Oxygenation Self-Study Module

These Self-Study Modules are meant for each student to work through individually, not as a group or with a partner. To complete Step 1 of this module, the student must: Read Module 15 in Nursing: A concept based approach to learning, focus on pages 990-1018. Read Adams Pharmacology for Nurses Ch. 38, 39 Read ATI Medical-Surgical Nursing Respiratory Alterations Unit Read ATI Pharmacology Unit 3 (Meds affecting Respiratory System) Once complete, return to Canvas and comment to this assignment attesting it as complete. In doing so, you are attesting that you have read and understand the material. If you do not understand the material, it is your responsibility to follow up with your instructors via email, in class or via face-to-face meeting. These Self-Study Modules are meant for each student to work through individually, not as a group or with a partner. To complete Step 2 of this module, the student must first complete Step 1, then: Make sure you are familiar with the following vocabulary: Oxygenation Vocabulary-1.docx Make sure you KNOW the bolded medications on this list: Oxygenation Medications Review the following Powerpoint presentations: concepts_2e_ch15_lecture_concept.ppt concepts_2e_ch15_lecture_ex2.ppt concepts_2e_ch15_lecture_ex3.ppt Once complete, return to Canvas and comment to this assignment attesting it as complete. In doing so, you are attesting that you have reviewed and understand the material. If you do not understand the material, it is your responsibility to follow up

Transcript of Oxygenation Self-Study Module

Page 1: Oxygenation Self-Study Module

These Self-Study Modules are meant for each student to work through individually, not as a group or with a partner.

To complete Step 1 of this module, the student must:

Read Module 15 in Nursing: A concept based approach to learning, focus on pages 990-1018.

Read Adams Pharmacology for Nurses Ch. 38, 39 Read ATI Medical-Surgical Nursing Respiratory Alterations Unit Read ATI Pharmacology Unit 3 (Meds affecting Respiratory System)

Once complete, return to Canvas and comment to this assignment attesting it as complete. In doing so, you are attesting that you have read and understand the material. If you do not understand the material, it is your responsibility to follow up with your instructors via email, in class or via face-to-face meeting.

These Self-Study Modules are meant for each student to work through individually, not as a group or with a partner.

To complete Step 2 of this module, the student must first complete Step 1, then:

Make sure you are familiar with the following vocabulary: Oxygenation Vocabulary-1.docx

Make sure you KNOW the bolded medications on this list: Oxygenation Medications

Review the following Powerpoint presentations:

concepts_2e_ch15_lecture_concept.ppt concepts_2e_ch15_lecture_ex2.ppt concepts_2e_ch15_lecture_ex3.ppt

Once complete, return to Canvas and comment to this assignment attesting it as complete. In doing so, you are attesting that you have reviewed and understand the material. If you do not understand the material, it is your responsibility to follow up with your instructors via email, in class or via face-to-face meeting.

These Self-Study Modules are meant for each student to work through individually, not as a group or with a partner.

To complete Step 3 of this module, the student must first complete Step 1 and Step 2, then:

Answer the questions to the exemplars for Oxygenation, which includes Asthma and COPD.

o Complete all questions for the case studies and exemplars in Module 11 ICR from Nursing: A concept based approach to learning.

p. 1005 Review questions 1-6

Page 2: Oxygenation Self-Study Module

p. 1005 Case Study questions 1-3 p. 1018 Review questions 1-6 p. 1018 Case Study questions 1-4

o Type or hand-write and scan (preferred) your responses to the questions for each exemplar review and case study.

o Submit all work related to Oxygenation to this Canvas assignment.

These Self-Study Modules are meant for each student to work through individually, not as a group or with a partner.

To complete Step 4 of this module, the student must first complete Steps 1, 2 and 3, then complete this quiz.

1. Read the material, review the Powerpoints, complete the Exemplars, understand the concepts BEFORE you attempt this quiz!

2. Multiple choice and Select All That Apply questions.3. You will have 3 attempts to achieve >80%.4. There are many questions in the quiz question bank - you may not receive the same

questions each time you attempt the quiz.5. You will have 90 seconds per question.6. If you fail to achieve >80% by your 3rd attempt, you will need to submit handwritten

remediation on the material for Perfusion (TBD what this consists of by mutual agreement between instructor and student).

If remediation is required, your grade for this quiz will be adjusted to 80% once it is received and graded. 80% will be the best you will receive for any failed quiz, if remediation is submitted and accepted.

Failure to submit remediation will result in your quiz grade remaining at your highest score achieve during your 3 attempts (something less than 80%).

No remediation will be accepted for quiz scores that are at least 80% (you can't improve your quiz score through remediation, unless you failed the quiz during all 3 attempts).

7. Failure to complete this Module requirement by the due date will result in a 0 for the quiz (and no remediation will be allowed).

Oxygenation Medicationsalbuterol

formoterol salmeterol terbutaline


Page 3: Oxygenation Self-Study Module



beclomethasone dipropionate


budesonide fluticasone propionate triamcinolone acetonide prednisolone hydrocortisone sodium succinate methylprednisolone sodium succinate


nedocromil sodium


zileuton zafirlukast




benzonatate diphenhydramine



hypertonic saline


ephedrine naphazoline pheylpropanolamine


Page 4: Oxygenation Self-Study Module



loratadine cetirizine fexofenadine desloratadine

Oxygenation Vocabulary

Acidosis Adenocarcinoma Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (APIC) Affinity Air trapping Airway remodeling Airway resistance Alkalosis Alveolar ducts Alveolar macrophage Alveolar PO2 (PAO2) Alveolar sac Alveolar ventilation Anatomic dead space Anatomic shunt Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) Angiotensin I Angiotensin II Antigenic drift Antigenic shift Apnea Apneustic center Arterial blood gas (ABG) Arterial PO2 (PaO2) Aspiration pneumonia Asthma Atelectasis Atmospheric pressure Atypical pneumonia Auscultation Barrel chest Bicarbonate

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Bradykinin Bradypnea Bronchi Bronchial circulation Bronchial washings Bronchioles Bronchitis Bronchopulmonary dysplasia Bronchoscopy Bronchovesicular Carbaminohemoglobin Carbonic acid (H2CO3) Carbonic anhydrase Carina Cartilaginous CD4 cells Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Chemoreceptors Chest x-ray (CXR) Chronic bronchitis Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Clubbing Community acquired pneumonia Compliance Conducting airway Cor pulmonale Crackles Croup Cushing syndrome Cyanosis Dead air space Deoxygenated blood Deoxygenated hemoglobin Diaphragm Diffuse pulmonary fibrosis Diffusion Dimorphic Distensibility Droplet nuclei Dysplasia Dyspnea Edema Efficiency of breathing Emphysema

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Epiglottis Epiglottitis Etiology Eupnea Exacerbations Expectorate Expiration Expiratory reserve volume (ERV) Forced expiratory volume (FEV1.0) Forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) Forced inspiratory flow rate (FIF25%-75%) Forced midexpiratory flow rate (FEF25%-75%) Forced vital capacity (FVC) Functional residual capacity (FRC) Ghon complex Grunting Guillain-Barre syndrome Helper T lymphocytes Hemoglobin Heparin secreting cells (in the lungs) Hepatomegaloy Hilus Histoplasma casulatum Histoplasmosis Hospital acquired pneumonia Hyaline membrane disease Hyperbaric Hypercapnia Hypercarbia Hyperresponsiveness Hyperventilation Hyphae Hypoplasia Hypoxemia Hypoxemic Iatrogenic Immunization Immunocompromised Incentive spirometry Influenza Inspiration Inspiratory capacity (IC) Inspiratory reserve volume (IRV) Inspiratory retractions

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Irritant receptor Isoniazid (INH) Juxtacapillary receptor Laminar airflow Laryngotracheal airway Laryngotracheobronchitis Larynx Latent tuberculosis Legionella pneumophila Legionnaires’ disease Live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV3) Lobule Low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) Lung apex Lung base Manifestations Maximum voluntary ventilation (MVV) Mediastinum Metastasis Metastasized Military tuberculosis Minute volume Mismatched V-Q Mucociliary Mucociliary blanket Mucolytic agents Multifactorial Mycobacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis Nasal flaring Nasopharyngeal airway Neonate Non-small cell carcinoma Non-small cell lung cancer Nosocomial pneumonia Orthopnea Orthopneic position Oxygen Oxygenation Oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve Oxyhemoglobin Palpation Papanicolaou (pap) test Partial pressure

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Partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PCO2) Partial pressure of oxygen (PO2) Patent airway Pathogenesis Peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) Percentage of forced vital capacity ([FEV1.0/FVC%]x100) Percussion Perfusion Periorbital Pharynx Physiologic shunt Physiological dead space Pleura Pleural effusion Pneumonia Pneumotaxic center Pneumothorax Pore of Kohn Positron emission tomography (PET) Postural drainage Primary tuberculosis Pulmonary circulation Pulmonary function study Pulmonary function test (PFTs) Pulmonary hypertension Pulmonary ventilation Pulse oximetry Pursed-lipped breathing Purulent sputum Pyrazinamide Quadrivalent live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV4) Radius Recoil Reduced hemoglobin Residual volume (RV) Resistance Respiration Respiratory airway Respiratory center Respiratory distress syndrome Respiratory failure Retractions Reye syndrome Rhinitis

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Rhinorrhea Rhinosinusitis Rhinotracheitis Rhonchi Rifampin San Joaquin fever (Valley fever) Secondary tuberculosis Shunt Sinusitis Small cell carcinoma Small cell lung cancer Spasm Spasmodic Spirometer Sputum Squamous cell carcinoma Status asthmaticus Stretch receptor Stridor Suctioning Superior vena cava syndrome Surface tension Surfactant Symmetry Syndrome of Inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SAIDH) syndrome Synthesis Tachypnea Tamiflu The common cold Thorocentesis Thymus gland Tidal volume (TV) Total lung capacity (TLC) Trachea Tracheobronchial airway Tripod position Trivalent influenza vaccine (TIIV) Tubercle Tuberculosis Tubular Tumor, Node, Metastasis (TNM) Turbulent airflow Typical pneumonia Vaccine

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Ventilation Ventilation-perfusion (V-Q) Vesicular Vibration Vital capacity (VC) Volume Wheezing Work of breathing

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