PACIFIC CITIZEN · Konda 2_E3, and ctoipte-Fred Himuns aetit It the Hacienda Vou;1.. to, toe Board...

OSHINMHMLED ISMAWSPEAttR^ IT CCDC CONFAB Ritct Shtcd D*e. A At Ff»»no HMiMtds ^9 50,000 READBtS- TCbs AM-ri CAUF. i$T WtE* OF Yttt mm PACIFIC CITIZEN -yoL. » 1*0. 17 FRIDAY, OCTOBER H. \9^ FROM) OUPTR MINUTES OF 1920-30S RETURNED FHESSO - T*. valicnr, o! F r f o o Air.thcsa !Kir»lly Le<«ue mimiWi (hot t3 back to the uucption of the cbap;«r in "Wa have tcea reccired lr»rn Or neaitts T YtUOc of Qii- r--' 1 charier mearoet of Ur SAN JOSE TO HOST IMPORTANT NC-WNDC QUARTERLY MEET NOV. 1 tboFc dan were oAly a CDOBt.i. 'TV anMusi u JACL's biffcit isstalla- apt «o small if you consider tnr ameer wherein the new offi- tutebasiac power of Uie dollar < all 10 chapsers comieicin* in the UWs aad ao»." cam- ________ __ Konda and Fred Himuns aetit It the Hacienda Vou;1. to toe fsf. oiesalal JACL njo-'- Yoshinari of Chlear>. vchtioo in SeaUle as drf-eaie* t»m Fre.tao. TVy we« HaMesXT members are: rill V VM durlni sea Yoshinari of Chlear>. J.ACL preideoL will V i.sKluet spuker. 0:Vr JACL Model A Ford Vlonahtj { . will incliKk: LCKonoU.. TUX jks we. to Ihe .-Be rib* < ehio Hoods aad o UiASpcTSCDted 1 of tSIdD lor all SOI 4(BEThe commf NC4FNOC to James MurtkarHi quarterly meetia* to be heW oa County, aomuiatijn- Suodav. >h.v. 1, at tbe St. Oal'y are: i-toiel. San Carlo, and M.rket S;e U tbe Uft of the year, bul whl Ka t in ts«.un<ueu .9wto et..r>«n be- a very- im;io«ant mte. OC Chatmiaa John TaniTnota of San HaJdom Franci»co nstflt Dideyaiet front the »-oiemjer chapters will coojldcr: 1—Adyylma of a district frovp raitt lamranre pm*r»m. Additional nmnmatumi rrgrj% 2_E3,rtioo ol IMMik Enecu'ive endoncment of three ctoipte- swe*- Board meraVr.. , idenl. in the dlfUirt. H«c has »-Fj»iil Pu!* on Pro:*. 14. been received fiw tV DC 1000 Club WasM Makibc of San Mate*,' chairman of tbe commiBee iaven- Retirtrauao *'mrts at «ung .roup health puns, remind- You* ^.lon. will be Vll - »"T- when l.^ Prop. 14 eoaunlUr-c. re part wfl^armtade- A aeparatc Hi- HiEMismi <Novotes gaining Idllk, in Prop. 14 poils To Spand 10 6ays In Stato. Arriving In S.F. Tomorrow their return, eaae-.- hill »«»*n fjoulA atleoi eaae-..- bill ^ ^ ^ anaounc^-d of the diiioer. . A-enlkwi program brain. «< ses.icuu and A(>enln( ccr- . r.1 on Satartly. Dec. i. aft.-r i-soxt duLter. TCr fausiae*. .: -i- will resume Sidday marning. .rd bv a ao-bost luncheon and .flemoon fashloB show naied ! Hagnin. Parkate Deal S^adole . *a*e deal for the entire eon- ^ if pr.-rji*- the NkUooai JACL-------... S.40). I'etns jijvphfahao that the orgaJi volve. the immel*a» or*aojat-/n I ; o' tclephsar committee* by the PTb^. b^im* '* cb.ptcrs, "By this. I mean to nr- St*^iuled hw tlK carh- aft.-r- ganixe a group to call s< maay members and o*-" '»■*• d.v. them to"vote No c**Ptop ItTva- Hoy llceda. DYC rtairman. wiB sA\ FR.O!CISCO - Rh»k suinjla explained. x al-th.- »sprale_>"ulB disjos that any Niwri would come CB^vr Vatars IrtJ Nurh; Mike Mauokv--, [nouTeshod^j any Nisei would favor Prop. 14 SAN FHAldClSCO - The Dim- Na m 14 ' p^iup* « the EaXbay. leavy Poll of Oct U inlieJtad > Sen Jose, and Smioma Couaty. deckled gam ^in the Aunber oopa»- Tou-w«k«*d camin-ttee Sh- lag Prap 14 arraedm# to W1 T-n der Dr Oeo Nahahoti and Mar- kamolo. chairman. Japar.ex.' fhall Somida will jwepare &.4.N FBVaClMO-Ta tV American. Agaioat Prap. 14 c.-m mailingw aB J^ siJL "Sr....... _ m.o Variunir: and >4abaiwil First decided. »«• . VKePreiJeatJ«rrEo.mi:awi> •H?w«vr. the pr=k«otat. 1-Caairman of the S-Jlewide Cv^i- Prop. 14 are .tUt a^ ant «« mittcc of Japanese Aalcriron< r.nt let op our eflSrti » delea- «ev. L&yd Wake of the Pt» Aniast Prop 14 wOl sot only the initiative mea*u.-c," T.ukam-s Methodirt Chu-'cta u also a Nmci but alaa a^ h, Mid la rewaliag fc thr her of dw ^ ^ in m- averaB final wert. bdore ele.tiae. . . i;w»ker. are Yoae Saluda. BaOH Toe' WaAlnroa Be ce. .The Merva D F*ld Ressarsi 5^^**'^^''* rn-m fly Into San Frrr.- Curp.. a it* .tatewAe pali taker cm Saturday. OrL *4. have . «V Crst week of OcWUt. »m;^_Hlch^ l^a. ^ br.c.'mg MSiwm with Enum.ko. t»te» an o;>po.lte tread to tV to -1^ taOwfadgMUel^aalW T.J »atauka. Northern Calili-r-Oa Ounleavy paU The T>« tMly are rbady to mnkVbrt ^ Chaiman and NaUooal Dircctar ttsjw. 4* i<l. .vc*. J4 pet-no ai»d M.*.o Sauw. and then prore.-d 17 pet uad«ided now, «b^ lor the Fre«to JACL ii.war 4T ye. 81 no and 15 ui^ - 11 fV :- deSd-d m September. The r*kl Hatw> Uwato iatow denennees use of JACL name on -i: •.uinoto expLiipad. , pr**®!.- ai-tn.- »r-,iaraie »v*- atsjof ttul any wiMfi wauij mmr uiapur »u;er» uuj - or - -- ~' j |k, - ------ r,aiJw.^w. l.w^Mm.1 C-to.tlcr. wctc also temk^ .non* ctartiag at 1 p.m. Jtco Kurol of the aoti-faiy hou- uled tbjt night. He will mc-c- wim taUy alsn shyw. ttat UflUWBlBf< IttllCl that tnr third quarter program wa of BcTkeley will report on the (, in ; ai.v Pr^ x 14 vaiert Wader, of inc Central CilOrr-a are Avtded. neorlr r^y^ Unguage TWto teogram.. hart WHIIf BHH IWIIVI. « irti^iie, rW are due Or. Naliunal Huumn RelaUoni Cadleiv p^tda,. hy Sen Daniel K. taa-.vv' Committee of Japane« American. y«. 41 no and W onicc.d^ T SAN FRANCISCO. - Ma* Tik^. Dc'Wm h»d ence lor T.-rnagec*. which he at- .oflawaii. _ -Agamr. Prop 14 » Simdav. O t. t^rtfT*-^ lw.1 I.C. ^cr-::r eflM a: diedded Eout^ Califoraian- pdifat paper*, axpreuing •he* brangc C.uv are in favor by ahnp.l *-1-45 vtiAr. on Prop 14 * n Dieen arc ye*. 8B no, II uadecidft.i ni** eoauiuUM kai been ac^ Wedaefdar I't » A apecial phone-call comminee. atnee laai April." T*ukaa»o*o Hy.'Oa. o'. V min Vaded by Jim Nishi. will ota.-t "It reprasahU hearty all 3te m»al ralb- in Sacrim the uaaal.iurmed i e with l; y the NiMi Vokcr* Leagiw^^^Sao aing _. _____ "Music Festival", bv t -------------................ ........ ............. .......................................... - i-'v^ to »" r™ bow i» and rcgivlratma ^ Pre.idenc* of the Uaitei banquel speaker. Jerry Enomolo, on 14 cam.oaiga. Al least no wa* -j eanho; Kc why v.en a Slatw*''^ «taiewide chairma". Jajiabesc raised, it w*> Icanud. , Y Niici cm ihuik of wimg fcir Prvp ty. Meeung. uiHiu-mbcf wive* of JACL«ri 5,4,^. to the leaflet "A Americans Againai P.-ap 14. will Kart* Sukekaae of Sjqi^ •HI ]< which would erase the very .cheduled pmelirt a entitled to ^^^iti^packMt Fv'Coidwat^."' 'imp-ie. ol aUo' cMnment ca> tar jirog-'r'. of anoounce the slite of DYC bo»rd ^,y i^ve^ Vrn riKhLOk On Tburrtl - wpirti « e plated B wmd.m:vi d boirt tnember- iu-j to accompany her member parked at the Chalon Mtil ofnrer* and member* w«l al^o br > fir electiaa. .fur in,the post." . Inoure < ) the SuB^v baneuM ^ngele- CK-L 14 Wh.-J rV in*ta1led. rhktgvd «yi a- oe,Ty»nls were aUendiag . . . those attend*! fSl> cvrtit m*.-t ^ prj,p |4-- janquel T.i- -Ahii raglitercd Hbwever. ehemcr Nichfcci of Los Angrte. fj-jt hifk; -.■IS need not be iwfUfered. ,t»y, ii.*j gui«U and 3r. J.ACLer* Saiow r •■. caU-d la*; the Natiohal »ccure the r«ck»ge deal f c h.mdqu*.;cr. wi: il.iud ro lor H-Sa if pre-regi*lcred by in* {4.3.1^., i,., ,„3o* by Sea Daniel K. loouye tSBs rec«ivi-l »: ill other notMJiembcr* will tc ^le muii. and forwurded i: to itgrt <SJD fof*lhe package deil Mike Masiohp. J.AC..'* Wa^cg- if pre-regi'-teredbrNov. jjn rupccrentaiiVL. . I lor iV faibon rtsTw «ily. xh* lejftoi quoted an editorial «.» for tbe banket only. Q<Wa»trr U> ,Ni^ hero BeB '**"^™ Calf Nominated thu. far. acrordin* youth' me«f*eri*ipt.i»,,.j; Jl aim jc distijutrt. -jf ,h:y would only 'Coatinuod on Page C> *s >car> agoIS. » c year*I vote far th;< mcarure unthinkable." hi- I Vaded by r all Isrel. Nisei, and Sansei rep- nUgloes a U.PfflPREME COURT ASKED TO RULE (A % Mtx6 MARRIAGES fN FLORIDA CASE WASHUCTON - Oral argu; before licxU-S. Suiu-emc Cou gard.n* so-called Fki.'alj flunk it's ^ group, and the-ww penence of everyan- working l»_ gumen'j' the Sacramento. Ftortn. .Placer i«lertd voters la Sen rVncs-co. ^ Franetac. thPk bart. County and Marwflle Chanter:, urgin* a "Na' vate 00 Prop. 14. firrt Lme w,-we nad r even five and then appear at the San Fiao- AdverbaemctiU win be pMead mwl; cisco general meehng on the Japanese i-emacular art - .. Oct. 80. Be »ai attert flic NC- roroUtan newsaaper*. We» Dot and. fetter ka. --------- .-- WNDC meetmg at San J<»e on Edd.e Mociguc*.. in eharge ^ he MLi Visci. BOW ttst Sunday. Nov. I, copy, have indicated that the adi -Ba; tto. Ia«« *oold Uiy arc fortunaPt co.oogh to have Otter meeting*, ai rkntme-.ri. will be taken Jointly otter everyone, he add.d giin.-xl some measure of accept- and preu eenfer«ee* are Tr-hig ante Co--tt.-'n>rtc«.sTir n.w v:'!- s^brtuleid him. He w.ll rctam he -ttoU n^ *=* artkutl -ad jo-n force- to Wishington Monday evening ol hi, clkoigA tk- eooyenliqe golf 1: '^beheld st^Ulitleo . a, .'uriini at 10 i ,Ak>a - iirmaii. Nov. __ Mckwc deal for gi^cr*-i> *15 SJ rh lOi lude* green Tee. art Ice* art coovB memoer- will be ■arrv the woman of h-, cSkoiCA * di.crjn Bltcl Nov no.-ato ml*. ?nTe>^ to snotber ,t^ ^ _______ week d-TW from Harlan, Pollack said tt*l oa Camfalga Trtr inlaresl of JACL. wtiich has beca anli-mweegeoaUio Uws ate "e.ven - . , a cuicernrt wUh tte -on- less defeMiNc" than toe .late Sen. Iivouyc ..^ .hairpan ul Ji- auesuon lovuism. and aagrcgattd-ichoeiling lavs that tta Democrat.. Slaiuwal'Cur.m'uc-* r U -tte- Coanme Ceur: Court ftruck down a decade ago. Spuaker* Bi^au and ehurmaa « __r.^-- .- - ...--.J «K-. Orange County Realtors Rght 14 Joini'Otlenlal«iiii»ra|lhilPw*.14 _ proves big iwceii: fint i# loaHisliiTl- , Tajlri of Reedley as ft «arae from Dr. Tetturo Ta^ ^ . Colfccs' mo« rcglrut of M-mleurtlo. Calif.. ^ aatod 15. fcr a d«at««i Imm Hawaii ^STsui- __ ______ ___ in the to. qI tte arti.-vdA hr he S.-natr Deumratic Cam *u 'iaws irtr«0lUw mired «id. the nates at least COiUd ar- art •n-U'--wt ca ie:t;.-, JERRY ENOMOTO ______ .-the "countervailing intoro, tiu- 'brci' « ■' •*>>, -.'•*• fnh^ilt Chatrttaa JAAP 11 ■ni Supreme Court wa. a-Md ol wicte rhJdrm again.'t u.t tout tor C.S lor ,.i.- ;.u,l OcL 14 to hold tlut a state ba* rompiUed to attend ,x*oou with - t . xn„- some.hUig lie ttos-'Tber- is rounder the Okrtltobon to Se^.^ _ ^ H^aLto si day. I w .* aoov peo.'iie U> krei* LC6 ANOeXS-A eitert- and couaties and the (ouru wM pj to the l.-adcrdlip of the nrtsr atsia fcr abowed k> taka any Am^-cac cctnmuaiiy of Saotbem at J* atFWR dbcrlmttrtW Califania to tear CaUfoma Oov- bousinr ka aRplatocd. e»*» Brown made political buto-y -Soeb aclioa as«a* tte •» spirit of tte a»ai C auwy phtt- first time. Japincse to to ttet aH bumwa eDAdiWI Americans. whi^ttDKU ott«r» is euMeet to lantotoJe rrte. and r*«BlallaM Knr«an Ion pporcr. cha'-nnon of tb.- CalUoniU Nisei |„,^^,erracial marriMe. Louis Counsel for Ftorida sug^id ehaigeJ fommittec lor Coldwaier tote lari y , that one cwuvjqucnce of Mding adv.Md by »«-<• .• -.v- - - « for gaU Jvkoftlft tt.. N.VACP S.toc * f-vt - Pro,.. 14 .0 CuU.«. nuitoo t goU only art gl8» ter ,ss» »• atgumg lor Ih.- N.VACP LogaKlV- Stttc'r enti-mn«*totot«> qn-c-l uo Prop. 1, ... ------------ ^ ^ ^ Anah convenLcc. BPfwrvattotn may were mught to mafl the leaflet* ^ Cou.-t thv. unconslitutkmal wmild b? 'Jial ^ thejieBa.Pr »aJ Collins, tt.-ongh i.ade with DrTallri. P.O. Boa to_aU Nisel_^r*^_^ ___ of tt - kind should be .-rod - une.nimotcd number ol norvlAhj. . Teu.».c ,uJ^ NidsoTTh InilMdBn oqaBhe avmuRity fow^RHon idniu;i»!c.' its fund, for "chari- Le •jurpotes". raosr to t.- atsbtrd inchdr the ______________ __ yjy. rirtcats and su^ olher „pcnn-md Pacific ttekter,. ,*u of bvneCl u the J»P^ •^f«Uer. he carried u -tmtmiiy. 11 was annoonced. ^ fighting tirejudiee and ----------- - m. ^ ^ , ^ _ Hertaa ---------- S at.-.- of America. slu-sticc John M Hitlan •*nir<a«h twibliC «rwceh'i art U tbeye was discriminati-m wbeh _ ______________ ii^arwqtc. break down both parUes-a whte and .ith r\WLL. ............. -border, be- mad:- it ctear that b? r Negro and a whii ' icmaticaDv void *>l pisviously had w. a w Pollack art his cXHteun-scl. WT- <fw* rrtaliofi hip. that o:i e- 1 T, Camu, Ir. a P1,0«W. y.-Jj,,.., p,„ ___ Fr. Dai aulhors book on race relatioits Of hafkt. eontraclrt within ito.bordcr. be- mad:- it clear that h? r.-fB".»;l f- prcjud:fc. to IrgJ.*-* dbcrimins- ^ Ta,' cit.tioo presented to Ku.ok; Nemo art a wbii- U au- wh tis who are married to whiloa. to*. 1 rannot kte? mue.. 1 air. il grout!* »* .wars <to the Ir^ r»J: void. »>uS iLs previously hid w. a N-- mafcn* Japaneae Japan^ Amrrtc! ___ __ ^ AM.. I. h«* $,r. Niui VMert Uqix Bieriean.etoae to of them f-e the t . irt over haU being Nisrii-wer-- . . Prop 14 would erkgo is .semblAl ip a gigantic rally Oct. a linrf.- day tte tourtey towUH to deleav Prop 14. ttod«*uad»g that CaM»wi> ^ A* Orientol Aqvrxwns.- the b«.; mafang tor luoi.- a^v m.errw declared, "yoa have Wto tury ' Hr o«cd thut CaUbniA (eaiil to an unpre^enlrt » , otherwise be legaL ttum-oin^ mlsstoos in bofh ihr-Eu- ^ ^ discrimiiiatioB ,'v.olau* the consmuttenal guano- i tor of equal proteciieo of Ih* law.:. cUurls of Clarence Nishiiu. t Ni.'Ci . realtor There is of cvb ^;^V'ricwiv.Againit ditcrimln- first patted iu pu»l Sf- W- eas!^ -nployrpM'. tun. to* to ** toe,l:». *t^«» ,rt otter fields Art l.oebm-r-air jH y, ------- ' dbcrimini- ^ 1- /neasuri- your pr;gre»s shw.11 " '• nieL 1 am the odd are he . ^ ^ \iipnov« efL-n c -w iv prapoami of Prop *4. <«tld •a.- the tosstmarter art Sea. la> »>** everything ^ ^.^Ipt of hi* *pe«eh. tte Csvemor Ughtoteng up lestouttiv.' em-esMU be pjnu* 1. of Js «nm aner*4ry from thv State of Caliterui*. NEW YCRK- 'Racv RriaLon. art SAN FR-A-SCISCO - Yanio Abike ,, ,, Qinsuan -Ui.-ston." by Rev. Day Ni^i Ttoc= E.-tj! .h «1 -r art ......... ...... j . . . U.*.*Kittgawa. was pjjlu-brt last active JACleto, d»<Timin»lioo art Utred and c m- were equally d.-oi«d tte r.gS. l.' Frtfrtriup Preis of New preiideo: ^haT^trt 2; ' ■> dsihlhsiw neae ancestry today." - CuU.maa said it would b.- hard for h.m tj say that hr haU equuUU' lan Frantftco Chinese and Japanese Americans fell of oflsing dbcriminalion before State Senate subcomibltlee Yat* a* an'crutinil papvr-tetk Lea«te tore last week - - ....» The ISOtop is the aulliar's ri-ooal encouiters in two hivn; faithful report !ious offices to the local -CAP ttiwaton. group. He is iMiing a .maB el -lei lOK ■'I County "Reaftor* T^ Cos*nior. who N.,;l Voter. X*»in« **»»» " Le «ac>'^te-man to stand u> and si: ceett Yooe Satoda. curt.otU Na- uonal JACL tr«jsuier The NVL eo-apowor. poBlical al- taking He said 'aiinefe rralttex ere The s«ate,* peri-;.. apfai-m. He _ orfhis study 0/ racial tensions m Asia. Africa and the Unitad States rtui.>ter. He m ve. on to an analys.s ol . » . -radal cortlict a* power relsUm. 200 btCT Sm. iMVy* tetwrm dominant art oppressed . ^ groups is a mmiber of dUteren'. at WMSMViM SHIMr *■ s.tuaiions. ibeim Real "Yes ' I marJy agojut cto Negro ciltetoi. B< they arc arguing in ksatacc lar tbe fi*>wlnn to disi.riialten - patted to bis wUe abo prjjMU And that ao^ttOed frwKtom C^ he .leak tte cxMpoosac. far stagAg to.-'yiau-ed agaiuri Negroes, M.-*lcpa I oer whirti i I * tauu^t I Aaivrteani •ally B»rd A? L repreaentative of the tour cultifai and otter mimirity grou •* fa W-- W oocoriiM*' to backgroood* gathered at tte ritte a'rto.11- . plished." Brown bdieved. "in w»- *fh oare.-tratoed drama a* Prop. 14 passes.", aiag. tte Covenar fdari weraitti of Mike MaJtttt Amerteae Otedd, emj*jy.>d by the Departnwju ^ ^ . Cburtih and Sociey of the cainivated C-PAXf/SfCfV\ CortlljUn* ... ------- - *-ar^e much better tt.n PTC aware that some seller* <J real ha^ been meeting throughout the . for Japaneae Amaricans and property -sacntl}- have two prites state to tte past .vear. yjiave found reUtiv-rly "goed a higher price far mine:.t,v- «' w- LJuiftai ana ooneo « we .wali caimvate^a large a uds of the to Even at tit* **■*• *•' *■• *"• '**' <-<'.wte nroaers. watcsniea «•»* ,«.,.umd ,to the Cili- * JA^ iw^^trai the In urging that CalJot^^*'* Ish committee - Chalon Man. , "Put of the eril of mop art mobve. V tte CREA ini ttis ^irity of rtlort ^ ^ ,„u™,^,u.-n., s.,_ ... .. docinncnt to Um.i -Tt is tte-kart Ffw thOK Nisei who rant ^ reeogninrt tte eemtrioifkins Mnwaata I have eves read of Tat- Ute sanctity gf "property rghu , ^ Orieotal-American L»orr- ju», -Metl.r ah»t we are i«lvw| Sen Dan Inoujv of Ha- particularly those m CoUtts neck ^ Crtdonila's greatne* . as tteCovensjr daclarrt. large aud- « ** meoUrted W i«me» « DA a. , Mkaa of ttraprorertatkfk. point . teart of the testi- have oeen gnen tbe nm-arourt hy __. .w , the »ote BUg L-t real citate brokers. aalc*meo *no terimiony pre.-tered CiU- ie -Mortouchi* San buOders of new tract l»mcs". tenna Seoite Fact Finite Sub- •I i^T^yjii •• ihe In urging that CaUfonia's fast committee on Race Belaticpi hoi^i^-beUlnforcc.Mo. urten ^m, ^ ktf tteS teMte^cl-Find- tiguchi to* issue with arguments milted by tte San Frawi^ 2€sKrs.r.“S~: «lt ^,0= cm-.T... tory W. f~- wwmtmr the riven tte opportunHj to do aoT" Francisco witetc I have hved what mak.-s a m - ter of iteing Nisei) at a r.-- Wiy Ua't be hCddlc East, stimulating the of- dinner brie Uri Friday a: "property ngbt* like you ganuau.n of groups to study riKuU ^ ^cal Buddhist Hall *>e*n t he think tte Romford problem* from a Ciri.«tjn vicW spaosored S»v the Act is "terert bausinr'7 I h*if bert Vrikg. first Chian* Am*r.eaa 4^ )»dge. and Ste;.hen Jkmura. an- tfver------ -- -------- court lodge in Orange Caaa- .ertbrt, haadcrafted tui'hbtr . tte given tte opportunHj hesc American Cibaen* AUi- r ifji ftogiitt W. alio testiflrt art aald there - tmtt in repons ttai O-'-na- Lo»- atoo aaid to Salt Lake group for Nihbnmachi.lormod Vww Sanu Qv* Cornmlttee for Pre-i- iittle faith that those of you to ^ nwinUrt, and of A»- 'ite pttf^ s*t^ re^wi dent- JotiiAor. _ _ *. kfter speaker prMyed JACLrry I Sao Joae. Map- < e*-J7 art -f t Ur> tte lour Orie e m tte a.;-1-. tx;, Japanese corr.muniiy -**' ,uu«i,' <m»fw K. ->- - -• .tsic eoosUtution I r state art local ten itefi UnwOs.'aiuc IhJ Hamitrurto. *nd Fred MBI _________ - , . . viviv center wa- ARfr a pre>* cQnferpnte at.tte ^c« at ITS Po* Sl. Sob ^nade earlier this j rar. Besetar Hotel, he attended ttv A group of toternriril Ha« pre-dmner social at the church, tte in\-.U- -Nisei busii gening togeiter fa agattri Png lA' Lradcrt tte lour cowmimhir* aharwd tte ttngram wttt tte Pledge c< ABa- CMkri M to Maato Port ^ While alluding to tte matrital --------------- * f^te »i ealtt evklent thiwighoat Catto*- ^ •Q»teurt <«i ». ia. noting, that each year tte ' Mttin* Mike w*-~*. tn filter- P^Jt*!****. of tte rise ri ttC C.l? of Sri. Diego or tte State of kto *•aUWOM 7*® Ur all of -whom u> tte midst of hii fight to def.-ot Prop 14. sanu Crui "nte most recent poU is dis- I equragtag. but who believes li poUs' U tbe odds are agaiari tu. Mas tet'i -putt ttat mwtt harder Ts brt. JACL Snmio Kog. of ' been^^ting 1 Co- ■■ . Tbit ---------- -----------. - AmeneaD tte Rev. J Tnwniira of the Bi-d- me (g On- «iiri Chureh tte benedicUri. A! tte bea' ' " riSr-M y ol <vu, c«. r arena will be aa lunqn ol ' ,'su^'u.s i- ••Oriental Anericaak Agattst Pix^t * ** •rte-te, tte t»w ar ir dnner in Los Angeles As !!?*;!_ *>'=7 cf tteaUaent to

Transcript of PACIFIC CITIZEN · Konda 2_E3, and ctoipte-Fred Himuns aetit It the Hacienda Vou;1.. to, toe Board...

Page 1: PACIFIC CITIZEN · Konda 2_E3, and ctoipte-Fred Himuns aetit It the Hacienda Vou;1.. to, toe Board fsf. Variunir: oiesalal m.o ... resume Sidday marning..rd bv a suinjla ao-bost •.uinoto


^9 50,000 READBtS-T’ Cbs AM-ri CAUF.

i$T WtE* OF Yttt mm PACIFIC CITIZEN-yoL. » 1*0. 17 FRIDAY, OCTOBER H. \9^

FROM) OUPTR MINUTES OF 1920-30S RETURNEDFHESSO - T*. valicnr, o!F r ♦ f o o Air.thcsa !Kir»lly Le<«ue mimiWi (hot t3 back to the uucption of the cbap;«r in "Wa have tcea reccired lr»rn Or neaitts T YtUOc of Qii- r--' 1 charier mearoet of Ur


tboFc dan were 1» oAly a CDOBt.i. 'TV anMusi u

JACL's biffcit isstalla- apt «o small if you consider tnr ameer wherein the new offi- tutebasiac power of Uie dollar < all 10 chapsers comieicin* in the UWs aad ao»." cam-

________ __ Konda and Fred Himuns aetitIt the Hacienda Vou;1. to toe fsf. oiesalal JACL njo-'- Yoshinari of Chlear>. vchtioo in SeaUle as drf-eaie*

t»m Fre.tao. TVy we«

HaMesXT members are:

rill V VM durlnisea Yoshinari of Chlear> J.ACL preideoL will V i.sKluet spuker. 0:Vr JACL Model A Ford Vlonahtj {. will incliKk:

LCKonoU.. TUXjks we. to Ihe .-Be rib* <

ehio Hoods aad o UiAS’ pcTSCDted 1 of tSIdD lor all

SOI 4(BE—The commf NC4FNOC to James MurtkarHi quarterly meetia* to be heW oa County, aomuiatijn- Suodav. >h.v. 1, at tbe St. Oal'y are: i-toiel. San Carlo, and M.rket S;eU tbe Uft of the year, bul whl Ka t in ts«.un<ueu .9wto et..r>«n be- a very- im;io«ant mte. OC Chatmiaa John TaniTnota of San HaJdom Franci»co nstfltDideyaiet front the »-oiemjer

chapters will coojldcr:1—Adyylma of a district frovp raitt lamranre pm*r»m. Additional nmnmatumi rrgrj%2_E3,‘rtioo ol IMMik Enecu'ive endoncment of three ctoipte- swe*-

Board meraVr.. , idenl. in the dlfUirt. H«c has»-Fj»iil Pu!* on Pro:*. 14. been received fiw tV DC 1000 ClubWasM Makibc of San Mate*,'

chairman of tbe commiBee iaven- Retirtrauao *'mrts at «ung .roup health puns, remind- You* ^.lon. will be Vll- »“■ “"T”- “

when l.^ Prop. 14 eoaunlUr-c. re part wfl^armtade- A aeparatc Hi-

HiEMismi <No’ votes gaining

Idllk, in Prop. 14 poilsTo Spand 10 6ays In Stato. Arriving In S.F. Tomorrow

their return,eaae-.- hill »«»*n fjoulA atleoi eaae-..- bill ^ ^ ^

anaounc^-d of the diiioer.

. A-enlkwi program brain. «< ses.icuu and A(>enln( ccr- . r.1 on Satartly. Dec. i. aft.-r i-soxt duLter. TCr fausiae*. .: -i- will resume Sidday marning..rd bv a ao-bost luncheon and .flemoon fashloB show naied ! Hagnin.Parkate Deal S^adole

. *a*e deal for the entire eon- ^if pr.-rji*- the NkUooai JACL-------...S.40). I'etns jijvphfahao that the orgaJi

volve. the immel*a» or*aojat-/n I ;o' tclephsar committee* by the PTb^. b^im* '*cb.ptcrs, "By this. I mean to nr- St*^iuled hw tlK carh- aft.-r- ganixe a group to call s< maaymembers and o*-" ■ '»■*• d.v.

• them to"vote No c**Ptop ItTva- Hoy llceda. DYC rtairman. wiB sA\ FR.O!CISCO - Rh»k suinjla explained. x al-th.- »sprale_>"ulB disjos that any Niwri would come CB^vr Vatars IrtJ Nurh;

Mike Mauokv--,

[nouTeshod^j any Nisei would favor Prop. 14

SAN FHAldClSCO - The Dim- Na m 14 ' p^iup* « the EaXbay. leavy Poll of Oct U inlieJtad > Sen Jose, and Smioma Couaty. deckled gam ^in the Aunber oopa»- Tou-w«k«*d • camin-ttee Sh- lag Prap 14 arraedm# to W1 T-n der Dr Oeo Nahahoti and Mar- kamolo. chairman. Japar.ex.' fhall Somida will jwepare

&.4.N FBVaClMO-Ta tV American. Agaioat Prap. 14 c.-m mailingw aB J^siJL "Sr....... _

m.o Variunir: and >4abaiwil First decided. »«• .VKePreiJeatJ«rrEo.mi:awi> •H?w«vr. the pr=k«otat.1-Caairman of the S-Jlewide Cv^i- Prop. 14 are .tUt a^ ant ««mittcc of Japanese Aalcriron< r.nt let op our eflSrti » delea- «ev. L&yd Wake of the Pt» Aniast Prop 14 wOl sot only the initiative mea*u.-c," T.ukam-s Methodirt Chu-'cta u also a

Nmci but alaa a^ h, Mid la rewaliag fc thr her of dw ^ ^in m- averaB final wert. bdore ele.tiae. . . i;w»ker. are Yoae Saluda. BaOHToe' WaAlnroa Be ce. .The Merva D F*ld Ressarsi 5^^**'^^''*“ rn-m fly Into San Frrr.- Curp.. a it* .tatewAe pali takercm Saturday. OrL *4. have . «V Crst week of OcWUt. »m;^_Hlch^ l^a. ^

br.c.'mg MSiwm with Enum.ko. t»te» an o;>po.lte tread to tV to -1^ taOwfadgMUe l^aalWT.J »atauka. Northern Calili-r-Oa Ounleavy paU The T>« tMly are rbady to mnk Vbrt ^Chaiman and NaUooal Dircctar ttsjw. 4* i<l. .vc*. J4 pet-no ai»dM.*.o Sauw. and then prore.-d 17 pet uad«ided now, «b^

lor the Fre«to JACL ii.war 4T ye. 81 no and 15 ui^ — -11 fV :- deSd-d m September. The r*kl Hatw> Uwato

iatow denenneesuse of JACL name on -i: “•.uinoto expLiipad. , pr**®!.- ai-tn.- »r-,iaraie »v*- atsjof ttul any wiMfi wauij mmr uiapur »u;er» uuj - or - —-—- — ~' j |k, - ------r,aiJw.^w. l.w^Mm.1 C-to.tlcr. wctc also temk^ .non* ctartiag at 1 p.m. Jtco Kurol of the aoti-faiy hou- uled tbjt night. He will mc-c- wim taUy alsn shyw. ttatUflUWBlBf < IttllCl that tnr third quarter program wa of BcTkeley will report on the (, • in ; ai.v • Pr^ x 14 w« vaiert Wader, of inc Central CilOrr-a are Avtded. neorlr r^y^ Unguage TWto teogram.. hartWHIIf BHH IWIIVI. « irti^iie, rW are due Or. Naliunal Huumn RelaUoni Cadleiv p^tda,. hy Sen Daniel K. taa-.vv' Committee of Japane« American. y«. 41 no and W onicc.d^ T

SAN FRANCISCO. - Ma* Tik^. Dc'Wm h»d ence lor T.-rnagec*. which he at- .oflawaii. _ -Agamr. Prop 14 » Simdav. O t. t^rtfT*-^ lw.1I.C. ^cr-::reflM a: diedded Eout^ Califoraian- pdifat paper*, axpreuing •he*

brangc C.uv are in favor by ahnp.l *-1-45 vtiAr. on Prop 14 *n Dieen arc ye*. 8B no, II uadecidft.i “ni** eoauiuUM kai been ac^

Wedaefdar I't » A apecial phone-call comminee. atnee laai April." T*ukaa»o*o Hy.'Oa. o'. V min Vaded by Jim Nishi. will ota.-t "It reprasahU hearty all 3te m»al ralb- in Sacrim

the uaaal.iurmed ie with l;

y the NiMi Vokcr* Leagiw^^^Sao aing_. _____ "Music Festival", bv t-------------................ „ ........ ............. ........................ .................. - i-'v^ to — »" r™bow i» and rcgivlratma ^ Pre.idenc* of the Uaitei banquel speaker. Jerry Enomolo, on 14 cam.oaiga. Al least no wa* -j eanho; Kc why v.en a

Slatw*''^ «taiewide chairma". Jajiabesc raised, it w*> Icanud. , Y Niici cm ihuik of wimg fcir Prvp ty. Meeung.uiHiu-mbcf wive* of JACL«ri 5,4,^. to the leaflet "A Americans Againai P.-ap 14. will Kart* Sukekaae of Sjqi^ ‘•HI ]< which would erase the very .cheduled

pmelirt a

entitled to ^^^iti^packMt Fv'Coidwat^."' 'imp-ie. ol aUo' cMnment ca> tar jirog-'r'. of anoounce the slite of DYC bo»rd ^,y i^ve^ Vrn riKhLOk On Tburrtl- wpirti « e plated B wmd.m:vi d boirt tnember-

iu-j to accompany her member parked at the Chalon Mtil ofnrer* and member* w«l al^o br > fir electiaa. .fur in,the post." . Inoure <

) the SuB^v baneuM ^ngele- CK-L 14 Wh.-J rV in*ta1led.rhktgvd «yi a- oe,Ty»nls were aUendiag . . .

those attend*! fSl> cvrtit m*.-t ^ prj,p |4-- janquel T.i- -Ahiiraglitercd Hbwever. ehemcr Nichfcci of Los Angrte. fj-jt hifk;

-.■IS need not be iwfUfered. ,t»y,ii.*j gui«U and 3r. J.ACLer* Saiow r •■. caU-d la*; the Natiohal »ccure the r«ck»ge deal f c h.mdqu*.;cr. wi: il.iud rolor H-Sa if pre-regi*lcred by in* {4.3.1^., i,., ,„3o* by Sea

Daniel K. loouye tSBs rec«ivi-l »: ill other notMJiembcr* will tc ^le muii. and forwurded i: to itgrt <SJD fof*lhe package deil Mike Masiohp. J.AC..'* Wa^cg- .» if pre-regi'-teredbrNov. jjn rupccrentaiiVL. .I lor iV faibon rtsTw «ily. xh* lejftoi quoted an editorial «.» for tbe banket only. Q<Wa»trr U> ,Ni^ hero BeB '**"^™


Nominated thu. far. acrordin*youth' me«f*eri*ipt.i»,,.j;

• Jl aim jc distijutrt. -jf ,h:y would only 'Coatinuod on Page C> *s >car> ago—IS. » c

year*—I vote far th;<mcarure i» unthinkable." hi-

I Vaded by r all Isrel. Nisei, and Sansei rep- nUgloes a


WASHUCTON - Oral argu; before licxU-S. Suiu-emc Cou gard.n* so-called Fki.'alj

flunk it's ^group, and the-ww

penence of everyan- working l»_


the Sacramento. Ftortn. .Placer i«lertd voters la Sen rVncs-co. ^ Franetac. thPk bart. County and Marwflle Chanter:, urgin* a "Na' vate 00 Prop. 14. firrt Lme w,-we nad r even five and then appear at the San Fiao- AdverbaemctiU win be pMead u» mwl;

cisco general meehng on the Japanese i-emacular art - ..Oct. 80. Be »ai attert flic NC- roroUtan newsaaper*. We» Dot and. fetter ka. --------- . --WNDC meetmg at San J<»e on Edd.e Mociguc*.. in eharge ^ he MLi

Visci. BOW ttst Sunday. Nov. I, copy, have indicated that the adi -Ba; tto. Ia«« *ooldUiy arc fortunaPt co.oogh to have Otter meeting*, ai rkntme-.ri. will be taken Jointly otter everyone, he add.d giin.-xl some measure of accept- and preu eenfer«ee* are Tr-hig ante Co--tt.-'n>rtc«.sTir n.w v:'!- s^brtuleid him. He w.ll rctam

he -ttoU n^ *=* artkutl -ad jo-n force- to Wishington Monday eveningol hi, clkoigA

tk- eooyenliqe golf 1:'^beheld st^Ulitleo . a, .'uriini at 10 i ,Ak>a -

iirmaii.Nov. __Mckwc deal for gi^cr*-i> *15 SJ rh lOi lude* green Tee. art Ice* art coovB memoer- will be

■arrv the woman of h-, cSkoiCA * di.crjn Bltcl Novno.-ato ml*. ?nTe>^ to snotber ,t^

^ _______week d-TW from Harlan, Pollack said tt*l oa Camfalga Trtrinlaresl of JACL. wtiich has beca anli-mweegeoaUio Uws ate "e.ven - . , a

cuicernrt wUh tte -on- less defeMiNc" than toe .late Sen. Iivouyc ..^ .hairpan ul Ji-auesuon lovuism. and aagrcgattd-ichoeiling lavs that tta Democrat.. Slaiuwal'Cur.m'uc-* r

U -tte- Coanme Ceur: Court ftruck down a decade ago. Spuaker* Bi^au and ehurmaa «__r.^-- .- - ...--.J «K-.

Orange County Realtors Rght 14

Joini'Otlenlal«iiii»ra|lhilPw*.14 _ proves big iwceii: fint i# loaHisliiTl-

, Tajlri of Reedley as ft «arae from Dr. Tetturo Ta^ ^. Colfccs' mo« rcglrut of M-mleurtlo. Calif.. ^ aatod15. fcr a d«at««i Imm Hawaii “^STsui-

__ ______ ___ in the —to. qI tte arti.-vdA hr ‘he S.-natr Deumratic Cam *u'iaws irtr«0lUw mired «id. the nates at least COiUd ar- art •n-U'--wt ca ie:t;.-, JERRY ENOMOTO

______ .-the "countervailing intoro, tiu- 'brci' « ■' •*>>, -.'•*• fnh^ilt Chatrttaa JAAP 11■ni Supreme Court wa. a-Md ol wicte rhJdrm again.'t u.t tout tor C.S lor ,.i.- ;.u,l OcL 14 to hold tlut a state ba* rompiUed to attend ,x*oou with - t . xn„- • some.hUig lie ttos-'Tber- isrounder the Okrtltobon to Se^.^ _ ^ H^aLto si day. I w .*

aoov peo.'iie U> krei*

LC6 ANOeXS-A eitert- and couaties and the (ouru wM pj to the l.-adcrdlip of the nrtsr atsia fcr abowed k> taka any • Am^-cac cctnmuaiiy of Saotbem at ‘J* atFWR dbcrlmttrtW Califania to tear CaUfoma Oov- bousinr ka aRplatocd. e»*» Brown made political buto-y -Soeb aclioa as«a* tte •»

spirit of tte a»ai C auwy phtt- first time. Japincse to to ttet aH bumwa eDAdiWI

Americans. whi^ttDKU ott«r» is euMeet to lantotoJe rrte. and r*«BlallaM


Ion pporcr. cha'-nnon of tb.- CalUoniU Nisei |„,^^,erracial marriMe. Louis Counsel for Ftorida sug^idehaigeJ S» fommittec lor Coldwaier tote lari y , that one cwuvjqucnce of Mding adv.Md by »«-<• .• -.v- - -« for gaU Jvkoftlft tt.. N.VACP S.toc * f-vt - Pro,.. 14 .0 CuU.«.

nuitoo tgoU only art gl8» ter ,ss» »• atgumg lor Ih.- N.VACP LogaKlV- b» Stttc'r enti-mn«*totot«> qn-c-l uo Prop. 1, ... ------------ ^ ^ ^ AnahconvenLcc. BPfwrvattotn may were mught to mafl the leaflet* ^ Cou.-t thv. unconslitutkmal wmild b? 'Jial ^ thejieBa.Pr »aJ Collins, tt.-onghi.ade with DrTallri. P.O. Boa to_aU Nisel_^r*^_^ ___ of tt - kind should be .-rod - une.nimotcd number ol norvlAhj. . Teu.».c ,uJ^ NidsoTTh

InilMdBn oqaBhe avmuRity fow^RHon

idniu;i»!c.' its fund, for "chari- Le •jurpotes".raosr to t.- atsbtrd inchdr the ______________ __yjy. rirtcats and su^ olher „pcnn-md Pacific ttekter,.,*u of bvneCl u the J»P^ •^f«Uer. he carried u -tmtmiiy. 11 was annoonced. ^ fighting tirejudiee and----------- - m. ^ ^ , ^ _ Hertaa ----------

S at.-.- of America. slu-sticc John M Hitlan•*nir<a«h twibliC «rwceh'i art U tbeye was discriminati-m wbeh

_ ______________ ii^arwqtc. break down both parUes-a whte and.ith

r\WLL..............L«-border, be- mad:- it ctear that b? r

Negro and a whii' icmaticaDv void *>“l pisviously had w. a w

Pollack art his cXHteun-scl. WT- <fw* rrtaliofi hip. that o:i e- 1T, Camu, Ir. a P1,0«W. y.-Jj,,.., „ p,„ „___ ‘

Fr. Dai aulhors book on race relatioits

Of hafkt. eontraclrt within ito.bordcr. be- mad:- it clear that h? r.-fB".»;l f- prcjud:fc. to IrgJ.*-* dbcrimins- ^Ta,' cit.tioo presented to Ku.ok; Nemo art a wbii- U au- wh tis who are married to whiloa. to*. 1 rannot kte? mue.. 1 air.

il grout!* »* .wars <to the Ir^ r»J: void. »>uS ‘iLs previously hid w. a N-- mafcn*Japaneae Japan^ Amrrtc! ___ __ ^

AM.. I. h«* $,r. ■“Niui VMert Uqix

Bieriean.—etoae to 4» of them f-e the t .irt over haU being Nisrii-wer-- . . Prop 14 would erkgo is .semblAl ip a gigantic rally Oct. a linrf.- day tte tourtey towUH to deleav Prop 14. ttod«*uad»g that CaM»wi> ^

• A* Orientol Aqvrxwns.- the b«.; mafang tor luoi.- a^v m.errw declared, "yoa have Wto tury ' Hr o«cd thut CaUbniA

(eaiil to an unpre^enlrt » , otherwise be legaLttum-oin^ mlsstoos in bofh ihr-Eu- ^ ^ discrimiiiatioB

,'v.olau* the consmuttenal guano- i tor of equal proteciieo of Ih* law.:.

cUurls of Clarence Nishiiu. t Ni.'Ci .realtor There is of cvb ^;^V'ricwiv.’Againit ditcrimln- first patted iu pu»l

Sf- W- eas!^ “ -nployrpM'. tun. to* to **toe,l:». *t^«» ,rt otter fields Art l.oebm-r-air jH y, ------- '

dbcrimini- ^ 1- /neasuri- your pr;gre»s shw.11 " '•nieL 1 am the odd are he . ^ ^ \iipnov« efL-n c -w iv prapoami of Prop *4. <«tld

•a.- the tosstmarter art Sea. la> »>** everything ^ ^.^Ipt of hi* *pe«eh. tte Csvemor Ughtoteng up lestouttiv.' em-esMU

be pjnu*1. of Js «nm aner*4ry

■ from thv State of Caliterui*.NEW YCRK- 'Racv RriaLon. art SAN FR-A-SCISCO - Yanio Abike

,, ,, Qinsuan -Ui.-ston." by Rev. Day Ni^i Ttoc= E.-tj! .h «1 -r art• —......... ...... „ j . . . U.*.*’ Kittgawa. was pjjlu-brt last active JACleto,d»<Timin»lioo art Utred and c m- —were equally d.-oi«d tte r.gS. l.' Frtfrtriup Preis of New preiideo:


2; ' ■> dsihlhsiw neae ancestry today." - CuU.maa said it would b.- hard

for h.m tj say that hr haU equuUU'lan Frantftco Chinese and Japanese Americans fell of oflsing dbcriminalion before State Senate subcomibltlee

Yat* a* an'crutinil papvr-tetk Lea«te tore last week • - - ....» The ISOtop is the aulliar'sri-ooal encouiters in two hivn;

faithful report

!ious offices to the local -CAP ttiwaton. group. He is iMiing a .maB

el -lei lOK •’ ■'I County "Reaftor* T^ Cos*nior. whoN.,;l Voter. X*»in« **»»» "

Le «ac>'^te-man to stand u> and si:ceett Yooe Satoda. curt.otU Na- uonal JACL tr«jsuier The NVL eo-apowor. poBlical al- taking

He said 'aiinefe rralttex ere The s«ate,*

peri-;..apfai-m. He _orfhis study 0/ racial tensions m Asia. Africa and the Unitad States rtui.>ter.He ■ m ve. on to an analys.s ol . » .-radal cortlict a* power relsUm. 200 btCT Sm. iMVy* tetwrm dominant art oppressed . ^ ‘groups is a mmiber of dUteren'. at WMSMViM SHIMr

*■ s.tuaiions.

ibeim Real"Yes ' I

marJy agojut cto Negro ciltetoi. B< they arc arguing in ksatacc lar tbe fi*>wlnn to disi.riialten -

patted to bis wUe abo prjjMU And that ao^ttOed frwKtom C^ he .leak tte cxMpoosac. far stagAg to.-'yia” u-ed agaiuri Negroes, M.-*lcpa

I oer whirti i I *tauu^t I Aaivrteani

•ally B»rd A? L repreaentative of the tour cultifai and otter mimirity grou •* fa W-- W oocoriiM*' to backgroood* gathered at tte ritte

a'rto.11-. plished." Brown bdieved. "in w»- *fh oare.-tratoed drama a*

Prop. 14 passes.", aiag. tte Covenar fdari weraitti of Mike MaJtttt

Amerteae Otedd,

■ emj*jy.>d by the Departnwju ^ ^. Cburtih and Sociey of the cainivated

C-P AXf/SfCfV\ CortlljUn* ... ------- -*-ar^e much better tt.n PTC aware that some seller* <J real ha^ been meeting throughout the. for Japaneae Amaricans and property -sacntl}- have two prites state to tte past .vear.yjiave found reUtiv-rly "goed —a higher price far mine:.t,v- «' w- LJuiftai ana ooneo « we "«“.wali caimvate^a large auds

of theto Even at tit* **■*• *•' *■• *"• '**' <-<'.wte nroaers. watcsniea «•»* ,«.,.umd ,to the Cili-* JA^ iw^^trai the In urging that CalJot^^*'* Ish committee

- Chalon Man. ,"Put of the eril of mop art mobve. V tte CREA ini ttis ^irity of rtlort ^ ^,„u™,^,u.-n.,s.,_... .. docinncnt to Um.i -Tt is tte-kart

Ffw thOK Nisei who rant ^ reeogninrt tte eemtrio’ifkins Mnwaata I have eves read ofTat- Ute sanctity gf "property rghu , ^ Orieotal-American L»orr- ju», -Metl.r ah»t we are i«lvw|

Sen Dan Inoujv of Ha- particularly those m CoUtts neck Crtdonila's greatne* . as tte Covensjr daclarrt.large aud- « ** meoUrted W i«me» « DA a. , Mkaa of ttr aprorertatkfk.

point. teart of the testi- have oeen gnen tbe nm-arourt hy __ . .w ,the »ote BUg L-t real citate brokers. aalc*meo *no terimiony pre.-tered CiU-ie -Mortouchi* San buOders of new tract l»mcs". tenna Seoite Fact Finite Sub-•I i^T^yjii •• ihe In urging that CaUfonia's fast committee on Race Belaticpi

hoi^i^-beUlnforcc.Mo. urten ^m, ^ktf tteS teMte^cl-Find- tiguchi to* issue with arguments milted by tte San Frawi^

2€sKrs.r.“S~: «lt ^,0= cm-.T...tory W. f~- —wwmtmr the riven tte opportunHj to do aoT" Francisco witetc I have hved

what mak.-s a m- ter of iteing Nisei) at a r.-- Wiy Ua't be

hCddlc East, stimulating the of- dinner brie Uri Friday a: "property ngbt* like youganuau.n of groups to study riKuU ^ ^cal Buddhist Hall *>e*n t he think tte Romfordproblem* from a Ciri.«tjn vicW spaosored S»v the Act is "terert bausinr'7 I h*if

bert Vrikg. first Chian* Am*r.eaa 4^)»dge. and Ste;.hen Jkmura. an- tfver------ ----------

court lodge in Orange Caaa- .ertbrt, haadcraftedtui'hbtr

. tte given tte opportunHj hesc American Cibaen* AUi- r if ji ftogiittW. alio testiflrt art aald there- tmtt in repons ttai O-'-na- Lo»- atoo aaid to

Salt Lake group for Nihbnmachi.lormod


Sanu Qv* Cornmlttee for Pre-i- iittle faith that those of you to ^ nwinUrt, and of A»- ’'ite pttf^ ”s*t^ re^wident- JotiiAor. _ _ *. kfter speaker prMyedJACLrry I Sao Joae. Map- < e*-J7 art -f t Ur> tte lour Orie

e m tte a.;-1-.

tx;’,Japanese corr.muniiy -**' ,uu«i,' <m»— fw K.->- - • -• .tsic eoosUtution I rstate art local ten

• itefi UnwOs.'aiucIhJ Hamitrurto. *nd Fred MBI

_________ - , . . viviv center wa- ARfr a pre>* cQnferpnte at.tte^c« at ITS Po* Sl. Sob ^nade earlier this j rar. Besetar Hotel, he attended ttv

A group of toternriril Ha« pre-dmner social at the church, tte in\-.U- -Nisei busii

gening togeiter ■ fa agattri Png lA' Lradcrt tte lour cowmimhir* aharwd tte ttngram wttt tte Pledge c< ABa- CMkri M to Maato Port ^

While alluding to tte matrital --------------- * f^te »iealtt evklent thiwighoat Catto*- ^ •Q»teurt <«i »’

. ia. noting, that each year tte 'Mttin* Mike w*-~*. tn filter- P^Jt*!****. of tte rise ri ttC C.l?

of Sri. Diego or tte State of kto •*•“ aUWOM

7*® Ur all of -whom u> tte midst of hii fight to def.-ot Prop 14.

sanu Crui "nte most recent poU is dis- I equragtag. but who believes li

poUs' U tbe odds are agaiari tu.Mas tet'i -putt ttat mwtt harder Ts

• brt. JACL

Snmio Kog. of 'been ^^ting

1 Co-“■■ . Tbit ---------- -----------. -

AmeneaD tte Rev. J Tnwniira of the Bi-d- me (g On- «iiri Chureh tte benedicUri. A!

tte bea' ' "riSr-My ol <vu, c«.

r arena will be aa lunqn ol ','su^'u.s i-

••Oriental Anericaak Agattst Pix^t * “** •rte-te, tte t»w ar ir dnner in Los Angeles As !!?*;!_ *>“‘'=7 cf tteaUaent to

Page 2: PACIFIC CITIZEN · Konda 2_E3, and ctoipte-Fred Himuns aetit It the Hacienda Vou;1.. to, toe Board fsf. Variunir: oiesalal m.o ... resume Sidday marning..rd bv a suinjla ao-bost •.uinoto

^kcmcrmim ^ n^t.

PACIFIC CmZEND wnJti-Y TTCt^ T** i.ASt wax or m y>^

til Wcttcx BU. E«. BC. L4m C.Bf. mU. UA M4I1JAO. BMdquarUTS. 1«M hm ft. tas F»»m1wb U. C*K- WMBb^ fcL Off« fl» - «•«. »l- irw. W«Mn*U» «. »£.

3s-“ "AJmwa Wt •atfiUooir'PC r*«i. Fe«Ti*o W p»» T»w

tnin^ M Sna CUo M»li»r as ro« 0»ri« L» An<«i>«. OUXXumao A Yo»l--4l

Or David <■Ainr X HO!»DA ISAAC htATSL'SRICS .


1. WaUnnrI JAO.

Waihinjton Newilatfer; by MBi* MiMoktNovember 3 Elections

n,—,hhr«n AmmMB*. incumbeo: DcnwcrsticWASHD«7T0>- - Tbc tnomeB-.r.*uuU in a hu«« ipaceshlp. I'k iw- crtlic ;wss»^ua. ;; te two«5 feted riJakfuj. id the K«rml.a ViU U ^L*:,po«-er ftntewre. tte of a feat* the BeM>!;««niKlear device by M ChlB* and o^.sl.-an at* ecdrenttwUiX «he;r aiuickj empbaaixe the uoporunce al be Nav. S elect-anr in lb:a eaisti'y Tifse frcai international f»«au

,...______a Sansei, and atuues'la* that Hawau ahooid ns'- b

mn- repreaemed by a -rasiaUy uot»-- . -h- anecd" te*n» sa tt? Natjooal Ha.t-; ,nd of RepreienuttveJ Chir arfanr.--

• the metunbeot - ■


Sponsors of Prop. 14 are basing their p the thesis that it is neceuar>' for the protection of their property rights, - ... to dispose of pio;>i-rty as I see fit" as they pul it

The law ol real proiiei ly goes back to English feudalism when all land belonged to the kin ; and was parcelled out to inditiduals in return for feudal seivicw In the course of time. UHe in fee-simple became \he highest esUle in land that could be actjuiird under th > Crown. In the evolution of poliUcal InsDtuUonp in America, the Sute superceded the Crown as ulUoute owner of land and fee-simple title remained the highest estate that anyone could acquire

As eiplaincd by Prof. Emen us f^rence N- Callender of the WTiarton School of Finance and Commerce of the ij;^: R-otUniv. of Fennsjivama now retired in San Diego, -the \J^ol tp the Nise. 6.gOT ^giuficance of this in modem tines is that the owner of ^Uad holds it subject to the paramount right of the Suie to ,^ve uw bigat.

iBddccl. ol 0«™nd..p on boholf of Iho.poblic • veliarc. ,,, v.,0

- Land use has been subject to regul^on in such matters as eminent domain, ouisaaces. ro ling, v^ter rights, paOing. weed control, air traffic, to name a few In all cases theselaws restrict property rigbU. (cutui or Nesr»n movjis-- “Any Ibeoiy of ownership which assumes that each

owner may use his property as he pleases without IPgftrd to the righu of his neighbors, the municipality, or the sUte is a legal abmirdity. Suclr-an unlimited anarchy is impossible, in an organized soci;:iy." Ca lender notes.

“As our communities b.ecome more and more complex, certam individual righls must incicasinply yield lq,^e best joloresls'oMbc wJiolc sodety." ^

In essence. privaU property is a men^ly in Oial the owner may usually do with H whr! he pleases but provided always thk he does not interfere with the legal rights of others. Sponsors of Prop. 14 arc v'ell aware of these limita-

or fT**te« lalcrert to cau of Japoaew ancMtry

Seaal* rices in Calilai

■* 5s .m3Sv w',.IWW w '1C »•’ '*«• A-

■K mtt unr iSGreater Lea AnpeiM

fv*^ tte? tetaiDB^ed. ouc'ra^ Georsc Murrey K.7.T[7H»«itos JACLerse age. For tbe eveoa Uial SlaU. Deio>cr»-.ic Conar«»man m jb* r»?A> ir-rt-ce may wen uaeal th. he- Coor—nin. rrf X nrm- m and pss(;h:.v licin Smator H.rani Fans, w •*< villw of Mainada Cii*'.

rrUlior.- first nooArtme perseo to h. cle.-;« Ckw«« P Untied StoiR Swiaior Of interest too are tb^

«uce lOtA bemniog of a « more itanserous o ships between tbe free nations a the ctBiBiitoist world.

U3-S wee. QZ!. w gj£Flower View Gardr-n^ n<rtai

'•'ErHAN H C-J-lUi • ' - an - «4 g.4w,f'EI

0 C 1<1

Halifield of Los Anfeie*. B P Sisk of Fresna. and Cecil Kins «•< I-Mt*

and Vice P.'ttsdrat of ada. New Jersey. New Mrs puMU PaUsadW- C«<»Sutes, but alK> fui—«/U.ui PeonslyvJilia, Utah. Vir^». Wa-«resMnin M.Uet - tha.-m-.i SUtes Sswiors. 4U Unity^,Sii.;ev shinstao. WUcan.tin aad Wyomjg. ^ Science and .Aftrc-Bepreaeetauves » ' . nautic* CtwBniUee. C»e oolr Wt-'.and innumerable other Ante aad cnaat ConarrsintiD »-ho chair-local cdLciali. as well as bund -.-i.. <x «» aeau in the NatAUial « sundias les-jlttivc can-.-of Stole and local pro.aositiQii; Hau-e of Representatives. :•>-the fnui^ CoegressaBan Holifieid nckl

■ ,4st Cansress »4 were -coBlrolleJ year sriil be the cbeirmaa of »>■' • hy the Democrats and 176 by the jo,ot itHoose and Senate' •

Of the S Seoa'te seats ii u- Rc-iobUcaas. with five vacnocier Eaerfy Committee. Coo(res>maromtested ttos vekr, SB are» Since 218 seats are requ^'e-'i Sisk is a msierily member of U«CTAtiC and oo^ mne Re;K.b!:can control of tbe Hoose. the Itr?utl« lofluehtial House Rules C.omrr.:’- In U>e pa» Coojtress mere « n .■ cans need to bold aU their prevent Coagresamin Kin« is the raek•6 Democraw and M Hepohl tans seats and pick up al least « to majority member of the po»

■ in the Senate S«m control of U>* neat C*>s-e»i «^jul House Ways »nd Mean« Co.-n■inc foUowin* are qubtoliooi Since only aeven of the 26 D mo- We do not believe thit the Re- mittoe. CoBgresfiiian Feifhan .•

from real estate boards . ctsLc seaU are m the Deep Siiith. publitohs can win enough 'catra u„ rankin* ma)or;t.v member «•«m no’^ -daiadile too. prides itself bn wouUt seen that tbe odd.« bvor seats to gain the majonty far nvxi the House Judictory Com i.-e-ka Ian- i,eiag an AD Amei*an CUy. tbe ReptfchcaBt to fuck op ses-era* CoB»ress. and chairman of ila Suheommitte.

cura.a about _ OembcraUc seats, eipeeialb as 12 We do not believe that the R. ^ immigcalioo and Naturaliriwere divnlved m the ao-catlcd tip- puolirans can w® enough catra tjoo Congressman labioeki is in-

s.nor* the ..5,01, Barbara dcalrr^ have a seU of USB Tto gam cdotrnl of the aeaU to gam the majonty for next raakaag member of thr Hixise F.:r Mexicsn.B and cert Caocreu the Resuiiucvoi year, erpeclaDy Sliiee 220 cd the .Affairs Comm.tlee aad chin

coasiderel ^*0 of «s Far East Subcomtn;;-

- Letters fromOur Readers -Oties ••

high code of ethici or under«afid- next Gmgreat, the Rnwouevai year, er^iaDy 1 covering this questrtn. which would have to hoM al! fteir present Den.-«*tto e-■

I help him* If te 'Junk


The Ni-ei higol like hw rouotor '{^b,”mem^ nmT’aeau'and’TO'ii^t no^ held safe and UO RepcAican reau Of CangreMman AspaaDpart to tht other radaf s.-oc ir ’• of tbe local board re-'rxting aU b* toe Dentoceats. Ihe iS seoti rc-i constdered safely cy^^mui of the Hou<» Inurtor

Frankly sse do not helievv that Devwraae tr Risuolican. 23 arc cj,J lasolar Alfabs Coenaittec ibe Repitolicans can win eiioogb aeats cinrenUy held by Demtwi'.is ^ ^ JACLers

, ___________"Sanu Rosa reporu that no -eats to take over control of the and 72 are sea-.s currenUy oeU fe> ^ the effort of DemoII will, ho >» t»dly "“token .sr ^ ^ Japaneae Senate next January. IntksxL there R^Jbeans ^ . . erst Stoney Vates of Chicago, inIhe passage ol Prop !4 would ro- becauae proertv Ihici to are Democrats who bcLcvc that In ®~*-**"- »f-.n«.v . v- • .n

l-.;irs the jowir D y .lung paaents ' oeighborhood" bean ae-sU and that, overall they » House seat.

ff u ofK.mlori Ac, U b.1 lA 1 Fn,muv,. 2 rurorJua.,- W D.m .t.r Cay.omB. El- , J .^Ud „ 0. U.Mth* realtv board ; j, j,„. ,nd one Indcpebdem. ward Roybal and Augustus Haw- cto the Uh.'. '

“ " amended Just as otoer Of perhaps 6>e grea^ natiora! kins, the fim N»t-o«>s Council, u'.th 'your neighborhtod Wh.n toi' -u- bandiad.ftrough the ne»- toereat are tbe twa Senate ract-i races 'Mexican and Negroi to w:n . Ambissbdorgust bod* dcodea to do this th.r.- toeialative mcedures not hr " ?*cw York and Ohk> If Demo- Ongressiana! honors in Califoniikmal legiatohve procedure,, not^w ^ ^ Japanese tConanned on Pale «AAUAAW-. ----------- . - - -...................- - tsn l a thing you nor ypu.- nc;«h ^ ,„„;Si al' amendnsem that crat Hooen r. lyenneoy ocioi s sn uie «rai oiaic, r»u --------—— —--------

lions, hcncc their attempt to amend the coa-slltution in an bors can do to sto.. i-. There ary existing fair hhodrg ' ----------- --------- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Text of Gov. Brown's Address on Prop. 14 Before Orienfalsmg panie aellug. They buy prois *—«—crt.v cheap then turn about and

legislative be bound.

^r. Callender further believes that passage of Prop.14 would not accoinplfsh’their obi-xtives If tbis amendment _____ ___ _______________passes it svill ccrtainlv be promptly attacked in the courts, ,.,u them high to the "undcMra- as anamsliiutional under the LS'ConsUtulion. When this b>es ' A hundrrf sales at UM happen.^, the court can be expt^fd to inform itself on the » nca- »

purpose behind the ambiguous words used in the amend- rnonthi And surely il wlll.ruid that the purpose is to permit to discriminate against minonUes. H-.t w...„ nonty vote

. ..y 14th amendment of the U.S. Constitution contains hundred! of ttou- 2a mandate that ihe slates shall not deny any person the of doDars to oroteci .vour Wend*■“equal frrolecUon of the laws" Many times sUtes have at- m, for ,u .Mnencan* We know ito-t^ted to deny «qual protedlon to some segment of their ^ toe*^Rumhrd A«.’toi: never «*«« *'•«> ts» togou among

■ rtalpurpos^ N. ment. And A Xpersonstoi : —fficTt

'FcJtowi^ la Ihe prepared text United Scatea Vif fnenda. auct aetton .____ of Cov Brown < addreu before Betauae you are fully parttci- the very *po-.i of the ahh

the Onenul Americana Agatort paling ciUaeni m Sua ae.te. you pSUotoWhy that aU human conJi.cWe .pniie-*. tor the tone of 1bi> Prop 14 dinner held Oct 14 at ahaie tbe pride of aU CalUomana amra aHecU olhet* is auoje.-: tr

meaaage to thoae who are con- Chaton Jfari Retoaunml, Loa An- mxbe leaderahip now exsrtod b> reaaooaMe rules a^ regulationeemed *-ith the moral iiiuev bt- *de» ' our state tor ^ jrotfe^ of a«jety

lew btod Prop 14 wh-ch aee*i to grint * • • • Califcraiana today lead the na- Ii d»S*» the leasw of^-ir: .the right to diacTimtoaie because There la an anc-tom proverb thai lion m peraooal income Our farm- of Juatorj "^ch hive.lCvra enof race « religion Wc ve done 1: aay»: * trt are tatang ttocir aeverfh con- durmg precedent to the fact tba,because wc feck tbat a stogie mi- "The temp of one hauac .canno-. aeculive record market year, arttb land umCUEA StrsUgy

two housesAaan hundred! of thou- 4n amom to our s-aucesmn wf are here tonight

^ur wend. They ure wo.-ktog hard to nmny tempa-ro mam thatpiopetty nghu* The

tx^ted to deny xquhl proledlon to some segmeni oi mm. V.-R^^Ud’popuigee and man.v tunc the Supremt: Cpurt of the I utea '• menbons the fact States has struck doun such laws as unconslUulional niJiif.v the Unnih Ai

The deei, chhcern b »h«her the l .S Supre™ C«|M will penetrate the bidden meaning of Prop 14. if passed, and rental of homes, ufinds its pumose to Iccaliic racial diicrURination and abide wwirr Uiai uiry don't nn by the Court s numerous precedents to strike it down. It »“* Act' seems highly probable thalit will

ProL (iallendcr also tolls of the paradox, if 'Prop. 14 passes, within th(fstale cnnsiiluUon of permitting,discrimina­tion in housing mailers while forbidding discrimination in use of all oUicr inihiic sccommodalions ' -

The-stato preamble .says. “Wo the People of the S^ptc of California. gratoSu! to Almiphtv God for our Freedom, in order to secure and Fcrpeniate its blessings, do establish tbis Constiiulion." Art. 1. Section 1 says: “AU men are by nature free and indepenth-nt and have certain inalienable rights, among whidi are those of enjoying and defending life and lUicrty acquiring, -possessing and protecUng pro­perty; and pur^ng and obtaining safetv and " In ^•Art. 1, .Section 21. wc learn- “No special privileges or iro- snd

»v«id '■®' ^ ’

record market year, wttb tend use wd dl*pMRi« may b; tocome of «3^ biUiOB in ixbipect nhwdtoaied to needed regulat.ra

licit far the fir* tane. New todurtrte* And ti w*ild act aside, as _n : u-«r are pouring into Cahtehto and tog:.^. aU toe acn^Uled

defeat'of Prop 14 or there hat never been greater op- dom of 0 . io «*~"f we w-Ol be partiiolty 1st people anywhere to

■ ill making it eeRato tbat Cilifamia hu'ld wQl continue-toe traa.l-an of te'r-

aU toe accunwl tbis state's on exper ence

in toe urgent and dwLcate nroh- j»>i life. ferns of diicriminatJeo and ;t<

Uat opportunity— -udlceL'lij amendmem ness to aD men that have mude just as you toare in tor result^ For lU ye«a, CsUftrta bas-

—...'—.A-. ... A-... respected througbou; the 'of. ................................W A~. -I penni: di>- ~ ....----------------- —........... .......... --crtmiftiUon a bousing aApU' to work!. which

, him as wcU as to other reaonties' And. ft is fitttog that Japaoeie progress. , DR. DAVID HIURA Aaeriram. Ounese Americas!.

Long Beach; ’ FUiptno Amencaiis and Korean

gsverementoL policies by the rufe of tew-retofored geared w -ven greater tedividuart right to equably of o>

pOTWefty aad ■j-eatmen'.-.But Pro?sKndd erase in a single dej

the Journey toward ua^erslaii-f-nsHoDfficiolStaMi

Today a Califoni.i we.arr build- that Calitarnia has bcci making ig ' fihoots and expaading to! for more, than a ccntorj

k free - higher , - .. ,AmcTicut ahxM mighty effort TheretnUlkia Americans of your back- greatest system

n<i ABiv in me ra- • • '3 ground. to the United States, aad cducauar in toe western world WmJ™ Afrtea Thev are T'»*« * << «» O.R. IS, t»4, a sizeaMe propsrUoB live in Ca'.- art develsping parti and buUdinK j.*, ayg r««liid you toat the jroiisne tile oreiud-res -ha- ex - in p*P«i-. “>"« «P- foroij. AD of your people have freepays to- keep pace with the ^:303nts of thu moisure are m..1) «r , . in v-aiiriBs rtesreV to ’*»* stat*m«t m made a tremendous c3o-j,« greatest-growth in toe nitji* .And people who advocated denjrelis i.'v-'er to* M-jise H re->-^ii- answer to toe ousstun of who «u|5- to Cihfonua-s leadership California is toe srkaoa]cdxed*iaf peopie of Oriesul anentry :h.-r^-,1 to *a constitutioosl *’"*■ »♦ CaUfore 3 You are leaden in a host of leader to menul health progrumj. to own tend un Cabforniaameadinenl tha-- wou'd re-i3 to E tote Assn Is i?» -iK-mso areas-industry and terming, tend- to- the new l»verty pn^.-i.iu. ir. 7^,, are the same peoi wbagwy-them the power' to ««trol to.- S1M4W i . scape gardening, canning, ftehire, every field in *hich govqni.iv-nt u^toning up rc«r-.ctiveK».ri,.e uatt^ for toeir own •*'- «•*' »»*** *• “ • nursery todjstnes and ran be measured. covenant! in the sale of tuuitogt »h »u(ii>ar;«-d by the John B.rch Sr. many more. Your hirt4.v educa;rd But there st more Is CsUforaia s same pejpleLooking a ' ^ ^ *" " ’**'* >•*■—

V not be altered, rv-r be franled wbicb voked or repealed by the Legislature nor shaU any citizen.

ft U disgraceful -uor class of dtiienj be granted privileges or immunities whic-h. upon the same terms, .shall not be granted to all dtizens,“

niese arf the dilficolties tbe California Supreme Courtmay be asked to face if it is called upon to reconeUe Prop. ________14 with this privilege aod immunities clause. Perhaps the major effort sponsors of Frop. 14 want to change the baw «ncept of our slate constitution, were tbe amendment to be interprrted as lo supercede these sections by permitting disnimmation - aam* . on racial groimds. U would be a roost unfortunate change in tbe public po^Lcv .of the sUte.

In Art. 1. SeetiOB 3. we leant that -The State of CtH-

tor other fid- of *iie cicty.’ While Citaens Cxiinc.te. to.- i^Udnsi excel u the infesiv-jii. leadership than mgtorial wealtoS»w will I»cae* of 14 af- - American Naii Party and th; ex- In atale goi-eromen: service-. th-*y *aund gmeramcntal fiscal pjfiri _ __ __ ___

the >f--A- •. optunun^ t-> 'i-.n ’■ *’*' Cahloraii Rci'uK are to the / high»t bracirt. «J Leadership is- rwtod , 1 fre*d.-.r,i Cabforo;,c-xsoe-r. of hi* choosing' If 14 •’“Ry-.ftir C«tra1 Rirv i !- akillfd emj^oymenl and rcreive of spirit ud of appdrtun.-.;- It ran ' T,^,r Zire .todax is dire.-tod pi-;■srei wiU tbe s.gni read ““ Assembly- The highest salanei of any group, nourish «ly in. a climate oT rc- marity against our Negro ertuju

Oririnal! ortv cr-"■h;u- *<» •'»'■*** «*•' *• > «•»“ »l»n-roMH« t,r the -ufe uf tew. Bui they are afgutoi to essencerialv- If tbe Nisei t«r>tetotoi.r S-'^ety »“» »' Ukro » P«-'- pn»><3 of »^m and expe« tocm -j It can flouruto only m toe iradi- frr the freedom to dUciJi'toatj-ilii'l the Negro is a threwf^to him *** «> individual eoMinue to gb-e ow-gYv-eremeai tan toll the Uw assures equaW> uj, fre«tora to segregate And «ial

ho famUx hr twd beUet ree- of toe Soeuety. i-RihC and our stale 4he «>ei>eriu o? tbeii of treatment for aU iU pc--pir so-called freedom can b.- uye-r.K.tu. «. ........ .. .^ s. CW-..P...1 Jintei * ‘and hu

qgfcte tltoe fact that the Nbei stnctlj as lOdiv-iduaU. are work; great abibae*. emnpetenre and As Ctoieawal Amerieiat. you have Negroes. Mexicanthrcal to the white *” i^'toge of toe protXMifan dnve wan great vicioirrs against d.sen- „os ipd otorr maior.D- group!

and that Ibey-re na' lotog 10 havx *Die statement .»xhi have pnr.t-'d -That leaderdiip was uppermost minawm-to bw-- - —-J-v. ___________ ,^if ,b„ ,.Hp It “ patently false as far ai Th. to fry, mind *1®!. 1 acceptad your meat and othrr

John Birdi SocieD i< eoncere<-d. invrUtton to come here tonight to Iwvc tor mnsurr of your

defeat Proo s by toe wfaftes srhs iintnoralRy of this

It IS a shame that . ' havw*tc

patently false as far John Birds SocieD -t eoi

JOHN H RDUSMLOT -Directar t Pitolic RdatMns The John Bxch Society. Inc.

Psychiotrist soys

b.- uj an'A TO

.. __ - -. . ------ 'luu VUl.-I (llOKM.Iy grotI boutmg. to empiov. .J, if pn>p i« aasje:«h!r fields And 1 he- empbasire that roas

b- tkc Heart W Li I T«»321 C lo Si. ua B-SMU

'f»« Mcelpow - Met Triftoa

W WT H. MMIKIWISg.'.akt,** Is Caataa ima

2M_3 ,0x1^^ Ul_ - eti 4-T4H

Wikano-UnSaklsae: . Clue Sutj

Ore* n - 11. CM urewi 22tf - IO1* S’ — 6' t-«2n

Imperial Lanes - 2M IM S* ElB $-«B i Orem - Frto Ttoar..

Kinomolo Travel Serria’ Fiato T Kewma

S2t Ua«* St. Ha 2-lsntuutau tsHKiwa a assscuTisi

CsAtatiaeu W*y.«g--re Hauers

all - liu su I

FULLERTONutmes t lAM assacuTiM

. -4J5%t—Saw »r »*•»— -

dru-n Peug. Coa-anirM• Currwtl Rate

PaM Ouartarfy• Imurad Saving*200 CoeFuHartun, CalH. TRajan 1-4344

CarfarlytHPOfmenf pmioditttrU Ut of M* mttirtfi. 5ttrtr jya depo$i^>4 hf tta IDth of Iht vio*ik tvnfrom tU UUTRANSFER \ . NOWl

roeak wgmnst Prop 14 progrtSs should spur yxKi to \-igar- , p toe dcsirMiility o', -fau

vppeal «> tbe sciftto motive* of toe. xa., j commend vou oe tbe ca' -.................................. . . _Nteei taigo: to Older to get b.m •„ .. roo bad to conlaad with the Just wUi are toe proviiicns of that a toere is disertolnUon. HuI.. cast 1 vote m his owa'^haU a lilelme ^ propwitton* What makes it g tews wiD offer io redms.—to prevWBt him from «-...dg o.*! ^ f-irad.. ard famOiaT. .iteL-e. owoing tend in Calilcr- ttrear a I therefore urge you to troxrh-> nose to spite his fare f *. . D»veb-a"i>i 1 faeeom* li. bought down «•- Jt soonds deeef«veir simple uMtecgiBg eSon to semre the de-This proposluan coneem .xou ^ .“*»«» « ^ke away toe voting TTie praponents 0/ Prop. 14 jfee- fcni M tou Pr

Erery respoesihle-Mgaa^l rkrses a No vte on Pyt

A* Governor, and official ID CglUarnia cades. 1 am toaroagUy famOiar Wito tor v-ast laxurej .xou have rande m just a few years

ous ettn now to premrue Catifor- ^•s^Yi-Hlltioaff of equality and But rattonal teocedurc aad a 4e

P’uhiic eitaais. regard tar the rule of law_ TTioae trtdir'— — —

-Threat «f Prep- 14feniii is an inseparable part of the American Union, and the ConsUtution of tbe United SUtes ts tbe supreme bw of the land”. These are, indeed, fateful words and in them probably lies the bte of Pn^ 14'.

As Prof. Callender concludes. “Prop. 14 is a test oflhe dsBOcnMlc process; it raises tbe question whether the

3 people of Califomia can be reliad upon to vinfi-™tS’L:s o., ......

Prop 14 : ,.3^ J thiait tfcgJS, .UP auonouated great probirota durvrg fair bnusmg tew-toose xtitutes e« the facaThe CREA statement ixto'teh-d auo ^ enacted ___ ____^ .

ir. toe rafitoniH Beal Etta-e ' ' tetUBEROH S. SATA Mn *«* “* bra«‘- man wdto by two separate W-wtisan Le^a- ^ »w*g UwaMagsxte.- tn Sc-lemuvr 1S43 resji . , *«««*« naft« Uiurei. after *uU. conaUera- Our extetoik fair' hyuatak tea -•The Calilornte Real Estate ^ HHicinr * •“! •*« **M>ate. and with toe no. gtec oiUbrcaec to mx

------ —w.--------------- . . . Assn board of directers if reaf- pltehroen-s because I atr, a auceon <g leaders of both political . JTHlaw. or ire dif?»sed irresponslbh-to ca« tb»t burdenupon i.* ;«««» on toe fuu-re- ^ Fraocisco. anatoe.- gr..i pmftie..

........................~ related to real e»te'j city to Oriental bentage—a city in An Prop. 14 xrouW do mtkh --nWx ’-■■1and the raal estate teismesi O.* echooFlW^Udti ** chert* ^ toat has more than repeal our fair tannizig aa!» that toe same .-arf.poalag toe i^hcgttosi of toe evac i^^OOtgneom ««» to us fnrot 'many tondi Uw, it wotod amead' ««r Con-

} OtiOTe OF THE WEEK ~ ^jpsaese to Cto«aenii « TBESfO-Ted Moaen. aco of TV across toe PaeiBr And uaugb: I rtCiftiaq to. testae dtomaiMUap. ___ c^JST’a^j' ^/ a*,, wore W I we **OWV . . aqvwhere (to to* PheifiC Cus=; toe and SaUy Stoeum. wfli am apeak to ywa net sb much as Ja- And it anuld »f«> toat toe Ls«ia- “*■

ZinsuCOOdforbothllBtieS.UtmHist»aBkB We agton reitmte asr >igad te tal* *ta» bar e*a»toKin, pb»m Amene«is. or Qilhese tetur.-, ie cities and eountw, and „^ c— Waamsdta ".-v.-a* oar.avr^uihtsjo in.- in Sjd Prsm-i-.M It- i. a gr.*aui-u- JWricun-i. o. aky *i:h«. ktod- .4 4h* Cfurta wtaUs toW agate U- - jTJt up gHUt iMPtf remaWa.— bob- IVHW Rne »s>f* iuic tj> D.-Wki ,rf C.jtuii.ti.u t..-.» S.-ftad w N.-w li.«tdi.'a.xleJ ci-oren.-.--»• full- slk-u.-* •!■ i-xt. .bx “W a i^to *»«r hWT-r.

^ KeW Y(B^ . • m rrmi>\-.nt Ja;i* 0si:;-:: 3 a Yjek - t.Jigcd. uu f..ris!fii citteau of the luoi. niuaUvHi lu

Otto %Mie cstabliMied principles of An law. or trt dlf?»sed irresponslbh- to ca the gt(|WTtiP- Court of the United Slates?” SAVINGS

AHT i-C'AV . te242 E. First h;:cf..

Phone MAfW Rom; 10 a m. to S P ®-^ SaUiniaYs la t ^

Page 3: PACIFIC CITIZEN · Konda 2_E3, and ctoipte-Fred Himuns aetit It the Hacienda Vou;1.. to, toe Board fsf. Variunir: oiesalal m.o ... resume Sidday marning..rd bv a suinjla ao-bost •.uinoto

Denver ColoPUBLIC RELATIONS — Bv conservative estimate, Japan

to hav«<*>.}K-nt something like two billion doH^ ,«-cparation for the Olympic Games This, of course, isn't

ii.ictl fo such inudentals as the i-nlarj:emcnl and renaming yeiji stadium to National Stadium, where the tradt and

! , i events ncre held, Tokyo und'.Ttook the greatest public ■ \.s program m jl^ hW'>0' “f*"' U»c Olympics". Streets

e widened, eyesore shacks were replaced by- handsome buildings. freewa>-s built over the congested avenues,

w av - tinllcd rmder them Monorail service was instituted nw-r. downtown Totvo and the airport, and a brand new • road witp the world's fastest trains installed Jielween

:.vo and Osaka. • ‘ ^ .This was Japan s version of the Great Lea^Fqrward.

v.uine ‘but not quite complctmg) the sudden transforma- ol Tokvo from a sprawling and disordered collection of

C’cntaJ villages to a Tweptieth Century ihetropoto. “For- Olvmpus" was the magic phrase that* stirred the public ; lUsU-m and reUased i«)Uulls of tax mone?’ quickly and- naiK-allv.fur work that simply bad to be done.

Tjlif' iiu *uic bills, now that the Olympiad is history. ■Japanese can be assured the money was well-spent, not y in wlist ' as ac'-'ompllshi^. but in terms of world-wide Ai#iofi. pres.-; and magatinc exposure. The image of Japin :!fd It) tlic«e media of orderly, ultra-modern ef- •,(-v t v- ,1 unto pruduciW sjJiishiiie-for the magnificent

ctadc of the opening cere^es .\nd this to the deeply H^inscious Jaj«.nese. was even more important than via-; gold niedaU.

So we h.i\< bv»n m.ndc aware no one has even nplaiflcd about the guiigirtf in th* bars off the Gina fre if is not uimMi;! t«r the unwarv to be presented with ill for SSO for a lialf dor;-n drinks If Tokyo w-as^ccessful dcaning iiji ihr.t siUiatioti. Cicn Ihefe is reason indeed for

PREJUDICE DIES HARO — K vou're still tonfused tut the wisiiotr. of voting d»‘wr Ca^^gqH's Prop. 14, b«r mind that this, frankly. i« an cffortHaymake dii

pacific cmrFN Ft id*v. October 73. 19«4

By Bill Hosokowo

From the Frying Pan


VolunteM- Corps - Expoctod l« Finith By End of Novofnbor

ReHielrY (NikW fACIv to highfigbt No M 14

BERKELEY — A BM'.l h.i!l-;«pr meetac voUictitisc eaadidaWf and a ruo-dDwn oo Ar sulea'tde propoaitians on the Nm- S ballol »-iIl be b.r the B*>kclcy and Cfciklanid JACL chtW^r.- fbesnq _ Niv.n-or-h-r) ol■.aaiaht at the W’artiineloB Srhai’I ^ Contral CaLlorma Japaniv* Tiielcfji, thauRr (xesidCB: Tad Atnou-aa> Afaitut Prop

(CDCagainsm benefit dinner tel



Potter ae^art su«(M(- aMG-S.NO--rhr Cttx." ■> ip- b« at Saot [u amouMed to a deteoae mro«r n»-mJi'wn «>n«noR»t» »• tuo. put i

MicdManiages--(_uciuioi-d ;.-om Prooi Papa*

<» wouU ronsal<T valid mar- rt^

^ beb^h’m ^ cunier of If- aaitwread aiieotioi.-a Mtnan who d of tba erua-ia( Omh«e Couoty. Calif-. Fut te> leh-rvetBeo

fame mcr would be hi. wife - ww. «u»«necd here by tbrera baeeiwox four-cit; i the BtenoaLH:roU anoouDcrd. benefit danaer will be held at Um- had said

Meetuic wil! also be a -No OB Fresno Buddhirt Oiufcfc .^e» eo that wayU3S ANGELES-1bu-..»«oe luci Prop 14' rallr, QalOaod diirUs Oct S4. S pen . with aU food and - -------^ •«— — ---- -Niitci. Kibi-i and pr/stwar Japa- prendat Tony Yakomito added, kcv-vm beinc dmated Thia dr\elc»;Kirnt wiU be locate la lW. nncse iiiumsraol voJunteen- J-rtict- Paul Yamamoto of Oakland and Viaei wwhcn UsTH* in Fresno Tbe case before ihe Court davet- ^ , l»-acre tide at the inter to pUn «*w potadlast Saiurda.r m the &ricfir4 Roy «ar^k«of Berkeley are meet- „uoty are ireparuic the dinner-ly iovuJve< a Ftoiada statiae t^t ehaoce of die_Santa Am aad \

Pre-elecNon rally set for Pasadenans

• eountv are j at 8 per pb conunittee afrl

f'.i Kikw -s Mo No-

.ni liR lihi- Heniy MUu- - Mn. llMt« C«oi«e ASc

taiRiua Clmi» — M">'» out dirtTV Staie's-iassiyum anomCT heim. Saiiu Ana.

dtanly aelected l»»ei lor ibe Japa- oeae Amencan Hiatory Prufcct. A nuaAet of o*er eoliinteerj bad n- dicated tfaetr wiHinabes* Xrip taut wetc unable ta aOeod.Frank Cbuman. UCLA^ACL «v-

Hol , aoob indwac

tary. and Ya»o Sakata, transla­tor. Project AdmzniMiator J o«

r Ooler ti jwer W—

be iB^a room topettwr in the lour-^ity area n will *f.-vr CU»r. spokr,mao fee Tm ^Bi«hi-une and i. eaaily accemrible Irom Ana partnm. anamneod .*Fia|- - ...................................................... -laina Ana. and rtardet: ooo«tnietifiei, pla«ied te be«lo oO-dirtuibm* the separate prohi- County. » m.les «aitbeast ol I- • day Inn and sne 'l i***!*^ J

mitfweMiatioB. s.....ix piaaned Ufta-nse apo^MOt aa*a mayor office b^a>C CtoaU ta

n whl.-* .Anceles

Marl Airkhrilnuat'iai, auen luuojiLaai*there were from the bench Pruned four parbetpanU ito Ihe possibility tbal the Cra.rt

I firs! I«*d2 of The CHr-aiw millna.

ClazB added that tlw first. wiU ourme i

Oct. S. TiM p.m . at the local aiformation oighl.Buddhist CburA to explain the ol speakers w-Jl « ^.c- — — -------------- ----------- -

^ stale pn^mtitioBs to both natural- propontioas There will be a Js ^ mtertocked. '' Amerira. loe . the Ur*e<t -------------------------- ,uram Masaoaa. conouc-.eo ^ ^ voters, ft ww panese Un«ua«c seeUan Wider d-- la the cohabtUtioa hotel (Otnpunr In the arirlJ, Kai of land aad that land a^

^ , onnouocfd by R*ni FulartakL rertioo of Dr. Kikuo Taira for U>e SM»art —v—* Maborner il » »*r AJummum and CawmAn»n« those present In the r!=ss benefe ^ naturaUzwl l«ei voters . * a mayor aluminuni prodi

Ken/Tsmaaurtu. ~ *•- ...u .

a SBC w:n.v, »»•,- ]d Chemical Cnrp , ,

. Ban- ,

wcu ucwFrsneisoG tcCross porthumoosly- General am-well flew tom the Presidt* ol San Miyseiflu. »

'■ Santa Ana to pemAn- •«>« rall.v will tnclude'eieetjoii «i * presentatioii in IMS 1*8 cAapler ptAli

eflbaj,^al a Um- ■ ineidenu

aervace wtU be cumplHad dw-„ _______.... hu wibaJ phase of thaGreat Lakes Caiboa Csu-y gt*m.

Later suges will add addltiBiwI hidh-nsc apartmenta. odrsee baild-

ftTNisei war to be anncwnced thkt w*hl A^- 4!re x^VaT' ^.^jKourw, idenuficd as a Negro 6^ hU a> ^ City both offer tnaay i - * -the r«u«;n* evacuees At the recenl chapter board commenting on the ir*d. -eonvirted and sen- terna^nally

oo«»,!«««... th, b.„r»,». __ _—, b,.™,. c«» •— • of, -i, * -u.fjm W from Disneyland and yuw »«*lh td

distinctive, the in- par enitsvauance. Prosenl gt^ .rwn arrh-^, Ms eaU for rtreaialiiiad parking tecOi-

wling bekl al the bane of Ceci- l»-cts « me conuu, e.evi-v.. cocmcUon wa. up- ii* ^ c.wimi- ^ **"■Wakyi. the pnwperl of ferming ------------------------------------------- ♦ held by the Fkinda Supreme Coon n«ung

AS.. Mrs Vasuko Alev- a Pasiden, Jr. JACL was div ^ _____ Durwg th* trial Biey dri nol. _ _ _“'-iJlLtFraaecs. Hiraoka was TMMBOn t« MOmS The only leatiroooy ar to were .-ommisvioned (be Santa Ana Froeway. Tim tV

“• ir«? Mi'« named to ascertain such inlercst ,, ... -« , wbetber they hwf bean lomwUy ‘*“‘5 -*... I1U.A. PC Hob- 5t. LMRS JAa IMaiyWRI ^ u. Ar I-mls

day Issue ad coimnittce ST LOL'IS—The S: JACL bean eharactenned a. •-hoar- r'",sr.'~I^^_ ThcO.-l- 14 luau Im- chapter will have Kumeo Yr.hxRr., »a- -ihcood^ve - - _______

M..V.II. s-iirw. N-iks-RmA Mrs J«- lanoers at Ito's was me- tional JACL president, of Chicago ______ InsUftite ^ s- ' <iw <~,.i -m .’os^.^T-Tunl^'o V mo.r^s..ful. ns .1 .t. prmc.p.1 speaker at Uto WS »fc—r - Trial_____^ ^

S.uub2? «»n.srr.. Kirr^Sa- j^f^ne wi« -Holidrv in Hakone” .nstallatioo d.nner -e'-.i-diiU-d tor -Die p-iai Judge, ic uistrucung sigM have atew mw wwards. a* ^ »“ LiTlUtTymltobadyastreUiroed Saturday. Jan. 2. at SUvY of j,ry. said dtot-the SUto ^

rrr^>. M». SumlM. -h-j inim a Japan visit to lend an Grar-w-.vl, 102W r.ra, - . Rd . rt bids uiterrocial iMmar* ***!_*^w-touch m the festivities^ >>cad^bv D.^dHwXl.e , .iWin t

creJcnliaU and assignmeou. I now proceeding


I to do the LnmbartBt Louis Mum- «d AnabnuD hna reccady tmkad t.i«l Atr TannianL TnmasakiY ground lor a new stadium fee ftp

' i.laa to flbi woi fc American Angels boseball town of IM Amm- /irst Icm Leh^

I t"Ai^“hii amrks. which ha« ^

e contcad Usat- this iutw~a»s- nlwv* pleased the pubiiv, are Ihe the Orange Oiuacy Board of 8^ den»d thero tbe delanm of Utoiad State. Ci-MuUto . General perv^ to

__ . _____ ___M... aiilchu in K.obe/ Janani Saial: popuJatioe growth, stated tea* »•have been available had they been Arabia'a of the snme race CivJ .

movements teaches in'the door for other

in-hpusitig U'jaL Tht hL<lDr> oi si«^ il<lu^!llA <ii**rjBijrta1ion is just a footiin

..nifi-ytationi! oi unequal treatmentThose of uf w ho live a\ia>' from West Coast are not

.hifctod quiie fo often to the anli-OriAtal prejudices that tiibl'Oni!.' refuse to die among some elemen I Ihe eounlrv. and thus w" .tie shocked when lom. For oxamrle. the report of a Saasei lio en-.-ounlercd

'Sparky's Friends'S.ALT LAKE CTTl'—Devdbpmail

in that part e bear about

' Ml law scWiQil headed by Jiin seven persims It is hoped ihr new ‘/>AmnifHA» rPVPalMl J-'CLn- and le- ag^ wiU tegm » funclK* with- «n**tioBcomminee reveaiea to ^ sm.

The agencT, b^ieny, conrisU ol of tbe Unlv. <rf Utah DrpI of Psy *Van^La^lietwwen lawyer, and ebUtry. »>d Judge George tff.---------------------- -—...----- - Latimer. US Court of M.iliUry nnceetry—having one

idftc* in tSH Lund alao Maud Oat Og ‘“c^'to'i; eoupie ««tead buikhng to IBM in ^ at to «•tot the burden to prove toy were The United States Scieocc Pivi- «d MPto par .veer It mnrxted was oo to State The' "


WASHINCTON - As the nationaleffort to help re-elect Rep. Spark _________________ ______MaUtuiaga of Hawaii cuHiinalcs eepre*entauves of social Oct. 31. the Bipartisan Mainland ^hiMry and

. ............................. ... Niwt CocnmUlee lor Mauunaga ^n,, umeAUbttfriuce and rebuff after another disclosed the naiw of regioaal roundatlon funds are

® ....__w,. _.iwt.k>. ATMl local committoei - -------- - '

Kennedy Iguc^ left this pan i

HialafchnectJ.WiW'- ; three-mocth*

Ai <r;m rnniparent to es^- after - be bad had -ootofulced-tha' Court Justice, have indicated wOl-

len he incd to rent an apartment in a desirable, neighbor- od close to bis -scbcHyl In the end he had to settle for apartmciu in another .irca a lone drive from his job

and local committeemen assi.i: 'ig ^ public defeBdu Ibe fund campaign. agency in Stilt L«ke r

three years .nste«» of... _____ _________ Bam KidA K«. Kofio Dr Kiyv-m matching fund robo ci

„ was Ihi; «ime profesttor’s bitter experience to be HA^id^r.^

nly the doctor's schedule had I ere wouldn't be an opening for months.

Such reports are dirtlhisioning in tins age bpt we can

his beatad My about i«cgrit.v aad ctnnad that Ite ^ .- .. t greaKrwnd- t»«^cki(ig. h-, tbmfrmv. bartw neoke .wws •Twway^ckig, tot

itetmed. Ttiat of long expertence. turns robo enosiderobly full-tane lawyer of le«

more favorable than prSvioosiy two pan time Uwyeri and a fall e« be ^an announced. bmc social vmrker, in addition to <og ao.Mitsunaga meebtig writh_ case 1** studenu. ^!Id*wtu», al»

Nofuto ual tot for his part. Imgton Natkaial Cmetery •TVs dm a «ue*Ooo <d et^; IV,Accordiag to to N Y Time*, a quertioe of artiatic tote*rt«g. T«*

Ksugin. workers of l t Salt. Lake Couatv'S-jch rewni. m diFilliinnmng m ims age oai w, '.,a OHMa «u« o. . rfba <a

, ioccl more al Ihem «Ihc .lion to laake hoaring dlscrlmioa- t.; ’‘S,„'ys »» a,™i », '»>i- rnr, ^■'^parlot>l''™d.,rdia.-...t,cooaU.oUinisau««rfol. S.tiJ'"'"" ”™- a,™« 0» o»

Le defender funds may be avaiUIii-si..™be coneeraedwiih r

UPDATED REPORT — We've enjoyed a beautiful Indian immer 1:1 Denver this fall The frost held off long roough rr the nc.’che.t to ripen, hnd they were great. Tbe chiysan-

-.lemums arc still abloom But there are no mushrooms ^s ear Too dry. al»s '

•Store For* Mr. Short’



___________ w«kAio»t«u.

S.ri'STkAZS'Tuiuk*. K.V KinMni-. Se» ,_________ ..

H..rru rtinu. PbO.- ' I- wHcibng support of to wel- OrijU'ui - Dr. Tm.. Ts.nAki. Oen ofiA- fut case worker to of

ST'S: ?-•:r'**’ 'mJISI- “ooproti: corporotkin only for to

P.U1 Miuui. Dr. Hite period of to pitot procrom. Mnvu- S-uvemro and Mrs Kke MHam. nags aak

of Jiegroes Nocuchi was artuti canaM wwat as arbit taka as tdBcw‘* •* » *>• rcQuested by Wanweke to submd -boy " Tbe aculpkw, who itod to

—te uarosrtiJutioBal 4*^ mbm, vtaxft he did tort contoered asking to a to toexpected In --------------------------------.^SS. “I* «»«»«“- «»cla^—..i.... In .n^ tctiiato'f mAtor pto «B, "wuuton't be.xurjaued c wo-

TnMkaWB to dMigi BW ^ iHrote-- seto uto to I had ^rpresenung me .____ . , „ . . . uno which to eternal fUase now tos diawrtad tom" to Mift to

i-.w|.«r aerenaas; in all levrit cil nnj DWMMB9 TWMTM ^e Jscor- <— **•—to eeurts. including aQ Jeloniex. seaTOiE— sculptor Ggbrfe ponted.^t>ot sol be its « some more sctoms nusdemennort. Tsulakawa bav been tbmmiaaiooad ' and WiU give at toast adviaory as- , fountain lor tbe sew

• aistance a troBw court casus. Seattle Ferry TVrmlnaLPrincipal ftmetsas <d to social ynjiakawa. whose fManaina art

wwker. Miriuaaga suggested. (jMplayed <r tout to tte-diaplayed would be to terriee to famOtof „ Kansas Qty

o to I

Anftttect Wafseete. rottoafto

• SMI- ofteon. and from Fresno to Seatde.

toto^viipecker'Noguch; eiaiiB--to aubject. to ed. felt tbai to ftone tould be qtsotedOlicogo JACL sdiod. Uc around -to eariy pan a

OHJCAGO - The Queago JA<X- ’

to past ynr.lA 1. -we arc stfreK 0 aa anenaial ^

hu been aaksri to have the fens-tain iitei,altod in titne to to op«-............ .................

iBiTT termtol LaSaJto. has rogUtoad 17 Niaei

lays at t!g. U» I

. port to uie Wtou rt.f.nrt.r •Vdij-m in the milUnitM) compaign ^ and to Utah P^itologica! general putdi

LCS ANCa*S-Un Ibkio s goal ■ teusaga empbasiroS that .t wJl ^ cr-jninal actfonilor to United Crusade Campaign Relationship of to new agency be to purpdae «tf to pub^ proposed lerslxGoo wouldL. tZjeO and tsaei woroaa orrani- with to NIAOA. Mitsunaga told fender to rr>iona tnal to al> ^ comtoe te C-jstions have collected M-«0 or. to ^ ease workers. wtU be -ettesi- eases coming before iv tabli^h a singte puWic defenderfirst day The current campaign 4«rabb' enhanced" by inclas»oo Tbe-public defender will five ifr roovide atwr-nnives'to Tted Cross and Bed * fuU-urae social case worker ^gal advice and wiU represen; to defendant, at aa tort}Feather drives, eliminnbag to tlu- staff of to pubJ.c defender isdigest defendant to as^t thsi enmma! tepoeedmgs toRed Cross sHmpaign of next hi, tight, through aU rt-s« *0* £?Ser

I Mrtsunaga was assured, after 4a emm procedure are peotec^ ite ^ reaohitjon drafted by CiljwuwuiwMwwste* j.riier tneeting qf welfare auper- eluding trial. U netd to taal Is HtdmgresV

visors, that the -rupervtsori en- indicatedsiwiiig.

CIVIC CENTER BMMCHaVK NATKWAl BANK dorsed to progeam'onammonsly. If so peed to trial U ladtented.-------------------

Conlribotionx from Indiv-dualt the pubLc detesder. like any «ber orocnim.1x1 organixaum, tc .to sum of Uw:ror. may «k to c^ to^ tll.OOUa're needed. MiUiina^a said, released from a ease jrhPre «e- ^

lag sol.cited

aY NOW ... PAY UTERIThinking of a trip to the Orient on JAPAIv / iR LINES? The Bank of Tokyo of California can make it a reality. You may borrow froni S300 to S1200 to help make yoyr dream coroe true.Remember Bank td Tbkjdb Tm Travelers Checks tan help simplify all «l yom mwtrtf trant*s>“>"*

F IHf BM* Of ^

TOKYO,L Of cuifORNUi ^

UN FRUCISCe HEAD OFFICE • 64'SMW Smel J.F. JAPW COfTEB aa«CH • 6Mh»ari i SMser Sts UN JOSE BRABCM • S"*" * *FRESNO BtaNCti • 'IK ««■>*■ BtlANCK a T20 S« Sjb F«a« SuwtUL OSSUW nUCH • »l’ «WEsrea LX MUNCH UR9Q SAKTA

YU l-i»0 • nh-Tseo ■r 248-34A1 wr Z33-i»ei I HA »-2sn

RE l-TW“"•SSr. am C;riMeb A. . EX 1-«T. UR lA HUB« • IMCl 5. W«« A— •MU • 5C1 ■- to, Suiet • FR-« 541-an


Being Prepared for Dec. 18-25 IssueChapto RaporH, outlining bigbligfats of tbe year and

def'aUing the mo'st successful program, are due Nov. SO. Photographs wpuld be roost welcome. Suggested lenglh: 1,000 words (Apfwoxunately four pag« of letterhead me paper, typed double spac^.

SpacUl Faatufws. which may contribute to tbe ‘Tssei Slory Project.” arc especially invited. Stories of bow the Japanese ccwnmunitfe started (or disappeared!, of how tbe firet ISsci pioneers sicceeded, of tbe trials they faced, or of how Nisei came back after evacuaUon are -desirabk. Suggested Length: About 2.000 words. Deadline Nor. 30

Youth groups are invited to submit separate pieces for this year's Holiday Issue.

Atty ..........qu^. of to SaU Lake City Curt- irJ»Kici endoroe* to public <te-

(ponaored b> the cnm«I n-rtiofi of to V-a-i

______ refute, to tmnply w jb to•dvirc of couaael.

SUMM e( UMitmy One of to ftrot funcbont of to

toal Oeresder system. Mitsunaga <leclar«l, will be to ertablua a fUiKlard of iodigeacy.Uuri a man witti family kite i borne to defend blmaeU major crime a biiing courtel

.juM have such a result? Musi be cbooce between seeking release <10-boil <w hinag counsel if he ha, llftiads available for only <mc oi tote necessary wlteniatives?Ibeae apd otor walioos nu« be soswerad to determiae to chararter of Indigroey. it w»»


(Sptce shall be restfved until Dec 7)

Menawfaile. to SaH LMte Cnifr ty Comnussioo recently adapted a renolutwn supportmg propoaed leg- irialxm creating a puhhe defenter office to tepreteDt indigmu facing

MNUJTT AVAKABU AT TM _ FAVHHTE SHCFFINC CCHTBFUJMOTO B C0.»;->0h s 4«i w«i till La*, Cni -4 utte ever EMpvi 4X274

PmcoalisBd Service lor Your TravN Needt

Yomato Travel BureanSIX B. Firft St.. Suttt 204

Los Angekt 12. <kltf.MAdisoo 44021

Nisei Upholstering— KIKI CRAFT —


SATOFACTUN kUAIAiW1743 S. VeniwH» Am. ■ LmAm9arn»K£Aamturn kteau . T«T taM



The Sumitomo BankOF CALIFORNIA

Page 4: PACIFIC CITIZEN · Konda 2_E3, and ctoipte-Fred Himuns aetit It the Hacienda Vou;1.. to, toe Board fsf. Variunir: oiesalal m.o ... resume Sidday marning..rd bv a suinjla ao-bost •.uinoto

■PACIFIC CinZTN Frid«y.0c*el»rU,1MI

CBf tk ^%omiBy Yenc Svt^, 4ACL Nwienal Ti«HWf«f


Mnaoh •' 0* Sm frandsto JAa SWemMl on Housing Kas'CVmttnurd'from Fniat Pace) t .acuaU l from o'jr homes I »suli Uke i

wiUi vxn-luoc w;Oi our Uiion OD coil; iQ tlte sime of our cx»vn«occ:Ameriratt to acMeve our Demo- milliard zxce^siir. Dr>?.tr (hi:- been eraruaUd --------- — -------craj/c U*i!i ycatmanl, our t« lae «>a« ;n IOC and putt'd la foveni- WASHINGTOS^^Ibit aC Americans have

same oppsrtaaity m «welop------- . ...tnlemi aad abOtties (o the tUlecI luve never wavered

ulod Sutti at^ our ‘laiUi in roenl relocatjoa camj* under Ibe CommiOee on Eo-il Emplormen*. The reply Amenta ami iU OemacTJLc Weals junalrclwin of Uie eovennuem W.-r OlTwrumny ihii wrekj-clrase.^ a .JUty, Jr.

. "I w-isJj . “II wroJd DoTtto^J^jek in yoor fight agaii

d "be amhirflaMe to put suci0 put such a nifasure on the ballot in liawaii" . . “Even though it auy be a local issue fCoUtorniti. «iienever jnd whi to legalize bigotry, to legiirtate c

b*)Sh: uf um eeiaioa rtoMd i

> is an attempt r nuke con-

c^tional changes to benefit special interest groups; this Senator from Hawaii cannot remain silent" . . “h is. dsS' treatiag to me to hear that some mainland Nisei tKotonks). are oh record for this measure" , . “How can they forget whal they went through 20. 15. even 5 years ago’"

Tb?se were some of the sentiments expressed by Sen - Daniel K. Inouye a^ he received a standing ovation from an SBO audience at a hinebeon last Friday codponsored t^ the Iftsei Voters League of Sari Frandaco and Oie San Fraitdsco JACL chapter ^

Senator Inouyc added his endorsement to the campaign agaiHi Prop. H wWle charming the Bay Area audience with his eloqucirr during a pause .on his wfalAle-su^) lour of the State in bhhatf of tlicN^onal Democratic Commit-

ftwn P»ae DOf Utc 2S sUt« X3vcnwrdUp> o1

•'»ue 00 Ncn- a. H *r< ao* licW by Dratoenoa god «o'en by R*- pWriicotu Ot tOe SO mu- ducf cxMulivn. 34 ere oom OoBOcrais ood IS RepJ,U«a» . ^ ^Becme RciubUcm ▼Werie* tj,,; gji _ Nw. » m.y projeci Um iK> coflUlhie teu

ISSi coouoden ior ite OOP ta,,n„ ,o junerici preiidofiUxI oomiogtioBs. Uw races « IJISBPU and Hirftinn are h-jW- id* tUe mac ioWtt.1 In tUtooi- RppuMIrM Oiartes R Prreranemptlog 10 unseat Democilt; _____ __________ ^eumlrf*; Orto Kcrtwr. ^;J. ta u„, ctwntry br able to parUcipaW and local prejudices,

•»«** <* without and mtala »e sUD own with ra- thmuzb » fworraro ot .edoMUc*Lrestrlctiom, based aolaly m r>*. cial auemmoauon here la San «**»« e.mpice-meot to match rf,:.

^^bliean Incignbnn Georfe ^ creed, or tsatioanl ona.a. Fiwnciaeo. . ttw *3U of member, o' gui pre,Jd«l. It is a matter of record that tfat Mimmot •€ • » croup, found jobs for more than

r.^ in ««ti.h J.4n. en.,v huwry of our pe<c4e ha. « be« i.T^JU^r^ae" S5« of u., TCpatter. wa. fol-«** «>'>•* « «=" of «>i. mhiUon are esnigh to r4i«ce«ui7 when our parent, emi- flat we hin do not have Be

}■DC JACler's quesfion on poor advance||j of Nisei in dvil serviep noted bHH9|

in the postwar period -Uuc our . . return to the we« coast, nor

cinjH3yTr,.at: have tmpeoved and today m«i«abte >• Thai <Mery clUten ha. an equal w, {j^ ouraelvet ta rSSiiiveiy World Wir chibcc to live in any nelSttx^DOS god acceptance ainoDc -oar Miaw Amrr.can.

'» cpmmen.turate wfOi nl. ntesny; .AsK-ncaas. 1m' . i.-i — ca.-T»t>s to ;.-on’n'o- ence, held 19 Philade!i*j lart rjuirkly. I| seean Sp , the east and mdweF;. June H ume com meat Mt 1 ...^

.eemed an almost ia.ur- a. in oUi.-r reciooa! c..iif.'n-n.-c5, Ler about the des&abfl-irthe' b*iSh: uf um seshon ciosad with 1 Quj> critical aaaly.u uf -pr.imotMa'^


____________ __ M.r‘rela*tivosv"ga^ " ““In rwirt. that ei-ery peradn ta aceepuacc. beoausc e*pce;aU.v m JJespi 'Ui;. fcrtiac of hostilii

J! when JapancM i.-on and Aruwer pmaei and amndt opemiian* applie. in uw aj* re.roi*takc3l.v ideal- itu .a provocative <rjestk«s r^b- Japanese American., e» fc ,

iiO ciawemuts dJserimjiatim in c-.-ii k»*' for » f»« Utit Uioe i 'RA pnxnotion-. of Jaranesc Japanese AmcrieSU* .Mnencw^raisM by Key Kobaya WT P"*fWait In the drtl in|

Warbini!t<». DC -Ciapim P*~ of tHeumt <4«» t .tatiMie, to fiUrL

WaAimdoBWew MMm, Utab. and ,

crated, from JapanVIdlims at Itaee Bla.

Bd us e fuil

The questjoo: die V--^-.............. -_____ ____________ '-My qumtioo dr*U wiUi the desisoed to tdcntlfv ini

our home* oa the aest osast in prohlhn of diserimMt .^^ u^-uttliiaWo or failure hthu. but t wttild

procram that „ unOwi^TJapanese Aroencan.

“L.'"*'; ifci «Hv to d«, «i HI. ». to, • bj « . me me most interest for those of prtvflecs at United Slate. idHsen. persooal experiracehsn heflw fe- ■“ ciuzetu or every *oinnai- **' «*■ Jnpar^ enerntry is that of Dem^ ,i„p „aliJ MS. tat ftm- add Sn buffrf ur-tUdbic a home abd Ibe. *'V - » »f«P- Pvrwo» ». mrtivid- ba^e

^,nt DBbr-«rT .0 “dli “W “f !!»*■<• sUH. hi*t“

aevepunee of our feRow Amerv nnpqshbJe Boof. Tbcrr are rrr.ny memSers acooditmeu. a covemaieiti c+eacy imnor.ty croup that have ri*ea wjj able to eet the cooperation «i| up in the Arrasd Kwees and also wot*er». cmj^oycr,. labor unions “ To^icn. Service In (?c;

• — • . and good clliren. <rf every poinnai- « rorcian S

promo- advaacemeal for : Sroupt

Japanese AmerMiuis arclatofDemn-

<T*t «a.ato Doi. acaiiut lontfii. beat-Meal BtaiMeB. to be Mayor turn ha.e been subkeicd ;

MV arc rnlcrini; the last crucial ten dayt of this bitter campaign urging an emphatic “NO on 14". And. it is axiomatk that most of the close ones are decided in the last

. fcw days. Therefore, let us not say that “We have already done our parT. or "M’e have done all we can already", yet We RiBct strive these last few days with renewed vigor— with the hope that fhh “second wind" cHort will the one to push us over the top.

if every reader wore to talk to Just S more persons be-»feei rton- 2nd Nov. 3, this couW mean the ihfi^n. ------------. Thi^past week’s Californu Poll rele^ by Uic Field Seaearth. Corp. states that if tte electton were held on ' ’Oct 15. the vote wooid have Jseen: Ybs On No oh14—34";. Undedded-17"-f. We have one Wedt to help the ITT; to make up their minds.

lu^iy c^i. ttw ypunc^' r.p;n: d«;«^hv; i^rm.^ atJomrj- 1* cwodn* the nalurati^»wnan Caucadan whn has ^ ju,„ been excmrrfaH- mod rtn!

. in m-uD the both Sws« e«i •aeO- ■This in from preisloe that

JuK far Uir Nczro^gTvuT. ••>' Nbd o|n>oifiiiiiw ■

:U» S<rr\;cc. 1 Uun< «ve _ _ .. to me-.Tiberi. and tbr Ststt Dtfrt. nplame^

o u«- JJVPcxpUlncd

anted <WOrt““Be» forniC aOected by rjcial discrimi- Thi* eaperieiice coasiace. ui ih^ »rein the .Arm«l ^-xes sanse^. in the v'r.. a

fiaiioo in -housiac. that co'-vnimeiit must laac the us ^ Si-rvice It mi , diaacr mecthc mitiaUv-e^ouaa* racial d.«Tiim. **“* “>'• Sen-'ce. of rtuen I_. ------- — ------^ .7 — uMrv uws vacmnuirv cottl cn>-

Majior for ten years. ^ am k every anae of the word «n be cited where ^ noD.<iuiiiouM. ..................................... —...............

^ “*f hasv^Se then- maa of ran- ^®f .as unwritten oOdmrtandlilc dm triboUon. to Ardeiean Ufe ** ^ annind by aal «?- ^ istmwet the asulu one *** uilermedute level, alUvauKb

EfTcIS"were to be reaervad ft» aonOnen- ^ countrv w-a. dunor World Praaeisrp Jspaac" w-c «ii« oui that the decree. It i” ’**“ ''■“T r»«« “f J»- *Jt ~**4w«a ua^sT- o, ^ RumforS An. »r,r.oEATHs"*^

apertmena at neichbora.■aaUier BrMcs- Affected

Army HigBsU Mms .lel Iwwye

of hi* na to win the National Caocres.

thit past wwek Meetinc widi knal cojeuiiJI

aial reliftiou. leader.,'. Quepa dtwusced the «mdeni eabM procram befwu US and Jap the Sifler Qty pracram. tb. • dha^ mcivemcat in the UA | career opportunities m Ui> ^------- flew Atiendiac wea-

uge« tmo

JW ad the Japtmm American of pic member.^ Kaaoho F^ara. M: ae-vt^owler JACLcr who w

of theAmericans are law and ' Hicariu ,1 SeatUr. who rocea.'vwould obaerte the Uw which aim. Impeclor General --

CHAPTER MEMBERSHIP PERFORMANCESI would like to turn for the moment to the subject of

JACL finsBces^ The membership bufietin for the past quartet b*s just been released. Under the dedicated leadership Or. Dave Mutra, National Membership Chairman, the naUon- ^ a| membenhip his reached an'all-time high of 18,105 mem- ‘^-

. bers as of Se^. 13. "*Two District Councils—-the Northern California-Western

.. 11—'~7. — --—.-V fuK iiMsmuer. oi me Freaao Racial diacriminatioo is q-j;ic ply aWf. far equal epportunities Bon at the Army Air DefendretH^tea Ha^. It appesn American Loyalty Leafuc duriaf ri-ident where individual* have tor evervoce reeardle*. of thej “**** **^- **’ 8*»rd«l a st.-.mi

a the srraten nn- Uie ISZO, isKb, on Oct. 10. been *»lcomed to home purrttav. race. °ak Leaf Caster to hi'1"^ Survived b> b George. . KenDetH, «-S rmMs. but upon f.ndin* bha: Our own expenefece* Inv* been Commendation Medal to hi, work

hefs amonz the Oe« cptalifM by Cary; bro, Takiehi aui K:yo Jfa- *•«»* indh-idoai. have Japanese that m newbborlxndi where there ** officer and hike mn irWrthr, experience, afB temjwra- tsumu--a, tu Misao NakSfudit. Araertcan wives, the attitude aud- seemed to be suspicioei and resist- oo-nmandcr at Ft. Li*'-.n.

jicnixs^ denly Aaa«e*. -niere are iqiward, ance to memhan of our *roup. ^ „f Japanese American ton-lean eitiiees. more poputaily and iiy bat moved in. everyane h,s Medal and t«u Frei.

aU Be cUlS ANCIK*a. « b_._

Nmdi and the Eastern—have surpassed their previous highs. These performances reflect highly on the competent leadership provided by Chairman John Yasuraoto and Kaz HoriU. respectively. John and Kai. along with Dr. John Kan- da. Pacific Northwest DC CStainnan. whose District is the only one to' be over the gfMgncd quota at this date, arc to be highly commended

With only three months left in the year and with the nujor empl^^ on next year's memberships we wlli not reach 20.00U members this year. However, tost magic num­ber will be a distinct posribility in the next biennidm.

Dollamise, this ts how we-stand at the present

'~'’^|^““T2AJfTSS;i. ySwJ? Var'i^” b^oc^f&Mhi . from Japan m this country today _.wrlous ballMi. none are ol »*• torwihi nom Japan in this countrv today

Importune* lb Amcrtcans «( xJiS * tboiuand in SanStVA I

Padfle Norttnrest - - . _Sd. CaKf-West Nevada

STT."^.-.Eastern .............



aneewy. jmd to all <* riw» Kony*to that matto. “ “* ““ " “ouans clonat*.B caiifonua, <Ct ^ Afnericnm* fed Ihit ^ »cc*ptod. ten do

Jol«* too ”No“ vote, defcai S“'X' hourtn* its-s are a "-lu*:". ®*« «n«writie* to chancethis Proposltioo. radal disrrimlM- SKf*-—to sSSi' sSw.*?«.*”* Atxl that our rcp***Mitotves in pr®ve ihemMlv** Hoa- ran oe-- Uoo In houxiiic *on be wrin« inta «_<»" J— Sak.- *ovenmient hai-e not onlr a rtriii. himself a ipod neis»»r ui-the CaBtonia St,u CbnstJtotton. A **« »“ oW’-faUM. in a democraer ^ven the opportt»lt.r to doand wni mark the be«jtB:o|; ol U'v Tsxuxima. M*> TboiKtaen. i, to k* that all citizen, have equalefforts in Uiat stoic ana . Ikx-hrrc xiSuvEm* - v<M.bun> -v rv-i i_ «PPorl«iities to deceet hortrfn*. Ftohr, »■* Japaitose .Amcni-i:.- la repeal to many civil n«hU tA™ ■ Yonwi a S.-'izw Tninn " t*“t »itiiui oor o«i>Uw, and ordmanca, of the many ij*’ »»»»' »1»° areSlates and mimlcipaDties ai well Mjrurs»i, tw. y n <;,««„, o« >«»ng SOSSei SOIOMr . .xwejodtod n»ttut mentois of as to UK cun RlAhU Act rf 1S«. __ rrUNOSCO - Kent Shoji mtoorilies. We aeree :ba;Thooxh our informattan suttesU <* San rernando. who wa,; to leS'-’^aton will not eliroilntr pro.-

that Prop 14 may be appeoved on Ku^ wtatonJbe. br-. WmkTlKo- winner of the JACL Col. Walt.'i ^ leeisUlion can S, we are conSa«t tUit to lie SmfifSJS' Ttoikamota mctruirtal scnr.UrslvL <liscrim.iui-..>r>- iwacuce. ba«w!food citizen* of to Golden State. .^uoiiiSSS this pas; nunmrr, was mined to *“>«*•'• ..................

«»,oiJwrf,.,„„i- ^-,si*E,2if!s;L.5.auatu, »

dcsttol Nai-y TJnji cltaiina? service as an ra-.flU**«ec o'f.r.r

- _____ ____ ___________»-iai the 1st Manoi-Diiision ir.'flifthat members of minority froo;i* B<>rcan War.

prove tbemaelves

‘niere are those 'wtet contend i

"No"food name Md.poCtical mod of Callforaia wUl '

this racistss;•okoiekl. HlroMbunj. m OcC Tmjm. , Osvid T.. S *e

aan nuWcnco

sigrtod to to asne pdttical fraai aZ*

“*■:_________ . ■‘gssvn.s.'irij:.Enoiiiolo —iCoRtinued from Ftyul Page)

mittee; . ___________Aki, and Wally TaW^a to a fine job. I aUo apprecUte to texpital-- AcconBns In pa.t oi|*rteitres. appm.lm.lely $111, _______ __

ODD will be submined during the last qfuarter of the vear. >ir and aid of the southiaia] people. This wquW br^ the toUl submitted to within 5 pet of -“»*»»>'?• re*«oo*i dnacto Isaacthe .«|eed budget. With m.r ..tute N.tion.1 Director Iru- riSj'. ™“';gaily kcepuig our expenditures at the ver>' minimum, we to Southland Remember, • - — Aould end the yew with a good chance of being nearly sol- I fieht. Ds cvcrythuif

Dy way. of explanaUon. 'it should be sUted that the <iuola.<i assigned during the 1963-64 biennium were not set

g * membership figures alone. T^refore.-some chapters and Distnet Councils may have gone' over in membership totals but did not necessarily surpass their quotas in dollars. In most cases, cither 'a higher percentage of 1000 clubbers or

i another source other than memberriiips was needed to ful-' [ fin their quotas.I ■ . . .

iOOO CLUB LIFE MEMBERS ... My closing remarks should invite ideas on a sitilationI that is akin to a shaky insurance company having to face

the music when its clients outlive their policies when they maturc. 1 refer to die 1000 Club life menUmrs. For their lump sum contributions when times were hard for the oigani- alion, we promised them Life mwnberships. The fund thus created has been depleted annually to the point that now only a few years' supply is left.

In addition, many regular 1000 Club memben are near-' tag 20^ years of contribuUons at which time they, too, will be considered Life Meanbers.

M’ilh the thought of renege as being the furthest from our minds, we must cstaUish at this late date a method of replenishin£ this fund. Better yet, to make it self-sustaining Ahbough 1 have receit ed some ideas on this since the Detroit CoRventibn. I would welrome any others Please send your eonauinications to National 1000 Club Chairman Joe t^do-

, «aB. your Distriri Council Chainnni. or me

eaa to make U a wtentae om. TtotHiiv rt>pooMblc Ni»ei vole



fnduaie of 13W and wx* to fim wlaoce of a sa»lartop enab- hsbed till* year thnafti * C.OM dooauoo from to Fled Nito.n ot WatsonviUe on tbeir 25lh wedding anoii'ervary


VAWvUNCtS • TV • FURMTONE • in t msT $T. u. ukUtfiwf 4-woi a. s. 4)

KAWAFDKDStelT« — Twiiara

£.i^ikH e*i*


6ANTA ANA. CALIP. <K.>utta of Diiseylaadi

FTWritT t-BOF ai r, ani'M* S AN KWO LOW

FAMOtll CWMimt FOOb228 Eari First St. L«a Anpelw • MA AMTS

a;J|ie«n>^<rnim .. cPorUaMi. KMOry <S

u«W.tu M.A*hto ai-Ser.1•rfS',**",J BinvvraBirh T« Aim

See and Drive the New 1965 0«YSI« IMPBUU

ny*KWTH VAUAMT MRMOPDA —BANEY*$; 43rd and Cremhaw-

. US aauur-x ax -vhisti m* nt 5-20ieI - Mooouar Wwtot,

.U»~. Iiem V


KXW LOCAnON*u$fAiiTs a a

— Ilewiri Our_____


Itt e. la BL. Lea Lititm tl• er tti Mto toato-

OKma Cat6 ler Cwr, Oea»ar rm Fmw-AMY’S PASTRIESstis EAST ream bivBu ust los aacem

ma niflw ak fiao cuw kuwem *t z.j*i

Empire Printing Gr>.- cotoctoai ttd so6ui

114 Wtftor St. Lai Antfitoa 12 lAA A70«6

Fukui MortuaryTMREt tocMTiaw Of EXKnoicr- m Tww SL, u. Alton lAUto a.„jj

souNi FtNctfl fiirneiwi

Shimatiu, Osari t Kubola MwittoousaiM uscu

»n V.HI. BW, L« Ang.!. 15 _ ,1 XlWfSRS -W 0s«A Eto I Sktom. a. TM« KakM

Sab MatRepmcmuia

• Catobn • Ft DU 7,«ZU. LO SCWJS

SEE AMD FUr THE S0KHYamaha PianoJawi r$neB SWt 187D

Angrius Pirn Swvieo sni Dag ■UI I

Toyo Printing 'Otoi - tnir-iin-, . t«iai>T'.<e Us A$arw. U — ito.xr.


TM Fueil (' Kene F_-ki$A'-i,

3420 W 8M

U. ABttln-18 - tt i-7J6J


Cmi‘« Srr».:r <cr 0^ 2i Y(»ft Sam

llci-Mad Ctestneter 1506*. Vf-TO-Aw l.A AX 5-5204 jm Mffsube

Sosh'cz»Y rw« sk

111^^2^31! Su^ Bar — Special Luncheons — DlntiennznAnreuK c*uitc» -( ■ Uwluiu. 0«~n Dk% ■

Xv/YNylefis ^

' ili SR . .

I) the new moontom Hoa mtUtm laa

New QiqxfliMilliiMr iliiW


320 i le Si. U- A~aelr5Phww Orders TMcan

MA 4-2953

(JENm4TS ca UK wr - Itt i-icis

m W'ena »» wW'iittPu •• ts Str«K.-iJ>l A<«to . . Fto a

Oiae at SwtlWfi! Cii''criu'i Un-j D«

— K»» rett.mMc AtoriB, Nsnir —MM CAmh™, L« *X 3«*

MTien in ETko . . , Slop at (he FriendlyStockmen’s


Bvffat from |3.M Afth'eitk i«aMt8 fid from S3.M ,

BtSy at E« f-a-

Page 5: PACIFIC CITIZEN · Konda 2_E3, and ctoipte-Fred Himuns aetit It the Hacienda Vou;1.. to, toe Board fsf. Variunir: oiesalal m.o ... resume Sidday marning..rd bv a suinjla ao-bost •.uinoto


Friend* «f Spertcy*gflTlX - Tbr ■Tricortj T%k Kuhoia. and YaiAlw hiia ^ ■■ fund r*ua>f campaign ProUrm^ of ti« jrs««in cam-

a Uie Jlart in Seatt>. palpi were fir»i tareught up at the kjtrr*-were oiaiJed out Or- towlJACL chapter board aftetlng And aWiough the date is *o m niid^eptetrber. Tin project d adi aored and we are on the came up for dUeuswoo a: the Sled „gtdd of the ^^oe- S eJect-on. VeU memberAtp meetin* which u , mne of us are approachiur always held the last rndav of the pa at h»™l with a lot of bpti- month. President Terry Toda had ^ and would even he so. hr«h caUed -the NVC Commander B say: -Oo ahead. Spark. George K .Sato in an effort tc^ me money like you had it— enlist the support of all orgamu-

enou^ people- up here Uons., Ourint the NVC toeettoi. some- . one popped up and said: "What about this Mike Uisaoka w;to is leading this campaign? Isn’t be

D.C. representative of thet^kj- Uatsunaga made ^xniOD and undoubudly jacLT"oed many frte^ in jole thU paint *c may have a«ss mam speaker at the N.sei reader who needs to be informed S Reunhm In Augun. R*f t«b- that the Nisei Vets of Seittle have . %> the. l»ri for the saerif-ee , praiuy affUa^. foresight in trying to provide mm- other ommzatuso TTiebest education possfcle for’bj-^*. u used to iwnie any pies , Amencan-bom Nisei children eooperatioii. however trMaJ. •.masterpiece, wtucb uniressed Peihaos wliat* is needed is a

the cockiaU^ked Itst-ner lengthy discourse on the diHerence evcttii^ 1^ address drama- ^-meaning of the two words: af-

! s p?ml wtiieb has been so rUiation and cooperstaon Ml ID -all of us these many coopereiaon.BS, but only that evening before The answer to the problem bad eapacity crowd did it fmd.such to come off^he-cuff, and we fdi

it a duty to point out that thei«uM

“ '■'•'7 II.«re wr nn* jenammti to mtci mteresy of-good govertanent

whete. 'if a campaign is lo be started to aid i guy; who did so much to make a great success of.

Veu rcunion-wherc

Hawaii-ouUtaodingHeitioe was the mcetiar wi'Ji*en Bep^ttt^e J>vn Ime expect the drive*i ““ P-*- ginau. eicw with ooc wloo hasCuunc;! Convention in .New eontacU. nationwide, and right . i^ln. a year ago at thr Masaoka. Whv irvic Hor*^-e« Dislrlct Council ^ ^bg in Portland it was «ir »-h~els when an iirtponant project fitgt to shake the band Of i, u, eveiy c).

Dan Inouye, and tte sum digger'‘has remarfced-imp.-essions u mt everything will come out all right

b be ,,™a .0. laraakert, o empUry rcjweseoutA-e of good

uiese lineage \ Uie nati^ goiJ^ent will trinsecnd all 'otlier p.'tty -j-ivUUUes.tal. The press

gniUon in Washingian. D.C.

Prldgy, Ortofcer 13. \9i»By Elmvr OsMsa


Ifjniifinner —iCudsuied from front raft)

Ugwndie fact -Jill It was a r. the Japanese srgmest I wB.T over taiir cif the

Tokyo Topics: by Tom^b MurayomaOlympic 6ames-A MomenfO!K''Occsson

TOKYO—tbe Olymrse Game^ are P. r.. ip :i. fiv:.-,J go. al^ait Wiped out m th* fm,-. ath)cti-s tieasuiei of the >Tisei ojm.tiin

. j's?issi"oSsr’^ ^ "gi-v „ b.,»«.

Today. Japan hat invited the w^ld ?“ attract an fsr t-vurif.- ;;i » ji,.j BrownhationI brato its iwcovery


................ ............ Uarj.vj.atlrart'an fsr t.Turif.- ; . -

ir^srse scrrrt. serttn-- *' ‘Whenbcas.ngIB lak aboard the SS Hsohalfanwith the .-UBericati CMympic drfe- 'a*MTlne b. nevtw dnwmarf «w Aav ^-c.'lie hi*as.4aaa of H>

poiiilu •,» ccuring thr CameiCHARLES PEftCY HOMMEO BY NlSEi LEADERS

Chicago Japanese American business and-conumin- R:.-harU McKicman and Joe Sagami Piny . ity leMen met with JiepidilicBn nominee for Jll:- a political party to bo a majority party -and , riois governor. Carles Percy ithird from lef.', a: toi.oai iiar'.y mas'e-SeTe to understand and to rep­an informal recepboe. Others ifrum left- arr Ku- resent ;2coi^ and'grouto of widely different baefc-

s. hTrttofi^ and outioi.

■ the Japanese Ame-s-

y saida

} Yushiiiai;. Harry Mizuno, Shigeo Waks-Tiatsu. g.-ounds.

also Witt VPI: Geaige, *ould/b\ a memosr of irl^

Gov. Brown — -iCbetinoed from Page 2)

Yoafairti UchxU <d San Jose 1• jdd-i >f Lns to get «er

-Thank you. Tair.otsu —H H

Bewa *T*m TTweyCoomatj. .Nabanal JACl, fcrst i.-e prc.uslai: ami cbi.rtaaa of kc statewide Nile: cummiUee. .me down from Tracy to parpi.1*

•f and p«, a, .the baminat.Th< heaquet aUi%c«cd u veritto

editor who of &* -Japanesecomronrdty trtio paid f~

souvenir ,I*, ujeiv e.e .7.«u i.»eu«aasei girt—oe tfie American **'■*''

__________ ________________________________________________ .________ -____ sheets a: cue i

Prop ■!■ for state beadbes anS" of thr American peopic TYoe. parks: and Prop. 2 and 3. to pro- do aU in my power to di<- (be raapagcr-coatvide itoaiea financixig tor die Uai- Yourage such practices, bin I shall team. Paul K, I versltjuaiid stato and 001 doit m the .kmericin way above- Aagele* -<and •• Loyoia Univers;:ypdoUc schoiJs. board, in the open, through the studeon is parbetDatiag

It has cwused no dwnjotioti « 1 am coeifxteit of your suptirt eout-o of law. br cd^atioo. tr. lightwriftp dJvialoehardship in our state. \Thn past of these issues because they art proving myseU to be wonhv of Douglas Haketo Sakamyear. nV Fair Employ ;n\ij>-Piat needed lo continue buiMinj a equal treatment mri comrieratiDiL Los -Angeles 1$ a member <i< the ' were represeWsd with ao re#tBn>tires Commisstan reivivea IK state to which you have already i ,tn fmro mmv belief that Aroer- Amcnean gymnastic team A\Gt-.E5-Thr iiir.'kn.ill Uon to political affiUitioas. Thecomplaints of houfinj; dis.-rjintia contributed so much. And I am lean spor.maflfllTp knd a*'Jtuie7 of Sandra Nitto of Lo. Angele.- Jr Lad:ci S.-neiy «U*ing a maustonal grmip a«s well reprt-tion. (toly one case went to imbllr ju,t -as confident of your deice- fiL-. play will judge ctbi.-nship.and (be Sanaei lau-is corapetiilt to b<T«dn lunrSeem-fsshon show <V l secMd.heanng. Fortyfbur were isimsscd ton 10 our cause; A NO palrio-usm on flic basis of ariim (be 20b-meler breasUimke Th- « not* it Sj M.chael's Eestiu- The diimer ccoaniuee wawsewt--after investigaUoo The others vo'.e on Proi> H. and achievement and not on thu Japanese press'ud radio feswred rant. «30B E' Wushmgti-o Bli^ . mg di* Jwere settled quie'Jy. w-iih no hart- •sKip involved for- -soy ritiz:n. .

lvndwMi-f«riilMi Atm fpr M«7kMfl SckMhMt

in per per- I (atUB *»

treasury to right the' viemis mAa-AU segmeats of the <

.M— .Maaliy. lei —, —........ ,

S£"i?;rH'S £r“”2^tx.sis the best summation I haiy ever a YES vote on s greater Caltfomia the finaU. As thi- week of gytnnas- read of just ex'aetly what we are ____________________(if .eoenpetltita opened Monday.

............. . v»i thu Japanese press •and radio featuredbas.s of pbvsicil charai:en<ttcs tb** Sansei lass in pewOame *®c ... 'I hope toi becom- a'bct'tor ’stories. noPng the r.:jcUrular :^tefo/‘£rXv”cs;'.r

I featui^e "rbshtoni by George Man^a. WUbur Srin. W.W

Wide Sappart Ta»dLet me also em:Aasiy that the: re the rcasom why the figiV again-l Pr.i?. 14 has wide^cad

Iheal Cm »6wl coapeting in state Miord teonMoieiitSeattJe-King County Com-

ANCia.E^r„nI TOiin. mUs Of the JACL. ao just a »- pf San Ftmc-jco u emrenttr about that. Chapter presi- compe'.mg in the California 3-

- - • -- Cushion Billiard Tc----------------- -

Bipartisan support.Marching by side with your

own organiritions in Siat fight are Waders of. every major religious rrojp—the -«:ate PTA—the Btato Bar Associatioo-the AKXnO- the League of Women Volen;--h; - the -League of Califomia Cities-aid

JAClm toer LAnHotorrsis. aiai waMii nm.. ." "r “ S“«« •• Gir HdlI trust in ber future: she ” '

Sakamoto ranked 22nd.:

to ^

Sakamo-.3_________________ were bs.-n in ’Tbkyo. txrt became

"liberties a^ oj> LOS .CfCELES - Some 100 Japs- adopkrri o' Araenca through lies such as no indAidual pese Amencaa community- leaders b*UU'*14ilion

rcspnnstoili-.ies she

build I - has permitted

Terrance M Tbda. OX) .isI hope you wiU use the f

Tad Yai 282S Crenshaw for a top *3.000 prJ*. Thirteen are entered In the sute tourney (pding Nov 1.

________I_____________________ _____

Sakabara.yireasurers. and ire lirted-Cenji Uihara. ptr- ^ _■1 issei leader of the Japanese 'The toumammt Is sasetiooed b.veun-ty Scnicc OrganixaUon. the Biiliard Congress of .Araerici for-the three state bwJ ilrjct

____, . ___ 1 a coR-anuum serick u- ewucuajawi uai«u -*s uio—iilg rf analltngworship, think, speak and .dei-.gDed to acquaint at least 15 gold medaU but as thr

K>mmunit.v Waders with the ad- curiaJi of eempetiUoo rose tbemihirtrwtive funetion of city gov- firn day. Mch dreams fadtd

the facts home to your fnends and *-Al'Jiou*h scene individuals may cnjmrnt. . away. JaM was at ils grealeslneighbrs. discriminate against me. I shaU Program was enordinated by dunag the Las .Angdes Olympic.t cannot ck»e tonight withiui never become bittor or las.- fa*'-b George Ssita. administrative a'- 0«2. and Berlin Olympics 'UK' ,

adding that I a:«o ask ycur s--up -!-. lor 1 know thvi such persons sre sistant to Mayor Samuel Wm. The famous Jafwnese strAes in.; — not rrepresenutiv^ of the'majority Yjsty. swimming are to more.




lMI«^^,ria,H.nii«.UWiMMl«MWI■ni.t «hart.r«mert rponrorad Ly A,--rons (..cod' fJ Darry CaU«Mtr .

■ Sm MMMta Hit M UiUmm tm> Sm-fm tmtt m Mm*mm frma

Page 6: PACIFIC CITIZEN · Konda 2_E3, and ctoipte-Fred Himuns aetit It the Hacienda Vou;1.. to, toe Board fsf. Variunir: oiesalal m.o ... resume Sidday marning..rd bv a suinjla ao-bost •.uinoto

5—cmrtN THd-v', Ottohw n. tW4


1000 Club Notes

Jerry Enotnow purt^naTttc youtfa mefn\>mbip rardt

may br obtained by tfrlLm Na. tional JACL Headqi

^ *T MAUO W. SATOW“ -POL'mCAL EXP.LOtTATION'A leaHet being distributed by . ‘Kivi fw Go)d-.vator

calk tor this oltueaJ clarification Said leaflet carried a pictore of Ben Kuroki uilh the citation .^ti;en him at our JACL 18th Biennial Sation?! Convention aNiotroll. plus an editorial from Kuroki's Williamfion iMicbi^n) Enter­prise of July 15, endorsinc "The Man FVom Arirona".

The intent of the leaflet is indicated in a coyerifig lett^ which stated.."a strsnge parados whkfi needed political ezploiUtion'.

National JACL did honor Ben Kuroki for his wartime cxpiolU in 58 bombing missions, and his public relations services to Japanese Americans stemming therefrom, as well as bis subsequent "59th Mission" in.1946 to break down discriminition.

It is-also a matter of fact that National JACL as a matter of policy does not engage in political activity, except when the welfare and or civil rights of persons of Japanese an- ceWry shall be directly affected.

1111$ particular piece of political propaganda was first Iwoaght to the attention of our Washington JACL Represen­tative last month by Senator Daniel Inouye who receiv^ it in his mail a.sldng for a donation, as did a number of other mMahers of the Congresss. Our Washington Representative ^has made it quite dear to these members of the Congress <Juct The i«swho have inquired about it. that we had no knowledge of --------- --.uthis being issued and that National JACL as a matter of policy does not endorse candidates.

TWO Pt40NE CALLS IN CONTRASTFoUowing the publication of NC-WNDC Chairman John

Yasumoto's letter in the San Francisco Chronicle last week strongly supporung a “No" vote on Prop. 14. a lady who refused to identify herseif telephoocd' Headquahers that "many thousands of us will riot be trading with the Japa­nese''.

On the other hand, the following day when the Chronide faired the testimony of San Frandsco Chapter President P«Wie Morivuv;hi. and Harry Low of the Chinese American 6?itens Alliance before the California Senate Fact-Finding Sukcommiitee on Race Relations ■ ".S.F Orienlak TqH of Bias in Housing", a Mr, Newman who owns a number of .homes in the Dumond Heights district, calHsl to say he would

Venice Cuivti JACl, - Jr. JACl sdieiiaies ; '65 IntlalleScr

X..- .n.1 d.-t ItMor Ball ■\f BabOu' lB»e ' r lij»e : '

Card* Required of All Mwnberi in Jr. JACL Chepters

SAN FBANHSCa-'ni.- Ne- .-"rtUltTII VSABOaniil J-VeU- curl* ior r„^r_ - k»». i oy- Bui

ir^UOB. it »>* anooiuvceq Vi*i H»ri» vwnk Rr N.UqiwI D;r^rtsr M,« '^a.iSe«7v end Yauth Co.T.«nl«slwr ^ vv-Mi

T>*no - rr»i!<-»>■>>•.U — T<.>r. iuiai

irtm. 1S«Pom St., San Fraor.%c:> 94115 la - H.rr> ^Natxiul nwoibcr»hi:> Mri« .ire v'aIm l‘“shjoiiUtf miuiity will be reoo*.iireS at

required of meirbers rf Jr. JACt. -.>fla».Cul>e. - J w.aamet^ dunxT. with G«or«e tna*Jlc.chapters, cwTd.. arr rSefflid ,, r”**

aduit l>r lo-u.„u ri,a«Ja_---------------- H-rrj T lchj>wi. I>aul

M*T(» ?Pf»TS MQ-NO-14-BUnOH

-SirTf S^o exprosei pppodltM io Png if wilhiirown advertising in vernaculars

LOS ANGei.ES-Ttai weefc John estate broken m Los .Aaf^ TS Saiu. h« aiduded a P^ r the war. praS»«l ftit rt^TTctit of lu» No <» M" «i«J Or^e. County reaW in ai.- JariSf--^- 'e--na;u!ar. a.'h.i “ U»ih-. cla«ified ath-crtisin* oTwUnder the headLn;' of ' Ver

V prci.deatFolloa JX e»» ru.-trrilul ard_^^

. )o.eable taneoi of ibi. IS-tvlS »:aiu;.-j3 un.-.-ea there wire c<- SxjMt speaker*, the cliaptAr hr, -• 4e^^'m the Jan a, 190. dr> the Cockatoo Restaurant is Haw- Ut3i^ Jor .Its Inausural duu-.c-r- •daaee.'


Portland Jr. JACl wants 16 be Ichiban in youfli enrollment

Saito ho pet to have o^ .. wiJ eitate Cnwi )(an hi® h i

•Prv >4 »dl n ..TL-n-jiiir "No OD Prop 14- He axainM all mioor.iK.; We hove fte^are about SO Xi»o s-int 20 vears opv-a;M such be-4 • » the routhwwt L.A ar®tjul co«niimnitie« like BelU Vi:-' -....................................-■a East Los .Angd.’-' Crrnyh

with those ifturd to members bijt with “yon-Ji ship ' stamped on them Instead of rwnsuift* St a* i Suit

mesDbefs dq to Natiwl Hea*iuar- ...,..,- «a£

cesu. Os decided b» the V -.i:h — Sniweu x^aniraAt-mhly at the Scatty natiunal _ o,/ACL convepUei a 1362

rSiXat - T»v»er*»iv*N — K*y- f-Wt.AIU. « Dt 1 Cost t>.» A..,.

the Parllir CiUxen 7^1 -v m:tnaLonal J.ACL VWuie

- Dr Ketr V - W>lll> 1Hirau

ehal-TiHa of the award.'; comm:: PORTLAND - Willi the Punl.ind Jr JACL currently in U>e

ir JACL of a fuU-fone membershtp drb-e.asoe 30 interested Saaie. team tee

louior ar.- srewter Portland aroi attended a

,0-Jf nu-—' —’■— dudine

.r, LeiiLA.I a|>d,others tor

Caocas.a&e. . • ■ '•'Tlesae reoiember that we a-^e

not Caarasans *1»ii it comes to buvin* a house or income pk^per- far our tajniljrs and for oor children "Our Saosci

never fors'vc us if we allow ims haSous peoposilian ta past "Please, please study thu very

unpjrtant p:^ umeDlrm.nt tor.l

CLASsmto tgTr’S'tS'i-iss;

Yansei6ntr &'a«

Japtancse Swords and Ti^'“T.Mf

Sar Uau». Uai V440]

loouye. newlv.el.-sieds\j i

cured.____ Annual due= in' hie Juniors w«

be *2.JACL ,

l-makinc project-. OeliJtf of candy. Christ- wreaths and washir* an

axplane h a ocirtfj- ai-pewt.■»= „• St.

^ _________________ ______ _ _________________ __________ . __ _______ _____________ ______ _______ rh Futuret.f*s w41 rommcnc* w.te te.- Jan.' K V us. VAier' 'or'aiiin T. Belli- an .Air.rrican FLiXmemoerstot. canb imtuiUy, the Jr. ot^mi/ia Ire a pot-JAO. rtiaritcr. and edviw-rs were rioiiro^^aa ^ p,r.®S5lute AT_r men^. s are s«oe-1 V^SrHaa.w.ra, Lou- and new B-IO stujknu Nov


Bird w 1.-1 the fee*. Mm-'-dimmu - Oorer,N«a----------___________________________ - ai.'iiisre. - Ksv K •Neeu<a4<

Xt> Vvifc -- Kmit NoTAkl - 'StodetM A0X«^ SMS

up. the Nal.onnl t Ik® of thfse car. _ turned awomj>aD:»-d »•

STOCKTON - A Jar-mr-eRcien Yoshika-ilSKH

Zv,. V Tuv.™..................

Hf-WHDC-' •Coounued Irom Frunt Pafel

ncwlj-fsrmrd h!teOiIun>b.u Jr. jXa. to hear Natoooal Director Mas Satow Nov 14 and t CariM- mas toy drive, tor needy teuldronWhitt River Vottey sMfvktikmrUki

KENT. Wedi.—The fourth 'annual Wn;-.e R:vcr V^U..'y Cv-ie Lra»ue sukiyalc dinner held here On. 4 ai th, Ameiican U:«ain Hall '»i;> a."cijimed a success by dinner cy rboirmes Mmes. Ootkc EjCk'u

(PA orders slxfh superDC-BjeHiner I

CPA is aU-jel Internationally no* exii-ut for :l- South °acJ.- sur»>isouUi of Hmolulu, where jet-prop ClP '


WOies in me Miainoiiu ncipme u.suici, ca.n-u •» sey nv part^'tor Dec. Dr asA T. JCashbiaiabe gUd to sell any homes to Japanese .^ericans and gave piaas {q, nomiaatmr th.- ne:

Toe Jgeoda-I pjn-Rall rsD W.t«-« Makslw rK-nrnr sna^mdurtiom br ll'*l ;

Qs bis teleobone contact.•leobone (iRtSUPPORT^GAINST PROP. 14

-We gratefully acknowledge »50 from the PhUadelphia JACL Chapter in support against Prop 14. The Omaha Chap­ter which had previously sent us $50. added another $50—r proceeds from a candy sale undertaken by its members as tbelr expression of sui^rl to our campaign. Support has also come from '$25 each' Dr John KSnda. Sumner Wash.; George Ushijima. Alameda. Calif.; Drs. Gladys & Gregory Stone. Si. Anthonv V'illape. Minn.: and $10 each from Dr. Roy ELJJti. Syracuse.»N.Y.: Mi. & Mrs .noyd H Tanaka, Deimr. Colo., and Joseph Nishioka. lAho Falls, Idaho.

We are grateful to'Mike Maiaoka for giving his senices to the campaign for a ten-day pc.iod the end of this morith.


•So .».na... !i.f • o*itr*«l UOOEI■■ ”• "I"S“«


.. « ««. .V -"“'y- "«»«• •••-


'n'L» Kki

The Auxiliary l-->>t the »en^ of lU-pEriidcnt, M/» Jhnie' i raAma. woo moved to Ln* ac'lc*' .in July Before IcayteX. wav IkXtored at a lunchecs.FftwWr JACUrs to hevFO^S!Trc*FoHler JACL will a’> ter te^mc'atonsor a pubhr meeting Oi-i. ». .j,,, CCDC Cnttventiwi' fishiia t.m at Uk- F..»-i.-r Mall to dt»-


riMw'theme eanowKeii

3 be htW Dec

tote of S.-.n Jn • are r3mm:tte<' Yu-umu;

3 balJol T-Jte Yamasurh* Haewftea Motel IV mcclUn ebairman aU chapeer^ of the dist.-ic' *Th.' chapter has voud to coo- parf-cipatimi in the »h 'w. nccukI- tril^ toward the Ronald Bm.-V ^ jij. Toot, Nakamura

. —... ...Il— -W.>M >4... . .. _,e _________ ______ ....jC^tEMDAR OF EVENTS Shimoda and Set»u Kifcuchi were---------------------- ,

named eO<hainr,e.3 of the c.tur)- F-'-wler Fall k'rttival parad. - terS float to he ea'uired in tec t

on r> iTbonaari- Voln> rally, t

lUnn Niatii. HUOOhM n^lrr^*’ prowMiuo nUM. T JO a e< H4li. a pm

- CandUUto.. BiahL C«toa S„b"12Sl’- U Lotas W jB ^ AJW*l«.~Nii« Cl NBrnilnt ts ODML

AuiiHerr bmeni sa CVnwm 81.._____

Muwauker - Hallme*'

oV"^??S.r..r Plrrr, HUI.•kMlasd ^ Kto

' ?Tr.-SO.v,IWMt - JHWWM KMne AR a

Omnn YWCA.

San Dwr

ONEMANow Ploriog m Oct. 27 KoSktIsu Zero Metorv

IVOt-NG BLOOni ChiyeWo Baii3H,. Kewuke Sonorv.

' Kumiks 1^1 Klncuru YuwcKwKetdii itorvdoshi

(Bc ativoviKteukL, 0*»u. Tamolvu H*vak.wa. Mirwm Sauki To*-oko T.'»eehiKABUKI THEATSR

Aoimi at C-eemaw td 7>«.Q)62 — rm Pwt<®NowrtByfogtfllOct.27

OalRScaee Coiw - Eiwlr* S-MnlR

Kizudoroke no -Songo' iBfUKXaa TTCOOM

xm hS2wu*'vttoiaS n^tii'e*.! secoND rSA-nmx

ippon Gotono Dohyoiri- OiwnlMra Aenca —

M20 CramMw 6M lA K 4.U48

Sin J<Mo - NC-Wxnc wiMRvrty m— vam. Kolel Sir Claire Ren Oiw EdwarUa auiot ipkr -i

Kee. a (Taratari Vote early as KIvRMw

Ko>. ■ (Irl44y>CM.aai. - Jr JACl. theaier

Kae. t IBawaayl Sana Baifaan PSW DC etiaptor rt®.u', bartujw Iruv

Corin — Annual DeneTn fiaSini derby Kae. l> 4m«ayi

■'cSS'KL- - -

^■Wmw'welTllMaun: a p.m.: Kiuoan V<a4<li

Nav. u (Bsbi

■«un. ChUliwaukre — UoIHla.r FUk

* --Unriamzi Itaiardari Rea - InRaU. ■urf Rider Ii

— Stan M Idbiai Hall lit >. tt iBaaditoTy »f.lf l,Kimj

PonHvouso CiothMweo cnarouvr etvo. sum zx

Un Ai^riB AX 2-2SU Sara lahu® Hant lAIM

Sakw lAihan Rictiar« TiiO®' Xae’ Ml


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544S N Btetoaai. Chicaea B. 606S7CaMW Ptou Ei|».e<nwt and SkBlM


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e Office: 2H Line Street. LMwlnA^ ICAL-VITA PRODy^CO., INCted CorataissioD Mervi^sntn^'^'A * VegeUbIm

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Cn # tkr twean liwimw M2I w jtrft.«w> i * nermi JOHN rr sure 6 asskuves

ZCBS Mvitipk LHUae Sovka

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■ 4KK4 Beaitr k l-wnawn Ca 2127 SV..R B:R L i , WJ S-S557

SAMIWANA— Rrai Eiuu —


'S-.-.r'i'•_ata_ ESTitt—LM

• AFUTMoa Fee eorroarkiaf Riai*. O-tldtre Ura An«eMa phuna Ta«-4V

■ISAKd'' KTH r bedlEe.n-.wall <E. aallUB*. C«!l«injTVenke BlvC

fEaratHMd .rail <e. aall' •im buJi 4T ktoer. diapa^ larraw paaal. |M>k:n(. c«n>:Mirp.i M



Iwao Tanaka Trank V Nak.Niyi_____ TWkaucMHaul Tianaakura Tam Tnuita Yuaniku^^yaki



Itoy UaflT AdakyV ktomW^

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THECIOUDMOTEI3400 W. 3rd St. (Mar Varmerit Av«.)

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rtiar UaAi * Enr TrantpaRMHa Tt aad Fm Ikr Ahparti * 24 Hr mart Senaer • SMCwin Hwiutf Feel * FaaaO, SuHr MiUHe •

6 AH M«jw Cfvdil Cwd. HrawrC

:(X) ‘“'“""H-r'YireST ORICKT

SEAITVKor HayaaM. RmPwanociatR — Har-> Finiiyi,

213J S na-bce B« AuaiMr. Caia C714: JC 7-4611 t* 7r. *C


Steve Nakaji


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