P A4.indd

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    I wish your 18th festival all success in its proceedings. And I am fully

    confident that you and your colleagues, the students and youth of

    Syria, taking part in this festival, will do your best to insure the

    success of what you have gathered to achieve. You have chosen aslogan for your festival: Youth unite against imperialism, for a world

    of peace, solidarity and social transformation!. This is what we all

    wish to achieve.

    Thank you.

    Bachar AL-Assad

    President of the Syrian Arab Republic


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    We count on you, the youth of the world. We hold your hands and

    ask you to be the best generation for the future of your countries.

    Arm yourselves with education and work, like Syrias students and

    youth who have defended their country, each from their own position:students with their books, doctors with their scalpels, engineers with

    their drawing pens and soldiers with their weapons. All of them have

    been defending their country. You hear and watch what has been

    happening in Syria during the past few months: steadfastness

    generates victory, our noble aims are worthy of the huge sacrifices

    we have made. We have stood fast and sacrificed because Syria is

    our ultimate and noblest aim. As Ecuadors national anthem puts it:

    After the fray victory would fly, freedom after the triumph would


    Youth of the world,

    I avail myself of the opportunity of the World Youth Festival being

    held in the state of Ecuador, to extend a heartfelt salute to its

    president and people, wishing them continued progress and

    prosperity and success for Ecuadors policies based on democracy,

    respect for nations, independent decisions and non-interference in

    other countriesaffairs.

    This is what will be written in the annals of history and read by future

    generations about you and about us. Because we live in the land of

    the first alphabet in history, we shall not be but worth of Ugarit which

    give the world its first letters to write its past and present, and worthy

    of the Kingdom of Ebla which gave the world a wealth of ancienttablets that gave the civilization of our region and the whole world a

    new dimension.

    From Syria, from this land I have described, I tell you that from the

    throes of ordeals and calamities springs a new life. With our youth,

    we have been and shall continue to aspire to the establishment of

    international peace and justice and extend our hands to all the free,

    independent and hounrable people of the world to build together a

    better future for a deserving generation.


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    I tell you this while you are meeting in Ecuador, the country which

    knows very well the meaning of multiculturalism and diversity, but

    which equally knows the meaning of colonialism and fighting for

    liberation, independence and sovereignty.

    In Syria, there are those killing children in the name of freedom,

    slaughtering men in the name of religion and raping women in the

    name of jihad, or holy war. In Syria, there are those who are trying to

    drag us back hundreds of years and enslave free-born people. In

    Syria, there are those who destroy churches and mosques, detonate

    statues of thinkers, poets and writers. In Syria, there are those who

    are trying to demolish our past, bury our heritage, kill our youth inorder to kill the future we aspire for.

    We have stood fast and faced all this relying on our glorious history

    and our strong present whose main pillar of strength is our young

    educated youth who realize the magnitude of what is happening in

    their country.

    Yes, we are a country of peace, justice and rightful causes. We are

    now defending these principles with our blood, the livelihood of ourpeople and the lives of our youth, women and children.

    We are a country of just peace which is the guarantor of our rights,

    land and sovereignty. We are not a country which surrenders to

    pressure, hegemony and occupation, whether exercised by foreign

    powers or through their internal tools.

    They have brought terrorism to the land of peace; they have brought

    extremism to the land of tolerance; they have brought killing to the

    land of jasmine, but they havent been able to bring despair to our

    spirits, submission to our minds or surrender to our principles.

    The fiercer their terrorism, the stronger our determination and

    steadfastness; the uglier their extremism, the greater the sacrifices of

    our people and our army, in order to make Syria better than it was at

    any time before. Syria will rise again only with the energy of its youth

    and the youth of brotherly and friendly countries.


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    Youth and Students of the 18thWorld

    Festival, Quito,

    From Damascus, the oldest continuously inhabited city of the world,

    from Syria, home to a seven-thousand-year-old civilization, I address

    you in Ecuador, a great country and heir to successive civilizations

    which have endowedit with a wealth of culture and diversity.

    On behalf of the Syrian Arab people, I address you, through the

    delegation representing Syrian youth and students, the bedrock of

    Syrias present and guarantor of its future, taking part in this

    international festival, the most important of its kind in the life of young


    States are built only with the strong arms of their youth, and develop

    only through the exertion of the minds of their students and youth.

    This has been the case in Syria for generations. Syria has made a

    priority of its youths education and capacity building to enable themto contribute to its educational, scientific, and intellectual

    development and to fight for its sake. It has done so in order to resort

    to them in its hour of need to find in them the bravest defenders of its

    land and the staunchest protectors of its values, principles, history

    and civilization. This is what happened in the past; and this is what is

    happening in the present.

    Dear students and youth,

    As the world has seen, and as it undoubtedly knows, Syria has been

    fighting takfiri, exclusionist terrorism for more than two and a half

    years, a kind of terrorism which targets Syrias diverse identity, rich

    history, deeply rooted civilization and its rich and tolerant present

    which extends the hand of love and friendship to all peoples of the



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    Letter fromPresident

    Bachar AL-Assad


    18thWorld Festival of Youth and Students


    7 - 13 December 2013


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    Si, jvenes, nosotros somos el pas de la paz, la justicia y las

    causas justas, somos asimismo quienes hoy defendemos estos

    principios con nuestra sangre, con la comida de nuestro pueblo y

    la vida de nuestros jvenes, mujeres y nios.

    Somos el pas de la paz justa, esa que garantiza nuestros derechos

    y nuestro territorio y soberana. No somos un Estado que

    claudica ante las presiones, la hegemona y la ocupacin, bien

    sean externas o con herramientas internas.

    Introdujeron el terrorismo a la tierra de la paz; introdujeron el

    extremismo a la tierra de la tolerancia; introdujeron la muerte a la

    tierra del jazmn, pero no lograron introducir la desesperacin a

    nuestras almas, ni el servilismo a nuestro pensamiento ni la

    rendicin a nuestros principios.

    Mientras ms intensifican su terrorismo, mas aumenta nuestra

    determinacin para resistir. Mientras ms aumentan su

    extremismo, mas son los sacrificios de nuestro pueblo y nuestro

    ejrcito para que Siria regrese mejor que antes,.y eso no se

    dar sin los brazos de sus jvenes y los de sus semejantes en los

    pases hermanos y amigos.

    En ustedes, la juventud mundial, ciframos nuestras esperanzas y

    les tendemos nuestras manos Sean la mejor generacin para el

    futuro de sus propios pases. Que vuestras armas sean laeducacin y el trabajo como lo son para la juventud y los

    estudiantes sirios, quienes han defendido su patria, cada quien

    desde su lugar: los estudiantes con sus libros, el mdico con su

    bistur Y los ingenieros con sus lpices y el soldado con su

    arma, todos han defendido y defienden la patria vosotros ven y

    escuchan lo que est sucediendo en Siria sobre todo durante los

    ltimos meses, la resistencia da lugar a la victoria, los grandes


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    Jvenes y estudiantes.

    Siria, como ya lo sabe y presencia el mundo entero, libra desdehace mas de dos aos y medio una lucha contra un terrorismo

    takfiri y excluyente Un terrorismo que intenta socavar su

    identidad y diversidad, su autntica historia, su enraizada

    civilizacin, y su presente rico en tolerancia y afecto

    Le digo esto mientras ustedes se encuentran reunidos en El

    Ecuador, un pas que conoce muy bien el significado dediversidad y diferentes cultural, el significado de la historia y la

    civilizacin; El Ecuador que tambin conoce el significado del

    colonialismo y la lucha por la liberacin, la independencia y la


    En siria, jvenes, hay quienes matan a los nios bajo la bandera

    de la libertad, quienes matan a los hombres bajo la bandera de la

    religin, quienes violan a las mujeres bajo la bandera del

    yihad. En Siria, hay quienes intentan devolvernos cientos de

    aos atrs, y esclavizar a la gente que ha nacido libre.

    En Siria hay quienes derrumban las iglesias, devastan las

    mezquitas, hacen estallar las estatuas de los literarios y

    pensadores. En Siria hay quienes intentan borrar nuestro pasado,enterrar nuestro patrimonio, matar a los jvenes y matar la

    juventud que hay dentro de nostros, y as matar nuestro futuro al

    cual aspiramos.

    Hemos hecho frente y resistido a todo esto apoyndonos en

    nuestra gloriosa historia y en nuestro poderoso presente en el que

    nuestros jvenes hombres y mujeres con su cultura y su

    conciencia de lo que est sucediendo, han sido su contrafuerte.


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    Seor Presidente

    Bachar AL-Assad


    18vo Festival Internacional

    de la Juventud y Estudiantes


    7 - 13 Diciembre 2013
