p J'4 4 L.. ~'..Ei. Lil - jkhf.infojkhf.info/Kendrick - 1963 - The Kendrick Gazette/1963 Jan. -...

~ a p ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ . 4 L.. ~'.. Ei. ~ ~ 1 WrIW W u Lil J'4 4 M ~ ~ J. C VOLUME 73 KENDRICK, LATAH COUNTY, IDAHO THURSDAY, MA Y 2, 1963 NO. 18 ALLED 0N $ EIjb'ER Friday, 31ay 10; 7:80 p. rn., Aendrick Fire Hall 1]calth Dcpattmcnt and a Consulting Engineer wi]1 bc pvvsent, to take part in (.hc discussiun and explain the situiltloll, This is a very important mat.ter- "Hcalt.h-wisv" at><] "Tax-wise" and of vital int«i cst tn all so be l there! LIONS 1«(EET WED., HEAR BIOLOGIST, DISCUSS FESTIVAL LELA% AREA IIArh ]IANNA Ah',TB'ITIE3 3tjLI!AETTA POINTS K " '"~Es Superintendent James V. Muscat announced thc naming of Valedic- torian and Salutatorian this week, as follows: MILS. ERVIN MABBOTT Phone 8-2254 F<insl Itites for Vint Psr]dns Vinton Parkins, 86, a resident of north central Idaho since 1892, died at his home at Lenore Monday night, April 22 at 11:15. Death was attribut- ed to the infirimities of sge. Parkins was s retired mechanic and had lived at Lenore since 1962. He was born Oct. 26, 1876, in Iowa, snd moved to Nebraska as s child. He lived in Nebraska until 1892, when he moved to Troy. He lived in Mos- cow from 1902 until 1904, and from 1904 to 1910 on Cedar Creek in Latah county, He returned to Moscow in 1910 and lived there until 1927. From 1927 to 1950 hc was a resident of Myrt]e, He moved to Juliaetta in 1950 and to Lenore in 1962. Parkins married Lena Roberts at Troy, Nov. 5, 1899. Besides his wife he is survived by a dsugiitev, Mrs. Eugene Leister of Lenorc; a brother, Walter Parkins, Forst Wing, Wjs., and two sisters, Nrs. William Russell, Moscow, and Nrs. Nora Parvin, Colfax. Final rites for Vint Parkins, long- time Juliaetta resident, who passed away at Craigmont last week, were heid in the Brower-Warm Funeral Home at Lewiston on Thursday, with the Rev. Edward Byrnes officiating. Organist was Mrs. Glen Stevens of Juliaetta. Mrs. Wayne Hoskins of Cottonwood Creek, sang. Pal]hearers were Thurston Storey, Leo Nessinger, Frank Neel, James Farrington, Ed. Galloway and M. C. Halliday. Interment was in the Gifford cemetety. OPEN HOUSE TO 'HONOR MRS. McCALL Nvs. Mary (5]ny) McCall will be honni'ed at. an Open House in the Ko»di.ick 1<'ivv. Hall on Sunday, Nay 5. fi'nm 2:O0 tn -I:00 p. m. It. wi]] hi h< v 86th hirthr]ay an- nivi'vasty, an(1 all h( v avrjttaintances an(1 fri<»i]s;i(i i»viti d tn attcnr]. ]-1»st< ssi s will t>e Ai]ts. Walt.er Mc- Call an(l hci tiii«r (lau«htcrs-in-law, ']tits. Pnh ]tl<C;i]I. ]<]ts. 13]ck NcCa]] , a»ij ]<It'. Wn](.('i'. ](I('Ca]], al of 'ewis(.n». ,MUSIC PUPILS GIVE RECITAL SUNDAY VALEDICTO]aIAN CZIRISTINK< MAGNUSON Christine Magnus on, daughter of Mr. a»d Nrs. F.alph Magnuson, Ken- drick, was named Valedictorian, with a grade point average of 3.58. AFTERNOON Piano a»d ac<'nrr!ian students of the local mitsic (.ear>h<'.vs held their annual rv cital Su»day at 3::10 p. m. in the Kendrick Community Church. Nrs. Herman Schupfer presented Bccky Eich»rr, whose piano solos weve "Frog Chorus" and "The Sleigh", Mrs. Howard Hoffmsn's pupils werc Lnren Hoffman, whn played "Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms" as a solo, and "Or- icnj.al Parade" in duct with Mrs. Hnf ]man; Lrona Henry's solo was "Maverick" a.nr] in du<it "The Ca- dets," Debbie Dcnnler played as a solo "Nrad Hatter Polka" and in duet "The Cadets." Mvs. Rohvrt Nagnuson's students then played the fo]]owing piano solos and duets, wij.h Mrs. Nagnuson ac- companying their duet numbers: Margie Smith "The Fountain." Joy Davis '"I'umbleweeds" and in duct "Memories of Strauss." Kathy Ferring ton "Lullaby" and in duet "The Dancers." Gisele Magnuson "Three Blind Mice" and in dtict 'Marching Song," Judy IIed]er "Song of Sixpence" and in duet "Greetings." Beccy Racicot - "When Mother Calls" and in duet "On Review." Lee Msgnuson "Battle Hymn." LeAnn Rogers "Little Spring Song'nd in duet "Peekaboo." Victor Racicot "The Fox Hunt," Betty Rhodes "Spring Song." Karen E<ggers "Street Scene." Betty Farrington "The Old Mill." Barbara Farrington "Dance of the Doll" and duet "Bluebird." Mai iann Si1 flow "Hey Diddle Diddle" a»d in duet with Carolyn Silf low "Butterfly." Carolyn Sil flow "Wedding of the Winds" and in duet with Dale Silf low "Dancing the Minuet." Louise Hoffman "First Butter- fly" and in duet, with Mrs. Hoffman, "Spirit of the U. S. A." Sandra May, on the accordian- "Whispering Hope" and in accordian duct with Nrs. Magnuson "Shifting Sands." At the conclusion of the recital each student received an award, snd the mothers of the pupils served re- freshments to the musicians and the audience. ] ) Mother Passes at Coeur d'Alene Word has been received here of the. death of Mrs. Ella Mae Perry, on Wednesday, April 24, at Coeur d'Aler.'e. She was the mother of Mrs. Jack Mead. Funeral services were held at Coeur d'Alene on Saturday. Further details are lacking at this time. I i <i <hi . Ij l]jj!I BIRR <! Engagement Is Announced Mr. and Mrs. Lester Rhodes of Juliaetta announce the engagement of their daughter Bettyy Vera to Raymond Allen Swanson, son of Mr. snd Mrs. Axe] Swanson, Juliaetta. The marriage will take place at the Kendrick Community Church in Ken- drick on June 22nd. Miss Rhodes is attending Kendrick High School. Mr. Swanson is em- ployed by Brocke & Sons, Inc., at Kendrick. SALUTATORIAN ROBERT CALLISON Robert Callison, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nor]a C allison, Kendrick, was named Salutatorian, with a grade point average of 3.5. O. E. S. INSTALLS OF F ICERS F Rl DAY Dinner and Meeting Sunday a pot-luck dinner was held at goon in the Ju]iaetta Methodist Church. It was followed at 2:00 o'lock by the Quarterly Conference meeting. Rev. W. Ritchey, District Superintendent from Walla Walla conducted the meeting. Rebecca Head Visits Mrs. Veda Nye, Pocatello, President pf the Rebecca Assembly of Idaho, made her official visit to Ju]iaetts Rebekah Lodge No. 9 last Thursday evening. Mrs. Nye is stressing the "World Eye Bank," s project of all Rebecca and Odd Fellows lodges. Seven members of the Morning Star Rebecca Lodge of Deary were also present. A gift was presented Mrs. Nye, the presentation being made by Mrs. Everett Farrington, lodge deputy. A buffet luncheon, served from a table beautifully decorated with spring flowers was served. It was followed by a social hour. House XVarmjng Mr. and Mrs. Gil Erlewine were pleasantly surprised Sunday evening when teachers, school personnel, their husbands and wives, called to welcome them in their new home. The self-invited guests brought a flowering Magnolia tree for the Erle- wine's yard. They also served re- freshmentss. Canyon Chapter No. 67, Order of the Easter Star, held open instal- lation for their new officers on Fri- day evening, April 26, at the Fra- ternal Temple. A large group of friends and relatives saw Nrs. Ruth Houck of C]ar]aston, a charter mem- ber of Canyon Chapter, install her sister, Mrs. Andrew T. Cox, as Worthy Matron, Other officers installed were: Jud Lee, Worthy Patron; Mrs. Eula Mill- er, Associate Matron; David Clayton, Associate Patron; Mrs. Anne Deo- bald, secretary; Mrs. Marjorie Eld- ridge, treasurer; Mrs. Aileen John- son, Conductress; Mrs. Donna Loh- man, Associate Conductress; Mrs. Alice Tarry, Chaplain; airs. Barbara Clayton, Marshall; Mrs. Crystal Gru- el], organist; Nrs. Betty Heimgart- ner, Ada; Mrs. Juanita Recce, Ruth; Mrs. Frieda Farrington, Esther; Mrs. Ann Soudcrs, Martha; Mrs. Esther Blewett, Elects; Mrs. Earlene Tay- lor, Warder, and Lester Wallace, Sen- tinel. The retiring Patron and Matron, Mr. and Mrs. David Clayton, were honored with gifts and other appro- priate expressions of appreciation after a successful year in the Chap- ter. Mrs. Cox, the new Worthy Matron, was also presented with gifts from her family, the new Worthy Patron, Jud Lee, and a beautiful white Bible from Canyon Chapter. Other installing officers for the evening were, Mrs. Elsie Onstott, Marshall; Mrs. Dorothy King, chap- lain, snd Mrs. Ruth Hoffman, or- ganist. A song by Mrs. Donna Loh- man and Mrs. Ann Souders honored the new Worthy Matron. Visitors were present from Pom- eroy, Genesee, Lewiston, Moscow and Clark ston. BIRTHDAY PARTIES AT HOLLENBECKS Nrs. Dean Ho]lenbeck entertained at two parties honoring birthday an- niversaries last week. Deans Hollenbeck was honored on her 15th hirthday anniversary Wed- nesday evening by having three friends, JoAnn Schwarz, Norma Em- mett and Frances Polumsky in for dinner and over-night. Rodney Hollenbeck celebrated his 10th birthday anniversary at a Sat- urday afternoon party. Those pres- ent for lunch and games were Virgil Dygert, Doug Clayton and Mike Thomason. Evening Circle The Juliaetta W. S. C. S. Evening Circle met Monday, April 29th, at the Ju]jsetts Methodist Church. Nrs. Gary Eggers led the program on "Symbolism. " Mrs. Dsrrell Manful] wsi the hostess. Seven were present for the meet- ing. Service Is Complete(I Larry Grosec]ose, son of Mr. snd Nrs. Lude Groseclose hss completed hjs four years of service in the U. S. Navy, is is now at home. He was stationed at Ssn Diego, before being discharged. Return From California Trip Nr. snd Nrs. Phil Johns snd Mr. snd Mrs. Ercil Woody returned last week from a two-week trip, cover- ing parts of California, and visiting with relatives and friends. They visited Mrs. Woody's sister at Sonoma, Calif., snd with friends at Loomis, then on to Fullerton, where they visited the John's daugh- ter and son and families Mr. and Mrs. Dick Johns and Nr. and Mrs. Gary Oelrich and Miss Carol Wad- dington. The Woodys stayed with Miss Wadding ton, and the Johns with their children, A highlight of their trip was that they were able tn attend an Eastvr Cantata in the church that their snn Dick and son-inlaw Gary had helped to complete. It is located at Silver- ado Canyon, near Fullerton. They saw Mr. and Mrs, Art lanes, (Continued on last page) GIRLS HONOR CLASSMATES ATTEND REBECCA DISTRICT MEETING Girls in the sophomore class of the Kendrick High school surprised Carolyn and Marilyn He]ton, twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Ward He]- ton, on their 16th birthday anniver- sary, Sunday afternoon. The ten self-invited guests came laden with gifts, cake and ice cream. Everyone listened to records after the twins opened and displayed their gifts, A wonderful time was re- ported, Among those attending the Re- becca District Lodge meeting at Lewiston Saturday were Nrs. Ev- erett Farrington, Mrs. Arthur Johns, Nrs. Eugene Taylor, Nrs. Cecil Gru- el], Nrs. Floyd Heimgartner, Mrs. Onal Cope, all of Juliaetta; Mrs. W. A. Campbell and Mrs. Roy Fey, all of Kendrick. Mrs. Olga Jones, Juliaetta, was initiated into the order that even- ing, as an incoming member of the Juliaetta Rebecca Lodge. SCHOOL COMING EVENTS FIRST BIRTHDAY ! Theie will h< a baseball gamv here Fviday at, 4:00 p. »t„ tvhcn the Lvw- ! istr>n B squad mvets the local teat» I nil jhi'lnillc 1'ield. A (listvict track meet will be held at C]cs.vw (ter High school Kooskia next Satuvday. Five thin-clads, ac- companied by Coach D<nnis Racicot will participate from K. H, S. Vivian Joy Braun, daughter of Rev. and Nrs. David Braun, c<.lebrat- ed hrr first birthday annivvrsary on Tuesday. Helping ]ter enjoy the oc- casion were Rev. an<i Mrs. F. C. Schmidt; Danny Smith of Peck, and his parents, Rev. and Mrs. Dan Smith. BY MRS. LLOYD CIIAIO A piiblic»ir«t.ing of all residents I'HONK 5887 an<1 t. ixpay«vs lias bi en called by The Kcndvjc]r Community I ions the Kendrick Vil]agc Trustees for Surgery Patient Club heir] their regular session Wcd- ]< iiday, May 10, at, 7:30 p. m. in the Rpbvrt Draper ente'vvd thc St nesday evening of last week and Kendrick Fi ve Ha] 1, wi th the toPic Jpseph's Hpspital in Lewjston Non- spent a long and fruitful evening. to be "Sewage Disposal." dsy to undergo surgery Tuesday The meeting was Preceded by a A vePresen(ative of the State morning Further information 1s 6 30 snlnrgasbnrd dinner served by lackmg at this time. the School Food Service Association, tvhtch was dehcious. Fn]]owing dinner the group saw KENDRICK STUDE HTS I ]and W S C S wi]] meet Thursday afternoon, May 2, at the on "Salmon and Steelhead ProPa- DO WELL I N home pf Mrs. Wilbur Corkill, Mrs gatinn" by Fjshrries Biologist Janlcs Lloyd Craig is the program leader. Keating of I'cwiston, assisted by F EST I Ir AL RAT I NGS Hale L<"bling, State Game Cons<rva- tion nfficvr from Deary. Thc pvo-, gram truly was an "eye-opencv" to I Ratings of Kendrick groups st the The Le]and Homemakers Cliib wil I lilnst nf (hnsr ptcsent. Nr. Kcat- L«wisjnn Invitajin»a] Mllsic & <>silva] "t on Wednesday Nay 8th, a! i»gs talk included th«; prpb]cnis nf last Thursday, Irir]:iy and Saturday I1:30 in thc home of Mvs. WilburIgctting matute fish up over dams wvrr.; I Cor]rj]]. Co-hostess will be Mrs. i anr] finger]ings down over dams. I Ba»<l II, cx<>r]]vttj; Girls Chorus I Wa]tev Crawford. At t]ic < n»elusion of ihc program 'Z, ex«i llc»t; Jr. Srxict. cnnipns«<1 of The Project w'll be ma]ring Plastic'h< (1»h ]icl<1 an election of officers i pa]nt»a p< i<i's, Siieviy Sc]tt>tjr]t, Jttdy ith t]i in]]nwjn hvj»g chpscn: I n]lit>sit, ]<]a ( 1«(111, Ja»vt ]']r]vir] e a]]on plastic purcx jugs, preferablY I Gerald Ing]e, prrsi<]cnt l and Jiliiin Wrgncv inr(.civrd I the colored ones. Also bring one Nota»an I cwis, first vice presi- I rxc< ]lent, v;ttjn(;. ']']i< s;ixn]>hone vavd of Border Print or some Pretty,]r»t I q»avtct, ]~(» R«cv«, D«an Bin< lrrt, print to cover work baskets. I Z,uthc„pav)rs secpnd yjc< pres( Ida Glenn an<i Cavnl Vini r»t, v< c«iverl I dct>t. ~ a III (gnnd) rating. Bjrtlulay Honored Dick Benjamin, secretary-treasur- I A saxaphnnc duct by Z<]a Gl«nn and Mrs. Chester Vincent was pleas- 'Ctt tn] Vine< nt rvcrivi.d a II, exccl- antly surPrised at a coffee hour on Gvovgc Mrrric]r and Dean Ho]]en- lent rating. , Monday morning in honor of her heck, co-Tailtwisters, A rnti»g nf I is "The best con- , birthday anniversary when sev 'obert Magnuson, director ccivahlv p< rfnvmanre fnv th< event eral friends called. A. A. Kvemmin, Lion Tamer. I and the class of pat'ticipants being The self-invited guests were Mrs.! ~ judgrd." It- is comparah]c jo a per- Glen Wegner, Nrs. Harold Silf low, i V F. $V. Joins fnr Discussion centage grade of 95 tn 100. : Mrs. Wilbur Tarbet, Mvs. Bill Wey-, I,nmcd;atc]y fo]]owing thr election A rating of II is "An unusual per- 'n, Mrs. Herb Millard and Abby 'f officers tcn members of Baker- formancr in many resPects but not Kaye, Mrs. Ray Lockett, Tim, Toni, Ljnd post 3913 V F W whp wjt]t Iiwnrthy of the highest rating due to and Trina, Mrs. Don Cantril and M s I the I.ions, and Kendrick brtsjnessmen, I minor defects in performance on in- Roy Craig. are sponsoring the Locust Blossoln effective tntcvPlctatlon. It rcPlr Festival, joined the group for a di- sents a percentage grade of 87 to 94. Other News Items cussion of plans for the big day —, A rating of III is "A good per- Mrs. Gordon Peters was a Satur- Msy 25 <I formance, but not outstanding. 'ay evening visitor of Mr. and Mrs. I Fn]]njvjng are the committees as Showing accomplishment and mark- Lloyd Craig. I agreed on: ,'d promise but lacking in one or Kenneth Heffel was a Sunday j parade Gerald Zng]e, Norman 1 more essential qua]i(.ies." It repre- I morning visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Roy I Lewis and A. A. Kremmin. !sents of Percentage grade of 80 to 86, Craig. Cars Vern Choate. An IV rating is "An average per- Mrs. Fred Baurngartner of Gene I Races Dennis Racicot and Geo . formance but not worthy of a II, due 'see spent a couple of days last week<Bi,o(,]re Jr , tn handicaps in the way of instru- I with Mrs. Ben Hoffman. Barbecue Robert Magnuson, mentation or lack of rehearsal time." Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Craig were I Registration (for booths, etc.) ! It is comparable to a 75 to 7g Per- Friday afternoon callers in the home Bnh Watts. If any organization or centage grade of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Fleshman at'ndividua] wishes a booth, he is the, Said Clive Lindsay, K. H. S. music Clarkston. They were Tuesday even-!man to contact, and wi]] assign the instrurtor, the quntations are from i ing callers of Nr. and Mrs. Marvin ', space. Dean Ho]]enhec]r must be the National Interscholastic Music , Vincent. i contacted for any electricity if re- 'ctivities Commission. It is an aux- Mrs Roy Craig was a Friday after quired lllary pf M E N C noon visitor of Mrs. Ben Hoffman. pangs Clive Lindsay. Mrs. Herman Johnson was also a Queen candjdjates James v., WHEAT SUpppRT I famij were sunda dinn ue ts ofl J ans " '"" " 'RICES ARS SET I Mr .and Mrs. Ray Lohman and Old Timers (pioneer) Section famil . d Marvin Long and John Darby. Moscow The zg63 wheat support Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson and Tickets James Muscat and Dean r t h b t t $ 1 68 , family and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hn]le»beck rates have been set at 1.68 per (l Wendt, all of Kendrick, were Sunday D G ld H ] Dance Gerald Halseth. S. Department of Agriculture. This ; afternoon visitors of Mr. and Mrs. The parade and the dance came in ' b d G d N 1 h t rate is based on Grade No, 1 wheat, for real discussion and careful plan-, warehouse stored, and may vary a Mr. and Mrs. Andy Dreps of Lew-!ning with all major prob]ems left,' iston were Monday afternoon an I in the hands of committee heads. 1'h t f f t d N . d 'ew cents depending on date of dc- evening dinner guests of Mr. an It was announced that three new h t '1 77 d livery. The rate for farm store o. 1 wheat is $ 1.77. items would be on the Program this Th 1g63 barley prie su„port rate Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Craig were year a carnival with rides for the I a Y P. Pp . Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and children; an Old Time Fiddlers Con- I : Nrs Narvjn Vincent. !warehouse stored, and $ 37.50 for o. test, with Harold Olderness as the; 3 or better oats. Al] ptices wi]] vary Mr. and Mrs. Willis Thornton and chairman f'r this event;. I family of Lewiston were Saturday A "Twist Contest" will also he a slightly dePending on ate of e- 'allers of his Parents, r. and Nrs. part of the days program, but the Wh t d M . Wheat; producers are remin e y dd b time and sPot for this was no™n- F]vin Zindsay, ASCS office manager, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Michel and nounced by W. I, Rogers, general, t 'tt I di 1964 daughter Tori Lynn spent the week- chajrman I that written appea s regar ing end at St. Maries. wheat allotments or wheat normal d The matter of c]eaning uP the I yields must be received in the ASCS i office by Nay 7, . n appoin- Mrs. Ben Hoffman and Howar streets and alleys before the festival i . ' N 7, 1963. A '- , ,'Hoffman spent Sunday afternoon was brought uP and the ions and l it h d 1 f f t t with Mrs. Laura GillisPie at Lewis- V. F. W. agreed to turn out for a'th th ASCS t 'tt j ' js ment schedule for farmers o mee ! I night or two and get this jmpovtantl wi]] be made up at a ]ster date, snd Hoffman were MondaY evening andi job clone. The date wi]l be an- I over-night g ests of Mrs. Ben Hoff nounced at the next Lions Club meet- 'rtin evidence may be submitted Mrs. Bill Deobald of Moscow was at this time. All proven yields must I a Monday over-night guest of Mrs. be based on net production, that is, Robert Draper. I N J U RF D I N CAR after dockage has been submitted. The 1964 allotment notices mailed "CRASH FRIDAY on April 22, to 1219 Latah county I Craig were Friday morning callers wheat producers represent a county wheat allotment slightly larger than that it 1962. There are 431 pro- Four Persons were injured in a ducers in Latah county with allot- ~ Cream ridge were Sunday afternoon two-car collision on Highway 95 at, ucers in a a coun y wi a o- callers Pf Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hoff I the notth end Pf the SPaldlng bridge initided tn sign the bac'k side of their 1 p. m. Friday. it to the ASCS office prior tn May IR. Cra . caller in the home of Mr. and Mrs. All were taken by motorists to j13 to be eligible to vote in the May . oy g I St. Joseph's Hospital at Lewiston, 21 ref'erendum. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Choate of Cav-!where Nrs. Mari]yn Ha]], 25, Kcnd-, I endish were Sunday afternoon visit-I rick, was admitted for treatment of i ors of Mr and Mrs walter Crawford I taoist (secretions. She was returned I BOWERS GUESTS Herman and Ted Meyer were Non- to Kendrick Sunday, and is reported day supper guests. as recovering nicely. Mrs. Hall is a OF HONOR Mr. and Mrs. Walter Crawford daughter of Nrs. Ralph Nsgnuson. ! were Sunday evening visitors of Mr Her daughter Margaret Niche]le Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bower were and Mrs. Ben P. Cook at Kendrick. two years old, was treated for a nose the guests of honor at an informs Nrs. Walter Crawford attended the jgjrtzy s d re]essed get-together in the Big Bear Ridge funeral of Raymond Parks in Lewis- I epn R Kajser 37 1522 15th St Community Hall Sunday afternoon. ton on Monday. She spent the after- Z w t d H w rd p Br wn 44 They were presented with a gift from noon with Mrs. Hugh Parks. Walla W'a]]a also were treated and the Kendrick Square Dance Clu . Carol and Bruce Vincent spent Fri- dismissed. Kaiser had a f'inger jn- The afternoon was sPent in visit- dsy night with Mrs. Nina Robinson jury and a forehead bruise. Brown ing and square dancing. at Clsrkston, and attended the Lew- brujses and abrasjpns pn his fprr Those present besides the guests iston Music Festival. Mrs. Chester head of honor were Mrs. Anna Bower, Mr. Vincent, Bruce snd Carol were Sat- St~t~ pstrn]msn A R (Rich) and Mrs. Cecil Chamberlain, Mr. and urday over-night guest and Chester Humphrcys of Lewlston said KaiserlMrs. Walter Koepp, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent joined them for Sunday din- was drivjn nprth jn a 1963 Fprd I John Blankenship, Mr. and Mrs, Ken- I ner. owned by Brown a passenger. He neth Wjlken, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Sjl- ! Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Draper and ssjd Naryjn D Hs]] 25 Ke~drick i'low, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Schocf- family attended the Asotin County d jy n 1955 Ch 1 t th hjs fler and Mr. and Mrs, Floyd Heim- Fair, Saturday. wife and daughter as passengers, was gs Lori Campbell of Lewiston spent attempting to turn oj'f Highway g5 A delicious lunch was ser ed at from Wednesday to Saturday with onto State Highway 42. the close of the afternoon. Wednesday evening visitors of Mr. Yond practica] repair. and Mrs, Gordon Peters. Mrs. Carl Conwa]) (nce Arlene Mrs, Frank Michel and daughter Glenn) was operated on for acute !i Tori Lynn were Thursday visitors of SEI(((I IOR DI N NER I$ appendicitis last Friday at thc St. Mrs. Glen Greer, and Monday even- Jnseph's Hospital. She is recovering ing visitors of Mrs. Gordon Peters. SCHFDU LED MAY $ satisfartoiily. Jnhn Vincent was a Monday even- Clay King of Southwick and Roht. ! ing visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Glen I Dvapcr of Le]and rnch unrlcrwent Greer and family. The Woman's Society of Christian major s»rgvry fnr the removal of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Greer and fam- Service of Kendrick is spr>»spring its his gallb]ar]dev Tuesday morning at ily werc Sunday dinner guests of Mr. annual High Srhool Senior pot-luck thv St. 'nscph's Hospital. Both are and Nrs. Elmer Lohman. dinner at the Kvndrick Community grtting along as wrll as can be cx- Rain and soggy fields are still Church this Sunday, Nay 5, at 6:30 pvrted. hampering spring work on the farms p. m. Everyone is invited io share I All thvre are patients of Dr, D. A. and in most logging operations. i in honoring the Seniors. I Chi istensen.

Transcript of p J'4 4 L.. ~'..Ei. Lil - jkhf.infojkhf.info/Kendrick - 1963 - The Kendrick Gazette/1963 Jan. -...

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Friday, 31ay 10; 7:80p. rn., Aendrick Fire Hall1]calth Dcpattmcnt and a ConsultingEngineer wi]1 bc pvvsent, to take partin (.hc discussiun and explain thesituiltloll,

This is a very important mat.ter-"Hcalt.h-wisv" at><] "Tax-wise" andof vital int«i cst tn all —so be






K " '"~EsSuperintendent James V. Muscat

announced thc naming of Valedic-torian and Salutatorian this week,as follows:


F<insl Itites for Vint Psr]dnsVinton Parkins, 86, a resident of

north central Idaho since 1892, diedat his home at Lenore Monday night,April 22 at 11:15.Death was attribut-ed to the infirimities of sge. Parkinswas s retired mechanic and had livedat Lenore since 1962.

He was born Oct. 26, 1876, in Iowa,snd moved to Nebraska as s child.He lived in Nebraska until 1892, whenhe moved to Troy. He lived in Mos-cow from 1902 until 1904, and from1904 to 1910 on Cedar Creek in Latahcounty, He returned to Moscow in1910 and lived there until 1927. From1927 to 1950 hc was a resident ofMyrt]e, He moved to Juliaetta in1950 and to Lenore in 1962.

Parkins married Lena Roberts atTroy, Nov. 5, 1899.

Besides his wife he is survived bya dsugiitev, Mrs. Eugene Leister ofLenorc; a brother, Walter Parkins,Forst Wing, Wjs., and two sisters,Nrs. William Russell, Moscow, andNrs. Nora Parvin, Colfax.

Final rites for Vint Parkins, long-time Juliaetta resident, who passedaway at Craigmont last week, wereheid in the Brower-Warm FuneralHome at Lewiston on Thursday, withthe Rev. Edward Byrnes officiating.Organist was Mrs. Glen Stevens ofJuliaetta. Mrs. Wayne Hoskins ofCottonwood Creek, sang.

Pal]hearers were Thurston Storey,Leo Nessinger, Frank Neel, JamesFarrington, Ed. Galloway and M.C. Halliday. Interment was in theGifford cemetety.


Nvs. Mary (5]ny) McCall will behonni'ed at. an Open House in theKo»di.ick 1<'ivv. Hall on Sunday, Nay5. fi'nm 2:O0 tn -I:00 p. m.

It. wi]] hi h< v 86th hirthr]ay an-nivi'vasty, an(1 all h( v avrjttaintancesan(1 fri<»i]s;i(i i»viti d tn attcnr].

]-1»st< ssi s will t>e Ai]ts. Walt.er Mc-Call an(l hci tiii«r (lau«htcrs-in-law,

']tits. Pnh ]tl<C;i]I. ]<]ts. 13]ck NcCa]],a»ij ]<It'. Wn](.('i'. ](I('Ca]], al of





Christine Magnus on, daughter ofMr. a»d Nrs. F.alph Magnuson, Ken-drick, was named Valedictorian, witha grade point average of 3.58.


Piano a»d ac<'nrr!ian students ofthe local mitsic (.ear>h<'.vs held theirannual rv cital Su»day at 3::10 p. m.in the Kendrick Community Church.

Nrs. Herman Schupfer presentedBccky Eich»rr, whose piano solosweve "Frog Chorus" and "TheSleigh",

Mrs. Howard Hoffmsn's pupilswerc Lnren Hoffman, whn played"Believe Me If All Those EndearingYoung Charms" as a solo, and "Or-icnj.al Parade" in duct with Mrs.Hnf ]man; Lrona Henry's solo was"Maverick" a.nr] in du<it "The Ca-dets," Debbie Dcnnler played as asolo "Nrad Hatter Polka" and in duet"The Cadets."

Mvs. Rohvrt Nagnuson's studentsthen played the fo]]owing piano solosand duets, wij.h Mrs. Nagnuson ac-companying their duet numbers:

Margie Smith —— "The Fountain."Joy Davis —'"I'umbleweeds" and

in duct "Memories of Strauss."Kathy Ferring ton —"Lullaby" and

in duet "The Dancers."Gisele Magnuson —"Three Blind

Mice" and in dtict 'Marching Song,"Judy IIed]er —"Song of Sixpence"

and in duet "Greetings."Beccy Racicot - — "When Mother

Calls" and in duet "On Review."Lee Msgnuson —"Battle Hymn."LeAnn Rogers —"Little Spring

Song'nd in duet "Peekaboo."Victor Racicot —"The Fox Hunt,"Betty Rhodes —"Spring Song."Karen E<ggers —"Street Scene."Betty Farrington — "The Old

Mill."Barbara Farrington —"Dance of

the Doll" and duet "Bluebird."Mai iann Si1 flow —"Hey Diddle

Diddle" a»d in duet with CarolynSilflow "Butterfly."

Carolyn Sil flow —"Wedding ofthe Winds" and in duet with DaleSilf low "Dancing the Minuet."

Louise Hoffman —"First Butter-fly" and in duet, with Mrs. Hoffman,"Spirit of the U. S. A."

Sandra May, on the accordian-"Whispering Hope" and in accordianduct with Nrs. Magnuson "ShiftingSands."

At the conclusion of the recitaleach student received an award, sndthe mothers of the pupils served re-freshments to the musicians and theaudience.

] )

Mother Passes at Coeur d'Alene

Word has been received here ofthe. death of Mrs. Ella Mae Perry,on Wednesday, April 24, at Coeurd'Aler.'e. She was the mother of Mrs.Jack Mead.

Funeral services were held atCoeur d'Alene on Saturday. Furtherdetails are lacking at this time.


i <i <hi

. Ij l]jj!I


Engagement Is Announced

Mr. and Mrs. Lester Rhodes ofJuliaetta announce the engagementof their daughter Bettyy Vera toRaymond Allen Swanson, son of Mr.snd Mrs. Axe] Swanson, Juliaetta.The marriage will take place at theKendrick Community Church in Ken-drick on June 22nd.

Miss Rhodes is attending KendrickHigh School. Mr. Swanson is em-ployed by Brocke & Sons, Inc., atKendrick.


Robert Callison, son of Mr. andMrs. Nor]a C allison, Kendrick, wasnamed Salutatorian, with a gradepoint average of 3.5.


Dinner and MeetingSunday a pot-luck dinner was held

at goon in the Ju]iaetta MethodistChurch. It was followed at 2:00o'lock by the Quarterly Conferencemeeting. Rev. W. Ritchey, DistrictSuperintendent from Walla Wallaconducted the meeting.

Rebecca Head VisitsMrs. Veda Nye, Pocatello, Presidentpf the Rebecca Assembly of Idaho,made her official visit to Ju]iaettsRebekah Lodge No. 9 last Thursdayevening. Mrs. Nye is stressing the"World Eye Bank," s project of allRebecca and Odd Fellows lodges.

Seven members of the MorningStar Rebecca Lodge of Deary werealso present. A gift was presentedMrs. Nye, the presentation beingmade by Mrs. Everett Farrington,lodge deputy.

A buffet luncheon, served from atable beautifully decorated withspring flowers was served. It wasfollowed by a social hour.

House XVarmjngMr. and Mrs. Gil Erlewine were

pleasantly surprised Sunday eveningwhen teachers, school personnel,their husbands and wives, called towelcome them in their new home.

The self-invited guests brought aflowering Magnolia tree for the Erle-wine's yard. They also served re-


Canyon Chapter No. 67, Order ofthe Easter Star, held open instal-lation for their new officers on Fri-day evening, April 26, at the Fra-ternal Temple. A large group offriends and relatives saw Nrs. RuthHouck of C]ar]aston, a charter mem-ber of Canyon Chapter, install hersister, Mrs. Andrew T. Cox, asWorthy Matron,

Other officers installed were: JudLee, Worthy Patron; Mrs. Eula Mill-er, Associate Matron; David Clayton,Associate Patron; Mrs. Anne Deo-bald, secretary; Mrs. Marjorie Eld-ridge, treasurer; Mrs. Aileen John-son, Conductress; Mrs. Donna Loh-man, Associate Conductress; Mrs.Alice Tarry, Chaplain; airs. BarbaraClayton, Marshall; Mrs. Crystal Gru-el], organist; Nrs. Betty Heimgart-ner, Ada; Mrs. Juanita Recce, Ruth;Mrs. Frieda Farrington, Esther; Mrs.Ann Soudcrs, Martha; Mrs. EstherBlewett, Elects; Mrs. Earlene Tay-lor, Warder, and Lester Wallace, Sen-tinel.

The retiring Patron and Matron,Mr. and Mrs. David Clayton, werehonored with gifts and other appro-priate expressions of appreciationafter a successful year in the Chap-ter.

Mrs. Cox, the new Worthy Matron,was also presented with gifts fromher family, the new Worthy Patron,Jud Lee, and a beautiful white Biblefrom Canyon Chapter.

Other installing officers for theevening were, Mrs. Elsie Onstott,Marshall; Mrs. Dorothy King, chap-lain, snd Mrs. Ruth Hoffman, or-ganist. A song by Mrs. Donna Loh-man and Mrs. Ann Souders honoredthe new Worthy Matron.

Visitors were present from Pom-eroy, Genesee, Lewiston, Moscow andClark ston.


Nrs. Dean Ho]lenbeck entertainedat two parties honoring birthday an-niversaries last week.

Deans Hollenbeck was honored onher 15th hirthday anniversary Wed-nesday evening by having threefriends, JoAnn Schwarz, Norma Em-mett and Frances Polumsky in fordinner and over-night.

Rodney Hollenbeck celebrated his10th birthday anniversary at a Sat-urday afternoon party. Those pres-ent for lunch and games were VirgilDygert, Doug Clayton and MikeThomason.

Evening CircleThe Juliaetta W. S. C. S. Evening

Circle met Monday, April 29th, atthe Ju]jsetts Methodist Church. Nrs.Gary Eggers led the program on"Symbolism. " Mrs. Dsrrell Manful]wsi the hostess.

Seven were present for the meet-ing.

Service Is Complete(ILarry Grosec]ose, son of Mr. snd

Nrs. Lude Groseclose hss completedhjs four years of service in the U. S.Navy, is is now at home. He wasstationed at Ssn Diego, before beingdischarged.

Return From California TripNr. snd Nrs. Phil Johns snd Mr.

snd Mrs. Ercil Woody returned lastweek from a two-week trip, cover-ing parts of California, and visitingwith relatives and friends.

They visited Mrs. Woody's sisterat Sonoma, Calif., snd with friendsat Loomis, then on to Fullerton,where they visited the John's daugh-ter and son and families —Mr. andMrs. Dick Johns and Nr. and Mrs.Gary Oelrich and Miss Carol Wad-dington. The Woodys stayed withMiss Wadding ton, and the Johnswith their children,

A highlight of their trip was thatthey were able tn attend an EastvrCantata in the church that their snn

Dick and son-inlaw Gary had helped

to complete. It is located at Silver-ado Canyon, near Fullerton.

They saw Mr. and Mrs, Art lanes,(Continued on last page)



DISTRICT MEETING Girls in the sophomore class ofthe Kendrick High school surprisedCarolyn and Marilyn He]ton, twindaughters of Mr. and Mrs. Ward He]-ton, on their 16th birthday anniver-sary, Sunday afternoon.

The ten self-invited guests cameladen with gifts, cake and ice cream.

Everyone listened to records afterthe twins opened and displayed theirgifts, A wonderful time was re-ported,

Among those attending the Re-becca District Lodge meeting atLewiston Saturday were Nrs. Ev-erett Farrington, Mrs. Arthur Johns,Nrs. Eugene Taylor, Nrs. Cecil Gru-el], Nrs. Floyd Heimgartner, Mrs.Onal Cope, all of Juliaetta; Mrs. W.A. Campbell and Mrs. Roy Fey, allof Kendrick.

Mrs. Olga Jones, Juliaetta, wasinitiated into the order that even-ing, as an incoming member of theJuliaetta Rebecca Lodge.



!Theie will h< a baseball gamv here

Fviday at, 4:00 p. »t„ tvhcn the Lvw-! istr>n B squad mvets the local teat»I nil jhi'lnillc 1'ield.

A (listvict track meet will be heldat C]cs.vw (ter High school Kooskianext Satuvday. Five thin-clads, ac-companied by Coach D<nnis Racicotwill participate from K. H, S.

Vivian Joy Braun, daughter ofRev. and Nrs. David Braun, c<.lebrat-ed hrr first birthday annivvrsary onTuesday. Helping ]ter enjoy the oc-casion were Rev. an<i Mrs. F. C.Schmidt; Danny Smith of Peck, andhis parents, Rev. and Mrs. DanSmith.

BY MRS. LLOYD CIIAIO A piiblic»ir«t.ing of all residents

I'HONK 5887 an<1 t. ixpay«vs lias bi en called byThe Kcndvjc]r Community I ions the Kendrick Vil]agc Trustees for

Surgery Patient Club heir] their regular session Wcd- ]< iiday, May 10, at, 7:30 p. m. in the

Rpbvrt Draper ente'vvd thc St nesday evening of last week —and Kendrick Fi ve Ha] 1, wi th the toPic

Jpseph's Hpspital in Lewjston Non- spent a long and fruitful evening. to be "Sewage Disposal."

dsy to undergo surgery Tuesday The meeting was Preceded by a A vePresen(ative of the Statemorning Further information 1s 6 30 snlnrgasbnrd dinner served by

lackmg at this time. the School Food Service Association,tvhtch was dehcious.

Fn]]owing dinner the group saw KENDRICK STUDE HTSI ]and W S C S wi]] meet

Thursday afternoon, May 2, at the on "Salmon and Steelhead ProPa- DO WELL I Nhome pf Mrs. Wilbur Corkill, Mrs

gatinn" by Fjshrries Biologist Janlcs

Lloyd Craig is the program leader. Keating of I'cwiston, assisted by FESTI Ir AL RAT I NGSHale L<"bling, State Game Cons<rva-tion nfficvr from Deary. Thc pvo-,gram truly was an "eye-opencv" to I Ratings of Kendrick groups st the

The Le]and Homemakers Cliib wilIlilnst nf (hnsr ptcsent. Nr. Kcat- L«wisjnn Invitajin»a] Mllsic & <>silva]

"t on Wednesday Nay 8th, a!i»gs talk included th«; prpb]cnis nf last Thursday, Irir]:iy and SaturdayI1:30 in thc home of Mvs. WilburIgctting matute fish up over dams wvrr.;

ICor]rj]]. Co-hostess will be Mrs.

i anr] finger]ings down over dams. I Ba»<l II, cx<>r]]vttj; Girls Chorus

I Wa]tev Crawford. At t]ic < n»elusion of ihc program 'Z, ex«i llc»t; Jr. Srxict. cnnipns«<1 ofThe Project w'll be ma]ring Plastic'h< (1»h ]icl<1 an election of officers i pa]nt»a p< i<i's, Siieviy Sc]tt>tjr]t, Jttdy

ith t]i in]]nwjn hvj»g chpscn: I n]lit>sit, ]<]a ( 1«(111, Ja»vt ]']r]vir] e

a]]on plastic purcx jugs, preferablYI

Gerald Ing]e, prrsi<]cnt land Jiliiin Wrgncv inr(.civrd


the colored ones. Also bring one Nota»an I cwis, first vice presi- Irxc< ]lent, v;ttjn(;. ']']i< s;ixn]>hone

vavd of Border Print or some Pretty,]r»t Iq»avtct, ]~(» R«cv«, D«an Bin< lrrt,

print to cover work baskets.I

Z,uthc„pav)rs secpnd yjc< pres( Ida Glenn an<i Cavnl Vini r»t, v< c«iverl


dct>t. ~

a III (gnnd) rating.Bjrtlulay Honored Dick Benjamin, secretary-treasur- I A saxaphnnc duct by Z<]a Gl«nn and

Mrs. Chester Vincent was pleas- 'Ctt tn] Vine< nt rvcrivi.d a II, exccl-antly surPrised at a coffee hour on Gvovgc Mrrric]r and Dean Ho]]en- lent rating.

, Monday morning in honor of her heck, co-Tailtwisters, A rnti»g nf I is "The best con-

, birthday anniversary —when sev 'obert Magnuson, director ccivahlv p< rfnvmanre fnv th< eventeral friends called. A. A. Kvemmin, Lion Tamer. I

and the class of pat'ticipants being

The self-invited guests were Mrs.! ~ judgrd." It- is comparah]c jo a per-Glen Wegner, Nrs. Harold Silf low, i V F. $V. Joins fnr Discussion centage grade of 95 tn 100.

: Mrs. Wilbur Tarbet, Mvs. Bill Wey-, I,nmcd;atc]y fo]]owing thr election A rating of II is "An unusual per-'n, Mrs. Herb Millard and Abby 'f officers tcn members of Baker- formancr in many resPects but notKaye, Mrs. Ray Lockett, Tim, Toni, Ljnd post 3913 V F W whp wjt]t Iiwnrthy of the highest rating due toand Trina, Mrs. Don Cantril and M s

I the I.ions, and Kendrick brtsjnessmen,I

minor defects in performance on in-

Roy Craig. are sponsoring the Locust Blossoln effective tntcvPlctatlon. It rcPlrFestival, joined the group for a di- sents a percentage grade of 87 to 94.

Other News Items cussion of plans for the big day —, A rating of III is "A good per-Mrs. Gordon Peters was a Satur- Msy 25 <I formance, but not outstanding.

'ay evening visitor of Mr. and Mrs. I Fn]]njvjng are the committees as Showing accomplishment and mark-

Lloyd Craig. I agreed on: ,'d promise but lacking in one orKenneth Heffel was a Sunday

jparade —Gerald Zng]e, Norman 1 more essential qua]i(.ies." It repre-

I morning visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Roy I Lewis and A. A. Kremmin. !sents of Percentage grade of 80 to 86,

Craig. Cars —Vern Choate. An IV rating is "An average per-Mrs. Fred Baurngartner of Gene

IRaces —Dennis Racicot and Geo . formance but not worthy of a II, due

'see spent a couple of days last week<Bi,o(,]re Jr , tn handicaps in the way of instru-

I with Mrs. Ben Hoffman. Barbecue —Robert Magnuson, mentation or lack of rehearsal time."Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Craig were I Registration (for booths, etc.) —! It is comparable to a 75 to 7g Per-

Friday afternoon callers in the home Bnh Watts. If any organization or centage gradeof Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Fleshman at'ndividua] wishes a booth, he is the, Said Clive Lindsay, K. H. S. music

Clarkston. They were Tuesday even-!man to contact, and wi]] assign the instrurtor, the quntations are fromi ing callers of Nr. and Mrs. Marvin ', space. Dean Ho]]enhec]r must be the National Interscholastic Music

, Vincent. i contacted for any electricity if re- 'ctivities Commission. It is an aux-

Mrs Roy Craig was a Friday after quired lllary pf M E N Cnoon visitor of Mrs. Ben Hoffman. pangs —Clive Lindsay.Mrs. Herman Johnson was also a Queen candjdjates —James v., WHEAT SUpppRT

Ifamij were sunda dinn ue ts ofl J

ans " '"" " 'RICES ARS SETI

Mr .and Mrs. Ray Lohman and Old Timers (pioneer) Sectionfamil .

dMarvin Long and John Darby. Moscow —The zg63 wheat support

Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson and Tickets —James Muscat and Dean r t h b t t $1 68, family and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hn]le»beck

rates have been set at 1.68 per

(l Wendt, all of Kendrick, were Sunday D G ld H ]Dance —Gerald Halseth. S. Department of Agriculture. This; afternoon visitors of Mr. and Mrs. The parade and the dance came in

'b d G d N 1 h trate is based on Grade No, 1 wheat,

for real discussion and careful plan-, warehouse stored, and may vary aMr. and Mrs. Andy Dreps of Lew-!ning with all major prob]ems left,'

iston were Monday afternoon anI in the hands of committee heads. 1'h t f f t d N .d

'ew cents depending on date of dc-

evening dinner guests of Mr. an It was announced that three new h t '1 77dlivery. The rate for farm store o.1 wheat is $1.77.

items would be on the Program this Th 1g63 barley prie su„port rateMr. and Mrs. Lloyd Craig were year —a carnival with rides for the I

a Y P. Pp

. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and children; an Old Time Fiddlers Con- I

: Nrs Narvjn Vincent.!warehouse stored, and $37.50 for o.

test, with Harold Olderness as the; 3 or better oats. Al] ptices wi]] varyMr. and Mrs. Willis Thornton and chairman f'r this event;.

I family of Lewiston were Saturday A "Twist Contest" will also he aslightly dePending on ate of e-

'allers of his Parents, r. and Nrs. part of the days program, but the Wh t dM . Wheat; producers are remin e ydd btime and sPot for this was no™n-F]vin Zindsay, ASCS office manager,

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Michel and nounced by W. I, Rogers, general, t 'tt I di 1964daughter Tori Lynn spent the week- chajrman I

that written appea s regar ing

end at St. Maries.wheat allotments or wheat normal

dThe matter of c]eaning uP the I yields must be received in the ASCS

i office by Nay 7, . n appoin-Mrs. Ben Hoffman and Howar streets and alleys before the festival i . ' N 7, 1963. A '-,,'Hoffman spent Sunday afternoon was brought uP —and the ions and


it h d 1 f f t twith Mrs. Laura GillisPie at Lewis- V. F. W. agreed to turn out for a'th th ASCS t 'ttj ' js ment schedule for farmers o mee


I night or two and get this jmpovtantl wi]] be made up at a ]ster date, sndHoffman were MondaY evening andi job clone. The date wi]l be an- I

over-night g ests of Mrs. Ben Hoff nounced at the next Lions Club meet- 'rtin evidence may be submitted

Mrs. Bill Deobald of Moscow was at this time. All proven yields must

I a Monday over-night guest of Mrs. be based on net production, that is,

Robert Draper. I N J U RF D I N CAR after dockage has been submitted.The 1964 allotment notices mailed

"CRASH FRIDAYon April 22, to 1219 Latah county

I Craig were Friday morning callerswheat producers represent a countywheat allotment slightly larger thanthat it 1962. There are 431 pro-

Four Persons were injured in a ducers in Latah county with allot-~

Cream ridge were Sunday afternoon two-car collision on Highway 95 at, ucers in a a coun y wi a o-

callers Pf Mr. and Mrs. Chas. HoffI the notth end Pf the SPaldlng bridge initided tn sign the bac'k side of their

1 p. m. Friday. it to the ASCS office prior tn May

IR. Cra .caller in the home of Mr. and Mrs. All were taken by motorists to j13 to be eligible to vote in the May

. oy g I St. Joseph's Hospital at Lewiston, 21 ref'erendum.Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Choate of Cav-!where Nrs. Mari]yn Ha]], 25, Kcnd-,


endish were Sunday afternoon visit-I rick, was admitted for treatment of

iors of Mr and Mrs walter Crawford


taoist (secretions. She was returned


BOWERS GUESTSHerman and Ted Meyer were Non- to Kendrick Sunday, and is reportedday supper guests. as recovering nicely. Mrs. Hall is a OF HONOR

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Crawford daughter of Nrs. Ralph Nsgnuson.


were Sunday evening visitors of Mr Her daughter Margaret Niche]le Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bower were

and Mrs. Ben P. Cook at Kendrick. two years old, was treated for a nose the guests of honor at an informs

Nrs. Walter Crawford attended the jgjrtzy s d re]essed get-together in the Big Bear Ridge

funeral of Raymond Parks in Lewis- I epn R Kajser 37 1522 15th St Community Hall Sunday afternoon.

ton on Monday. She spent the after- Z w t d H w rd p Br wn 44 They were presented with a gift from

noon with Mrs. Hugh Parks. Walla W'a]]a also were treated and the Kendrick Square Dance Clu .Carol and Bruce Vincent spent Fri- dismissed. Kaiser had a f'inger jn- The afternoon was sPent in visit-

dsy night with Mrs. Nina Robinson jury and a forehead bruise. Brown ing and square dancing.

at Clsrkston, and attended the Lew- brujses and abrasjpns pn his fprr Those present besides the guests

iston Music Festival. Mrs. Chester headof honor were Mrs. Anna Bower, Mr.

Vincent, Bruce snd Carol were Sat- St~t~ pstrn]msn A R (Rich) and Mrs. Cecil Chamberlain, Mr. and

urday over-night guest and Chester Humphrcys of Lewlston said KaiserlMrs. Walter Koepp, Mr. and Mrs.

Vincent joined them for Sunday din- was drivjn nprth jn a 1963 Fprd I John Blankenship, Mr. and Mrs, Ken-

I ner. owned by Brown a passenger. He neth Wjlken, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Sjl-

!Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Draper and ssjd Naryjn D Hs]] 25 Ke~drick i'low, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Schocf-

family attended the Asotin County d jy n 1955 Ch 1 t th hjs fler and Mr. and Mrs, Floyd Heim-

Fair, Saturday. wife and daughter as passengers, was gsLori Campbell of Lewiston spent attempting to turn oj'f Highway g5 A delicious lunch was ser ed at

from Wednesday to Saturday with onto State Highway 42. the close of the afternoon.

Wednesday evening visitors of Mr. Yond practica] repair.and Mrs, Gordon Peters. Mrs. Carl Conwa]) (nce Arlene

Mrs, Frank Michel and daughter Glenn) was operated on for acute!i Tori Lynn were Thursday visitors of SEI(((I IOR DI N NER I$ appendicitis last Friday at thc St.

Mrs. Glen Greer, and Monday even- Jnseph's Hospital. She is recovering

ing visitors of Mrs. Gordon Peters. SCHFDU LED MAY $ satisfartoiily.Jnhn Vincent was a Monday even- Clay King of Southwick and Roht.

! ing visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Glen I Dvapcr of Le]and rnch unrlcrwent

Greer and family. The Woman's Society of Christian major s»rgvry fnr the removal of

Mr. and Mrs. Glen Greer and fam- Service of Kendrick is spr>»spring its his gallb]ar]dev Tuesday morning at

ily werc Sunday dinner guests of Mr. annual High Srhool Senior pot-luck thv St. 'nscph's Hospital. Both are

and Nrs. Elmer Lohman. dinner at the Kvndrick Community grtting along as wrll as can be cx-

Rain and soggy fields are still Church this Sunday, Nay 5, at 6:30 pvrted.

hampering spring work on the farms p. m. Everyone is invited io shareI

All thvre are patients of Dr, D. A.

and in most logging operations. i in honoring the Seniors. IChi istensen.



Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Lindsay of Bul ]pea]ly sp far as the weather is con-ley, Idaho, visited over the week-end in the home of their son an"


A]tiiough temperatures have beendaughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clive, cpnifprtably warm, some days in the

'indsay. 'shirt sleeve" class, there has beenNrs. Walter Brocke visited Mon- just enough rain to keep fields too

day with her mother, Mrs. Millie wet to permit spring work, and ]og-York, at Lewiston. ging roads too soft to permit timber

Mr. and Mrs, Lester Rhodes and operationsdaughter Betty and Raymond Swan- Lawns are a brilliant green, andson, all of Juliaetta, and Jim Lender- "growing like crazy." Lilacs areman and son Phil of Co]ville, Wash.'ursting into b]oom, cherry and ap-were dinner guests Sunday in the pie trees are in full'bloom —and so,home of Mr, and Mrs. George F. It gpesBrocke, Sr. Truly the old saw "April showers

Nr. and Mrs. Tommy Long and bring May flowers" is true in thisdaughters of Clarkston were Sunday area —but spring work is behindvisitors in the home of his niother,

t scheduleMrs. Anna Long. The Potlatch river is about at its

Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Foster at- usual height for this time of year—tended the farewell dinner honoring but is also unusual] cl ar

„."."'":„..","'"::"„,".:.:„',".'",';:,"OIITHWICK FOI.KMrs. Marlene Bowers and daughtersof Southwick were Sunday guests. l

Mr and Mrs Henry Reil and Horst, BY MRS. DON CANTRILReil were evening visitors.

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bain and sons, Nrs. Ear] grown and son Nichae]of Headquarters visited several days and Mis. Col]in Biller, the latter pfof last week in the home of her par- Auburn, Wash., arrived this week toents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Westendahl. visit in the home of their parents,Mr. and Mis. Gerald Gustin and Mr and Mrs C]ay Kingfamily also Pf Headquarters and Ar- Sunday dinner guests in the Arnienold Zumhofe of Spokane were also

ICuddy home were Mr. and Mrs. Da-

Bunday guests. lvid Cuddy and family of Lewiston;Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Wilson and Nrs. Mr. and Nrs. Charles Cuddy and

Rose Bartlett visited Sunday in the'amily of Lewiston, and Roland Cud-home of his brother-in-law and sis-

dy of Vantage Washter, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Nelson at Donnie Benjalliin, son pf Mr. andGarfield. Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas Mrs. Ver]in Benjamin was a patientof Deary accompanied them. 1't

Tri-State Hospital in ClarkstonMr. and Mrs. James Recce and last Tuesday and Wednesday, when

daughters of Cavendish and Mr. and he had his tonsi]s removed. Nrs.Nrs. Elmo Eldridge and daughter Gertrude pederson of Ju]iaetta stay-Janet were Sunday guests in the ed at the Benjamin home, caring forhome of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Clayton the other children while their par-and sons.

t ents were away.Mrs. John Wilson and her mother,. Doug pederson of Juliaetta and his

Mrs. Bob Cain, visited Tuesday in the fiancee visited Saturday afternoon inhome p™r.and Mrs. Ralyh Roberts the Ver]in Benjamin home.at Lewiston. Mrs. Ervin Fry attended the Music

Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Trout ofi Festival at Lewiston last week, She

Deer Park, Wash., visited from Fri-, was accompanist for Fred Hassingerday until Sunday in the home of his'pf Cg]dmother, Mrs. Frances Trout and fam

l Mr. and Mrs. Harve Triplett of'ly.Miss Linda Larsen of Lewiston I.ewiston were Thursday over-night

was also a week-end guest in the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Armi-j

I tage. In the evening all called atMr. and Mrs, Jack Gehrke of LaP- the Ar]ie Armitage home for ice

wai were Sunday evening visitors in cream and cake —in honor of ]ittle1A 'hehome of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Tammy's 4th birthday anniversary.Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Candler called

Mr. a d Mrs. Herman SchuPfer re-I at the T, J. Armitage home Satur-

turned home Wednesday following adday evening.visit in the home of their son-in-law

lMrs. Go]die Mustoe has been ill

and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. Robert with the flu this past week.Nrs. Herb Millard accompanied

South Dakota Mrs. Morris md sons Mr. and Mrs. Don Cantril to Connell,,Rpbby and John returned home withem to visit for three weeks.

Milton E. Lind, Mrs Joyce Arnold f i d i th . E o t hoand children and Mr. and Mrs. Her-

they visited briefly with Mr. andman Eberhardt, all Pf Lewiston, were Mrs. George Miller at pasco, Wn.Sunday guests in the home of Nr.l Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bales of

s Ha r] Wh ftIn e pf I CIarkston visited h er m oth er an

Cameron and Mr. and Mrs. Robert'brother, Mrs. Anme Longeteig II dJohnnie,'unday afternoon.Draper of Le]and were Sunday guests

I Mrs. Don Cantril was hostess at a

Mr. and Mrs. Dick McCall and home Tuesday morning. Mrs. Wilbur

family and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mccall Cork]]l of Lel&nd was the demon-

and family, all of Lewiston, wereSunday dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Lawrence at-their parents, Mr. and Mrs Walter tended the Asotln County Fair and

McCa]]. 'IV]r. and Nrs. Walter C. Nc the Music Festival, Saturday.Call and family also of Lewlston Mr and Mrs. Rollln Armltage and

sons attended the pot-luck fax'ewel]

-Mrs Mar (Mae) Mcca] Julia-'dinner honoring Mr. and Mrs. Gll

etta is spending a month w'ith her Erlewine at the Gold Hill Hall, Sun-I

M W It M C 11' The Ladies Miss]onary Society will

M . d M . F k Ab d meet Thursday at the parsonageson Richard drove to Hooper, Wash.,

'unday,where they were guests in TIQEg$ TRIP DEARYAT BASEBALL

Keene home. I Kendrick's Tigers defeated theMr. and Mrs. R. L. Blewett visited Deary nine 11 to 1 at Kendrick last

Sunday in the Kenneth Hoduffer Thursday afternoon.home at Craigmont. All then Kendrick got its runs early, scor-went on to Cottonwood in the even- ing five runs in the first and fiveing, where a Kendrick team was, runs in the second innings. Delbertbowling in tournament play. Roberts, Dale Bi]flo, Ross Nagnu-

Mr. and Mrs, Herman Travis of son, Charles Lackey and Eldon FryGrangeville were Wednesday dinner al] hit well for Kendrick,guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. High-light of the game was RossBen P. Cook. Mr. and Nrs. Kenneth Magnuson's pitching. He struck outHoduffer of Craigmont were Satur- 19 of the 24 batters he faced, with-day dinner guests, and Mr. and Mrs. out giving up a walk.Walter Crawford Sunday evening Deary scored in the first inning'allers. 'on a triple by Bruce Baumgartner,

Nr. and Mrs, Cecil Brammer and followed by a fielder's choice.family of Cream ridge were Sunday i Magnuson and Rowden, Fey (4)guests in the home of her father and Vincent (7).aunt, John and Elsie Darby. I Brady, Parcher (3), Baumgartner,:

W. L. McCreary joined Mr. and (5) Rueppel (6), and Eller.Nrs. Frank P. McCreary and daugh-

t Deary 1 run, 2 hits, 3 errors.ters of Moscow and Mrs. Vera Borg-

i Kendrick 11 runs, 8 hits, 2 errors.ford of Kirk]and, Wash., on a drive


and Mrs. Ronald Craig and GRANGE VfOM EN Tofamily of Lewiston were week-end

Sack Gustafson of Spokane was a',week end visitor in the home f I

The Kendilck Grange Ladles wi

father and step-mother, Mr. a d M s entertain their husbands and me', members at a pot-luck dinner at 7:30

Mr. and Mrs. Os ar M d I t- this Satilrday. The men being theat-

ed their children, Mr. and Mrs. Alan w nners in the yearly GrangeMedalen and family and Mr. and tendance contest.Mrs. Gerald Harris and family, both Meat and ro]ls will be furnished,at Orofino, over the week-end.


and ladies are asked to fill in theJim Travis returned home Sunday rest of the dmner.

f II 'n t ] t ' 'h i A Style Review will be on the Pro-Army Reserve Corps at Tacoma, Wn.


gNrs. A. O. Kanikkeberg left Tues-,

day to st'ay'in the Sgd I ee home at'. 0. ON D S TlhAEGenesee, while Mark Lee attends apre-schoool week in the schools there.Mrs. Lee is doing we]] and is expected R. E. Nagnuson, Postmaster, hashome from Seattle next week. Bhe'received official notification that thishas been in that city under medical year the Postoffices will oper«e Pntreatment for some time. ~Daylight Saving Time, as are banks

The Rev. James pearson and sons and similar institutions.Mark and Phillip were dinner guests Official information on this matterof the Rev. igid Nrs, David graun was lacking for last week's issue.one day last week.

Rev. and Mrs. David Braun and OUT OF HOSPITALdaughter Vivian were dinner guests l

of the Rev. and Mrs. Daii Smith pf. Mrs. Ed. Brown was returned home ~

Peck, one day last week. llast Thursday from the Bt. Joseph'sRev. and Mrs. David Bragn and'Hospital at Lewiston, where, on


were luncheon guests of Rev. 19th, she had undergone thyroid sur-: .and Mrs. Bruce Groseclose of Leisgs- gery. She is reported as doing i

tpn, Monday. After lunch the group»«]ytoured the Potlatch mill.

Gene Taylor, Juliaetta; Jerry Bate-~ Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Long return-tman and Marvin Trout attended an, 'ed Monday following a week's visitIdaho Mountain Search Ec Rescue with relatives in Bunnyside, Everett,unit meeting at Deary Wednesday Edmunds and Tacoma. They re-oventng. ported ideal weather all week.

SP~<ElP$3fENPhone 289-4281 Kendrick

Grim and children of Lewistpn wereweel<-end visitors in the Ernesi. Grim]ionic.

Mr. and I't'Irs. IIarlcy Perryman at-tended i.he house warming party inJuliaetta Sunday evening, honoringMr. and Mrs. Gil Erlewine,

Penny Weaver stayed Thursdaythrough Sunday morning with Mrs.I.ettie Israel at ICendrick, and at-tended the Music Festival activities.

Mr. and Mrs. Marion Souders andfamily were Saturday dinner guestspf Mrs, Grace Souders at Kendrick.

Wayne Arnett was at Deer Lodge,Montana, Friday through Sunday. Hewas an attendant at the wedding ofAlex Weaver and Shirley Elmose.

Mr. and Mrp. Dick Parsley attend-ed the gymkhana at the AsotinCounty Fair,

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Parsley andMr, and Mrs. Dick Parsley attendedthe funeral of Mrs. Josephine Pars-ley in Lewiston, on Saturday. Shewas killed when their automobile ran

'nto a tractor-trailer, which jack-nifed in front of them, near KlamathFalls, Ore. Her husband is still inserious condition in the hospital. Heis an uncle of Dick Parsley.


N. ker Sel Utile Blackhmlthllzg

Hard SijrfaeingPhones: Shop 4177 Residence 4173

AND Li."tr iii" isiSr ISIII,S. ROISii;I:T PaATr

Phone 5338

Dinner Honors KrlewinesNearly 100 people turned out on

Sunday at the Gold Hill Hall for thepot-luck dinner honoring Mr, andMrs. Gil L<'rlewine, now of Juliaetta.

Old neighbors and friends camefrom Lewiston, Kendrick and Julia-etta to join those on the ridge. Allspent the afternoon visiting,

Mrs. Ida Lyons and Mrs, GeorgeLyons were the hostesses.

Other BriefNrs. and Mrs. Guinn Jones and

son of Eugene, Ore.; Mrs. Paul Bes-ly, Lewiston, and Mr. and Mrs. JimArmstrong of Lewiston Or chard swere Sunday dinner guests of Mr.and Mrs. Robert Pratt and family.

Cheryl Weaver was an over-nightguest of Leona Henry, a week agoMonday.

Mrs. Alva Craig and children, Mrs,Lloyd Kimbley and children, the Geo.Lyons family and the Dan Kechterfamily and the James Holt family at-tended the Music Festival in Lew-iston.

Mr. and Mrs. Bing Blanfield ofLewiston were Monday evening din-ner guests this week of Mr. and Mrs.Phil Bahr.

gill Heffel, who is stationed at Se-attle, was home over the week-end.He called at the James Holt home.

Ellen Weaver, Lewiston, visitedFriday through Wednesday in thehome of her parents, coming up withElmer Weaver. Danny Kiele, Koos-kia, visited Saturday evening andthrough Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Lockridge ofCraigmont and Mr. and Mrs. David

pmaa g


Kermit Maicom, M:B,nd,g;ert





PHONE SH 8.4578

Simple, dignified fune. al services.

New building, pleasant surroundings.


'r epl'iallt BrarlclFERTILIZER&



There will be a 1:00 p. m. "Conver-sation Luncheon Friday at the Kendrick Community Church. The dis-cussion theme wil] be entitled "OurHeritage," and it is hoped that allchurches of the area will be repre-sented by a good attendance of mem-bers.

The luncheon is sponsored by the t

Christian Social Concern area of theW. S. C. S., under the direction ofMrs. Raleigh A]bright of Juliaetta.

Use the Best Fertilizer—



Kendrick Rochda,le Compa,nyKEXDRIGK IDAHO

('are enh!.ay-".ime . s

..'imeFor lou) cost results —use a Gazatte 8'ant Ad.


++++ettsie++ ettejt eee rie see+a e esse s sset~4es eee stt+ tes eee see se\ 0[Iett see ses s sees see eetyes A+ s]ssee sieeee see eee tie++ eee ris tHtsiesiteats

s ~ ) t ~ s s ~ I


e A J


(Of All Kinds)We Will Order Any Special Items Desired '„';

MOBIL TIRE Ez BATTERIES;;)@+~ We Give S & H Green Stamps on All Burning Oi)—g

if paid by 15th month followingI+ I I t ISA s I t ls + s Iree ~ t I Q I

eie s++ i'o, ' t,,~ ' ' 'd ADtL i iaett

Representing The

Mobil Oil CompanyKENDRICK, IDAHO


Office Phone 4061 Residence 8-2626;:;++++++++++t+++++++++++rtttft+0+++++++sttreetrHtsterHtstsser ret -e- -e- e- ret te- -e- -e- m- -e- -e- e

ii 0 ii!!

GARDEN AND LAWN SUPPLIES"Iia w~ M eP 'a.~ x . pier'"'


i + i" s ay@ c

osen, judiciously placed

s will work wonders with

..at very setal cost iet.a dl it thb t

Frozen Foods of All Kinds —Blevrett's Groceryto


Bank on us to meet yourevery banking need



.802. "



REG., 4 Lbg. Clordane Dust,'0%%uo $1.88

1 Lb. Clordane Dust, 10% ....70Iryponex Plant Food.......1.00Garden Bou'I Rake, 16-tine ...8.60Garden Bow Rake, 14-tine .. 8.80Garden Level Rake, 16-tine .. 8.2$Garden Level Rake, 14-tine . 8.1$Grass Rake, 26-tine..............8.80Garden Hoes, 7-inch . 2.70Garden Hoes, speed type ....2.60Weeders, three prong ............8.$0Rotary Tiller Garden Tractors

....................189.NPeat 3fo88,8-cu. ft. bag........2.N

].~k~ ljj >tj "

v't'sso euch

better to

pay by check

Paying bills by check i

Helps you keep track

goes. Gives you a bona

celled check) for every p

checking services (regul

ALL KINDS OF PLANTSHybrid Mix Petunia@, per basket ... 6+Geraniums ........35$ 8 for ......$1.00

Nany Other Specials Not Listed.~


THE FARMERS BAgKiE:BiEi',lGX!trSI.,'S h,.'. Herman Meyers President Froet 1V. St]no~ SMosv, Vtoo pstsst~gA.o K ~sob rg.C hler I.lXC ker,Asst,g is~~

Member Federal Deposit Insurance Cprnce




'57 FORD F600Chassis k Cab, 5-speed


SPECIALS!'52 FORD I/z-Ton Pickup,


'56 FORD 4-door, S. T.'57 FORD 2-DoorTake your $2SPPick'57 CHEV. Station Wagon.Overhauled motor E: trans.,NeedsBody Work ..............+


SAVE $2P7'62 DODOL< 1/I-Ton


FORD I/z-Ton

Pickup, G-cyl. Q 395A. T., long box ........

'$0 WILLYS Pickup4-wheci $695Drive

'$7 FORD '/>-TonV-8 Motor $9953-spree


'60 FORD F80011/r-Ton Chassis 4 Cab. Oneowner, like new, $249517,000 miles .............


SAVE $245'62 INT'L I/r -Ton I'icknp.G-cyl., 4-spd. Q SPWas $2095 ............



JI„jl JlII" l!



Sii.ISSH 3-35O4


Th(' f)63 rvilclrt pl'i('('ilppoi'L's h:i re Ir<'cir >><>L (it <I L.G8 p

i I >ilail('I Ioi'ili nll <i<)ii)1tv by tllrS. I )«l>I(l'I.I)lc'n!. of Agt'I('IIILIII'c, Tliis

! rate is base<I on Gva(lr N<>, 1 wh«'it,v, ovchousc store<I, an<i i» iy v(ivy!'«w ceni.s d«pen<ling on cl(rt«of d<-

liveiy. The rat< fov farm stoi<cd No.1 wheat is $1.77.

Thc 19G3 barley price suppor 1

rate for No. 2 or better is $36,27 pcvton warehouse storrd, and $37.50 fov

No. 3 or better oats. All prices will

vary slightly depending on dateoi'elivery.

Wheat producers are reminded byL<'ivin Lindsay, ASCS office managerthat written appeals regarding 1964wheat allotments ov wheat normal

yii liis i)iiisL bc v< «(<ivrd in th('SCS I

i>I'I'i« I>y 3<I(ry 7, 19G3. A11 <lppolntiil<'III. s<'ll«(!I)I<i f(>l'. I'(I'I))('I's I.<> I»«<'Lv,'i 'I ll I.l)c ASCS co)ill! y r<)i)ill)i!. Le('

'il I I)<')la(l('it il I,'I I <'I'lil C «',


( 'li<" I I. I) I'<><III«t.i<>11 I'.'('<)1'(Is 'ill(I sil pI

«>)'I illg <'vi<6<'tr('(,'»ily I>«slil)i)litt<)(1')I.Lll!s 'Lii)I<'. AII I)I'()v<'il yi('I(ls lilusL '

I>< I))is<(I <>n n«t p)'<><II)<'Li<)ll, Ih<)L is,!(I I I.<'I'I<><'k)lge h(ls b«''ll sllb!.I"irc!«<I.

l'Ii<'!I(I I allot'))lent. 1)ol,ic('s nlii! l<'(I

AI) i il ', Lo 1219 La!ah Corlnty xvll('(rt

I i'oil)a i I s v«pi «sent a County iv!)eirt(illo!,i»< ni. sli rhtly larger than Lh il.in ]9!I'). '!'hr)( ave 4,'l1 producers in I

Lai.ah «u«n!.y wi!,h allotments under15 acves, who are reminded to signthe back side of their MQ-24, allot.-ment no!.icr and return it to the ASCS office piior to May 13 to be eli-gible to vol.e in the May 21 refer-enchlnr.

Kendrick has no parking meters!

TRY US FIRST AND SAVE"..kiii &:.".!i~i'!SSPhone 289-5791 Kendrick

':::".'85 >ring AgainSTRAW HATS—

For all the Family'. Stay cool t

SUMMER DRESSES-New shipment of lovely spring dresses

QFTS FOR MOTHER-Mother's Day draws near. Be readyt


1~(>is< 1(l;ii)<>'s I.,i gisl;<IIII<, (Iiii lngI Il<' III I'I v-'(«''< >II<I +< .'<."'><)ll ill'>I<'i)< I('(I

I I >«C< I'<>Ill)(I < < >it('I'I il!»L«s will<'llsin)I)lir'ii s pi o(«irii'e in est<)blisl)ii)I,""Ci'iti<'.:)I Gv(>»ii(1 Wat( v Ai'«<is" IoL!1<' xt(.'Ilt LI)IIL I.l)<'1«('Ilil)lnt)oil l"tlg-inr«v»)ay <I«! i )i»ine what an. as a) eCr'it.leal an<i als(! !hat <rppli(.'(<LionsIrr:Iy Ire I)vocrss«(l wii.bout the ex-pense sn<I delay»f publication ofnotice of intention t.o clvill a well.

The Ground Watr v Statutes alsoprovides that if, in the opinion ofthc Reclamation Department, ovdersor decisions of a local ground waterboard are being violated, the Recla-Ination Engineer shall recluest theprosecuting attorney of the respec-tive county to bring appropriate act-ion for enforcement.

These amendments emphasize theneed of well logs, many of them havenever bc en submitted as required byIdaho Code, 42-283. For<casts indi-cate a diminishing water supply inmany areas. Logs avc therefore need-ed to aid in assessing the possibilityof depletion. The Reclamation De-partment is considering withholdingissuance of well dvilling licenses un-til delinquent logs have been sub-


Missoula —A total of 304,181 ani-mals were grazed last year on the 16National Forests of the NorthernRegion, Boyd L. Rasmussen, region-al forester, reports.

In 1962, Rasmussen said, 1.12,835cattle horses and 161,346 sheep andgoats grazed I:hese public lands inMontana, northevn Idaho, EasternWashington, and eastern North andSouth Dalcota.

An addii.ional 65,433 animals (56,902 cattle hovscs; 8,531 sheep andgoats) grazed on the Custer Nation-al I< ovcst Nal.ional Grasslands in No-rth Dakoi.a and South Dakota.

Most of the Northern Reg on'sNational Forest gvazing was in Mon-tana where 1,G90 paid permits rveveissircd for 118,235 rat!.lc and I)ovseaand 105 permits were issui <I forgrazing oi'!6,074 sh«cp and goats.Last. y()av sheep grazing on thr. 16National Fovcsts decreased whilecattle grazing increased over the pre-vious year. A favorable season re-sulted in an increase of approximate-ly two per cent in grazing usc in thBRrg ion.

Forest Service grazing fees are de-posited with the U. S. Ti casury.Twenty five'er cent of all NationalForest earnings (timber sales graz-ing, special pcvrrrits, etc.) are r<)turn-ed to those counties containing Nat-ional Forest lands. By law, thesefunds are used by the counties forschools and roads.

"-'Nj ~S


ill>! I « I.G, <>iiii(I iviiu I D

, <l(>I!<i), Iii!(<')( «il .-I « ill, Itl <I<,1 <. I«l<il)31 I I I ll<'I l»<''><I!»~ 'i>I I I i'

(> sii I ",",<iii)'< I [>I'«'('ll i I'I' <<i I L 'Ir '1I><'i I>ill>s I)I'<1<.'<>i>I. <«.'I <'.')<!<I ill' .

I)« ">'ll VVII()I. )))lg)11 I«;<, villi) ol!. '!<'.»CL< > <I<'v('I(>}) ll(sv vv((I <'I'l>I)

I ><I". A.('<>I> <<> (>I LI)» ~ II (I'I.<<I <."»<)«V »<'II« i ..'Iri » i.

I r<ilucsL Lo tile SL)i, c I ('<:Ii>l«. l >Ir

,I)<!I>iil'L)rl('.nt< Roo))1 J(37< iILL(L<' I ><l.'~<I<

Loisr., Idaho.

~ w ~ a a w ~ m a ~ ~ m a ~ ~ m ~ ~ ~ w ~ w w w ~ ~ ~ w w w ~ w ~ ~ ™

II >««<IK




4)I I I< I)'rl<d„.~ Ir'!>:.'j~>'«X(..r'...':.'r,.:,",',"'~ ir

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P I > IN:,

01 ':,.:;:,":„+g.i).:.::::::::::)II''rlI Ill

Ir)'(I 3>


r. <>!>rg+„3'5'j$


Do you think Charlie can win a ribbon.

That's what Joan Anderson, 4-H girl, is striving for;

a blue ribbon for Charlie at the County Fair.

Working for excellence is one of many fine principles

which the 4-H Club and Future Farmers of America

inspire in their youthful members.

Honoring their purposes, our Company annually

provides 74 first-year college scholarships for 4-H and

FFA to award to deserving members in the West,

Alaska and Hawaii.

Joan Anderson plans to apply for one of the'se.

This is part of the nearly $1/ million we contribute

annually for scholarships, fellowships, grants, services

and materials for schools. We deem

it a privilege to give this support.

to serve you better




Pre- finished REMAINS SOhardboard

U. ofI., Moscow, The Universityof Idaho donated a rccovd peasetime total in its annual blood driveand caused the Red Cross to vun outof bottles for donors

A total of 903 pints of blood wasdonated. Another 200 stuclcnts wereturned away when the supply ofbot,ties f'r blood was exhausted.

During the war years, stiidents andtownspeople gave more than 1,000pints of blood during the annualdrive. Last year more than 800 pintswere donated.

Student chairman of the drive wasRaymond Rocha, an art studentfrom Ferndale, California.

Prefinished Hardboard inTwo Tones $9.484'x8'heetThis materi)hi looks more like woo(lthin wood itself I Prefinished witha most durable finish. Excellent forany application —even resists ham-mer blows!

TROY LUMBER CO.18th 4 G Lewiston

SH 3-1717

7herr ls no substitute for goodfood, and you will find every kind cotibkle your. palate at Blewett's Gro

I eery in Kendrick. 1-rrdv

,W&&&%,&&%,&&%%'%%,% &'%%Wg

~/2~Wc7i~bir' '

Ia =

'P I +Il 'l I<~-g",1c::gMC

II - MIs g (//



New 1968 Dodge D-100 i/z-Ton P. U., 114-in. wheel-base, 225-cu. in. (6-cyl.) engine $g OQQ.P0ON DISPLAY NOW

I 100</>, I irurncing On Approved CreditRe-circulating Heater —Direction))I Signals —Dual Arm Rcsts—1400-lb. Rear Springs —Spare Tire and Wheel —Outside Rc<Lr

View Mirror —Antifreeze


F ~

~~ %Q ~ %5 1RL ~~ %% ~ %% TN uIL ~~~ %Q, ~~ v<r




$ One of these ORTHO fertilizers will III

( fill the bill for your




ORTHO UNIPEI. X6-4S-0 "Available at


',; 'll"LF H, ,'t!&S:( S,ll.'.,'




SOIL CONY'SATION"These Rerf'ovafed Pasfures Really are 'Bully'"

Kendrick, Idaho, April 15, 1963Dear Friends:

The lovely Idaho springtime makesme want to package the fresh breathof spring into my trunks as I pre-pare to return to India's hot season.How good it is to spend a secondEaster at home.

More than a year has passed sinceHermina and I gave an account ofour trip home. Shortly thereafterwe travelled by car, speaking inmany churches, Luther League andALCW conventions throughout theNorthwest, and then in North andSouth Dakota, Minnesota, Illinois andIowa, where we were accompaniedby Duane Meske and GrandmaSchmidt.

In June, Mom, Dad, Hermy and Iattended the World's'Fair in Seattleand Alumni Day at P. L. U., whereLoeda is now a senior. Hermy thenspent the summer months at theDeaconess Hospital, flying back toIndia in November. My summer in-cluded more speaking, attending theALCW convention, beginning workon master's thesis, and joining asummer farm activities which includ-ed entertaining many guests.

In September I returned to BiblicalSeminary in New York City. Withpresent graduate standards sixteencredit hours kept "rusty yours truly"more than pouring over the books.The thesis requirement was anotherhurdle, the writing of which wasnot completed until this 1VIarch andthe outcome of which is still notknown. Approval will mean gradu-ation with Master's of Religious Edu-cation Degree in absentia in May.It was a time of refreshment withmuch inspirational Bible study andfellowship with students from aroundthe world. Special highlights were"my home away from home" withthe Scopes in New York and mycoming home to Idaho for Christ-mas.

Traveling by train enroute homefrom New Yorl< I stopped in Detroitto visit special friends; in Chicago tovisit special relatives, and in North,Dakota to see Millie, former Indiaco-worker whose work I will now I

look after —the Industrial Schooland Old Folks Home —along withthe Bible women's work and train-ing program.

Even though this has been a verybusy furlough, it has been a mostwonderful one. It would have beenhard to fit anything more into itunless it were time with my preciousfamily —my parents, brother, sis-ters, nieces, nephew, grandma, andall the rest. Shopping, packing andvisiting will more than keep me busy~until April 27th when the folks willdrive me to Seattle where I willboard a plane on April 30th, at 8:00p. m. After a short visit with a dearfriend in Japan I shall arrive inMadras on May 8th where Hermywill be waiting. As I return for athird term of service I know I carry

NP Announces EarlierTrain Departures

With the advent of Daylight Sav-ing Time in some of the western,states, Northern Pacific Railwayhas adjusted schedules of certaintrains to conform. The followingchanges are effective at this stationSunday, April 28:

Southbound Train 311 leaveslKendrick at 11:08 a. m. PST and

arrives Lewiston at ll:55 am PST.Northbound Train 314 leaves Lewis-ton at 3:00 pm PST, Kendrick at3:44 pm PST and arrives Spokaneat?:05 pm PST,

On the main line, Train 2, thewestbound Streamline d M a i n -!streeter leaves Spokane at 7:50 pmPST for Seattle and coast points.Train 1, the eastbound Mainstreetcr,leaves Spokane at 7:15 am PST for

'illings, '6vin Cities and Chicago.All above trains are one h'ourearlier than before.

There will be no change in the,schedule of the Vista-Dome North i

Coast Limited.For tickets, reservations and

travel information, please callNorthern Pacific Station, phone


Soil Conserca(ion Socieig of America

The crows recognize that it may not be the farm for "peaches aud cream"nor "milk snd honey" —but it's a "honey" just the same. Economical beefpro(luction can be the secret to increased income on your farm. And renovatedpastures supply young beef animals with s'nutritious diet —aud inci ease soilfertility at the same time. Get advice on such a.practice from your local soil,.Onservation district. Now!

with me your wishes for a safe CHRYSA+THEQUQjourney and satisfying years aheadin the service of Him who lived, died SPRI gGand . arose that we too might live.God's promise is sure. "I wiii

IS REyA~ P EDstrengthen... helpIsaiah 41;10.








Complete Painting, Body and FenderRepair —Glass and Brakes.~

No job too big .' No job too small lI I I I

+IPhone SH 3-775/

SH 8-$281

CHUCK'S BODY SHOP4th de B Streets Lewiston

I e iggpq,i e


-i .m-;.,i~;.i-.....r;I'll'rd

Ill rr rL.lR i. ~ ~ „;'4PM"R



SPARKLING'61s - '62s - '68s

With McMoniglo's Exclusive3-YEAR SVARRANTY

'62 FORD Falcon 4-door Sedan.Auto. transmission Q S45radio and heater ................'62 FORD Galaxie 2-door Hardtop.V-8, auto. trans., powersteering, radio, heater ......'62 CHEVROLET Impala SportCoupe. V-8, automatic transmission,power steering,radio and heater ..............'62 CHEVROLET Bel Air 4-doorStation Wagon. V-8, automatictransmission,radio and heater ...............~'62 CHEVROLET Impala 4-door.V-8, automatic transmission, powersteering, radio ~R95and heater ............................'62 CHEVROLET 8el Air 4-door.V-S, automatic transmission, powerstehting, radio $/395and heater ..............,..........'61 CHEVROLET Corvair Monza,



%em Sixth St. LewistonI

Model 115 ~~'T~n~'odel 168~bto ~ r Mr ~ Mrtb cl by


Reg. 584.50Now !i76.00

8/4""::"."SAWReg $88.00

Now RII79.00

Lightweight, well-balanced saws particularly suited foroverhang cutting, framing and similar general construe.tian Jobs. Quality extras Inciude famous Kickproof Ciutch;"no-drag" telescoping guard; precision ball bearings; accu.rate depth and bevel adjustments; rugged helical geardrive and more.

) < $1'Bi><5 'FCI War@


and uphold.Sincerely in Christ U. of I., Moscow, A different meth-DOROTHY MEYER,

od of re-establishing hardy chrysan-My address will be: themums each spring can be very

Nayudupet successful in Idaho gardens, accord-Nellore District ing to W. H. Snyder, University of

Idaho horticulturist."The problem of relying on old

India. plants to restablish themselves out-doors is that many tender varieties

Fresh an<i cured meats of all kinds look good during late winter onlyare obtainable at Blewett's Market to wither and die when active growthin Kendrick. 1-adv begins in April or early May,)) Sny-


!der explained. "The untimely deathof the plant, is believed to be causedby root damage from frost heavinglate in the winter. As a result, few orno functional roots are available tosupply activ growing shoots withwater and these shoots wither anddic."

Often early season cuttings can bemade from the new green shoots androoted indoors prior to the time theymight fail out-of doors Snyder said,This involves removing the short, lea-fy shoots around the outside of theold clump with a sharp knife androoting in clean sand. Treating thecuttings with a root-inducing "hor-mone" prior to inserting into thesand is also adviseable, Snyder said.

Insert the cuttings about 3/4 in-ches deep in a large, shalow pot fill-ed with clean sand or a mixture of50 per cent sand and 50 per centpeatmoss. To keep the humidity high,cover the pot with a polyethylenebag. Place the pot in a shallow sauc-er contain ing water. Add water oc-casionally. Place in a north or eastwindow. Check periodically to be suresand is moist and no rotting is tak-ing place. If rotting begins, loosenthe polyfilm bag for aeration.

The cuttings may be potted whenthe roots are '/2 inch long. If theseason is warm and settled, say inlate May, these new plants may alsobe set out in the garden if the plantsare protected from heat and wind.

"Here at the university, smallmum plants grown from cuttingshave bloomed well after planting aslate as mid-June," Snyder reported.

Religion is not knowledge, but adirection of the heart.







ll vitamins, 12 mineraIs In

I daily tablet.

144 (20-week suppiy) 7,95

n 479 as 259


for chiidren 6 to 12. Multi ~

vitamins with Brs, iron and

144... 5.49

n...3.29 as... 1.79


H'f» /rpi: P+"-"——, (Pi'r~rn gpss;v

4( I.'ross .. pharmacyYour BISMA REX-ALL Store

Cecil Choate Phone 594)

Success is never final, and failurenever total. It's courage that counts.—G. F. Tilton.

$ %mmmmwmmma,mm,e,mmmm,mme









Again this year, the first choice of growers and II

experts is IPC for low-cost control of wild oats gin either pea or lentil crops. PPG Brand of IPC

gcomes in an easy-spraying 75% wettable powder zform... works in long booms... stays ~mixed even down to 35 degrees F. Before you IIplant —get your crop off to a healthy start by I!Ispraying with PPC IPC. You'l like the extra

IIyield I

PPG 75% lPIl Settable Powder is available from:

l a i. IIs'..'lI,.II.ti3 '6 II".. I




This year...pack 'em out with ease!

DW~ e =


Ride into "big buck" country and bringback your deer with ease. Designed foroff highway travel, the lightweight"GOTE" is the first machine of its kind.Geared low, it will carry a hunter and his

deer up 45'rades with the "Climb-away" transmission shifting automaticat-

ly upon need. A frome of high test steelwill take the knocks and bumps without

damage. The compact Tote Gole will fitinto a car trunk for travel to and fromthe hunting areas.

FREE Demon'sfration Rides


STORECecil Choate Kendrick

444 ttt ttt ttt ttt MI ttt ttt ttt 444 444 444 ttt 444 444 ttt ttt 444 ttt 444 444 444 t»I ttt ttt ttt ttt ttt 444 ttt 444 ttt ttt 444 ttt 444 444 ttt ttt t 44 44 4 t 44 t 4 4 4 4 4 4 t 4 t 4 4 4ttt ttt ttt ttt ttt4 4 t t t 4 4 4 4 t t t 4 4 4 4 t 4 t 4 t t t t t 4 t t t 4 4 t t t t t t 4 t t t 4 t 4 t 4 t ++ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ~ 4 4 4 4

K X < I 1% tais-to announce that me 're now dealers

Ford Cars and Trucks.l















4~ ttt ttt ttt Ptt t+4 ttr ttt ttt ttt ttl ttt ttt Ptt ttt t44 ttt ttt t44 444 ttt ttt 4 4.ttt+rt ~ tttt ~ 4ttt ~ ~444444





















8'e are pleasedfor Thunderbird,

4 ittt








ti 4~ 4» itF 'Itzt„',.emllltr .,lc< (8<


g I )megg I o, MI I

~ I

KENDRICK Phone 289-4971 IDAHO


i s






'itl'JKl I'III) .'(.t>)l:„"]It „(„',.kendrick, Ida.Phone 4281

oj'ermiston, Orc., and Henry Hassevisited j.heir»>othe>, Emma Hasse,,at the Alma Betts home, Sunday.

Mrs. Albert, Lawrence and chj]<]rc>"and Ah»a Bctts visij;cd in the E>m'1Beyc> home S»nday afternoon.

Mrs. B><d Adamsvn and Gay]espent the w<:ck-<.nd at their ranchhere, rct»> ning to Kooskia Mondaymorning. M>. and Mrs. Adamsonand Daisy Stage visited with AlmaBetts on Sunday evening. Mrs. Rus-seD Perkins was a]so a caller,

Bud Adamson and E<'mil Beysspent several days at Kooskia recently, putting a new roof on the Adam-son home there.

CORRECTIONLouise Hoffman assisted Mrs. C]jve

Lindsay at a birthday party lastweek. We inadvertently wrote Mm,Magnuson's name instead of that ofMrs. Lindsay.

meeting at the Leonard Wolff homein Le]and, Wednesday.

Alma Betts called at the AlexLawrence and Alley Vannoy homesF<riday afternoon.

Alex Lawrence drove to Asotin onSaturday to attend the I air Parade.They had a granddaughj,cr partici-pating in the event.

Ishmael Martin of Lewis(on andMrs. Elmer Souders were visitors inthe George Finke home, Thursday.

Rev. and Mrs. Lowell Woods ofLewiston were Sunday visi jors inthe Don Hines home.

Mrs, Don Hines spent Thursday inCia>kston, visiting her father, CloySmith, who is still a hospital patient.

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bonser andsons of Lewiston spent Sunday withher parents, Mr. and Mrs, D. V, K»y-kcnd all.

Mrs. Russell Perkins spent Fridayand Saturday in Lewiston, assistingwith work at the home of theirdaughter, Mrs. Le]and Marvin. Mrs.Marvin is still under a doctor's care.

Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Kuykendallwere Lewiston visitors on l<"riday.

Mr.'and Mrs. Dale Bemis of Mos-cow visited his brother-in-law andsister, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Perkinsand Hazel, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hasse and son

An expert is a mechanicaway'rom

home. —C. E. WilsonThere is no wealth like knowledge.

Thieves can not steal it. —OscarWarp.

Fresh and cured meats of all kjn<f>R

are obtainable at Blewett's Market1in Kendrick. 1-a<Iv

I 1 f

l j l l'h~)


< R sra4] jr~ "i lfor EVERY


Regular Style EnvelopesStandard and special size eave>-

opes for every need —in manyqualities and colors of paper atodE.

VJindow EnvelopesWith sohd seal g]assine w]ndowain either standard or special posi-tion» to fit your needs.

Catalog, Clasp, andBanker's FlapCatalog, Clasp and Banker's Flayenvelopes for heavy ma]lingaFurnished in strong tanKraft aa4l

in many sizes.

Business Reply and

Statement EnvelopesSpecial reply and statement cn-ve]ppes printed to your ords>c

speed up collections.

Coin and Seed EnvelopesSpecially constructed for harlusage in many stock sizes.


BuyAir-Mail EnvelopesPrinted in regular red and blueborder with your return. Fivestandard sizes.



«@«'l-SE =NHil e.

Econolope(Irr>proved Postage Saver)

For mailing third class advertis-

ing matter. Flap seal type wit]h

the special "gum spot".

Policy Envelopes (Open Er>d)

Carried in two weight» aud fosrsizes.

Waterproof Packing UstEnvelopesWith or without c]aeB and fosnmetal eyelets.


I. & Drug, Theatre Ticket,Pay, Florist~nd many oth<>rs.Boor-to-Bo«r >>el>very

Past, Safe. l)er>endable

%'alvor Procke

Speci>sl Envelopes of all )MAL,

DON'T FAIL TO SEE WALT DIS-NEY'S "PINOCCHIO" at the Ken-drick Theater this Friday and Sat-

We ~4 igff%ICt I~a~~ APOISE~~for the N'aI7-WeII EnveIope CosERpaep

N ll i)s=i

~ ~


...ie .C.n(..vie.~ Gazette18-1urday evenings

FOR SALE —Boyms 20-inch bike.Excellent condition, $15.00. Phone289-4350. 18-2x

ONI Ph" H «2 '<] 59BI'a«FEJ'EA'a<gn<F)


THE KliuXDRIOK GA /ETTE W . h., 1 fj; fo 'onPublished every Wednesday aj'ter-

~... day jo b< j>wc>y fnr seve>'al daysnoon (dated Thursday) v' end>'ick, MEET AT DA'll'TO" M> an<1 M> s B« t Dav>s o> I »DIdaho, by W. L. McC>ea>y. Os'>»>0>> b>'<j»ght jh<i> g>andsi>n, B>»cc

Subscription $3.00 per yearDavj», bacl< ho»><'un<ljly sift<'>'»<)on,

Strictly Ind An>ong thoce 1'ron> ]4<m<1< j< 1- at- an 'js t<nj w>jh M>', and Iv]>'s. Wj>yne'll J],I,'

t<»<ling th«list> ict n><i.t.jng of the!won>an s Soricty of Chris>.ion S<'>> icc j

hl'<1»]>'s. E>'nest An<]>'t'h<s an(1<'IshlRt<H NE>'I'ICES j>e]<j at Dayton, W;>s] ., On '1'h»>sday 1 fan" >]Y aj ten<it'0 the As»]in C<j»nty

werc; Mrs. Raleigh A]b>ig'ht, J»]ia- I"ai>'n<1 jht L<'wist<<» M»sic 1< estjval'----- N ws Editor Ca>»aron I<'n>n>>nue] L»theran Church <tta'>s, I . C. Schmidj., M>s. ]]oj>l on Saj»><jay.Classifie<l Advertising Howa>'<j Ho 1 > n'>an

g.45 a n>, and M>'s, B<'n P. CooWo'»p Service at 10'45 a»I M»s. Magnuson and daughter G sele, Mrs. Dennis Racjrot and Timmy n«t And>'trws. for jhc past couple of

yV 1, I-utl>eran Church ol iu]jaetta anc] M>s. Ben P. Cook vv<j>e ]»nch<ion woolens, while in the process of mov-e< nes<>ay's Markets r < ~

Fort F<old bulk ...,........................,1h<;n Meske, P>>st]]r guests in the home of Rev. and Mrs. ]ng to Moscow. They have Purchased

Red b»]k .......,.....,..............,..........,lk ...,....„,....„....$203 Sunday School at 8:30 a. m. E>'nest Gates. M>'s. Racicot is a a t.railer ho»>e the> c and will make

$203 Worship Service at g:30 a. m. member of the J»]iaetta W. S C g their home in it, as he will be em-Federatjon, bulk ............................$2.03 and attended from ther<, Ployed by jl'e W, W. P. Co. Mr.

2,03 Juliaetta Church of the Nazarene Other J>diaetta membe>s attend and Mrs. Andnws h<lped them getBarley, 100, bu]k ..............$180 W Gene Hansen, Pastor ing were Mrs. Ccorge Eggers, Mrs. setjl<d at Moscow on Friday.Oatjs, 100, buD< .. $2 05 Sunday School at 9:45 a. m Darrell Manful, Mrs. Bob Hutcheson, Pa]orna Peters of Juliaetta spentLentils, 100, bulk ...

'' "'"$8'50 Morning Worship at 11:00. "Altar Mrs. Gary Eggers and Mrs. Adrian 'Tuesday night with Evelyn Andrews.Austrians, 100, bulk .............'"""'$3'00Dedication Service." Jphns Mrs. Wayne Davis took her sisj.er,

Youth Services at 6:45 p. m. Mrs. Harry Jones of Moscow, to Spo-Sma]I Whites 100 $7 50

Evangelistic Hour at 7:30 p.m. hTTllg ICl


I~T1irV ~~ ~ I I kanc on Tuesday, where she will

""::„.;;;:;„.,';,:;.;,.;:„''MERICANReGE RIG i'l;ARRfl)n.'hite

Dutch, per 100 .... (No Quote)

Red, per 100 .................(No uoteAlsyke, per 100 .............(No Quote) Church Services every Sunday Phone 4139o Quote) morning at 9;00 o'lock. Everyone is The Happy Home Club will sponsor

Ranch Run .....................................Egg Prices —Dozen welcome and urged to attend. M>'. and Mrs. Cl d 'N'ch ls f a supper and sale at, the Communitye > 0 0

35c Clarl<ston and Jeck Kent of the U. of Hall on May 3rd, at 6:30 o'lock, TheButter Seventh Day Adventist Church I. spent the week-end with Mr. and proceeds will be used to reimburse

Retail, Ib, ...,............,........,....,......75c Juliaetta, Idaho our Fire F<und.

2:00 p. m. Sabbath School.Ekier A. R. Hall, Pastor M. dM .Clr. an rs. arence o nson oJ h f Mrs. Cecil Dean, M> s. Grant Clem-

p. n. o Tro w W dnesday evening visit-! enhagc 'n r '.F H3:00 p. m. Worship Service.

o Of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Smith attende:1 the District Lodge meetingFRp g K y gAR TON 7:00 p. m. Special Bible Study. Mrs. Vir il Hurlburt and Sand at Lewiston, Saturday.

LAWYERAll are welcome at an or all servicey May were Saturday afternoon visit- M>. a"d M>s. Grant C]c>v>cnhagen

Office In I'ostoff lee Buj]<]]ng gouthwick Community ChurchjChatcolet and St. Maries,

Phone 4981 E]vjn Gilliam of Moscow wi]] be M . ' c»e Mo ga o Mr. and Mrs. Dick Benjamin and j

day with Mr. and Mrs. Edd Kent. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry J. Ing]c and


at tl '„h Su Moscow spent Tuesday nd -

Ricky were Sunday dinner gueste<nes ays: 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.

I Regular Youth Meeting in th„Saturday evening suPPcr gues s o familyMr. and Mrs. Rudolph Smith were her. and Mrs. Gerald Ingle and Mrs.


Mr. and Mrs. Austin Swanson a" Linnie Ingle were Friday eveningbl f God Church j Karen, and TwiDa Porter, aD of Troy'upper guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. A.

James Pearson, Pastor Mrs. Ella Benscotcr and San y I Kremmin at Juhaetta.9:45 a. m. Sunday School May attended the Music Recital i


Mr. and Mrs. Dick Benjamin and11:00a, m. Worship Service Kendrick, Sunday afternoon. Ricky visited Sunday evening with6:30 p. m. Young People' Sunday evening guests of Mr. andi her father, W. E. Hecht, at the I.atah 1

l j ':45 p. m. Evange]istic Service. Mrs. Geo. Havens were Mr. and Mrs.I Nursing Home in Moscow.

1i ''> I 10:00 a. m. Thursday, Women's:Ira Havens of Juliaetta; Ira Havensj Mr. and Mrs. Gera]d Ingle and O>-( I Missionary. , and Vickey Todd of Lewiston, and mand Manderfe]d attended the Pa-

Friday Evening, Teacher - Worker Charles Have"s of Clarkston. rnona Degree practice session held: meeting. Mrs, Ella Benscotcr was a Sunday at Mountain Home Grange Sunday.

IIevening guest of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mrs. Fd. Galloway, Mrs. Eddie

Juliaetta, Methodist Church Galloway and Mrs. Gerald Ingle at-Rev. David Braun, pastor Mr. and Mrs. We>ner Brammer and tended the I eager Training for thel



'l l III

j,~ 1< ! Worship Service at 9:30 a. m. d g w y i]esson "geasona] Tab]e Decorating"it l L

I Church gchoo] at, 10:30 a. m. v» f M '4 ' Ph'held in Moscow last Friday,Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Gayle Cros-I Mr. and hfrs. Alex Larson visited

Kendrick Community Church son of Troy were evenmg caDcrs..Sunday evening with M>s. Anna I

Rev. David Bra»n, pastor Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Havens were BowerSunday School at 9:45 a.m. Wednesday afternoon visitors of Mr. M> and M>s Ed Galloway and MrCEDAR<BED STORAGE BASS,


Wo„sh',.p Be~co at It.dd a m ,'an<i Mrs. Duane Smith and V<chey in

an Mrs. Werner Brammer and Nr. and Mrs. Tom Greene, Lewis-

~iL a~ ~

Vacation Church School teach< rs Mrs. Andy Co'»d Mrs L,ton, were Sunday evening suPPer

~iL a~ ~

attending the training session at the Heimgartn . Th d. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hois-

/jrst Methodist Church in Lewiston callers of Mrs, l,lla Benscoter. Mrs. mg on an am> y.on Tuesday were Mrs. Burton Sou- Anna pearso of Tro w a ft Mrs. Neale Hoisington sPent Sat-1ders, Jr., Mrs. Clive Lindsay, Mrs. nppn vjsjtpr I urday with Mr, and Mrs. Frank Hois-


Eichner and Mrs. John Deobald. etta we>.e g, 'd, ton joined her there in the evening.

IMEETING POSTPONED Ha ens n Mos o '"" "'"'t 'th'h. 'tnM ''M'no '"returned from a Spokane hospital

The regular meeting of the Kend- where he»ndenvent surgery for theikW.S.C.S.h b P tP d 'm 1 fbi" d It fr lgI ~

from May 9 to May 16, due to the Mrs. Fran]-ie Be t d M'ash., has sPent the Past week in

S~b~ $hOpW. S. C. S. Conference meeting 'n Wayne Davis were Lewiston visitors'd old friends in Deary and on the

DKIK CUDDV KENDRICK, — WaIter Benscotcr and their sonTHANK YOU, FRIENDS Jack Benscoter, the latter of P Mrs, Lois Thayer, Vernon>a, Ore.,

I wish to thank all who remember-" '""" ' '' formel ridge resident, visited Fri-

j] , day afternoon with her brother and

TV SERVICE "'„"„",";....,.„„„„,"'',: (V)»:.:IS aa Near aS YOur PhOne

IN THE PROBATE COURT OF THE I i j ] $ ~ ~ ~ n Edna Cheyrion, hoth ~of Mom<co

EXPerienCed SerViCeman " "" ' f ]dar. and Mrs. Charles Bower.

FnII LIne Of RepaIr PartS In the Matter of the Estates

TUBES AND PICTURE LELA 8. GRUELL and SAMUEL ad. of Blewett's Cash Grocery on She visited in the E. W. Broyles and

GRUELL, Deceased.the back page. 7-2'Melvin Arrasmith homes, and while


there attended the Cowboy Breakfast

PhOne 5982 the undersigned Administrator of the DuPONT LUCITE HOUSE PAINTEstates of Le]a B. Gruel] and Samuel —As advertised on TV, at Kend-GrueD, deceased, to the creditors of rick Variety & Gift Store. 38-4

said decedents to exhibit them with WANTED —CHURNING CREAM.Kendrick, Idaho necessary vouchers within four (4) Lewiston Price at Kendrick. Leave

months after May 2, 1963, the first at Western Auto Supply, Kendrick,publication of this notice, to the Golden Grain Dairy, Lewiston. APr>1 30 —Mr. Chas. Baack and

said administrator at the law office daughter Mrs. Gloria Wilson were

Rof Frank V. Barton, Lewiston Pro- BAKED BREAD SALE —Sat., May I dinner guests of Mrs. Geo. Finkefessionai Bui]ding, 1219 Idaho gtreet, I

11, 10 a. m., Brocke TV ShoP. Tuesday. In the afternoon, laden

Lewiston, Idaho, the same being the Featuring foreign breads. Good with a birthday cake, ali drove toplace for the transaction of the busi- "b. 18-2 the Elmer Souders home where they

I ICENSED DATED this 30th day of April, Painted and Repainted, etc. Worklof Kend>~ck. There they helped Mrs

A. UCTIONEER CECIL GRUELLdone in Kendrick. Write Emery' celeb> ate their birthday anniver-

Administrator 3 78963531 6th, Lewiston, or call SH~j saries. The women are sisters, and

8-8x I



their birthdays fall on the same date.quare Deal To Attorney for Administrator FOR SALE CHEAP —Apt. size ']me Betts enjoyed "Pizza" with

2 Q ll res Residence and Post Office electric range'ood sma]] enamel I»s Marlene Bowers and daughters

~er and Se le A d, p o ed wood range; TV antenna. N H !Tuesday evening.1219 Idaho Street Stedman. Phon'e 5867, Kend 1-x I Mrs. Albert Lawrence and children '

attended the Cameron Missionary

KE>>dr lCks i<I<>1>0 Firstmp<rh. May 2, thdd NEW Missis Base project. Construe-!Last pub. May 23, 1963. tion starting Seattle area. Long,

phOne 43O4 Or R197 'oP Pay job. Send 35c <je s™ped MICf<h,lp

444, Bothell, Wash. 1-x ~

KAY'S BEAUTY S APPLIANCE AND TV'EPAIR L.EAV Ihi'RDr p A Chr;StenSen Phone 5841 KendrICk Wednesday each week, locally. Bill APVEF<."

Open from 9 a. m. to 5:30 p En Wyatt, 1530 Burrell, Lewiston.Monday through Saturday phone SH 3-3?43. 14-4x

In the Hotel Building ~E'ST DFeaturing the latest equipment for FOR SALE —Dues.tti 200-C C

]j]E><>ergency Call at Al] Hours On Hair Styling Scrambler motorcycle. Just com-Notjflc>>tjon pletely shop overhauled. Marvm C I RCU LATIOkl IS NHAT,

pghm Phone 5982 ResMenoe 587I Trout, Kendrick. Phon~ 289-4350. YQ0 CrlT py p,pypgrl<higOffice In JpHN DE HA~N SPINET PIANO in this area must be IN @(5 QQVSppp~

CM t BMn B~dhg, KendrickLIG AND LOCAL H'tLULING sold. Purchaser may assume small

mo. pyts. Also ELEC. ORGAN.pHONK SSSI wr«e» phone Tadman's Sian-- '>jjrA. IOrgans, N. 1915 Division, Spokane. ) . r(~



sh;p By Truck RUBBER STAMPS —ReaDy topquality, with sponge rubber back- I

ing for long life. Stamp pads andink. See the Gazette, 3-3x

TR PAPER TABLE CLOTH —WetStrength. A qujc]R, easy and sani-tary way to cover a table for. pub-]ic or private gathers. The cost la

!low. Kendrick Gazette. 8-5x %P'


'I.'5,;.Ih i.j.5II





Kendrick TheaterFItIDA Y —SATURDAY


6-Oz. Jar Instant .......99$

1jf J B Rice and 1l/I J B Tree Tea Are



'=.. l3. IIDi~l3hl'~ %ID=J




resh and Cured Meats at Bleu)ett's —Kendrick


=',.'IC'~I:li,l~j l lal( g.ai iliRjjtr(%~

R(grr. U.S. rage. p(R

g s ~ aa sRi,,R(i .R I. ~ - I R! IF.-I


Tru-Blu Filled Cookies, 8-lb. pkg. SRShurfine Corn, $ cans ....................$X.OO

Tastewell Margarine, 2 lbs..8+Hunt's Pork ck Beans, 1Vo. 2/i cans

4 for .................................. ....... . ...... 9+Soflin Napkins, 80 count, pkg..|+Tasteuell Instant Dry Milk, 14-qt.

Size, pkg.

Energy All-Purpose Detergent, GiantSize, pkg. SSQ

PHOHE 288-57Xi

l, a K W A W A A W W W W K W W W A W j' W W W sgs W W w W

t'I'N) a sal Oel Dependable


RECAPPlNOS '.I."A.SStandby Fruit Cocktail, No. 808

tins —4 for ........(........................8+Standby Chunk Tuna, 1Vo. ~Is tins

8 for ..................................................8Neco Peas, No. 808 Tins, 6 for ......88$Hunt's Tomato Juice, 82-oz. cans

4 for ...........................................8+Select Four Garden Seeds Here, lVow.'

(en'ice'.."ai)le Su) ) y"Your Friendly Store"


h e(Rto... arse Swt LegW mate your old NET ~anr" &th lorica-lajjRRjjt, aye~LLd Goodyear iteod ~Ioe ttoirraadRI eleaiee cato agog

Ittiet ~ I ~ 8Ail ~

,~ -'.Vl'"'.—.'S



(Continued from page 1)N E formerly of Kendriclc, while on their

p,t, I II aa (ei trip.


I The YY'onder Tale ctevennt,'rnces,on f Mrs, Dig'a

Douglas Pedcrson, U. of I. stu-

Published Weekly by the Union Oil Service at Kendrick gyz g g ~ ~rcrar~~~i~~

dent and his fiancee of Pullman w('I'cV'f ~LiX C/lD1VWX D week-end guests in the home of his,

W. L. "Bill" Rogers, Editor mother, 1VIrs. Gcitrude Pcderson andJeioine. Sunday afterrloon callers,


wer(. Mr. and Mrs. Helge Carlson of

Still need a fire morning and " " "o

"" '" (III TeChIIiCOIOI')Mvrisst I.ois Thayer of Veionia, Ore., I

evening —and perhaps a little in your corn." is visiting a few days with her

tbrother and s'ster-in-law, it jrc ancl I

need Union's new Blonde Heating " j ' " CARTOON —SHORTSI

Mrps. Rufc(s Fairfield, 'TOCIg pp AT y HIS LO+ PRICEus at 425L ' ' ' visited with her son-in-law and

Lct us grease, change oil and ONE SHOW ONLY EACH NIGHT!daiighter, Mi. and Mis. Jim Fairing-,"Basically," says a prominent generally service your car. You'l ton, Thursday and Friday. Her son-

psychologist, "it takes just two like Union pr oducts and our ser- 75c Admission 25c in-law Jake Peter son of Lewistonthings to keep a woman happy . vice. Try it today!

I brought her up for the visit.BOOK MAT{",H5

husband under her thumb!" Woman: "Oh, Nurse, I'm Mrs. 'alif., was a week-end visitor in theCARTONS 2+Black. My husband in room 13 —— — —— Lloyd Candler home. Mr. and Mrs. CARTON

Have you seen Union's new says you'e been nice to him. Telll > >

'Cleo Shaw of Lewiston were Sunday

Minuteman Tire? The first one me, is he making any progress?" I f $ +PAL Qg QP( PI[ )g ~ afternoon callers.

priced. and fully guaranteed. See I my type at all."good enough to bear our name. It Nurse: "Oh, you don't have to 4'<+~f<~L4~ % MMMXLMl $

!Djnner guests jn the G C Bpwen

op qualitv, Vet reasonablyI

worry a bit Mrs. Blacl». He's npt ~~++TI~~~ YPY R ~~~~ Ihonle S

p Jig/IIII JI Ray Wilcox of Missoula, Mont. Mrs.

it today. Sure, we'l trade!I

Wilcox will be remembered here asSee us for batteries. Don't get BY MRS HAIIL ~~HITINGElt I

Joan Winters, a granddaughteroj'overnmentcrop inspector caught with a dead one! ishprre R j825 !

Mr. and Mrs. Bowen.was visiting a I<entucky farm and Dmner guests Saturday evening m!began aslcing questions. Always t.ravel "Union". thc A, A. Ki'cnlnliii h pale lv(. lfe MI'.

MLK FAGAL TRUEI;»r«hy Mey««»es «r Indi 1,and Mz's Gerald I„gle arid I jnnjc ,'!

Mrs. Herman Illcyer and Duani IInglc oj Big Bear ridge. Miss Alta'Meske took Dorothy Mcyer to Sc-, qjoore Mrs. Krcmmin's sister, hasattle on Saturday, where she wl!l t

jlccn staving wtttl them since Liasjer, I I S0spend a few days before leaving joi I lvhcn ski; retitrn(ad f!om Portland.India. All will visit with Loeda; Mr and Mrs. Vernon Gr nliuld and, i

I Meyer will return home Wednesday. ~ztrray home S~at((rday aft( (noon.

Other NewsI Board meeting of the Latah County t M 3 8 COFFEEMr. and Mrs. Albert Schultz ot 'i c Library Monday


Saturday EUening and Sunday Lewiston visited last WednesdayI

Mrs. Mabel Brennen, Moscolv, visit-afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Hail 'd last week in the l ome of hei

SPECIAL —Pan Fried Chicken Mrs. Fred Newnlan, Helen Micllce Mrs. Milce Hedier called Tuesday l"/band Mrs. Harl Whitinger attendecj at afternoon in the home of Mr. and

rs. ice e er ca c ues ayl

Dojjo/o((g . ++((I QZ((f r Q IE9 [ tluilting bee at the Leland Ghurchl Mrs. Bellrl Bramnrer. ~

dn tron L/v .dwima 39basement last Thursday. The quilt Sunday visitors in the horn(. of Mr.

was for Mrs. Marvin Vincent. and Mrs. George Groseclose were l(fir.Mrs. Stanley Hepler and Donnie and Mrs. Otto Weinmann of Moscow; iIIwere supper guests Friday evening Nellie Wakefield and p. J. Steens- ' il s:t~ (tof Mr. and Mrs. Bob Watts in Ken- ma, both of Clarkston. R!Ii jjm --—) I~

drick. It was Mrs. Watts'irthday ~frs. Richard phelps and daugh-anniversary. ters of Spokane returned to their

Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Brunsielc home Sunday, following a visit with

Mr. and'rs. Lyle Parks and Ter- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Sherman at-ri of Moscow and Ronnie Lohman of t tended the funeral services at CoeurLewiston spent the week-end here I d Alene, Saturday, for Mrs. Ellawith their Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Er- Mae Perry.

RR vin Lohman.I . Mrs. Ervin Lohman and Mrs. Lylel SCHOOI, NOTESP'irks and Terri spent Thursday and

I Sixth Grade NevisFriday visiting in SPolrane.

( ytre observed nrbor flay by plant- 'I~ 'L - — Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brammer of 1ng a lilac for each room and holding

y, Clarkston and Martha Rodgers of,'a general assembly, where through

Moscow were Sunday dinner guests spngs, choral readings and individualof Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Brammer. In readings by all the grades the pur-

II g g Ithe afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Ray- pose of and the history of Arbor!

A UT'O— 'f,'I mond Rodgers of Orofino were calI- Day was emphasized.Iers, and Mrs. Rodgers returned home Following the assembly and plant-

E' with them for a visit. ing we cleaned up the school yardC A S U A L T F — . Mr. and Mrs. Abe Fry of Lewis- ancl finished pruning the trees in,ton were Sunday evening suPPer front of the school house. By the time

'uestsof Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hep- this was all completed it was time I

~Iler and Donnie. for the buses and dismissal.F E I

Mr. and Mrs. Harl Whitinger and All feel it was a ver~ fruitfal day,::, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Draper were Sun- and we wish to thank Wjljard Bow-

day dinner and evening guests of Mr. en fpr the use of the truck, into I

BONDED REAI 6TATE BROKERuddv at Rend»ck. which we loaded the tree limbs andi $ H Q jr 7 $ F U N 9 jt (ttb L C H A j 9 L

BOB MAGNUSONMartha Rodgers visited with Ida ATTER D RACES

",!Thursday afternoon.pZZO(Vhv ~yR Zfg(((DZEZ(vZf;;:.I Mr. and Mrs. Glen Newman and Etre motorcycle enthusiasts from


lt E "I family and Mrs. Jack Lansing and here were among those attending the.,,,,......,,....,,,'.Idaughter Karen were visitors of Mr. motorcycles races and hill climbing F

Iand Mrs. Fred Newman Saturday contests on the North Fork of the I

afternoon. Clearwater, Sunday. Among thoseI

Mr. and Mrs. Glen Newman and entering the races were Jerry Bate- I

family and Mrs. Jack Lansing and man and Neil Erlewine. Jerry earns '

daughter'aren were visitors of Mr.Iout in first place in the 50-c-c class.

and Mrs. Fred Newman Saturday Keith Thornton of Peck came in 8th CHEAPERafternoon. in the Open Class (bjg motorcycles).

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Newman visit- Others 'going from here were Bur-

I lb Ca Qg+ ed Sunday evening with their son ton souders, Jr., Don Millard and I



~ n ------------------------------ T'ncl daughter-in-law, Mr. anci Mrs. Marvin Trout.Wally Newman and Mikey. HOTTER HEAT~III)III' lb Can Q, 35 Mrs. If'red Newman visited Mondayafternoon with Mrs. Stanley Hepler.l RIDERS AT FAIR

g lb Can Qg 99 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoffman (. pent Tl!esday with Mr. and Mrs.

I Hai'hitinger. 'hirteen members of the RidgeZ0 o> J(gr Zy(BE((y(E $f 39 I

'- Riders daddle Giu ro e in e so- I

tm County Fair parade at Asotm,JUST/QE QOURT saturday. some remained to attend l

Ithe Junior Rodeo, while others came I Yon Can count on Standardback to Lewiston to see the Lewis- StoveorFurnaceOilforclean,

I Small Claims —J. lB. Harkey vs. ton Music Festival Parade.!, ~ I I Ernest Warren. Appeared in court The Ridge Riders Saddle Club will even, economical heat.

and paid in full. meet on Thursday, May 2, at 7:30Q,t + lg In the case of Bill Line, Moscow, p. m. in the City Hall. This is an~~ ['I ~

who issued several checks which important meeting, and all members,were returned marked "Insufficient are asked to be present.Funds," turned over to Prosecuting

I TAttorney 'Len Bielenberg by Justice IC II'EII I ID iEd CCW '

I~g L > 'g

S( >, I R I 4R I R(, t

of the Peace of Kendriclc. The Judgeat Moscow ordered that restitutionon all checks be made by April 26, The Kendrick Kanyon Klub meet-which was done ing has been postponed until Wed WE DEL(VER

nesday, May 15th, due to a conflictKerrdrjck has "" parking meterRR! of dates.