p -ToRent Jl *JJIJIJ'-L> · ?itp Property Scv Gale. SLAWSON & HOBBS OFFER The Following AM WFP^T...

?itp Property Scv Gale. SLAWSON & HOBBS OFFER The Following AM WFP^T Q|fin\p -To Rent from Apartments- \Jl^ V V JC^J Jl *JJIJIJ'-L> October!. SEND FOR OUR PAMPHLET, GIVING FULL DESCRIPTION. This Superb Mansion V; on the South Side of < li> one of the most art:stlc an.i complete works of domestic architecture on the West S:<3e. It Is one of Five New Dwellings JUST COMPLETED and now open for inspection. V'T plans, prices, ate., apply to ,H. IVES SMITH, 3" Successor to Pe:»z M Btewart i H. Ivaa Smith, OFFICE, 481 FIFTH AYE. j The PamliCO, '" ; » u d S rooms and baths; fireproof:] 1.350 07 CP. W.. near 1 elevator electric light, telephone to tfflth st" [ &c ' J I.SOO The Catherine. [6 and 7 rooms and bath; fireproof: elec-l 1,000 Cor. 60th st. & C 1 t1"t 1 "' 0 light Included In rent Elevator,!- and 'P.W. ' ' [ &c. J I- 200 Tt, n jK^^nlo- is. •> and 7 rooms and bath: splendid 10-"| 1,000 I lie MeiSSOnier. H cat ion; near Broadway. Elevator. to 204 West 53th st. [ electric light telephone. Ac. j1.300 f Apartments overlooking Riverside Rlirkinrrhim I Drive and Hudson. 8 large room-. x, 100 PULKUl^liaill i a]] expoPed to snn!i:rht . Elevator.! f COlirt. | electric light telephone. These are j* .•514 West 00th st. ; exceptional apartments for rent J. 400 [_ aaked. J Th Croomnnf f^ vel '^rpe rooms and bath: elevator.l 1,100 I lie rreemoni, , electric light telephone. &c. Near- and 010 West 94th st [ Riverside Drive. J 1100 New Windsor, fS rooms and bath: new modern apart-] 1.200 294 C. Pk. West. "I ments overlooking a b^aurifrjl section * and near 89th st. ' [ of Central Park. j I.SOO 202, 204, 206 \S rooms and bath: elevator. &c: every] 900 W 86th St 1 room large and light. Handsome en-j- to near Bway. I trance. j TLIOO T L_ct fermiirip r^ an( 6 rooms and bath: laree and^ ORO I neoi.Uermaine,j handsomely furnished entrance. Ele-. to 200 West 80th st. I vator, electric lights. &c. J 800 The Men HUT. j s rooms and 2 baths: elevator, electric! 2:613 Broadway. . llght telephone. &c; new building. " Itlo ° near 100th st L J St. Elmo, /" room* and bath: corner: hall servtce;!_ . 170 West Ssth st, \ lar p and attractive entrance hall. j goo Tl r\ r \«n A/^ fu and (> rooms and bath: elevator, plec-1 540 I lie UnanuO. . tr{c li?t , t> telephone, &c. New build-- to 311 West 04th st. I Ing. j 720 f6, 7. 8 and 0 rooms and baths, fireproof; 1,200 -r, D , electric lights and cold storage In-5- to Ihe Barnard, i iu<ieti in rent. J 2.600 %£J' W-*W -* also "I One apartment 13 rooms and 2 baths. J "' ' f Apartments of 7 and S rooms aDd ! Thr Avnnmnrp I batn - Handsome trim throughout;: j 100 1 [1C AVOlimore. , l!ir ge eatrauC e hall, decorated with w 2,131 Broadway, . silk tapestry, and marble wainscot- i Dear 7i!d st. ing. Elevator, electric light, tele- l.'-OO [ phono, &c. J The Mel rOSe r " an(l s rooms and bath; up to date In! 720 Cor. lOSth st. and j , very detail. Elevator, electric lights. - to Central Park West. [ &c. NEW HOUSE. j 1.200 T| Rncirv f A New Building. Apartments have! 1100 I lie i\Us<iiy, i 9 very larce ri>omg and bath: nalu i.| 312 West 00th st., 1 BO mei.Y trimmed throiiKhout Ele- x " near Riverside. (_ vator. electric lights, telephone, &c.J I.oW. T , D ' 7 and S larpo light rooms and hath.l ?r»o I lie Kexmere, J electric light, elevator, telephone,!- to 330 West 85tb st I &c. Two to rent. J 1.100 The Kendrick. f" rooms and bath; one apartment on a] MS 2,788 Broadway, -i floor, elevator, electric light, tele-- and near 107th St. [ phone, &c. J 900 The Lolit3. I™ rooms and bath, corner apartments: '-° 2 West SSd Ft 1 elevator, telephone; hall service, &c. j 1,200 Tl \I r~/-J T(l rooms and bath; elevator, elec-l 720 1 lie YOn v^OIOn, J trie light, telephone, &c. Large and to 311 West 97th st. [ handsome entrance. J S4O T , />, W i r ~ rooms and bath; hall service: nuus-") GOO 1 lie vJiCniO, j ua i value for rent asked. Private!- to 170 West 7Sth st. i. house location. J 900 600 W 114tll St. f^ rooms and bath; corner apartment;! CSO : m/U VV . 114:111 Jl. ,J located near Columbia I'niversity. ' to Corner Broadway. L located near Columbia University. J 729 | Corner Broadway. L J tM HIBURANCE AND CREDIT. This Is the Time to Make a Selection and Secure Choke Apartments. Slawsom & Hobbs, 284 Columbus Avenue, Near 7-^d Street. J. C- LYONS, Bdl<kr and Owner. 4 & 6 East 42d St. 24 EAST 81 ST STREET, Between Madison and Fifth Avenues. A paiatia! dwelling, ready Tor Immediate occu- pancy, 32 feet wide and 75 feet deep, with aJi ex- tension running the full depth of the lot. viz.. lu° ft 2in Absolutely fireproof In construc- tion A court IT feet wide runs along the east- erly side of the house, thus providing abundant light and ventilation to every room The house contains 34 rooms, including six bathrooms and lavatories. An electric passenger elevator. dumbwaiter intercommuni'-ating telephones, electric lighting and indirect steam radiation are amons the various modern improvements that have been introduced. For plans and full particulars apply to SU»*on * Hobba, 2*4 Columbus A*'«- New 4 sty. 25 ft. front dwelling. "Wide street, near Central Pk. West. (Worth 555.000.) Of- fered at $65,000. F!aw»oa &\u25a0 Hobbo. I'M Columbus Ay«- American basement, 22 ft. wide. cc-mmandinß view of Riverside, and overlooking beautified lawns of adjoining property. Delightful house. Superb location. r'.d.Trfnn & Hol*«. 234 Columbu A - » g©4 ©(BfIofIOSnODGDS to. Slawson & Ho'bbs, SPECIAL DESIRABLE SELECTION DWEtXJNQS. ANNOUNCEMENT. We advertise no antiquities- Nothing poorly located and nothing old or dirty. Every house is a modern architectural gem. Superbly located and in perfect condition. Slawson & llobfcß, 254 Columbus Aye. Elegant "JO ft. 4 sty.. near 72d St. and Central Park West. Electric lighted, modern and com- plete. Parlor decorations alone coat the owner $2,500. Price only $45,000. rlaw«on & Holrt«, "%4 Columbus Aye. Beautifully decorated new 5 ety. IS ft. Amer- ican basement, near Riverside, must sell. Offer below 530.000 considered. Blawaon & Hobb«. ÜB4 Columbus A" c. ®13i°5irB^ Wasft I 1I 1 CD 13©^ ©ft. NEW 5 STY. AMERICAN BASEMENT DWELLING, 17, 20 aad 23 ft wide. OPEN FOH INSPECTION. Daily, S-5. Sundays. 10-12. .".-".. Full particular*. Slawson & HoM>». Best price. 354 Columbus Ay», Constriction perfect— location unexcelled— facing: Mr. Schwab's new mansion. 5 sty. 24 ft. •wide. American basement. Must increasa in value. "We have inside figure. Zo C«i for Business piupoesa. jO/> SItBBKWICH ST. Suitable for liKh' fct:«ln«»» or *ioO »tablee. ROBERT I. BROWN. Nawau-at. 51st, adj. Madison Aye. Choice 45-foot-front lot, excavated and ready for immediate improvement. JOHN N. GOADING, PINE ST. A'.:r> 841 HH AYE. BnMtrJga Propfrtri fox Sale. THE ALVARADO, Southeast cor. 80th St. and Park Aye. HIGH CLASS APARTMENT, CON.P-ETE IN EVERY DETAIL- \ SUBSTANTIAL WAREHOUSE FOR SALE. 4 STORY AND BASEMENT. 47>74. ON FRONT ST.. NEAR ROOSBVEL.T BT. ' IMMEDIATD POSSESSION. RULAND &. WHITING CO.. 3 BEEKMAN &T. Cnn Propcrtrj /or Scnc or (To Cet. BROOKLYN'S GARDEN SECTION. fre*ea new modern 3 »tcry »nd bawmer.; brow3 and llm« atone tei»«f. Including corner PARK PLACE and BROOKLYN AYE.. OPPOSITE BEAUTIFUL. BEDFORD PARK. Contain* 2 bath* -Hits to r»;:!n K>. «it:, ahower. '^; •\u25a0»-. baatn panel 41nln room col Una. kit and Uunc.ry t!l«<3 porcelain tubs. i>lnV(i eTi.n""J ntck»l sanitary plum^- . n ~ 'selected hardwood trim unA <• -\u25a0» throußhoul f-cond Boor bird's cv« map!*, bockcaaa cedar clo»et. f*P*r*t« d^silir roomi plMur olo««» an<i mlrron.. electrte light. bariiar alarm. Hardwood parquet floor, throughout; SrnpleW decorated; tar <-str> on Mfl« W»lUi of P«»or»: heated fry rt.im not br dust creating nyntntn of hot air. oSner houVe adapted for phvsirlan. Theaa house, corn- nl#t" In <5-tall built noS thrown together, under car-ftil ru P *rvl"lrn of bulW#r atid **««i««nt of over U year,' ex Mrieaea Saving, bank mortaajta- Open dally, rerlence^^in*^ »UA» UAO EDO RN. Builder. ..n pretnl?'?. T7*OR BAXJB— HOCBB—OB TO LET.— A 2H »tory H L,^.,-.. with basement; 12 rooms; en Greene aye. lr.onlw o?lFERGUSON * BROWN. 1.357 Refers ay. Cotmirn prootrtp fox Sale. I The APARTMENTS m j | .^aaiHHI^HCvS^EBQMC^wS^B^«IBBia>HHi I The Astor Estate's New Budding I on Seventh Avenue and 116 th Street ARE CONCEDED TO EE THE MOST ATTRAC- TIVE AND BEST APPOINTED IN NEW YORK. The building covers the entire block front and surrounds a court garden 79 feet wide and 108 feet deep, and every apartment receives ; Its light both from this court and the street The appointments and equipments comprise every iaowa device for comfort and coo- I venience. There are a few vacancies in Suites of j 6 to 10 Rooms at $1,000 to $2,000 a year. Booklet with floor plans mailed on application. Apply at office of Superintendent on premises. OPEN FOR INSPECTION. »ruirtrr<Tt9 «f I Th!a house CC-nvKl- °or 3 wi. choice. r*»»denUal s»o- roorns an.l bain, wi.h , lion of ,h», h » , tv The aarvants' t....»t an.- room* are large and bath "tra In each i »ril li*;n .•d ;\u0084, , ... *ult: modern convnhWK»; Rentals j telephone in •ach *i ")Ar> Cl Rf\(\ - apartnjeßt: all-night $1,200 10 jI.OUU ; elevator .erv-e .ml- CaU or «»n.l for r> formed attandaaf; \u25a0crlpttv« bookl«< ' very select. WE WILL NOW MAKE AR- RANGEMENTS FOR RENTALS FROM OCT. I. APPLY TO SUPERINTENDENT, on premises. Southeast corner Mill Ft. & Park Axe. RARE OPPORTUNITY, Pnm'nlt N J-—Climate dry. For sale to rlo»e estate; motoSl« room residence Unitary plumbln?; M|r*r : r »»»-«T-i(re: all Improvement*: fa.e^ h. \\.: no sea "-'"*, Hansom* stable. Beautiful srounrtp; b^t «^* tl^" «" town; golf links short dlstanre. Convenient to UiCka- wanna Depot. Preaeni l.anKem train to New I.uk 4^ minute*: quicker on conclusion of tranaltgow completing. lTlnc:pals only. Apply H. WEATHERBt A '".. 271 Broad-war- 0^ THE e A!IE COAST. One of the most beautiful i»l»nds of Caseo Bay; U>o nrree; pur* wat^r old foroyt. fin* harbor. K olf flMd*. farmhouse and earn; 20 i..ti-« of products \u25a0> '.*™ Unus. ruttp»-l •.oast, fncinc ocrnn: shelurM heachos. fteamboat wharf- inspection till September Hookl-t on nppll.-atiun To FRANK U. MOFFATt. 5'J William Street. New ror* -^. _ i J\ new fire- \u2666\u2666 OV iJVjTOLVXVJ building CENTRAL PARK WEST. 90th to 91st Sts. Saoerb light suites of 4, 5. 6, S, 9. *O>l4 and rTroorus with every known device and conven- ience "ah apartment atTo.ds .1 vie* o, street and «""• Se^iratc elevators tor servants and debver- Social accommodations ,fo» ma!« md temale ISrantT JOHN V. S!G\ELL, Owner and Builder. 4 GENTLEMAN \u25a0\u25a0 «»»tlj .i irtdower, «rlmh«s to dtapoaj A "r !.>\u25a0 r. Tie oi the ir.U of I'H.sa,-. N .1.. best and m^i fashkma ll< ' "^'- a r «" mlnutea ol th« Ert« HRar.il> I- and W : hews built by owner an. pted by "him '^-jfftiv nftfT-ate: 'n.'.. crate Apply Tv ownsr, r . tog rutn 4 T RCA ItS DAUB.-For sale. $$.500. handsome Colonial Ah ii«e i; mod m Improvements; hl*h ground; line - V . _ -. \u0084, gWABTWOn ft CO.. l --- rark^av*.. corner l"r<th-st. I^or P \L,E .t acre farm, \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 miles nf station: good \u25a0 i.iaVk.i nice 8 room dwelling: fine shade: water, with crops, stock and implement*: compelled to well: rnce r-«). WOO cash. J. ft. M-GOXIOAL. Dover. Del. Sir: Aboat a y.ar ::g<» the National Association of Credit Men took ;i prominent and proper part in ; ; quiet mcA-ement— unfortunately not yet successful .., Congiess for a.uendnjent of the Bankruptcy uv. an d llie association has also been patherlns, for reproduction in pamphlet form, the views of its members as to the bearing of insurance upon credit. Vn this action the association was Intelligently diligent in business, lor it Is almost a truism (al- ihousb one too little realized) that insurance !s next to transportation as an essential factor of in- dustrial and commercial life. The business world rests ur"> a credit, credit rests upon confidence, confidence rests largely upon insurance, and In- surance which ie not Itself prosperous cannot do its supporting part. A chart compiled ir-y a fmall but singularly strong uwi nji tit foi the purpose or graphically showing: Us own position shows also much more, and the fbovring is most unhappy. The names of the KG companies lawfully operating in this State ii; ISTI ere placetl in a column in the order of their ratios of surplus, and a second column similarly ar- ranges the companies of to-day according to their surplus ratios. Uui of those i'C companies of. IS7I only twenty-three remain, and within this term forty-six others haic also started and have failed. The present l!s r consists of the surviving twenty- three «* the old one. plus another twenty-three •which have started hince 1871 and have held on. Out of 171 companies existing in IST] or started since. 128 have jror.o I •.:• v. th $.VM»}.OOO of capital. The majority did not go out by insolvency, but they did by non-*ucces« and discouragement: it is cor- rect to say that they "burned" out. This chart only sfao«rs graphically the old but not well realized fact that this indispensable helper of. all other interests Is itself ill kept. The as- sociated cr*:.lit men and their principals should. therefore, feel iio less concern in improving ti.o quality cf insurance carried by debtors than in In- creasing its quantity; and it is certainly tor th« peneral wclfart? that the reasons for so marked and unhappy an exception to the present general pros- i>eri:y should b* discovered and made known. Sonic of the causes of non-success in under- writing art fundamental, and are subject to allevia- tion o:-:y, :iot to complete removal. The law of »v- erage in fire insurance covers a wide area of time ar.d admits large fluctuations. A gilt edged risk may burn and a "•special" taken at cut rates may leave a margin to the goad; the penalty of reck- lessness does not surely come at once, and as to er.y Individual instance may never come. This specinc inrxactiic-fs makes the really correct rate Fcheduli an Ideality and constantly suggests yield- ing to competitive demands. Hence, associations have naturally proved tile. To cut a rate sched- ule, though it be at the lowest notch of prudence, means s poi'-t gK.r.ed In" present competition, and the result is not quite certain; no company expects that all the others will keep the compact, and. as r.one is willing to be •:;•.- last, it is usually broken before the Ink is black on the signatures. Another cause is that the fundamental impossi- bility of complete exactness \u25a0\u25a0. rating is made worse by the con=-t?.ru changes In the physical character- istics of risks. Buildings have grown both larger and higher; ur. broken floor areas and vertical open- ings have been increasing; stocks of goods have also concentrated. Productive operations have introduced new materials and new processes. So- called fireproof construction is not even slow burn- Ing; with rare exceptions the American buildiug is virtually a stove, provided with effective flues and staffed with costly fuel. Our facilities lor quick alarra and attack are the beat In the world, yet the enormous development in this department has ;.ot bet i able to keep pace with the unfavorable physical changes. On the other hand, underwriting is persistently burdened irlUi heavy taxation and harassing inter- ferences. Among others, a virtual income tax is laid on it— but levied on gross receipts instead of on profits. Newspapers by the score, tonic- State Ex- ecutives, and perhaps, a few of the remoter insur- ance commissioners also, make the amazing com- putation that gioss premiums less loss payments are profits There is \u25a0 determined belief that the business Is profitable, but in the decade IS9I-IK«3 the companies reporting to this State made a net \u25a0uncerwritirig cain in only four years (189*-"ST), and The net loss in the term was $12,2*8.055. Taxes. however. d:u \u25a0not consider results, and in the six "iC5s" years, v.hen the net underwriting loss was jiccCT^o taxes of 521.415.163 were collected. I'lsur^nc*- is considered a monopoly, yet it do?» rot possess even one monopoly characteristic. Th« field is absolutely free for all: anybody, capitalist or philanthropist. i> \u25a0••• to enter ii uniimitealy. •upon uniform condltioi - Instead of entering it in search of the asserted prolits. capital openly retires from it. Ar. i^Eurzr.ce policy is a contract of lim- ited indemnity. y?t "valued policy** laws proceed en the theory that it is a simple bet. and should be paid according to th<? Tom among gentlemen. Astl-trust ae:tatior. has produced anti-compact laws, and companies have even been forbidden to buy a common rat took which they were not cer- tain to use. This proceeds on two erroneous as- sumptions; one is teat any exchanging of th« re- suits of experience— itself the only possible basis for rate making— necessarily tends to raise rates or to keep thfm -jp: the other is \u25a0\u0084,• rates car be forced to a popular furore if the statute puts on enough pressure. Tbese errors re rooted In a deeper one —a. wio*-. popuiar misconception of the very nature of an insurance company. It is merely an organ- ization of stockholders who become trustee for un- organized ii.s-jrers; the formal contract is it* own. but the reality is that it acts as indorser of the rautual contracts of th«s^ insurers. Insurance Is a tax. and the "company" is just the tax collector. To reduce the tax rate, change the conditions which nx the total levy; do not expect relief by abusing and crowding- the lector. No*- it must be assumed that nobody can thrive by this prolor:?ed non-success of underwriting, and that nobody wants to pay less than the really honest and" nece?sarv insurance rates. But the facts are not realized. The subject is utterly mis- t:r.derstood. The underwriters and [he public are not in touch, and never have bee-n. '-'\u25a0-\u25a0- duty of Initiative approach clearly belongs to the former. Th*-y .nujt fix on some d-iinite rate and stick to it, Instead of haegiing lik«- Orientals ar.d finally ac- cepting what the customer will give. The article is one of prime necessity, ar.d it is theirs to fix the Mice. They should cease to talk of the inadequacy of rattt which they nevertheless accept, for until they make what they do square with what they say they cannot pet public hearing and cannot expect !t- Moreover— a= something closely joined to rea- fconable rates ir.<3 something which nobody else can do— it •« for them to come forward and explain to the pubMc the r.uture and basis of insurance; what conaitior.s are necessary to lowor rate*, and liow the worrying process \u25a0Bed supervision bears 190 a the subject. A horizontal advance of rates, ?uch as ha?- been made '•.is year, is liable, in the absence of this explanation, to provoke resentment and be mistakenly assumed to be a rather nv<re than ample cure :for the whole trouble. On the ether hand, the action urjred. properly taken, willat one* largely clear the situation by bringing both tides together at last on a common ground or understanding When this modus vivendl is reached int-urance will cease to be game always in reason for the reckless underwriter an th- popu- larity chasing legislator Then we can all unite tgainst the common enemy, fire waste. Brooklyn, Aug. 22, IX2. JULIUS WILCOX- THE rNDERWRITINO SITUATION AND in: WAV TO IJEPORM it. it, the Editor c-:' The Tribune. I^OR SALE. AT L.ARIES. CONN.-Farm of 8 acrrs: V house of 0 rooms. In good .-nnflltion : ham. iv-afli- hmjso and poultry yard; price. »2.260 Particulars of J. M. L.AYTON. So. Norwalk. Conn. HANDSOME modern country residence of it; rooms, located 'A minutes from New York City, with all Fo? further particulars wOOitma 1.. <*.. Trlhun> Office. ~ _^ ~~~~^~~ , Who desire to rent an apartment # T)iSCVilJlt TlClt 'i Tig n a first-class house, run in first- '] \ KJ ttTlVlTll** I CO? c arc respectfully invited to a) ~~~~ ~" ~~ " examine the I EL NIDO I N. W. CORNER OF 7TH AVENUE AND ll&TH STREET. ' facing the Plaza, at Junction of St. Nicholas and 7th Ayes. ** One corner apartment of 8 large rooms a.nd bath, 5 THE I ST. JAMES COURT I SOUTHEAST CORNER BROADWAY AND 92D STREET r One corner apartment of 7 large rooms and bath. t PAUL MAYER, Agent, 21! W. U6th St. * TELEPHONE. 3331 HARLEM. 2^ -%, %, «, <%*.<%.%* %^-%'V j %^ %%%%. %^. %% %-%, %%^ HFAL.TH and pocket benefit ny suburban life For deVal" apply trie Railroad Information Bureau. IK** and 3'M Broadway. New York. c DunsbrOo 120 East 31st St. New Fire-Proof Apartments, j <> Rooms, besides Bath, rutler't Pantry and Servants' Toilet. ALL MODERN CONVENIENCES. CHAS. HIBSON, .-.-.r :;4th St. and Lexlnstim Aye. LAKF HOUSE. Seventy rooms; modern appointment*: country scat- cood trad*: for rent ..r sal«. Address . W. H. lake. FlemlneU.n. V. J. r*s\i\ A.CIIES «ultable for all purposes; farming, tennis OUU "and coif course; view of Sound and ocean: In j^y? ? Va, WK. Van-lerWlt. jr.. an.l Mor- Kaife^- Box IPS. C.reat N>. k. Utoad S^ ~r\rw ONLY: terms to suit: new ccttagi- and sround ',»))(> .• «,-ars<lale: only 30 minute, oat. -' ' JK> - 11 VVHTWOIT & CO.; 1.822 Park-avf. 66 East 77th St 7 and 8 Rooms and » ath - The Latest Hodcrn Appointments. Every Hoom Light RENTS $50 TO $65. Conntrn propcun i"or Sale or Cct TWENTIETH CEXTCRY COXSCIEyCE. From The Christian Endeavor World. Attempts to make the world out wors*» than in forme* times often means that It is really better. The shortcomings that set the critics to groaning \u25a0would not havt «vt-rnt-d t-hortcomlngs once. Fud- iic morals are not worse, but oubli" conscience is more serjsitJve ar.d exacting. He who looks ••r.ee enii la dish, arter.ed might be encouraged If he only looked twice. The pufc-H; tor^cicace once suffered the minister to gt: drunk. Now it is shocked if he Is not a totnl abstain?" from drink. It Is not merely be- cause we have better police systems that men walk the streets safply now without coats of mail and armed retainers; It la because there Is a better i-onscience. On almost every moral question the; pressure of i rising tide of moral sentiment Is every year forcing new and stricter laws upon our statute nooks. The hlue law- of Connecticut may a slctlor.. but th- blue laws of to-day are reality. Laws coiictrniris public morality were never so blue before, thrush they do not seem blue to the con- «de:ice of to-day. Whenever the need arises of new laws against shooting tame pigeons as targets, or fcjrainst the sale of liquor In army canteens, some one chokes with indignation and declares that ex- lstlr.jr conditions -at*- a disgrace, and would be tol- erated only X>y a d*-sen«rat«> race. But he mistakes regeneration "for dec* •ration. These accu-ations *sair,st public morality are the Mrththrows of a beu< r corisrif-nce. A New Dep.\rture, A Private House Apartment House. 1078 Mid-son Avenue. Cns Apartment on a floor. In construction aai appoialmnti jus?: bs excelled on the Avenue. Choicest residential section ia city. \u25a0 ii TiTirw nnrfliTTJ.F situated 12 room A co^tace- all imi.roveirentß: lot 75x140: directly on ttJ" watr" commanding grand vkw LonS Wand bound: prloe j:t.<Mr>. r- . .NVw-R.WKil<\ > Yon- Open for laspectioa. THE HUDSONIA, Suites of 6 and 7 Rooms and Bath. 1 Riverside Drive and 79th St. I °" prrmli'-a VOGEL. Owner and Builder. 1 >1 A \ VOtJEI.. Owner and Hullncr. Tel. ltu RHer. Counlrn I3ropcrln Co Let. i rii (Lstut. LET ' CRANFORD. If. J. A few modern, up to date houses. You can get a bar- raln and a election owing to tne season <-f the year. Early •*««<**. have th^hotee.-- & vaj . name 34 Pine St.. X. Y. Elevator Apartments-S2B to . $45 470 WEST H6TH ST.. or MS WFST 148TH SI.. or JOHN P- LEO, 770 ST. NICHOLAS AY. "THE ANTOINETTES." Park At.. 3Sth St. ar.d Sar*i St.. near Madison A.., one block from Savoy and Nethertand Hotela. fire-prtiof apartment- froa> three to eleven room* •nd hotel accommodations from on* to seven room»; ready for occupancy now or (rosi October 1. rent* \u2666Rom $300 to <2.000; restaurant acccmsodaUoa. Inquire on prerntcea. MORRIS PARK. RICHMOND HILL, BOROUGH i«J.ffl*P=s C 'si,p T Sfv E V,ST Or uKs POSITIVE AUCTION LABOR DAY. \u25a0rv- -. .. -v- VOOV OS TIIK PREICISES. SSSP'f Sis^developed iurround,^. MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS, p^^i to terminate in two y earS or aß* discount for .11 ce»h. . \u0084hn, ,, ririrnEe to purchaser* by the rS^u£S2^S/^ iWS -r P ,u 8 over HL«ae.«M , rNCHEO N. MUSIC. PASSES. "~r« Krr.in tie Brooklyn Kridse 'Illsrh HOW TO GO: k,^ WMM R. U-. tak- a I><nK i«U n I. !" ' X Ur n... n.'. minutes. Our fffat MORHIS P AK^,.':.;S Ay opposite the Morris teniporary ofllco U on ***™£ e tevatedroa.l In Brooklyn Park Station. Or -h-* tak« "- n,i transfer without extra to th» East New I«» Loop L* nu r- get oft at Lefferta sasss?B^s®s& ana .11 —- tlonal Information from _ JERE. JOHNSON Jr. CO., is- nrtiadwav v V. : IM MontaßU* St.. Brooklyn, or te^rafy^* on Atlantic Ay.. Morris Park. portion Boles ol Ptal gelate. TO REPINED AND INTELLIGENT PEOPLE OF MODERATE MEANS. There is no better property tor homes or for investment in the outlying wards of the City of New York than the remaining 450 RESTRICTED LOTS. oak' and elm sts. (Cnri Properln Co £ct. Brooklyn. -.-ml- 42-jio _• IlaivlKcniMy decorated apart- lOH.NftlO.VST, 42-W * "• '"..aMr.ei trim, mirrors, open O ments. t> and \u2666 , roo i? 8:J8 :J_ vu_ l h o t water supply. g*» range. ."t l^ Cnd^^^-TVo^ew-Vork Cty Hall I. 10 minutes: rent. $26. . , . WE INVITE YOU Visit hillock at our expense. Select your lots, own your home and not pay rent. We will help you to get the money. Special inducements to bujcrson Lebor Day. Free passes. Write to-day. Whit'oik Realty Company, I), pi. A, :i<H* Droadway. Koom 1100. Ural Comic tUanicb. THE GANOGA, for «u,.ts. cuisine \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 THE SUSSBX, \u25a0 EAST 85Tn ST. From October litnandaome elg-ht room suites: 11.254 and 91.250; modern la all appotntm<»nt»- Snperlntaadiat. "~L? f LEXINGTON Av>l- Elegant second flat: act »_)OHb taaM*;pantry «nd bath; marble ha;'.* ROBERT X. BROWN. CO Nasrau-et. /nrnishcb Conscs to let. 4 HOUSE and rood-slzM lot wanted, or tx«»it»ly 1 some V acref attached; locality must be healthful and ",r ira l.fe for 3Ktr«£ will exchange for It a very .r- ?i«tin aDirlmwt house In the upper part of New Tork City suSTe for owner to live- in tTie first apartment and >•" the upper ones: equity can be arranssd accord- ing to price of place offered In exchan^. H. C. DEM. OREST. 15 East 14th-st. Street. $5,000 CASH. \u0084.,, nrrate r*£l3*uce. 21 E. «"th St.. adjacent Metro- \u25a0mir Ulub for rent Decoration* to Butt; oiherwlw Mnitar'v condition. Apply your own broker or SuSICIPuT REAL.TT CORPORATION. 115 Broadway. La pfirnpi i F LulilH'"— \u25a0'* 75th-st. Fireproof, el^trk U«t t7 «a- ran?'., elevators, all night ser- *.«-. t^epho^ea-h^rtment; *1.5u). Haan'. R««u- rant In house. fall. inrmsiieb ?o fid- -. /-w ROOM HO«E 43th Street. Broadway and «th Aye.. lOTmw! to prt\£ia family. MORGAN. 1.5*1 Broadway. I WANT TO HIRE all year country hotel. M PEABCE. V 2& Balnbrlflge St.. Brooklyn. X. V, 4 TTK \i"TIVEI.Y furnished aoartrr-.est of 5 Urn «nmy -A. ri. «•- -ompl't' for housekeeping, to •':>:« On St. Jam*. Court. 91* St. and Broadwa> »70 * month. Ayplj- to Superintendent. "ADVERTISEMENTS and subscriptions for Th. Tribune A received at their Uptown Office. NO. 1.804 MRQADWAT. Between 36th and 37th «... until » o'clock p. m. Advertisements will be received at the following branch offlc. at regular office rates until 8 o'clock p. m.. vi».: *M Sth-av*.. » c. cor. 2M-.t.: 153 Cth-«v«.. cor. r*th-.t m Ea.t nth -«*.. wi «>»• »-.i-»t.. be- ;,en nn and Mb ayes.; 203 U>.« I*"?-**'! 1.338 3d-ave.. between Nth and 77th »ta : I.OJU •««'-«\u25bc«•. \u25a04m*h-at.i"7B6 wm received \u0084 «!"»" :t«1-nv«-.. near «\ll r^lvd « the folllow,n, branch .k^,^ t iru tar <">Tl'**ft rat**** until :Bxs: B xs3 I M i*. [\u25a0»• *"\u25a0. » i*- IHHlbive, » c cor 23d •«.; 153 Utb-ave.. t .-» 14T. WE*T FOLTwTH STREET. near Washington 140 £uar«T-3 2l< *'<~ m " *"* tni ~ lth<mt th « References required. TO HINT FOR Till: Mi AMi V ]iin6eora<Jy furnished— a 25-foot bouse on th« NORTH SIDE OF 56TH ST. Jart rut of 6th Ay«. Ha* •Hninit-roeni an<J pantry ex- 1«5«lon. and 3 ro.-ni» «J«-p «*» "• floor*. Bow window. I. In fine orcer; modern pluroblnj. Never before i.nt'-i. J'oifcttltn any time. <.>jM> AlTi7 " CEO. I!. KKAD. *> C«Sir 61. ajod 1 ttoiUscn At\ 4 irTK ST. 33« WEST.— Thrfe rtofy. high stoop and paints an* d««wt.a. I.OBLBT LBR N. IT Tiv T A pi^ACB FOR CASH, about 10 acr-». modern \V i,, ..*\u25a0<• all Improvement*. In New Jersey. \u25a0<*'<'- Jen Madron. Summit or vtcinity. Price ditt «*<*•. PrindMl* only. Piibmlt photograph* SLA^ON * HOBBS, No. CM Columbus Aye.. New York City. . (Titrj propfrtr» lor Gait. NEW- YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. SUNDAY. AUGUST 21 1902. n Hnftxrnigfifii I\partnunt3 <£a Cct. llnfnrni?hc?> 'Anartrnrmg 10 ?et Bnfnrnisb^ apartments <Zo ZtL

Transcript of p -ToRent Jl *JJIJIJ'-L> · ?itp Property Scv Gale. SLAWSON & HOBBS OFFER The Following AM WFP^T...

?itp Property Scv Gale.


The Following AM WFP^T Q|fin\p -To Rent fromApartments- \Jl^ VV JC^J Jl *JJIJIJ'-L> October!.


This Superb Mansion V;on the South Side of <

li> one of the most art:stlc an.i complete worksof domestic architecture on the West S:<3e. It Isone of

Five New DwellingsJUST COMPLETED

and now open for inspection.V'T plans, prices, ate., apply to

,H. IVES SMITH,3" Successor to

Pe:»z M Btewart iH. Ivaa Smith,

OFFICE, 481 FIFTH AYE. jThe PamliCO, '"

;»ud S rooms and baths; fireproof:] 1.350

07 CP. W.. near 1 elevator electric light, telephone totfflthst" [ &c' J I.SOO

The Catherine. [6 and 7 rooms and bath; fireproof: elec-l 1,000

Cor. 60th st. &C 1 t1"t1"'

0 light Included In rent Elevator,!- and'P.W.

' ' [ &c. J I-200

Tt,n jK^^nlo- is. •> and 7 rooms and bath: splendid 10-"| 1,000Ilie MeiSSOnier. H cation; near Broadway. Elevator. to

204 West 53th st. [ electric light telephone. Ac. j1.300

fApartments overlooking RiversideRlirkinrrhim I Drive and Hudson. 8 large room-. x,100PULKUl^liaill i a]] expoPed to snn!i:rht . Elevator.! fCOlirt. | electric light telephone. These are j*

.•514 West 00th st. ;exceptional apartments for rent J.400

[_ aaked. J

Th Croomnnf f^ vel '^rpe rooms and bath: elevator.l 1,100Ilie rreemoni, , electric light telephone. &c. Near- and

010 West 94th st [ Riverside Drive. J 1100

New Windsor, fS rooms and bath: new modern apart-] 1.200294 C. Pk. West. "I ments overlooking a b^aurifrjl section * and

near 89th st.'

[ of Central Park. jI.SOO

202, 204, 206 \S rooms and bath: elevator. &c:every] 900W 86th St 1 room large and light. Handsome en-j- to

near Bway. I trance. jTLIOO

TL_ct fermiirip r^ an( 6 rooms and bath: laree and^ OROIneoi.Uermaine,j handsomely furnished entrance. Ele-. to

200 West 80th st. I vator, electric lights. &c. J 800

The Men HUT. js rooms and 2 baths: elevator, electric!2:613 Broadway. . llght telephone. &c;new building.

" Itlo°

near 100th st L J

St. Elmo, /"room* and bath: corner: hall servtce;!_ .170 West Ssth st, \ lar p and attractive entrance hall. j goo

Tl r\r\«n A/^ fu and (> rooms and bath: elevator, plec-1 540Ilie UnanuO. . tr{cli?t

,t> telephone, &c. New build-- to311 West 04th st. IIng. j 720

f6, 7. 8 and 0 rooms and baths, fireproof; 1,200-r, D

, electric lights and cold storage In-5- toIhe Barnard, i iu<ieti in rent. J 2.600

%£J' W-*W-* also "IOne apartment 13 rooms and 2 baths. J


f Apartments of 7 and S rooms aDd!

Thr Avnnmnrp I batn - Handsome trim throughout;: j1001 [1C AVOlimore. , l!irge eatrauC e hall, decorated with w2,131 Broadway, . silk tapestry, and marble wainscot- i

Dear 7i!d st. ing. Elevator, electric light, tele- l.'-OO[ phono, &c. J

The MelrOSe r" an(l s rooms and bath; up to date In! 720

Cor. lOSth st. andj, very detail. Elevator, electric lights.


Central Park West. [ &c. NEW HOUSE. j 1.200

T| Rncirv f A New Building. Apartments have! 1100Ilie i\Us<iiy, i 9 very larce ri>omg and bath: nalui.|312 West 00th st., 1 BOmei.Y trimmed throiiKhout Ele- x"

near Riverside. (_ vator. electric lights, telephone, &c.J I.oW.

T, D

'7 and S larpo light rooms and hath.l ?r»o

Ilie Kexmere, J electric light, elevator, telephone,!- to

330 West 85tb st I&c. Two to rent. J 1.100

The Kendrick. f"rooms and bath; one apartment on a] MS2,788 Broadway, -i floor, elevator, electric light, tele-- and

near 107th St. [ phone, &c. J 900

The Lolit3. I™ rooms and bath, corner apartments:'-°

2 West SSd Ft 1 elevator, telephone; hall service, &c. j1,200

Tl \I r~/-J r» T(l rooms and bath; elevator, elec-l 7201 lie YOn v^OIOn, J trie light, telephone, &c. Large and to

311 West 97th st. [ handsome entrance. J S4O

T, />, W i r

~rooms and bath; hall service: nuus-") GOO

1 lie vJiCniO, j uai value for rent asked. Private!- to170 West 7Sth st. i. house location. J 900

600 W 114tll St. f^ rooms and bath; corner apartment;! CSO:m/U VV. 114:111 Jl. ,J

located near Columbia I'niversity.' to

Corner Broadway. L located near Columbia University.J 729| Corner Broadway. L J tM


This Is the Time to Make a Selection and Secure Choke Apartments.

Slawsom & Hobbs,284 Columbus Avenue, Near 7-^d Street.

J. C- LYONS, Bdl<kr and Owner.

4 & 6 East 42d St.


Between Madison and Fifth Avenues.

A paiatia! dwelling,ready Tor Immediate occu-pancy, 32 feet wide and 75 feet deep, with aJi ex-tension running the full depth of the lot. viz..lu° ft 2in Absolutely fireproof In construc-tion A court IT feet wide runs along the east-erly side of the house, thus providing abundantlight and ventilation to every room The housecontains 34 rooms, including six bathrooms andlavatories. An electric passenger elevator.dumbwaiter intercommuni'-ating telephones,

electric lighting and indirect steam radiationare amons the various modern improvements

that have been introduced. For plans and fullparticulars apply to

SU»*on *Hobba,

2*4 Columbus A*'«-

New 4 sty. 25 ft. front dwelling. "Wide street,

near Central Pk. West. (Worth 555.000.) Of-fered at $65,000.

F!aw»oa &\u25a0 Hobbo.I'M Columbus Ay«-

American basement, 22 ft. wide. cc-mmandinßview of Riverside, and overlooking beautifiedlawns of adjoining property. Delightful house.Superb location.

r'.d.Trfnn & Hol*«.

234 Columbu A- »

g©4 ©(BfIofIOSnODGDS to.


ANNOUNCEMENT.We advertise no antiquities- Nothing poorly

located and nothing old or dirty.

Every house is a modern architectural gem.Superbly located and in perfect condition.

Slawson & llobfcß,

254 Columbus Aye.

Elegant "JO ft. 4 sty.. near 72d St. and Central

Park West. Electric lighted, modern and com-plete. Parlor decorations alone coat the owner$2,500. Price only $45,000.

rlaw«on & Holrt«,

"%4 Columbus Aye.

Beautifully decorated new 5 ety. IS ft. Amer-

ican basement, near Riverside, must sell. Offerbelow 530.000 considered.

Blawaon & Hobb«.ÜB4 Columbus A" c.

®13i°5irB^ Wasft I1I1CD13©^ ©ft.NEW 5 STY.


17, 20 aad 23 ft wide.

OPEN FOH INSPECTION.Daily, S-5. Sundays. 10-12. .".-"..

Full particular*. Slawson & HoM>».Best price. 354 Columbus Ay»,

Constriction perfect— location unexcelled—facing: Mr. Schwab's new mansion. 5 sty. 24 ft.

•wide. American basement. Must increasa in

value. "We have inside figure.

Zo C«i for Business piupoesa.jO/> SItBBKWICH ST.

—Suitable for liKh' fct:«ln«»» or

*ioO »tablee. ROBERT I. BROWN. 2» Nawau-at.51st, adj. Madison Aye.Choice 45-foot-front lot, excavated and

ready for immediate improvement.


BnMtrJga Propfrtri fox Sale.THE ALVARADO,Southeast cor. 80th St. and Park








Cnn Propcrtrj /or Scnc or (To Cet.

BROOKLYN'S GARDEN SECTION.fre*ea new modern 3 »tcry »nd bawmer.; brow3 and llm«

atone tei»«f. Including corner


BEDFORD PARK.Contain* 2 bath* -Hits to r»;:!nK>. «it:, ahower. '^; •\u25a0»-.

baatn panel 41nln room colUna. kit h« and Uunc.ry

t!l«<3 porcelain tubs. i>lnV(i eTi.n""J ntck»l sanitary plum^-.n~ 'selected hardwood trim unA <• -\u25a0» throußhoul f-cond

Boor bird's cv« map!*, bockcaaa cedar clo»et. f*P*r*t«d^silir roomi plMur olo««» an<i mlrron.. electrte light.

bariiar alarm. Hardwood parquet floor, throughout;SrnpleW decorated; tar<-str> on Mfl« W»lUi of P«»or»:heated fry rt.im not br dust creating nyntntn of hot air.

oSner houVe adapted for phvsirlan. Theaa house, corn-

nl#t" In <5-tall built noS thrown together, under car-ftilruP*rvl"lrn of bulW#r atid **««i««nt of over U year,' ex

Mrieaea Saving, bank mortaajta- Open dally,

rerlence^^in*^ »UA»UAOEDORN. Builder. ..n pretnl?'?.


H L,^.,-.. with basement; 12 rooms; en Greene aye.

lr.onlw o?lFERGUSON* BROWN. 1.357 Refers ay.

Cotmirn prootrtp fox Sale.



I The Astor Estate's New Budding


The building covers the entire block front and surrounds a courtgarden 79 feet wide and 108 feet deep, and every apartment receives

; Its light both from this court and the street

The appointments and equipments comprise every iaowa device for comfort and coo-

I venience.

There are a few vacancies in Suites ofj

6 to 10 Rooms at $1,000 to $2,000 a year.Booklet with floor plans mailed on application.Apply at office of Superintendent on premises.

OPEN FOR INSPECTION.»ruirtrr<Tt9 «f I Th!a house i» CC-nvKl-

'» °or 3wi. choice. r*»»denUal s»o-

roorns an.l bain, wi.h , lion of ,h», h» ,tv Theaarvants' t....»t an.- room* are large andbath "tra In each

i »ril li*;n.•d;\u0084,,...

*ult: modern convnhWK»;Rentals j telephone in •ach

*i")Ar>J« Cl Rf\(\ - apartnjeßt: all-night$1,200 10 jI.OUU ; elevator .erv-e .ml-

CaU or «»n.l for r> formed attandaaf;

\u25a0crlpttv« bookl«< ' very select.


SUPERINTENDENT, on premises.Southeast corner MillFt. & Park Axe.

RARE OPPORTUNITY,Pnm'nlt N J-—Climate dry. For sale to rlo»e estate;

motoSl« room residence Unitary plumbln?; M|r*r:r»»»-«T-i(re: all Improvement*: fa.e^ h. \\.: no sea "-'"*,Hansom* stable. Beautiful srounrtp; b^t «^*tl^" «"town; golf links short dlstanre. Convenient to UiCka-

wanna Depot. Preaeni l.anKem train to New I.uk 4^

minute*: quicker on conclusion of tranaltgow completing.lTlnc:pals only. Apply H. WEATHERBt A '".. 271Broad-war-

0^ THE e A!IE COAST.One of the most beautiful i»l»nds of Caseo Bay; U>o

nrree; pur* wat^r old foroyt. fin* harbor. Kolf flMd*.

farmhouse and earn; 20 i..ti-« of products \u25a0> '.*™ Unus.

ruttp»-l •.oast, fncinc ocrnn: shelurM heachos. fteamboatwharf- inspection tillSeptember Hookl-t on nppll.-atiun

To FRANK U. MOFFATt. 5'J William Street. New ror*


i J\ new fire-

\u2666\u2666 OV iJVjTOLVXVJ building

CENTRAL PARK WEST. 90th to 91st Sts.

Saoerb light suites of4, 5. 6, S, 9. *O>l4 and

rTroorus with every known device and conven-ience "ah apartment atTo.ds .1 vie* o, street and«""•

Se^iratc elevators tor servants and debver-

i« Social accommodations ,fo» ma!« md temale

ISrantT JOHN V. S!G\ELL, Owner and Builder.

4 GENTLEMAN \u25a0\u25a0 «»»tlj .i irtdower, «rlmh«s to dtapoajA "r !.>\u25a0 r. Tie oi the ir.U of I'H.sa,-. N .1.. best and

m^ifashkma ll<' • "^'- a r«" mlnutea ol th« Ert«

HRar.il> I- and W:hews built by owner an.pted by "him '^-jfftivnftfT-ate: 'n.'..crate Apply Tv ownsr, r . tog rutn

4 T RCAItSDAUB.-For sale. $$.500. handsome ColonialAh ii«e i;mod m Improvements; hl*h ground; line-

V. _ -. \u0084, gWABTWOn ft CO.. l


corner l"r<th-st.

I^or P \L,E .t acre farm, \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 miles nf station: good\u25a0 i.iaVk.i nice 8 room dwelling: fine shade: water, with

crops, stock and implement*: compelled to well: rncer-«). WOO cash. J. ft. M-GOXIOAL. Dover. Del.

Sir: Aboat a y.ar ::g<» the National Association

of Credit Men took ;iprominent and proper part in;;quiet mcA-ement— unfortunately not yet successful.., Congiess

—for a.uendnjent of the Bankruptcy

uv. and llie association has also been patherlns,

for reproduction in pamphlet form, the views of itsmembers as to the bearing of insurance upon credit.Vn this action the association was Intelligentlydiligent in business, lor it Is almost a truism (al-

ihousb one too little realized) that insurance !snext to transportation as an essential factor of in-dustrial and commercial life. The business world

rests ur">a credit, credit rests upon confidence,

confidence rests largely upon insurance, and In-

surance which ie not Itself prosperous cannot doits supporting part.

A chart compiled ir-y a fmall but singularly strong

uwinjitit foi the purpose or graphically showing:

Us own position shows also much more, and thefbovring is most unhappy. The names of the KGcompanies lawfully operating in this State ii; ISTIere placetl in a column in the order of their ratiosof surplus, and a second column similarly ar-ranges the companies of to-day according to theirsurplus ratios. Uui of those i'C companies of. IS7Ionly twenty-three remain, and within this termforty-six others haic also started and have failed.The present l!sr consists of the surviving twenty-

three «* the old one. plus another twenty-three•which have started hince 1871 and have held on.Out of 171 companies existing in IST] or startedsince. 128 have jror.o I•.:• v. th $.VM»}.OOO of capital.The majority did not go out by insolvency, but theydid by non-*ucces« and discouragement: it is cor-rect to say that they "burned" out.

This chart only sfao«rs graphically the old butnot well realized fact that this indispensable helperof. all other interests Is itself ill kept. The as-sociated cr*:.lit men and their principals should.therefore, feel iio less concern in improving ti.oquality cf insurance carried by debtors than in In-creasing its quantity; and it is certainly tor th«peneral wclfart? that the reasons for so marked andunhappy an exception to the present general pros-i>eri:y should b* discovered and made known.

Sonic of the causes of non-success in under-writingart fundamental, and are subject to allevia-tion o:-:y, :iot to complete removal. The law of »v-erage in fire insurance covers a wide area of timear.d admits large fluctuations. A gilt edged riskmay burn and a "•special" taken at cut rates mayleave a margin to the goad; the penalty of reck-lessness does not surely come at once, and as toer.y Individual instance may never come. Thisspecinc inrxactiic-fs makes the really correct rateFcheduli an Ideality and constantly suggests yield-ing to competitive demands. Hence, associationshave naturally proved tile. To cut a rate sched-ule, though it be at the lowest notch of prudence,means s poi'-t gK.r.ed In" present competition, andthe result is not quite certain; no company expects

that all the others willkeep the compact, and. asr.one is willingto be •:;•.- last, it is usually brokenbefore the Ink is black on the signatures.

Another cause is that the fundamental impossi-bilityof complete exactness \u25a0\u25a0. rating is made worseby the con=-t?.ru changes In the physical character-istics of risks. Buildings have grown both larger

and higher; ur.broken floor areas and vertical open-

ings have been increasing; stocks of goods havealso concentrated. Productive operations haveintroduced new materials and new processes. So-called fireproof construction is not even slow burn-Ing; with rare exceptions the American buildiug is

virtually a stove, provided with effective flues andstaffed with costly fuel. Our facilities lor quick

alarra and attack are the beat In the world, yet

the enormous development in this department has;.ot bet iable to keep pace with the unfavorablephysical changes.

On the other hand, underwriting is persistentlyburdened irlUiheavy taxation and harassing inter-ferences. Among others, a virtual income tax islaid on it—but levied on gross receipts instead of onprofits. Newspapers by the score, tonic- State Ex-ecutives, and perhaps, a few of the remoter insur-ance commissioners also, make the amazing com-putation that gioss premiums less loss paymentsare profits There is \u25a0 determined belief that thebusiness Is profitable, but in the decade IS9I-IK«3 thecompanies reporting to this State made a net\u25a0uncerwritirig cain in only four years (189*-"ST), andThe net loss in the term was $12,2*8.055. Taxes.however. d:u \u25a0not consider results, and in the six"iC5s" years, v.hen the net underwriting loss wasjiccCT^o taxes of 521.415.163 were collected.I'lsur^nc*- is considered a monopoly, yet it do?»

rot possess even one monopoly characteristic. Th«field is absolutely free for all: anybody, capitalistor philanthropist. i> \u25a0••• to enter iiuniimitealy.•upon uniform condltioi

-Instead of entering it in

search of the asserted prolits. capital openly retiresfrom it. Ar. i^Eurzr.ce policy is a contract of lim-ited indemnity. y?t "valued policy** laws proceeden the theory that itis a simple bet. and should bepaid according to th<? Tom among gentlemen.Astl-trust ae:tatior. has produced anti-compactlaws, and companies have even been forbidden tobuy a common rat took which they were not cer-tain to use. This proceeds on two erroneous as-sumptions; one is teat any exchanging of th« re-suits of experience— itself the only possible basis forrate making— necessarily tends to raise rates or tokeep thfm -jp: the other is •

\u25a0\u0084,• rates car be forcedto a popular furore if the statute puts on enoughpressure. Tbese errors re rooted In a deeper one—a. wio*-. popuiar misconception of the very natureof an insurance company. It is merely an organ-ization of stockholders who become trustee for un-organized ii.s-jrers; the formal contract is it* own.but the reality is that it acts as indorser of therautual contracts of th«s^ insurers. Insurance Is atax. and the "company" is just the tax collector.To reduce the tax rate, change the conditionswhich nx the total levy; do not expect relief byabusing and crowding- the lector.

No*- it must be assumed that nobody can thriveby this prolor:?ed non-success of underwriting, andthat nobody wants to pay less than the reallyhonest and" nece?sarv insurance rates. But thefacts are not realized. The subject is utterly mis-t:r.derstood. The underwriters and [he public arenot in touch, and never have bee-n. '-'\u25a0-\u25a0- duty of

Initiative approach clearly belongs to the former.Th*-y .nujt fixon some d-iinite rate and stick to it,

Instead of haegiing lik«- Orientals ar.d finally ac-cepting what the customer will give. The article is

one of prime necessity, ar.d it is theirs to fix theMice. They should cease to talk of the inadequacyof rattt which they nevertheless accept, for untilthey make what they do square with what they say

they cannot pet public hearing and cannot expect!t- Moreover— a= something closely joined to rea-fconable rates ir.<3 something which nobody elsecan do— it •« for them to come forward and explainto the pubMc the r.uture and basis of insurance;what conaitior.s are necessary to lowor rate*, andliow the worrying process \u25a0Bed supervision bears

190athe subject. A horizontal advance of rates,

?uch as ha?- been made '•.is year, is liable, in theabsence of this explanation, to provoke resentmentand be mistakenly assumed to be a rather nv<rethan ample cure :for the whole trouble. On theether hand, the action urjred. properly taken, willatone* largely clear the situation by bringing bothtides together at last on a common ground orunderstanding When this modus vivendl isreached int-urance willcease to be game always inreason for the reckless underwriter an th- popu-larity chasing legislator Then we can all unitetgainst the common enemy, fire waste.

Brooklyn, Aug. 22, IX2. JULIUS WILCOX-



it, the Editor c-:' The Tribune.

I^OR SALE. AT L.ARIES. CONN.-Farm of 8 acrrs:V house of 0 rooms. In good .-nnflltion:ham. iv-afli-hmjso and poultry yard; price. »2.260 Particulars of J.

M. L.AYTON. So. Norwalk. Conn.

HANDSOME modern country residence of it; rooms,

located 'A minutes from New York City, with all

Fo? further particulars wOOitma 1.. <*..Trlhun> Office.


— ~~~~^~~ , Who desire to rent an apartment

# T)iSCVilJltTlClt'iTig n a first-class house, run in first-

'] \ KJ ttTlVlTll** I CO? c arc respectfully invited toa)

~~~~ ~" ~~ "examine the


facing the Plaza, at Junction of St. Nicholas and 7th Ayes.** One corner apartment of 8 large rooms a.nd bath,


I ST. JAMES COURTISOUTHEAST CORNER BROADWAY AND 92D STREETr One corner apartment of 7 large rooms and bath.

t PAUL MAYER, Agent, 21! W. U6th St.*TELEPHONE. 3331 HARLEM.

2^ -%,%, «,<%*.<%.%* %^-%'V j%^ %%%%.%^. %%%-%,%%^

HFAL.TH and pocket benefit ny suburban life FordeVal" apply trie Railroad Information Bureau.

IK**and 3'M Broadway. New York.

c DunsbrOo120 East 31st St.

New Fire-Proof Apartments, j<> Rooms, besides Bath,

rutler't Pantry andServants' Toilet.


.-.-.r :;4th St. and Lexlnstim Aye.


Seventy rooms; modern appointment*:country scat- cood trad*: for rent ..r sal«. Address. W. H. lake. FlemlneU.n. V. J.

r*s\i\ A.CIIES «ultable for all purposes; farming, tennis

OUU "and coif course; view of Sound and ocean: In

j^y?? Va, WK. Van-lerWlt. jr.. an.l Mor-

Kaife^- Box IPS. C.reat N>. k. U« Utoad

S^ ~r\rw ONLY: terms to suit: new ccttagi- and sround',»))(> .• «,-ars<lale: only 30 minute, oat.-' 'JK>

-11 VVHTWOIT & CO.; 1.822 Park-avf.

66 East 77th St7 and 8 Rooms and »ath

-The Latest Hodcrn Appointments.

Every Hoom Light

RENTS $50 TO $65.

Conntrn propcun i"or Sale or Cct


From The Christian Endeavor World.Attempts to make the world out wors*» than in

forme* times often means that It is really better.The shortcomings that set the critics to groaning\u25a0would not havt «vt-rnt-d t-hortcomlngs once. Fud-iic morals are not worse, but oubli" conscienceis more serjsitJve ar.d exacting. He who looks••r.ee enii la dish, arter.ed might be encouragedIfhe only looked twice.

The pufc-H; tor^cicace once suffered the ministerto gt: drunk. Now it is shocked if he Is not atotnl abstain?" from drink. It Is not merely be-cause we have better police systems that men walk

the streets safply now without coats of mail andarmed retainers; It la because there Is a betteri-onscience.

On almost every moral question the; pressure ofirising tide of moral sentiment Is every yearforcing new and stricter laws upon our statutenooks. The hlue law- of Connecticut may b« aslctlor.. but th- blue laws of to-day are reality.Laws coiictrniris publicmorality were never so bluebefore, thrush they do not seem blue to the con-«de:ice of to-day. Whenever the need arises of newlaws against shooting tame pigeons as targets, orfcjrainst the sale of liquor In army canteens, someone chokes with indignation and declares that ex-lstlr.jr conditions -at*- a disgrace, and would be tol-

erated only X>y a d*-sen«rat«> race. But he mistakesregeneration "for dec* •ration. These accu-ations*sair,st public morality are the Mrththrows of abeu< r corisrif-nce.

A New Dep.\rture,A Private House —

Apartment House.1078 Mid-son Avenue.

Cns Apartment on a floor.In construction aai appoialmnti jus?: bs

excelled on the Avenue.Choicest residential section ia city.\u25a0 ii TiTirw nnrfliTTJ.F

—situated 12 room

A co^tace- all imi.roveirentß: lot 75x140: directly on

ttJ" watr" commanding grand vkw LonS Wand bound:prloe j:t.<Mr>. r- . .NVw-R.WKil<\ >

Yon- Open for laspectioa.

THE HUDSONIA,Suites of 6 and 7 Rooms and Bath.

1Riverside Drive and 79th St.

I°" prrmli'-a

VOGEL. Owner and Builder.1 >1 A \ VOtJEI.. Owner and Hullncr.

Tel. ltu RHer.

Counlrn I3ropcrln Co Let.irii (Lstut.

T° LET' CRANFORD. If. J.A few modern, up to date houses. You can get a bar-

raln and a election owing to tne season <-f the year.Early •*««<**.have th^hotee.-- & vaj.name

34 Pine St.. X. Y.

Elevator Apartments-S2B to. $45

470 WEST H6TH ST.. orMS WFST 148TH SI..


Park At.. 3Sth St. ar.d Sar*i St.. near MadisonA.., one block from Savoy and Nethertand Hotela.fire-prtiof apartment- froa> three to eleven room*•nd hotel accommodations from on* to seven room»;ready for occupancy now or (rosi October 1. rent*\u2666Rom $300 to <2.000; restaurant acccmsodaUoa.Inquire on prerntcea.


BOROUGH i«J.ffl*P=s C'si,pTSfv EV,STOruKs



SSSP'f Sis^developed iurround,^.

MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS,p^^i to terminate in two yearS or aß* discount for .11

ce»h. . \u0084hn,,, ririrnEe to purchaser* by the

rS^u£S2^S/^ iWS -rP,u8 over

HL«ae.«M ,rNCHEON. MUSIC. PASSES."~r« Krr.in tie Brooklyn Kridse 'Illsrh

HOW TO GO: k,^ WMMR. U-. tak- a I><nK i«UnI.!"'

X Urn... n.'. minutes. Ourfffat MORHIS PAK^,.':.;S Ay opposite the Morristeniporary ofllco U on ***™£etevatedroa.l In BrooklynPark Station. Or -h-* tak«"-

n,i transfer without extrato th» East New I«» LoopL*nu

r- get oft at Lefferta

sasss?B^s®s& ana .11

—-tlonal Information from


is- nrtiadwav v V.: IMMontaßU* St.. Brooklyn, orte^rafy^* on Atlantic Ay.. Morris Park.

portion Boles ol Ptal gelate.


MODERATE MEANS.There is no better property tor homes

or for investment in the outlying wards of

the City of New York than the remaining


oak' and elm sts.

(Cnri Properln Co £ct.


-.-ml- 42-jio_•IlaivlKcniMy decorated apart-lOH.NftlO.VST, 42-W

* "•'"..aMr.ei trim, mirrors, open

O ments. t> and \u2666,rooi?8:J8:J_ vu_lhot water supply. g*» range.

."tl Cnd^^^-TVo^ew-Vork Cty Hall I. 10

minutes: rent. $26. . , .

WE INVITE YOUVisit hillock at our expense. Selectyour lots, own your home and not payrent. We willhelp you to get the money.Special inducements to bujcrson LeborDay. Free passes. Write to-day.

Whit'oik Realty Company,I),pi. A, :i<H* Droadway. Koom 1100.

Ural Comic tUanicb.


for «u,.ts. cuisine \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 THE SUSSBX,\u25a0 EAST 85Tn ST.

From October litnandaome elg-ht room suites: 11.254and 91.250; modern la all appotntm<»nt»- Snperlntaadiat.

"~L? f LEXINGTON Av>l-Elegant second flat: act»_)OHb taaM*;pantry «nd bath; marble ha;'.* ROBERT X.BROWN. CO Nasrau-et.

/nrnishcb Conscs to let.

4 HOUSE and rood-slzM lot wanted, or tx«»it»ly1some

V acref attached; locality must be healthful and",riral.fe for 3Ktr«£ will exchange for It a very .r-?i«tin aDirlmwt house In the upper part of New TorkCity suSTe for owner to live- in tTie first apartment

and >•" the upper ones: equity can be arranssd accord-ing to price of place offered In exchan^. H. C. DEM.

OREST. 15 East 14th-st.Street.

$5,000 CASH.\u0084.,, nrrate r*£l3*uce. 21 E. «"th St.. adjacent Metro-

\u25a0mir Ulub for rent Decoration* to Butt; oiherwlwMnitar'v condition. Apply your own broker or


La pfirnpiiF LulilH'"— \u25a0'* 75th-st.—

Fireproof,el^trk U«t t7 «a- ran?'., elevators, all night ser-

*.«-. t^epho^ea-h^rtment; *1.5u). Haan'. R««u-

rant In house. fall.

inrmsiieb ?o fid--. /-w ROOM HO«E 43th Street. Broadway and «th Aye..

lOTmw! toprt\£ia family. MORGAN. 1.5*1 Broadway. IWANT TO HIRE all year country hotel.

M PEABCE. V2& Balnbrlflge St.. Brooklyn. X. V,

4 TTK \i"TIVEI.Yfurnished aoartrr-.est of 5 Urn «nmy-A. ri.«•- -ompl't' for housekeeping, to •':>:« t» OnSt. Jam*. Court. 91* St. and Broadwa> »70 *month.Ayplj- to Superintendent.

"ADVERTISEMENTS and subscriptions for Th. Tribune

A received at their Uptown Office.NO. 1.804 MRQADWAT.

Between 36th and 37th «... until » o'clock p. m.

Advertisements willbe received at the following branch

offlc. at regular office rates until 8 o'clock p. m.. vi».:

*MSth-av*.. » c. cor. 2M-.t.: 153 Cth-«v«.. cor.

r*th-.t m Ea.t nth-«*.. wi «>»• »-.i-»t.. be-

;,en nn and Mb ayes.; 203 U>.« I*"?-**'!1.338

3d-ave.. between Nth and 77th »ta :I.OJU •««'-«\u25bc«•.


™received \u0084

«!"»" :t«1-nv«-.. near

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:Bxs:Bxs3IM i*. [\u25a0»• *"\u25a0. » i*-•

IHHlbive, » c cor 23d •«.; 153 Utb-ave..

-« t.-» 14T. WE*T FOLTwTH STREET. near Washington

140 £uar«T-3 2l< *'<~m" *"*tni~

lth<mt th«References required.

TO HINT FOR Till:MiAMiV]iin6eora<Jy furnished— a 25-foot bouse on th«

NORTH SIDE OF 56TH ST.Jart rut of 6th Ay«. Ha* •Hninit-roeni an<J pantry ex-

1«5«lon. and 3 ro.-ni» «J«-p «*» "• floor*. Bow window. I.In fine orcer; modern pluroblnj. Never before i.nt'-i.

J'oifcttltn any time. <.>jM>

AlTi7 "CEO. I!. KKAD.*>C«Sir 61. ajod 1ttoiUscn At\

4 irTK ST. 33« WEST.— Thrfe rtofy. high stoop and

paints an* d««wt.a. I.OBLBT LBR N.

ITTivT A pi^ACB FOR CASH, about 10 acr-». modern\V i,,..*\u25a0<• all Improvement*. In New Jersey. \u25a0<*'<'-Jen Madron. Summit or vtcinity. Price ditt«*<*•.PrindMl* only. Piibmlt photograph* SLA^ON

*HOBBS, No. CM Columbus Aye.. New York City. .

(Titrj propfrtr» lor Gait.

NEW- YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. SUNDAY. AUGUST 21 1902. nHnftxrnigfifii I\partnunt3 <£a Cct. llnfnrni?hc?> 'Anartrnrmg 10 ?et Bnfnrnisb^ apartments <Zo ZtL