Pakistan - The Rising Star

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I got motivated to write this book after I got the impression that my country is being subjected to the media blitz and is being demonized as a dysfunctional society and a failed state. While much of what is being said on the media may be true to some extent, especially the violence and the wave of extremism, however, a large part of it can be characterized as an organized media campaign to malign the only nuclear power state of the Muslim world.There is no denying the fact that despite all the failings of its society and the shortcomings, the Pakistani nation is vibrant, culturally rich, hospitable, friendly and contrary to common western beliefs quite tolerant.I have made an attempt to apprise my fellow countrymen and women, especially the youth, about the tremendous potential of Pakistan in terms of natural and human resources. My message is therefore of ‘HOPE’ to all Pakistanis. If we shun corruption, parochialism and other ills in our society, we can attain great heights among the comity of nations.

Transcript of Pakistan - The Rising Star

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    The title of the book is Pakistan The Rising Star. It is divided into three parts:

    PART I: Pakistan the Nation

    PART II: Present-Day Pakistan

    PART III: Hope

    Part I (Pakistan the Nation) of the book cover details about brief history, geography, demographics, our culture and society, the scenic beauty, flora and fauna, architecture, dances, festivals, literature, famous cuisine, cinema and our great legends.

    Discussing the history, mention of civilizations, known inhabitants, Pakistan Movement, Sir Syed Ahmad Khans work for improving Muslims education and economic and social conditions, Two Nation Theory, role of Quaid-E-Azam in the movement in the early days, Pakistan Resolution, Quaid-E-Azam leaving the Congress and the forming of the Muslim League, marking of the map of Pakistan and India, massacres and killings during migrations annexations of territories like Junagarh and Kashmir issue have been highlighted.

    In geography, area, coastline, bordering countries, northern highlands, Indus Plains, Balochistan Plateau, northern part of Pakistan Kashmir, Hindu Kush and Himalayas, Nanga Parbat, K2, Pamir Ranges, lifestyles of Balochistan Plateau nomadic or semi-nomadic, deserts like Cholistan, rivers like Indus, Chenab and Jhelum Rivers, seasons of Pakistan and the placing of Pakistan between north and south longitudes and latitudes have been discussed.

    In the demographics section, the distribution of the population, ethnic groups, variations of populations e.g. Punjabi etc. cultural ties, languages spoken and about Balochis and Pashtuns of being descendants of Iranians have been discussed.

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    The culture and society of Pakistan describes the influences of culture, national dresses, and influence of Western culture, living style, educated modern cities like Karachi, Islamabad and Pakistanis living abroad.

    The beauty of Pakistan is defined by describing the beautiful places like Kawaai Valley, Mekran Coast, Taxila, Shandur Pass, Kailash Valley, Peshawar, Lahore, Deosai Plateau, Hunza Valley, Majestic K2, Ziarat, Karachi, Islamabad and Swat.

    In Flora and Fauna, the discussed topics are the climate and geography, wildlife, forests, mountains, grown fruits, southern plains, Central Pakistan, national animal of Pakistan, wildlife of Karakoram and deforestation in the country.

    The rich architecture of Pakistan has been mentioned in the book by dividing it into four distinct time periodspre-Islamic, Islamic, colonial and post-colonial. Rise of Buddhism, Persian, and Greek influence, Buddhist architecture, arrival of Islam in the region, architectural sites of Lahore like Badshahi Masjid, fortress of Lahore, Alamgiri Gate, Persian style Wazir Gate, modern structures like Faisal Masjid in Islamabad, Minar-E-Pakistan in Lahore and Mazar-E-Quaid in Karachi. In dances, the cultural dances of all four provinces have been mentioned. These include, region wise; Punjab: Bhangra, Luddi, Sammi, Jhumar. Baluchistan: Lewa, Chap, Jhumar. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa: Attan - Folk dance of Pashtuns tribes of Pakistan including the unique styles of Quetta and Waziristan, Khattak, Chitrali Dance. Sindh: Dhammal - Performed at Sufi shrines/ dargahs in Punjab and Sindh, Ho Jamalo - Sindhi dance, Jhumro. Festivals of Ramadan, Chand Raat, Eid celebrations, Eid Milaad-un-Nabi, Muharram (Ashra), Jashn-E-Baharan, Christmas, Nowruz, Independence Day and Defense Day are mentioned. Literature of Pakistan begins with the significance of Sir Allama Iqbal, literary heritage, and Persian influence and

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    classified into Urdu Literature, Pashto Literature, Sindhi Literature, Baluchi Literature, Folklores of Punjab, Folklores of Pashtun, Folklores from Sindh, and Folklores from Baluchistan.

    The cuisine of Pakistan includes the blend of cooking traditions from different regions of the subcontinent, style of cooking, royal kitchens; Foods such as shahi tukra,Seekh kebab and kulfi are mentioned as favorites.

    The Pakistani cinema has been on the decline for a number of years due to a variety of reasons. Achievements in this field have been underscored in the cinema section. Centers of film making, cinema in East Pakistan, cinema during the time of General Ayub Khan and Revival of Cinema are also included.

    List of legends is indeed long. It covers the politicians, war heroes, social activists, writers, actors, sportspersons, television talents, Islamic personalities, singers, scientists and doctors, legends and heroes in the education field and fashion industry includes designers and models.

    Part II(Present-Day Pakistan) tells us about the politics and current situation of Pakistan. Problems like education, corruption, relations with India, industrial development, extremism and terrorism.

    Politics of Pakistan mentions the administrative structure of the government; parliament, national assembly, relations with other countries and about being a nuclear power.

    Problems like education, low level of literacy rate and allocations of funds for education have been highlighted.

    Corruption has been identified as the top most factor in Pakistans low development. The section on foreign affairs primarily focuses on India and includes history, partition, wars, Pakistans issues with India, terrorist attack on Indian Parliament and division of resources at the time of partition.

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    Industrial development includes the economic growth and industrial progress, regional inequalities, industrial and economic policies and loss of Pakistans industries. Extremism and Terrorism may be the biggest problem of Pakistan after corruption. Discussed topics are 9/11 incident, war on terror, attacks on Shias and Ahmedis, tainted reputation of Pakistan due terrorism and impression of Pakistan abroad of being a terrorist sanctuary. Importance of extraordinary efforts to improve the image of Pakistan has been discussed.

    Part III(Hope) In this section, the discussed topics are surviving disasters, potential of Pakistan in terms of rich human and natural resources, the gift of incredible geography, philanthropy in Pakistan and predictions about Pakistans fabulous future made by Sufis and saints. Predictions were made by great Sufis and saints of the region and include Naimat Ullah Shah Wali, Mufti Mumtaz, Qudrat Ullah Shabhab, Sufi Barkat Ali and Bari Imam. The gift of geography mentions the strategic significance of Pakistans geographical position because of many reasons e.g. being the gateway to trade to Central Asia and China. Philanthropy in Pakistan includes data aboutindividual giving, religious faith, relief efforts and helping and loving population.

    It has been highlighted that all the ingredients which could propel Pakistan into an era of economic revolution are present in the country.

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    Pakistan The Land I Call my Home! Pakistan is where I live, breathe, eat, sleep its the place I call my own, my home. The Flag of Pakistan-May Allah keep it flying high for ever!

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    Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah Father of the Nation Quaid-E-Azam is the one whom I admire, follow and respect! My Leader! Father of the Nation of a Great Country!

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    I got motivated to write this book after I got the impression that my country is being subjected to the media blitz and is being demonized as a dysfunctional society and a failed state. While much of what is being said on the media may be true to some extent, especially the violence and the wave of extremism, however, a large part of it can be characterized as an organized media campaign to malign the only nuclear power state of the Muslim world.There is no denying the fact that despite all the failings of its society and the shortcomings, the Pakistani nation is vibrant, culturally rich, hospitable, friendly and contrary to common western beliefs quite tolerant.

    I have made an attempt to apprise my fellow countrymen and women, especially the youth, about the tremendous potential of Pakistan in terms of natural and human resources. My message is therefore of HOPE to all Pakistanis. If we shun corruption, parochialism and other ills in our society, we can attain great heights among the comity of nations.

    It has been almost 70 years since the creation of Pakistan. During this period, we as a nation have witnessed, for majority of the period, trials and tribulations. Wars, natural disasters, terrorism, corruption, poverty, religious extremism, illiteracy, decaying social fabric and unemployment plague us today. In terms of social indicators, we are behind even those countries which gained independence after 1947. An example is of China which gained Independence in 1949. Today, China is far ahead of us in almost every walk of life.

    However, despite all the gloom and repeated failures, there has always been HOPE. Some people say that the Pakistanis are the most resilient nation on the face of this earth. Even though there are daily bomb blasts, frequent natural disasters and above all corruption, the nation continues to survive as a viable entity. Lack of resources, low employment, falling productivity and power shortages have not dampened the spirit of this nation. In fact, Pakistanis

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    have done remarkably well in many fields. Pakistani engineers, doctors, scientists, educationists, social activists and sports persons have done wonders and have achieved laurels for the motherland.

    With a vast stretch of fertile land, young, intelligent and hardworking human resource, in addition to the tremendous amount of natural resources, the nation stands a fairly good chance of achieving greatness and prosperity for its people. A great majority of its people has firm faith in destiny and divine intervention. They believe that the trials and tribulations they are facing today are all temporary. There is also the realization that they are a young nation and will require some time to mature. Nations pass through trying times and have to learn through their mistakes.

    Pakistan has a lot to achieve in the future and my message to all of you is to never lose Hope. We should always remember Quaid-E-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. We should keep in mind the dream he had for Pakistan. He dreamt that Pakistan would become one of the Greatest Nation of the World and to achieve his dream we have to work hard and only then we will succeed.

    I hope that this book, mainly aimed at foreigners, will help create awareness about my country and its people. My humble attempt to familiarize the outside world about this great country is therefore a duty. It will hopefully dispel some of the negative impressions about this great land and its people.


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    Part I (Pakistan: The Land of the Pure) Introduction 11

    History 13

    Geography 23

    Demographics 29

    Culture & Society 32

    Beauty of Pakistan 34

    Flora & Fauna 44

    Architecture 47

    Dances 50

    Festivals 51

    Literature 55

    Cuisine 57

    Cinema 60

    Legends of Pakistan 63

    Part II (Present-Day Pakistan) Politics 134

    Problems 137

    i) Education 137 ii) Corruption 138 iii) Pakistan India Relations 139

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    iv) Industrial Development 140 v) Extremism and Terrorism 142 Part III (HOPE) Hope 146

    Surviving Disasters 149

    Our Incredible Pakistan 150

    Rich Human Resource 152

    Pakistans Natural Resources 153 The gift of Geography 156

    Philanthropy in Pakistan 158

    Pakistan A gift of Allah 159 Conclusion

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    The word Pakistan means the land of the pure. It is an acronym of various provinces and regions which formed the country in 1947.

    Founder of the Nation: Muhammad Ali Jinnah

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    A country founded by the great leader of the Indian sub continent- Quaid-e-Azam (meaning the great leader in Urdu language) Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Pakistan displays some of Asias most magnificent landscapes as it stretches from the Arabian Sea, its southern border, to some of the worlds most spectacular mountain ranges in the north. Pakistan is also home to sites that date back to words earliest known settlements. The ancient heritage of Pakistan rivals that of Egypt and Mesopotamia.

    Situated in South Asia, Pakistan is called the gateway to Central Asia and shares an eastern border with arch rival India and a north-eastern border with its all-weather friend China. To the south west of Pakistan lies the brotherly Muslim country of Iran, with whom Pakistan shares common religious and cultural heritage. With Afghanistan, Pakistan shares its longest borders on the west and northwest. The Arabian Sea is Pakistans southern boundary with a coastline of almost 1100 kilometers. The country has a total area of 796,095 sq. kms. It is nearly four times the size of the United Kingdom. From Gwadar Bay in its south-eastern corner, the country extends more than 1,800 km to the Khunjerab Pass on Chinas border. The famous silk route lies in the northern part of Pakistan.

    Pakistan is unique in many ways. Perhaps very few countries in the world possess what Pakistan has in terms of geography. Some of these features are:

    All four seasons summer, autumn, winter, spring; Blessed with huge amount of precious minerals

    and other natural resources; Has all kinds of land forms, plains,

    deserts, mountains, hills, forests, areas with glaciers; as well as areas of extreme hot temperature; Has five major rivers, apart from numerous

    smaller ones

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    Indus Priest/King Statue

    The land which constitutes Pakistan today has been the home of worlds oldest civilization. Its first known inhabitants are believed to have been the Soanians, who settled in the Soan Valley and Riwat areas some 2 million years ago. Over the next several thousand years, the region was home to various civilizations like Mehrgarh and the Indus Valley Civilization. The region saw many conquests and remained both independent and under various colonial empires throughout different time periods. Its ancient history also includes some of the oldest known empires.

    Pakistan is the abode of many splendid Buddhist establishments. Taxila, an ancient city situated 40 kilometers north west of capital, Islamabad, was the main centre of Gandhara, some 3,000 years ago. Taxila had attracted Alexander the great from Macedonia in 326 BC. The invading forces of Alexander, brought with them Greek influence in the area. Taxila later came under the Mauryan dynasty and reached an extraordinary level of development

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    under the great Indian emperor Ashoka of the Mauryal dynasty. During the year 2 B.C, Buddhism was adopted as the state religion, which flourished and prevailed for over 1,000 years, until the year 10 A.D.

    During this time, Taxila, Swat and Charsadda, became three important centres of culture, trade and learning. Hundreds of monasteries and stupas were built together with Greek towns such as Sirkap and Sirsukh. Gandhara civilization was not only the centre of spiritual influence but also the cradle of culture, art and learning. It was from these centers that a unique art of sculpture originated, which is known as Gandhara Art all over the world.

    Taxila: The birth place of Gandhara civilization

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    Taxila: The birth place of Gandhara civilization

    Mohenjodaro (The city of dead)

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    Archeological site of Mohenjo-daro in Southern Pakistan , built around 2600 BC, was one of the largest settlements of the ancient Indus Valley Civilization, and one of the world's earliest major urban settlements, contemporaneous with the civilizations of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia and Crete. Mohenjo-daro was discovered in 1922.

    Ruins of Harappa

    Another fascinating and mysterious ruin discovered in Eastern Pakistan near the city of Sahiwal, is called Harrapa. Artifacts and clues discovered at Harrapa have allowed archaeologists to reconstruct this civilization. The similarities in plan and construction between Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa indicate that they were part of a unified government with extreme organization. Both cities were constructed of the same type and shape of bricks. The two cities may have existed simultaneously and their sizes suggest that they served as capitals of their provinces.

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    Location of Harrapa and Mohenjodaro

    Artifacts recovered from the ruins of Harappa

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    Advent of Islam in the Indian Sub continent Muslim conquests in the Indian subcontinent mainly took place from the 12th to the 16th centuries, though earlier Muslim conquests made limited inroads into modern Afghanistan and Pakistan as early as the 8th century. Beginning in the 12th century, several Islamic states were established in the Indian subcontinent in the course of a gradual Muslim conquest in the Indian subcontinent. This process culminated in the Mughal Empire, which ruled most of India during the mid-16th to mid-19th centuries. Most of the foreign invaders of the sub continent came from Afghanistan. During the last quarter of the 12th century, Muhammad of Ghor invaded the Indo-Gangetic plain, conquering in succession Ghazni, Multan, Sindh, Lahore, and Delhi. Qutb-ud-din Aybak, one of his generals proclaimed himself Sultan of Delhi. In the 13th century, Shamsuddn Iltutmish (12111236), a former slave-warrior, established a Turkish kingdom in Delhi, which enabled future sultans to push in every direction. During a period of 100 years, the Delhi Sultanate extended its way east to Bengal and south to the Deccan. However, the sultanate was in constant flux as five dynasties rose and fell: the Slave dynasty (120690), Khalji dynasty (12901320), Tughlaq dynasty (13201413), Sayyid dynasty (141451), and Lodi dynasty (14511526). The Khilji dynasty, under 'Al'uddn (12961316), succeeded in bringing most of South India under its control for a time, although conquered areas broke away quickly. Power in Delhi was often gained by violencenineteen of the thirty-five sultans were assassinatedand was legitimized by reward for tribal loyalty. Factional rivalries and court intrigues were as numerous as they were treacherous; territories controlled by the sultan expanded and shrank depending on his personality and fortunes. Prior to the conquest of India by the British East India Company, the Muslim Moghul Empire was able to subjugate most of India's Hindu kings. However, few parts in upper reaches of the Himalayas and the extreme south remained under the rule of Hindu kings.

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    Pakistanis widely believe that the foundation of modern day Pakistan was laid in 712 A.D. when Mohammad Bin Qasim arrived in Sindh and defeated Raja Dahir. The Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, acclaimed the event- "the Pakistan Movement started when the first Muslim put his foot on the soil of Sindh, the Gateway of Islam in India."

    The Pakistan movement and Islam are synonymous. The emergence of Pakistan on the world map as an independent country is a clear manifestation of the love the Muslims of the religion have for their faith. The British occupation of the region and the subsequent war of independence in 1857 was an open manifestation of the Muslim spirit of revolt against foreign domination. The failure of the movement did not dampen the spirit of Muslims. During this time of distress and disarray, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, emerged as a ray of hope for the Muslim Nation of the sub-continent. Sir Syed declared that the Muslims could improve their political, social and economic condition only through the medium of modem and scientific education. He cultivated the concept of a separate Muslim Nation on the basis of religion, culture and history. He was the first leader who inspired the Muslims of the sub-continent to demand a separate homeland where they could lead their lives freely according to the dictates of Holy Quran and Sunnah. The concept commonly known as the Two Nation Theory was later propagated by Sir Allama Muhammad Iqbal, the great Muslim poet and Philosopher, who dreamt of a separate homeland for the Muslims of the sub-continent.

    Pakistan was carved out of the subcontinent on the 14th of August 1947. The story of struggle for independence from the British rule is full of heroics and of sacrifices. The Quaid e Azam was helped by a large number of prominent personalities which include Sardar Abdul Rab Nishtar from the Frontier, Qazi Muhammad Isa and Nawab Muhammad Ayaz Khan Jogezai from Baluchistan, Sir Abdullah Haroon from Sindh,Nawab Iftikhar Hussain Mamdot and Mian Mumtaz Daultana from the Punjab, Liaquat Ali Khan and the Rajah of Mahmudabad from the United Provinces, Khawaja Nizamuddin, Hussain Shaheed Suhrawardy and

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    Mirza AhmadIspahani from Bengal, Bahadur Yar Jung from Hyderabad, Sir Allama Muhammad Iqbal, Chaudhry Rehmat Ali and many more. Apart from these known figures of Pakistan movement there are millions of unknown soldiers of Islam and Pakistan, who laid their lives or sacrificed their family members and worldly assets for the creation of this great country.

    Quaid -e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was initially a great believer in Hindu-Muslim unity. He, at first backed the idea of one separate India free from the British rule, Muslims and Hindus living together and side by side. However, his views changed when the Hindu Congress party dominated by Hindus were not fair towards the Muslims and seeing this Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah left the Congress Party and joined the All-India Muslim League. He felt that when India would gain independence from the British, the British raj would be replaced by Ram raj, and Muslims would have no voice left and would be defenseless.

    The Quaid was convinced that the only way for Muslims and Hindus to live peacefully was separately as two different nations. Initially this was the idea of the great Muslim philosopher and thinker, Dr. Allama Iqbal. As a result the Pakistan plan emerged and this was declared at Lahore on 23rd March 1940. This declaration was called the Lahore Resolution or better known as Pakistan Movement. Thus the struggle for Pakistan began. When the time came for dividing the land between Pakistan and India it was decided that the Muslim majority areas would become Pakistan, and the Hindu majority areas India. The plan for the territories had been made and agreed upon by both parties, but Viceroy Lord Louis Mountbatten teamed up with Jawarlal Nehru and changed the map and gave India the areas which were supposed to go to Pakistan causing millions of people to migrate from Pakistan to India and also from India to Pakistan. Also, Mountbatten and Nehru played foul by making the Kashmiri ruler sign backdated and fake papers, which allowed India to land its forces in Kashmir and take control.

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    Pakistan had been betrayed repeatedly, and if Quaid would have objected to the defective partition plan, Pakistan wouldn't have been able to materialize. The Hindus and the British were determined to destroy Pakistan in its early stages. They (the Hindus and the British) even withheld the assets which Pakistan was supposed to get.

    When the partition took place, hundreds of thousands of lives were lost. As the Muslims migrated from India to Pakistan (some Muslims decided to settle in India), gangs of Hindus and Sikhs carried out their massacre. Hundreds of thousands lost their lives when their trains were sacked and pillaged and passengers killed. After the creation of Pakistan the plight of the arriving refugees was the biggest problem for the new government. The migration during the independence is the historys largest migration to date. Immediately after the creation of Pakistan, numerous problems were created for the new country by India. Pakistans share of military assets and the national exchequer were not paid. In addition, annexation of the territories of Kashmir, Hyderabad, Junagarh and Manvadar was undertaken through the use of military force. The Kashmir war which ensued in 1948 resulted in liberation of some part of the Indian occupied Kashmir. India, after realizing that it would lose all of the territory to the freedom fighters, went to the United Nations, promising a free and fair plebiscite in the disputed territory. To this date the people of Kashmir are waiting for India and UN to fulfill their promise.

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    The Great Migration of 1947

    In addition to the first Kashmir war, India has thrust additional wars on Pakistan in 1965, 71 and 99. Apart from the wars, India has also embarked upon various plans to

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    destroy Pakistan. These include building of dams on Pakistani rivers, fanning the wave of terrorism in Baluchistan, launching of proxy wars to destabilize Pakistan economically apart from false flag attacks in its territory to declare Pakistan a terrorist state. However, miraculously, by the grace of Almighty, Pakistan has survived the onslaught of its bigger and hegemonic neighbor.

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    Northern areas of Pakistan

    Thar dessert

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    Lush fields in KPK

    Coastal belt of Baluchistan

    Hanna lake, Baluchistan

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    Pakistan is blessed with enchanting natural beauty. It has got all the natural wonders from hot deserts to freezing glaciers, plains to mountain ranges, coastal areas to forests, beautiful lakes to long rivers. Pakistan covers an area of 796,095 km2 (307,374 sq. mi), approximately equal to the combined land areas of France and the United Kingdom. Pakistan is the 36th largest nation by total area. Pakistan has a 1,046km (650 mi) coastline along the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Oman in the south and land borders of 6,774 km (4,209 mi) in total with different neighbors. Pakistan shares its largest border with Afghanistan (2,430 km). Pakistan shares a maritime border with Oman, Iran and India. It is separated from Tajikistan by the narrow Wakhan Corridor. It is divided into 3 major geographic areas:

    The northern highlands The Indus River Plain; and The Baluchistan Plateau

    The northern part of Pakistan consists of the Karakoram, Hindu Kush and Pamir mountain ranges, which contain some of the worlds highest peaks. These include 5 of the 14 eight-thousands (mountain peaks which are over 8000 meters or 26,250 ft.). These mountains attract a large number of adventurers and mountaineers from all over the world. Godwin Austin, which is more commonly known as K2 (8,611 m or 28,251 ft.) and Nanga Parbat (8,126 m or 26,660 ft.) are the favorites among international adventurers.

    The western region of Pakistan consists of the Baluchistan plateau with an average altitude of 2,000 ft. (610 m). The physical features of the plateau are varied, but mountains, plateaus and basins dominate the scene. Owing to meager rainfall there is continuous drought and very little vegetation. Most of the people lead a nomadic life, raising sheep, goats and camel.

    Pakistans deserts are quite fascinating. The ones in Punjab and Sindh are mostly monsoon deserts. Significant ones include Thar, Thal and Cholistan deserts. The Thar Desert

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    lies mostly in the Sindh province. It is also called the friendly desert because of its accessibility, color and climatic conditions. In Baluchistan, the Kharan desert, which lies to the northwest, is known particularly for its constant mirages and sudden severe sandstorms. This desert is also known as the sandy desert. The Cholistan Desert is also locally known as Rohi. It mostly sprawls in Southern Punjab. Water in the desert is scarce and conditions are inhospitable. The people of Cholistan lead a semi-nomadic life, moving from one place to another in search of water and fodder for their animals. The word Cholistan is derived from the Turkish word Chol, which means Desert. Cholistan thus means Land of the Desert. A jeep rally known as Cholistan Desert Jeep Rally is held annually. It is the biggest motor sports event in Pakistan.

    Cholistan Desert

    The river system of Pakistan is one of the largest in Asia. Pakistans well-being is dependent on it, being an agrarian economy. The river system consists of five major rivers which are Indus, Chenab, Sutlej, Jhelum and Ravi. In addition there are a significant number of other small rivers as well.

    The Indus River has the most scenic white water runs anywhere in the Himalayas. It begins in Tibet and after running across the country flows into the Arabian Sea. The 1,609 km (1000 mi) long river is famous for the Indus

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    Dolphin. They have very small eyes thus they can only differentiate between light and dark. Its flow is also determined by the seasons; low in winter, and over flowing in monsoon season. The river offers challenging rafting opportunities to fun seekers.

    The River Chenab is generally considered to be the second healthiest river of country after Indus. The famous love stories of Heer Ranjha and Sohni Mahiwal circles around this iconic river.

    The Jhelum River originates in the Indian-Occupied Jammu and Kashmir state. It also runs across half of the Pakistan and joins the Indus. Over the years the Jhelum River has developed as a major tourism attraction.

    There are 4 distinct seasons in Pakistan. A cool, dry winter from December through February; a hot, dry spring from March through May; the summer rainy season, or southwest monsoon period, from June through September; and the retreating monsoon period of October and November. Rainfall varies from year to year, resulting at times in floods. Periods of no rain are also common which results in droughts.

    Since Pakistan is situated north of the tropic of Cancer (between latitudes 24 and 37 N), it has a continental type of climate characterized by extreme variations of temperature, both seasonally and daily. Temperatures on the Balochistan Plateau are higher, whereas in the coastal strip of Sindh and Baluchistan, the climate is modified by sea breezes. In the northern part, due to higher altitudes, the summers are quire mildwhereas the winters are harsh. In the rest of the country, temperatures reach great heights in the summer; the mean temperature during June is 38 C (100 F) in the plains, the highest temperatures can exceed 47 C (117 F). In the summer, hot windsacross the plains during the day. The dry, hot weather is broken occasionally by dust storms and thunderstorms that temporarily lower the temperature. Winters are cold, with

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    minimum mean temperatures in Punjab of about 4 C (39 F) in January, and sub-zero temperatures in the far north and Balochistan. DEMOGRAPHICS Pakistan is the 2nd most populous Muslim majority country. About 97% of Pakistanis are Muslims. The white in the Pakistani flag represents its minorities. Pakistans minorities include Hindus, Christians, each with a population of almost 3 million.The Bah' Faith, which has a following of 30,000 is the third largest minority group followed by Sikhs, Buddhists and Parsis, each having approximately 20,000. Jains also constitute a very negligible percentage.

    Pakistan, with 177.1 million people, is the 6th most populated country in the world. At the time of partition in 1947, Pakistans population was 32.5 million. Pakistan is considered a young country with a median age of about 20 and 104 million people were under the age of 30 in 2010.

    Pakistan in essence is a multi-ethnic and multilingual nation that is the home to people of diverse regional ethnicities and nationalities, reflecting rich and complex demographics and history. Being located both in South Asian, the Greater Middle East and Central Asia, the Pakistan people are a mixture of various ethnic groups.

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    Furthermore, various ethnic groups, invading armies and the migrations to the region by people passing through on their way to and from South Asia have left their imprints on the population.

    As of 2009, Punjabi population in the country tops the ethnic groups with strength of 78.7 million (44.15%), followed by 27.2 million (15.42%) Pashtuns, 24.8 million (14.1%) Sindhis, 14.8 million (3.57%) Balochis and 1.1 million (4.66%) minorities. The beautiful people of this country bring charm and shine into the lives of this nation. The Punjabis reside in the northeast and have been primary inhabitants of the historical Punjab region which derives its name from the Persian PANJ meaning five and AB meaning water(s); hence the land of five rivers. The Pashtuns, who are mainly an indigenous Eastern Iranic group, have settled along the western banks of the Indus and are believed to have originated from the Sulaiman Mountains of Pakistan. The Balochis are a western Iranic ethnic group who inhabit the southwest of the country and

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    are believed to be settlers from far off Aleppo (in modern day Syria). They arrived in the region and assimilated into the local people and gave their name to the province of Baluchistan. The Sindhis on the other hand have settled in the southeast of the country and gave their name to the mighty Indus River. Some smaller regional groups such as the Siraikis have inhabited the regions between Punjab and Sindh.

    Groups mostly in the west of Pakistan share cultural ties with neighboring Afghanistan, Iran and Central Asia regions. The Kashmiris are an important ethnic group of the Kashmir region in the north. Their other important indigenous people like the Balti, Hunzakots and Gilgitis of the northern territories of Gilgit through whose territory ran the ancient Silk Route connect Asia and Europe. The Chitralis are another indigenous group of people who live high up in the mountains in the northwest. Along with these main groups, there are smaller communities of Sheedis who are descendants of African sailors and warriors who are believed to have arrived from Africa as well as Urdu-speaking migrants who came as refugees from India at the time of partition.

    Pakistan is a place where more than 60 languages are being spoken including a number of provincial languages. Urdu is the national language of Pakistan while English is the official language. It is also known to be the 9th largest English speaking country in the world. The provincial language of Punjab is Punjabi and has a plurality of native speakers. Siraiki is spoken mainly in the southern area of the Punjab province, Pashto is the provincial language of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Sindhi of Sindh province and Balochis of Baluchistan. The Sindhis and Punjabis are considered the descendants of the Aryans, whereas the Balochis and Pashtuns are the descendants of the Iranians. Other less significant ones include the Greeks, Scythians, Persians, White Huns, Arabs, Turks, Mongols, Buddhists, and other Eurasian groups, up to and including the British, who left in the late 1940s.

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    Pakistan has a vibrant and fascinating society. The greatest influence on the Pakistani culture has been due to the influences of the surrounding countries and numerous invaders such as the Afghans, Turks, Persians and Arabs. The close proximity and trading links with parts of South Asia and Central Asia also has impacted the development of Pakistani culture, which dates back to the Indus Valley Civilization days (28001800 B.C). Pakistani culture is unique that has preserved established traditions throughout history. Many cultural practices, foods, monuments, and shrines were inherited from the rule of Muslim Mughal and Afghan emperors. The national dress of Shalwar Qamiz is originally of Central Asian origin

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    derived from Turko-Iranian nomadic invaders and is today worn in all parts of Pakistan. In cities, western dress is more popular among the younger generation, elites and the business sector.

    Pakistani society has high regard for traditional family values and most of the families live in a joint family system. Increasing globalization has however increased the influence of "Western culture" and the rise of the educated middle class in cities like Karachi, Lahore, Rawalpindi, Hyderabad, Faisalabad, and Peshawar are challenging the age old norms of the society. People in the northern areas, Khyber Pakhtun Khwa and Baluchistan however remain conservative and dominated by centuries-old regional tribal customs. Karachi is the largest metropolis of the country and provides livelihood to anyone coming to this city. Pakistanis are very hard working people and are not afraid to migrate to other countries for earning their livelihood. Approximately four million people of Pakistani descent live abroad in USA, UK, Saudi Arabia and South Africa.

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    Kawaii Valley, Northern Pakistan

    Alhamdulillah Pakistans scenic beauty can be compared with that of any country in the world and is at its best in the northern part. Pakistan offers a variety of opportunities to any visitor ranging from the sandy beaches of Karachi and Ormara to the Swat valley and beyond.



    This sparsely inhabited coast has some of the most beautiful virgin beaches in the world. The main coastal town Gwadar is being developed as a major port, and soon, the area will

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    be secure and developed enough to become a true surfing/scuba diving heaven.



    Taxila was one of the most important cities of the region in ancient times. Through various periods in history, it was under Persian, Greek and Buddhist influence and the preserved archeological sites around the modern day town are testament to the citys glorious past. Taxila is just 45 minutes drive from the capital Islamabad. It is a treat for both historians and fun seekers.

    Taxila museum

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    Shandur Pass

    The worlds highest polo ground is located in Shandur. The Shandur Pass connects Chitral with Gilgit. Each summer this desolate wilderness holds a huge mountain party called the Shandur polo festival. The Shandur pass is mostly uninhabited and crossing its snow covered slopes in winters is an extremely hazardous task.


    The Kailash Valley girls

    The scenic Kailash valleys are situated in the northern districts of Pakistan. People of the region are called Kalash and Kam. These are the prehistoric pagan tribes residing in three valleys of Bumburaite, Birir and Ramboor and are widely known as Kafirs of Kailash. Cultures in danger of

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    extinction, their origins have long been the object of anthropological curiosity. The language or the dialect they speak is the fusion of Dardic and Sanskrit.



    The famous Khyber Pass

    Peshawar is the heart of the Pakistani wild-west. The famous invasion route Khyber Pass is also located nearby but the city itself is an absorbing experience in Pashtun culture, hospitality and history.

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    The Moghul era Badshahi Mosque in Lahore

    Lahore is the cultural capital of Pakistan. The city has historic importance and it also remained the capital of the Mughal Empire. Places to visit include the Shalimar garden, Lahore Fort and Badshahi Mosque. People of Lahore love to eat. One can find a large variety of mouth-watering varieties of food here.


    Deosai Plateau

    Deosai refers to the Land of Giants. Deosai Plains are situated in Astore District of Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan. The

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    National Park of Deosai is located on the Deosai Plains of the northern geographic region. Deosai National Park is at an average altitude of 4,114 meters (13,497 feet) above the sea level. It is the second highest plateau in the world after Tibet. The tundra like landscape bursts into life in summers with a large variety of blossoming flowers. The place offers great trout fishing, camping and rare Himalayan Brown Bear spotting opportunities.


    Hunza valley

    The scenic valley of Hunza is famous for its apricots, legends of longevity, Hunza water and the gigantic Rakaposhi mountain. Hunza is among the five places on Earth where the people routinely live to over 120 years of age in good health with virtually no cancer or dental caries. People of Hunza remain robust and strong and are also able to bear children even in old age.

    Dr. Henri Coanda, the Romanian father of fluid dynamics and a Nobel Prize winner at 78 yrs old, spent six decades studying the Hunza water trying to determine what it was in this water that caused such beneficial effects for the body. He discovered that there were indeed anomalous properties to the Hunza water. It had a different freezing and boiling point than ordinary water, a different viscosity and a

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    different surface tension. It is now widely believed that the Hunza water has lost much of its magic properties as now there are highways going there and man has brought in insecticides and other chemicals.


    Worlds second highest peak; the K2 K2, the second-highest mountain on Earth is located in the Karakoram segment of the Himalayan range, on the border between the Gilgit-Baltistan region of Pakistan and the County of Xinjiang, China. Chinese authorities officially refer to K2 as Qogir. Other names include Mount Godwin-Austen, Lamba Pahar. The peak has remained elusive for climbers until July 1954, when it was finally conquered by an Italian expedition. Ashraf Aman has the distinction of being the first Pakistani to have climbed this mountain.

    The K2 is also known as the savage mountain due in part to its terrible weather and comparatively greater height above surrounding terrain. The mountain is believed by many to be the worlds most difficult and dangerous climb. For every four people who have reached the summit, one has died trying. K2 has never been climbed in winters.

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    Ziarat residency: The Quaid e Azam spent last days of his life here Ziarat is the location of the Ziarat residency where Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah spent the last days of his life. Ziarat is a famous tourist site. There is a small dam and the valley is full of fruits in summer and winter cherry in summer and apple in winter. The weather is really pleasant during summer time. Ziarat is also very famous for its honey and juniper forests, which are the second largest in the world.


    KPT water fountain (Oyster Rocks-Karachi)

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    Karachi is the largest city, main seaport and financial center of Pakistan. The city has an estimated population of 24 million people as of April 2012. Karachi is the most populous city of Pakistan and one of the world's largest cities in terms of population. It is Pakistan's premier center of banking, industry, economic activity and trade. It is also the center of entertainment, arts, fashion, software development and medical research.


    Faisal Mosque

    Islamabad is the capital of Pakistan. It is a lively and bustling metropolis full of vibrancy. Close to Islamabad lies Murree, this is a hill resort and popular tourist destination.


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    Quetta is the provincial capital and largest city of Balochistan province of Pakistan. The city is also known as the Fruit Garden of Pakistan, due to its numerous fruit orchards. The city was almost completely destroyed in a major earth quake in 1930s. SWAT

    Swat Valley The stunning beauty, attraction and grace of the valley of Swat is well known throughout the world. The areas enchanting sights, moderate climate, pleasant environment, and snow covered high peaks and the wild Swat River presents a grand specter for all the visitors. Miandam, Bahrain and Madian are popular destinations. LAKE SAIF UL MALOOK

    Lake Saif ul Malook

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    Lake Saif ul Malook is a famous tourist resort, well known for the associated story of a Persian prince Saif ul Malook. It is located about 8 kilometers north from the town of Naran in northern end of Kaghan Valley, in District Mansehra, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

    The lake with its majestic and mesmerizing natural beauty, pleasant atmosphere and associated tale and history, attracts thousands of tourists each year from all around the country during the summer.

    FLORA AND FAUNA Pakistan is a diverse country in terms of climate and geography. The gorgeous landscapes and climates in the country allows for a wide variety of trees, plants and other wildlife and nature to flourish. In the extreme northern mountains, Pakistan has some of its finest forests. These forests range from coniferous alpine and subalpine trees such as spruce, pine and deodar cedar. In Baluchistan, Sindh and Southern Punjab, palms such as coconuts and date are abundantly found. Juniper, Tamarisk, coarse grasses and scrub plants are found in the western hills. Mangrove forests form much of the coastal wetlands along the coast in the south of Pakistan, adjacent to the Arabian Sea. In most of Punjab and Sindh province, the Indus plains support tropical and subtropical dry and moist broadleaf forestry as well as tropical and shrub lands. Pakistans fauna reflects its varied climate. Around 668 bird species are found. These include crows, sparrows, mynas, hawks, falcons, and eagles. Many birds sighted in Pakistan are migratory which are mostly coming from Europe, Central Asia and India. The southern plains are homes to mongooses, civets, hares, the Asiatic jackal, the Indian pangolin, the jungle cat and desert cat. There are mugger crocodiles in the Indus, and wild boar, deer, porcupines and small rodents are common in the surroundings.

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    Ibex in Baluchistan, Pakistan (Wildlife) The sandy scrublands of Central Pakistan are home to Asiatic jackals, striped hyenas, wildcats and leopards. The lack of vegetation, severe climate and the impact of grazing on the deserts have left all the wild animals in a precarious position. The chinkara is the only animal that can still be found in significant numbers in Cholistan. A small number of nilgai are found along the Pakistan-India border and in some parts of Cholistan. A wide variety of animals live in the mountainous north, including the Marco Polo Sheep, the urial (a subspecies of wild sheep), Markhor (The National Animal of Pakistan) and Ibex goats, the Asian black bear and the Himalayan brown bear. Among the rare animals found in the area are the snow leopards, the Asiatic cheetahs and the blind Indus River dolphin, of which there are believed to be about 1100 still remaining, protected at the Indus River Dolphin Reserve in Sindh.

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    Wildlife of Karakoram In total, 174 mammals, 177 reptiles, 22 amphibians, 198 freshwater fish species and 5000 species of invertebrates (including insects) have been recorded in Pakistan. Pakistan has the second-highest rate of deforestation in the world. This, along with hunting and pollution, is causing adverse effects on the ecosystem. The government has established a large number of protected areas, wildlife sanctuaries, and game reserves to deal with these issues. ARCHITECTURE

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    Sheesh Mahel, Lahore

    Shakarparian, Islamabad

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    Mausoleum of Quaid e Azam

    Mausolem of sufi saint in Multan

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    Mughul era fort in Lahore

    Faisal Mosque Islamabad (Named after king Faisal of Saudi Arabia) Pakistan has a rich architecture. It can be traced back to four distinct time periodspre-Islamic, Islamic, colonial and post-colonial. With the beginning of the Indus civilization around the middle of the 3rd millennium B.C., an advanced urban culture developed for the first time in the region; with large structural facilities. Mohenjo Daro, Harappa and Kot Diji belong to the pre-Islamic era settlements and are worth visiting. During this period, the rise of Buddhism and the Persian and Greek influence led to the development of the Greco-Buddhist style of architecture. A good example of Buddhist architecture is the

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    ruins of the Buddhist monastery Takht-i-Bahi in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. With the arrival of Islam in the region, which now constitutes Pakistan, a smooth transition to predominantly picture-less Islamic architecture occurred. Some of the important buildings of Persian style found today include the tomb of the Shah Rukn-i-Alam in Multan. During the Mughal era, design elements of Islamic-Persian architecture were fused with Hindu art, resulting in a colorful form of architecture. The Mughals were fond of constructing buildings and have left behind a rich heritage, which survives to date. Prominent among them the Badshahi mosque, the fortress of Lahore with the famous Alamgiri Gate, the colorful, Persian style Wazir Khan Mosque, Shalimar Gardens, and Shahjahan Mosque of Thatta are most prominent. In the British colonial period, predominantly functional buildings of the Indo-European representative style developed from a mixture of European and Indian-Islamic components. In the post-colonial era, national identity is expressed in modern structures like the Faisal Mosque in Islamabad, the Minar-e-Pakistan in Lahore and the Mazar-e-Quaid in Karachi.

    DANCES Dancing is not permitted in Islam, but culturally it has existed for many hundreds of years. Folk dances are still popular in Pakistan and vary according to region such as: Punjab

    Bhangra Luddi Sammi Jhumar

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    Lewa Chap Jhumar

    Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

    Attan - Folk dance of Pashtuns tribes of Pakistan including the unique styles of Quetta and Waziristan Khattak Chitrali Dance


    Dhammal - Performed at Sufi shrines/ dargahs in Punjab and Sindh Ho Jamalo - Sindhi dance Jhumro

    FESTIVALS There are many festivals in Pakistan, some religious and some national and we respect all of them. Some religious festivals are: Ramadan Ramadan is the holiest month of the Islamic year, which is a month of fasting from sunrise to sunset and self-discipline. It is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar and is widely observed in Pakistan. The Muslims of Pakistan fast, attend mosques with increased frequency, and recite the holy Qur'an.People distribute food stuff and money to the needy. This money is commonly known as Zakat. It is the Muslim tax levied at the rate of 2.5% of the total savings in a Muslim year.

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    Chand Raat It is not a festival but a night of shopping, eating and fun. Chand Raat occurs after the Islamic month of Ramadan and is the night before Eid day celebrations. It also marks the end of the month of Ramadan. During the night, people celebrate in different ways. Girls put Hena on their hands, wear bangles, buying of gifts and sweets. People visit each other houses and go out for shopping and a night of fun.Shopping areas, malls and even streets are tastefully decorated. There are large crowds in the city center to celebrate the beginning of Eid, and it is usually a boom time for business.

    Eid celebrations Muslims in Pakistan celebrate two Eids (Muslim festivals). Eid ul-Fitr is to celebrate the end of month of Ramadan, whereas the Eid ul Azha is celebrated to commemorate the historic event in which Prophet Ibrahim (A.S) bowed his head in submission to Allah to sacrifice his son Ismael (A.S) and the willingness of the son to obey the command of Allah.Both the occasions are national holidays and many festive events taking place. During Eid ul Azha, animals mostly, goats, sheep, cows and camels are sacrificed. During this event, people also distribute the sacrificial meat to the poor, relatives and neighbors. A lot of parties are also held in which a large variety of dishes with meat including kebabs etc. are served.

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    Eid shopping

    Eid Milaad un Nabi Eid Milaad un Nabi is a known religious festival which is celebrated in many parts of Pakistan. The Milaad is the celebration for the birthday of the last prophet, Hazrat Mohammad (S.A.W.W). Throughout the third month of the Islamic calendar various events are held in mosques, at schools and even at homes to celebrate the occasion. Muharram (Ashura) Muharram is the first month of the Islamic calendar. It is also one of the holiest months. In Pakistan, the first ten days of Muharram are observed officially. The 10th day of Muharram is marked in the memory of Imam Hussain, the grandson of Muhammad (S.A.W.W), who was a martyr, along with 72 family members, friends and followers during the Battle of Karbala in Iraq. Large processions of mourners are taken out in various cities and people usually attired in black dresses attend majalis (religious gatherings). Jashn-e-Baharan In Urdu language the word Jashn means celebrations and Baharan means the month of spring. Jashn-e-Baharan is sometimes also referred to as Basant, which is a pre-Islamic Punjabi festival that marks the coming of spring. Celebrations in Pakistan are centered mostly in Punjab and

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    to be more specific in Lahore.This is an occasion of great fun and people from all over the country and abroad come to the city for the annual festivities. Kite flying competitions take place all over the city's rooftops during Basant. Although the celebrating of the event is now prohibited because of the large number of fatalities, however, people still celebrate it openly. Christmas Christmas is celebrated in Pakistan by the Pakistani Christian community. Other Pakistanis also commemorate this event to promote inter-communal harmony. Nowruz This festival is similar to the one celebrated in the neighboring Iran, Afghanistan, and Central Asia. Nowruz is celebrated as a socio-religious festival in Chitral, Gilgit and Baltistan areas as well as some parts of Baluchistan. The day coincides with the Spring Equinox on March 21, but the celebration continues for weeks. In Baltistan, the main features of Nowruz are the giving of colored eggs to friends and families. Polo matches are also held. In Baluchistan, the festival is marked with outdoor feasts, and the traditional jumping over a fire to wash away sins. The origins of this festival are pre-Islamic. Independence Day On August 14, the people celebrate the day when Pakistan gained its independence from British India. The event which is a national holiday is celebrated in every conceivable manner. Special TV programmes, concerts, rallies, parades and sport rallies are held throughout the country.In the morning special prayers are held in mosques which are followed by hoisting of national flag by the President in Islamabad and governors of all the four provinces in respective provincial capitals. People decorate their houses with buntings and fly the national flag. In Karachi, a large number of people visit the tomb of the founder of the nation. At night, fireworks displays provide fascinating entertainment.

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    Defense of Pakistan Day

    It is celebrated on 6th of September every year as a national holiday. The day is celebrated to commemorate the Indo-Pakistani War of 1965. The day is marked with TV programmes, parades and prayers.


    The literary heritage of Pakistan can be traced back to the Muslim period, originating with the arrival of the first Muslims in the region as early as in the 8th century A.D.

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    Allama Muhammad Iqbal (Poet and philosopher)

    The literary heritage of Pakistan has been enriched by three classical languages: Arabic, Persian and Urdu. During the early Muslim period, Persian became the lingua franca of the subcontinent, used by most of the educated and the government. Urdu, Pakistan's national language and lingua france, draws heavy influences from the Persian language. Several figures in South Asia, and later Pakistan, became major Persian poets, the most notable being Allama Iqbal. For a time, Persian remained the court language of the Mughals, soon to be replaced by Urdu. Persian held its status, despite the spread of Urdu, well into the early years of the British rule in the Indian subcontinent. In 1837, however, the British, in an effort to expand their influence, made a government ruling to discontinue the use of Persian and commence the use of English instead. This started the decline of Persian as the subcontinent's major language. Languages spoken in Pakistan however still show signs of heavy Persian influence. Pakistani literature can be classified into Urdu, Pashto, Sindhi, Baluchi, folklores of Punjab, KP, Sindh and Baluchistan. Contemporary Pakistani literature is distinct in that it gradually came to be defined after Pakistan gained independence in 1947, emerging out of literary traditions of

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    the Indian subcontinent. The shared tradition of Urdu literature and English literature of British India was inherited by the new state. Over a period a body of literature unique to Pakistan has emerged in nearly all major Pakistani languages.


    Seekh Kebab (Famous Pakistani Bar-BQ dish)

    Pakistani cuisine is a blend of cooking traditions from different regions of the subcontinent. While some regard the widespread style of cooking to the royal kitchens of sixteenth century Mughal emperors, the fact remains that the spreading of the Islam in the region in 700 AD forms the basis of Pakistani cuisine. The Moghul Empire began to rule the present-day Pakistan around 1526. Its style of cooking, called Mughal typically includes such ingredients as herbs and spices, almonds, and raisins. Mughal cooking remains an important part of Pakistani cuisine. Although Pakistani cuisine has obvious Indian roots (found in its heavy use of spices, for example), its foods reflect Afghani, Persian, and Western influences to give it its own distinct character. These cultures brought different uses of herbs, flavorings, and sauces to Pakistan, transforming ordinary staple foods into unique dishes. Pakistans population is predominantly Muslim and since they are forbidden to eat pork or consume alcohol, they concentrate on other areas of food such as beef, chicken, fish, and vegetables.

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    Foods such as shahi tukra, a dessert made with sliced bread, milk, cream, sugar, and saffron (a type of spice), and chicken tandoori are still enjoyed in the twenty-first century. Chicken tandoori is chicken that is cooked at a low temperature in special large clay ovens called tandoors. The interesting fact about Pakistani cuisine, which makes it quite unique, is the variety. Each area of Pakistan offers regional specialties. For example, machli (fish) and other seafood are delicacies in the coastal Sind province. In Baluchistan, (the largest province) located in western Pakistan, cooks use the sajji method of barbecuing whole lambs in a deep pit. The people living in Punjab (eastern Pakistan) are known for their roti (bread) and elaborate cooking preparations. The people of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa region (the pashtuns) eat a lot of lamb. Their cooking, however, is considered blander than the other regions. Oven-baked bread eaten with cubes of meat, called nan-kebab, is a favorite pashtun dish.

    As a whole, milk, lentils, seasonal sabzi (vegetables), and flour and wheat products are the most abundant foods, forming the basis of Pakistani cuisine. Chapati is flat bread made from wheat and is a staple at most meals. It is used to scoop up food in place of eating utensils. Vegetables such as alu (potatoes), gobhi (cabbage), bhindi (okra), channa (chickpeas),and matar (peas) are eaten according to the season. Dhal (or dal) is a stew made with lentils, one of the most commonly consumed food items.

    Pakistan offers many fresh fruits that are most plentiful in the summer and autumn months. Mangoes, papayas, bananas, watermelon, apricots, and apples are some examples. Many Pakistanis eat their fruit (especially watermelon) with a light dusting of salt to offset the sweetness or tartness.

    While these dietary staples may seem bland, Pakistani cuisine is rich with sauces and condiments to spice up their dishes. A variety of spices, such as chili powder, curry, ginger, garlic, coriander, paprika, and cinnamon, are at the heart of Pakistani cuisine. A wide range of chutneys (a

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    relish usually made of fruits, spices, and herbs), pickles, and preserves that accompany meats and vegetables give Pakistani cuisine its distinct flavor.

    There are a number of ways meat is prepared in Pakistan. Karahi is a method where the meat is cooked with vegetables and served in its own pan.Tikka and bhoti kebab both refer to meat grilled on a spit (a slender rod or skewer) over an open fire. It is very popular in most parts of Pakistan.

    There are a number of foods to cool off the spicy flavors of a Pakistani meal. Dhai (yogurt) is taken plain or used in lassi. Lassi is a drink made with yogurt, ice, and sugar for breakfast, or salt for lunch or dinner. Raita is a yogurt curd with cumin and vegetables. It is used as a side dish. Pakistanis enjoy desserts such as kheer (rice pudding) or kulfi (pistachio ice cream). Some sweet shops sell jalebi, which are deep-fried orange "pretzels" made with flour, yogurt, and sugar, and barfi, made from dried milk solids. Offering sweets to one another to celebrate happy events is a popular Pakistani tradition.

    Kulfi (A traditional sweet)

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    Sometimes a dish made of meat are vegetables with chilies and other spices is cooked overnight to be consumed for breakfast the next morning, when it is eaten with naan , a type of bread, or paratha , which is a flat chapati fried in oil. Women prepare breakfast and all other meals for their family.

    Pakistani lunch and dinner dishes are similar. Roti (bread), chawal (rice), sabzi (vegetables),and gosht (meat) are the main elements of a meal. Chapatis or naan accompanies every meal. Rice is usually boiled or fried. Some rice dishes include kabuli pulau, made with raisins, and biryani, rice cooked in a yogurt and meat sauce. For the main dish, qorma (meat curry in gravy), qofta (meatballs), or nargasi qofta (minced beef and egg) are served.

    Chai, or tea, is a very popular drink. It is usually boiled with milk, nutmeg, and sugar. Its another version doodh patti (tea leaves boiled in milk and sugar) is very famous. Lassi (a yogurt drink) and sugarcane juice are popular during the summer months. Another refreshing summer drink is nimbu paani, or "fresh lime." It is made of crushed ice, salt, sugar, soda water, and lime juice. Samosas and pakoras are popular snacks.

    CINEMA When we talk about the cinema of Pakistan, we straight away think about the films made by Pakistan's largest film industry, Lollywood, which is situated in Lahore.

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    Two legends of Pakistani silver screen; Waheed Murad and Zeba Before the separation of former East Pakistan now called Bangladesh, Pakistan had three main film production centers; Lahore, Karachi and Dhaka. Dhaka was lost after 1971 and the center of film making shifted to Lahore. During the regime of President Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, the introduction of entertainment taxes and strict laws, are considered by many in Pakistan as obstacles to the industry's growth. Once thriving, the cinema in Pakistan now is fighting to survive. However, on the other hand the growth of the smaller screen has been phenomenal. With Karachi and Lahore becoming the center of drama production, many production houses have now come up. Most of the educated and young individuals have joined this field, considered a taboo few years ago. The Pakistani film industry is credited with having produced some of the notable and recognized filmmakers, actors, writers and directors, and for introducing pop music to South Asia and beyond. Use of inferior and outdated techniques, competition from regional competitors, piracy, as well as opposition from many quarters in the society, has led to the industry's decline in the country. During the time of President Ayub Khan, the Cinema of Pakistan was known as The Golden Age of Cinema in Pakistan. Many stars were introduced in this period in time and became legends on the silver screen. As black-and-

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    white became obsolete, Pakistan saw the introduction of first color films. In the recent years, despite some optimism of a revival, progress continues to be slow. Alongside Geo Films, a leading production house, continued efforts with their 'Revival of cinema', the Pakistan New Cinema Movement (PNCM) was launched in 2009. With around 1400 members PNCM, is a grass roots organization that is endeavoring and facilitating networking in an effort to stimulate revival of the film industry. Currently the industry has its main centers as under:

    Lahore film industry: Pakistan's largest domestic film industry is based in the city of Lahore. The industry was established in 1929 with the opening of the United Players Corporation Studios on Ravi Road (now Timber Market) in Lahore and mostly produces films in the Urdu and Punjabi languages. The industry was first called Lollywood in 1989. Peshawar film industry: The film industry based

    in Peshawar, the provincial capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, is the second largest in the country. It mostly produces Pashto and Urdu language feature films. The city itself has played a vital role in the development of the South Asian cinema with veteran Bollywood artistes like Raj Kapoor, Dilip Kumar, Vinod Khanna andShahrukh Khan tracing their lineage to Peshawar. Karachi film industry: The film industry in the

    southern port-city of Karachi mostly produces films in Urdu. Some recent films have also been produced in English and Sindhi languages. Pahariwood: Pahariwood is the name of the Pothwari

    filming industry that is based in the city of Mirpur, Azad Kashmir in Pakistan. Films produced by Pahariwood are in the Pothwari language.

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    LEGENDS OF PAKISTAN Despite low allocation of funds for education, not existent infrastructure for training people in various fields, Pakistan has produced Legends in almost all walks of life. In early years, Pakistan became prominent on the worlds map of sports because of achievements in cricket, hockey and squash. Pakistan was the undisputed King of Squash for decades and produced luminaries like Roshan Khan, Hashim Khan, Jahangir Khan, Jansher Khan and Qamar Zaman. In other fields also such as Economics, Art and Literature as well as Science and Technology. Pakistan produced World Class Professionals. Some of these Legendary Figures are as follows:


    Muhammad Ali Jinnah (Founder of Pakistan)

    He was a lawyer, politician and statesman who is known as being the founder of Pakistan. He is popularly and officially known in Pakistan as 'Quaid-e-Azam' (Great Leader) and 'Baba-e-Qaum' (Father of the Nation). As the first Governor-General of Pakistan, Jinnah led efforts to lay the foundations of the new state of Pakistan, frame national

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    policies and rehabilitate millions of Muslim refugees who had migrated from India. Jinnah died aged 71 in September 1948, just over a year after Pakistan gained independence from the British Empire. Jinnah remains a source of considerable interest among historians and the public. He left a deep and respected legacy in Pakistan, and according to Stanley Wolpert, Jinnah remained Pakistan's greatest leader since the establishment of Pakistan in 1947.

    Sir Allama Muhammad Iqbal (Poet and Philosopher)

    He was a philosopher, poet and politician in British India who is widely regarded as having inspired the Pakistan Movement. He is considered one of the most important figures in Urdu literature, with literary work in both the Urdu and Persian languages.

    Iqbal was a strong proponent of the political and spiritual revival of Islamic civilisation across the world, but specifically in South Asia; a series of famous lectures he delivered to this effect were published as The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam. One of the most prominent leaders of the All India Muslim League, Iqbal encouraged the creation of a "state in northwestern India for Muslims" in his 1930 presidential address. He encouraged and worked closely with Muhammad Ali Jinnah, and he is known as Muffakir-e-Pakistan ("The Thinker of Pakistan"), Shair-e-Mashriq ("The Poet of the East"), and Hakeem-ul-Ummat ("The Sage of Ummah"). He is officially recognized as the national poet of Pakistan.

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    Fatima Jinnah (Politician)

    She was the younger sister of Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. She is commonly known in Pakistan as Khtn-e Pkistn ("Lady of Pakistan") and Mder-e Millat ("Mother of the Nation."). She worked tirelessly alongside her great brother for the creation of Pakistan. Such was her devotion to the cause that she did not get married.

    Liaquat Ali Khan (1st Prime Minister of Pakistan)

    He was among the leading founding fathers of modern Pakistan. He was a statesman, lawyer, and political theorist who became and served as the first Prime Minister of Pakistan, in addition, was also the first Defense minister and minister of Commonwealth and Kashmir Affairs, from 1947 until his assassination in 1951.

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    Raana Liaquat Ali Khan (Politician)

    She was one of the leading woman figures in Pakistan Movement, along with her husband Liaquat Ali Khan. She was one of the leading woman politicians of the country.

    Maulvi Abul Kasem Fazlul Haq (Politician)

    He studied at the Calcutta University and started his career as a Professor; but in 1906 joined Government Service as Deputy Magistrate. In 1911 he resigned from his job and rejoined the Bar and was elected unopposed Member of the Bengal Legislative Council in 1913. In 1914, he presided

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    over the Bengal Presidency Muslim League. From 1913 to 1916 he served in Bengal Provincial Muslim League as its Secretary and from 1916-21 he was the President of All India Muslim League. Fazlul Haq had the honour to present the 'Pakistan Resolution' in the historic Lahore Session of the Muslim League in 1940.

    Sardar Abdur Rab Nishtar

    He was a member of the Working Committee of the All-India Muslim League. He was also a part of the Muslim League delegation at Simla Conference in 1945. He was elected to the provincial Assemble in 1937, and became the Finance Minister in Sardar Aurangzab's provincial cabinet in 1943. He also became a Minister in the interim League Congress cabinet in 1946. After independence, he served as Federal Minister of Industries for four years and remained also the Governor of Punjab for two years.

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    General Ayub Khan

    He was the second President of Pakistan and first military dictator from October 1958 until forced to resign in March 1969. He worked very hard for the betterment of Pakistan. Most of the industrial development took place during his period.

    Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto (Politician)

    He was the 9th Prime Minister of Pakistan and held office from 1973 to 1977. Prior to that, he held the office as the 4th President of Pakistan from 1971 to 1973. He was noted for his progressive economic initiatives, industrialization, education, and foreign policy, and his intellectualism. He is also known as the father of Pakistans nuclear programme.

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    Benazir Bhutto (Politician)

    Daughter of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, also popularly known as the Daughter of East, was a Pakistani democratic socialist who served as the 11th Prime Minister of Pakistan in two non-consecutive terms from 1988 until 1990 and 1993 until 1996. She is the first woman in Pakistan to head a major political party. In 1988, she became the first woman elected to lead a Muslim state and was also Pakistan's first (and thus far, only) female prime minister. Pervez Musharraf (General)

    He is a retired four-star general and a politician who served as the tenth President of Pakistan from 2001 until 2008. Prior to that, he was the 13th Chief of the Army Staff of Pakistan Army. He is known for introducing the concept of Enlightened Moderation in Pakistan.

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    Major Raja Aziz Bhatti (Shaheed/ Army Officer)

    He was a Hong Kong-born Pakistan Army's Staff officer who received Pakistan's highest award for valor.He displayed exceptional courage and valour in defending the city of Lahore against Indian aggression in the war of 1965. He has been awarded the highest military decoration of Pakistan the Nishan e Haider posthumously. Rashid Minhas (Pilot Officer)

    He was a Pilot Officer in the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) during the 1971 Pakistan-India War. He is the only PAF officer to receive the highest valour award, the Nishan-e-Haider. He is also the youngest person and the shortest-serving officer to have received this award.

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    Captain Sher Khan (Pakistan Army Officer)

    He was a Pakistan Army officer who is one of only eleven recipients of Pakistan's highest gallantry award, the Nishan-e-Haider. He was a Captain in the 12 Northern Light Infantry (NLI) and, previously in 27 Sindh Regiment of the Pakistan.

    Nur Khan (Air Marshall-Pakistan Air Force Officer)

    He was a high-profile military official who represented the Pakistan Air Force as its Air Commander-in-Chief.He was also the chairman of Pakistan International Airlines (PIA).

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    Colonel Hassan Khan (Freedom Fighter)

    He was an Army Officer and was a Freedom fighter and was the man behind the freedom of Gilgit.

    Muhammad Mahmood Alam (Fighter Pilot)

    He was a Pakistani fighter pilot ace and one-star general who served with the Pakistan Air Force. He was awarded the Sitara-e-Jurat ("The star of courage"), for display of exceptional courage and skills during the Indo-Pakistani War of 1965, when he shot down five Indian aircraft in less than a minute.

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    Abdul Sattar Edhi (Humanitarian)

    He is a Pakistani philanthropist known for international humanitarian work. He is the founder and head of Edhi Foundation, a non-profit social welfare program in Pakistan. He and his wife, Bilquis Edhi, are revered in Pakistan for their social and charity work. The couple has been decorated with the 1986 Ramon Magsaysay Award for Public Service. He is also the recipient of the Lenin Peace Prize and the Balzan Prize.

    Ansar Burney (Human Rights Activist)

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    He is a leading Pakistani human rights and civil rights activist. In 1980, he began the "Ansar Burney Welfare Trust", "Prisoners Aid Society", and "Bureau of Missing and Kidnapped Persons" in Karachi, Pakistan.His works revolves around pro viding free legal aid to poor and needy persons especially those held in jails. Recently he received worldwide acclaim for his efforts in the release of hostages held by Somali pirates.

    Mir Khalil Ur Rehman (Founder of Jang Newspaper)

    He was the founder and editor of the Jang Group of Newspapers which has currently grown to be the most popular Urdu and English newspapers in Pakistan. As a founder of the Jang Group of newspapers, he is a print media legend in Pakistan.

    Alam Channa

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    Alam Channa was the world's tallest living man at 232.4 cm (7 ft. 7 inch) high. During his life he had been billed at various heights of up to 9 ft. 6 while working at a circus.


    Ashfaq Ahmed

    He was a distinguished writer, broadcaster, intellectual and a spiritualist. He was regarded by many as among the finest Urdu short story writer.

    Bano Qudsia

    She is a writer, intellectual, playwright and spiritualist. She is the wife of Ashfaq Hussain (writer and spiritualist). She has written many famous Urdu novels and short stories. She is best known for her novel Raja Gidh and has written for television and stage in both Urdu and Punjabi languages.

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    Amjad Islam Amjad

    He is a well-known Urdu poet and drama writer.He has written many books including poetry and prose. He has received many awards for his literary work and Screenplay for TV including the coveted Pride of Performance and Sitara-e-Imtiaz. Anwar Maqsood

    He is a Pakistani playwright, poet, television host, satirist, humorist, infrequent actor and painter who has worked in the entertainment industry since the early 70s.

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    Fatima Surrayya Bajia

    She is a renowned Urdu novelist, playwright and drama writer of Pakistan. She has been awarded various awards at home and abroad including Japan's highest civil award in recognition of her works. She has also remained Advisor to the Chief Minister of Sindh province in Pakistan.

    Haseena Moin

    She is a playwright and scriptwriter, extremely popular among the youngsters. She has written several dozen plays for radio and television in Pakistan and abroad. She is the recipient of Pride of Performance for her services to the performing arts in Pakistan.

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    Kamal Ahmed Rizvi

    He is a famous writer, stage artist and TV producer who gained meteoric fame through his satirical TV and stage dramas. His rise is almost unparalleled in Pakistans entertainment history.

    Ahmed Faraz (Poet)

    He was a great Pakistani Urdu poet. He was considered one of the great modern Urdu poets of the last century. Faraz was arrested for writing poems that criticised military rulers in Pakistan during the era of Gen Zia ul Haq. Following that arrest he went into a self-imposed exile and stayed for 6 years in Britain, Canada and Europe. He has been awarded with numerous national and international awards.

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    Parveen Shakir (Poet)

    She was a great Urdu poet, teacher and a civil servant of the Government of Pakistan.

    Habib Jalib (Poet)

    He was a Pakistani revolutionary poet, who is famous in Pakistan for his opposition of martial law, authoritarianism and state oppression. Today he is considered one of the most renowned Pakistan revolutionary Urdu Poet.

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    Faiz Ahmed Faiz (Poet)

    He was a left-wing intellectual, revolutionary poet, and one of the most famous poets of Urdu language. A known Marxist has been awarded the Lenin Peace Prize by the Soviet Union in 1962.

    Saadat Hasan Manto (Writer)

    He was a short story writer of Urdu language. In addition he was also a film and radio scriptwriter and a journalist. In his short life, he published twenty-two collections of short stories, one novel, five collections of radio plays, three collections of essays, and two collections of personal sketches.

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    Zia Mohyuddin

    He is a Pakistani actor famed for his voice. He is still active among Pakistani media as a speaker and hosts several TV programs both for national and private channels. He is also involved in narrating some abstract short films and commercials.

    Moin Akhter

    He was a Pakistani television, film and stage actor, as well as a humorist, comedian, impersonator, and a host. He was also a play writer, singer, film director and a producer. He is very popular in Pakistan for providing humor for people of all ages.

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    Shafi Muhammad Shah

    He was a Pakistani film and television actor. He is famously known as Shahjee. During his 30-year career, he performed in over 50 drama serials and over 100 television plays in the Urdu and Sindhi languages on different television channels.

    Muhammad Qavi Khan

    He is a versatile actor, who has been associated with Pakistan film industry and TV since their very inception. An institution within himself, he has many famous dramas, films and stage plays to his credit.

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    Talat Hussain

    He is a Pakistani Film/Television/Stage actor who started his career from PTV. A versatile actor, who has many famous dramas, films and stage dramas to his credit. In 1972, he moved to England, and joined the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art (LAMDA). Talat Hussain's early roles was in Jimmy Perry and David Croft's It Ain't Half Hot Mum. His roles in It Ain't Half Hot Mum was The Club Proprietor (bartender) in Cabaret Time, The Bar Proprietor in Dont Take the Mickey, The RAF Control Tower Officer in Fight to Jawani alongside Jeffrey Holland and Robin Parkinson. He was also worked for BBC Radio in play Crown Coat.Talat has worked in several foreign films and television drama serials and long plays. He worked in some episodes of Channel Four's television serial Traffik. In 2006, Talat Hussain won the Amanda Award for the Best Supporting Roll category in the Norwegian film Import-eksport. He also starred in Jinnah which starred Christopher Lee, who played Jinnah but Hussain played a refugee. Talat also lends his voice to the person of Jesus in the Urdu dubbed version of the famous movie Jesus.

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    He is a Pakistani television actor best known for his romantic roles in famous TV plays. He has also acted in a number of local films as well as an English film, Jinnah and Traffic Serial for BBC Channel-4. He is also known for his philanthropic activities.

    Uzma Gillani

    She is a great professional actress of Pakistani dramas and has been acting since the 90s. With her great acting skills and unique expressions and emotions, she has gained great respect from her fans. During the 80s and 90s she proved her versatility by acting in a number of popular TV plays.

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    Bushra Ansari

    She is a Pakistani television presenter, singer, actress and playwright who started as a child performer in the 1960s and has remained a major TV personality for over four decades. She is a great actress with lots of talent. She is probably the most versatile female artist in Pakistan. She has made a name for herself not only in comedy, but also is serious plays, stage dramas and singing.

    Khalida Riyasat

    She made her debut on television towards the end of 1970s. She was a very talented actress who inspired many. Her way of acting was lively and realistic. This talented actress is loved and remembered even today because of her excellent and rare personality. She dies at an early age fighting a deadly cancer, but her legacy reminds the Pakistanis of her great skills.

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    Saleem Nasir

    He was a Pakistani film and TV actor. With his experience in film and television acting, he developed mastery in artistic skills and built a career based on his versatile performances. During the 80s and 90s he appeared in many historical plays and won accolades due his exceptional performances. He also acted in a number of comedy plays, where he excelled as well.

    Jamshed Ansari

    He was a notable, great and legendary Pakistani film and television actor as well as radio artist. His dramas are famous even today and loved by all who see them. He died in 2005 of a brain tumor at an early age. He gained popularity for his comedy as well as serious roles.

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    Zeba Shehnaz

    She is a film, stage and drama actress who has won fame through her versatile acting. Her real name is Shaheen, but she adopted the name Zeba. She is widely regarded as one of the top stars in the 1960s and the early 1970s. One of her most memorable role came in 1972 film Mohabbat which was critical and commercial success and earned her third Best Actress award from Nigar Awards. She acclaimed stardom through TV series fifty-fifty.

    Muhammad Ali

    He was a legendary Pakistani actor who is also known as Shahenshah-e-Jazbaat meaning The Emperor of Emotions. He had starred in over 250 movies playing roles as hero and villain. He was included among 25 greatest

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    actors of Asia (all time) by CNN survey. Along with oth er famous actors such asWaheed Murad and Nadeem, he remained one of the leading actors of Pakistan film industry.

    Nadeem Baig

    He has acted in several films, telefilms, and TV drama serials. He has played a leading role in more than 200 films.

    Sabiha Khanum

    She was the leading star of Pakistani cinema in the 1950s and 1960s. Most of her movies were with her husband, the late Santosh Kumar (Musa Raza). Sabiha and Santosh were highly regarded as performers, and movie-goers loved to see them together.

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    Nayyar Sultana

    She was an acting legend whose highly successful movies touched on the themes of pathos and longings.

    Waheed Murad

    He was a legendary Pakistani film actor, producer and script writer. He is considered to be one of the most famous and influential actors of subcontinent. He is well known for his charming expressions, attractive personality, tender voice and unusual talent for acting in films. His romantic style of acting made him popular amongst the young cinema viewers of South Asia.

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    Mustafa Qureshi

    He is a great legendary Pakistani film and television actor. He is famous for his roles in Punjabi films. He has acted in more than 500 movies, in both Urdu and Punjabi languages. Sultan Rahi

    He was a notable Pakistani film actor who was prominent in Pakistan in Punjabi films during the 1970s and 1980s. With his rugged looks and an aggressive style of dialogue delivery. 'Sultan Rahi' the Pakistani film superstar was the ultimate action hero and the biggest film personality from Pakistan. He was a Pakistani version of 'Bruce Lee', 'Chuck Norris','Sylvester Stallone', and 'James Bond' all rolled into one He worked in over 703 plus Punjabi films and 100 Urdu films and won 160 Film Awards. He is the onlyPakistani actor to be in the Guinness Book of World Records. On 9 January 1996 he was shot dead on the main highway in Pakistan

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    Athar Shah Khan

    Ather Shah Khan is a multitalented, multi-faceted artist, who emphasized Pakistani Media, Literature and Performing arts in the whole world. He is among the first artists of PTV. He is a trend setter who revolutionized the Pakistan Television and entertainment industry from his very young age, in early 1960s. He has written over 700 radio plays, many TV drama serials and solos.

    Rafi Khawar/ Nannha (Comedian)

    He was a renowned comedy actor of Pakistan ifilms and TV drama popularly known as Nannha, meaning small. He was regarded as an exceptional comedy talent and for many years was the star of the hit TV show "Alif Noon". He died in mysterious circumstances in 1986.

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    He is one of Pakistan's greatest comedians who made his name in Urdu films. His film career started in the 1950s and lasted until the 1980s. Umar Shareef

    The undisputed king of Pakistani stage dramas, and is also known as the king of comedy. He rose to fame due to his work on stage and his stage shows are considered among the most popular in Pakistan. He started his showbiz career from Karachi as stage performer at the age of 14.

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    Liaquat Soldier

    He was a Pakistani stage and television comedy actor, writer, and director. He started his acting career in 1973. He featured in over 250 plays.


    Roshan Khan (Squash Player)

    He was a squash player from Pakistan. He was one of the leading players in the game in the 1950s and early-1960s, and won the British Open title in 1957. His son Jahangir Khan became the world's leading squash player in the 1980s (and arguably the greatest player of all time).

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    Hashim Khan (Squash Player)

    He is a former squash player from Pakistan. He won the British Open seven times between 1951 and 1958.

    Jahangir Khan (Squash Player)

    He is a former World No. 1 professional squash player, who is considered by many to be the greatest player in the history of the game. During his career he won the World Open six times and the British Open a record ten times. From 1981 to 1986, he was unbeaten in competitive play. During that time he won 555 matches consecutively, the longest winning streak by any athle