Pa516apogee Go for Insight

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  • 7/27/2019 Pa516apogee Go for Insight


    APOGEE GO for Insight


    Issued by: Nancy SteinJuly, 2001


    1. APOGEE GO for Insight Specification Sheet, PN 149-401, available on iKnow.2. APOGEE GO for Insight Customer Questionnaire, available on iKnow.3. APOGEE GO for insight PowerPoint presentation available on iKnow.

    4. PA 508, Insight 3.3 available on iKnow.5. APOGEE Guide Specification updated to include APOGEE GO for Insight, available on

    iKnow viaSales Force One link.

    PRODUCT INTRODUCTION/MARKET POSITIONINGCustomers are becoming increasingly familiar and comfortable with Web browsers, and see it asa cost-effective method to access building information. Customers also view a Web interface as ameans to allow a greater number of individuals within the facility access to select buildinginformation at a lower cost. Both existing and potential new customers view Web accesscapabilities as state of the art technology, and are demanding that their preferred vendors providethe latest and greatest technologies. APOGEE GO for Insight will allow users access to APOGEEInsight information from any workstation using a standard Web browser, allowing cost effectivemeans to monitor and control their facility with access to graphic display, point details andcommanding and alarm information.

    APOGEE GO for Insight should not be positioned as a replacement of customers existing Insightworkstations due to the limited functionality available via a browser, but as a more cost-effective

    method to access facility information for a greater number of users.

    DISCUSSIONAPOGEE GO will allow users access to APOGEE Insight information via the Intranet, Internet orExtranet using a standard Web browser. APOGEE GO is browser and operating systemindependent and supports Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.1 or higher and Netscape Navigator 6.0or higher. APOGEE GO requires Insight 3.3 and uses Microsofts Internet Information Server (IIS)Web server software and Active Server Page (ASP) technology, eliminating the need for users tocreate HTML pages or programming. The APOGEE GO application uses the content of the ActiveServer Pages residing on the IIS and real-time APOGEE data to generate HTML pages andrespond to browser requests.

    Besides desiring state of the art technology, and a more cost-effective method for providingaccess to Insight information for various users in a facility, APOGEE GO provides many otherbenefits for facilities.

    From a facility Intranet, many users want to be able to access Insight information from a Webbrowser on a workstation that does not have Insight installed. Today, customers have to installthe complete Insight software on every machine even if they want to use it just for graphic displayor alarm annunciation. This means they have to have PCs running Windows NT, as well assignificant processor speed and RAM requirements. It also means they have to visit each
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    machine anytime they upgrade the Insight software to a new revision or need to install a patch.APOGEE GO allows them easy access to key Insight information from virtually any networked PCin the facility, while only requiring upgrading of software on the server. This provides a means toreduce capital and operational costs by not requiring new PC hardware for client access, orsupport additional costs for workstation software.

    Through an Internet or Remote Access connection, customers are able to securely access theirAPOGEE system from a Web browser from home if they want to check the status, or do sometrouble-shooting of their facility. A user can be made aware of a problem via a pager, and thenuse their home computer or laptop to access their system via APOGEE GO. They can ascertainthe situation and if possible, resolve it remotely, saving them a trip into work.

    It is imperative to include the customers IT/IS department in preliminary discussions aboutrunning APOGEE GO across an existing facility Intranet, or accessing APOGEE GO via theInternet. One key detail is it is very, very unlikely that a facilitys IT/IS department would allow anyaccess via the Internet to a PC on the facility Intranet that was not controlled and managed by theIT/IS department.

    APOGEE GO FEATURESFeatures of APOGEE GO include browser access to the following Insight applications:

    Graphic Display: APOGEE GO automatically converts existing Insight graphics intoHTML format for viewing via a browser. The Object Selector displays a list of Insightgraphics the user has access to. Graphics will update dynamically. Graphic displays willsupport graphic links and commanding of points from the graphic. Note, the followinggraphic functionality available with Insight that is not supported with APOGEE GO:

    o The TEC standard templates are not supported in this version of APOGEE GO. Aseparate graphic would need to be created for each TEC.

    o When converted to HTML format, graphics will only support standard fonts. Pointinformation blocks are auto sized for 10 pt Ariel font.

    o Associated symbols are not dynamic and do not convert on APOGEE GO

    graphics. If Associated symbols are used on Insight graphics, the Associatedsymbol name is not displayed when viewing the graphic in APOGEE GO.Instead, the Associated symbol name will always appear, possibly somewhereon the graphic that is not desirable.

    o For link images, standard link symbols and hidden link symbols are supported.Custom-image link symbols are not supported with APOGEE GO. Custom-imagelinks will be replaced with a link symbol sized to fit the image. A workaround is toplace the custom image in the graphic background, place a link symbol sized tofit the custom image on the image, and then hide the link symbol.

    o When a point fails, the last known value is not displayed on the APOGEE GOgraphic display.

    Alarm Display: Lists alarms for points the user has access to, and supportsacknowledgement and erasing of alarms with proper privileges. The Alarm display page

    supports the sorting functionality available with the Insight alarm display application.Links are provided for accessing additional information such as, alarm message,informational text, and Point Memo entries, Point Details, and a link to the PointCommander. Any alarm acknowledgements or erasures initiated from APOGEE GO arewritten to the Insight System Activity Log. The Alarm Display in APOGEE GO is notdynamic. Users must refresh to view the latest alarm status.

    Point Commanding: Displays the Object Selector with points the user has access to.Allows commanding of new point values and priorities. All point commands and overridesare written to the Insight System Activity log.

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    Point Detail: Displays the Object Selector to access additional details for a specific pointincluding current value, address, and alarm parameters.

    APOGEE Go for Insight is available in five user license selections providing concurrent access toInsight; 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100 user license packs are available. APOGEE GO licenses areadministered by the Sentinel, and are separate from Insight Site licenses. For example, a

    customer may have a 2 site Advanced Insight license, and a 5 User APOGEE GO license. A useraccessing APOGEE GO via a Web browser will use one of the five APOGEE GO licenses, notone of the 2 site Insight licenses.

    An option is available with APOGEE GO that prevents any Point Commanding or Alarmacknowledgement or erasure via the Web browser interface even though a User may beauthorized to perform those tasks via the Insight workstation. This option was included for thosesites that want to prevent overriding or acknowledgement of alarms from remote locations outsidethe facility.

    Many customers may ask the value of an Insight Base client versus having access to APOGEEGO through a browser. The difference in functionality between an Insight Base client and accessto APOGEE GO via a Web browser is substantial, especially for facilities staff that is familiar with

    common Insight features and functionality. Significant details to discuss with a customer are thenecessity to override or create Schedules, as well as run reports. Both of these options areavailable with the Insight Base client software but not available through browser access to

    APOGEE GO. Following is a chart that details the differences in Insight Base features andfunctionality versus APOGEE GO.

    Insight Base functionality vs. APOGEE GO

    Function Insight Base APOGEE GO

    Installation/Configuration Requires installationof Insight softwareon PC

    Insight Clientsoftware must besame version asInsight databaseServer, e.g. allInsight 3.3

    Ability to dedicate aseat or license to aparticular PC

    No installation ofsoftware on clientPC other than Webbrowser

    No Insight softwarerequired on clients

    No ability todedicate a seat orlicense

    Security Password protectedaccess to objects(points, graphics)and privileges(none, view,command)

    Password protectedaccess to objects(points, graphics)and privileges(none, view,command)

    Graphics Dynamic Graphics

    Graphic Editor

    Dynamic Graphics*

    No Standard TECtemplate support

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    Standard TECtemplate support

    No access toGraphic Editor

    * Same graphics as Insight,automatically converted toWeb browser display

    Alarms Dynamic AlarmDisplay

    Alarmacknowledgementand erase

    Alarm History

    Alarm DestinationRouting

    Alarm message,Informational Text,Point Memo editingand display

    Alarm acks anderasures written toSystem Activity log

    Drag and Drop toPoint Details

    Drag and Drop toPoint Commander

    Alarm display -requires manualrefresh to update

    Alarmacknowledgementand erase

    Alarm message,Informational Text,Point Memo display

    Alarm acks anderasures written toSystem Activity log

    Link to Point Details

    Link to PointCommander

    Point Commander Point Commanding

    Global PointCommanding

    Commands writtento System Activitylog

    Drag and Drop toPoint Details

    Point Commanding

    Commands writtento system Activity

    log Link to Point Details

    No access to GlobalPoint Commander

    Scheduler Access to Scheduler No access toScheduling functions

    Reports Display InsightReports

    No access to InsightReport Display

    System Profile System Profile No access to

    System profileDisplay

    Point Editing Point Editor

    Attribute Duplicator

    No access to PointEditor functionality

    No Access toAttribute Duplicator

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    Trend Editor Set up TrendDefinitions,Collections, Reports

    No access to Trendfunctionality

    User AccessConfiguration

    Setup User accessand Privilege


    No access to Useraccess and privilege

    configuration;although access andprivilegeconfigurationsdefined at Insightare utilized by


    Connection OptionsThere are three ways for Web browsers to connect to the APOGEE GO site, which is running onthe IIS computer. Web browsers can run on a computer with either:

    A direct Ethernet connection to an Intranet (see point 1)An Internet Service provider (ISP) connection to the Internet (see point 2)A Remote Access service (RAS) connection to an Intranet (see point 3)

    Following is a table that discusses the system architecture and suggested steps to implementAPOGEE GO on a customer site. The initial steps are to determine if the customer is looking foraccess to APOGEE GO via an Intranet, Internet or RAS connection. Note there are significantexpenses and implementation issues in accessing APOGEE GO via the Internet.


    Access to APOGEE GO viafacility Intranet

    Access to APOGEE GO via Internet(Example,

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    1. StandaloneInsight orInsightclient/serverinstallation -no

    connectionto facilityIntranet

    1. Contact customers ITdepartment to discussrequirements. Gainsupport andassistance from ITdepartment

    2. Connect Insightdatabase server tofacility intranetnetwork

    3. Decide (withassistance from ITdepartment) if anexisting facility IISserver will be used ora dedicated APOGEEGO IIS server will beimplemented.Consider # of

    APOGEE GO userlicenses desired, andother applicationsbeing hosted on theexisting IIS server.

    4. If a new IIS server isused to host APOGEEGO, decide if IISshould be installed onthe Insight databaseserver, or a dedicated

    APOGEE GO IISserver. Consider # of

    APOGEE GO userlicenses desired,whether Insight is astandaloneworkstation orclient/serverconfiguration,processor speed andamount of RAM on theInsight databaseserver.

    5. If using new IISserver, reference theIIS installation in the

    APOGEE GO gettingStarted manual

    6. Browser machinesshould point to the PCname where the IISserver installed

    7. Setup SSLimplementation/config

    1. Contact customers ITdepartment to discussconnecting Insight server toexisting facility Internetaccess or using expertise ofIT organization to implement

    Internet access to standaloneInsight server

    2. If decision is to connect to theInternet through existingfacility Internet connection,see step 3) -Access to

    APOGEE GO via facilityintranet, and follow steps 3through 7. If there isnt anexisting Internet connection,customer should select anISP service provider.

    3. Define Internet connection

    type: T1 line, DSL, cablemodem, or ISDN for localhosting of Web server 24/7.(Note modem access notrecommended)

    4. Negotiates ongoing monthlyfees from service Provider

    5. Determines firewall(hardware/software) /proxyserver requirements andpurchases

    6. Register for URL address7. Setup SSL configuration.

    Access and installation ofsoftware requires Internetaccess to download.

    8. Determine ongoingmaintenance and support offirewall

    Note: Steps 2-8 should beimplemented by the customersIT/IS organization. If the customerdoes not have an IT/ISorganization, Field Offices shouldhire a consultant or contractorexperienced in implementingInternet setups.

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    uration if desired.Installation of softwarerequires Internetaccess to download

    2. Insight

    connected tofacilityIntranet

    Steps 3-7 above Steps 1-7 above

    COMPETITIVE ANALYSISThe majority of our competitors offer some type of Web browser interface. In a competitive bidsituation, ideally our Guide Specification for APOGEE GO should be used. Many of thespecification items will be unable to be met by competitors, or require them to estimate additionallabor to comply with the specification. One major benefit of our solution is the ability for graphicscreated for the traditional BAS workstation to be automatically converted to a Web browserformat. The majority of competitors including Andover and Johnson Controls require creation ofWeb graphics with a separate Tool such as Front Page.

    Many specifications are very vague regarding the type of functionality supported via the WebBrowser interface, as well as the number of Users supported via Web access. APOGEE GOsupports the most commonly accessed functionality of a BAS workstation, and utilizes a robustsecurity implementation to ensure integrity of the system.


    New SystemsMany specifications for new facilities include a requirement for Web based access to the Building

    Automation system. Ideally the APOGEE GO guide specification should be used as the basis forthe specification requirement. This will allow the specification to include the requirement for

    graphic display via a Web browser of graphics available with the BAS operator workstation. Themajority of competitors solutions do not allow for automatic conversion of the Operatorworkstation graphics to HTML format for viewing via a Web browser. This will force competitors toestimate additional labor to develop graphics for both the Operator workstation as well as via aWeb browser.

    Other considerations for new system sales are the requirement for Internet access. If Internetaccess is required, it is important to qualify in your bid that the Owner shall provide anyconnections, ISP services, as well as necessary firewall software and/or hardware or proxyservers.

    The specification for Intranet/Internet access should also qualify the number of users able toaccess the BAS via a browser concurrently. If no number of users is specified, estimate the 5User access license, and qualify your proposal accordingly.

    Existing CustomerThe availability of Web Browser support with the release of Insight 3.3 is a good time to reinforcethe value of software Technical Support Programs. Keeping current with the latest Insightrevisions allows customer to take advantage of the newest options available with Insight,including APOGEE GO. The availability of APOGEE GO is also a good opportunity to discuss

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    other users within the facility that may benefit from access to APOGEE information. APOGEE GOprovides a very cost efficient means for many users to gain access to Insight information.

    The following market specific Sales Strategies section discusses several applications forcustomers that will apply to existing customers.


    Pharmaceuticals/Critical EnvironmentsMany manufacturing facilities have asked for a low cost solution allowing non-facilities individualsto monitor the environmental conditions within a space. A typical application for this would be in apharmaceutical manufacturing plant where the process workers need to know that thetemperature and humidity are within limits before they start a manufacturing procedure. Theseindividuals would only need access to a graphical representation of their particular space.

    Pharmaceutical customers are also very interested in APOGEE GO as a means to give access toenvironmental conditions in labs and manufacturing areas to researchers and Quality Assurance

    personnel. One feature of APOGEE GO that was implemented at the request of Pharmaceuticalcustomers was the capability to limit APOGEE GO functionality to read only capabilities. There isconcern about individuals commanding points when they are remote to the facility. APOGEE GOcan be configured to allow users with the proper access rights to command points andacknowledge alarms from the local Insight workstation, but not allow any commands oracknowledgements from the browser interface. Customers in the Pharmaceutical market withvalidated facilities have expressed this especially. Several are interested in Insight Webcapabilities, but have requested the ability to disable any commanding or acknowledging ofalarms via the Web interface

    University/Higher EducationUniversities are one of the primary targets for APOGEE GO given their multi-building, campus

    environments. For those Universities using the campus Intranet for their MLN network, installationof APOGEE GO would allow access to key Insight information from any PC connected to thecampus network. Facility staff could respond to alarm conditions from any building on campus,eliminating the need to travel across campus or to another building with an Insight workstation.

    APOGEE GOs ability to support browsers running on a variety of operating systems will also bebeneficial to universities, which are more likely to have users running Linux, Unix or evenMacintosh.

    K-12 SchoolsK-12 Schools often have Intranets that are connected via DSL or T1 lines. This creates a problemwhen attempting to utilize the schools Intranet for a MLN configuration given that T1 onlysupports 1.7 MBs communication speeds, DSL only 1.5 MBs MB, while Insight in a client/server

    architecture requires 10MBs. Accessing Graphics from an Insight client workstation over aT1/DSL line network is unacceptably slow. Utilizing APOGEE GO, to access the Graphicsdisplays via a browser will significantly improve performance versus accessing graphics with aclient Insight over a DSL, ISDN or T1 connection.

    OfficesAPOGEE GO will allow non-traditional Insight users such as tenants or facility employees theability to override the temperature and/or lights via their Office PCs Web browser. In an owneroccupied facility, this would require connecting the insight database server and IIS server to the

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    facilities Intranet, and then adding the authorized users or tenant groups to the insight useraccounts. For a multi-tenant office building, there might not be any common Intranet connectionbetween the various tenants and the Property Management Company. In this instance, accesswould need to be via the Internet. APOGEE Insight allows up to 99 access groups; if there aremore than 90+ individual tenants or users, they would have to be grouped in order to accessInsight through APOGEE GO.

    APOGEE GO would also be of significant interest to Property Managers that are tasked withrunning multiple facilities with a reduced Operating staff, allowing them cost effective and easyaccess to multiple properties via a Web browser.

    SALES TOOLSThe following Sales tools are available now or will be in the near future:

    APOGEE GO for Insight Specification Sheet, Part #149-401 is available on iKnow.

    A PowerPoint presentation including screen captures of the APOGEE GO interface isavailable on iKnow

    A self-running APOGEE GO demo CD will be sent to each Field Sales and Field Office

    Manager in August for Customer demonstrations. Additional CDs will available for ordervia MTO.

    An actual APOGEE GO demonstration system will be set up in Buffalo Grove to facilitatecustomer demonstrations. Access will be via the corporate Intranet and require a valid

    Americas User name and password, or through Beacon with a valid User name andpassword. Availability of the demo site will be announced via Monday Morning Updatelater this summer.

    TRAININGA new 3-day Operations training course has been developed for APOGEE GO, scheduled foravailability August 2001. Course INS 405, Insight Options - APOGEE GO, will cover the following:

    Identify system requirements for APOGEE GO, Insight Database Server, and InternetInformation server (IIS) in various configurations

    Installation of APOGEE GO on each of the following operating systems:o Windows NT 4.0o Windows 2000

    Installation of Designer 8, Insight 3.3, and APOGEE GO for Insight Database Server andIIS

    Enabling of the Sentinel LM license

    Setup of Virtual directory, Authentication Methods

    Discussion of Secure Socket Layer (SSL)

    Creation of Insight User accounts and groups, and access levels

    Course prerequisites:COR 101, COR 102, SPC101, PGM 100, PGM200, SPC200, SPC201, INS303.

    In addition, the following criteria apply, the candidate will possess one option from the followingwin NT 4.0 category and one option from the WIN 2000 category:

    Windows NT 4.0 Windows 20004 to 6 months of using APOGEE Insight on 4 to 6 months of using APOGEE Insight on

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    Windows NT 4.0OR

    Windows 2000OR

    Successful completion of Windows NT 4.0courseORsuccessful completion of course Testout

    Successful completion of Windows 2000courseORsuccessful completion of course Testout

    TECHNICAL SUPPORT PROGRAM ESTIMATINGThere is no guarantee of yearly enhancements to APOGEE GO, but any new features orenhancements to APOGEE GO will be included with the annual Insight update revision, and willbe distributed through normal software update distribution. There is a possibility thatenhancements to APOGEE GO may require changes to third party packages used within

    APOGEE GO. Should this be the case, then additional charges to update the APOGEE GOcomponent will be communicated when they are known.


    ItemSys.ID #






    APOGEE GOBase licenseinstallation, setupandcommissioning

    2126 4.00 2.00 4.00 Includes consultingtime for meeting withCustomers IT/ISorganization forIntranet access,installation of

    APOGEE GO andDesigner 8. RequiresSentinel LM ComputerID number, MTO

    number and call orEmail to IS to enableoption

    APOGEE GOUser license addimplementation

    2127 .10 .10 .03 Requires Sentinel LMComputer ID number,MTO number, call orEmail to IS to enableoption

    Insight graphicmodification tosupport APOGEEGO

    2128 .10 .10 .03 Per graphic usingCustom link symbols,

    Associated symbols,or nonstandard fonts



    Sys.ID #

    Part # U.S.List $

    Can.List $

    List $Mult.


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    APOGEE GOBase License

    2126 571-305 $5555 $8,221 A One APOGEE GObase licenserequired per system.Includes Designer 8,

    Getting startedManual and

    APOGEE GOgraphic conversions/w.

    APOGEE GO5 user licenseadd

    2127 571-306 $12,500 $18,500 A Includes 5 User licenses forconcurrent accessvia browser

    APOGEE GO10 Userlicense add

    2128 571-307 $23,611 $34,944 A Includes 10 User license forconcurrent access

    via browser

    APOGEE GO25 Userlicense add

    2129 571-308 $52778 $78,111 A Includes 25 User license forconcurrent accessvia browser

    APOGEE GO50 Userlicense add

    2130 571-309 $91,667 $135,667 A Includes 50 User license forconcurrent accessvia browser

    APOGEE GO100 user

    license add

    2132 571-310 $116,111 $171,844 A Includes 100 User license for

    concurrent accessvia browser


    Target Availability: June 29, 2001

    Lead Time: 2 Weeks

    Orders Accepted: June 29, 2001