Page layout t5 pro forma

Processing images

Transcript of Page layout t5 pro forma

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Processing images

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Images sourced from books:

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Advantages of sourcing images this way: Getting images from books allows you to have access to images that others will not be able to acquire and will make your work stand out and be unique. The images will usually also be a higher quality as they will be printed on a page.

Disadvantages of sourcing images this way: The disadvantage of getting images this way is that they will always be copyrighted as they are present in a licenced book. This will limit what you can do with the image. The images may also take time to be acquired as you will have to scan in books that are physical copies to be able to use the image which may make the images unsuitable for a quick use.

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Images sourced from google images:

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Advantages of sourcing images this way: The images are quick and easy to access and you will have a large amount of images to choose from, from a wide variety of subjects. Some of the images taken may also be of a professional quality and therefore you can find some really good photos.

Disadvantages of sourcing images this way: The disadvantages are that the quality of the images may not be as good because most of the images are set to small resolutions so that they can be loaded quickly on the internet and you are left with a much more restricted choice if you want a higher quality image. Many of the images you find may also be copyrighted and you may be restricted as to what you can use them for.

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Images sourced from stock image library:

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Images sourced from copyright free site:

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Advantages of sourcing images this way: The advantage of sourcing images this way is that some sites may gives the images away for free which may men that you will have no problems with copyright. Another advantage is that all of the photos are professional and are therefore good quality and can be resized without loosing quality.

Disadvantages of sourcing images this way: You may have to pay for each use of the image or pay to acquire the rights to it outright. This may mean you may not be able to use them if you are on a budget. You will also have to choose from a limited selection of images that may be aimed at a broad subject and therefore they may not be directly applicable for what you want them for.

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Images sourced from your own existing images:

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Advantages of sourcing images this way: You are able to choose the exact image that you want as you are able to set it up yourself so you can choose what you want. You will also not have to worry about copyright as you have taken the image yourself of are therefore the owner of it.

Disadvantages of sourcing images this way: Unless you are a professional photographer the images you take may not be as good as if they were taken by somebody who was and this may lead to them looking poor quality. You may also not have access to specialised equipment or facilities to use for the photos and may have limited resources to create the photos that you want.

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Processing Images

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Original image:

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Cropped image:

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Scaled images:




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Resolution image:

300dpi for print

72dpi for web

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Advantages of different resolutions: The advantages of having different resolutions is that if you want to increase the size of the image to make it larger or smaller you would not loose any quality from the image if you give it a higher resolution. Another advantage is that you can have different resolutions for either print use or to place on the internet.

Disadvantages of different resolutions: if you take an image that was already in a low resolution and try to manipulate it by changing the resolution to a higher one then you will not be able to see much of a visible difference. Another disadvantage is that the lower resolutions like 72 dpi mean that the images will be in very low quality as they will still have to fit in the same size area as a 300 dpi image on a page.

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Manipulated image with appropriate caption:

The Patriots increase their unbeaten run to 7 games in the NFL

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Explain the changes you made to the image and explain why you made those changes: I have cropped the image to remove the blank spaces around the edge of the image to ensure that the subjects of the image are in greater focus and are more bold in the image. I have also adjusted the brightness so that the image looks darker and more dramatic to fit with the content of the image. I have then used a photo filter on the image that overlays the colour red over the image. This gives the image a slightly warmer look and makes it seem a bit more dramatic due to the connotations that surround that particular colour. I have also altered the contrast of the image to make the colours stand out more in the image. This is so that they are still visible despite the overlay of the filter.