paper 19 feb 13


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Transcript of paper 19 feb 13

Page 1: paper 19 feb 13

CTFSA. 1 F 2 F B. 1 T 2 F C. 1 T 2 T D. 1 F 2 T

1. 1. Equinoxes dates are 21st March and 23rd September. 2. Spring equinox is at 23rd March.

2. 1. Around 3rd January earth is at perihelion position. 2. Around 4th June earth is at aphelion position.

3. 1. Troposphere is having maximum temperature (Avg) as 1000C 2. The outer part of exosphere is called as magnetosphere.

4. 1. Jaipur is situated in the temperate zone. 2. Surat is situated in the tropical zone.

5. 1. Earth is not giving any heating effect because of solar radiation. 2. Insolation is outer jacket of atmosphere which is not allowing solar energy to reflect back in the space.6. 1. Third abundant gas in the atmosphere is Carbon di oxide. 2. The most abundant element in earth crust is Silicon.

7. 1. Aurora can be observe from any part of Northern hemisphere during winter season. 2. 1700, 1800 and 1900 were Leap years.

8. 1. Total solar eclipse was observed from Keive on 29 Feb 1800 was lasted for 75 Seconds. 2. Every longitude is a great circle while every latitude need not be a great circle.

9. 1. 22nd December is the longest day in the Oslo. 2. 23rd June is smallest day in Rome.

10. 1. Russia is the nation covering all the longitudes. 2. Russia is the only nation which is having land which is at north of Arctic circle.