Pak's Security Concerns and Options

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  • 8/13/2019 Pak's Security Concerns and Options





    1. The end of the Cold War and post 9/11 Scenario brought significant

    changes in the overall poer structure of the orld. The rise of the !nited

    States as the pre"e#inent poer$ the e#ergence of ne econo#ic poer

    centres and overhel#ing significance of technolog% have deepl% influenced

    the securit% environ#ent around the orld. Co#parative relegation of

    geopolitical considerations and pro#inence of econo#ic interests in

    international relations have considerabl% changed the geopolitical i#portance

    of various &e% pla%ers in the orld.

    '. In toda%(s global scenario$ )a&istan stands at the crossroads ith regard

    to its future course of action in the face of changing geopolitical environ#ent of

    the orld. )a&istan(s elusive *uest for securit% has e+perienced ne turbulence

    in the post 9/11 Scenario. While the countr%(s traditional securit% dile##a vis","

    vis its hostile neighbour$ India$ has been so#ehat attenuated b% )a&istan(s

    ac*uisition of a nuclear deterrence$ ne areas of insecurit% b% a confluence of

    negative do#estic$ regional and international trends have e#erged. These

    develop#ents have tended to #udd% the national securit% aters #a&ing)a&istan(s securit% options #ore co#ple+.


    -. To highlight )a&istan(s securit% concerns in the changing geo"strategic

    environ#ent and suggest viable response options.

    Scheme of Presentation

    . The subect ill be covered in the folloing se*uence0"

    a. )art I

    12 The Concept of Securit%.

    '2 Ele#ents of 3ational Securit%.

    -2 4eo")olitical I#portance of )a&istan.


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    b. )art II

    12 )a&istan(s Securit% Concerns.

    '2 4lobal and Regional 5actors in )a&istan(s Securit%


    c. )art III Internal D%na#ics of )a&istan.

    d. )art I6 Conclusions and Reco##endations.


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    PART I

    The Concept of Securit

    7. Securit% has ala%s been a #ulti"di#ensional concept and is

    s%non%#ous ith #ilitar% and defence concerns vis","vis political$ econo#ic

    and ideological ra#ifications. The ter# securit% is ala%s relative$ conte+tual

    and situational. Interestingl% enough$ the securit% of one nation tends to

    generate the feelings of insecurit% a#ong others. 8 nu#ber of pro#inent

    riters have tried to define securit% and a#ong the# ohn 4arnett concludes$

    :securit% #eans freedo# fro# insecurit%;1. 8ccording to Walter

    8h#ed Toor in The Citadel 3o. 1/99.- Ibid '. !S )olicies and Their I#plications for South 8sia b% Dr @aleeha

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    E!ements of Nationa! Securti

    . The identification of the various ele#ents of 3ational )oer is a co#ple+

    tas& as it is i#portant to consider all the aspects of poer and place the# in

    their proper relative and situational conte+ts. Bnl% then can e begin to anser

    the *uestion of ho is poerful and ho is not. To help ith that process our

    ne+t step ould be to identif% so#e of the i#portant ele#ents of national

    securit% hich affect )a&istan in the present global environ#ents70"

    a. 3atural Resources.

    b. )opulation.

    c. 3ational 4eograph%.

    d. @ilitar% Strength.

    e. 3uclear capabilit%.

    f. @edia and Infor#ation Tech IT2.

    "eo#Po!itica! Imp of Pa$istan

    9. )a&istan(s geographical location at the crossroads of histor% has

    ala%s been stri&ing and attractive. Its geo"political i#portance lies in the

    folloing facts 0"

    a. "ate%a to South Asia and South &est Asia. The geo"

    political i#portance of )a&istan is lin&ed ith trade$ geopolitical

    configuration and #ineral ealth of the surrounding states.

    5or#er secretar% of state of the !nited States$ 4eorge Schult>$

    saidF :)a&istan occupies$ strategicall%$ one of the #ost

    i#portant areas in the orld and its position in South 8sia is

    re#ar&able for the securit% of free orld and apan ?;.

    b. Access to the Persian "u!f. )a&istan(s close pro+i#it% to

    the 4ulf and the straits of Gor#u> has a lot of attraction for the

    West as )a&istan(s @a&ran Coast overloo&s the e+tre#el%

    strategic and politicall% volatile gatea% to the 4ulf Region.

    7 International )olitics on the World Stage =% ohn T. Rou&e? 5ra&el 6oseph$ International Relations$ 5orard !niversit% )ress$ 19?9


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    c. The Indian Ocean and the Ara'ian Sea. The Indian

    Bcean provides the Sea

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    Pa$istans Securit En-ironment

    1. )a&istan(s Securit% concerns in the '1stcentur% are li&el% to be #ulti"

    directional. )a&istan has been in constant struggle ith its li#ited available

    #eans to cater both for its defence re*uire#ents and for its econo#ic

    develop#ent needs. Gence$ the urge for oining various pacts and aligningher foreign polic%$ thereb% ensure a viable securit% environ#ent for )a&istan.

    The changes in Iran and 8fghanistan$ groing tensions ith India$ and the

    rise of the unipolar orld have radicall% changed )a&istan(s securit% scenario.

    The collapse of the Soviet !nion and )ost 9/11 scenario has brought about

    nu#erous changes at the global levelF it also transfor#ed the regional politics.

    )a&istan no longer eno%s the status of a frontline state$ as it apparentl% no

    longer serves an% vital interest in the region. Goever 8#erica still see#s

    interested in #aintaining a li#ited strategic connection on issues li&e nuclear

    non"proliferation$ drug traffic&ing$ terroris# and hu#an rights etc.

    11. et another threat to )a&istan(s securit% co#es fro# ithin$ hich

    poses grave challenges both to the countr%(s stabilit% and integrit%. )a&istan

    toda% presents the i#age of a countr% pulverised b% political$ ethnic and

    sectarian division$ threatened b% econo#ic collapse and e#aciated b% #oral


    The "!o'a! *actors in Pa$istans Securit En-ironment

    1'. To ascertain the effects of international political s%ste# on )a&istan(s

    Securit%$ it is #andator% to understand the &e% pla%ers in this s%ste# 0"

    Ibid 7.


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    a. Supranationa! Actors. The% have individual countries as

    #e#bers and authorit% of the organi>ation transcends that of its

    individual #e#bers. These include the !3$ regional

    organisations and alliances and various regi#es. Go these

    supranational actors affect )a&istan is discussed belo 0"

    12 The UN. In the past e have seen the !3 polic% has

    been do#inated b% the !S$ ho used it as far as

    possible for furthering 8#erican polic% obectives. This

    has been a#pl% de#onstrated in the 4ulf War $ Cold War

    afghan ar and Ira* ar. The inabilit% of the !3 Securit%

    Council to get its Resolution on Hash#ir i#ple#ented is

    another e+a#ple of it being a toothless bod%.

    '2 Re.iona! A!!iances. Defence associations that stress

    #ilitar% cooperation for# a serious threat to )a&istan(s

    securit%. The Russo"Indian defence pact ould further tilt

    the balance in favour of India. The Indo"Israeli defence

    cooperation and the recent atte#pts b% India and Iran to

    oin the Shanghai 5ive ould also increase their regional

    clout and lead to diplo#atic isolation of )a&istan.

    -2 CT)T and *,CT Re.imes. The !S and the West have

    #ade the resu#ption of bilateral or #ultilateral lending

    contingent on a nu#ber of non"proliferation conditions.

    These include de#onstrated )a&istani support for

    negotiations on 5@CT and a co##it#ent to sign the

    CT=T. It is our econo#ic vulnerabilit% that the 8#ericans

    see& to e+ploit on this account.

    2 Re.iona! Or.ani/ations. 8 variet% of #ulti purpose

    regional organi>ations e+ist toda% e.g. ECB$ 8SE83$

    S88RC and the European !nion. S88RC and 8SE83

    have failed to achieve their obectives and bring a #aor


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    change in the Region. India probabl% thought of S88RC as

    an opportune platfor# to do#inate the proceedings and

    behave li&e a big brother in the region. Ger drea# has not

    co#e true because of the refusal b% )a&istan to accept her

    hege#onic role. The European !nion assu#es i#portance

    in trade and develop#ental assistance and in see&ing

    resolution of the Hash#ir dispute. The E! being a #aor

    i#porter of )a&istani cotton could seriousl% eopardi>e our

    econo#% b% evo&ing anti du#ping las against )a&istani


    b. Transnationa! Actors. These include organisations that are

    organised for specified functions and operate across

    international boundaries ithout being bound to the vies or

    interests of an individual state. These enco#pass the I4Bs

    Intergovern#ental Brgani>ations2 and the 34Bs 3on"

    4overn#ental Brgani>ations2. The I4Bs Intergovern#ental

    Brgani>ations2 include International @onetar% 5und I@52$

    International 8to#ic Energ% 8genc% I8E82 and International

    Cri#inal )olice Brgani>ation I3TER)B

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    propping up their so#eti#es"sha&% regi#es than

    pro#oting long ter# social and econo#ic develop#ent.

    Slo groth rate$ ra#pant une#plo%#ent$ higher

    inflation and e+tre#el% lo foreign e+change reserves

    are so#e of the #aor discouraging factors. 8ll these

    have brought us to the verge of financial ban&ruptc% and

    being declared as a defaulter state. In these critical

    conditions e do not have sufficient funds to #eet our

    securit%/develop#ent needs and hence further

    dependence on I@5 and World =an&.

    '2 ,u!ti#Nationa! Corporations. In the changing global

    econo#%$ ea& econo#ies li&e )a&istan have to adust to

    the orld econo#ic environ#ent on conditions set b%

    global institutions. 3ational fir#s have lost their place to

    #ultinationals and national ban&ing s%ste#s have beco#e

    subordinate to #ultinational finance houses operating in

    global financial #ar&ets.

    The Re.iona! *actors in Pa$istans Securit En-ironment

    1-. Re.iona! En-ironment. )a&istan has seldo# eno%ed a #ore

    co#ple+ securit% environ#ent. Toda% she finds herself located in a region

    intensel% sensitive and volatile. 8fghan i#broglio$ Iranian Revolution ith its

    after effects has destabilised estern borders$ hich previousl% use to be

    considered as depth fro# an% threat fro# east. China in north is herself

    e#broiled in ar of econo#% and poer ith !S8. The s#aller countries li&e

    3epal$ =hutan$ etc are either land loc&ed or so ea& #ilitaril% that the% have

    settled don as satellite states to India. IndiaJs hege#onic design of beco#ing

    a regional super poer and global #ini super poer has posed a continuous

    threat to )a&istanJs securit% in the east. This geographic location puts

    )a&istan ith to #aor Regional super poer i.e. China and India$ hich can

    be ter#ed as an earthenare pot s*uee>ed a#ong iron pots.


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    1. Pecu!iarities and Sa!ient *eatures of the Re.ion .. This Region is

    uni*ue ith three hostile nuclear poers sharing borders$ thus creates

    repercussions of an% #ilitar% or diplo#atic develop#ent"ta&ing place in either of

    diplo#atic develop#ent ta&ing place in either of the countries. China being

    engaged ith !S in global poer politics has left the region to so#e e+tent for

    India to pla% a do#inant role. India hich clai#s to be the largest de#ocrac% in

    the orld has e+hibited orst t%pe of genocide of #inorities$ aggression against

    neighbours and her on highest rate of population living belo the povert% line.

    Due to her ever conflicting interest ith )a&istan$ she favours to have

    govern#ents of her choice in the neighbouring countries for hich heav%

    a#ount is spent in a bid to isolate )a&istan. IndiaJs interference in =hutan$

    =angladesh$ Sri

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    establish its hege#on% over the subcontinent ste#s various securit% threats to

    )a&istan. To identif% the Indian threat an obective stud% of India as a hole is

    re*uired to be carried out.

    a. Contemporar Indian Doctrines

    12 Chani$a Doctrine. Chani&i%a as )ri#e @inister

    of Chandar 4upt @uria$ an ancient great Indian ruler =C. In

    his boo& J8arth ShastraJ )rinciples of 4overnance2 laid

    don folloing guideline for the governance0"

    a2 When %our countr% is ea&$ pursue the polic% of the


    b2 When %our countr% beco#es #ilitaril% strong$ follo

    the polic% of ar.

    c2 When another state see&s %our help$ appl% double


    d2 Ge further reco##ends si+ principles as the basis

    for foreign polic%0"

    i. )eace should be established ith the other

    states through agree#ents.

    ii. War should be persuaded through relentless

    attac&s on the ene#%.

    iii. 3eutralit% #eans co#placence and


    iv. The poer of the state$ should be enhanced

    b% e+panding #ilitar% preparedness.

    v. Bther states should be lured and forced into

    for#ation of alliance or friendship to see&

    co##on shelter and securit%.

    vi. Dual polic% #eans to #a&e peace

    friendship2 ith one and en#it% ith the



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    e2 Indian diplo#atic doctrine is based on the principles

    laid b% the Chan&i%a centuries ago$ of hich deceit$

    coercion$ and treacher% are the #ain pillars around

    hich entire diplo#atic policies revolve. The clear

    #anifestation of Chani&%a doctrine can be seen in

    the region b% anal%sing Indian diplo#atic efforts

    launched to stabilise L pro#ote relations ith China$

    Iran and C8Rs$ thus isolating )a&istan. The change

    of posture in relations of Indo" China clearl% shos

    shift in Indian polic% fro# hostilit% to friendship as

    China is an e#erging super poer. The second

    application in the region can be seen in Indo"Iran

    relations in the bac& drop of deteriorating )a&"Iran

    alliance. @ore over India(s diplo#atic efforts to

    establish friendl% relations ith C8Rs$ Tur&e% and

    other South Eastern countries also ai#s at isolating

    )a&istan in the over all fra#e or& of her foreign

    polic% in consonance ith Chani&%a )rinciples of


    '2 ,onroe doctrine. It is #odern #anifestation of

    Chani&%a doctrine. It ai#s at de"stabili>ing the

    neighbouring countries throing all international codes of

    #oralit% over board. In India has displa%ed its blatant sho

    of force dealing ith its s#aller neighbours. The

    anne+ation of s#all Gi#ala%an state of Si&&i# in s is an

    e+a#ple to be *uoted. The outbrea& of ethnic violence in


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    organising centrifugal forces$ ethnic$ racial and sectarian

    violence to &eep )a&istan internall% destabilised.

    -2 Indra doctrine. In 19s$ India unofficiall% enunciated

    the Indra doctrine envisaging the establish#ent of an Indo"

    centric poer structure in the region. Interestingl% at about

    the sa#e ti#e S88RC as for#ed ith the avoed ai# of

    upholding the e*ualit% of the states in the region. In loud

    and clear ter#s$ it professed to offer an alternative #odel

    for South 8sia. While e+plaining the Indra Doctrine$

    =ahbani Sen 4upta stated publicl% that India ill not

    tolerate an e+ternal intervention in an% conflict situation in

    an% South 8sian countr% if the intervention has an% i#plicit

    or e+plicit anti"India bias. It clearl% dictates Indian role in

    the region as a police#an.

    2 "u0ra! doctrine. 5or#er Indian )ri#e @inster @r I.H

    4ural ho is considered an intellectual thin& tan& and

    earned fa#e for his #oderate policies for#ulated another

    doctrine far India to pla% its role in regional and global

    poer politics. Doctrine entails trac& ' policies that enable

    India to portra% herself as neutral and non"violent peace

    loving countr%. This doctrine encouraged bilateral tal&s

    ithout definite results offering India sufficient ti#e to pave

    a% for diplo#atic and #ilitar% offensive$ hereas other

    countr% is involved in trade and co##erce as ell as

    #utual e+change of cultural troupe/delegations. 8t the

    sa#e ti#e$ ournalists and intellectuals of other countries

    are subected to the non"violent ca#paign of the #edia

    and influence the# b% the e+change of delegations at non"

    govern#ental level. This doctrine has affected the

    intellectuals on either side of the border$ advocating sub

    continent as one entit% having sa#e histor%$ culture and


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    routes. This clearl% defies to nation(s theor% on hich

    )a&istan(s e+istence is based.

    b. Nuc!earisation of India and Its Effects. India(s inventor%

    of nuclear facilities is i#pressive a#ongst the unrecognised

    nuclear states. It is one of the #ost advanced a#ong developing

    countries other than China. =readth and depth of its nuclear

    progra##e$ sophistication of technolog%$ research and poer

    reactors and re"processing plants #a&es India a leading nuclear

    state. India has a ell"developed infrastructure for producing

    large *uantities of unsafe guarded eapon grade plutoniu# and

    enriched uraniu#. Its nuclear infrastructure co#prises the largest

    unsafe guarded group of nuclear facilities outside the five nuclear

    poer states. 8long ith this nuclear capabilit%$ India is also

    concentrating on develop#ent of nuclear eapon deliver% #eans$

    hich are not onl% her neighbour specific but are capable of

    engaging continental targets. This capabilit% ill grant India a

    do#inant role not specific to )a&istan but in the region including

    Iran$ @iddle East$ China and 5ar Eastern countries.

    c. ,i!itar and Comparison %ith Pa$istan. India is

    holding fourth largest standing 8r#% in the World. The close

    alliance ith the ersthile Soviet !nion during the cold ar era

    enabled India to build up a for#idable #ilitar% arsenal as ell its

    indigenous defence capabilities. The conventional #ilitar% force

    along ith its nuclear and #issile capabilities puts India in a

    position to e+tend its poers and influence ell be%ond South

    8sia. 8fter influencing all other neighbouring countries India

    considers )a&istan her onl% i#pedi#ent in acco#plish#ent of her

    hege#onic design$ thus brining the focus of her conventional

    forces toards )a&istan.

    d. India1s ,oti-es and Attitude. Indian intelligencia and polic%

    #a&ers identif% )a&istan as a hurdle in her desire to beco#e


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    Regional Super )oer and pla% Kbig brotherK role in the Region.

    This fact has forced Indian polic% #a&ers to target )a&istan for

    isolating her internationall%. This ai# is being achieved through

    various #eans including @edia ca#paigns$ diplo#atic efforts$

    propaganda arfare$ and

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    -2 Depriving )a&istan fro# South East 8sian #ar&ets and

    creating an econo#ic stagnation in )a&istan.

    2 )ropagating )a&istan as an Isla#ic funda#entalist countr%

    thus restricting foreign invest#ent$ especiall% fro# West

    and !.S.

    f. *ai!ure of SAARC. S88RC as founded ith an ai# to pro#ote

    trade$ social and cultural relations a#ong the South 8sian states.

    Indian desire to influence the region has di#inished the role of the

    S88RC thereb% reducing its role to a cere#onial annual #eeting

    beteen the heads of the states ith little or no results. The

    basic reason of its failure is IndiaJs Indo"centric attitude$ hich

    has spread hopelessness a#ong the other #e#ber countries.

    g. (o% Intensit Conf!ict 2(IC3. India is using

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    accession of states to one or the other of the ne Do#inion as

    left to the discretion of the ruler. Goever$ the discretion of the

    ruler as subected to the Kgeographic situation and co##unal

    interests$K hile deciding accession b% the rulers of these states.

    The accession of Hash#ir to )a&istan as logical and legiti#ate

    in &eeping ith the logic behind the partition of Indian

    Subcontinent into @usli# and non"@usli# portions vis","vis

    de#ographic structure and her contiguousness to )a&istan on

    three sides.

    b. Importance for Pa$istan. The i#portance of Hash#ir for

    )a&istan can be ell understood b% having a loo& at the #ap.

    Three out of si+ rivers that run through )a&istan originate fro#

    Hash#ir na#el% Rivers Indus$ helu# and Chenab.

    Econo#icall%$ the aters of these rivers are vital to the

    agricultural life of )a&istan. Hash#ir assu#es added i#portance

    for )a&istan fro# #ilitar% point of vie. Without Hash#ir$ Sil&

    route to China ill be greatl% endangered. There ill be no

    ground lin& ith China. The ground defence of )a&istan ill be

    endangered$ if the rivers and canals are dried up. Bing to

    these reasons the )ri#e @inister of )a&istan described the

    strategic value of Hash#ir to )a&istan in folloing ords in 1971.

    KHash#ir is ver% i#portant$ is vital to )a&istanF to India it is hat

    %ou #ight call a lu+ur%$ ith us it is a vital necessit% for our


    c. Importance for India. 8s per the IndianJs clai#s$ there are

    historical and cultural ties of the state ith India of hich it has all

    through the ages been an integral part. @r 4opal$ a Gindu riter

    e+plains the strategic i#portance of Hash#ir to India in folloing

    ords in his article$ KConsideration of defence K published in an

    Indian periodical KCaravanK in 5ebruar% 197. KIndia ithout

    Hash#ir could cease to occup% a pivotal position on the political


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    #ap of Central 8sia. Strategicall%$ Hash#ir is vital to the

    securit%F it has been so ever since the dan of histor%. Its

    northern provinces give direct gatea% to the 3orth West province

    of )a&istan and 3orthern )unab. It is IndiaJs onl% indo to the

    Central 8sian Republics of !SSR in the north$ China on the east

    and to 8fghanistan on the WestK. If criticall% anal%sed$ the

    presu#ed strategic i#portance of Hash#ir as per Indian

    viepoint$ is #ore based on desire to have hege#on% in the

    region rather than based on securit% co#pulsions$ as is the case

    ith )a&istan.

    d. Kashmir 4 A Threat to Re.iona! Securit. Resurgence of

    freedo# #ove#ent in 199s$ has given ne di#ensions to

    Hash#ir proble#. Hash#ir is the focal issue beteen India and

    )a&istan. This issue has beco#e #ore sensitive since the

    nuclari>ation of both the states because of hich orld

    co##unit% also vies it ith concern and consider it as a nuclear

    flash point in an% future ar in the region.

    1. China *actor in Pa$istan1s Securit. )a&istanJs relations ith China

    began to gro closer after the China )a&istanJs boundar% agree#ent of 19?-.

    )a&istan Chinese friendship reached its >enith during the 19?7 Indo")a&istan

    War$ then their relationship as so#ehat affected b% the acceptance of

    Soviets #ediation role at the Tash&ent conference on Hash#ir issue in 19??

    and 5ield @arshal 8%ub #oving closer to @osco for getting ar#s for )a&istan

    during 19?"?. Despite their do#estic upheavals caused b% Cultural

    Revolution$ China continued his econo#ic and #ilitaril% support to )a&istan

    !nli&e the !S China has been an all eather friend of )a&istan. The Chinese

    aid to )a&istan has been constant and consistent. )a&istan has been able to

    counter Indian hege#on% in the region to a considerable e+tent on account of

    her close and cordial relationship ith China and the support that both of the#

    have been lending to each other in international foru#s. @ain thrust of China

    for ne+t decade is its econo#ic groth and industriali>ation. Chinese leaders


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    are prag#atic and ould not confront !.S.8. before the% are full% developed.

    )a&istan and China continue to have identit% of vies on issues pertaining to

    the region. Sign of Russian i#prove#ent in relation ith China can be ta&en as

    positive develop#ent to help neutrali>e the Russian hostilit% toard )a&istan.

    I#prove#ent in Sino"Indian relations has ruled out the possibilit% of a #ilitar%

    conflict beteen the to. Goever$ in the future Indo" )a& conflict$ China can

    be e+pected to provide diplo#atic and #aterial support to us$ but ill not ris&

    direct confrontation ith India.

    1. Af.hanistan Situation and Re.iona! Interests

    a. Iranian Interest. Iranian apprehensions originate fro# the fear

    of contain#ent b% !S8$ )a&istan and Saudi 8rabia ith Taliban

    ruled 8fghanistan$ therefore$ Iran is *uite sensitive to govern#ent

    ith different religious ideologies that clashed during the battle for

    @a>ar"e"Sharif. Iran is no supporting anti Taliban alliance

    created ith active Russian support. It has provided sanctuaries

    to pro Iran leaders and is also helping the# raise forces for

    operations against Taliban in Western 8fghanistan.

    b. Centra! Asian Repup!ics 2CARs3 Apprehensions. Declaration

    of independence b% the si+ predo#inantl% @usli# Republics has

    created a ne geo"political factor in the region. Econo#icall%

    the% are still under the effective influence of Russia and the% still

    depend on Russia for regional securit%$ therefore$ an% securit%

    irritant to Russia ill have direct bearing on these states too.

    C8Rs still have either secular or co##unis# as their socio"

    political s%ste#$ hich #a&e the# sensitive to the 8fghan

    situation ith Taliban govern#ent and possible spill over in the

    shape of an% Isla#ic resurgence #ove#ent ithin these states.

    c. Russian Interest. Russian interests can be su##arised as


    12 To prevent for#ation of an Isla#ic state in 8fghanistan.


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    '2 5avours an unstable 8fghanistan to prevent C8Rs to have

    transit facilities through 8rabian Sea$ hich ill have

    serious repercussions on Russian econo#%.

    '2 !se 8fghanistan case as an e+cuse for its presence in

    Chechn%a and Tai&istan to #ould orld opinion in her

    favour as a state"fighting funda#entalis#.

    d. Indian In-o!-ement. 8n%thing that favours )a&istan beco#es

    an issue for India. India ants 8fghanistan either divided or ith

    a govern#ent hostile to )a&istan due to strategic fle+ibilit%$ that

    )a&istan achieves if her Western borders are secure. @aor

    Indian interests in 8fghanistan issue can be su##arised as 0"

    12 To &eep )a&istan access to C8Rs bloc&ed.

    '2 @a&e Western borders hostile.

    -2 Create gulf of differences beteen Iran and )a&istan.

    e. The geo"strategic i#portance of 8fghanistan cannot be over

    e#phasised. 3evertheless$ the continued strife a#ongst her

    arring factions has serious econo#ic and securit% ra#ifications

    for )a&istan. War torn 8fghanistan is favoured not onl% b% India$

    but also b% Iran and Russia. !nstable 8fghanistan suits Russia

    and Iran in the conte+t of their politico"econo#ic obectives in

    C8Rs. Goever$ 8fghanistan in tur#oil poses no #ilitar% threat

    to )a&istan. Goever$ for econo#ic and political reasons$ peace

    and stabilit% in 8fghanistan are i#portant to the securit% and

    econo#ic interests of )a&istan.

    19. Iran. Ever since the Iranian revolution of 199$ the !S and its Western

    allies have tried to isolate Iran in an effort to li#it and contain the spread of its

    influence. Conse*uentl%$ to brea&out of its diplo#atic isolation$ Iran

    endeavoured to develop close econo#ic relations ith India$ and politico"

    #ilitar% relations ith Russia. Its co"operation ith India for the develop#ent of

    the port of Chah =ahar should also be seen in the sa#e conte+t. Bnce

    considered a strategic depth or relief >one for )a&istan$ Iran has been issuing


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    threatening political state#ents and #oving closer to India. 8ctive diplo#ac%

    in re*uired to restore cordial relations beteen )a&istan and Iran.

    a. Ta!i'an *actor. The #ost serious clash of interests beteen

    )a&istan and Iran has e#erged over the 8fghanistan issue. This$

    coupled ith sectarian polarisation in )a&istan has caused an

    environ#ent of deep #istrust beteen the to countries. It has

    concerns about e+tre#ist Sunni religious groups in )a&istan and

    8fghanistan and is deepl% interested in the securit% of Shia

    #inorities in both the countries. Iran is no supporting anti"

    Taliban alliance created a#id active Russian support. It has

    provided sanctuaries to pro"Iran leaders and is also helping the#

    to raise forces for operations against Taliban in estern

    8fghanistan. )a&"Iran friendship has ala%s been e+e#plar%$

    hoever$ the gulf beteen good relations is beco#ing clearl%

    visible ith the increasing econo#ic and #ilitar% corporation

    beteen Iran and India. Iranian leadership does not thin& of

    e+porting revolution an%#ore and favours e+pansion of ties ith

    the West. The% have displa%ed profound prag#atis# to end their

    international isolation. With the ne approach of the leadership

    and potential econo#ic #ight$ Iran is li&el% to retain its pivotal

    position in the regional conte+t.

    b. Di-er.ent *orei.n Po!icies. Iran underscores the need for

    forestalling the influence of big poers in the region$ especiall%

    the !.S. Bn other hand$ )a&istan$ nurtures continuing desire to

    assist the !S pla%ing a greater role in the region. These divergent

    vies #a% estrange Iran fro# )a&istan.

    c. Iranian ,o-es On Dip!omatic *ront. It is abundantl% clear that

    the close relationship beteen India and Iran ill certainl% go

    against the interest of )a&istan as ell as the Hash#ir cause.

    The tripartite agree#ent signed in 8pril 1997 a#ongst India$ Iran

    and Turenistan for #utual trade is the final hu#iliation for


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    )a&istan and the ECB. 8t the sa#e ti#e$ triangular relationship

    beteen Iran$ India and China is developing hich ill influence

    the strategic balance in the region. Bne the other hand$

    i#prove#ent in relations ith !S8 ill further isolate )a&istan in

    the region.

    '. Centra! Asian Repu'!ics 2CARs3# An Economic Rea!it

    a. Declaration of independence b% the si+ predo#inantl% @usli#

    Republics has created a ne geopolitical factor in the region.

    Econo#icall%$ C8Rs have ver% deep and e+tensive lin&age ith

    Russia covering co##unication s%ste# and trade outlets.

    8lthough all the states e+cept H%rg%>tan are rich in #ineral and

    h%drocarbon resources$ their econo#ies are in tatters. C8Rs

    depend upon Russia for regional securit% but increasingl% loo&

    toards Europe and 8sia )acific region for capital and advanced

    technological inputs.

    b. )a&istan can e+ploit the prospects onl% hen a clear"cut polic%

    approach is adopted in dealing ith the Central 8sia @usli#

    republics. )a&istanJs #aor dile##a in her advance toards

    Central 8sia is unstable 8fghanistan. The future of our geo"

    strategic e+cess to Central 8sia depends on it. )eace in

    8fghanistan is a pre"re*uisite for the options for )a&istan.


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    '1. Identification of Interna! Threats to the Securit of Pa$istan.

    )a&istan(s national securit% i#peratives in the '1stcentur% are li&el% to be #ulti"

    directional. In addition to the traditional threat fro# India that can be deter#ined

    and *uantified M the #ain securit% concern ill be internal rather than e+ternal.

    8s the sa%ing goes$ e are our orst ene#%. Consolidating national cohesion

    and social fabric$ #anaging ethnic and sectarian tendencies$ spreading

    #eaningful and *ualit% education and health care$ i#proving econo#ic

    conditions$ and #ore i#portant than all$ defusing the population ti#e bo#b$ are

    so#e of the securit% challenges of the '1stcentur%. 3o e shall discuss

    each of the factors effecting the internal securit% d%na#ics of )a&istan.

    ''. Ethnic Conf!icts. Ethnic differences appear to be the #ost recent

    threat to the alread% destabilised internal securit% situation of the countr%. Due

    to one reason or the other$ #ost of the ethnic groups ho did not de#and a

    separate identit% before have surfaced in the past couple of decades. There is

    no den%ing the fact that )a&istan has been ho#e to #an% ethnic co##unities

    since her inception$ but the% did e+ist peacefull%. The proble#s are recent and

    the% are the result of continuous #is#anage#ent of the issues b% thegovern#ent. It ill be fair to sa% that despite other factors$ 4overn#ents at one

    ti#e or the other are largel% responsible for the present situation. The ethnic

    conflicts that have lost #o#entu# in the past but are still capable of reviving

    are anal%sed in succeeding paragraphs.

    a. )a!ochistan ,o-ement. This #ove#ent surfaced in #id

    seventies$ and as suppressed successfull% b% the 8r#%. The

    #aor causes that have developed over a period of ti#e as

    enu#erated belo$ if not addressed b% the govern#ent has the

    capacit% to revive the uprising and fuel the alread% e+isting ethnic


    12 Reduced share in develop#ent proects.


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    2 Serai$i Su'a ,o-ement. This ethnic group surfaced in

    recent %ears and de#anded a separate province :Sarai&i

    Suba;. 8bout 9.- percent Serai&i spea&ing population of

    =ahaalpur$ @ultan$ Dera 4ha>i Hhan Division of )unab$

    have a #i+ed )unabi and Sindhi culture. These people do

    not have an% territorial identification li&e other ethnic

    groups. So far the idea has failed to generate an% popular

    de#and and is confined to intellectual Serai&i circles.

    Goever$ the #ove#ent #a% at an% ti#e i#plicate the

    national integration adversel%.

    '-. Sectarianism.

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    of the Iranian Revolution as a #orale booster for the Shia %outh

    in )a&istan.

    b. Po!itica! *actors. The long periods of @artial ation gave rise to #ilitanc% in various

    religious groups. Resultantl% sectarianis# gained #o#entu# and

    assu#ed dangerous proportions.

    c. Deeni ,adaris. Deeni @adaris are pla%ing a pivotal role in

    fanning sectarianis# because the% are producing a large nu#ber

    of students ith sect oriented educational bac&ground. These

    #adaris indoctrinate students against a particular sect and have

    assu#ed the role of nurser% for #ilitant ings of different religious


    d. *orei.n *actor7 It is fair to assu#e that Indian 4overn#ent

    through its intelligence agenc% Research and 8nal%sis Wing

    R8W2 is penetrating the sectarian organisations. It is not a

    surprise to us$ hoever$ hat concerns us the #ost are our

    relations ith Iran and 8fghanistan. )olitical develop#ents in the

    region in the past decade have caused differences ith these

    4overn#ents. There are strong indications that so#e factions

    fro# these countries are supporting certain sectarian groups in

    )a&istan through R8W.

    '. Po!itica! Insta'i!it7 The contours of internal threat revolve around

    the role of de#ocratic institutions. Strong political institutions chec& ra#pant

    corruption$ nepotis# reduce the do#inance of feudal fro# political parties and

    prepare the #asses for participator% politics. !nfortunatel% de#ocraticinstitutions of )a&istan have not gained sufficient strength to counter the

    internal securit% threats due to political instabilit%. So#e of the ea&nesses of

    De#ocratic Institutions are0"


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    a. *ramin. of Constitution. It too& #ore than three decades to

    arrive at the constitution of 19-. The provincial and parochial

    tussle is vivid in this regard.

    b. ,i!itar Inter-entions. 5re*uent #ilitar% interventions have never

    alloed the political institutions to flourish and produce the

    desired results. It is also obvious that even civilianised #ilitar%

    regi#es cannot genuinel% cater to arouse the aspirations of those

    ho# the% govern because of the si#ple reason that e+pansion

    of political participation i#perils their on future.

    c. (eadership Crisis.

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    '?. Economics7 The econo#ic situation of the countr% is

    su##arised as 0"

    a7 E8terna! De't. Since ul% 1971 volu#e of debt has shon

    continued groth. The outstanding level of e+ternal debt as O

    ?.1 billion at the end of '1-$ although level as O -' =illion in

    1999 . Share of grants and grant li&e assistance have steadil%

    declined and substituted b% hard ter# loans repa%able in foreign

    currenc% ithhigher interest rates and shorter grace periods. The

    result of all this is a groing burden of debt servicing.

    b. Domestic De't. 4overn#ent has heavil% relied on do#estic

    borroing to finance its deficits. 5inancing deficits b% borroing

    rather than b% ta+ing #eans have shifted the burden to the future

    generations. =% 1999 do#estic debt as Rs 117.' billion. The

    interest pa%#ent on do#estic debt is 17'.? billion$ hich is '9.?

    percent of current e+penditure and --. percent of total revenue.

    c. ) Deficit7 )a&istan faces toda% a serious fiscal

    i#balance. Debt servicing accounts for 7?.7 percent$ defence

    '9.- percent and running of civil ad#inistration . percent. @ain

    i#pedi#ents in reducing the deficit are the current e+penditures$

    large debt servicing and li#ited revenue. To ite#s i.e. debt

    servicing Rs '7.? billion2 and defence Rs 17 billion2 consu#e

    Rs '.7 billion and leave onl% a #eagre a#ount of Rs 11.?

    billion for develop#ent.

    d. (oan Defau!ts. 5inancial institutions suffered because loans

    ere offered due to political pressure ithout chec&ing the

    credentials of borroer$ his capabilit% to refund and guarantees.

    5eudal lords got the loans that had no e+perience of industr%$

    resulting in bad loans or surrender of sic& units.

    e. (o% (e-e! of In-estment7 )a&istan is investing onl% one fifth of

    its 4D). In addition$ the invest#ent is less productive than the

    rapidl% groing econo#ies of Southeast 8sia. 5oreign direct


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    invest#ent stood at O17. #illion during first - #onths of 199"

    99 as against O99'.9 of si#ilar period in 199"9 due to

    sanctions. 5oreign portfolio invest#ent as O. #illion as

    opposed to O1'7. #illion for the sa#e period.

    f. De-a!uation7 Devaluation of currenc% is ala%s unpopular in

    )a&istan because it raises the price of foreign goods and puts

    pressure on real consu#ption and invest#ent. Devaluation

    should be done$ hen the countr% has a si>eable e+port surplus

    or hen do#estic goods can co#pete in price and *ualit% as ell.

    Bur econo#% has none of these essential tributes. Bur e+ports

    are generall% li#ited to cotton and rice hich is fi+ed due to

    *uotas and also restricted to certaincountries. Devaluation is not

    the anser to increase e+ports.

    g. Trade Deficit7

    12 E8ports7 The e+port groth in )a&istan has been uneven.

    E+port during 1999 stood at O.' billion. The foreign trade

    deficit has re#ained high. Recentl%$ e+ports have

    stagnated. Developed countries offset fast econo#ic

    groth of developing countries b% appl%ing non"tariff

    barriers$ i#port substitution and involution of the WTB.

    '2 Imports7 The i#ports have e+ceeded e+ports$ enlarging

    the gap and creating a trade deficit. Industr% depends on

    foreign ra #aterials and capital goods. Due to rapid

    depletion of crude oil$ the i#port of petroleu# products has

    been groing O1.7' billion in 199"992. The recent #ove

    to encourage canola and increase heat production and

    issue of licences for e+plorations of oilare the steps in the

    right direction7

    h. Ta8ation7 )a&istan could not #obilise ta+ and other revenue

    resources to cover its e+penditure. Ta+ revenues proected in

    budget '1'"'1- are Rs --.1 billion. Ideall% the share of


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    direct ta+es should be #ore than indirect ta+es. In 1997"9? share

    of direct ta+es in ta+ of 4D) ratio as increased to -. percent as

    co#pared to 1. percent of indirect ta+es. 8nnual rate has

    shon a considerable decline in ta+pa%ers.

    '. Education. Education is critical for econo#ic and social

    develop#ent. Without education$ develop#ent can be neither broad based nor

    sustained$ it also acts as a vital ingredient in building a nation. Education is also

    a basic co#ponent of social cohesion and national identit%. Education in

    )a&istan has suffered due to rapid population groth$ resource constraints$

    internal inefficienc% of the s%ste#$ lo enrol#ent and high dropout$ lac& of

    ade*uate political ill$ despite of the fact that spending on education has been

    graduall% increasing in all develop#ent plans.

    '. Popu!ation E8p!osion. The unplanned and uncontrolled groth of

    population is an area of concern for us. Bur #eagre resources and

    develop#ent capabilities cannot support the high rate of population groth.

    Due to short fall in resources$ sense of deprivation has surfaced in the


    PART I+


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    Conc!usions'9. Econom. Wea& econo#ic base coupled ith lac& of farsightedness

    of the successive govern#ents$ resulted in acceptance of strict conditions

    i#posed b% I@5/ World =an& in order to avoid default$ thus causing econo#ic

    tur#oil and internal unrest. Wea& econo#ics ill render )a&istan subservient to

    international donors ith serious repercussions for its securit%.

    -. Importance of "eo#Po!itics. In spite of the global shift fro# geo"

    politics to geo"econo#ics$ geo"politics still re#ains #ore i#portant for )a&istan$

    due to its peculiar securit% environ#ents.

    -1. Indian Am'itions. !S recent inclination toards India even after her

    nuclear e+plosion and her refusal to sign CT=T has long ter# interest in India

    to counter China in the region. This shift in the !S polic% is a securit% concern

    to )a&istan as it gives a go ahead signal to India to pursue her hege#onic

    goals in the region and ratif% India(s polic% toards Hash#ir. IndiaPs ai# ould

    be to reduce )a&istan politicall% and #ilitaril% into a subservient state. 5or this

    purpose India is li&el% to propagate folloing 0"

    a. The#e of funda#entalis# in )a&istan.

    b. Sponsoring terroris# in the region and across entire globe.

    c. Supporting Isla#ic resurgence #ove#ents in the orld.


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    -1. Af.han Issue. 8n unstable 8fghanistan favours India and Russia. If

    a pro" )a&istan govern#ent is for#ed in 8fghanistan$ it ould afford

    tre#endous econo#ic opportunities for )a&istan b% opening an access to

    C8Rs. Goever this situation illnot be acceptable toIndia or Russia$ hich

    for#s the basis of their interests in 8fghanistan. The fear of its beco#ing a

    breeding ground of the so called @usli# 5unda#entalists and international

    terroris# is vieed ith concern b% the West and !S8.

    -'. China *actor. China being a #aor pla%er in global poer politics

    ill not li&e to have strained relations ith an e#erging poer in the

    neighbourhood. Instead$ she ill tr% to chec& the increasing influence of

    West and !S8 b% establish#ent of regional bloc&. This #a% create to

    different t%pes of effects for )a&istan0"

    a. It ill deprive )a&istan its onl% trusted alliance ith a #aor

    regional and global poer.

    b. It #a% also increase )a&istan(s i#portance for China to chec&

    Western and !S8 influence in her neighbourhood b% establishing

    regional bloc& consisting )a&istan$ Iran and 8fghanistan.

    --. Pa$#Iran Re!ations. Iran a one ti#e reliable friend of )a&istan

    no loo&s at )a&istan ith suspicion and anger$ due to support of e+tre#ist

    Sunni group in 8fghanistan and &illing of Iranian diplo#ats in @a>ar"I" Sharif.


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    This gives Iran enough reasons to loo& toards India hich should be a source

    of concern for )a&istan. This situation if further deteriorated ould #a&e

    )a&istan(s estern borders unsafe$ hich once use to provide depth to

    )a&istan fro# an% threat fro# east.

    -?. S88RC is not li&el% to bring an% #aor change in the region. India is

    using it as a platfor# to do#inate region as a :big brother;$ hoever so far it

    has been not been successful due to refusal of )a&istan to accept its


    -. Inco#petent and selfish political leaders have ala%s politicised the

    linguistic$ ethnic and sectarian issues for their on interests hich has

    ea&ened the fibre of national integration and e+posed )a&istan to internal

    securit% threats.

    -7 Ethnic divide has destabilised the socio"econo#ic and socio"ethnic

    order. The to regional pla%ers have #ade )a&istan a battlefield of their

    conflicting ideologies and a third pla%er see&s this opportunit% to e+ploit the

    situation in order to pursue her on hege#onic designs.

    -9. TheSind proble# is accentuated b% une#plo%ed %outh$ inept civil

    ad#inistration and vested foreign interests.


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    . The folloing reco##endations are #ade to enable us to #eet the

    challenges of the ne #illenniu# successfull%0"

    a7 *orei.n Po!ic 7 The foreign polic% should foster on the

    folloing linesF

    293 The !S desire for constructive relations ith )a&istan$

    especiall% in the econo#ic and co##ercial field$ can be

    encouraged to #utual benefit. )a&istan should also

    support"in a #easured a%" the !S desire for arresting a

    nuclear and conventional ar#s race in South 8sia and$

    therefore$ restraining India(s #ilitar% a#bitions. )a&istan

    should be able to utili>e China(s groing global strategic

    i#portance to secure #ore Pe*uitable( treat#ent fro# the

    !S and other poers.

    '2 We #ust e+plore avenues for i#proving relations ith Russia$

    to re#ove the #istrust and to foster #ore cordial relations.

    -2 3or#alisation beteen Iran and 8fghanistan through

    )a&istan(s diplo#atic #oves ill favour securit% and

    develop#ent of these sister countries$ hereas

    i#prove#ent of relations ith Russia ill help not onl% in

    stabilising the situation in 8fghanistan but also help in

    #a&ing ECB #eaningful organisation. 3egotiations be

    engineered to establish a friendl% govern#ent in

    8fghanistan$ to ensure the return of refugees and the

    opening of trade routes to C8Rs7

    b. Economic Re-i-a!7 Toda%(s orld is engulfed in an

    econo#ic ar. These ars are #ore destructive in nature as

    co#pared to the conventional ars. )a&istan is presentl%

    e+periencing the orst t%pe of econo#ic stagnation of its histor%.

    This poor state can effect its ar#ed forces$ value of our

    conventional and nuclear deterrence$ national securit%$ and


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    ulti#atel% its ver% e+istence as a free and sovereign state.

    Therefore$ econo#ic revival should be our fore#ost agenda point

    hen considering securit% threats7

    c. Institution )ui!din.7 The trust and confidence in the national

    institutions has eroded. State depart#ents have failed to provide

    securit%$ ustice$ and a stable political s%ste# for nation and

    countr% to progress. Drug #one% and eapons running have

    brought our societ% to a state of anarch%. Institutions need to be

    re"established and cleaned up to &eep )a&istan a viable and

    progressing countr%.

    d. Education7 The #aor cause of our #ost of the social evils is

    the lo literac% rate. 3ational education standards have to be

    revived$ education up to pri#ar% level should be #ade

    co#pulsor% and on govern#ent e+penses. We have to do aa%

    ith the dual education s%ste#$ here selective bod% of the

    societ% onl% get a chance of #odern education and #aorit% of

    population is deprived of *ualit% education.

    e. Arms Contro!7 The international pla%ers to target specific

    countries have used ar#s control particularl% the nuclear ar#s

    control. )a&istan ill have to adopt a balanced approach to the

    proble# in ter#s of ar#s production as ell as diplo#ac% to not

    co#pro#ise its securit% and also avoid being targeted b% an%

    negative diplo#atic #ove.

    f. Restricted So-erei.nt7 Through the tools of international

    restrictions and constraint of financial assistance$ )a&istan is

    li&el% to e+perience restrictions in ter#s of polic% options.

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    direct conflict ith India in the event of an Indo")a&istan ar. et

    the #ore e develop our relation ith the#$ the #ore e ill

    co#plicate India(s securit% calculation.

    h. Corruption7 The viruses of corruption$ inefficienc% and tight

    bureaucratic controls have #anifestl% degraded our political and

    national s%ste#s. This proble# #ust be identified and suitable

    corrective #easures #ust be ta&en.

    . ,edia and Information Techno!o.7 Bur archene#% India has

    over a period of ti#e has ta&en large leap in this i#portant field.

    @edia and IT in toda%(s #odern era is pla%ing i#portant role in

    the rise and don fall of the nations. We #ust in this regard #a&e

    a national polic% for #a&ing best use of this latest and #ost

    effective eapon of #odern era.

    &. Response to (IC7 5olloing actions are advocated 0"

    12 8 coherent national polic%.

    '2 8rticulation of co##and especiall% beteen ar#% and

    civilian set"ups.


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    17 Conc!usion7 )a&istan occupies a special location in the region$

    hich bestos it strategic i#portance as a #aor regional pla%er. It also faces

    #ulti di#ensional threat )h%sical$ ps%chological$ ideological$ econo#ic etc2

    due to internal and e+ternal factors. In toda%(s global environ#ents$ there are

    no per#anent ene#ies or friendsF hoever$ India re#ains archene#% of

    )a&istan. 8s long as India &eep pursuing her national ai# of :4reater India;$

    the to nations ill do little toards achieving peace in the region. It is

    i#perative for s#all nations li&e )a&istan to do their ut#ost for their national

    securit% hen pitched against a big$ strong and nuclear neighbour having

    e+pansionist designs$ as India. 5or )a&istan an established internal cohesion$ a

    credible conventional deterrence and a #atching nuclear/ #issile response

    capabilit% is the onl% viable and cost effective solution to its sovereignt%.


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    1. Dr I&ra# 8>a#$4lobal Gu#an 5uture$ 4eopolitics$ )olitical 4eograph%

    and )a&istan$ 199'.

    '. AWorld )olitics and South 8sia$ =eginning of an End($ Current 8ffairs

    Digest$ ul 199.

    -. 8.N. Gilali$ A 4eo"Strategic I#portance of )a&istan($ Defence Revie


    . Wasee# Saad$ Econo#% of )a&istan. 3efine )rinting )ress$ 8h#ed Toor in The Citadel 3o. 1/99.

    9. !S )olicies and Their I#plications for South 8sia b% Dr @aleeha

  • 8/13/2019 Pak's Security Concerns and Options
