Panic theory slideshare


Transcript of Panic theory slideshare

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Page 2: Panic theory slideshare

‘ The media are responsible for a range of social problems’.

Moral problems have been described as a condition, episode, person or group of persons which emerge to become a defined threat to societal values and interests.

Examples of social problems include:

•Lack of role models•Social integration (we don’t usually see different communities and cultures mixing

together)•How women are portrayed in the media

•Women’s inequality to men•Gang crime•London riots

•High teenage pregnancy rate

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Concern: Behavior of the group or category in question is likely to have a negative impact on society.

Hostility: towards the group in question increases and they may become ‘folk devils’. A clear division forms between 'them' and 'us'.

Consensus: A widespread acceptance that the group in question poses a very real threat to society.

Disproportionately: The action taken is disproportionate to the actual threat posted by the accused group.

Validity: moral panics are highly volatile and end to disappear as quickly as they appear.

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Some recent panics include:

•Video games•Online activity•Campus killings

•Knife and gun crime•Gangs


•Screen/Web addiction •Jobs – immigrants