Panchayat - wifistudy


Transcript of Panchayat - wifistudy

PowerPoint PresentationPanchayati Raj The committee recommended a three-tier system of rural local government, which is called panchayat raj. The principal thrust of the Mehta report was based on the democratic decentralization. • The Balwant Rai Mehta committee
recommended a 3-tier Panchayati Raj System which includes Zila Parishad at the District Level, Panchayat Samiti at the Block/ Tehsil/ Taluka Level, and Gram Panchayat at the Village Level.
• The recommendations of the Balwant Rai Mehta committee were accepted by the National Development Council in 1958 and subsequently Rajasthan in 1959 became the first state in India to launch the Panchayati Raj.


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• The institution of Panchayati Raj was inaugurated by Jawahar lal Nehru on October 2, 1959 in Nagaur District of Rajasthan. Nine days later, Andhra Pradesh became the second state to launch Panchayati Raj at Shadnagar near Hyderabad.
Santhanam Committee: 1963
• The Balwant Rai Mehta Committee was followed by the Santhanam Committee.
Ashok Mehta Committee: 1977
• In December 1977, the Janta Government appointed a 13 member committee which was headed by Mr. Ashok Mehta.
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• This committee recommended that 3-tier should be replaced by the 2-tier system.
• West Bengal and Karnataka were two states that took initiatives on the basis of recommendations of the Ashok Mehta Committee.
G V K Rao Committee: 1985
• The Ashok Mehta Committee was followed by GVK Rao Committee in 1985. This committee was appointed prior to the 7th Five Year Plan, to recommend on an integrated concept for growth and poverty alleviation.
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• This committee recommended that the district level Zila Parishad should be the basic unit for policy planning and programme implementation.
L M Singhvi Committee: 1986 • A year after the GVK Rao committee,
the Government of India set up Dr. L M Singhvi Committee. The prime minister was Rajiv Gandhi.
• The LM Singhvi Committee is best known for recommending the constitutional status for Panchayats.
• This was virtually the first committee after decades of India’s experiments with the decentralization which found the “Gram Sabhas” as the “incarnation of the direct democracy”.

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• 73rd Amendment Act
• The 73nd amendment Bill was enshrining a comprehensive amendment of the Constitution and was introduced on 10th September, 1991 by G. Venkat Swamy.
• The bill was passed in the Lok Sabha on December 22, 1992 and the Rajya Sabha on December 23, 1992.
• After having been ratified by 17 state assemblies this bill came into effect as Constitution 73rd Amendment Act 1993 w.e.f April 24, 1993.
• Thus, April 24, 1993 became the landmark day in the history of Panchayati Raj in India. By this amendment act, a new Part IX was inserted in the Constitution of India enshrining the provisions for the Panchayats.
• Original part IX was repealed by one the amendments of the constitution.
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• IX
• The 73rd Amendment 1992 added a new Part IX to the constitution titled “The Panchayats” covering provisions from Article 243 to 243(O); and a new Eleventh Schedule covering 29 subjects within the functions of the Panchayats.
Gram Sabha • Gram Sabha is a body consisting of all
the persons registered in the electoral rolls relating to a village comprised within the area of Panchayat at the village level.
• The powers and functions of Gram Sabha are fixed by state legislature by law.
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Three Tiers of Panchayati Raj
Part IX provides for a 3 tier Panchayat system, which would be constituted in every state at the village level, intermediate and district level.
• All the members of these three level are elected. Further, the chairperson of panchayats at the intermediate and district levels are indirectly elected from amongst the elected members.
• But at the village level, the election of chairperson of Panchayat (Sarpanch) may be direct or indirect as provided by the state in its own Panchayati Raj Act.
Reservation in Panchayats
• There is a provision of reservation of seats for SCs and STs at every level of Panchayat. The seats are to be reserved for SCs and STs in proportion to their population at each level. Out of the Reserved Seats, 1/3rd have to be reserved for the women of the SC and ST.

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Duration of Panchayats
• A clear term for 5 years has been provided for the Panchayats and elections must take place before the expiry of the terms.
• However, the Panchayat may be dissolved earlier on specific grounds in accordance with the state legislations.
• In that case the elections must take place before expiry of 6 months of the dissolution.
• Disqualification of Members

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• 243
• As per this article, any person who is qualified to become an MLA is qualified to become a member of the Panchayat, but for Panchayat the minimum age prescribed is 21 years.
• Further, the disqualification criteria are to be decided by the state legislature by law.
Finance Commission
• State Government needs to appoint a finance commission every five years, which shall review the financial position of the Panchayats and to make recommendation.
• This report of the Finance Commission would be laid on the table in the State legislature.
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• The 11th schedule enshrines the distribution of powers between the State legislature and the Panchayats.
• There are 29 subjects in this schedule.
• Article 243 O bars the courts to interfere in the Panchayat Matters.
• The validity of any law relating to the delimitation of constituencies or the allotment of seats to such constituencies cannot be questioned in a court.
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• 243