University of Kerbala medical Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 11:00:54 [email protected] Shaymaa Salman Neamah College of Agriculture / University of Kufa Agricultural sciences Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 11:01:15 [email protected] Dr.Milad Abdul Salam Al-Naseri Iraqi Ministry of Health PhD in molecular immunogenetics Ph.D Other Good7-13-2020 11:01:39 [email protected] ريام هاشم علي Almustansyria University/ College of Dentistry Dentistry BSC Other Excellent7-13-2020 11:01:55 [email protected] Zahraa Falah AbdAlaali Annooz AlFurat AlAwsat Technical university Biology Master Assistant Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 11:02:31 [email protected] Dr. Ahmed Chyad Alfahad University of Anbar Seed technology Ph.D Lecturer Good7-13-2020 11:02:35 [email protected] JAMAL MOHAMMED RIDHA KUFA /DENTISTRY MICROBIOLOGY Ph.D Assistant Professor Good7-13-2020 11:02:36 [email protected] Dr. Intisar Yahiya Mohammed Ministry of Science and Technology Chemistry Science - Polymer Chemistry Ph.D Assistant Professor Good7-13-2020 11:02:53 [email protected] Rusol jassemuniversity of anbar\ College of Education For Pure Sciences Chemistry Dept.Organic chemistry Master Other Very good7-13-2020 11:03:13 [email protected] Dr.haider majed alhashemi الجامعه التقنيه الوسطى فلسفه Ph.D Assistant Professor Good7-13-2020 11:03:17 [email protected] ي

نبأ كريم سعيد القريش ف مديرية تربية النجف الاش كيمياء Master Assistant Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 11:03:34 [email protected] Banaz Sdiq Abdulla Salahaddin university Biology Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 11:03:53 [email protected] Nidaa Abdul Ameer Jasim Kerbala education Directorate Chemistry Master Lecturer Excellent


1st International Conference on Pure Science (ISCPS-2020)

Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1660 (2020) 011002

IOP Publishing



7-13-2020 11:04:25 [email protected] Dr. Hanan Jameel Ashour Iraqi Parliament Council Biology/Histology Ph.D Lecturer Good7-13-2020 11:04:26 [email protected] الحقوقية عذراء محمد حسير ي

ديوان الوقف السن Ph.D قانون عام Other Very good7-13-2020 11:04:34 [email protected] Yamama Hazim Mohammed بية وزارة البر مدرسة تربية اسلامية Diploma Other Very good7-13-2020 11:05:06 [email protected] Dr. Mohammed Abdulkareem Mahmood Sunni Endowment Office Spor Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 11:05:16 [email protected] Zahraa Yosif Motawaq Kufa university/science of faculty Biology Ph.D Assistant Professor Good7-13-2020 11:05:30 [email protected] Aas Akeel Kadhum Almusawi ي المثن

بية ف مديرية البر اللغة العربية Master Assistant Lecturer Excellent

7-13-2020 11:05:34 [email protected] Majid Abdulwahab Maatook Southern Technical University Family Medicine Ph.D Professor Very good7-13-2020 11:06:01 [email protected] Dr. Widad Ibrahim Yahya KufaUniversity/ sciences Inorganic chemistry Ph.D Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 11:06:10 [email protected] AMAL KAMELFaculty of Health and Medical Techniques /parasitology/ Central Technical UniversityParasitology Master Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 11:06:15 [email protected] Aref Saleh Baron University of Kufs/Faculty of Science Physics Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 11:06:20 [email protected] Ahmed Riyadh Hashem ف المديرية العامة تربية النجف الاش Chemistry Master Assistant Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 11:06:33 [email protected] Azhar Lateef Jebur University of Kerala Food Sciences Master Assistant Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 11:06:36 [email protected] فاتن فاضل القزاز.د.ا قسم الكيمياء/كلية العلوم/الجامعه المستنصريه علوم الكيمياء الحيويه وتطبيقات النانو طبيه Ph.D Other Very good7-13-2020 11:06:59 [email protected] Dr. Ruwaidah Samir Saeed University of Baghdad /College of Education for pure Science _lbn Al-Haitham Chemistry Ph.D Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 11:06:59 [email protected] Safa Riyadh Ridha Qattan AlFarabi College University M.Sc Applied Mathematics Master Assistant Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 11:07:17 [email protected] Zahra Maki Mahmood Al-furat Al_Awast University/Technical Institute of karbala Community health Master Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 11:07:50 [email protected] Najeba Farhad Salih Koya university/faculty of science and health Radiation Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 11:08:11 [email protected] Raghad emad hussain Kufa unversity/ pharmacy faculty Computer science Master Assistant Lecturer Good7-13-2020 11:08:19 [email protected] Dr. Asmahan Asaad Muhmood Kufa university/ science faculty Physics Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 11:08:21 [email protected] Dr. Riam Mohammed Abdo Aden University Statistics Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 11:08:25 [email protected] Abtsam Kazim Ali Middle Technical University Electrical BSC Other Excellent7-13-2020 11:08:37 [email protected] ي البمري. م رشا عادل عبد الننر المسيب- الكليه التقنيه/ جامعه الفرات الاوسط ي اكثار وتحسير نبات

محاصيل حقليه- تقنيات الانتاج النبانر Master Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 11:08:49 [email protected] Alaa M. AlrudainySouthern Technical University/College of Health and Medical Technology in Basraplant protection Master Assistant Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 11:09:08 [email protected] منتهى رزاق ابراهيم كلية هندسة الخوارزمي/ جامعة بغداد ي نانوتكنولوجر Ph.D Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 11:09:22 [email protected] MSc. Manar Radhi Shannon Alyassiry University of Babylon/ college of pharmacy Master of Microbiology Master Assistant Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 11:09:41 [email protected] Nuha Ayad Mohmmed Basrah university-Education college for pure sciences Chemistry Science Master Assistant Lecturer Good7-13-2020 11:10:13 [email protected] Lamia Abdultef AL-Iessa Faculty of Science/Kufa University Analytical Chemistry Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 11:10:14 [email protected] Naer Abdulbari Madlool Alkaabi University of Almuthana/ college of science Molecular biology and biotechnology Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 11:10:33 [email protected] Mohammed Khalaf Rasheed Alshujery University Anbar . Master Other Excellent7-13-2020 11:10:39 [email protected] ضياء خليف كريم.د.أ بية للعلوم الصرفة -جامعة البصرة قسم علوم الحياة-كلية البر ات علم الحسر Ph.D Professor Very good7-13-2020 11:10:40 [email protected] Hadeel Kadhim Turki Al-Rafidain College University Dentistry Department medical microbiology Master Assistant Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 11:10:44 [email protected] Manar Mohamad Hasan Al_murshidi Babylon university /college of Sciences for girls Biology Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 11:10:48 [email protected] Sonia Elia Ishaq Salahaddin University/College of Science Biology/Immunology Master Assistant Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 11:10:48 [email protected] Dr.Shaymaa A.Naji Al-Nisour university Immunology Ph.D Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 11:10:52 [email protected] Sabah N. Mazhir University of Baghdad Physics Ph.D Professor Excellent7-13-2020 11:10:54 [email protected] سها عبدالله عودة.م د.ا جامعة بغداد كلية الطب أحياء مجهرية طبية Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 11:10:56 [email protected] Muthana Saleh Mashkour Kufa / Sciences Analytical Chemistry Ph.D Professor Excellent7-13-2020 11:11:03 [email protected] Dr. Ahmed Siraj Jaber Basrah University Geography Ph.D Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 11:11:11 [email protected] Shaymaa Obayes Hussein University of Babylon/ Faculty of Science Biology Master Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 11:11:25 [email protected] وداد ابراهيم يحنر. د Kufa/ sciences Inorganic Chemistry Ph.D Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 11:11:39 [email protected] Sura Ihsan Abed Babylon University College of science Master Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 11:11:41 [email protected] وفاء فيصل روضان قسم الكيمياء/ كلية العلوم / الجامعة المستنصرية ي الكيمياء

ماجستبر علوم ف Master Lecturer Excellent

7-13-2020 11:11:49 [email protected] Fatimah Allawi Abdul Sajad Kufa University/Science Faculty/Chemistry Department Physical Chemistry Master Assistant Lecturer Good7-13-2020 11:12:17 [email protected] Raghda saad mohammed University of technical Alfurat Alawast , Institute technical of Diwaniya Microbiology Ph.D Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 11:12:25 [email protected] AFYAA MUAYAD YOUNUS Mosul/chemistry Chemistry Master Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 11:12:26 [email protected] Thamer Hameed Allawi University of Fallujah / College of Islamic Sciences f Master Assistant Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 11:12:29 [email protected] Fakhir Najim K.Sabir Koya University/Faculty of Science and Health Molecular Physiology Ph.D Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 11:12:29 [email protected] Sarmad Jassim muhammad al-khazraji University Tkrit University Tkrit Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 11:12:41 [email protected] Marwah abed hussein almuhammady Kufa university/science faculty Medical microbiology Master Other Very good7-13-2020 11:12:42 [email protected] ي. د.ا ناهدة سعيد حمودي الجلنر كلية علوم البيئة وتقاناتها/جامعة الموصل Ph.D كيمياء حياتية Professor Excellent7-13-2020 11:12:53 [email protected] Hiba Hikmet Abd ul_Aziz Kirkuk University Linguistics Master Assistant Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 11:12:56 [email protected] Maha abdalellah Mohammed hassan University of mosul college of computer science and mathematical Lecturer Master Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 11:13:00 [email protected] Hussien Abid Ali Bakir Mraity University of Kufa - Faculty of Science Medical Physics Ph.D Professor Very good7-13-2020 11:13:03 [email protected] Sura Ihsan Abed University of Babylon Biology Master Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 11:13:11 [email protected] Aya Ibrahim Safar No found Biology Master Assistant Lecturer Very good


1st International Conference on Pure Science (ISCPS-2020)

Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1660 (2020) 011002

IOP Publishing



7-13-2020 11:13:27 [email protected] Pro. Dr. Siham Abdulrazzaq SalimAl-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University, Al-Musiab Technical College Biology Ph.D Professor Very good7-13-2020 11:13:43 [email protected] Mayyada F.Darweesh kufa university / Faculty of science biology Ph.D Professor Good7-13-2020 11:13:36 [email protected] Rabab Alaa Hameed Baghdad/ alkawarizmi Computer Engineering Master Assistant Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 11:13:48 [email protected] Abdullah Mohammed Abdulkareem Ministry of Education Student other Other Excellent7-13-2020 11:14:20 [email protected] Ali Jasim Jafer Al-Nuaimi University of Kerbala Reproductive Physiology Ph.D Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 11:14:48 [email protected] Enas jalel baqer Almayali University of alkafeel Microbiology Master Assistant Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 11:14:52 [email protected] Mohammed Saady Shafeeq Imam Aladham collage اصول Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 11:14:54 [email protected] AHMED NSAIF JASIM MOHAMMED UNIVERSITY OF DIYALA Physics Master Assistant Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 11:15:01 [email protected] Mustafa Ahmed Abd Muslim Lawyer Lawyer BSC Other Excellent7-13-2020 11:15:16 [email protected] Eman Ibrahim Awad University of Kerbala / College of Applied Medical Science Lecture Master Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 11:15:59 [email protected] محمد ساجر عبد المحمدي مديرية تربية الانبار علوم الحياة BSC Other Very good7-13-2020 11:16:10 [email protected] Dr.zainab hadi hassan Bagdadd University Srabic Ph.D Professor Very good7-13-2020 11:16:15 [email protected] Dr.Maha Abdulnabi Gathwan University of Baghdad/College of Education for Pure Sciences (Ibn Al Haitham) ecology&pollution Ph.D Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 11:17:15 [email protected] Dr. Majed Musa HameedSouthern Technical University / Technical Institute of ArchitecturePhD in administrative costs Ph.D Professor Excellent7-13-2020 11:17:21 [email protected] Marwa Samir Hanon College of medicine/iraqia university Medical physics Master Assistant Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 11:17:28 [email protected] Dr. Ahmed Abdulrazzaq Mohammed Alansari Taiz University statistics Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 11:17:30 [email protected] Iman mohammed jebur University of alkafeel Biochemistry Ph.D Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 11:18:03 [email protected] Sherin Kadhim Ismael Ali القادسية محاسب اقدم Ph.D Other Very good7-13-2020 11:18:34 [email protected] مها مؤيد البديري مستشف الزهراء Ob. and gyn. Doctor other Other Good7-13-2020 11:18:59 [email protected] Mrs Riyadh Maan Abbas بية صلاح الدين المديريه العامه لبر لغه عربيه other Assistant Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 11:19:03 [email protected] Ph. Rahma Mohammed Abdulkareem Ministry of Education Pharmacy Diploma Assistant Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 11:19:38 [email protected] Dr. Abbas Hadi Abbas University of kufa/Faculty of science Physics Ph.D Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 11:19:52 [email protected] D. RIMA ABDULILAH ALKHANI Literature researcher Ph.D Professor Very good7-13-2020 11:19:55 [email protected] علي

أصالة حسير كلية الطب/جامعة جابر بن حيان الطبية ياء Master علوم فبر Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 11:19:54 [email protected] Zainab Faiq Mohammed Wasit University Accounting Master Assistant Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 11:20:02 [email protected] Alhareth Shakir Abd baghdad mred Ph.D Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 11:20:16 [email protected] Kadhim Abdulwahid Aadim university of Baghdad,college of science plasma physics Ph.D Professor Very good7-13-2020 11:20:20 [email protected] Shahad hassan University of Baghdad ياء علوم فبر Master Assistant Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 11:20:27 [email protected] Hawraa Mehdi Farhan Kufa University - Science Faculty Chemistry Master Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 11:20:37 [email protected] Muna H. Jankeer University of Mosul /College of Science Biochemistry Ph.D Professor Excellent7-13-2020 11:20:38 [email protected] Alyaa H. Ali university of Baghdad Physics Ph.D Professor Excellent7-13-2020 11:20:46 [email protected] Radhi Muhssin Chyad Technology and science ministry- Baghdad Laser center Ph.D Other Excellent7-13-2020 11:20:47 [email protected] Fezaa Shalal Neda College of medicine mustansiriyah university Medical physics Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 11:20:53 [email protected] Dr. Zainab Sadiq Dawood Almoadhen Al-Mustansiriyah University Arabic Ph.D Assistant Professor Good7-13-2020 11:21:08 [email protected] Alaa Gazi Al -Hashimi University of Basrah College Of Agriculture food chemistry Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 11:21:17 [email protected] SINAN MOHAMMED HASAN Al-Nahrain University Physics Master Assistant Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 11:21:27 [email protected] Dr.Ali Jawad Jabber Almaliki University of Missan/College of Medicine Clinical immunology Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 11:21:31 [email protected] Mrs Qader Abdullah Shnak Unvirsety of Fallujah Chemstry Diploma Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 11:21:36 [email protected] Hiwa Abdulrahman Ahmad Koya University/Faculty of Science and Health Immunology Master Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 11:22:25 [email protected] shafaa zabil gabr Summr university Thi qur Master Assistant Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 11:23:00 [email protected] Rawaa Sadeq Majeed Southern technical university /Technical institute of amara Biology Master Assistant Lecturer Good7-13-2020 11:23:14 [email protected] مروة جاسم محمد. م.م ي والدراسات الاسلامية

دائرة التعليم الدين ماجستبر احياء مجهرية Master Assistant Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 11:23:17 [email protected] Dr. Haleemah Jaber Mohammed Ministry of Science and Technology Physical Ph.D Other Excellent7-13-2020 11:23:37 [email protected] Dr. Zainab Naser Jameel university of Laser Physics Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 11:25:15 [email protected] Ban Hassan Adil Baghdad university collage of science Physics Ph.D Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 11:25:21 [email protected] نادية عل حسير الشمري جامعة البصرة/مركز علوم البحار يا)أمراض الأسماك Master (بكتبر Assistant Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 11:25:54 [email protected] Dr. Sukayna Jabbar Al-hasnawee University of kufa /faculty of science Biology Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 11:26:18 [email protected] Alaa Shahid Jassim AL-Bdery KUFA/Education of girls Biology Master Assistant Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 11:26:47 [email protected] Mohammed Rashed Hussan University of Technology Communication Engineering Master Assistant Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 11:26:55 [email protected] مها عبد الصاحب رضا محمد جعفر العندليب قسم الكيمياء/ كلية العلوم/ جامعة الكوفة الكيمياء الحياتية Master Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 11:27:04 [email protected] May Essa mahmood جامعه الكوفه كليه الصيدله Physical chemistry Master Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 11:27:37 [email protected] Prof.Dr.Bushra Kadhem Hassoon University of Baghdad / College of Education for pure science Ibn-Haitham Physics Ph.D Professor Excellent7-13-2020 11:27:56 [email protected] Nawras Abdulbari Madlool University of green Qasim Parasitology Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 11:28:52 [email protected] Ban Faisal Rasheed The Ministry of Education Physics Master Assistant Lecturer Good7-13-2020 11:29:05 [email protected] Prof. Dr. Iman Tarik Al-Alawy University of Mustansiriyah/Faculty of Science Nuclear physics Ph.D Professor Excellent


1st International Conference on Pure Science (ISCPS-2020)

Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1660 (2020) 011002

IOP Publishing



7-13-2020 11:29:34 [email protected] Dr. Rana Mohammed Abdulkareem University Of Mosul Dentistry Diploma Other Excellent7-13-2020 11:30:10 [email protected] Prof. Dr.Ali A_K.Hussain Baghdad/ Science Molecular Physics Ph.D Professor Excellent7-13-2020 11:30:31 [email protected] Di. Jabber abadi Mohammed University of kufa/faculty of education Biology Ph.D Professor Very good7-13-2020 11:31:08 [email protected] Jasim mohamad Hussein university of tikrit physics Master Other Good7-13-2020 11:31:12 [email protected] Elaph Mohammed Abdulkareem University Of Mosul Medical Diploma Assistant Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 11:31:12 [email protected] Dr Suad Gazi Jaafer Alkufi A l Kufa university Genetic engineering Ph.D Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 11:31:14 [email protected] نهاد حبيب مطلك جامعة الكوفة كلية العلوم علوم حياة Ph.D Professor Excellent7-13-2020 11:31:32 [email protected] Israa Abdul Jabbar Aljanabi Kufa /pharmacy Medical microbiology/ immunology Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 11:32:09 [email protected] Hussain Salih Akbar Kirkuk University / College of Education for Pure Science Plasma Physics Ph.D Professor Excellent7-13-2020 11:32:14 [email protected] عدنان هاشم عبد الكاظم.د جامعة سومر ي

معالجة صورية و تحسس نان Ph.D Lecturer Good7-13-2020 11:32:30 [email protected] Rusul Hsitham Noori university of Kufa /collage of science Geology other Other Good7-13-2020 11:33:29 [email protected] Mohammed Nasser Sahal Hakami King Saud University Nursing Master Other Poor7-13-2020 11:33:41 [email protected] Rukhosh Jawhar Rashed Qadr University of Sulaimani, college of agriculture Engineering Science Apiculture Ph.D Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 11:33:47 [email protected] Alaa Hashim Ali دكتوراه فسلجة طالبة دراسات جامعة بغداد Ph.D Other Excellent7-13-2020 11:34:35 [email protected] قاسم جواد امبر غالي الجبوري .د.م.ا اء كلية الطب البيطري - جامعة القاسم الخصر Parasitology Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 11:35:05 [email protected] Dr. Husham M Hasan Mubarak كلية التقنيات الصحية والطبية/ جامعة الفرات الاوسط التقنية Chemistry Ph.D Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 11:35:42 [email protected] Mohammed Salman Iskandar University of Kufa, College of Science Geology other Other Good7-13-2020 11:35:53 [email protected] Walaa salih hassan Babylon university Biology Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 11:35:57 [email protected] ق علي مكلف استبر التقنيات الصحية والطبية /الجامعة التقنية الوسطى Iraq Ph.D Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 11:36:41 [email protected] Arshad kadhim khalaf Alkhazali Ministry of Agricalture Biological Control of Plant Pathology Master Other Very good7-13-2020 11:37:22 [email protected] Hiyam chaseb Mageed College of Education - University of Mustansiriya Plasma physics Master Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 11:38:20 [email protected] Dr.Muhsin A.Kudhier Mustansiriyah University - Education College- Physics Department Nano material Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 11:38:35 [email protected] Abdullah Moayed Omar Abdullah The General Directorate of Education in Nineveh Governorate field crops Master Assistant Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 11:38:36 [email protected] Ahmed Khudhair Abbas wasit / College of Science Physics Ph.D Professor Very good7-13-2020 11:40:20 [email protected] Majid Raissan Chalab University of Thi Qar /college of science Physics Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 11:41:13 [email protected] Dr. Mervat Mohammed jaseam معهد الفنون الجميلة للبنات . Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 11:41:40 [email protected] حوراء محمد صادق كلية العلوم/جامعة الكوفة كيمياء عضوية Master Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 11:42:24 [email protected] Muna Kamel Hamad Al Nahrain University Accounting Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 11:44:37 [email protected] Alyaa Hussein Ali University of Baghdad college of science for women Image processing Ph.D Professor Very good7-13-2020 11:44:52 [email protected] MERVAT MOHAMMED ABDALLAH almustansera almustanseryi BSC Other Excellent7-13-2020 11:45:33 [email protected] Sheima mohammed shallal Al_mthana university Biology BSC Other Excellent7-13-2020 11:46:50 [email protected] Khalid Jaber Kadhum University of Baghdad/ college of science Biotechnology Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 11:48:02 [email protected] Prof.Dr.Najat Ahmed Dahham Tikrit University /College of Science Material physics Ph.D Professor Excellent7-13-2020 11:48:05 [email protected] سعدون حسيب عارف نايف كلية القانون والعلوم السياسية / جامعة كركوك القانون الدولي العام Ph.D Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 11:48:32 [email protected] Hanaa qasim mathboob University of wasit/ Faculty of accounting Accounting Master Assistant Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 11:48:34 [email protected] MERVAT.M.A.ALSHABAN Almostanserea Almarbeed school BSC Other Excellent7-13-2020 11:50:34 [email protected] ميساء رابع نعيمه ياء/كلية العلوم للبنات/جامعة بغداد قسم الفبر ياء الفبر Master Assistant Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 11:52:51 [email protected] Baneen falah Abdulaali Al_furat Al_awsat English other Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 11:54:05 [email protected] Mushtaq Talib Jassim Al-Qadisiyah University/College of Education /Physics Department Science of Physics /laser and molecular Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 11:56:08 [email protected] Suaad adnan noaman University of baghdad Accounting Ph.D Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 11:56:17 [email protected] Assist.Prof.Dr.Hussein Hadi Nahi Al-Qasim green university Neurosurgery Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 11:57:30 [email protected] Eqbal Awadh Gatea Al-Muthanna University/College of Education for Pure Sciense Animal physiology Master Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 11:58:44 [email protected] Duraid A. Mohammed Al-Shakarchi University of Baghdad / college of science Astrophysics Ph.D Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 11:59:12 [email protected] Hussein Reyadh Abd Alkareem University of Anbar Biology Master Assistant Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 11:59:24 [email protected] Anfal Izaldeen ALKATEEB Wasit university Microbiology Master Assistant Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 11:59:50 [email protected] Dr. Trefa Salih Mohamad Salahaddin Univrsity-Erbil/ College of Science Molecular Biology and biochemistry Ph.D Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 11:59:58 [email protected] Manal Ali Saleh University of Baghdad / college of science Solid state physics and materials Ph.D Assistant Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 12:00:24 [email protected] ي الدجيلي

ارشد نوري غن Kufa/science Ph.D فسلجه Professor Very good7-13-2020 12:01:33 [email protected] Zaid Nabeel Elia Erbil - Polytechnic University - Technical Health College Immunology Master Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 12:01:40 [email protected] Noor Ali Mohammed Baghdad University Biology Master Other Very good7-13-2020 12:03:02 [email protected] Zainabmuhammed Abd Zharra كلية الزراعة/ جامعة الكوفة مهندسة Master Lecturer Good7-13-2020 12:03:55 [email protected] Israa Harjan Mohsen University of Babylon/Faculty of Nursing Physiology Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 12:05:00 [email protected] Ashraf Raoof Al assadi university of kufa , Faculty of science Histopathologist and Embryologist Master Assistant Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 12:06:06 [email protected] Arwa Adress Ahmed Alnuimy university of mousl/college of education pure science Biology / embryology Master Assistant Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 12:06:35 [email protected] Osamah Abdulameer Nezher Ministry of Science and Technology/ RWTMD Radiation protection Ph.D Other Very good


1st International Conference on Pure Science (ISCPS-2020)

Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1660 (2020) 011002

IOP Publishing



7-13-2020 12:07:23 [email protected] ANGHAM NAJAH ALKHAFAJIALFURAT ALAWSET TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY/ KUFA TECHNICAL INSTITUTEMICROBIOLOGY Master Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 12:07:49 [email protected] Ashwaq Abd Ali Hasan University of Baghdad Animal nutrition Ph.D Professor Excellent7-13-2020 12:08:26 [email protected] Chnar najmaddin fathulla Salahaddin university/sciences/lraq Plant anatomy Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 12:08:28 [email protected] Huda Jameel Baker University of kufa/ Faculty of Science/ Department Biology Microbiology/ Virology Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 12:08:57 [email protected] Hamid Mohammad Taqi Ali Musal Master microbiology Master Assistant Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 12:09:01 [email protected] ZAHRAH JABBAR HASHIM Alfurat Al Awsat Technical University Technical institute of Al Mussaib other Other Excellent7-13-2020 12:09:30 [email protected] ي

جامعة المثن كلية العلوم قسم الكيمياء حيدر شنشول محمد عوف كيمياء تحليلية Master Lecturer Excellent

7-13-2020 12:09:33 [email protected] م م زهراء حسير عبيد جامعة بابل علوم حياة Master Assistant Lecturer Good7-13-2020 12:10:32 [email protected] Sahar Naji Rashid Tikrit / Science physics Master Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 12:11:45 [email protected] Ghofran jalal abdallah University Duhok Microbiology Diploma Other Excellent7-13-2020 12:12:34 [email protected] Prof. Dr. Iman Tarik Al-Alawy Unuversity of Mustansiriyah/Faculty of Science Nuclear Physics Ph.D Professor Excellent7-13-2020 12:12:49 [email protected] Lubna Abdulazeem AL-Bayati University of Babylon Microbiology/Nanotechnology Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 12:13:29 [email protected] Dr. Nahida Raheem Abbas Al-Nisour university college Clinical immunology Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 12:13:54 [email protected] Asia Hameed Hammad Baghdad/ Science Physics Ph.D Professor Excellent7-13-2020 12:14:08 [email protected] Dr. Amel Sajet Suber Minctry of Science and Technology Physical Science Ph.D Other Excellent7-13-2020 12:14:20 [email protected] نغم ثامر علي خليفة.د دائرة بحوث المواد/وزارة العلوم والتكنلوجيا ياء ر/علوم فبر جزيئية-لبر Ph.D Other Excellent7-13-2020 12:14:26 [email protected] Hutham Mahmood Yousif university of kufa Chemistry Master Lecturer Good7-13-2020 12:14:32 [email protected] Dr.Neihaya Heikmat Zaki Mustansiriyah- college of Science Microbiology Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 12:14:56 [email protected] Abbas Mohammed Selman Faculty of Pharmacy / University of Kufa Nanostructured materials Ph.D Assistant Professor Good7-13-2020 12:15:16 [email protected] Adel H. Omran Alkhayatt University of Kufa Faculty of Science Solid State Physics Ph.D Professor Excellent7-13-2020 12:15:20 [email protected] Dr. Murtatha abdullrazaq majeed University duhok History Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 12:15:30 [email protected] Dr. Nagwa Ibrahim Abu zahraAgriculture research center/ animal health research institute Fish diseases Ph.D Assistant Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 12:15:37 [email protected] صدام فليح حداوي كلية العلوم للبنات/ جامعة بابل ياء فبر Ph.D Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 12:15:59 [email protected] Ghofran Mohammed Hussein Abd Muslim كلية الطب / جامعة جابر بن حيان الطبية Physics Master Assistant Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 12:16:09 [email protected] Omar Saleh Mohammed Aljubory Kirkuk University No other Other Very good7-13-2020 12:16:18 [email protected] Dr. Kafi Dano Pati University of Duhok/ College of Science/ Computer Science Department Statistics Ph.D Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 12:16:19 [email protected] مسلم يوسف عبد حسون الاسدي ياء الطبية/ كلية الطب / جامعة جابر بن حيان الطبية فرع الفسلجة والفبر physicist BSC Other Excellent7-13-2020 12:16:37 [email protected] zainab dhiyaa jabuori University of Wasit / College of Science Cytogenetic Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 12:17:06 [email protected] Prof. Dr.Jassim Jawad jader alnuaimiAlfurat alawsat teqnicues. Almusaib technical collegePlant breeding and improvment Ph.D Professor Very good7-13-2020 12:17:07 [email protected] Atheer Basil Abbas University of kufa / facuty of science * Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 12:17:21 [email protected] Dr. Ali Mutar Fanos State Commission of Survey GIS and Geomatic Engineering Ph.D Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 12:17:26 [email protected] Kareem kadhim radhi Al Qasim green university Obsetrectic Master Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 12:17:36 [email protected] Shaymaa awad kadhim University of kufa/faculty Medical physics Ph.D Professor Excellent7-13-2020 12:17:38 [email protected] Higher institute for genetic engineering and biotechnology for higher studies/ university of Baghdad Genetic engineering and biotechnology Diplomaوئام كاظم جبر Assistant Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 12:18:15 [email protected] Dr. Inas Abdulsattar Abduljabbar Al-furat Al-awsat Technical University/ Almusaib Technical CollegeAgricultural machines Ph.D Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 12:18:18 [email protected] Assist prof Dr. muthik Abd Muslim Guda Kufa University Ecophysiology Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 12:18:40 [email protected] Suha Attia Kadhum College of health and medical technology Community health Master Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 12:18:44 [email protected] Mohammedhasanain H. M. Al-Jassani University of Kufa general physics Master Assistant Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 12:18:54 [email protected] Sabah N. Mazhir University of Baghdad Physics Ph.D Professor Excellent7-13-2020 12:19:00 [email protected] Anwar Mohammed Raouf Sulaimani / engineering agriculture scinseice Dry farming fruit production Master Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 12:19:06 [email protected] فريال حميم ابراهيم. د.ا مركز علوم البحار / جامعة البصرة ي

كيمياء وتلوث بين Ph.D Professor Excellent7-13-2020 12:19:09 [email protected] نهى سلمان صالح.م كليه العلوم- جامعه الكوفه كيمياء Master Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 12:19:17 [email protected] خالد احمد مطر جامعة تكريت- كلية الحقوق القانون الدولي العام Ph.D Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 12:19:20 [email protected] AMEER MOHAMMED ABASS Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical / Technical College Al-MussaibSoil Science and Water Resources Master Assistant Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 12:19:30 [email protected] Dr.ashwak b.jassim Baghdah Microbial genetic Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 12:20:09 [email protected] Yassir A tta Baqir Mustansurya university/college of science/physics department Nuclear physics Master Other Good7-13-2020 12:20:18 [email protected] Rawaa fadhle kadhem تربية المثن Student Master Other Poor7-13-2020 12:20:20 [email protected] Hussein Abdullah Hameed University of kufa /Collage of sciences Physics /nanotechnogy Ph.D Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 12:20:49 [email protected] Hazim Aziz Al hadrawi University of kufa Biology Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 12:20:49 [email protected] Eman Kamil Aati Misan university Biology Master Assistant Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 12:20:49 [email protected] Kamaran Salh RasulUniversity of Sulaimani/ College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences Biotechnology Master Assistant Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 12:20:50 [email protected] Chia Kadir Rashid University of sulaimanyah/college of agricultural engineering sciencesHorticulture/landscape design Master Assistant Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 12:20:51 [email protected] Hamza Jassim Rasham University of Kufa / Faculty of science Environment science Master Other Excellent7-13-2020 12:21:14 [email protected] Meriama Belghoul Ferhat Abbas University Physiology and pharmacology Master Assistant Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 12:21:37 [email protected] Assist.Prof.Dr.Douina Kerrallah Kassaf Al-KhazaieaUniversity of Basrah / Marine Scianse Faculty Soil Chemistry and Water Quality Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good


1st International Conference on Pure Science (ISCPS-2020)

Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1660 (2020) 011002

IOP Publishing



7-13-2020 12:21:58 [email protected] Prof. Dr. Maysaa Adil Hadi University of Babylon/college of sciences Molecular cell biology Ph.D Professor Very good7-13-2020 12:22:02 [email protected] Neean Fareed Majeed University of Baghdad colleg of Science for women Physics Master Assistant Lecturer Good7-13-2020 12:22:23 [email protected] Amer Abdulrahman Mohamed university of Baghdad microbiology Ph.D Professor Excellent7-13-2020 12:22:34 [email protected] Prof.Dr.Eman Talib Kareem University of Kerbala Chemistry Ph.D Professor Very good7-13-2020 12:22:43 [email protected] Dr Saba Fadhil Ali Alfurat alawsat technical institute Parasitology Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 12:22:46 [email protected] Faeza abudalameer nayyef alhudeeb University of Baghdad /college of language Language Ph.D Professor Very good7-13-2020 12:22:51 [email protected] Kamaran Salh RasulUniversity of Sulaimani/ College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences Biotechnology Master Assistant Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 12:23:13 [email protected] zhraa Hussein Obaid جامعة بابل علوم حياة Master Assistant Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 12:23:15 [email protected] Ehab Yehiea Jaber Kufa - Science Microbiology Ph.D Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 12:23:44 [email protected] Shahd Haidar Ali No Biology other Other Good7-13-2020 12:23:49 [email protected] Enas Ali Jameel Mosul/computer and Mathmatics scienced Nothing other Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 12:23:54 [email protected] Ebtisam khalil alwan Universtiy of diyala -colige of education for pure science Phaseci Ph.D Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 12:24:17 [email protected] رؤى محمد جبار.د جامعة ذي قار كيمياء شيريه Ph.D Other Very good7-13-2020 12:24:18 [email protected] ايمان عامر احمد 00 000 BSC Other Very good7-13-2020 12:24:21 [email protected] Assist.Prof. Dr.Sidiq Aziz Sidiq Kasnazany University of Sulaimani College of Agricultural Sciences Engineering Horticulture Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 12:24:23 [email protected] علي جواد عبد العالي الياشي

تدريشي قسم علوم الحياة كلية العلوم جامعة المثن طفيليات Master Assistant Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 12:25:13 [email protected] Manal Abd Alwahed Alssirag Kerbala university Food scincse Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 12:25:23 [email protected] Mazin Talib Abbas Univercity of Al_Qasim green Theriogeniology Ph.D Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 12:25:25 [email protected] Dr. Osama T. Al-Taai Mustansiriyah university / college of science Atmospheric sciences Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 12:25:34 [email protected] Shaymaa Hadi Khudhair university of Babylon Engineering Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 12:25:45 [email protected] Sausan darweesh jari UNIVERSITY of karbala Biology Master Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 12:26:08 [email protected] Nadia Moqbel Hasan Alzubaydi Mustansiriyah University/College of Engineering Computer Master Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 12:26:18 [email protected] Sadiq Kadhum Lafta Alzurfi University of kufa/faculty of science Ecology Ph.D Professor Very good7-13-2020 12:26:25 [email protected] Asst. Prof. Dr. Sallama Ibrahim Ali Baghdad University Accounting Ph.D Assistant Professor Good7-13-2020 12:26:46 [email protected] Hala Ghanim Mohammed Al-Mustansiriyah University Interpreting Master Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 12:26:56 [email protected] Fadyia Mahdi Muslim Alameedy kufa.scinces Virology Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 12:26:59 [email protected] Hadeel Kadhim Turki Al-Rafidain college University department of Dentistry medical microbiology Master Assistant Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 12:27:04 [email protected] Intesar Hato Hashim Mustansiriyah University /College of Education Plasma physics Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 12:27:27 [email protected] Wejdan Matrood kadhum University of Al-Qadisiyah Animal physiology Ph.D Assistant Professor Good7-13-2020 12:28:17 [email protected] Prof.Dr. Nidhal Abdul Hussein Al-Bdairi University of Kufa Biology Ph.D Professor Excellent7-13-2020 12:28:26 [email protected] H.D.Nawras Alwan Hussain Ali Kufa University/college of Science Biotechnolgy Diploma Other Very good7-13-2020 12:28:36 [email protected] Wurood jamal rajab Anbar Biology Master Assistant Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 12:28:55 [email protected] زهراء بديع الدباغ كلية العلوم/جامعة الموصل مواد النانو Master Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 12:29:06 [email protected] Huda Kamal Alheeti كلية المعارف الجامعة كلية المعارف الجامعة قسم علوم الحاسبات other Other Excellent7-13-2020 12:29:22 [email protected] Turky Mousa Al-Mousawi Al-qasim green University / College of biotechnology Genetic engineering Ph.D Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 12:29:23 [email protected] Nisreen kh. Abdalameer Baghdad university Physics Ph.D Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 12:29:24 [email protected] Karrar Saleem Zayed University of Kufa - Faculty of Science Genetics Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 12:29:27 [email protected] عاصفة مطرود ياسير جامعة القادسية علوم الحياة Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 12:29:49 [email protected] Dr. Hanadi Abdulelah Abdulrazzaq Kirkuk University / College of Science Medical Insect Ph.D Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 12:30:46 [email protected] Prof.Dr.Nathera Abass Ali University of Baghdad/College of sciencePhysics/Solid state physics/Molecular &Laser Ph.D Professor Very good7-13-2020 12:30:53 [email protected] Ahmed Shihab Hamad Ali University of Basrah / Marine Science Center Fish Nutrition Technology Master Assistant Professor Good7-13-2020 12:31:12 [email protected] Wasan Abd Alameer HmoodThi-Qar University/Thi-Qar Center For Historical&Archaeological StudiesAslamic History Master Assistant Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 12:31:13 [email protected] Alaa noori mazhar technology university computer science Master Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 12:31:53 [email protected] Zuhair Abdalsatar Ahmed Alrawi University of Anbar/College of pharmacy Biology Master Assistant Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 12:32:00 [email protected] Hayder Abbas Harees University of Kufa, Faculty of Science, Dept. of Physics Physics BSC Other Excellent7-13-2020 12:32:16 [email protected] Karrar Abbas Mohammed Ali Zwain طالب ماجستبر علوم بيئة كلية العلوم جامعة الكوفة علوم بيئة BSC Other Very good7-13-2020 12:32:48 [email protected] حلافدعم سعد الله احمد الحنكاوي وزارة العلوم والتكنولوجيا ياء ي الفبر

علوم ف ماجستبر Master Other Good

7-13-2020 12:33:03 [email protected] shaimaa mahdi A.J. ALnaffakh kufa university , faculty of education for girls biology Ph.D Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 12:33:10 [email protected] allawi hamead harjan kufa university/science faculty physics Master Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 12:33:20 [email protected] Sabreen Haidar Ali I Dont Worke Iaw other Other Good7-13-2020 12:33:30 [email protected] علاء نوري مزهر علوم الحاسوب-الجامعه التكنلوجيه علوم الحاسوب Master Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 12:33:56 [email protected] Huda Mahmood Hikmet Baghdad university/ College of Engineering Laser Engineering Ph.D Lecturer Good7-13-2020 12:34:14 [email protected] shrooq sabah kadhium almustansiryah university chemistry Master Lecturer Good7-13-2020 12:34:16 [email protected] Rana A. Jawad University of Kerbala /College of Veterinary Medicine Parasitology Master Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 12:34:36 [email protected] Rasool Muhammad Kareem Babylon University Physics Master Lecturer Very good


1st International Conference on Pure Science (ISCPS-2020)

Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1660 (2020) 011002

IOP Publishing



7-13-2020 12:34:52 [email protected] Dr. Sarmed salih mehdi alawadi Baghdad University - college of Scince Physics of laser & molecular Ph.D Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 12:35:17 [email protected] Dr.Esraa Abd Alkarim Marouf Al ani Anbar University /Pharmacy College Clinical Enzymology Ph.D Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 12:36:03 [email protected] Sattar Hussein Sweilim Al-Kabi Wasit Univetsity / Science Faculty Optics and Lasers Ph.D Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 12:36:05 [email protected] Dr. Pakhshan M.Maulood Biology- College of Science- Salahaddin University _Erbil, Iraq Plant Physiology Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 12:36:12 [email protected] Dr. Hadeel Abdulelah AbdulrazzaqUniversity of Al-Anbar / College of Education for Women Genetic Ph.D Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 12:36:29 [email protected] Abrar Thamer Salim Uruk university Biology Master Assistant Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 12:36:39 [email protected] Noor Hamed Shaker Alani Almaarif University college Computer science BSC Other Good7-13-2020 12:36:49 [email protected] Sonia Hiwa Othman University of Sulaimani/ College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences Agriculture Master Lecturer Good7-13-2020 12:36:52 [email protected] Maha Mustafa Rasheed Alani University of Anbar programmer BSC Other Excellent7-13-2020 12:37:34 [email protected] Amira Ali Al-harethi Sana'a University Microbiologists Master Assistant Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 12:38:14 [email protected] بايولوجست انتصار كريم سطوان بية للعلوم الصرفة ابن الهيثم/جامعة بغداد كلية البر بايو BSC Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 12:38:36 [email protected] Mawahib Basheer Jasim Kerbala university Animal physiology Ph.D Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 12:38:44 [email protected] Dr. Abdullah Hassn Mohammed Tikrit University/ College of Agriculture Plant Tissue Culture Ph.D Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 12:39:40 [email protected] Abdulhussain Abbas khadayeir Al-Qadisiyah /Education Physics Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 12:40:06 [email protected] Firas ALALI University of kerbala-faculty of veterinary medicine Parasitology Ph.D Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 12:42:07 [email protected] Omar Abdulkareem Ali Anbar/ Medicine Genetic Engineering Master Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 12:42:09 [email protected] DR. HAITHAM LATEEF ABDULHADIUniversity of Anbar / College of Education for Pure Sciences Bilogy Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 12:43:28 [email protected] Nahida Bukheet Hasan Al-Zahrawi University College Physics Ph.D Professor Very good7-13-2020 12:43:49 [email protected] Dr. Ghada Halmy Makhlof Mansoura university Education Ph.D Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 12:43:56 [email protected] Mohammed K. Alkasser Al-Qadissiyah/science Environment Ph.D Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 12:45:43 [email protected] Manar Ghyath Almosawy Imam jafaar alsadiq university Organic chemistry Ph.D Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 12:46:56 [email protected] Maad Mohammed Ameen M. Khan University of kirkuk Semiconductor physics Ph.D Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 12:47:11 [email protected] Rasha Kadhim Mahdi University of Babylon/ College of Science Biology Master Assistant Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 12:47:42 [email protected] فاطمة عبد الحسير مجبل التميمي. د.أ كلية العلوم / جامعة الكوفة ي مايكروبايلوجر Ph.D Professor Very good7-13-2020 12:48:04 [email protected] Abeer Mohammed Ali Al-Muthanna university/ Education for pure science college Medical microbiology Master Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 12:48:16 [email protected] Jassim Mohammed marie Ministry of Education physique is solid Ph.D Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 12:48:16 [email protected] خنساء عبدالعالي شهيد كلية العلوم _ جامعة كربلاء Plant taxonomy Ph.D Lecturer Good7-13-2020 12:49:20 [email protected] Basaad Abdzaid Abood Kufa university / faculty of science Microbiology Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 12:49:30 [email protected] Alhussein arkan Majhool Al-zahrawi university college -pharmacy Organic chemistry Ph.D Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 12:49:46 [email protected] Amira Ahmed Altayib Zahmoul Libyan Academy . other Other Very good7-13-2020 12:51:59 [email protected] Hasoun Nadeem Alzahrawi - medical technic analysis Public health of Vet.medicine Master Assistant Lecturer Good7-13-2020 12:51:59 [email protected] Rana Salih Al-Taweel University of Al-Qadisiyah-Faculty of Education Microbiology Ph.D Lecturer Good7-13-2020 12:53:03 [email protected] Nadheera Hussin AlwanaAlza Alzahrawe college university07709229277 Adult nursing Ph.D Professor Excellent7-13-2020 12:53:29 [email protected] Ghaith Hadi Jihad University of Baghdad/ college of science Plasma physics Master Assistant Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 12:53:34 [email protected] Aseel Mohammed Mukhlif University of anbar . Master Assistant Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 12:53:44 [email protected]. Prof. Dr. Atheer Mohammed Ismail University of Anbar / College of Agriculture Physiology and Propagation of Plant Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 12:54:56 [email protected] Dr. Abdullah Hassn Mohammed Tikrit University/ College of Agriculture Plant Tissue Culture Ph.D Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 12:56:24 [email protected] Nada Nimat Saleem Mosul unversity computer science Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 12:56:54 [email protected] swma jamal alden jaff Mustansiriyah University Atmospheric sciences Master Assistant Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 12:58:06 [email protected] Dr. Yahya A. Shekha College of Science- Salahaddin University- Erbil, Iraq Ecology and Pollution Ph.D Professor Very good7-13-2020 12:58:28 [email protected] سجر جواد شنيشل بداي قسم الاقتصاد/كلية الإدارة والاقتصاد/جامعة بغداد علوم المحاصيل الحقلية/ زراعة Master Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 12:58:48 [email protected] Dr.Maitham A. Sultan Ministry of Science and Technology Environmental geochemistry Ph.D Other Excellent7-13-2020 12:58:51 [email protected] Hawras Abdulameer Ali Al-dahhan Kufa university/ Faculty of science Clinical immunity Ph.D Professor Very good7-13-2020 12:59:08 [email protected] Meison Abdulbary Abdullah University of Kufa/ Faculty of Pharmacy Medicinal plants Ph.D Professor Very good7-13-2020 12:59:52 [email protected] Nibras Hussein Abdulsada Faculty of pharmacy/Kufa University Pharmacist/medical physiology Ph.D Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 13:02:22 [email protected] انعام علي تسيار كلية العلوم/ جامعة الكوفة Ph.D علوم الحياة Lecturer Good7-13-2020 13:07:34 [email protected] Suaad Sahib Hindal Ministry of Science and Technology Laser physics Master Other Very good7-13-2020 13:07:43 [email protected] Mohammad Alrbaihat Teacher Training Institute Chemistry Ph.D Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 13:09:32 [email protected] Naamaa Sadeq Alhussainy Karbala University / College of Nursing Engineer BSC Other Excellent7-13-2020 13:10:29 [email protected] Rafah Mohammad Thyab كلية العلوم /جامعة الكوفة ي كيمياء فزياوية والنانوتكنولوجر Ph.D Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 13:11:01 [email protected] Dr. Mohammad Ibrahim Khalil University of Mosul / Environmental Sciences and Technology college Molecular Biology Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 13:11:41 [email protected] Dr. Owayes Muaffaq Hamed University of Mosul /Faculity of Science Molecular Genetics Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 13:11:45 [email protected] Yasser almawlah University of Babylon Genetic engeneering Master Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 13:13:41 [email protected] Prof.Dr. Dhia Ahmad Taain college of agriculture university of Basrah plant physiology Ph.D Professor Excellent7-13-2020 13:14:30 [email protected] Omar Abdulsada Ali Physics/college of science/University of Baghdad Laser and Opto-Electronics Ph.D Lecturer Very good


1st International Conference on Pure Science (ISCPS-2020)

Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1660 (2020) 011002

IOP Publishing



7-13-2020 13:15:18 [email protected] Seenaa Ibraheim Hussein university of Baghdad /science materials/physics Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 13:18:12 [email protected] mahasn ahmed hussein Iraqi University, College of Education for Girls Educational and psychological sciences Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 13:18:39 [email protected] Eman Mizher Nasir University of Baghdad/Colege of Science physics of thin films Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 13:18:39 [email protected] Alaa Tariq Shakir University of Babylon College of Science Biology zology Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 13:18:55 [email protected] Hiba Hussein Issa University of Baghdad /College of Science Thin-film physics Master Assistant Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 13:18:57 [email protected] Muna Hashim Ghezzai University of kufa/Faculty of pharmacy Biology Master Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 13:20:58 [email protected] Akram Noori Sadeq Baghdad/ science Physics Ph.D Lecturer Poor7-13-2020 13:20:59 [email protected] Huda Suhail Abid University of Baghdad/ college of science for women Biology/ Microbiology Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 14:45:15 [email protected] Haifa Ali Awahd Universality of Karbala Food technologies Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 14:45:45 [email protected] Majid Abdul Abdul Aziz Bannai Professor veterinary parasitology. Marine science centre. University of Basra Molecular parasitology Ph.D Professor Excellent7-13-2020 14:49:13 [email protected] احمد طالب حسير المحنه قسم الرياضيات _ كلية العلوم/جامعة القادسية Mathematics Ph.D Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 14:52:02 [email protected] Dhamiaa Maki Hamza Kerbala/midicin Microbiology/parasitology Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 14:53:13 [email protected] Farked wahoody salman Alkafaji Kufa University / Faculty of Science Chemistry Master Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 14:53:49 [email protected] Ali Nazar Yaseen Mustansirihya / Basic education college Biology Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 14:55:45 [email protected] Waheeda rashid ali Baghdad universiry,Education for pure science /Ibn AL-Haitham Parasitology Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 14:56:19 [email protected] Dr.Iman Sami Al-jumaily University of Baghdad Biology Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 15:00:43 [email protected] Basim M. Ali Kufa / Science Chemistry/ Biochemistry Ph.D Lecturer Good7-13-2020 15:00:51 [email protected] Saleh Hasson Abud University of Kufa / faculty of Science Physics Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 15:02:12 [email protected] Amenah AbdulJabbar Ibrahim Baghdad university parasitology Master Assistant Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 15:02:51 [email protected] Sura Salah mahdi Baghdad/physics Laser & molecule Master Assistant Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 15:05:39 [email protected] Manal Midhat Abdullah Baghdad university/ college of science Physics Ph.D Professor Very good7-13-2020 15:08:11 [email protected] Haider salih jaffat Faculty of science Biologist Ph.D Professor Excellent7-13-2020 15:08:11 [email protected] Rana Kadhim Mohammed University of Baghdad \ Collage of Science Biotechnology Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 15:08:33 [email protected] Nooralhuda hassan abd alhussain University of baghdad Physics/thin films Master Assistant Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 15:09:45 [email protected] مهنا متعب أحمد . د.ا قسم علوم الأرض التطبيقية/كلية العلوم/جامعة تكريت ياء ي جيوفبر جيولوجر Ph.D Professor Very good7-13-2020 15:10:02 [email protected] Shihab Ahmed Mutar Ministry of Education Physics Master Assistant Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 15:10:31 [email protected] Sundus A.A.bdullah University of Baghdad /college of Science Physics of remote sensing Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 15:11:01 [email protected] Israa Abdul-Ameer Al-Kraety Alkafeel university Microbiology Ph.D Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 15:11:23 [email protected] Mohammed Majeed Hameed Ministry of higher education and scientific research Physics Ph.D Lecturer Good7-13-2020 15:12:43 [email protected] nuha abdul sahib Ridha Kufa university/iraq Chemistry Master Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 15:13:14 [email protected] Aseel Amer Hassan Baghdad University math. Master Lecturer Good7-13-2020 15:13:34 [email protected] Mohammed Abdullah Hameed University of baghdad - College of Science - Department of physics Physics Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 15:14:08 [email protected] Wasan R. Saleh Unuversity of Baghdad/ College of Science Laser and electro-optics Ph.D Professor Good7-13-2020 15:14:20 [email protected] ايمان حميد خضبر بية للعلوم الصرفة/ جامعة بغداد ابن الهيثم/ كلية البر ياء صلبة فبر Ph.D Professor Excellent7-13-2020 15:15:01 [email protected] Lamia KhdhairAbbas Baghdad University/College of Science/Department of PhysicsSolid State Physics/Thin Film Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 15:15:26 [email protected] جواد كاظم عيش. د جامعة واسط/ كلية العلوم / قسم علوم الحياة أحياء مجهرية أغذية Ph.D Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 15:15:15 [email protected] Abeer Thaher Naji Al-Hasnawi College of medicine /kerbala university Immunity Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 15:16:25 [email protected] Maysoon Faisal Ahmed Alias Baghdad/Science Physics- Thin films Ph.D Professor Very good7-13-2020 15:16:35 [email protected] Tabarek Falah Naji University ياء علوم فبر Master Other Excellent7-13-2020 15:17:07 [email protected] هناء ابراهيم محمد بغداد ياء فبر Master Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 15:18:11 [email protected] Alaa Saad Al Attabi University of Kerbala college of medicine Clinical immunology Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 15:20:02 [email protected] Mrs. Shadha Mosa Al Asadi University of Kerbala Environmental Planning Master Lecturer Good7-13-2020 15:20:30 [email protected] Hanaa Khazal Abdulkhareeb university of kufa faculity of science lchemistry Master Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 15:20:53 [email protected] Inaam M. Abdulmajeed University of Baghdad Applied physics Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 15:22:19 [email protected] Bushra Hashim Hussein Baghdad University Physics Ph.D Professor Excellent7-13-2020 15:23:09 [email protected] Azhar Selman Ali Alboodi University of kufa / faculty of sciences Nuclear physics Master Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 15:24:06 [email protected] اشاء قحطان عبد الكريم كلية العلوم/الجامعة المستنصرية علوم الجو Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 15:26:43 [email protected] M.Sc. Marwah Hashim Abdulateef College of Science- University of Diyala Analytical Chemistry Science Master Assistant Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 15:27:06 [email protected] Mohammed Alwan Salman University of Basrah-College of Agriculture Chemistry and technology of bee products Ph.D Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 15:27:11 [email protected] Lina sameer mohammed University of Basrh /college of Agriculture Chemist of protein Ph.D Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 15:29:15 [email protected] Sddiq Ghani Joda Al-Muhanna University of Alkafeel, College of medical and health techniques Microbiology Ph.D Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 15:29:34 [email protected] Hayder Lateef Farhan ALmsaid University of Kufa Biology Ph.D Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 15:30:16 [email protected] Soudad S.Ahmed University of Baghdad.Collage of science .department of physics Phyiscis Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 15:30:54 [email protected] محسن منعم محسن النصراوي ف بية النجف الاش المديرية العامة لبر هندسة وراثية وتقنيات احيائية Master Assistant Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 15:32:21 [email protected] Mariam Abdul_bary Auribie Basra Good Master Lecturer Very good


1st International Conference on Pure Science (ISCPS-2020)

Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1660 (2020) 011002

IOP Publishing



7-13-2020 15:34:26 [email protected] Shamaail A. Saewan Basrah University/ Agriculture College Food Quality Control Ph.D Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 15:34:50 [email protected] Sheren fadhal abbas Basrah Chemical Master Assistant Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 15:35:05 [email protected] Mohammed A.Kadhim kerbala university , science college solid state , thin film Ph.D Assistant Professor Good7-13-2020 15:35:57 [email protected] Dr.Jabbar Abadi Mohammed University of kufa faculty of education for girls Biology/Histology Ph.D Professor Very good7-13-2020 15:36:55 [email protected] Alia zyara hashim Basrah university/ Agricultural collage Protein chemistry Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 15:37:28 [email protected] Ahmed abduljabbar jaloob aljanaby University of kufa faculty of science Biology Ph.D Professor Excellent7-13-2020 15:38:23 [email protected] Nawras mohamad hassan University of basrah/agriculture Food scinces Master Assistant Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 15:39:14 [email protected] حنان كاظم حسون. د بية للعلوم الصرفة ابن الهيثم / جامعة بغداد كلية البر ياء علوم الفبر Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 15:39:24 [email protected] Ibtesam Baddy Hassan University of Diyala Immunogenetics Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 15:40:55 [email protected] Dr. Yousef Noori Hama Baqi University Peace College Islamic philosophy Ph.D Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 15:41:54 [email protected] Rabah Hassan Saady Ministry of education/Salaheldine education/Balad Biology Ph.D Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 15:42:22 [email protected] صبا جواد كاظم . د كلية العلوم / جامعة بغداد ياء البلازما فبر Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 15:43:21 [email protected] Raqad Raheem Al_Hatim University of basrah Dariy chemical Ph.D Assistant Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 15:44:16 [email protected] Rowa. A.sawan University Arabic language BSC Other Excellent7-13-2020 15:44:35 [email protected] فضيلة عرفات محمد . د. أ بوية والنفسية بية للعلوم الإنسانية قسم العلوم البر جامعة الموصل كلية البر بوي علم النفس البر Ph.D Professor Excellent7-13-2020 15:45:26 [email protected] Ashraf O. Fawaz University of Jerash/ Faculty of Agriculture and Science Environment/Soil Ph.D Professor Excellent7-13-2020 15:45:32 [email protected] ASMAA SHAKER ASHOOR University of Babylon Network Security and Information Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 15:51:26 [email protected] Sara Hashem Musa كلية الزراعة / جامعة البصرة علوم الاغذية Master Assistant Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 15:52:36 [email protected] Dr.jinan mohammed Al-zahid university of kufa /faculity of science histology Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 15:59:22 [email protected] Dunya talib mahdi Wasit university Medical microbiology Master Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 16:01:47 [email protected] اوراس طارق ياسير كلية الزراعة/ جامعة البصرة علوم اغذية BSC Other Excellent7-13-2020 16:09:42 [email protected] من أحمد سعيد كلية العلوم _جامعة بغداد ياء الفبر Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 16:11:48 [email protected] Dr.Venus Hassan Abdul Amir Al-QASSIM GREEN UNIVERSITY/Faculty of Biotechnology Medical Microbiology Ph.D Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 16:13:07 [email protected] Zainab Jassim Shanan University of Baghdad/ science for women Physics Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 16:16:06 [email protected] Dhirgam falih hassan Al shemerty Pharmacy College. University of Kufa Reproductive physiology Master Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 16:16:55 [email protected] Amal kadhim jassim University of baghdad college of science/department of physics Physics Ph.D Professor Excellent7-13-2020 16:17:40 [email protected] Tagreed M. Marush بية للعلوم الصرفة / جامعة بغداد ابن الهيثم- كلية البر Physics Ph.D Professor Excellent7-13-2020 16:17:43 [email protected] Dr hydar muhsin khlafa University of Kufa Faculty of science Cell and molecular biology Ph.D Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 16:19:24 [email protected] Rasha Fadhel Obaid Al-Mustaqbal University College medical virology Ph.D Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 16:20:16 [email protected] Dr. Hind Fadhil Oleiwi University of Baghdad / Faculty of Science for Women Nanotechnology Ph.D Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 16:24:37 [email protected] Aseel Abdulameer Kareem University of Baghdad Material science Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 16:24:55 [email protected] Zahraa kamil kadhim lawi University of kufa/faculty of sciences Biotechnology Master Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 16:28:36 [email protected] Dhifaf Zeki Aziz College of sciences Biology Ph.D Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 16:31:20 [email protected] Nawras Noori Bashboosh Kufa university / Science physiology Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 16:32:25 [email protected] Rand Muhammed Abdulhussein Alhusseini University of kufa / Faculty of scince biology Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 16:33:36 [email protected] Awras Hameed Al-Rikaby Baghdad/Science Physics/solar energy Master Assistant Lecturer Good7-13-2020 16:36:45 [email protected] Suad AbdulHadi AbdulRazzaq University of Kufa/Faculty of Science Microbiology Ph.D Lecturer Good7-13-2020 16:38:23 [email protected] Salah Mahdi Al-Bader Knowledge university - College of Science Biology- Mycology Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 16:38:47 [email protected] Ruaa Sheltagh Nile Kufa University /College of Science microbiology Ph.D Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 16:49:13 [email protected] Nassar A. Al-Isawi University of Babylon / College of Science Solid state /Thin films -Nano technology Ph.D Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 16:50:43 [email protected] Dr.Raed Ali Hussein University of Kufa / Faculty of Science Medicsl Mycology Ph.D Assistant Professor Excellent7-13-2020 16:53:57 [email protected] Dr.Amal.Khudair Abbas Universty of Bagdad/ Histology Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good7-13-2020 17:01:02 [email protected] Ahmed Shaker Hussein University of Babylon / Faculty of Dentistry Physics Ph.D Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 17:02:41 [email protected] Karrar Abbas Tikki University of Alkafeel Biology Master Assistant Lecturer Excellent7-13-2020 17:10:06 [email protected] Salema Sultan Salman University if Baghdad/ College of Pharmacy Teacher Ph.D Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 17:11:49 [email protected] Suhad Mohammed Madfoon University of kufa/ faculty of sceince Medical microbiology Ph.D Lecturer Very good7-13-2020 17:14:03 [email protected] Dr. Ala Fadhil Ahmed University of Baghdad Plasma Physics Ph.D Assistant Professor Very good