Palmetto leader (Columbia, S.C.). 1941-11-08 [p Page Two].

l'age IVo La . f THE OLD GRAY B> Rev. E. Philip Ellis i We nrmiitnt the Coh*mbtH t< ft- < ' nual -conference held in the capital city last week where </».r stay was ] most pleasant. In fact. Columbia i, our home city and his been for.__ many years. To my mind the conference meeting was a great sue. cess from every tmgle. -DFt-W. B. L. Clark is certainly the right man in the right place and his appoint- pg mistakey We were guests of Dr. O. C. Dunham, the popular presiding elder of the Newberry district who has broken all records according to the statement coming from his ministers, all of whom clammored for his return. My old classmate, Dr. W. J. Robinson, is the acknowledged evangelist end has always been. Rev. T. II. Addison. A. B.. is making a real fine presiding elder. Rev. I. W. Janerette, host ppstor^ is indeed one o*f our best preachers and pastors. Too much cannot be said of the fine set of ministers in this conference. Bishop TTTv-Flipper, Drt)., as-sisted bv Bishop A. J. Allen, ren- dered real service m uie inccuu^. While in the city, we spent sonic time with Dr. E. A. Adams, our general officer, and he is the same today. Promcrtion does not swell his head and that means support for hini in our great denomination. We also spent some pleasant hours with Dr. T, J. Miles, leader of our conference, and he is ringing no -..baokLr~g bells. The church univer sal has its eyes on him and mark .my -prediction. _JlC- is apt to be 1 ande<I. Enough said.. Rev. \V. k. I tow man While the above named will report the doings of -the conference proper, suffice us to say just here that the educational address by President S. R. Higgins was among iho h»gf pvtir tli'l ivprnd upon *nch an occasion. It was a wonder to see how he captured Columbia in his masterful speech. Many thot that he would not do quite as well in his home city as he has been doing at other places in the state. But he changed the tide. Say what you will but Allen University is forging ahead as with Leaps and hounds under ms aci m inistni nun. A Worthy Movement The Cosmopolitan Civic League of Charleston of which Mr, John H. Green isr president is doing a most excellent work in this sen-1 port city. Every Negro should be identified with it. As ministers we have pledged to stand by this organization and its great leader hundred per cent. The Union We had <\ great meeting last Monday; quite a large number o'f ministers were in attendance. The Christmas Seals and the Red Cross drive were the topics dis eussed and the Union went on rec . or<i of putting its full strength behind the heads of both of these programs. This we pledge make both go over the top. At the ck/se of the above meeting, the A. M. E. Alliance held a line session with Dr. R. 1 Lemon. Chr. It's a fine fellowship in both, of these meeting;; every week and the ministers of Charleston are being benefitted by them in no smell way. St. I.uke Last Sunday was a high day in our zion. We preached in the morning aivl Rev. -George W. Maybanks of Freeport. New York stiiTed the audience at nite. ThGreater St. Luke is. one ui the best congregations to bo found mvwhere. Our large new audi torium was crowded at both services and the gallery was in de. mand at evening.- We are expect .4ng great things done here for God and the church this confer ~~ence" ve«tr".We menu to do our share in making better our boasted city. The following appointments were announced by Bishop FlipCdlumbia district: Dr. W. B. L Clark, T^csTTttrrg.cider: Bethel Station, I. W. Jancrette. Bishop Memorial, H. B. Butler, Jr.; Emanuel, J. l Bftes; CTiappolle Station, E. R. Robiniion^St. James, M. W. McDaniCl; Double Branch. B. C. Cunningham; Lexington, I. O. Simmons; Irmo, J, M-. Williams; Broad River, W. G. Owens; Edgefield, A. A. Amaker; Little Mountain. W. R. Bau-'inan. id a C'.J A Dunlap; I.eesville, J. N. Caughman; Flipper Temple, \V. E. Lee; Pine drove, J. M. "Bunough; Johns ton, P. P. Burt; Stover, X. A Rice; Young f'happvlle, L. G. Lybrand; M'iilW-ll^. ,1. H. Hnwn; conference branch president, E. M. Durham; district missionary president, Lillie Washington. Newberry district, O. C. Dunham, presiding elder: Miller Chap, el, B. F. Sumter. Shiloh. Leroy Jackson; St. James, R. L. Mcrore; Providence, L. G. Bowman; Hannah, T. E. Robinson; Silverstreet, J. E. Dixon; Mt. Moriah; L. F. Vance; Mt. Hebron. S. J, Johnson: Newberry, J. W. Thomas, W. S. Young; Mt. Olivet, J. W. Thomas; Wateree, W. S. Treasvant. Nebo and Thomas Chappelle, G. A. Gamble; I-izey. Daniel Royd; Whitmire, J. D. Abney; Ziom, T. H. Ringer; Rock Hill, J. W. Davis; district p ' president of the missionary society, V. E. Reliford. Spartanburg district,'T. H. Addison, presiding elder: Greater Trinity. H. S. Smith; Trinity, A. D. Darkins; Rethel, V. A. Ganerettc; Wayman, D. R. Benbourgh; L_ Bethany, H. M. Garmony; Eastern. J. M Darkins; White Hall. W. M Brown: Mt. Zion, C. C. Mcawain; ^ New Hope, H, T. Summers; Shady Sl'MMERVILLE NEWS The Alston Tiger,, played their Tist game at home on Friday. it vas a very thrilliqg,. exciting, and hard fought game from the be- u ginning tu end. The score was l'J-7.m n favor of Burke from Charleston. Tor team is now warming »up fm. .7 the game which will take place Friday, and on next Friday, Nov , ember 14th, we shall celebrate illume Coming." The candidates '.] foj- "Miss Alston" and "Miss Home Coming" have been elected and each is working hard to be the lucky one crowned^. All the teachers, had a splendid week-end. Nearly all left the eitv. Prineis Pal and Mrs. Fields were The week-end guest,, of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Parler of Orangeburg; " Miss D. Cass was the week-end v~ guest of Miss R. Atnaker of Orangeburg; Mis* R. Kittrell was I' the week Cnd guest of her sister. ^ sophomore at S. P. State. Mis R. o Stokes and Mr. Humphries were i lso visitors in Orangeburg. All a _>f them witnessed the game be- tween S. C. State and Tuskegee It was very exciting indeed. The others either went home or staved > on in Summervillo. Miss M. Peiil went home to Walterboro. \ DOl Bill BRANCH M. K. CHURCH Ry;, 15. ^ . Cunningham, l'astor The Sunday SchuoT converi<5t! at 10:00 o'clock. The lesson v.'i\ beautifully discussed and reviewed. It is indeed a preat pleasure to note \ the interest beinp 'manifested by ' Uiv..yu'UttP-- people in timing to J Sunday School every Sunday. 8.oIcJ.Qek^... Rev, f unninpham de 1 livered a very warm and heart lelt sermon to an appreciative "audience ! x,f m.»mhoi-«r~n7id friends. A larpe *n'uniber of members from Double Branch nttended the I annual conference at Bethel. We : are very proud an() pleased-beyond I words to have our beloved pastor, Ret. Cunninpham. bueli with lis fm _i m-tber year of wonderful team work. Miss Scott and Rev. Hupe, students at Allen University, wen vi r to worship with us Sunday < nipht. We enjoyed the splendid remarks made by each. Visitors an are always welcomed. I Corn Coleman, reporter VKINMh MKTI!(»1)IST ( HURCI! Rev. T, II, Fisher, Jr., l'a8tor The fourth Sunday morniti"- _iu. O.tober, tie pastor preached at Martha's Chapel, McGormick: ,'l:d0 n. in.. Shiloh A . M. K. church. McCormirk: and at Trinity. Greenwood. where he pastors at 7:110. Ml three services were well at tended and enjoyed. ( Ti... .nrwl iiitornu-diat" I IIV |/v ...I... .. classes of Trinity church school sponsored program with the following local talents participating: -[.contest.between.the Hc;vonIv bight and Moon Light quartets; several selections by tie Soul Stirrers .Trio, vocal and/instrumental solos. The sum «f S1-L2S was realized. The following reported in the ordei listed: Krma Lou Hallard. Ella Mae Lindsey. Maynio Alexander an l Edna Allen, Allen Alexander and Ihwglas Allen- lanie Helehe»\ Mldred Jlek'ier, Ali o Wilson and Margaret Norman. HELENA NEWS S.aday was a vesy pleasant lay for all church goers in spite of the cool weatner we are having now. .At 7:,to o'clock Ke\\ J._ it. beanie of Helena delivered a wonderful message fur our Pasnr, Rev. M. <' Freeman. Mrs. Josephine Smith of Wash my ton, 0'. V. left Sunday .mornng for her home alter spending week's vacation with her sister jrothei s and ot'ner relatives of It lena and Newberry. Mis.s Inez lk-tvalt of SiKer-tieet spent the week end with .or sister Mis. Amanda Bobb and children" adi~~rrf~-iict(rna.- -?ihe ala«- ,a>l as tier guest .Mis. Ar.nie Ku- ben. Mrs. Fannie Nunn and Miss do'dnson of White lain, .N. Y,; Mrs. Nunn was home visiting her aunt and uncle Mr. and Itlrs. C. E. Green and daughter, Mrs. .might and other relatives of Newberry and HeTena. Miss' RoET .".son was visiting her relatives also. Mi- 'Sarah hong from Winston Salem, N. C. was the afternoon guest of Mr. and Mrs. Long and .laughter. Mr. and Mrs. Kinard and Mrs. l'uhnai wre t h- ,!mnei- yiiiwl^ of . lr. and Mrs. Thomas Brown. Grove. (v. B. Cook;" Taylor Chap-' pelle, B. J. Kinkle; Fairview. I). J. Zeigler; St. John, S. J. Martin; New Chappelle. J. B. Curry; Carlisle, A. B. King, Pine (irof/e, G. H. Baten; Friendship and '-{idgewood. Eugene Martin; district president. M. L. Addison. Lancaster rttstrfet, W. vl. Robin-" son. presiding elder: St. Paul, J. S. Martin; St. Phillip, T. II. Weather; Bethel, P P. McFarland; High Hill, R. A. Young; W'edgefield, F. C. Laws; Legaree, N. A. Gary; Blanev. J. A Gamble: Mill Crook H. H. Redmond; St. Phillip Mission, P. W. Davis; Reeder Point, Rufus Jackson; Jacoh, Eugene Tones; Mt. Arab, R. F,. Tavlor, Shiloh, J. W. Hall; St. James. T. F. ruCry; Shady Grove and Camden, E. L. Jones. Bethel Mission, J. C. C '-(KLkcttj Wilson -Grave. II, Walker, district missionary president, A. E. Bropdon. Let us advance on our knees. TflE I BENNETTS VILLE NEWS By C. I). Sanders, Reporter y * « ' dnu Thfc Sixtieth Annual session of pre ,e Pee Dee Buplist association day iut Sunday School convention ^tfie * set! one of its best sessions Oc- Hoi .ijjiaMi Cnurch, Dillon, Rev. J. G. Ele ugjf. pastor. Rev. F. \V. Prince V. luderator. Rev. H. H. Butler, srs, lei k. Fin yuite u number uf delegates ^ nd friends attended the entire Mn cssion. Among those attending Cit] loin Henneb.sville were Rev. P. sPe n-nakin, Mr. J. B. Drake, Rev. A; ^ . Wright, Rev J \Y Cooper and i,('n MTssi C D". Sanders. Tfiey will ieet -with Pee Dee Bapt. church, ®\°r heiaw, next session. . . Mihs Frances Morris, Miss Ra- ' °i^ 'hi.iv MeCollum, Miss Sara Mor- . is. Miss Alberta Holmes and li.,«t Veia .Mtuhbs spent..Jhe week. iiu home from their school work j o the delight of their relatives Wa, n«l friends. jTbey reported good ]\[a lews about their school work. | j Miss llxintphrie of Union accom Gn /aiiied Miss Sara Morris home Lai 5i inlay morning. ily, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Kollock and v.^ »d L nion s^umt Sunday home sori vitb mother, Mrs; Kollock. Mi. Bingham Kollock of Philaie pliia, is 'home spending a few lays with his" mother-and other'. yiatives. .. \ Miss Anna Bonnenu speiU^wie via k eml home in Florence. IK. t o r*v; * * * i is>j> mis. o, o. uicksoii ot /ci society Hill were in Hie city on vis Sunday house guests of their mo- K. :her. Mrs. Julia Thompson on Af Kciiih-v.s 11 it t..They.ylsu Wele L >op callers at the reporter, accom 'as -n-nicd by their two daughters son md niephew. , ., _ Deacon L. M. Covington o f iRllon was in the city on impor.unt. business. lie .was the. dinH-r guest <>f the reporter and . family. JV Plot. H. H. Butler of Benedict p<?i ailiegxi_wii*.in the city.Sunday. .s.ting relatives and friends. S(.:i Rev. Gupple. pastotr of Saint tnj Michael M. E. church and h i s t*M members worshiped with Rev. J. T. t'ox and members Sunday ev- ,.f riiivj. Rev. and Mrs. Cox left we for their annual conference in Jr.! Lancaster Tuesday morning and tio m trust Bishop Martin will send ne: i.i'iii back to .us.. 1 .Miss Ardanu Prince spent a few lays in Wilmington, N. C. last FF ink with relatives and friends. Mrs. Gupple Spent the week end mme l'rmii_he.r school. .I. Mrs. P. J. Hough, Mrs. Marion ou McKllerlre and Miss Helen Byrd aa eachers of the Blenheim school m e in the city Friday evening. W1 Mrs Lillian Jarvis spent a short r°! »vl ile in Orangeburg visiting her laughter. Miss Jessie Mne Jarvis Undent at Clafin college. ml The service at Shiloh was very I i a in U,,wl..v . r^.._ Of 1 v- k uiiuu^ 1iivj1 L/Ue to the large delegation of the ,/ M. Hr.conference (white) held in . liitr city last week, we were high- ,n| y honored to have four of the I e.i ite ministers worship with us S\ inlay morning. Rev, Dr. A. F. | Itiiven of Charleston, delivered the morning message. We can truly j say he poured out the water to ^ fp<d a thirsty soul. Rev. Wright made it very pleasant for them. J They took part in our Surt school j Very sad to report that Mr. R. pt Holmes dr., was seriously hurt in 1 jcj an accident this week. He is in wj the city hospital. Trust he will soon recover. nc Our sick: Mrs." Stoney, Mrs. nri Rodgers." Mr. Powe, Mr. A. Mc- folium,- Mrs? M. Williams,"Mrs: af Mary Jones and Mrs. Estell Thom til as; Mrs. Georgiana Broody and se Mrs. Queen Holmes. j«j Mr. George Hopkins of Fort x< Bragg.- Mrs. Sara Humphrie of m Union; Mr. Surcey, Mr. Simmons Wi and Mr. A'.try of Columbia were M Til the city Sunday the house of guests of Undertaker J. H. W. Morris and family. Mrs. Anna Colmon is out again "( to the delight of all after a few . days of illness. ~:_T~ ^ M. Broker -pnssefp~thnr the city Thursday morning en oute to Dillon to attend the Pee ^1( Doe association--wboro-be vice- pi moderator. lie reported t he scTiooT is in better condition than a* ever before. Over 750 students. tp Send your children there. A spec "uiT 'course for preachers that would like to meet the needs of today. Yon must prepare your-. _ selt for public work of any kind. . M 0 EBKNKZKK A. M. K. CHURCH n< m Rev. f> Pn.,t,.. .A On last Sunday morning the pas- fe tor preached a sermon long to be SI »enientbered. His subject was h< ' Glory in TriKntnH^"^" a .-TV int; rv scripture text was taken from Ro- M mans f*: 1 -8. , , S1 The fiunday School wa, conduct, rc ed by the assistant Supt., Mr. Paul w Taylor. The lesson was reviewed M by the pastor. j The consecration meet'"tr . conducted T>y Sisters Lesaine and re Wright, and r/thers. The meeting waR a very enjoyable one. f0 At 7:20 the pastor a^ain preached a sermon long: to be remember. p() ed. His subject was "God is » hid- qj inpr place for his people." The scripture text was taken from R Isaiah 2.':4, The services were largely attended and many visitorr |j were present. We are proud to say that 351 members communed during: day. We can truthfully say that by the Ti power. of.God we have. progressed b> along: all lines. at Miss Harisena Reaves, reporter cs aImeTTO LEAnttfc . LAURENS NKW8 Ir. and Mrs. Willie Hooker and ghter. Rubve. entertained At a J -Hallowe'en dinner party Fri_ ] evenfrig, October 24, honloring j lr M* and brother4. MAanie 1 ker of Washington, D. C. hirsts present.were:.Misses ~ 1 Watts, Melrose Dial, Jennje and Universe Davenport; Mes- John Henry Calhoun, A. P. ( ley, and Henry McWilliams. are sorry to repeat that s. Ida McDaniel is ill in Laurens f hospital. We hope for her a edy recovery. Irs, Ella Mae Bates is home atding her mother, Mrs. Mamie * tmpson, who has recently under 1 te an appendix operation. At ' s writing Mis. Thompson is 1 ng nicely. Ir. Cardell Beasley of Youngs- ' n, Ohio, is visiting his grand entsv Mr. and Mrs. C. B. ^ !.sley. *.- ' diss Bessie Golden of Clinton, < * the week end guest of Misses ttye and Emma Fuller. ] rlrs. Odessa Sander^ Martin of j eenville, spent a few days in .irens with her father and fam\t this writing Prof. Sanders,- -t o has been in ill health for j netimep seems to he doing pretwell. BARNWFJ.l,. S. C. Bethlehem Hhigh School Vfr. and Mrs. J<4w.Grt'£Jic_aL londale, S. C\ were* pleasant itors Saturdav of Prof. and Mrs. S. Allen. Mrs. Greene is the N-r cr Prof. Allen. rhr Barnwell "orrttv fair eloaed- t Saturday after a whole week pleasure. The exhibit..- were just SL There were hooths from all the countv.BintJkville. Klk<> iliaton. Difttnond Jordan J and Dunbar ton. Every. tnr~ ftfi tftblo was put in jars, even tter. chicken, hoir ears, and all id of vegetables. All kind, of edlecmft work --- embrodiery. )eheti"n«r~knittinir:- <lr'e«se« and fs made of flmr- cTekc. D wrs ioyable and inspiring to look on 1 beautiful things. The live sto k. the finest kind poultry and ev m .. rabbits re exhibited bv Mr. George ines of Barnwell. The assoeir n looks forward to"a better fair <t year. MENDSHIP A. M. K. CHURCH Rev. H. W. Walker. Pastor Plinton. S. C..Services through t last Sunday were touchmfr d well attended. At 11:30 Rev. alker was at his -post of duty th Rev. W. L. Bowman on the strum. Rev. Walker's text was und Galatians 0:17, theme irks of a Christian. Holy Com mion was administered to sev. t.v. Among the large number visitors in the morning service re Miss Sarah Lewis, Boston, ass.; Mr. Cordell Irby, Wash -?ton, D. Seven o'clock the A. C. E.. L. ened with little Peggy Mims. partments in the church are ked to rally for conference lims. The League has reporther required amount and ready lend a helping1 hand. The owd was large Sunday evening hear Rev. Bowman's trial seron. He selected his text from ov. 21,:26, subject A Good Medne. To say it was wonderful th all its meanings is putting mild. His sermon won much claim and the result is as was inounced by the pastor. He will each one night irr each month ter conference. Let's pray con luously for this young man who ems to have a bright future, inety communed during the day stal collection was $63.58. Aong the out of town visitors ere Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Young r. and Mrs, Henry Johnson all Mountville. ebron Baptist Church ev. A. A. Sims, Pastor S, 8, was called to order bv e SuptrrMr. J. B. H.Huth. Af- r- the study of the lesson. Rev. ms gave the review. Collec3n $4*08. A warm old time, rayer service wan conducted by eacon Wyche^ Rev. Sims was his best at the morning service xt taken from Isaiah 32:2. Thej >irit seemed to have been from' art to heart. A number of visors were present. Mrs. Lenora Fleming was hosss to the V. C. club Sunday, rs. Mary S. Williams, presiding, ne new member. After the busi;ss the hostes3 served refresh, enrts. Itnwt Yfrii iKiioff Mrs. E. L. Lilliewood spent a w days in Greenville last 'tteek. le was happily surprised to find »r cousin, Mrs. Annie Mason of lliance, Ohio, visiting her aunts e sdame3 Georgmnna Harris, ydvia Baskin. Mrs. Lilliewood iturned home Wednesday. She as accompanied by her cousin, rs. Annie Mason, brother Mr. T. Harris. Mrs. Lucinda Miller is visiting datives in Greenville. Mrs. Eva Moore left Saturday >r Pittsburgh, Pa. Mrs. Laura Harris has resumI her duties as teacher, suburban iinton. Mr. MariAn Leake, freshman, enedict college, spent the week id heme. ittle Emily Celebrates Birthday Uttle Emily Beatrice Taylor, lughter of Mr. and Mm. Edgar *ylor, Jr., celebrated her fourth rthday. A group' of happy lita folk were Invited to the home 4 o'clock. A pretty decorated ike with four glowing candle* * DUE WEST NEWS Last Sunday wua an ideal day f»i' I'hnrrh go^rs, ami niinihprs nf people thronged the churches of Due West to hear gospel messages delivered by the ministersT Revs. E. L. McAdams and L. E. DaTiTeTs were the messengers at their churches and the Rev. John S. Hunter, pastor of the A. M. E. . hurch at Seneca, preached for the Rev. B. J. Glover at Mt. Lebanon iuring the morning hour of wor Jhip and his father Presiding Elier C G. Glover of the Greenvitle district was the speaker at the ?vening service. Very impressive jervices were held throughout the day. The offering for the (lay >vas $43.37. Dr. rnd Mrs. J. H. Toatley of L'nesterfield and Rev. O. M. McAdams of St. Petersburg, Fla., were recent visitors in Due West. The.whole.eomwwiaty was delight~ ed to have them visit us again. Mrs/ Helen Wood of Philadelphia is spending sometime here on a visit to her and dau ti'hter, Mr. and Mrs. Lewie Bums. Messrs W. L. Lee and O. L. Smith were dinner guests of Mr. £Yul Mrs. J. G. "WVight on last Sunday. 1 Mr. R. W. Anderson of Green>ville was a week end visitor of his wife, Mrs. Helen Anderson, Home Economics teacher of the Due West high school at the home of Rev. and Mrs. J. E. Vauss. Mr. and Mrs. Sheppard Hawthorne left on last Monday for New York City where 'they will make their home. The^ will oe_ ?upy aif__8Partmpnt in the Bronx, The Hallowe'en program at the Due West sehnnl w,. MfsJaniVs Holifl" .<TH was a-glcrwrrnr-success our last Fri tiny night. Each one present seemed to have -enjoyed.rt.very much. The Junior choir of St. Mary Baptist church rendered a fine musical program at Zion Presbyterian church on. last Sundav-furMrs. MarthaTearson's club. * The amount of $1.00 was raised. SAINT ANDREWS A. M. E. CHURCH Rev. C. McClary, Pastor Andrews, S. C..Sunday was a be-autiful day for ehureh-goersahd "founJd "quite a few out to the house of worship. Sunday school began at the usual hour with the Supt. and assistant Supt., presiding. The lesson was well taught and discussed. It was reviewed by the pastor. 11:16 a.m. the pastor" preached from St. Luke, 14:18-20, theme Excuse Giving. 7:30 He preached from I Samuel 1.0:5 theme The Shepherd Boy from 'Bethlehem. Each sermon was full of inspiiation and very instructive. Mr. Fred Greene attended -the annual conference at Mullins last week. Prof, and Mrs, J. E. Smith. Mr. Joseph Thompson and Rev. C. Mc Clary motored to Orangeburg to witness the football game be- ! tween S. C. State and Tuskegee. The members and friends were glad to see Mr. Samuel Britton out to church after having a se- rious accident. Mr. Britton was the victim of an automobile accf- [ dent. The church presented him i a donation to let him know they felt his care. LAKE CITY NEWS The presiding ele'er of the King stree district, Rev. J. L. Bentbow, held his first quarterly conference for this conference year on the Lake City circuit at St. James A. M. E. church last Sunday. Dr. Benbow preached Sunday morning from Luke 15: 8 10, subject Lost Coin. As usual the' elder brought a new' line of thought which stiired the congregation. Mt. Clair Baptist church is hap- py to have Rev. C. B. Black back to serve another year. The mem-' bers reported that he Is a wonder ful worker and they feel that this will be another successful year. The association was held in Dil- Ion. Brother Rf Br Singletary was tha delegate. Rev. A. R. German und children motored to Mt. Pleasant on last Tuesday where _ Mrs. (German is visiting her sick mother. His wife is to return with him. Rev. W. D. Primus, Prof. Bradley and Rev. G. C. McPherson had dinner on last Saturday with Miss Hester Williams. Rev. McPher- son came from Georgia to conduct some meetings for Rev. Primus. Hie mnntiiiqn at WaaUy an lust week were quite successful. He is at Beulah this week. SCURRY SPRING HILL BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Mackroy Morgan, Pastor Chapel, S. C..Sunday was a high day here. The prayer service was conducted by Bro. Leon Philips of Aiken. Rev. Morgan the -i t-. j 1'aoiui jjieatnea a soui stirring ser mon from the text St. Luke 5:5, subject NevertheleHS at Thy word which was enjoyed by all. Visitors* Rev. L. M. Martin, Bro. Loon Philips and Bro. Mobley, all of Aiken. Our pastor lives in Aiken. The pastor is asking all the members and friends to come out to service and let us enjoy the last Communion servie« in this year. A was displayed as a feature of the decorations. * Mesdames Eva Taylor, Elsie Byrd assisted Mrs. Taylor ih entertaining and serving. RIDGE SPRING NEWS We have just completed our sec Students and teachers are hard at work. The seniors and Agriculture boys enjoyed a pleasant trip to the State Fair Thursday. They" were chaperoned by Mrs. Hightower and Prof. Gardner. The following students have perfect attendance this month,! (Mrs. Hightower, teacher) 10th grade: Georgia Lue Lott, Ella M.Bell, Davul Broadnax, Richard Broadnax,Rosa I-*?e Broadnaxx Carrie M. Brooks, Mabel Davis, James Gary, Mary Glover, Evetta Johnson. Wood row Legion, Ruth Peterson, Alma Williams, Rosa Williams, Mary Williams, Willet Wise. 11th Grade: Callie M. Abney, Dorothy Broadnax, Vivian Davis, Bertha Gibson^ Gtrtherine Gomil-lion, George Raiford. On Sunday, November 2nd a part of the faculty witnessed a very delicious dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Johnson given by .Miss L. E. Holmes. The menu consisted of Grapefruit juice, roast beef, gravy, white potatoes, buttered June peas, cullard green pickles, candied yams, marshmallows. pineapple salad whole wheat bread, lemon maringe pie. coffee, -cream.. We hope to be -the- guests of this home again soon. All present expressed a very enjoyable evening. Fifth grade honor roll for Oeto ber: Annie Walker, Josephine Mitchell. Deloris J.nckson and Geneva Holston. Come ouT"nexF Friday evenine, November 14th. At Ridge Hill school 7 ;30 o'clock and witnessore of the funniest plays of theseason. Title The Old District E. V. Peterson, sponsor. Admission 5 cents. The English Dramatic club held an interesting meetirug Friday. Farm News :. The "Ag" boys under the supe: vision of Professor F. L. Gard ner are- urging the farmers to watch out for weevils in the peas and beans. A cupful of carbon disulphide scattered around over the peas in a tight barrel, which is then covered well, will stop -a look at them every two or thrbe weeks and when weevils are seen, repeat the treatment. (Keep all fire away from carbon disulphide, it :s highly explosive.) Mr. McKenley Peterson anil family left Thursday fo»* Norristown. Pa. Mr. Arthur Watson accompanied him. Miss Mattic Burke left Saturday for New York where she will remain for the winter. The L. U. board met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Hemmond. Every one enjoyed a delicious course of salad and sal^im s. _icc cream.-ami .chocolate lavor cake. The next meeting will be at Miss Jessye Hammond home. M:\YS OF HOWARD HIGH SCHOOL Elementary Latin Club Georgetown, S. C..During t'he year of 10-11 Howard high school opened in its' full bloom as usfal. While iu. school the class was divided. Out ot ubout 62 pupils in one class only 20 of them are takine Latin. Those who aren't taki g Latin arc having a study period in the library. While in Latin class under the direction <>f Prof. Lurrage we organized a club. After we have had the sec ond nu-eting the constitution was i-written and given. Officers wore elected as follows: David Diayton, president^ Kenneth Thompson vice-president; Samuel J. Daniels secretary; Geraldine Toomor, as., sistant secretary; Rebecca Simmons, treasurer; Arena Thompson program committee; Berniee Mtiler." chaplain: -Tohn Hpvward. critm lhelma Buggs, comic editor and Jesse Hudson, news reporter. . .Every week \ve have meeting af ter large recess^rn the 11th grade room. We have a smart program committee and she renders excellent programs weekly. This club is for the benefit of obseivation which mean to bbserve things and to learn to like nature. We enjoy our meetings weekly and have monthly dues to pay. Wt. are succeeding fast and hope we will be able to carry out all the orders given us. rr.wir, , Ninth grade, Latin Division. HKil M LKH KM BAI'T. CHUPCH Rev. R. W. Winn, Pastor Graniteville, S. C..Sun. school opened at 10:15 a.m. under the supervision o fthe Supt., Mr. William H. Harris. The S. S. has planned for a class rally for the first Sunday in Decembei. All teachers are anxious for their ciass 10 nnng in the highest amount. Weekly meetings: The W. M. r-fih will meet Sunday 3:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Julia Cooks, plans will be completed for the Thanksgiving program. The Pulpit Aid club will meet Wednesday 6.30 p.m. at the home of lyirs. Lucy Car then, all members are urged to be present, Choir rehearsal Friday 7 p.m. The regular monthly conference nnd business meeting will be held Friday night, 7:30. Saturday, November 8, 19 U Classified Advertising ^ Column ^ ^ ^ Memoriams, Birth Announcements Marriage Announcements, etc. are charged for* at the rate o? 10c per line. Cash must accompany the order. Minimum charge BOc. beautician wanted A trained beautician with apprentice license, desiring work with beauty shop or private beautician* write Arma- Dukes, Bettts Academy, Trenton, S. C. CARD OF THANKS ' ( By Rev. L. A, Wells I am taking this method to kindly express niy many and kindest thanks and appreciation to the minister,, and laymen of the Marion district for the nice purse presented me at the annual con- fercnce in Mullins, S. C. on my conference suit. Yours for more and better service for the master. (Rev.) L. A. Wells. Presiding Elder*, Marion District < CARD OF THANKS Mr, George Keitt and family of Cameron, S.C. wish to thank their many friends for their kindness and expression of sympathy at the passing of their beloved wife and mother, the late Mrs. Rebecca Keitt. NOTICE Columbia Announce the increase of A their price list beginning Wednes- '.: day,. November 5, Se$cr yotiT ftr: vorite beautician about the new prices. ^notice: All of the members of the Committee of Management of the Phyllis,JWheatly Brapch of the Tuesday, November 11th in their monthly meeting. NOTICE There will (>o program given at the Jones Tabernacle Church Monday nite. November 10. nt ^ Rev. W. M. Nixon, Pastor GREENVILLE NEWS ' The manv friends of Mrs. Annie White of Mrnly St.. will regret to learn that she is ill. Mr. Charles Jenkins of New York -City, spent several days in the city visiting relatives and friends recently. Mrs. LorradtV Fai row Turner ^ died iri New York City Wednesday ^ morning after being sick a short time. Shrt.Is survived bv her moth- py Mrc.ITp t Ua P.Will..SU a sister, Mrs. Minnie F. Turrnan, brother, Mr. Wilton Farrow, a step-sr-ten. Mf«. Geneva Hill Per ry, a, Mr. Gobee Hill, three aunts, and mnnv other relatives. The funer-i] was held rt the residence on Ann iSt. with Rev. Gla'V officiating. Interment was in the cemetery at Old Alhm '' hi«d 0n El ford St. Franks and Son in char pre. Mr. Roy Chancy on Dixon St.. recuperating vapidly at Gonerrf hospital .after undergoing an operation. A Mrs. Mary Grant of Ann St.. is ^ sick. It is hoped that she will soon be out again. Mr. Kelly STvdl died Wednesday morning in Washington. D. C.. .here he had made his home for several years. The singing festival of the Piedmont section will be held in Pelzer. S. C. the fourth Si ndav in this month. Mrs. Pauline F. Campbell "iif Attdcwvn -is'-presldfmt of this strong sectional musical organization. Mrs. Alice Cowan of Pearl-Avenue, remains ill. Mrs. Jute V. Gb'tin erf Colombia, r A wttn in the eitv Sunday to attend Q the funeral of her cousin, Mrs Lorrada Farrc/w Turner. On Sunday evening, October 2G, Rev. and Mrs, D. Ar^-Adama of n a a' i. vjrecn nve. v* " dinner ui ineir palatial home in honor of Mrs. Marv Myrick ,of Chicago 111., the lovely house eruest of Rev. and Mrs. B. S. Taylor. Thos« present were Rev. and Mrs. B. S. Taylor, Mrs. Marv Myrirk and Mrs. Addie Miller. Mrs. Myrick will leave Wednesday fcrr Forsyth, Ga., where she intends spend in g a week with old friends before returning to Chicago. The many new friends \vh/\ aUn, mr.f hnrn or^ pWH,oyfiillv wishing her n safe trip home. V EMM ANTE! A. M. E. CHURCH n t n nn i n a nev. J. v . r>«*ie», rasmr . We are elated to have our pastor, Rov. J. C. Bates, back for another conference year and will ! do nil in our power with the help rtf GotTto rnake this & banffeF year spiritually and financially. Bro. J. C. Caldwell and Sis. Macie Craves are still indisposed. ^ Bro. Hillard Bell waq funernliz- V ed Friday, October 24, at Emmanual where he was a faithful membef, class leader and steward. Members and friends will miss him preatlv. To know Bro. Bell was to love him. Mrs. Eulasee Sim0 of Spartanburp:, fl. C., snent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. G. Perry Murles. ..Mre. RWrley Watson left fiat- A urday nicrht for Detroit, Mich. We V are hoping she will have a pleasant stay.

Transcript of Palmetto leader (Columbia, S.C.). 1941-11-08 [p Page Two].

Page 1: Palmetto leader (Columbia, S.C.). 1941-11-08 [p Page Two].

l'age IVoLa .

f THE OLD GRAYB> Rev. E. Philip Ellis

iWe nrmiitnt the Coh*mbtH t< ft- <

' nual -conference held in the capitalcity last week where </».r stay was ]most pleasant. In fact. Columbiai, our home city and his been for.__many years. To my mind the conferencemeeting was a great sue.

cess from every tmgle. -DFt-W. B. L.Clark is certainly the right man inthe right place and his appoint-

pg mistakeyWe were guests of Dr. O. C.

Dunham, the popular presidingelder of the Newberry district whohas broken all records accordingto the statement coming from hisministers, all of whom clammoredfor his return. My old classmate,Dr. W. J. Robinson, is the acknowledgedevangelist end has alwaysbeen. Rev. T. II. Addison. A. making a real fine presidingelder. Rev. I. W. Janerette, hostppstor^ is indeed one o*f our bestpreachers and pastors. Too muchcannot be said of the fine set ofministers in this conference.

Bishop TTTv-Flipper, Drt)., as-sistedbv Bishop A. J. Allen, ren-

dered real service m uie inccuu^.While in the city, we spent sonic

time with Dr. E. A. Adams, our

general officer, and he is the same

today. Promcrtion does not swellhis head and that means supportfor hini in our great denomination.We also spent some pleasant hourswith Dr. T, J. Miles, leader of our

conference, and he is ringing no

-..baokLr~g bells. The church universal has its eyes on him and -prediction. _JlC- is apt to be1 ande<I. Enough said..

Rev. \V. k. Itow manWhile the above named will reportthe doings of -the conference

proper, suffice us to say just herethat the educational address byPresident S. R. Higgins was amongiho h»gf pvtir tli'l ivprnd upon *nchan occasion. It was a wonder tosee how he captured Columbia inhis masterful speech. Many thotthat he would not do quite as wellin his home city as he has beendoing at other places in the state.But he changed the tide. Say whatyou will but Allen University isforging ahead as with Leaps andhounds under ms acim inistni nun.

A Worthy MovementThe Cosmopolitan Civic League

of Charleston of which Mr, JohnH. Green isr president is doing a

most excellent work in this sen-1port city. Every Negro shouldbe identified with it. As ministerswe have pledged to stand bythis organization and its greatleader hundred per cent.

The UnionWe had <\ great meeting last

Monday; quite a large number o'fministers were in attendance. TheChristmas Seals and the RedCross drive were the topics diseussed and the Union went on rec

. or<i of putting its full strengthbehind the heads of both of theseprograms. This we pledgemake both go over the top. Atthe ck/se of the above meeting,the A. M. E. Alliance held a linesession with Dr. R. 1 Lemon. Chr.It's a fine fellowship in both, ofthese meeting;; every week andthe ministers of Charleston arebeing benefitted by them in nosmell way.

St. I.ukeLast Sunday was a high day in

our zion. We preached in themorning aivl Rev. -George W.Maybanks of Freeport. New YorkstiiTed the audience at nite. ThGreaterSt. Luke is. one ui thebest congregations to bo foundmvwhere. Our large new auditorium was crowded at both servicesand the gallery was in de.mand at evening.- We are expect

.4ng great things done here forGod and the church this confer

~~ence" ve«tr".We menu to do ourshare in making better our boastedcity.The following appointments

were announced by Bishop FlipCdlumbiadistrict: Dr. W. B. L

Clark, T^csTTttrrg.cider: BethelStation, I. W. Jancrette. BishopMemorial, H. B. Butler, Jr.; Emanuel,J. l Bftes; CTiappolle Station,E. R. Robiniion^St. James,M. W. McDaniCl; Double Branch.B. C. Cunningham; Lexington, I.O. Simmons; Irmo, J, M-. Williams;Broad River, W. G. Owens; Edgefield,A. A. Amaker; Little Mountain.W. R. Bau-'inan. id a C'.J ADunlap; I.eesville, J. N. Caughman;Flipper Temple, \V. E. Lee;Pine drove, J. M. "Bunough; Johnston, P. P. Burt; Stover, X. A Rice;Young f'happvlle, L. G. Lybrand;

M'iilW-ll^. ,1. H. Hnwn;conference branch president, E.M. Durham; district missionarypresident, Lillie Washington.

Newberry district, O. C. Dunham,presiding elder: Miller Chap,el, B. F. Sumter. Shiloh. LeroyJackson; St. James, R. L. Mcrore;Providence, L. G. Bowman; Hannah,T. E. Robinson; Silverstreet,J. E. Dixon; Mt. Moriah; L. F.Vance; Mt. Hebron. S. J, Johnson:Newberry, J. W. Thomas, W. S.Young; Mt. Olivet, J. W. Thomas;Wateree, W. S. Treasvant. Neboand Thomas Chappelle, G. A. Gamble;I-izey. Daniel Royd; Whitmire,J. D. Abney; Ziom, T. H. Ringer;Rock Hill, J. W. Davis; district

p ' president of the missionary society,V. E. Reliford.Spartanburg district,'T. H. Addison,presiding elder: Greater

Trinity. H. S. Smith; Trinity, A.D. Darkins; Rethel, V. A. Ganerettc;Wayman, D. R. Benbourgh;L_ Bethany, H. M. Garmony; Eastern.J. M Darkins; White Hall. W. MBrown: Mt. Zion, C. C. Mcawain;^ New Hope, H, T. Summers; Shady


The Alston Tiger,, played theirTist game at home on Friday. itvas a very thrilliqg,. exciting, andhard fought game from the be- uginning tu end. The score was l' favor of Burke from Charleston.Tor team is now warming »up fm. .7the game which will take placeFriday, and on next Friday, Nov ,

ember 14th, we shall celebrateillume Coming." The candidates '.]foj- "Miss Alston" and "MissHome Coming" have been electedand each is working hard to be thelucky one crowned^.

All the teachers, had a splendidweek-end. Nearly all left the eitv.Prineis Pal and Mrs. Fields were

The week-end guest,, of Mr. andMrs. J. C. Parler of Orangeburg; "

Miss D. Cass was the week-end v~

guest of Miss R. Atnaker ofOrangeburg; Mis* R. Kittrell was I'the week Cnd guest of her sister.

^sophomore at S. P. State. Mis R. o

Stokes and Mr. Humphries were i

lso visitors in Orangeburg. All a

_>f them witnessed the game be-tween S. C. State and TuskegeeIt was very exciting indeed. Theothers either went home or staved >

on in Summervillo. Miss M. Peiilwent home to Walterboro.



Ry;, 15. ^. Cunningham, l'astor

The Sunday SchuoT converi<5t! at10:00 o'clock. The lesson v.'i\ beautifullydiscussed and reviewed. Itis indeed a preat pleasure to note \the interest beinp 'manifested by '

Uiv..yu'UttP-- people in timing to JSunday School every Sunday.

8.oIcJ.Qek^... Rev, funninpham de 1

livered a very warm and heart leltsermon to an appreciative "audience !

x,f m.»mhoi-«r~n7id friends.A larpe *n'uniber of members

from Double Branch nttended the I

annual conference at Bethel. We :

are very proud an() pleased-beyond Iwords to have our beloved pastor,Ret. Cunninpham. bueli with lis fm _i

m-tber year of wonderful teamwork.

Miss Scott and Rev. Hupe, studentsat Allen University, wen

vi r to worship with us Sunday <nipht. We enjoyed the splendid remarksmade by each. Visitors an

are always welcomed. ICorn Coleman, reporter

VKINMh MKTI!(»1)IST ( HURCI!Rev. T, II, Fisher, Jr., l'a8tor

The fourth Sunday morniti"- _iu.O.tober, tie pastor preached atMartha's Chapel, McGormick: ,'l:d0n. in.. Shiloh A .

M. K. church.McCormirk: and at Trinity. Greenwood.where he pastors at 7:110.Ml three services were well at

tended and enjoyed. (Ti... .nrwl iiitornu-diat"I IIV |/v ...I... ..

classes of Trinity church schoolsponsored program with the followinglocal talents participating:-[.contest.between.the Hc;vonIvbight and Moon Light quartets;several selections by tie SoulStirrers .Trio, vocal and/instrumentalsolos. The sum «f S1-L2S was

realized. The following reported inthe ordei listed: Krma Lou Hallard.Ella Mae Lindsey. MaynioAlexander an l Edna Allen, AllenAlexander and Ihwglas Allen-lanie Helehe»\ Mldred Jlek'ier,Ali o Wilson and Margaret Norman.


S.aday was a vesy pleasantlay for all church goers in spiteof the cool weatner we are havingnow. .At 7:,to o'clock Ke\\ J._it. beanie of Helena delivered a

wonderful message fur our Pasnr,Rev. M. <' Freeman.Mrs. Josephine Smith of Wash

my ton, 0'. V. left Sunday .mornngfor her home alter spendingweek's vacation with her sister

jrothei s and ot'ner relatives ofIt lena and Newberry.Mis.s Inez lk-tvalt of SiKer-tieetspent the week end with

.or sister Mis. Amanda Bobb andchildren" adi~~rrf~-iict(rna.- -?ihe ala«-,a>las tier guest .Mis. Ar.nie Ku-ben.

Mrs. Fannie Nunn and Missdo'dnson of White lain, .N. Y,;Mrs. Nunn was home visiting heraunt and uncle Mr. and Itlrs. C.E. Green and daughter, Mrs..might and other relatives ofNewberry and HeTena. Miss' RoET.".son was visiting her relatives

also.Mi- 'Sarah hong from Winston

Salem, N. C. was the afternoonguest of Mr. and Mrs. Long and.laughter.

Mr. and Mrs. Kinard and Mrs.l'uhnai wre t h- ,!mnei- yiiiwl^ of


lr. and Mrs. Thomas Brown.

Grove. (v. B. Cook;" Taylor Chap-'pelle, B. J. Kinkle; Fairview. I). J.Zeigler; St. John, S. J. Martin;New Chappelle. J. B. Curry; Carlisle,A. B. King, Pine (irof/e,G. H. Baten; Friendship and'-{idgewood. Eugene Martin; districtpresident. M. L. Addison.Lancaster rttstrfet, W. vl. Robin-"

son. presiding elder: St. Paul, J. S.Martin; St. Phillip, T. II. Weather;Bethel, P P. McFarland; HighHill, R. A. Young; W'edgefield, F.C. Laws; Legaree, N. A. Gary;Blanev. J. A Gamble: Mill CrookH. H. Redmond; St. Phillip Mission,P. W. Davis; Reeder Point,Rufus Jackson; Jacoh, EugeneTones; Mt. Arab, R. F,. Tavlor,Shiloh, J. W. Hall; St. James. T. F.ruCry; Shady Grove and Camden,E. L. Jones. Bethel Mission, J. C.C '-(KLkcttj Wilson -Grave. II,Walker, district missionary president,A. E. Bropdon.

Let us advance on our knees.

TflE I


By C. I). Sanders, Reporter y* « ' dnu

Thfc Sixtieth Annual session of pre,e Pee Dee Buplist association dayiut Sunday School convention ^tfie* set! one of its best sessions Oc- Hoi

.ijjiaMi Cnurch, Dillon, Rev. J. G. Eleugjf. pastor. Rev. F. \V. Prince V.luderator. Rev. H. H. Butler, srs,leik. Fin

yuite u number uf delegates ^nd friends attended the entire Mncssion. Among those attending Cit]loin Henneb.sville were Rev. P. sPen-nakin, Mr. J. B. Drake, Rev. A; ^. Wright, Rev J \Y Cooper and i,('nMTssi C D". Sanders. Tfiey willieet -with Pee Dee Bapt. church, ®\°rheiaw, next session. . .

Mihs Frances Morris, Miss Ra- ' °i^'hi.iv MeCollum, Miss Sara Mor- .

is. Miss Alberta Holmes andli.,«t Veia .Mtuhbs spent..Jhe week.iiu home from their school work jo the delight of their relatives Wa,n«l friends. jTbey reported good ]\[alews about their school work. | jMiss llxintphrie of Union accom Gn

/aiiied Miss Sara Morris home Lai5i inlay morning. ily,Mr. and Mrs. Alex Kollock and v.^»d L nion s^umt Sunday home sorivitb mother, Mrs; Kollock.Mi. Bingham Kollock of Philaiepliia, is 'home spending a few

lays with his" mother-and other'.yiatives. .. \Miss Anna Bonnenu speiU^wie

via k eml home in Florence.IK. t o r*v; * * *i is>j> mis. o, o. uicksoii ot /ci

society Hill were in Hie city on visSunday house guests of their mo- K.:her. Mrs. Julia Thompson on AfKciiih-v.s 11 it t..They.ylsu Wele L

>op callers at the reporter, accom 'as-n-nicd by their two daughters sonmd niephew. , .,

_Deacon L. M. Covington o fiRllon was in the city on lie .was the. dinH-rguest <>f the reporter and .

family. JVPlot. H. H. Butler of Benedict p<?iailiegxi_wii*.in the city.Sunday..s.ting relatives and friends. S(.:iRev. Gupple. pastotr of Saint tnjMichael M. E. church and h i s t*Mmembers worshiped with Rev. J.

T. t'ox and members Sunday ev- ,.friiivj. Rev. and Mrs. Cox left wefor their annual conference in Jr.!Lancaster Tuesday morning and tiom trust Bishop Martin will send ne:i.i'iii back to .us.. 1.Miss Ardanu Prince spent a fewlays in Wilmington, N. C. last FFink with relatives and friends.Mrs. Gupple Spent the week end

mme l'rmii_he.r school. .I.Mrs. P. J. Hough, Mrs. Marion ouMcKllerlre and Miss Helen Byrd aaeachers of the Blenheim schoolm e in the city Friday evening. W1Mrs Lillian Jarvis spent a short r°!

»vl ile in Orangeburg visiting herlaughter. Miss Jessie Mne JarvisUndent at Clafin college. ml

The service at Shiloh was very I i ainU,,wl..v . r^.._ Of

1 v- k uiiuu^ 1iivj1 L/Ueto the large delegation of the ,/M. Hr.conference (white) held in .

liitr city last week, we were high- ,n|y honored to have four of the Ie.i ite ministers worship with usS\ inlay morning. Rev, Dr. A. F. |Itiiven of Charleston, delivered themorning message. We can truly jsay he poured out the water to ^fp<d a thirsty soul. Rev. Wrightmade it very pleasant for them. JThey took part in our Surt school jVery sad to report that Mr. R. ptHolmes dr., was seriously hurt in 1

jcjan accident this week. He is in wjthe city hospital. Trust he willsoon recover.

ncOur sick: Mrs." Stoney, Mrs. nriRodgers." Mr. Powe, Mr. A. Mc-folium,- Mrs? M. Williams,"Mrs: afMary Jones and Mrs. Estell Thom tilas; Mrs. Georgiana Broody and seMrs. Queen Holmes. j«jMr. George Hopkins of Fort x<Bragg.- Mrs. Sara Humphrie of mUnion; Mr. Surcey, Mr. Simmons Wiand Mr. A'.try of Columbia were MTil the city Sunday the house ofguests of Undertaker J. H. W.Morris and family.

Mrs. Anna Colmon is out again "(to the delight of all after a few .days of illness. ~:_T~ ^

M. Broker -pnssefp~thnrthe city Thursday morning enoute to Dillon to attend the Pee ^1(Doe association--wboro-be vice- pimoderator. lie reported t h escTiooT is in better condition than a*ever before. Over 750 students. tpSend your children there. A spec"uiT 'course for preachers thatwould like to meet the needs oftoday. Yon must prepare your-. _selt for public work of any kind. .M


mRev. f> Pn.,t,.. .A

On last Sunday morning the pas- fetor preached a sermon long to be SI»enientbered. His subject was h<' Glory in TriKntnH^"^" a

.-TV int; rvscripture text was taken from Ro- Mmans f*: 1 -8. , , S1The fiunday School wa, conduct, rced by the assistant Supt., Mr. Paul wTaylor. The lesson was reviewed Mby the pastor. jThe consecration meet'"tr .

conducted T>y Sisters Lesaine and reWright, and r/thers. The meetingwaR a very enjoyable one. f0At 7:20 the pastor a^ain preacheda sermon long: to be remember. p()ed. His subject was "God is » hid- qjinpr place for his people." Thescripture text was taken from RIsaiah 2.':4, The services werelargely attended and many visitorr |jwere present.

Weare proud to say that 351members communed during: day.We can truthfully say that by the Tipower. of.God we have. progressed b>along: all lines.

atMiss Harisena Reaves, reporter cs

aImeTTO LEAnttfc.« .

LAURENS NKW8Ir. and Mrs. Willie Hooker andghter. Rubve. entertained At a J-Hallowe'en dinner party Fri_ ]evenfrig, October 24, honloring jlr M* and brother4. MAanie 1ker of Washington, D. C.

hirsts present.were:.Misses ~

1 Watts, Melrose Dial, Jennjeand Universe Davenport; Mes-John Henry Calhoun, A. P. (ley, and Henry McWilliams.are sorry to repeat that

s. Ida McDaniel is ill in Laurensf hospital. We hope for her aedy recovery.Irs, Ella Mae Bates is home atdingher mother, Mrs. Mamie *

tmpson, who has recently under 1

te an appendix operation. At '

s writing Mis. Thompson is 1

ng nicely.Ir. Cardell Beasley of Youngs- '

n, Ohio, is visiting his grandentsv Mr. and Mrs. C. B. ^!.sley. *.-


diss Bessie Golden of Clinton, <

* the week end guest of Missesttye and Emma Fuller. ]rlrs. Odessa Sander^ Martin of jeenville, spent a few days in.irens with her father and fam\t

this writing Prof. Sanders,- -to has been in ill health for jnetimep seems to he doing pretwell.

BARNWFJ.l,. S. C.Bethlehem Hhigh School

Vfr. and Mrs. J<4w.Grt'£Jic_aLlondale, S. C\ were* pleasantitors Saturdav of Prof. and Mrs.S. Allen. Mrs. Greene is the

N-r cr Prof. Allen.rhr Barnwell "orrttv fair eloaed-

tSaturday after a whole weekpleasure. The exhibit..- were justSL There were hooths from all

the countv.BintJkville. Klk<>iliaton. Difttnond Jordan J

and Dunbarton. Every.tnr~ ftfi tftblo was put in jars, eventter. chicken, hoir ears, and allid of vegetables. All kind, ofedlecmft work --- embrodiery.)eheti"n«r~knittinir:- <lr'e«se« andfs made of flmr- cTekc. D wrs

ioyable and inspiring to look on1 beautiful things.The live sto k. the finest kindpoultry and ev m .. rabbits

re exhibited bv Mr. Georgeines of Barnwell. The assoeirn looks forward to"a better fair<t year.

MENDSHIP A. M. K. CHURCHRev. H. W. Walker. Pastor

Plinton. S. C..Services throught last Sunday were touchmfr

dwell attended. At 11:30 Rev.alker was at his -post of dutyth Rev. W. L. Bowman on thestrum. Rev. Walker's text was

und Galatians 0:17, themeirks of a Christian. Holy Commion was administered to sev.

t.v. Among the large numbervisitors in the morning servicere Miss Sarah Lewis, Boston,ass.; Mr. Cordell Irby, Wash-?ton,D.Seven o'clock the A. C. E.. L.ened with little Peggy Mims.partments in the church areked to rally for conferencelims. The League has reportherrequired amount and readylend a helping1 hand. The

owd was large Sunday eveninghear Rev. Bowman's trial seron.He selected his text fromov. 21,:26, subject A Good Medne.To say it was wonderfulth all its meanings is puttingmild. His sermon won much

claim and the result is as wasinounced by the pastor. He willeach one night irr each monthter conference. Let's pray con

luously for this young man whoems to have a bright future,inety communed during the daystal collection was $63.58. Aongthe out of town visitorsere Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Youngr. and Mrs, Henry Johnson allMountville.

ebron Baptist Churchev. A. A. Sims, PastorS, 8, was called to order bve SuptrrMr. J. B. H.Huth. Af-r- the study of the lesson. gave the review. Collec3n$4*08. A warm old time,rayer service wan conducted byeacon Wyche^ Rev. Sims washis best at the morning service

xt taken from Isaiah 32:2. Thej>irit seemed to have been from'art to heart. A number of visorswere present.Mrs. Lenora Fleming was hosssto the V. C. club Sunday,rs. Mary S. Williams, presiding,ne new member. After the busi;ssthe hostes3 served refresh,enrts.Itnwt Yfrii iKiioffMrs. E. L. Lilliewood spent aw days in Greenville last 'tteek.le was happily surprised to find»r cousin, Mrs. Annie Mason oflliance, Ohio, visiting her auntse sdame3 Georgmnna Harris,ydvia Baskin. Mrs. Lilliewooditurned home Wednesday. Sheas accompanied by her cousin,rs. Annie Mason, brother Mr.T. Harris.Mrs. Lucinda Miller is visitingdatives in Greenville.Mrs. Eva Moore left Saturday

>r Pittsburgh, Pa.Mrs. Laura Harris has resumIher duties as teacher, suburbaniinton.Mr. MariAn Leake, freshman,enedict college, spent the weekid heme.ittle Emily Celebrates BirthdayUttle Emily Beatrice Taylor,lughter of Mr. and Mm. Edgar*ylor, Jr., celebrated her fourthrthday. A group' of happy litafolk were Invited to the home4 o'clock. A pretty decorated

ike with four glowing candle*


Last Sunday wua an ideal dayf»i' I'hnrrh go^rs, ami niinihprs nfpeople thronged the churches ofDue West to hear gospel messagesdelivered by the ministersTRevs. E. L. McAdams and L. E.DaTiTeTs were the messengers attheir churches and the Rev. JohnS. Hunter, pastor of the A. M. E..hurch at Seneca, preached for theRev. B. J. Glover at Mt. Lebanoniuring the morning hour of wor

Jhipand his father Presiding ElierC G. Glover of the Greenvitledistrict was the speaker at the?vening service. Very impressivejervices were held throughout theday. The offering for the (lay>vas $43.37.

Dr. rnd Mrs. J. H. Toatley ofL'nesterfield and Rev. O. M. McAdamsof St. Petersburg, Fla.,were recent visitors in Due West.The.whole.eomwwiaty was delight~ed to have them visit us again.Mrs/ Helen Wood of Philadelphiais spending sometime here on

a visit to her and dauti'hter, Mr. and Mrs. Lewie Bums.Messrs W. L. Lee and O. L.

Smith were dinner guests of Mr.£Yul Mrs. J. G. "WVight on lastSunday. 1Mr. R. W. Anderson of Green>villewas a week end visitor of

his wife, Mrs. Helen Anderson,Home Economics teacher of theDue West high school at the homeof Rev. and Mrs. J. E. Vauss.Mr. and Mrs. Sheppard Hawthorneleft on last Monday for

New York City where 'they willmake their home. The^ will oe_?upy aif__8Partmpnt in the Bronx,The Hallowe'en program at the

Due West sehnnl w,.

MfsJaniVs Holifl" .<THwas a-glcrwrrnr-success ourlast Fritiny night. Each one presentseemed to have -enjoyed.rt.verymuch.The Junior choir of St. MaryBaptist church rendered a fine

musical program at Zion Presbyterianchurch on. last Sundav-furMrs.MarthaTearson's club.*

Theamount of $1.00 was raised.


Andrews, S. C..Sunday was abe-autiful day for ehureh-goersahd"founJd "quite a few out to thehouse of worship. Sunday schoolbegan at the usual hour with theSupt. and assistant Supt., presiding.The lesson was well taughtand discussed. It was reviewedby the pastor. 11:16 a.m. thepastor" preached from St. Luke,14:18-20, theme Excuse Giving.7:30 He preached from I Samuel1.0:5 theme The Shepherd Boyfrom 'Bethlehem. Each sermonwas full of inspiiation and veryinstructive.

Mr. Fred Greene attended -theannual conference at Mullins lastweek.

Prof, and Mrs, J. E. Smith. Mr.Joseph Thompson and Rev. C. McClary motored to Orangeburg towitness the football game be- !tween S. C. State and Tuskegee.The members and friends were

glad to see Mr. Samuel Brittonout to church after having a se-rious accident. Mr. Britton wasthe victim of an automobile accf- [dent. The church presented him ia donation to let him know theyfelt his care.

LAKE CITY NEWSThe presiding ele'er of the Kingstree district, Rev. J. L. Bentbow,held his first quarterly conference

for this conference year on theLake City circuit at St. James A.M. E. church last Sunday. Dr.Benbow preached Sunday morningfrom Luke 15: 8 10, subjectLost Coin. As usual the' elderbrought a new' line of thoughtwhich stiired the congregation.

Mt. Clair Baptist church is hap-py to have Rev. C. B. Black backto serve another year. The mem-'bers reported that he Is a wonderful worker and they feel that thiswill be another successful year.The association was held in Dil-Ion. Brother Rf Br Singletarywas tha delegate.

Rev. A. R. German und childrenmotored to Mt. Pleasant on lastTuesday where _ Mrs. (German isvisiting her sick mother. His wifeis to return with him.

Rev. W. D. Primus, Prof. Bradleyand Rev. G. C. McPherson haddinner on last Saturday with MissHester Williams. Rev. McPher-son came from Georgia to conductsome meetings for Rev. Primus.Hie mnntiiiqn at WaaUy an lustweek were quite successful. Heis at Beulah this week.


Chapel, S. C..Sunday was ahigh day here. The prayer servicewas conducted by Bro. Leon Philipsof Aiken. Rev. Morgan the

-i t-. j1'aoiui jjieatnea a soui stirring sermon from the text St. Luke 5:5,subject NevertheleHS at Thy wordwhich was enjoyed by all. Visitors*Rev. L. M. Martin, Bro. LoonPhilips and Bro. Mobley, all ofAiken. Our pastor lives in Aiken.The pastor is asking all themembers and friends to come outto service and let us enjoy thelast Communion servie« in thisyear. A

was displayed as a feature of thedecorations. *

Mesdames Eva Taylor, ElsieByrd assisted Mrs. Taylor ih entertainingand serving.


We have just completed our sec

Students and teachers are hardat work.

The seniors and Agricultureboys enjoyed a pleasant trip tothe State Fair Thursday. They"were chaperoned by Mrs. Hightowerand Prof. Gardner.The following students have

perfect attendance this month,!(Mrs. Hightower, teacher) 10thgrade: Georgia Lue Lott, Ella M.Bell,Davul Broadnax, RichardBroadnax,Rosa I-*?e BroadnaxxCarrie M. Brooks, Mabel Davis,James Gary, Mary Glover, EvettaJohnson. Woodrow Legion, RuthPeterson, Alma Williams, RosaWilliams, Mary Williams, WilletWise.

11th Grade: Callie M. Abney,Dorothy Broadnax, Vivian Davis,Bertha Gibson^ Gtrtherine Gomil-lion,George Raiford.On Sunday, November 2nd a

part of the faculty witnessed avery delicious dinner at the homeof Mr. and Mrs. Johnson given by.Miss L. E. Holmes. The menu

consisted of Grapefruit juice,roast beef, gravy, white potatoes,buttered June peas, cullard greenpickles, candied yams, marshmallows.pineapple salad whole wheatbread, lemon maringe pie. coffee,-cream.. We hope to be -the- guestsof this home again soon. Allpresent expressed a very enjoyableevening.

Fifth grade honor roll for Oetober: Annie Walker, JosephineMitchell. Deloris J.nckson and GenevaHolston.Come ouT"nexF Friday evenine,

November 14th. At Ridge Hillschool 7 ;30 o'clock and witnessoreof the funniest plays of theseason.Title The Old District

E. V. Peterson, sponsor. Admission5 cents.The English Dramatic club held

an interesting meetirug Friday.Farm News :.The "Ag" boys under the supe:vision of Professor F. L. Gard

ner are- urging the farmers towatch out for weevils in the peasand beans. A cupful of carbondisulphide scattered around overthe peas in a tight barrel, whichis then covered well, will stop-a look at them every two or thrbeweeks and when weevils are seen,repeat the treatment. (Keep allfire away from carbon disulphide,it :s highly explosive.)

Mr. McKenley Peterson anilfamily left Thursday fo»* Norristown.Pa. Mr. Arthur Watsonaccompanied him.

Miss Mattic Burke left Saturdayfor New York where she willremain for the winter.The L. U. board met at the

home of Mr. and Mrs. JohnnieHemmond. Every one enjoyed adelicious course of salad and sal^ims. _icc cream.-ami .chocolatelavor cake. The next meetingwill be at Miss Jessye Hammondhome.


Georgetown, S. C..During t'heyear of 10-11 Howard high schoolopened in its' full bloom as usfal.

While iu. school the class wasdivided. Out ot ubout 62 pupilsin one class only 20 of them aretakine Latin. Those who aren'ttaki g Latin arc having a studyperiod in the library. While inLatin class under the direction <>fProf. Lurrage we organized aclub. After we have had the second nu-eting the constitution wasi-written and given. Officers woreelected as follows: David Diayton,president^ Kenneth Thompsonvice-president; Samuel J. Danielssecretary; Geraldine Toomor, as.,sistant secretary; Rebecca Simmons,treasurer; Arena Thompsonprogram committee; Berniee Mtiler."chaplain: -Tohn Hpvward. critmlhelma Buggs, comic editor andJesse Hudson, news reporter.. .Every week \ve have meeting after large recess^rn the 11th graderoom. We have a smart programcommittee and she renders excellentprograms weekly.

This club is for the benefit ofobseivation which mean to bbservethings and to learn to likenature. We enjoy our meetingsweekly and have monthly dues topay. Wt. are succeeding fast andhope we will be able to carry outall the orders given us.


Ninth grade, Latin Division.

HKil MLKH KM BAI'T. CHUPCHRev. R. W. Winn, Pastor

Graniteville, S. C..Sun. schoolopened at 10:15 a.m. under thesupervision o fthe Supt., Mr. WilliamH. Harris. The S. S. hasplanned for a class rally for thefirst Sunday in Decembei. Allteachers are anxious for theirciass 10 nnng in the highest amount.

Weekly meetings: The W. M.r-fih will meet Sunday 3:30 p.m. atthe home of Mrs. Julia Cooks,plans will be completed for theThanksgiving program.The Pulpit Aid club will meet

Wednesday 6.30 p.m. at the homeof lyirs. Lucy Carthen, all membersare urged to be present,

Choir rehearsal Friday 7 p.m.The regular monthly conferencennd business meeting will be heldFriday night, 7:30.

Saturday, November 8, 19 U

Classified Advertising^Column

^ ^ ^Memoriams, Birth AnnouncementsMarriage Announcements, etc. arecharged for* at the rate o? 10cper line. Cash must accompanythe order. Minimum charge BOc.

beautician wantedA trained beautician with apprenticelicense, desiring work

with beauty shop or private beautician*write Arma- Dukes, BetttsAcademy, Trenton, S. C.

CARD OF THANKS' (By Rev. L. A, Wells

I am taking this method tokindly express niy many and kindestthanks and appreciation to theminister,, and laymen of the Mariondistrict for the nice pursepresented me at the annual con-fercnce in Mullins, S. C. on myconference suit.Yours for more and better servicefor the master.(Rev.) L. A. Wells. PresidingElder*, Marion District


Mr, George Keitt and family ofCameron, S.C. wish to thank theirmany friends for their kindnessand expression of sympathy atthe passing of their beloved wifeand mother, the late Mrs. RebeccaKeitt.


Columbia Announce the increase of Atheir price list beginning Wednes- '.:

day,. November 5, Se$cr yotiT ftr:vorite beautician about the newprices.


All of the members of the Committeeof Management of thePhyllis,JWheatly Brapch of theTuesday, November 11th in theirmonthly meeting.


There will (>o program givenat the Jones Tabernacle ChurchMonday nite. November 10. nt ^

Rev. W. M. Nixon, Pastor


The manv friends of Mrs. AnnieWhite of Mrnly St.. will regret tolearn that she is ill.

Mr. Charles Jenkins of NewYork -City, spent several days inthe city visiting relatives andfriends recently.

Mrs. LorradtV Fai row Turner ^died iri New York City Wednesday ^morning after being sick a shorttime. Shrt.Is survived bv her moth-py Mrc.ITp t Ua P.Will..SUa sister, Mrs. Minnie F. Turrnan,

brother, Mr. Wilton Farrow, a

step-sr-ten. Mf«. Geneva Hill Perry, a, Mr. Gobee Hill,three aunts, and mnnv other relatives.The funer-i] was held rt theresidence on Ann iSt. with Rev.Gla'V officiating. Interment wasin the cemetery at Old Alhm' ' hi«d 0n El ford St. Franks andSon in charpre.

Mr. Roy Chancy on Dixon St..recuperating vapidly at Gonerrf

hospital .after undergoing an operation. AMrs. Mary Grant of Ann St.. is ^

sick. It is hoped that she will soonbe out again.

Mr. Kelly STvdl died Wednesdaymorning in Washington. D. he had made his home forseveral years.

Thesinging festival of the Piedmontsection will be held in Pelzer.S. C. the fourth Si ndav in thismonth. Mrs. Pauline F. Campbell"iif Attdcwvn -is'-presldfmt of thisstrong sectional musical organization.

Mrs. Alice Cowan of Pearl-Avenue,remains ill.Mrs. Jute V. Gb'tin erf Colombia, r A

wttn in the eitv Sunday to attend Qthe funeral of her cousin, MrsLorrada Farrc/w Turner.On Sunday evening, October 2G,

Rev. and Mrs, D. Ar^-Adama ofn a a' i.vjrecn nve. v* " dinner ui ineir

palatial home in honor of Mrs.Marv Myrick ,of Chicago 111., thelovely house eruest of Rev. andMrs. B. S. Taylor. Thos« presentwere Rev. and Mrs. B. S. Taylor,Mrs. Marv Myrirk and Mrs. AddieMiller. Mrs. Myrick will leaveWednesday fcrr Forsyth, Ga., whereshe intends spend ing a week withold friends before returning toChicago. The many new friends\vh/\ aUn, mr.f hnrn or^ pWH,oyfiillv

wishingher n safe trip home. V

EMM ANTE! A. M. E. CHURCHn t n nn i n anev. J. v . r>«*ie», rasmr

. We are elated to have our pastor,Rov. J. C. Bates, back foranother conference year and will

! do nil in our power with the helprtf GotTto rnake this & banffeF yearspiritually and financially.

Bro. J. C. Caldwell and Sis. MacieCraves are still indisposed. ^Bro. Hillard Bell waq funernliz- Ved Friday, October 24, at Emmanualwhere he was a faithfulmembef, class leader and steward.Members and friends will miss himpreatlv. To know Bro. Bell was tolove him.

Mrs. Eulasee Sim0 of Spartanburp:,fl. C., snent the week endwith Mr. and Mrs. G. Perry Murles...Mre. RWrley Watson left fiat- Aurday nicrht for Detroit, Mich. WeVare hoping she will have a pleasantstay.