Pamulaparti Venkata Narasimha Rao

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Transcript of Pamulaparti Venkata Narasimha Rao

  • 7/24/2019 Pamulaparti Venkata Narasimha Rao



    P. V. Narasimha Rao

    10thPrime Minister of India

    In offie

    21 June 1991 16 May 1996

    President R. Venkataraman

    Shankar Dayal Sharma

    Preeded !" Chandra Shekhar

    S#eeded !" Atal Bihari Vajpayee

    Minister of $efene

    In offie

    6 Marh 199! 16 May 1996

    Preeded !" Sharad "a#ar

    S#eeded !" "ram$d Mahajan
  • 7/24/2019 Pamulaparti Venkata Narasimha Rao


    In offie

    !1 Deem%er 19&' 2( Septem%er 19&(



    Raji) *andhi

    Preeded !" Raji) *andhi

    S#eeded !" Shankarra$ Cha)an

    Minister of E%terna& Affairs

    In offie

    !1 Marh 1992 1& January 199!

    Preeded !" Madha)+inh S$lanki

    S#eeded !" Dine+h Sin,h

    In offie

    2( June 19&& 2 Deem%er 19&9



    Raji) *andhi

    Preeded !" Raji) *andhi

    S#eeded !" V. ". Sin,h

    In offie

    1' January 19&- 19 July 19&'



    ndira *andhi

    Preeded !" Shyam /andan "ra+ad Mi+hra
  • 7/24/2019 Pamulaparti Venkata Narasimha Rao


    S#eeded !" ndira *andhi

    Minister of Home Affairs

    In offie

    12 Marh 19&6 12 May 19&6



    Raji) *andhi

    Preeded !" Shankarra$ Cha)an

    S#eeded !" Sardar Buta Sin,h

    In offie

    19 July 19&' !1 Deem%er 19&'



    ndira *andhi

    Raji) *andhi

    Preeded !" "raka+h Chandra Sethi

    S#eeded !" Shankarra$ Cha)an

    'hief Minister of Andhra Pradesh

    In offie

    !- Septem%er 1901 1- January 190!

    (o)ernor handu%hai a+anji De+ai

    Preeded !" a+u Brahmananda Reddy

    S#eeded !" Jala,am Ven,ala Ra$a3ter"re+ident4+ Rule5

    Persona& detai&s's_Rule's_Rule
  • 7/24/2019 Pamulaparti Venkata Narasimha Rao


    *orn 2& June 1921

    Van,ara78arimna,ar di+trit8ydera%ad


    n$# in :elan,ana8ndia5

    $ied 2! Deem%er 2--' a,ed &!5

    /e# Delhi8Delhi8 ndia

    Nationa&it" ndian

    Po&itia& +art" ndian /ati$nal C$n,re++

    S+o#se,s- Satyamma Ra$ d. 190-517

    A&ma mater ;+mania a#yer



    Re&iion indui+


    "amulaparti Venkata /ara+imha Ra$ 2& June 1921 2! Deem%er 2--'5 #a+

    an ndian la#yerandp$litiian#h$ +er)ed a+ the tenth "rime Mini+ter $3

    ndia199119965. i+ a+endany t$ the prime mini+ter+hip #a+ p$litially

    +i,ni3iant in that he #a+ the 3ir+t h$lder $3 thi+ $33ie 3r$m n$n?indi?+peakin, +$uthndia. e led an imp$rtant admini+trati$n8 $)er+eein, a maj$r e$n$mi
  • 7/24/2019 Pamulaparti Venkata Narasimha Rao


    tran+3$rmati$nand +e)eral h$me inident+ a33etin, nati$nal +eurity $3 ndia Ra$

    #h$ held the ndu+trie+ p$rt3$li$#a+ per+$nally re+p$n+i%le 3$r the di+mantlin, $3

    the >iene Raja+ thi+ ame under the pur)ie# $3 the Mini+try $3 C$mmere and

    ndu+try. e i+ $3ten re3erred t$ a+ the "Father of Indian Economic Reforms".

    =uture prime mini+ter+ Atal Bihari VajpayeeandManm$han Sin,h$ntinued

    the e$n$mi re3$rm p$liie+ pi$neered %y Ra$4+ ,$)ernment. Ra$ aelerated the

    di+mantlin, $3 the >ien+e Raj8 re)er+in, the+$iali+tp$liie+ $3Raji) *andhi4+

    ,$)ernment. e empl$yed Dr. Manm$han Sin,h a+ hi+=inane Mini+tert$ em%ark $n

    hi+t$ri e$n$mi tran+iti$n. @ith Ra$4+ mandate8 Dr. Manm$han Sin,h launhed

    ndia4+,l$%ali+ati$nan,le $3 the re3$rm+ that implemented the nternati$nal M$netary

    =undM=5 p$liie+ t$ re+ue thealm$+t %ankrupt nati$n 3r$m e$n$mi$llap+e.Ra$ #a+ al+$ re3erred t$ a+Chanakya3$r hi+ a%ility t$ +teer t$u,h e$n$mi

    and p$litial le,i+lati$n thr$u,h the parliament at a time #hen he headed a min$rity


    A$rdin, t$/at#ar Sin,h8

  • 7/24/2019 Pamulaparti Venkata Narasimha Rao


    Ra$ died in 2--' $3 a heart attakin /e# Delhi. e #a+ remated

    inydera%ade #a+ a )er+atile per+$nality #ith intere+t+ in a )ariety $3 +u%jet+

    $ther than p$liti+5 +uh a+ literatureand$mputer +$3t#areinludin, $mputer

    pr$,rammin,5 e +p$ke 10 lan,ua,e+.

    AMIL/ *A'K(ROUN$

    i+ 3ather ". Ran,a Ra$ and m$ther Rukminiamma hailed 3r$m a,rarian


    e #a+ married t$ Satyamma and had ei,ht hildren #ith herthree +$n+ and

    3i)e dau,hter+. i+ #i3e died in 190-8 lea)in, him a di+trau,ht #id$#er 3$r the re+t $3

    hi+ li3e.,_Andhra_Pradesh,_Andhra_Pradesh
  • 7/24/2019 Pamulaparti Venkata Narasimha Rao


    /ara+imha Ra$ had three +$n+ and 3i)e dau,hter+. i+ elde+t +$n ".V.

    Ran,ara$#a+ an eduati$n mini+ter in$tla Vijaya Bha+kara Reddya%inet

    andM>A3r$manamak$ndaA++em%ly C$n+titueny8 in @aran,al Di+trit 3$r t#$

    term+. i+ +e$nd +$n ".V. Raje+#ara Ra$ #a+ aMem%er $3 "arliament $3 the11th

    >$k Sa%ha1( May 1996 ' Deem%er 19905 3r$mSeundera%ad >$k Sa%ha



    Ra$ had hum%le +$ial $ri,in+. he #a+ %$rn in Van,ara$3 :elan,ana8then

    part $3 ydera%ad State.

    "$pularly kn$#n a+ "V8 he +tudied part $3 hi+ primary eduati$n in atkuru

    )illa,e $3 Bheemde)arapalli mandal in arimna,ar di+trit %y +tayin, in hi+ relati)e,_Karimnagar,_Karimnagar
  • 7/24/2019 Pamulaparti Venkata Narasimha Rao


    *a%%eta Radhaki+han Ra$4+ h$u+e and +tudiedBahel$r4+in the Art+ $lle,e at

    the ;+mania

  • 7/24/2019 Pamulaparti Venkata Narasimha Rao


    eleti$n+8 he then partiipated in a%y?eleti$nin/andyalt$ j$in the parliament. Ra$

    #$n 3r$m /andyal #ith a )it$ry mar,in $3 a re$rd ( lakh (--8---5 )$te+ and hi+

    #in #a+ re$rded in the *uinne++ B$$k ;3 @$rld Re$rd+. i+ a%inet

    inluded Sharad "a#ar8 him+el3 a +tr$n, $ntender 3$r the "rime Mini+ter4+ p$+t8

    a+ De3ene Mini+ter. e al+$ %r$ke a $n)enti$n %y app$intin, a n$n?p$litial

    e$n$mi+t and 3uture prime mini+ter8 Manm$han Sin,ha+ hi+=inane Mini+ter.e

    al+$ app$inted Su%ramanian +#amy8 an ;pp$+iti$n party mem%er a+ the Chairman $3

    the C$mmi++i$n $n >a%$ur Standard+ and nternati$nal :rade. :hi+ ha+ %een the $nly

    in+tane that an ;pp$+iti$n "arty mem%er #a+ ,i)en a Ca%inet rank p$+t %y the rulin,

    party. e al+$ +ent ;pp$+iti$n leader Atal Bihari Vajpayee8 t$ repre+ent ndia in a

  • 7/24/2019 Pamulaparti Venkata Narasimha Rao



    Ad$pted t$ a)ert impendin, 1991 e$n$mi ri+i+8 the re3$rm+ pr$,re++ed

    3urthe+t in the area+ $3 $penin, up t$3$rei,n in)e+tment8 re3$rmin, apital

    market+8 dere,ulatin,d$me+ti %u+ine++8 and re3$rmin, the trade re,ime. Ra$4+

    ,$)ernment4+ ,$al+ #ere reduin, the 3i+al de3iit8"ri)atiFati$n$3 the pu%li +et$r

    and inrea+in, in)e+tment in in3ra+truture. :rade re3$rm+ and han,e+ in the

    re,ulati$n $3 3$rei,n diret in)e+tment#ere intr$dued t$ $pen ndia t$ 3$rei,n trade

    #hile +ta%ili+in, eternal l$an+. Ra$ #anted .*. "atela+ hi+ =inane Mini+ter.

    !27"atel #a+ an $33iial #h$ helped prepare 1' %ud,et+8 an e?,$)ern$r $3 Re+er)e

    Bank $3 ndiaand had headed :he >$nd$n Sh$$l $3 E$n$mi+ and "$litial

    Siene.!27But "atel delined. Ra$ then h$+eManm$han Sin,h 3$r the j$%.

    Manm$han Sin,h8 an alaimed e$n$mi+t8 played a entral r$le in implementin,

    the+e re3$rm+.

    Maj$r re3$rm+ in ndia4+ apital market+ led t$ an in3lu $3 3$rei,n p$rt3$li$

    in)e+tment. :he maj$r e$n$mi p$liie+ ad$pted %y Ra$ inludeH

    A%$li+hin, in 1992 the C$ntr$ller $3 Capital ++ue+ #hih deided the prie+

    and num%er $3 +hare+ that 3irm+ $uld i++ue.

    ntr$duin, the SEB At $3 1992 and the Seurity >a#+ Amendment5 #hih

    ,a)e SEBthe le,al auth$rity t$ re,i+ter and re,ulate all +eurity market


    ;penin, up in 1992 $3 ndia4+ euity market+t$ in)e+tment %y 3$rei,n

    in+tituti$nal in)e+t$r+ and permittin, ndian 3irm+ t$ rai+e apital $n internati$nal

    market+ %y i++uin, *l$%al Dep$+it$ry Reeipt+*DR+5.

    Startin, in 199' $3 the/ati$nal St$k Ehan,ea+ a $mputer?%a+ed tradin,

    +y+tem #hih +er)ed a+ an in+trument t$ le)era,e re3$rm+ $3 ndia4+ $ther +t$k

    ehan,e+. :he /SE emer,ed a+ ndia4+ lar,e+t ehan,e %y 1996.

    Reduin, tari33+ 3r$m an a)era,e $3 &( perent t$ 2( perent8 and r$llin, %ak

    uantitati)e $ntr$l+. :he rupee #a+ made $n)erti%le $n trade a$unt.5
  • 7/24/2019 Pamulaparti Venkata Narasimha Rao


    En$ura,in, 3$rei,n diret in)e+tment %y inrea+in, the maimum limit $n

    +hare $3 3$rei,n apital in j$int )enture+ 3r$m '- t$ (1I #ith 1--I 3$rei,n

    euity permitted in pri$rity +et$r+.

    Streamlinin, pr$edure+ 3$r =D appr$)al+8 and in at lea+t !( indu+trie+8

    aut$matially appr$)in, pr$jet+ #ithin the limit+ 3$r 3$rei,n partiipati$n.

    :he impat $3 the+e re3$rm+ may %e ,au,ed 3r$m the 3at that t$tal 3$rei,n

    in)e+tment inludin, 3$rei,n diret in)e+tment8 p$rt3$li$ in)e+tment8 and in)e+tment

    rai+ed $n internati$nal apital market+5 in ndia ,re# 3r$m a minu+ule

  • 7/24/2019 Pamulaparti Venkata Narasimha Rao



    Similarly8 #e h$ld "V in hi,h re,ard 3$r hi+ ri,ht?#in,8 pr$?apital re3$rm

    mea+ure+ 3$r $penin, up the e$n$my t$ li%eraliFati$n8 pri)atiFati$n and

    ,l$%aliFati$n. But ".V #a+ a 3iere ad)$ate and pratiti$ner $3 S$iali+m #hen he

    #a+ the Chie3 Mini+ter $3 Andhra "rade+h.

    i+ land re3$rm+ 3$r redi+tri%uti$n $3 land t$ the p$$r and d$#ntr$dden8 and

    hi+ +trit en3$rement $3 land eilin, at8 reated +uh a +tr$n, %akla+h 3r$m the

    e+ta%li+hed %i, land l$rd+8 that the then "rime Mini+ter ndira *andhi had t$ take %ak

    ".V 3r$m the +tate p$liti+ a+ a Mini+ter in the

  • 7/24/2019 Pamulaparti Venkata Narasimha Rao



    Ra$ +u33ered a heart attak $n 9 Deem%er 2--'8 and #a+ taken t$ the All

    ndia n+titute $3 Medial Siene+#here he died 1' day+ later at the a,e $3 &!. 0(7n

    Delhi8 hi+ %$dy #a+ n$t all$#ed in+ide ACC%uildin,.067i+ %$dy #a+ kept in +tate

    at the Ju%ilee all in ydera%ad. i+ 3uneral #a+ attended %y the then "rime

    Mini+ter Manm$han Sin,h8 the then $me A33air+ Mini+terShi)raj "atil8 the

    then Bharatiya Janata "artyBJ"5 pre+ident >.. Ad)ani8 the then De3ene

    Mini+ter "rana% Mukherjee8 the then =inane Mini+ter ". Chidam%aramand many

    $ther di,nitarie+. Ra$ #a+ a l$n,?time #id$#er and he #a+ +ur)i)ed %y hi+ ei,ht

    hildren. :he *$)ernment $3 :elan,ana delared %irth anni)er+ary ele%rati$n+ $3 late

    ".V. /ara+imha Ra$8 a+ State 3unti$n in 2-1'.,_Andhra_Pradesh,_Andhra_Pradesh
  • 7/24/2019 Pamulaparti Venkata Narasimha Rao



    >a# and $rder entirely %ein, a +tate +u%jet8 Ra$ #a+ helple++ t$ d$ anythin, $ther

    than #arn the

  • 7/24/2019 Pamulaparti Venkata Narasimha Rao



    @hen d$n4t make a dei+i$n8 it4+ n$t that d$n4t think a%$ut it. think a%$ut it and

    make a dei+i$n n$t t$ make a dei+i$n.

    P. V. Narasimha Rao