©Palmirani Norma-Editor: XML Editor for Managing Law in Force Workshop on “Legal XML” Macolin...

©Palmirani Norma-Editor: XML Editor for Managing Law in Force Workshop on “Legal XML” Macolin 19 March 2004 University of Bologna Monica Palmirani and Raffaella Brighi C.I.R.S.F.I.D University of Bologna Research Centre of History of Law, Philosophy and Sociology of Law, Computer Science and Law

Transcript of ©Palmirani Norma-Editor: XML Editor for Managing Law in Force Workshop on “Legal XML” Macolin...


Norma-Editor: XML Editor for Managing Law in Force

Workshop on “Legal XML”Macolin 19 March 2004

 University of Bologna

Monica Palmirani and Raffaella Brighi

C.I.R.S.F.I.DUniversity of BolognaResearch Centre of History of Law, Philosophy and Sociology of Law, Computer Science and Law



Norma-Editor functions

Norma-Editor architecture

Norma-Editor principles


Future perspectives


Norma-Editor: a part of Norma-System

Norma-System is a platform for building legal database: Mark-up normative text in XML Consolidate the acts Build a legal database Publish the documents on the Web


Norma-Editor: a part of Norma-System

Norma-System is a platform for building legal database: Mark-up normative text in XML Consolidate the acts Build a legal database Publish the documents on the Web

Started in 1993 in the School of prof. Pattaro and prof. Sartor Several projects were done before “XML era” with a proprietary

mark-up language based on HTML: Municipality of Bologna University of Bologna Council Ministry of Economy Regional/National collections

Several application projects in XML after the NIR: CIRSFID finished in July03 a prototype Editor for the EDP of the Court of

Cassation able to mark-up in XML the normative text addressing the NIR standards and to build in automatic way the consolidation text

Authority of Privacy Data - 2004


Norma-System Modules Editor

mark-up acts consolidate act

Database module on the server side Control the chronological coherence Maintain of the versioning chain Support the editor during the consolidation operation

Publishing module navigation base structure and between the related acts version chain navigation

Search module Identification data of the act: number, date of publication, date of delivery, type

of act, name of authority, etc. Full text Keywords of a thesaurus Chronological parameters


Norma-System, Architecture







Client SideData level


Doc in the file System

Middle-tier level

Server Side



Library &template



Norma-Editor Principles usable and easy – Microsoft Word XP+VB.net produce XML in transparent way automatize as much as possible compatible with

correctness otherwise provide manual tools mark-up pre-existing text and new text - not legal

drafting maintain all the versions of the document in the

time in separate files – versioning consolidate automatically only explicit modifications for the implicit modifications permits annotation to

the text respect the basic rule of the theory of law server and database independent


Norma-Editor: Mark-up XML mark-up the structured parts of the text in XML in automatic and

manual mode use automatic tools for recognising

structured parts of the text use automatic technique for detecting the

normative references - regular expression+dictionary qualify the normative references manually correction of the automatisms errors manage attached, integrative, or informative acts and connect

them with the main document mark-up the METADATA such as:

dates keywords URN – we calculate automatically the URN

XML validation


Norma-Editor: Consolidation help to consolidate documents manually and in the

automatic way the explicit modifications

connection with the DB to maintain the coherence with the rest of the document collection

maintain updated the versioning chain

activate the temporal-check devices for the consolidation actions, disallowed operations are rejected

manage pathological cases (e.g., the modification of a modification)

manage the creation of consolidation notes creation of the XML output




Docs marked (XML)


DTD Well - formed




Docs marked (XML)




Docs marked (XML)


DTD Well formed





Starting Point:NIR DTD Elements

Three main categories of elements are defined in the NIR DTD for mark-up the document:

structural elements: heading, opening formula, body of the text, closing formula

special elements: e.g. normative references meta-information:

date of enter in force (validity) – on the enter document date of publication – on the enter document number of the official bulletin annotations URN

property metadata


Mark-up Document Structure in 6 StepsDecreto legislativo 30 luglio 1999, n. 282 (in Gazz. Uff., 16 agosto, n. 191). - Disposizioni per garantire la riservatezza dei dati personali in ambito sanitario. 1. Heading

Il Presidente della Repubblica:

Visti gli articoli 76 e 87 della Costituzione;

Vista la legge 31 dicembre 1996, n. 675 e successive modificazioni ed integrazioni;

Sulla proposta del Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri, di concerto con il Ministro di grazia e giustizia;

Emana il seguente decreto legislativo:

2. Opening Formula

Articolo 1. Ambito di applicazione e definizioni.

1. Dopo il comma 1 dell'art. 23 della legge sono inseriti i seguenti:

" 1-bis . Con decreto del Ministro della sanità adottato ai sensi dell'art. 17, comma 3, della legge 23 agosto 1988, n. 400, sentiti la Conferenza permanente per i rapporti tra lo Stato, le regioni e le province autonome di Trento e Bolzano e il Garante, sono individuate modalità semplificate per le informative di cui all'art. 10 e per la prestazione del consenso nei confronti di organismi sanitari pubblici, di organismi sanitari e di esercenti le professioni sanitarie convenzionati o accreditati dal Servizio sanitario nazionale, nonchè per il trattamento dei dati da parte dei medesimi soggetti, sulla base dei seguenti criteri”

3. Quoted Text

4. Division into Articles

Il presente decreto, munito del sigillo dello Stato, sarà inserito nella Raccolta ufficiale degli atti normativi della Repubblica italiana. E fatto obbligo a chiunque spetti di osservarlo e di farlo osservare.

5. Closing Formula

Dato a Roma, addi' 30 luglio 1999


Amato, Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri

Bianco, Ministro dell'Interno

Visto, il Guardasigilli: Fassino

6. References


Qualification of normative references



Modification of the textual part




Modification of the norm range

Modification of the time



Normative reference


Property Meta data of the link-modification

Active reference: the position where the link starts Passive reference: the position where the link arrives Link Type: (static | dynamic), (internal | external) Mod qualification: the type of action that link produces on the passive

norm (abrogation, substitution, integration, etc.) Time of application of the mod: time in which the link-modification should be

“activated” if it is different to the date of validity Start/End dates: these dates are attributes of the modification and represent

the period of application of the modification (the end date should be ) e.g. suspension: when was stopped and when will re-start the application of

the law, the validity is not modified e.g. retroactivation of the applicability

Status: active or frozen, this second case is used for the link included in quoted text. These link-modificator are activated only when the part of the text is positioned inside of the destination

Annotation: for some type of mod we add annotation for completing the consolidation process




Temporal Axis

t0 tnti ti+1 tn+1t1 t2

….V0 V1 V2 Vi Vi+1 Vn-1 Vn….

M0 M1 Mi Mn-1…. ….

Sequence of Modifications

Law in force


How many dates we are using

Delivery date – DD – on the document Publication date – PD – on the document Validity date – VD – on the version Efficacy date – ED – (start/end) on provision when it

is necessary Modification date – MD – on link-modification


MDUsually un month

Vacatio legis

Temporary period


Future perspectivesProduce law in force document of good quality

Include in the editor mechanisms for guarantee the theory of law in the basic principles

Automatic recognition of the modification qualifications Formalize an ontology of qualifications with the XML family (OWL, DAML+OIL) Define a vocabulary that includes all the most frequent linguistic expressions associate

with the ontology Extend the Norma-Editor with a linguistic text analysis able to detect the qualification of

the modification and the action to perform

Represent legal knowledge for improve searching and e-Gov applications interoperability Define an ontology for describe the eCitizen (digital citizen) Define a vocabulary and the legal concepts Detect in the norms the legal concepts and mark-up them Build web services for extract legal knowledge according with the practical case of the



thank you for your attention

Monica Palmirani - [email protected] Brighi - [email protected]