Pages 21 to 26

Out of all 3 distributers I believe that Bauer Media group would be the best one for my Pop magazine ‘Chart. This is because of their existing knowledge about music magazines, despite them not being of the genre of Pop. They have a gap in their roster for a magazine like mine and they know how to target a female audience successfully. For example, Heat magazine and Grazia.

Transcript of Pages 21 to 26

Page 1: Pages 21 to 26

Out of all 3 distributers I believe that Bauer Media group would be the best one for my Pop magazine ‘Chart. This is because of their existing knowledge about music magazines, despite them not being of the genre of Pop. They have a gap in their roster for a magazine like mine and they know how to target a female audience successfully. For example, Heat magazine and Grazia.

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4. Who would the audience be for your media product?

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AUDIENCEThe age of my audience would be 13-18 years old. My questionnaire asked my focus group: ‘What age do you think my magazine appeals to?’0-12…. 13-18…. 19+….

0-12 13-18 19+02468


These results show that the age group I intended to appeal to is clear from looking at my magazine.

The ethnicity of my audience is not limited to just one. I have featured Asian and White teenage girls on my cover and contents.

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AUDIENCEThe gender of my audience would largely be female. I have used many bright colours such as pinks and oranges throughout my magazine, these would be more likely to attract a females eye. The cover lines I have used show gossip that is included in the magazine, which typically would gain a females attention more than a males.

The social class of my audience is C2-D. My questionnaire found that most people would buy a music magazine monthly rather than weekly. Therefore, I priced my magazine at £2.00, as I think this is affordable for most people, per month. I wouldn’t predict that people of the social class under group D would be interested in my magazine as they also have to be able to afford the downloads, albums, fashion and competition entry fee’s.

My audience would be Mainstreamers/followers. Cheryl Cole, One Direction and Rihanna are all huge in the music industry, they appeal to almost everybody, especially females that are dedicated to pop music.

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Psychographic profile: My audience would be Mainstreamers/followers. Cheryl Cole, One Direction and Rihanna are all huge in the music industry, they appeal to almost everybody, especially females that are dedicated to pop music. In my questionnaire that I completed before the creation of my magazine I asked 20 people:

‘What genres of music do you regularly listen to?’


These results show that Pop, RnB and Dance are the most popular. The artists mentioned in ‘Chart’ can all fit into these categories, mainly Pop.

‘Chart’s typical audience.

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5. How did you attract/address you audience?