Pan Cang

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  • Flowers in IndianCulture

    Flowers have forever been associated with the Creator, religion, worship and with innumerable myths and legends across various civilisations. From the Greeks floral

    Goddess Chloris to the myths on the flowers Hyacinth and Red Anemone, (which was later said to have been adopted by the Christians - red representing the blood

    shed by Jesus Christ on the cross) flowers have forever remained an integral part of culture. While the Roman Goddess of flowers was said to be Flora, Lily was known

    as the queen of the Gods as Juno, and to the Greeks it was celebrated as Hera. Lily was perceived as a symbol of Upper Egypt and later as the symbol of Mary. While

    the Egyptians portrayed Goddess Isis as being born from Lotus, the flower has also found a suitable place in the hands of the mummified nobles. Lotus has a lot of

    relevance in the Buddhist faith as well. Lotus is the National flower of India and likewise, there is a lot of mythological significance and links to flowers with Indian

    Gods and Goddesses than in any other culture of the world.

    In India, the very name of worship ritual called pooja can be translated as the floral act. Flowers are constituted of the Pancha Bootha the five elements of Nature

    - air, water, fire, earth and ether. Flowers have inspired many architectural concepts and styles, they were used as templates in both religious and yogic practices,

    as well as ornaments, fabric designs, and motifs. Some flowers have been consumed as food and many are known for their medicinal values. In every phase of lifes

    celebrations, festivals and prayers, flowers hold a special position. Apart from its ethereal beauty of form, colour, fragrance and texture there is something more - an

    indefinable, subtle and mysterious quality about a flower. It is this subtle element, their soul, which has given the flowers such a special place in every culture.

    The construction arm of Larsen and Toubro takes great pride in dedicating the 2011 - 12 Panchangam Calendar to the glory of

    flowers. Moreover, this calendar has been brought out in the wake of the UN declaration of the year 2011 as the International

    Year of Forests. In this calendar we present to you some of the key flowers that dominate the Indian mythology, religion and

    dwell in our day to day lives.

    Drawing inspiration from, the subsequent research with captivating life-like illustrations from artist

    Ms. Vishwajyoti Pande Mohrhoff, along with final anecdotal illustrations from Chennais well known Sri Maniam Selvan, this

    calendar is aimed to adorn your walls and permeate the beauty of bewitching colours into your life.

    Little flower - but if I could understand what you are, root and all, and all in all, I should know what God and man is.

    -Alfred Lord Tennyson

    Earths flowers spring up and laugh at time and death. In its simplicity, it carries the vibrations of the Akasha the ethereal element itself - that is all that is most abstract, pure and perfect. It is, above everything else, the form, behind which is the sound, the all-powerful creative Mantra.

    - Sri Aurobindo

  • 1. Kamal (Nelumbo nucifera) Lotus, Thaamarai

    The lotus represents faultless beauty and is a metaphysical analogy for non-attachment and spiritual liberation. The lotus finds mention in scriptures as old as 6,000 years and is the prevailing motif in sculptures, temple carvings, architecture, paintings and cave murals from times immemorial. Bhagavath Gita adjures man to emulate the lotus. Just as the beautiful lotus grows from murky water, man should strive for liberation or Moksha by evolving from all worldly bonds and sins.

    In Indian mythology, Goddess Lakshmi is depicted as seated on a pink lotus, and Saraswati, on a white one. Lotus is associated with Lord Brahma the creator, who is depicted as seated on a lotus arising from the navel of Lord Vishnu. Lotus symbols are central in yantra patterns, and form part of many designs of decoration in more secular contexts. For Buddhists, lotus symbolizes divinity, fertility, wealth, knowledge and enlightenment. Lotus also gains significance as the National flower of India.

    2. Palash (Butea Monosperma) Flame of the Forest, Bastard Teak, Parrot Tree, Kim Shuka, Puvarasan

    Palash is a small tree with flowers that resemble a parrots beak. In sanskrit it is called Kim Shuka - meaning are you a bird? These abundant clusters of brilliant flowers seem to be on fire attributing the name - Flame of the Forest. In Tamil it is called Puvarasan, meaning King of flowers.

    The leaves of this tree - like the Bilva - is tri-foliate. Vedas state that its twigs are an auspicious fuel for the sacred Fire, Yagna and Ghee can be poured onto the fire from its folded leaf. A twig of this tree is made into a stick to be held by the young Brahmin boy during his thread ceremony, Yagnopavita, while the priest chants the mantras. Once becoming celibate, the boy is supposed to eat food placed on a Palash leaf and has to carry the tri-foliate leaf with him to indicate that henceforth he is avowed to spiritual studies only. The flowers are also used for extracting wet dyes for use during the colourful Holi festival.

    3. Ashok (Saraca indica) Sita Ashok, Ashopalava, Hemapushpam, Jasundi, Asogam

    The Ashoka tree is a sacred and legendary tree in India whose flowers are considered one of the most fascinating. It is said that Lord Buddha was born under this very tree in Lumbini. Some interpretation has it that Lord Mahavira renounced the world under the Ashoka tree in Vaishali. The Hindus worship this tree because it is dedicated to Kama Deva (Cupid - God of Love). The Ashoka tree finds a mention in the epic Ramayana as the Ashoka Vatika (garden of Ashoka trees) where Hanuman first meets Sita. Literally meaning the sorrowless tree, it is widely believed in India that drinking the water in which the flowers have been washed is a protection against grief.

    4. Neel Kamal (Nymphaea nouchali/stellata) Blue Water Lily & Indian Blue Lotus, Neelambal, Nyadalehuvu, Nil-sapla, Alli

    Commonly known as water lily or Neel Kamal, the dark complexion of Krishna is compared to that of the blue lotus. For this reason, the blue water lily is also called Krishna Kamal. In an episode in Ramayana, before initiating the battle with Ravana, Rama sought the blessings of Goddess Durga. He comes to know that the Goddess would be pleased if she is worshipped with one hundred Neel Kamal. Rama, after travelling the whole world, could gather only ninety nine of them. He finally decides to offer one of his eyes, which resembled a blue lotus. Durga, being pleased with the devotion of Rama, appears before him and blesses him.

    Ayurvedic system of medicine uses blue lotus for the cure of indigestion. In Buddhism, blue lotus is one of the eight auspicious symbols and is considered the highest offering to Lord Buddha.

    5. Vakul (Mimusops elengi) Maulsari, Ilanni, Bakul, Ranjal, Magizhampoo

    With its small shiny, thick, narrow, pointed leaves, straight trunk and spreading branches, the Vakul becomes a prized ornamental specimen providing a dense shade during the summer months and filling the night air with a heady aroma of its tiny cream colored flowers. Flowers are small, star-shaped, yellowish white in color, with a crown rising from the center. The fragrant flowers are often used for garlands and other ornaments. In mythology, the milkmaids of Vrindavan were said to have been allured by Krishna playing his flute under a Vakul tree on the banks of the Yamuna. There is also a mention of Vakul in the Kishkindha Kanda of the Ramayan. The Parthasarathy temple in Triplicane, Chennai has the `Vakul or Magizham as its Sthalavriksha.

    Various parts of the tree have medicinal properties. It is used in the treatment and maintenance of oral hygiene. Rinsing ones mouth with water solution made of Vakul helps in strengthening the gums and teeth.

    6. Akund (Calotropis gigantea) Crown flower, Safed aak, Jilledi Puvvu, Erukku

    Akund is a pretty purple coloured and slightly scented flower. It is called Arca in Sanskrit, and has two varieties, both of which are held to be sacred to Shiva. It forms one of the five darts with which Kama Deva is supposed to pierce the hearts of young mortals.

    This large shrub, which looks like a small tree, sports clusters of waxy flowers that are either white or lavender in color. Each flower consists of five pointed petals and a small, elegant crown rising from the center, which holds the stamens. The plant has oval, light green leaves and milky stem. The flowers last long and in Thailand they are used widely in floral arrangements. In India, the Akund plant is commonly grown along the compound walls of temples.

    Its flower is offered in prayer to Lord Ganesha, to Hanuman, to Lord Rama and is sacred to Lord Shiva. In fact no Ganesh Chaturthi festival can be complete in South India without a garland made of Akund flowers.

    7. Japa Kusum (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) China Rose, Gurhal, Dasava La, Cembarutti

    The glory of the rising sun is often compared to this resplendently beautiful flower. Japa flowers are specially used in the worship of Goddess Durga. Her glowing complexion as Goddess Lalita is compared to the hibiscus in the lalitopaakhyaana. In Eastern India, celebrations of Durga puja rituals

    involve animal sacrifice along with offerings of red hibiscus flowers. The fierce red colour of the flower complements the Ugra or ferocious look of the Goddess.

    Chinese and Indian women have traditionally boiled the flowers and leaves of the hibiscus plant and mixed the infusion with herbal oil before applying it to their hair as a stimulant to the growth of luxurious tresses. Ayurvedic medicine seems to lend great credence to the virtues of this plant. The bright red flowers are said to be rich in flavonoids, minerals, and other nutrients. The flowers have a fruity taste that makes hibiscus popular as both hot and cold tea. Studies have demonstrated that they have a diuretic property and have also found mild blood vessel dilating effects. Several trials using hibiscus extracts have suggested that hibiscus can lower blood pressure in people with hypertension.

    8. Paarijat (Nyctanthes arbor-tristis) Night-flowering Jasmine, Har singar; Pavizhamalli, Paarijatam

    According to Hindu mythology, Satyabhama wanted the Paarijat tree from the heaven to be planted in her garden. Rukmini too, took a fancy to the flower. Krishna, wanting to keep both his wives happy, planted this tree so that the flowers fell in Rukminis garden while the tree remained in Satyabhamas garden.

    Another interpretation has it that the tree was in the garden of Indra, the lord of heavens. Even as Krishna stole a branch of the tree, he was spotted by Indra. However, Indra desisted from placing a curse on Krishna since he was an incarnation of Vishnu. Still, Indra put forth a curse on the stolen branch that it will never bear fruit even though the flowers may bloom on the tree.

    Yet another interpretation has it that the Paarijat tree sprang out along with nectar when the ocean was churned by the Devas and the Asuras. The seeds, flowers and leaves possess immunostimulant, antiviral and antifungal properties.

    9. Punnag (Calophyllum inophyllum) Beauty Leaf, Alexandrian laurel , Sultan Champa, Punnai

    There are many references to the Punnag flower as a flower of worship and as an adornment. The raaga Punnaagavaraali has been named after this tree. In Indian heritage the blooming of Punnag flowers is considered as an indicator of prosperity. It has been a practice at villages in the ancient times that if the tree failed to bloom in time; women would dance around the barren punnag tree and kick the bottom of the tree. Surprisingly, it would start blooming.

    According to the sthalapurana of the Kapaleeswarar temple in Chennai, once Goddess Parvati paid scant attention to what Lord Shiva was saying because the goddess was distracted by the beauty of a wandering peacock. An irritated Shiva banishes Her to the earth where the Goddess takes the form of a peahen and worships a linga under a Punnag tree in order to attain moksha. The tree and the tiny shrine with a black stone sculpture of a peahen with a flower in its beak praying to a lingam can still be found in the prahara or outer courtyard of the temple.

    10. Yuthika (Jasminum auriculatum/molle) Juhi, Adavimalle, Sucimulla, Sanna mallige, Jai, Malligai

    Yuthika is a beautiful Jasmine vine with fragrant, attractive white flowers. The flower has traditionally been a part of a ladys tress - especially for one who appreciates fragrant flowers.

    Stories and songs of Krishna are full of reference to yuthika flowers. Like Kalita-lalita-vanamala. Kalita means very beautiful and astonishing, and it refers to Krishnas garland of forest flowers. That garland is made by Radha from beli, chameli and juhi flowers, and also from tulsi leaves and manjaris

    In Chennai citys context, the name Poovirundavalli (or Poonamallee) is said to be attributed to the fact that this suburb was once a hub of extensive jasmine cultivation. Jasmine means Malli in Tamil and, Poonamallee would refer to the place where jasmine was cultivated. Legend has it that Goddess Lakshmi rose from jasmine flower and gave darashan to Thirukatchi Nambi Alwar (who was born in this place). It is also said that the Alwar worshipped Lord Varadaraja, deity at Kanchi temple with the jasmine flowers plucked from here.

    11. Ketaki (Pandanus odoratissimus) Kewda, Ketake, Thazhampoo

    A fragrant flower used in making perfumes and aromatic oil, the Screw Pine or Ketaki is a small branched tree or shrub found in southern India, Burma and the Andamans. Although Ketaki is used in worship for Goddess and other deities, this flower is not offered in prayers to Lord Shiva. According to Shiva Purana, Vishnu and Brahma were arguing as to who was supreme among them. Lord Shiva interceded, appearing amidst them in the form of a huge pillar of light. The contestants decided that the one who first found the limit of this awesome cosmic pillar [Jyoti] would be declared the supreme. Vishnu in the form of a wild boar set off towards its base but was unable to find it and humbly admits defeat. Brahma soars upwards as a swan. On his journey, he comes across a Ketaki flower floating down slowly. Upon inquiry the flower replies that it has been falling for ages from the top of the pillar of light. Unable to find the uppermost limits Brahma decides to take the flower back to Vishnu to bear witness that he had reached the top of the pillar. This infuriates Shiva. Brahma was consequently cursed and banned from being worshipped for lying to Vishnu. Similarly, Ketaki was also cursed that she would never again be used in the worship of Shiva.

    12. Kadamb (Neolamarckia cadamba) Kadamb, Katampu, Kaduavalatige, Rudrakskamba, Vellaikkatampu

    The beautiful Kadamba tree is much admired for its golden balls of yellow flowers and its delicate scent. The exotic dance of Krishna with his soul mate Radha and the gopis under the Kadamba tree is well chronicled and is often represented in many celebrated paintings. Under the Kadmba trees branches, Krishna would swing and dance in festivity with all the milkmaids of Vrindavan.

    The Kadamba tree is also considered the sthalavruksham (tree of the place) of many temples and most notably at Palani, in Tamil Nadu.

    Concept Corporate Communication Department, Larsen & Toubro Limited ECC Division, Chennai.The beautiful floral rendition of the paintings are by Ms. Vishwajyoti Pandey Mohrhoff who has captured and brought indoors, some of natures wondrous beauty. Many of her recent works are on environment and issues of the environment that are a cause for our concern. Her other works are focused on relationship of man and earth.Vishwajyoti is based in Pondicherry and works on oil and water colours as well.

    [ / [email protected]]

    The anecdotal illustrations to these floral themes and their reference to Indian mythology has been so ably embellished in this calendar by the eminent artist Sri Maniam Selvam, son of the well-known Late Sri Maniam who, through his sketches had immortalized the Tamil novel Ponniyin Selvan. A graduate from the College of Arts and Crafts with a gold medal, Maniam Selvam has a mastery over all the minute details of paintings and impeccable composition by creating his own style and strokes. In fact there is no publication in South India that has not carried his illustration. [[email protected]]

    Design M/s Balaji Graphic Arts, Chennai.

    Printed at - R R Donnelley Publishing India Pvt.Ltd., Sriperumbudur.

  • Many Hindu Gods and Goddesses are portrayed as seated on the Lotus symbolising spiritual liberation

    April 2011Sun

    Raahukaalam 4.30 pm to 6.00 pm

    Gulikakaalam 3.00 pm to 4.30 pm

    Yamaganda Kaalam 12.00 noon to 1.30 pm


    7.30 am to 9.00 am

    Gulikakaalam 1.30 pm to 3.00 pm

    Yamaganda Kaalam 10.30 am to 12.00 noon


    3.00 pm to 4.30 pm

    Gulikakaalam 12.00 noon to 1.30 pm

    Yamaganda Kaalam 9.00 am to 10.30 am


    12.00 noon to 1.30 pm

    Gulikakaalam 10.30 am to 12.00 noon

    Yamaganda Kaalam 7.30 am to 9.00 am


    1.30 pm to 3.00 pm

    Gulikakaalam 9.00 am to 10.30 am

    Yamaganda Kaalam 6.00 am to 7.30 am


    10.30 am to 12.00 noon

    Gulikakaalam 7.30 am to 9.00 am

    Yamaganda Kaalam 3.00 pm to 4.30 pm


    9.00 am to 10.30 am

    Gulikakaalam 6.00 am to 7.30 am

    Yamaganda Kaalam 1.30 pm to 3.00 pm

    1 2

    3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    10 11 12 13 14 15 16

    17 18 19 20 21 22 23

    24 25 26 27 28 29 30

    Trayodasi : 15-09-24Satabhisha : 08-27-56

    Varjyam : 15-37 to 17-25

    Chaturdasi :17-38-28Purvabhadra :11-26-29

    Varjyam : 22-04 to 23-55

    Sasti : 06-01-34Mrigasira : 03-54-40

    Varjyam : 08-23 to 10-02

    Trayodasi :15-43-38Uttara : 18-46-14

    Varjyam : 02-11 to 03-35

    Sasti : 19-22-06Purvasadha :05-50-03

    Varjyam : 15-01 to 16-39

    Trayodasi : FULLUttarabhadra : 20-14-54

    Varjyam : 06-15 end

    Saptami : 19-49-45Uttrasadha : FULL

    Varjayam : 14-12 to 15-56

    Ashtami : 21-01-15Uttrasadha : 07-15-24

    Varjyam : 11-30 to 13-17

    Navami : 22-47-49Sravana : 09-19-41

    Varjyam : 13-41 to 15-25

    Dasami : 00-58-47Dhanista : 11-52-56

    Varjyam : 19-50 to 21-39

    Ekadasi : 03-23-12Satabhisha :14-44-19

    Varjyam : 21-51 to 23-39

    Dwadasi : 05-51-15Purvabhadra :17-43-34Varjyam : 04-27 Since

    Chaturdasi : 11-57-56Hasta : 15-48-14

    Varjyam : 22-48 to 00-14

    Dvitiya : 01-31-14Swati : 10-13-45

    Varjyam : 15-14 to 16-42

    Tritiya : 22-52-53Visakha : 07-58-45

    Varjyam : 11-36 to 13-06

    Panchami : 19-43-30Mula : 05-10-47

    No Varjyam

    Chaturthi : 20-54-50Anuradha : 06-18-25Jyestha : 05-20-41

    Varjyam : 11-37 to 13-08

    Purnima : 08-13-43Pratima : 04-41-25Chitra : 12-53-46

    Varjyam : 17-19 to 19-16

    Saptami : 05-59-32Arudra : 04-34-40

    Varjyam : 12-24 to 14-01

    Ashtami : 05-13-10Punarvasu : 04-31-31

    Varjyam : 16-22 to 18-00

    Navami : 03-41-45Pushya : 03-44-01

    Varjyam : 12-08 to 13-01

    Dasami : 01-28-12Aslesha : 02-14-45

    Varjyam : 15-40 to 17-10

    Ekadasi : 22-38-26Magha : 00-09-38

    Varjyam : 13-01 to 14-38

    Dwadasi : 19-20-28Pupha : 21-36-52

    Varjyam : 07-19 to 08-4703-58 to 05-23

    Dvitiya : 00-37-22Aswini : 20-00-55

    Varjyam : 15-28 to 17-15

    Tritiya : 02-34-22Bharni : 22-32-28

    Varjyam : 18-32 to 20-18

    Chaturthi : 04-11-58Krittika : 00-46-24

    Varjyam : 11-33 to 13-16

    Panchami : 05-23-30Rohini : 02-36-16

    Varjyam : 17-50 to 19-33

    Pratima : 22-26-19Revathi :17-16-48

    No Varjyam

    Amavasya : 20-05-26Uttarabhadra :14-24-06

    Varjyam : 03-42 to 05-31

    12 - Ram Navami16 - Mahavir Jayanti22 - Good Friday24 - Easter


  • SunRaahukaalam

    4.30 pm to 6.00 pm

    Gulikakaalam 3.00 pm to 4.30 pm

    Yamaganda Kaalam 12.00 noon to 1.30 pm


    7.30 am to 9.00 am

    Gulikakaalam 1.30 pm to 3.00 pm

    Yamaganda Kaalam 10.30 am to 12.00 noon


    3.00 pm to 4.30 pm

    Gulikakaalam 12.00 noon to 1.30 pm

    Yamaganda Kaalam 9.00 am to 10.30 am


    12.00 noon to 1.30 pm

    Gulikakaalam 10.30 am to 12.00 noon

    Yamaganda Kaalam 7.30 am to 9.00 am


    1.30 pm to 3.00 pm

    Gulikakaalam 9.00 am to 10.30 am

    Yamaganda Kaalam 6.00 am to 7.30 am


    10.30 am to 12.00 noon

    Gulikakaalam 7.30 am to 9.00 am

    Yamaganda Kaalam 3.00 pm to 4.30 pm


    9.00 am to 10.30 am

    Gulikakaalam 6.00 am to 7.30 am

    Yamaganda Kaalam 1.30 pm to 3.00 pm

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    8 9 10 11 12 13 14

    15 16 17 18 19 20 21

    22 23 24 25 26 27 28

    29 30 31

    Tritiya : 16-10-55Rohini : 08-08-10

    Varjyam : 13-56 to 15-36

    Chaturthi : 16-37-16Mrigasira : 09-21-48

    Varjyam : 17-57 to 19-35

    Dwadasi : 02-10-32Hasta : 01-35-24

    No Varjyam

    Chaturthi : 09-31-05Purvasadha : 14-48-37

    Varjyam : 23-00 to 00-38

    Ekadasi : 20-24-23Revathi : FULL

    Varjyam : 17-05 to 18-53

    Dwadasi : 22-32-21Revathi 06-35-10

    Varjyam : 04-41 Since

    Trayodasi : 00-20-19Aswini : 09-11-04

    Varjyam : 06-28 end 19-36 to 21-21

    Chaturdasi : 01-42-57Bharni : 11-25-21

    Varjyam : 00-14 to 01-57

    Panchami : 09-29-01Uttrasadha : 15-38-15

    Varjyam : 19-49 to 21-30

    Saptami : 11-34-05Dhanista : 19-19-37

    Varjyam: 03-11 to 03-58

    Ashtami : 13-27-38Satabhisha : 21-55-40Varjyam : 05-01 Since

    Dasami : 18-04-11Uttarabhadra : 03-44-25Varjyam : 08-03to 08-55

    00-23 to 01-16

    Navami : 15-41-33Purvabhadra : 00-47-44

    Varjyam : 06-48 end

    Sasti : 10-11-42Sravana : 17-10-41

    Varjyam: 21-25 to 23-09

    Trayodasi : 22-53-07Chitra : 23-06-32

    Varjyam : 08-45 to 10-09 04-06 Since

    Chaturdasi : 9-39-22Swati : 20-4-30

    Varjyam : 05-34 end01-45 to 03-49

    Purnima : 16-38-22Visakha : 18-29-49

    Varjyam : 22-07 to 23-36

    Pratima : 13-59-08Anuradha : 16-40-48

    Varjyam : 21-57 to 23-26

    Dvitiya : 11-50-12Jyestha : 15-23-09

    No Varjyam

    Tritiya : 10-19-01Mula : 14-44-07

    Varjyam : 13- 07 to 14-40 00-17 to 01-56

    Saptami : 14-52-29Pushya : 10-07-02

    Varjyam : 22-23 to 23-56

    Amavasya : 12-24-01Bharni : 04-29-33

    Varjyam : 13-36 to 14-22

    Ashtami : 13-11-44Aslesha : 09-17-27

    Varjyam : 20-32 to 22-03

    Pratima : 14-01-53Krittika : FULL

    Varjyam : 17-24 to 19-08

    Navami : 11-00-05Magha : 07-56-37

    Varjyam : 15-18 to 16-46

    Dvitiya : 15-18-16Krittika : 06-29-55

    Varjyam : 23-30 to 01-12

    Dasami : 08-21-47Ekadasi : 05-22-5Pupha : 06-08-27Uttara : 03-58-53

    Varjyam : 00-42 to 02-07

    Sasti : 16-00-07Punarvasu : 10-23-42

    Varjyam : 18-12 to 19-47

    Chaturdasi : 10-27-12Aswini : 02-09-25

    Varjyam : 21-38 to 23-25

    Panchami : 16-34-32Arudra : 10-07-55

    Varjyam : 22-08 to 23-46

    Trayodasi : 08-14-43Revathi : 23-32-16

    Varjyam : 10-03 to 11-49

    17 - Buddha Purnima

    A twig of the Palash tree is held by the young Brahmin boy during Yagnopavita

    May 2011Palash

  • SunRaahukaalam

    4.30 pm to 6.00 pm

    Gulikakaalam 3.00 pm to 4.30 pm

    Yamaganda Kaalam 12.00 noon to 1.30 pm


    7.30 am to 9.00 am

    Gulikakaalam 1.30 pm to 3.00 pm

    Yamaganda Kaalam 10.30 am to 12.00 noon


    3.00 pm to 4.30 pm

    Gulikakaalam 12.00 noon to 1.30 pm

    Yamaganda Kaalam 9.00 am to 10.30 am


    12.00 noon to 1.30 pm

    Gulikakaalam 10.30 am to 12.00 noon

    Yamaganda Kaalam 7.30 am to 9.00 am


    1.30 pm to 3.00 pm

    Gulikakaalam 9.00 am to 10.30 am

    Yamaganda Kaalam 6.00 am to 7.30 am


    10.30 am to 12.00 noon

    Gulikakaalam 7.30 am to 9.00 am

    Yamaganda Kaalam 3.00 pm to 4.30 pm


    9.00 am to 10.30 am

    Gulikakaalam 6.00 am to 7.30 am

    Yamaganda Kaalam 1.30 pm to 3.00 pm

    1 2 3 4

    5 6 7 8 9 10 11

    12 13 14 15 16 17 18

    19 20 21 22 23 24 25

    26 27 28 29 30

    Dvitiya : 02-59-45Mrigasira : 15-26-11

    Varjyam : 23-54 to 01-30

    Amavasya : 02-37-21Krittika : 13-13-40

    No Varjyam

    Tritiya : 02-30-08Arudra : 15-51-25

    Varjyam : 03-46 to 05-23

    Pratima : 03-02-42Rohini : 14-33-59

    Varjyam : 06-01 to 07-42 20-16 to 21-56

    Dasami : 13-35-51Hasta : 09-02-36

    Varjyam : 16-23 to 17-51

    Tritiya : 23-08-22Uttrasadha : 00-44-55

    Varjyam : 08-23 to 10-01 04-52 since

    Navami : 08-49-54Revathi :14-22-29

    No Varjyam

    Dasami : 10-59-00Aswini : 17-03-28

    Varjyam: 12-34 to 14-22

    Ekadasi : 12-47-29Bharni : 19-22-23

    No Varjyam

    Dwadasi : 14-06-37Krittika : 21-11-11

    Varjyam : 08-13 to 09-56

    Trayodasi : 14-50-49Rohini : 22-25-03

    Varjyam : 13-55 to 15-36 04-04 Since

    Chaturdasi : 14-57-57Mrigasira : 23-02-37Varjyam : 05-41 end

    Chaturthi : 23-33-13Sravana : 01-53-34Varjyam : 06-33 end

    Sasti : 02-13-04Satabhisha : FULL

    Varjyam : 11-27 to 13-12

    Saptami : 04-14-53Satavhisha : 05-57-03

    Varjyam : 13-01 to 14-48

    Ashtami : 06-31-10Uttarabhadra : 11-29-53Varjyam : 00-53 to 02-41

    Ashtami : FULLPurvabhadra : 08-37-26Varjyam : 19-18 to 21-05

    Panchami : 00-36-26Dhanista : 03-39-36

    Varjyam : 06-05 to 07-50

    Ekadasi : 10-57-59Chitra : 07-13-17Swati : 05-24-08

    Varjyam : 12-20 to 13-49

    Dwadasi : 08-21-17Visakha : 03-41-32

    No Varjyam

    Trayodasi : 05-51-58Chaturdasi : 03-36-14Anuradha : 02-12-23

    Varjyam: 07-25 to 08-55

    Purnima : 01-41-44Jyestha : 01-03-50

    Varjyam : 07-30 to 09-02

    Pratima : 00-16-05Mula : 00-22-46

    Varjyam : 22-48 to 00-21

    Dvitiya : 23-23-16Purvasadha : 00-15-05

    Varjyam : 21-54 to 23-29

    Sasti : 22-41-30Aslesha :14-43-57

    Varjyam : 02-10 to 03-41

    Saptami : 20-45-40Magha : 13-40-32

    Varjyam: 21-11 to 22-42

    Ashtami : 18-33-57Pupha : 12-20-25

    Varjyam : 19-00 to 20-30

    Navami : 16-09-23Uttara : 10-46-32

    Varjyam : 18-30 to 20-01

    Panchami : 00-18-57Pushya : 15-28-17

    Varjyam : 03-54 to 05-21

    Chaturthi : 01-35-50Punarvasu : 15-51-27

    Varjyam : 23-39 to 01-14

    Hanuman meets Sita Devi for the first time in Ashoka Vatika

    June 2011Ashok

  • SunRaahukaalam

    4.30 pm to 6.00 pm

    Gulikakaalam 3.00 pm to 4.30 pm

    Yamaganda Kaalam 12.00 noon to 1.30 pm


    7.30 am to 9.00 am

    Gulikakaalam 1.30 pm to 3.00 pm

    Yamaganda Kaalam 10.30 am to 12.00 noon


    3.00 pm to 4.30 pm

    Gulikakaalam 12.00 noon to 1.30 pm

    Yamaganda Kaalam 9.00 am to 10.30 am


    12.00 noon to 1.30 pm

    Gulikakaalam 10.30 am to 12.00 noon

    Yamaganda Kaalam 7.30 am to 9.00 am


    1.30 pm to 3.00 pm

    Gulikakaalam 9.00 am to 10.30 am

    Yamaganda Kaalam 6.00 am to 7.30 am


    10.30 am to 12.00 noon

    Gulikakaalam 7.30 am to 9.00 am

    Yamaganda Kaalam 3.00 pm to 4.30 pm


    9.00 am to 10.30 am

    Gulikakaalam 6.00 am to 7.30 am

    Yamaganda Kaalam 1.30 pm to 3.00 pm

    31 1 2

    3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    10 11 12 13 14 15 16

    17 18 19 20 21 22 23

    24 25 26 27 28 29 30

    Amavasya : 14-29-00Arudra : 23-05-40

    Varjyam : 07-26 to 09-01

    Pratima : 13-27-36Punarvasu : 22-38-20

    Varjyam : 10-52 to 12-27

    Navami : 20-40-58Chitra : 13-12-51

    Varjyam : 06-32 to 08-02

    Pratima : 12-01-35Uttrasadha : 09-25-43

    Varjyam : 13-41 to 15-21

    Ashtami : 23-38-49Aswini : 01-14-29

    Varjyam : 20-49 to 22-39

    Amavasya : 00-13-37Punarvasu : 07-15-58

    Pushya : 06-00-32Varjyam : 14-50 to 16-21

    Navami : 01-37-30Bharni : 03-47-21

    Varjyam : 11-55 to 13-42

    Dasami : 03-06-53Krittika : 05-51-00

    Varjyam : 16-53 to 18-38

    Ekadasi : 03-57-46Rohini : FULL

    Varjyam : 22-51 to 00-33

    Dwadasi : 04-04-53Rohini : 07-16-30

    Varjyam: 13-04 to 14-45

    Trayodasi : 03-27-24Mrigasira : 07-58-52

    Varjyam: 16-23 to 17-58

    Chaturdasi : 02-08-19Arudra : 07-57-32

    Varjyam: 19-36 to 21-07

    Dvitiya : 12-26-36Sravana : 10-28-48

    Varjyam : 12-48 to 14-29

    Chaturthi : 14-53-21Satabhisha : 14-09-18

    Varjyam : 21-13 to 22-58

    Panchami : 16-48-27Purvabhadra : 16-40-09Varjyam : 03-23 to 05-11

    Saptami : 21-22-37Revathi : 22-25-01

    Varjyam: 08-58 to 10-45

    Sasti : 19-01-44Uttarabhadra : 19-28-33

    No Varjyam

    Tritiya : 13-24-26Dhanista : 12-03-54

    Varjyam: 19-54 to 21-39

    Dasami : 18-37-59Swati : 11-54-15

    Varjyam : 17-15 to 18-45

    Ekadasi : 16-45-42Visakha : 10-45-34

    Varjyam : 14-36 to 16-09

    Dwadasi : 15-06-58Anuradha : 09-49-35

    Varjyam : 15-19 to 16-52

    Trayodasi : 13-45-10Jyestha : 09-09-37

    No Varjyamm

    Chaturdasi : 12-44-16Mula : 08-49-34

    Varjyam : 07-19 to 08-53 18-31 to 20-07

    Purnima : 12-08-26Purvasadha : 08-53-37

    Varjyam : 17-10 to 18-08

    Chaturthi : 08-03-28Panchami : 05-48-32

    Magha : 19-12-11Varjyam : 07-56 to 09-27

    02-47 to 04-16

    Sasti : 03-29-00Pupha : 17-41-59

    Varjyam : 00-31 to 01-59

    Saptami : 01-09-05Uttara : 16-09-34

    Varjyam : 00-06 to 01-35

    Ashtami : 22-52-09Hasta : 14-38-49

    Varjyam : 22-12 to 23-41

    Tritiya : 10-08-49Aslesha : 20-35-27

    Varjyam: 09-59 to 11-29

    Dvitiya : 11-58-53Pushya : 21-46-12

    Varjyam : 06-22 to 07-54

    Pratima : 21-51-04Aslesha : 04-19-27

    Varjyam : 17-54 to 19-23

    Rama offering one of his eyes, which resembled a blue lotus to Goddess Durga

    July 2011Neel Kamal

  • SunRaahukaalam

    4.30 pm to 6.00 pm

    Gulikakaalam 3.00 pm to 4.30 pm

    Yamaganda Kaalam 12.00 noon to 1.30 pm


    7.30 am to 9.00 am

    Gulikakaalam 1.30 pm to 3.00 pm

    Yamaganda Kaalam 10.30 am to 12.00 noon


    3.00 pm to 4.30 pm

    Gulikakaalam 12.00 noon to 1.30 pm

    Yamaganda Kaalam 9.00 am to 10.30 am


    12.00 noon to 1.30 pm

    Gulikakaalam 10.30 am to 12.00 noon

    Yamaganda Kaalam 7.30 am to 9.00 am


    1.30 pm to 3.00 pm

    Gulikakaalam 9.00 am to 10.30 am

    Yamaganda Kaalam 6.00 am to 7.30 am


    10.30 am to 12.00 noon

    Gulikakaalam 7.30 am to 9.00 am

    Yamaganda Kaalam 3.00 pm to 4.30 pm


    9.00 am to 10.30 am

    Gulikakaalam 6.00 am to 7.30 am

    Yamaganda Kaalam 1.30 pm to 3.00 pm

    1 2 3 4 5 6

    7 8 9 10 11 12 13

    14 15 16 17 18 19 20

    21 22 23 24 25 26 27

    28 29 30 31

    Sasti : 07-58-49Saptami : 05-40-05Chitra : 18-36-12

    Varjyam : 23-56 to 01-26

    Chaturthi : 13-23-11Uttara : 22-12-25

    Varjyam : 06-53 to 08-22

    Ashtami : 03-42-04Swati : 17-14-42

    Varjyam: 22-38 to 00-12

    Panchami : 10-34-52Hasta : 20-16-55

    Varjyam : 05-59 to 07-27 03-45 to 05-14

    Purnima : 00-28-00Sravana : 18-04-56

    Varjyam: 22-24 to 00-07

    Sasti : 12-11-06Aswini : 09-00-13

    Varjyam : 06-18 end 19-47 to 21-53

    Trayodasi : 14-17-05Pushya : 15-50-48

    Varjyam: 03-41 to 05-09

    Chaturdasi : 11-41-08 Aslesha : 13-59-13

    Varjyam : 00-48 to 02-14

    Amavasya : 08-37-19Pratima : 05-15-46Magha : 11-40-41

    Varjyam : 18-50 to 20-15

    Dvitiya : 01-46-45Pupha : 09-05-44

    Varjyam : 15-28 to 16-53

    Tritiya : 22-20-17Uttara : 06-25-08Hasta : 03-49-18

    Varjyam : 13-54 to 15-20

    Tritiya : 16-17-13Pupha : 00-16-33

    Varjyam : 09-41 to 11-10

    Dvitiya : 19-09-20Magha : 02-21-45

    No Varjyam

    Saptami : 14-25-24Bharni : 11-50-13

    Varjyam : 01-07 to 02-53

    Navami : 17-27-12Rohini : 16-09-45

    Varjyam : 07-35 to 09-21 22-04 to 23-45

    Dasami : 17-53-34Mrigasira : 17-17-38

    Varjyam : 01-48 to 03-27

    Dwadasi : 16-15-47Punarvasu : 17-05-44Varjyam : 06-59 end

    00-42 to 02-13

    Ekadasi : 17-29-33Arudra : 17-36-13

    Varjyam : 05-22 Since

    Ashtami : 16-14-49Krittika : 14-17-28

    No Varjyam

    Pratima : 01-35-28Dhanista : 19-44-29

    Varjyam : 03-36 to 05-20

    Dvitiya : 03-08-28Satabhisha : 21-48-52Varjyam : 04-54 Since

    Tritiya : 05-04-45Purvabhadra : 00-16-20

    Varjyam : 06-39 end

    Chaturthi : FULLUttarabhadra : 03-02-32Varjyam : 10-59 to 12-47

    Chaturthi : 07-19-30Revathi : 06-00-23

    Varjyam : 16-33 to 18-21

    Panchami : 09-45-02Aswini : FULL

    Varjyam : 04-32 Since

    Ekadasi : 00-03-19Jyestha : 15-23-01

    No Varjyam

    Dwadasi : 23-35-01Mula : 15-30-06

    Varjyam : 13-55 to 15-32 01-18 to 02-56

    Trayodasi : 23-29-00Purvasadha : 15-58-56

    Varjyam : 00-18 to 01-59

    Chaturdasi : 23-46-12Uttrasadha : 16-50-08

    Varjyam : 21-05 to 22-46

    Dasami : 00-53-41Anuradha : 15-37-46

    Varjyam : 21-11 to 22-46

    Navami : 02-06-29Visakha : 16-14-56

    Varjyam : 20-10 to 21-44

    13 - Raksha Bandhan21 - Janmashtami31 - Ramzan

    The Gopikas of Vrindavan allured by Krishna playing his flute under a Vakul tree on the banks of Yamuna

    August 2011Vakul

  • SunRaahukaalam

    4.30 pm to 6.00 pm

    Gulikakaalam 3.00 pm to 4.30 pm

    Yamaganda Kaalam 12.00 noon to 1.30 pm


    7.30 am to 9.00 am

    Gulikakaalam 1.30 pm to 3.00 pm

    Yamaganda Kaalam 10.30 am to 12.00 noon


    3.00 pm to 4.30 pm

    Gulikakaalam 12.00 noon to 1.30 pm

    Yamaganda Kaalam 9.00 am to 10.30 am


    12.00 noon to 1.30 pm

    Gulikakaalam 10.30 am to 12.00 noon

    Yamaganda Kaalam 7.30 am to 9.00 am


    1.30 pm to 3.00 pm

    Gulikakaalam 9.00 am to 10.30 am

    Yamaganda Kaalam 6.00 am to 7.30 am


    10.30 am to 12.00 noon

    Gulikakaalam 7.30 am to 9.00 am

    Yamaganda Kaalam 3.00 pm to 4.30 pm


    9.00 am to 10.30 am

    Gulikakaalam 6.00 am to 7.30 am

    Yamaganda Kaalam 1.30 pm to 3.00 pm

    1 2 3

    4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    11 12 13 14 15 16 17

    18 19 20 21 22 23 24

    25 26 27 28 29 30

    Panchami : 16-11-50Swati : 23-29-25

    Varjyam : 06-36 to 08-07 04-47 since

    Sasti : 13-45-22Visakha : 22-00-23

    Varjyam : 06-19 end 01-54 to 03-28

    Trayodasi : 11-45-43Dhanista : 02-19-16Varjyam : 06-31 end

    Panchami : 02-51-27Bharni : 18-52-51

    No Varjyam

    Dwadasi : 02-53-27Aslesha : 00-27-46

    Varjyam: 14-02 to 15-32

    Trayodasi : 23-53-31Magha : 22-17-34

    Varjyam : 11-26 to 12-53 05-27 Since

    Chaturdasi : 20-26-33Pupha : 19-39-19

    Varjyam : 06-52 end 01-59 to 03-23

    Amavasya : 16-43-04Uttara : 16-43-58

    Varjyam : 00-04 to 01-27

    Pratima : 12-53-47Hasta : 13-42-43

    Varjyam : 20-41 to 22-07

    Dvitiya : 09-09-16Tritiya : 05-39-41Chitra : 10-46-39

    Varjyam : 15-41 to 17-07

    Chaturthi : 02-34-36Swati : 08-06-25

    Visakha : 05-51-50Varjyam : 19-36 to 21-07

    Sasti : 04-59-40Krittika : 21-39-38

    Varjyam : 08-18 to 10-06

    Saptami : 06-37-37Mrigasira : 01-44-10

    Varjyam : 05-59 to 07-45

    Ashtami : 07-33-53Arudra : 02-40-50

    Varjyam : 10-28 to 12-09

    Dasami : 06-54-00Ekadasi : 05-16-25Pushya : 01-59-56

    Varjyam : 10-33 to 12-05

    Navami : 07-40-24Punarvasu : 02-45-56

    Varjyam : 14-45 to 16-21

    Saptami : FULL Rohini : 00-00-42

    Varjyam : 15-17 to 17-01

    Chaturdasi : 13-12-58Satabhisha : 04-32-50

    Varjyam : 10-12 to 11-57

    Purnima : 14-59-45Purvabhadra : FULL

    Varjyam : 11-39 to 13-23

    Pratima : 17-04-17Purvabhadra : 07-04-11Varjyam : 17-48 to 19-35

    Dvitiya : 19-23-38Uttarabhadra : 09-50-55Varjyam : 23-21 to 01-10

    Tritiya : 21-53-01Revathi : 12-49-01

    No Varjyam

    Chaturthi : 00-25-24Aswini : 13-52-51

    Varjyam : 11-23 to 13-10 02-40 to 04-31

    Navami : 09-48-51Mula : 20-57-47

    Varjyam : 19-25 to 21-02

    Dasami : 09-37-45Purvasadha : 21-41-24

    Varjyam : 06-55 to 08-33

    Ekadasi : 09-55-47Uttrasadha : 22-51-36

    Varjyam : 06-07 to 07-48 03-09 to 04-51

    Dwadasi : 10-39-22Sravana : 00-25-00

    Varjyam : 04-45 Since

    Ashtami : 10-32-39Jyestha : 20-44-34

    No Varjyam

    Saptami : 11-51-28Anuradha : 21-04-59

    Varjyam : 02-41 to 04-16

    Chaturthi : 19-05-49Chitra : 01-27-55

    No Varjyam

    1 - Ganesh Chaturthi9 - Onam

    Akund is offered in prayer to Lord Ganesha during the Ganesh Chaturthi festival

    September 2011Akund

  • SunRaahukaalam

    4.30 pm to 6.00 pm

    Gulikakaalam 3.00 pm to 4.30 pm

    Yamaganda Kaalam 12.00 noon to 1.30 pm


    7.30 am to 9.00 am

    Gulikakaalam 1.30 pm to 3.00 pm

    Yamaganda Kaalam 10.30 am to 12.00 noon


    3.00 pm to 4.30 pm

    Gulikakaalam 12.00 noon to 1.30 pm

    Yamaganda Kaalam 9.00 am to 10.30 am


    12.00 noon to 1.30 pm

    Gulikakaalam 10.30 am to 12.00 noon

    Yamaganda Kaalam 7.30 am to 9.00 am


    1.30 pm to 3.00 pm

    Gulikakaalam 9.00 am to 10.30 am

    Yamaganda Kaalam 6.00 am to 7.30 am


    10.30 am to 12.00 noon

    Gulikakaalam 7.30 am to 9.00 am

    Yamaganda Kaalam 3.00 pm to 4.30 pm


    9.00 am to 10.30 am

    Gulikakaalam 6.00 am to 7.30 am

    Yamaganda Kaalam 1.30 pm to 3.00 pm

    30 31 1

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    9 10 11 12 13 14 15

    16 17 18 19 20 21 22

    23 24 25 26 27 28 29

    Panchami : 00-02-25Anuradha : 04-11-15

    No Varjyam

    Dwadasi : 00-53-35Dhanista : 08-07-18

    Varjyam : 16-02 to 17-48

    Tritiya : 15-07-47Krittika : 03-50-33

    Varjyam : 14-26 to 16-14

    Dasami : 18-06-25Aslesha : 10-02-04

    Varjyam : 21-18 to 22-49

    Ekadasi : 15-36-37Magha : 08-29-56

    Varjyam : 15-51 to 17-19

    Dwadasi : 12-32-37Pupha : 06-20-52Uttara : 03-43-56

    Varjyam : 12-48 to 14-14

    Trayodasi : 09-03-42Chaturdasi : 05-19-48

    Hasta : 00-49-17No Varjyam

    Pratima : 21-48-04Swati : 18-49-17

    Varjyam : 23-45 to 01-10

    Dvitiya : 18-20-38Visakha : 16-05-22

    Varjyam : 07-38 to 09-05

    Tritiya : 15-18-35Anuradha : 13-45-48

    Varjyam : 18-54 to 20-24

    Amavasya : 01-31-10 Chitra : 21-47-27

    Varjyam : 07-48 to 09-14 02-40 to 04-04

    Panchami : 11-04-49Mula : 10-54-52

    Varjyam : 09-25 to 10-57 20-25 to 21-59

    Chaturthi : 12-50-49Jyestha : 11-59-47

    No Varjyam

    Chaturthi : 17-20-17Rohini : FULL

    Varjyam : 21-33 to 23-21

    Sasti : 20-28-22Mrigasira : 08-31-12

    Varjyam : 17-27 to 19-07

    Saptami : 21-05-06Arudra : 10-02-38

    Varjyam : 22-25 to 00-04

    Navami : 19-54-11Pushya : 10-50-14

    Varjyam : 23-13 to 00-45

    Ashtami : 20-54-25Punarvasu : 10-50-25

    Varjyam : 18-49 to 20-26

    Panchami : 19-10-26Rohini : 06-23-59

    Varjyam : 12-31 ti 14-15

    Trayodasi : 02-57-10Satabhisha : 10-32-05

    Varjyam : 17-38 to 19-25

    Chaturdasi : 05-13-53Purvabhadra : 13-12-00Varjyam: 23-56 to 01-42

    Punima : FULLUttarabhadra : 16-02-51Varjyam : 05-32 Since

    Purnima : 07-39-47Revathi : 19-00-48

    Varjyam : 07-19 end

    Pratima : 10-10-46Aswini : 22-01-40

    Varjyam : 17-32 to 19-21

    Dvitiya : 12-42-05Bharni : 01-00-24

    Varjyam : 08-50 to 10-38

    Ashtami : 20-35-33Purvasadha : 03-19-34

    Varjyam : 12-47 to 14-24

    Navami : 20-52-10Uttrasadha : 04-24-34

    Varjyam : 11-45 to 13-25

    Dasami : 21-45-05Sravana : FULL

    Varjyam : 08-45 to 10-27

    Ekadasi : 23-07-43Dhanista : 06-02-43

    Varjyam : 10-25 to 12-09

    Saptami : 21-00-32Mula : 02-53-45

    No Varjyam

    Sasti : 22-09-44Jyestha : 03-10-51

    Varjyam : 09-35 to 11-08 01-24 to 02-59

    5 - Durgashtami6 - Vijaya Dashami26 - Diwali

    The Japa Kusum flower complements the Ugra look of Goddess Durga

    October 2011Japa Kusum

  • SunRaahukaalam

    4.30 pm to 6.00 pm

    Gulikakaalam 3.00 pm to 4.30 pm

    Yamaganda Kaalam 12.00 noon to 1.30 pm


    7.30 am to 9.00 am

    Gulikakaalam 1.30 pm to 3.00 pm

    Yamaganda Kaalam 10.30 am to 12.00 noon


    3.00 pm to 4.30 pm

    Gulikakaalam 12.00 noon to 1.30 pm

    Yamaganda Kaalam 9.00 am to 10.30 am


    12.00 noon to 1.30 pm

    Gulikakaalam 10.30 am to 12.00 noon

    Yamaganda Kaalam 7.30 am to 9.00 am


    1.30 pm to 3.00 pm

    Gulikakaalam 9.00 am to 10.30 am

    Yamaganda Kaalam 6.00 am to 7.30 am


    10.30 am to 12.00 noon

    Gulikakaalam 7.30 am to 9.00 am

    Yamaganda Kaalam 3.00 pm to 4.30 pm


    9.00 am to 10.30 am

    Gulikakaalam 6.00 am to 7.30 am

    Yamaganda Kaalam 1.30 pm to 3.00 pm

    1 2 3 4 5

    6 7 8 9 10 11 12

    13 14 15 16 17 18 19

    20 21 22 23 24 25 26

    27 28 29 30

    Navami : 11-48-59Dhanista : 14-10-40

    Varjyam : 22-05 to 23-52

    Saptami : 09-55-19 Uttrasadha : 11-04-37

    Varjyam : 15-21 to 16-59

    Dasami : 13-38-51Satabhisha : 16-33-19

    Varjyam : 23-40 to 01-27

    Dvitiya : 06-02-32Krittika : 09-42-23

    Varjyam : 15-23 to 17-06

    Ashtami : 08-03-45Navami : 06-15-45Magha : 16-37-26

    Varjyam : 06-33 end 00-12 to 01-41

    Pratima : 08-38-37Dvitiya : 05-57-22Jyestha : 22-40-15

    Varjyam : 07-23 end

    Tritiya : 03-49-09Mula : 21-02-43

    Varjyam : 119-34 to 21-03 06-14 Since

    Chaturthi : 02-21-35Purvasadha : 20-03-09

    Varjyam : 07-45 end 03-59 to 05-35

    Panchami : 01-40-17Uttrasadha : 19-47-38

    Varjyam : 23-56 to 01-34

    Sasti : 01-47-48Sravana : 20-19-15

    Varjyam : 00-33 to 02-15

    Dasami : 03-53-55Pupha : 15-17-10

    Varjyam : 21-57 to 23-26

    Dwadasi : 21-53-45Hasta : 11-09-15

    Varjyam : 18-22 to 19-45

    Trayodasi : 18-31-00Chitra : 08-36-12Swati : 05-55-16

    Varjyam : 13-36 to 14-45

    Amavasya : 11-44-09Anuradha : 00-47-40Pushya : 01-59-56

    Varjyam : 10-33 to 12-05

    Chaturdasi : 15-04-43Visakha : 03-15-52

    No Varjyam

    Ekadasi : 01-04-09Uttara : 13-25-34

    Varjyam : 21-07 to 22-31

    Tritiya : FULLRohini : 12-06-38

    Varjyam : 18-14 to 19-58

    Tritiya : 07-41-15Mrigasira : 14-10-18

    Varjyam: 23-12 to 00-54

    Chaturthi : 08-54-33Arudra : 15-48-19

    Varjyam : 04-25 to 06-04

    Panchami : 09-37-17Punarvasu : 16-55-33

    Varjyam : 01-03 to 02-41

    Sasti : 09-44-48Pushya : 17-27-35

    No Varjyam

    Saptami : 09-13-57Aslesha : 17-21-40

    Varjyam: 06-13 to 07-48 04-59 Since

    Trayodasi : 20-51-13Revathi : 01-12-25

    Varjyam : 11-42 to 13-31

    Chaturdasi : 23-03-09Aswini : 04-10-47

    Varjyam : 23-41 to 01-31

    Purnima : 01-48-51Bharni : FULL

    Varjyam : 14-55 to 16-44

    Pratima : 04-03-30Bharni : 07-02-18

    Varjyam : 20-23 to 22-12

    Dwadasi : 18-18-32Uttarabhadra : 22-12-25

    Varjyam : 07-51 end

    Ekadasi : 15-51-45Purvabhadra : 19-16-49Varjyam : 06-02 Since

    Ashtami : 10-31-40Sravana : 12-18-14

    Varjyam : 16-41 to 18-24

    Sasti : 10-05-41 Purvasadha : 10-35-59

    Varjyam : 18-51 to 20-28

    6 - Bakr-id10 - Guru Nanak Jayanti

    Krishna plants the Paarijat tree so that the flowers fall in Rukminis garden while the tree remained in Satyabhamas garden

    November 2011Paarijat

  • SunRaahukaalam

    4.30 pm to 6.00 pm

    Gulikakaalam 3.00 pm to 4.30 pm

    Yamaganda Kaalam 12.00 noon to 1.30 pm


    7.30 am to 9.00 am

    Gulikakaalam 1.30 pm to 3.00 pm

    Yamaganda Kaalam 10.30 am to 12.00 noon


    3.00 pm to 4.30 pm

    Gulikakaalam 12.00 noon to 1.30 pm

    Yamaganda Kaalam 9.00 am to 10.30 am


    12.00 noon to 1.30 pm

    Gulikakaalam 10.30 am to 12.00 noon

    Yamaganda Kaalam 7.30 am to 9.00 am


    1.30 pm to 3.00 pm

    Gulikakaalam 9.00 am to 10.30 am

    Yamaganda Kaalam 6.00 am to 7.30 am


    10.30 am to 12.00 noon

    Gulikakaalam 7.30 am to 9.00 am

    Yamaganda Kaalam 3.00 pm to 4.30 pm


    9.00 am to 10.30 am

    Gulikakaalam 6.00 am to 7.30 am

    Yamaganda Kaalam 1.30 pm to 3.00 pm

    1 2 3

    4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    11 12 13 14 15 16 17

    18 19 20 21 22 23 24

    25 26 27 28 29 30 31

    Navami : FULLPurvabhadra : 02-07-31Varjyam : 06-41 to 07-50

    Purnima : 20-08-39Rohini : 18-31-58

    Varjyam : 09-51 to 11-35 00-36 to 02-16

    Saptami : 19-12-04Pupha : 21-39-59

    Varjyam : 07-45 end

    Amavasya : 23-39-16Jyestha : 09-19-47

    Varjyam : 07-45 end 16-52 to 18-22

    Pratima : 21-36-14Mula : 07-42-58

    Purvasadha : 06-31-10Varjyam : 14-21 to 15-55

    Dvitiya : 20-03-35Uttrasadha : 05-52-08

    No Varjyam

    Tritiya : 19-08-30Sravana : 05-52-17

    Varjyam : 10-02 to 11-41

    Panchami : 19-29-45Dhanista : 06-35-33

    Varjyam: 15-02 to 16-45

    Sasti : 20-46-57 : Satabhisha : 08-02-20

    Varjyam : 08-46 to 10-35

    Saptami : 22-41-51Purvabhadra : 10-08-34Varjyam : 02-14 to 04-03

    Chaturthi : 18-56-24Dhanista : FULL

    Varjyam : 14-16 to 15-57

    Ashtami : 04-19-00Satabhisha : 23-36-13Varjyam : 07-10 end

    Saptami : 02-42-39Dhanista : 21-37-10

    Varjyam : 05-26 Since

    Ashtami : 17-24-40Uttara : 20-30-21

    Varjyam : 04-24 to 05-54

    Dasami : 12-52-16Chitra : 17-15-35

    Varjyam : 22-23 to 23-52

    Ekadasi : 10-14-46Swati : 15-18-27

    Varjyam : 20-26 to 21-53

    Chaturdasi : 02-04-37Anuradha : 11-13-19

    Varjyam : 16-24 to 17-51 06-12 Since

    Dwadasi : 07-29-56Trayodasi : 04-44-08Visakha : 13-15-25

    Varjyam : 16-55 to 18-25

    Navami : 15-17-00Hasta : 19-01-05

    Varjyam : 02-25 to 03-54

    Pratima : 21-20-53Mrigasira : 20-16-22

    Varjyam : 05-10 since

    Dvitiya : 22-05-39Arudra : 21-34-25

    Varjyam : 06-53 end

    Tritiya : 22-22-56Punarvasu : 22-26-00

    Varjyam : 10-04 to 11-41

    Chaturthi : 22-13-21Pushya : 22-51-35

    Varjyam : 06-36 to 08-15

    Panchami : 21-37-43Aslesha : 22-51-52

    Varjyam : 11-35 to 12-17

    Sasti : 20-36-55Magha : 22-27-39

    Varjyam : 10-42 to 12-15 06-15 Since

    Ekadasi : 11-32-30Revathi : 08-01-21

    No Varjyam

    Dwadasi : 14-06-07Aswini : 11-01-19

    Varjyam : 06-32 to 08-20

    Trayodasi : 16-27-36Bharni : 13-50-40

    Varjyam : 03-07 to 04-53

    Chaturdasi : 18-30-00Krittika : 14-22-28

    No Varjyam

    Dasami : 08-55-52Revathi : FULL

    Varjyam : 18-30 to 20-18

    Navami : 06-27-20Uttarabhadra : 04-59-48Varjyam : 12-52 to 14-40

    25- Christmas12 -Thiruvathira

    December 2011Punnag

    Goddess Parvathi worshiping the linga with the Punnag flowers in the form of a peacock

  • SunRaahukaalam

    4.30 pm to 6.00 pm

    Gulikakaalam 3.00 pm to 4.30 pm

    Yamaganda Kaalam 12.00 noon to 1.30 pm


    7.30 am to 9.00 am

    Gulikakaalam 1.30 pm to 3.00 pm

    Yamaganda Kaalam 10.30 am to 12.00 noon


    3.00 pm to 4.30 pm

    Gulikakaalam 12.00 noon to 1.30 pm

    Yamaganda Kaalam 9.00 am to 10.30 am


    12.00 noon to 1.30 pm

    Gulikakaalam 10.30 am to 12.00 noon

    Yamaganda Kaalam 7.30 am to 9.00 am


    1.30 pm to 3.00 pm

    Gulikakaalam 9.00 am to 10.30 am

    Yamaganda Kaalam 6.00 am to 7.30 am


    10.30 am to 12.00 noon

    Gulikakaalam 7.30 am to 9.00 am

    Yamaganda Kaalam 3.00 pm to 4.30 pm


    9.00 am to 10.30 am

    Gulikakaalam 6.00 am to 7.30 am

    Yamaganda Kaalam 1.30 pm to 3.00 pm

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    8 9 10 11 12 13 14

    15 16 17 18 19 20 21

    22 23 24 25 26 27 28

    29 30 31

    Dwadasi : 10-36-03Rohini : 02-22-33

    Varjyam : 17-40 to 19-26

    Ekadasi : FULLBharni : 21-39-42

    Varjyam : 07-19 end

    Navami : 03-40-12Revathi : 15-42-29

    No Varjyam

    Trayodasi : 12-01-21Mrigasira : 03-56-21

    Varjyam : 08-23 to 10-05

    Panchami : 07-28-02Sasti : 05-37-15Uttara : 01-50-45

    Varjyam: 09-57 to 11-27

    Trayodasi : 15-55-38Mula : 16-55-27

    Varjyam : 15-22 to 16-54 02-09 to 03-43

    Mrigasira : 15-35-51Uttarabhadra : 21-10-48

    Varjyam : 07-10 end 22-33 to 00-21

    Arudra : 17-49-59 Revathi : 23-56-38

    Varjyam : 22-27 to 00-16

    Punarvasu : 20-23-20Aswini : 02-57-48

    Varjyam : 13-49 to15-36

    Pushya : 23-01-48Bharni : 06-00-17

    Varjyam : 19-27 to 20-21

    Chaturdasi : 14-23-24Purvasadha : 16-03-53

    Varjyam : 23-54 to 01-28

    Aswini : 12-28-03Sravana : 15-30-00

    Varjyam : 19-36 to 21-15

    Bharni : 12-17-36Dhanista : 15-59-58

    Varjyam : 23-34 to 01-15

    Rohini : 13-51-56Purvabhadra : 18-51-42Varjyam : 05-24 Since

    Krittika : 12-45-03Satabhisha : 17-06-59

    Varjyam : 23-59 to 01-42

    Amavasya : 13-12-00Uttrasadha : 15-33-13

    Varjyam : 19-34 to 21-10

    Saptami : 03-41-07Hasta : 00-35-54

    Varjyam : 09-51 to 23-23

    Ashtami : 01-41-38Chitra : 23-17-31

    Varjyam : 08-12 to 09-43

    Navami : 23-40-14Swati : 21-57-06

    Varjyam : 03-12 to 04-43

    Dasami : 21-38-21Visakha : 20-36-06

    Varjyam : 00-21 to 01-49

    Ekadasi : 19-38-01Anuradha : 19-16-33

    Varjyam : 00-33 to 02-04

    Dwadasi : 17-42-21Jyestha : 18-01-33

    No Varjyam

    Pratima : 12-42-41Pushya : 05-15-51

    Varjyam : 13-21 to 14-56

    Dvitiya : 11-53-13Aslesha : 04-47-17

    Varjyam : 17-52 to 19-26

    Tritiya : 10-40-36 Magha : 04-00-13

    Varjyam : 16-29 to 18-03

    Chaturthi : 09-10-31Pupha : 02-59-56

    Varjyam : 11-44 to 13-16

    Purnima : 13-03-21Punarvasu : 05-20-12

    Varjyam : 17-10 to 16-47

    Chaturdasi : 12-50-29Arudra : 04-55-02

    Varjyam : 13-44 to 14-23

    Ekadasi : 08-38-27Krittika : 00-15-13

    Varjyam : 10-59 to 12-46

    Dasami : 06-16-09 Aswini : 18-44-53

    Varjyam : 14-15 to16-02 05-32 Since

    Ashtami : 01-04-01Uttarabhadra : 12-45-52Varjyam : 02-14 to 16-02

    15 - Pongal28 -Vasant Panchami

    Goddess Lakshmi rises from the Yuthika flower and gives darashan to Thirukatchi Nambi Alwar

    January 2012Yuthika

  • SunRaahukaalam

    4.30 pm to 6.00 pm

    Gulikakaalam 3.00 pm to 4.30 pm

    Yamaganda Kaalam 12.00 noon to 1.30 pm


    7.30 am to 9.00 am

    Gulikakaalam 1.30 pm to 3.00 pm

    Yamaganda Kaalam 10.30 am to 12.00 noon


    3.00 pm to 4.30 pm

    Gulikakaalam 12.00 noon to 1.30 pm

    Yamaganda Kaalam 9.00 am to 10.30 am


    12.00 noon to 1.30 pm

    Gulikakaalam 10.30 am to 12.00 noon

    Yamaganda Kaalam 7.30 am to 9.00 am


    1.30 pm to 3.00 pm

    Gulikakaalam 9.00 am to 10.30 am

    Yamaganda Kaalam 6.00 am to 7.30 am


    10.30 am to 12.00 noon

    Gulikakaalam 7.30 am to 9.00 am

    Yamaganda Kaalam 3.00 pm to 4.30 pm


    9.00 am to 10.30 am

    Gulikakaalam 6.00 am to 7.30 am

    Yamaganda Kaalam 1.30 pm to 3.00 pm

    1 2 3 4

    5 6 7 8 9 10 11

    12 13 14 15 16 17 18

    19 20 21 22 23 24 25

    26 27 28 29

    Dwadasi : 05-41-43Mrigasira : 12-55-21

    Varjyam : 21-42 to23-21

    Chaturthi : 18-23-56Uttara : 08-06-21Hasta : 06-20-38

    Varjyam : 15-57 to 17-26

    Dwadasi : 04-45-39Purvasadha : 23-21-30

    Varjyam : 09-04 to 10-39

    Tritiya : 07-44-31Revathi : FULL

    Varjyam : 18-41 to 20-27

    Chaturthi : 09-55-23Revathi : 08-00-31

    No Varjyam

    Panchami : 12-26-30Aswini : 10-57-41

    Varjyam : 06-27 to 08-16 21-50 to 23-37

    Sasti : 15-06-47Bharni : 14-04-16

    Varjyam : 03-37 to 05-26

    Saptami : 17-42-12Krittika : 17-06-52


    Ekadasi : 04-59-21Rohini : 11-11-05

    Varjyam : 17-15 to18-57

    Dasami : 03-33-02Krittika : 08-49-16

    Varjyam : 02-27 to 04-12

    Navami : 01-29-56Krittika : Full

    Varjyam : 19-27 to 20-12

    Trayodasi : 04-10-47Uttrasadha : 23-20-31

    Varjyam : 07-19 to 08-54 03-22 to 04-59

    Amavasya : 04-08-57Dhanista : 00-22-05

    No Varjyam

    Pratima : 04-49-14Satabhisha : 01-32-24

    Varjyam : 07-55 to 09-36

    Tritiya : FULLUttarabhadra : 05-23-15Varjyam : 13-41 to 15-27

    Dvitiya : 06-01-16Purvabhadra : 03-12-47Varjyam : 08-25 to 10-07

    Chaturdasi : 03-57-04Sravana : 23-39-33

    Varjyam : 03-46 to 05-25

    Panchami : 15-57-55Chitra : 04-41-25


    Sasti : 13-40-36Swati : 03-13-08

    Varjyam : 10-00 to 11-30

    Saptami : 11-35-32Visakha : 01-58-18

    Varjyam : 08-33 to 09-37 05-47 since

    Ashtami : 09-44-34Anuradha : 00-57-46

    Varjyam : 07-21 end 06-21 since

    Navami : 08-08-06Jyestha : 00-11-25

    Varjyam : 07-53 end

    Dasami : 06-45-57Ekadasi : 05-38-08

    Mula : 23-39-07Varjyam : 22-02 to 23-35

    Purnima : 03-26-52Pushya : 13-49-58

    Varjyam : 02-10 to 03-41

    Pratima : 01-33-14Aslesha : 12-52-58

    Varjyam : 00-15 to 01-44

    Dvitiya : 23-19-07Magha : 11-30-45

    Varjyam : 17-02 to 20-30

    Tritiya : 20-53-19Pupha : 09-52-18

    Varjyam : 16-36 to 18-03

    Chaturdasi : 04-51-10Punarvasu : 14-13-20

    Varjyam : 22-07 to 23-42

    Trayodasi : 05-38-07Arudra : 13-56-20

    Varjyam : 02-07 to03-42

    20 - Maha Shivaratri

    Brahma in the form of a swan meeting the Ketaki flower during his ascent to measure the linga

    February 2012Ketaki

  • SunRaahukaalam

    4.30 pm to 6.00 pm

    Gulikakaalam 3.00 pm to 4.30 pm

    Yamaganda Kaalam 12.00 noon to 1.30 pm


    7.30 am to 9.00 am

    Gulikakaalam 1.30 pm to 3.00 pm

    Yamaganda Kaalam 10.30 am to 12.00 noon


    3.00 pm to 4.30 pm

    Gulikakaalam 12.00 noon to 1.30 pm

    Yamaganda Kaalam 9.00 am to 10.30 am


    12.00 noon to 1.30 pm

    Gulikakaalam 10.30 am to 12.00 noon

    Yamaganda Kaalam 7.30 am to 9.00 am


    1.30 pm to 3.00 pm

    Gulikakaalam 9.00 am to 10.30 am

    Yamaganda Kaalam 6.00 am to 7.30 am


    10.30 am to 12.00 noon

    Gulikakaalam 7.30 am to 9.00 am

    Yamaganda Kaalam 3.00 pm to 4.30 pm


    9.00 am to 10.30 am

    Gulikakaalam 6.00 am to 7.30 am

    Yamaganda Kaalam 1.30 pm to 3.00 pm

    1 2 3

    4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    11 12 13 14 15 16 17

    18 19 20 21 22 23 24

    25 26 27 28 29 30 31

    Navami : 21-37-22Mrigasira : 22-01-07

    No Varjyam

    Dasami : 22-31-29Arudra : 23-27-32

    Varjyam : 06-57 to 08-37

    Dvitiya : 08-57-44Tritiya : 05-47-18Hasta : 14-26-38

    Varjyam : 21-42 to 23-07

    Dasami : 16-47-27Uttrasadha : 05-09-26

    Varjyam : 12-57 to 14-34

    Dvitiya : 00-20-15Revathi : 15-15-24

    No Varjyam

    Tritiya : 02-51-26Aswini : 18-11-03

    Varjyam : 13-42 to 15-28 05-03 since

    Chaturthi : 05-31-34Bharni : 21-17-54

    Varjyam : 06-52 end

    Panchami : FULLKrittika : 00-26-47

    Varjyam : 10-56 to 13-42

    Panchami : 08-10-16Rohini : 03-26-00

    Varjyam : 18-30 to 20-15

    Sasti : 10-34-48Mrigasira : 06-02-08

    Varjyam : 13-54 to 15-25

    Saptami : 12-31-15Arudra : FULL

    Varjyam : 17-32 to 19-33

    Ashtami : 13-46-56Arudra : 08-02-08

    Varjyam : 20-52 to 21-47

    Ekadasi : 16-40-09Sravana : 05-52-18

    Varjyam : 09-15 to 10-54

    Trayodasi : 17-37-38Dhanista : 06-58-24

    Varjyam : 14-36 to 16-17

    Chaturdasi : 18-42-37Satabhisha : 08-27-50

    Varjyam : 15-22 to 17-04

    Pratima : 22-05-32Uttarabhadra : 12-37-23Varjyam : 01-57 to 03-42

    Amavasya : 20-12-09Purvabhadra : 10-20-56Varjyam : 20-51 to 22-36

    Dwadasi : 16-56-56Dhanista : FULL

    Varjyam : 10-03 to 11-42

    Chaturthi : 02-46-22Chitra : 12-03-20

    Varjyam : 17-09 to 18-37

    Panchami : 00-02-18Swati : 09-51-56

    Varjyam : 15-03 to 16-32

    Sasti : 21-40-53Visakha : 07-59-32

    Varjyam : 11-45 to 13-12

    Saptami : 19-45-51Jyestha : 05-30-08

    Anuradha : 06-31-18Varjyam: 11-53 to 13-25

    Ashtami : 18-18-53Mula : 04-56-49

    No Varjyam

    Navami : 17-19-51Purvasadha : 04-50-28

    Varjyam : 02-30 to 04-04

    Trayodasi : 20-09-23Aslesha :22-52-07

    Varjyam : 12-10 to 13-41

    Chaturdasi : 17-54-59Magha :21-16-21

    Varjyam : 10-05 to 11-35 04-37 to 06-05

    Purnima : 15-11-26Pupha : 19-13-12

    Varjyam : 01-45 to 03-12

    Pratima : 2-08-58Uttara : 16-53-10

    Varjyam : 00-27 to 01-53

    Dwadasi : 21-45-03Pushya : 23-50-42

    Varjyam : 07-59 to 09-35

    Ekadasi :22-34-01Punarvasu : 00-04-05

    Varjyam : 11-47 to 13-25

    Ashtami : 19-57-16Rohini :19-50-34

    Varjyam : 10-57 to 12-45 01-59 to 13-46

    7 - Holi31 - Sri Rama Navami

    The exotic dance of Krishna with his soul-mate Radha and Gopikas under the Kadamb tree

    March 2012Kadamb