Overview of Brief Intervention for Risky Substance Use in Primary Care



These materials provide an overview of the major elements required for delivering a brief intervention for risky use within the primary care setting.

Transcript of Overview of Brief Intervention for Risky Substance Use in Primary Care

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February 2014



Prepared byCASAColumbia®

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• Introduction

• Three Key Steps

− Engage

− Motivate

− Plan

• Sample Videos


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Addiction & Risky Use

For information on screening, diagnosis, treatment planning & management

Overview of Addiction Medicine for Primary Care2 (62 Slides)

Overview of Addiction Medicine for Primary Care: Supplement3 (30 Pages)


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Addiction & Risky Use

• Approach comprehensively across substances

• Address tobacco/nicotine, alcohol & other drugs

• Manage co-occurring disorders


dopamine transporters

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Addiction & Risky Use

• Addiction: disease requiring treatment

• Risky use:

− Substance use that threatens health & safety

− Does not meet addiction criteria

Diagnostic criteria can be found here: Overview of Addiction Medicine for Primary Care2


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Addiction & Risky Use

All patients with addiction

should receive treatment

All patients who are risky users

should receive a brief intervention


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Brief Intervention for Risky Use

• Medical approach to reduce risky use

• Evidence-based from research studies

• Effective for risky use involving tobacco/nicotine, alcohol & other drugs


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Brief Intervention for Risky Use

• 5-10 minutes as effective as 20 minutes4

• Tobacco/nicotine quit rate 3X as likely5

• Average drinks per week reduced by 13-34%6

• 60% of patients reduce illicit drug use7


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Common Frameworks

• 5A Approach: developed for tobacco/nicotine cessation8

• FRAMES: developed for reducing alcohol use9-10

• Motivational Interviewing: developed for reducing alcohol use11

• All of the above share similar concepts which are summarized in this presentation


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Comprehensive Approachfor tobacco/nicotine, alcohol & other drugs


• Risky use of multiple substances occurs often

• Comprehensively addressing tobacco/nicotine, alcohol & other drugs may help prevent replacement of one substance with another

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Brief Intervention: Key Steps

1. Engage

2. Motivate

3. Plan


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1. EngageAssess to determine baseline & readiness


• Inquire about current patterns of substance use

• Determine patient perception of substance use8

• Identify personal values & goals10

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1. EngageExplore the potential for change


• Discuss impact of substance use on goals

• Develop a discrepancy between substance use & achieving goals

• Elicit need & perceived ability to change

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1. EngageTips for speaking with patients


• Establish rapport & ask permission to discuss

• Use nonjudgmental, empathic language & tone

• Ask open-ended questions from general to specific11

• Listen reflectively: repeat, rephrase, paraphrase

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1. EngageSample language to use with patients


• “Would you mind taking a few minutes to talk with me about your use of tobacco/nicotine, alcohol & other drugs?”

• “Tell me more about how your substance use has affected your life?”

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2. MotivateOffer personalized advice & feedback


Well delivered advice is associated with improved patient satisfaction12

• Provide clear, specific, personalized feedback

• Include risks & consequences of use

• Express concern & recommend explicit changes

• Support patient self-determination & autonomy8

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2. MotivateTips to motivate patients to change


• Emphasize confidence in ability to change

• Assure continued support throughout process

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2. MotivateTips to communicate effectively with patients


• Tailor to patient level of health literacy

• Provide small amounts of feedback at a time10

• Use empathic style for more cooperation & less resistance

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2. MotivateSample language to use with patients


• “You seem to think that your smoking of tobacco & marijuana has been making your asthma worse. I agree that smoking less will reduce asthma symptoms.”

• “I think you should...” rather than “You should...”8

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2. MotivatePromote self-efficacy & empower patients


• Use reflective listening, summaries & affirmations11

• Review strengths & past successes

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2. MotivateTips to encourage patients to change


• Validate frustrations but remain optimistic

• Summarize to reinforce & to show that you listen

• Prepare patients for next steps

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2. MotivateSample language to use with patients


• “It seems like the support from your family was very helpful when you cut back on meth & cocaine use last year. Your family support can help again now as you try to quit both completely.”

• “This is what I heard you say [summarize].”

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3. PlanSelect methods & goals collaboratively


• Create goals aligned with readiness to change

• Assist patients to identify personal goals & preferences among methods

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3. PlanSelect methods & goals collaboratively


• Focus on attainable, measureable, timely goals

• Help anticipate potential challenges & barriers

• Brainstorm on methods to overcome problems

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3. PlanTips on selecting goals with patients


• Recommend ideal change but accept less if patients resist

• Change strategies when patients resist

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3. PlanTips to work collaboratively with patients


• Avoid argumentation which can be counter-productive & create defensiveness

• Collaborate to increase patient control/agency13

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3. PlanSample language to use with patients


• “What changes do you think you can make with your drinking & your use of painkillers?”

• “It sounds like limiting the alcohol & painkillers you keep at home might be a great first step. How do you feel about making that change? When do you think you would be able to make that change?”

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3. PlanSample language to use with patients


• “What problems do you expect in making this change?”

• “How do you think you could deal with them?”

• “I think you’ve chosen a great, realistic goal. If you have problems, remember that I am here to help you throughout this process.”

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3. PlanOffer support & follow-up care


• Follow up initially within one month or less

• Reinforce previous steps at follow-up visits

• Reassess & update plan based on current status

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3. PlanOffer support & follow-up care


• Acknowledge efforts & experiences

• Offer continued support irrespective of success

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3. PlanDiscuss various options for support


• Follow-ups by phone, office visit, or HIPAA-compliant email

• Self-help materials printed or online

• Guidance to obtain social support

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Video Example for Adolescent

Adolescent Patient14 (4min 26sec)


From University of Maryland, Baltimore


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Video Example for Adult

Adult Patient15 (6min 37sec)


From University of Maryland, Baltimore


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References1. CASAColumbia. Addiction medicine: closing the gap between science and practice. 2012 Jun. http://


2. CASAColumbia. Overview of addiction medicine for primary care. 2014 Feb. http://bit.ly/Mdi6fo

3. CASAColumbia. Overview of addiction medicine for primary care: supplement. 2014 Feb. http://bit.ly/1eQNfRS

4. Kaner EF, et al. Effectiveness of brief alcohol interventions in primary care populations. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2007 Apr 18;(2):CD004148.

5. Ong MK, et al. Primary care providers advising smokers to quit: comparing effectiveness between those with and without alcohol, drug, or mental disorders. Nicotine Tob Res. 2011 Dec;13(12):1193-201.

6. Whitlock EP, et al. Behavioral counseling interventions in primary care to reduce risky/harmful alcohol use by adults: a summary of the evidence for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Ann Intern Med. 2004 Apr 6;140(7):557-68.

7. World Health Organization. The effectiveness of a brief intervention for illicit drugs linked to the ASSIST screening test in primary health care settings: a technical report of phase III findings of the WHO ASSIST randomised controlled trial. 2008.

8. Whitlock EP, et al. Evaluating primary care behavioral counseling interventions: an evidence-based approach. Am J Prev Med. 2002 May;22(4):267-84.

9. Hester RK, et al. Handbook of Alcoholism Treatment Approaches. 2nd Edition. 1995.

10. Center for Substance Abuse Treatment: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Brief interventions and brief therapies for substance abuse. 1999.

11. Miller WR and Rollnick S. Motivational interviewing. 2nd Edition. 2002.


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References12. Hollis JF, et al. Implementing tobacco interventions in the real world of managed care. Tob Control. 2000;9 Suppl 1:I18-24.

13. Miller WR and Heather NH. Treating Addictive Behaviors. 2nd Edition. 1998.

14. University of Maryland, Baltimore MD3 SBIRT Medical Residency Training Initiative. SBIRT in pediatrics: teen alcohol use case - good doctor example - part ii: brief intervention. Accessed Nov 1, 2013. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fX90j4jD9Sc

15. University of Maryland, Baltimore MD3 SBIRT Medical Residency Training Initiative. SBIRT: Brief intervention: at risk alcohol use. Accessed Nov 1, 2013. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fX90j4jD9Sc


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• Margot Cohen contributed much of the research and writing for these materials.

• The following subject-matter experts served as external reviewers for these materials: Frances Levin, M.D., Edward Nunes, M.D., Richard Saitz, M.D., M.P.H.

• Funding was provided by The Joseph A. Califano, Jr. Institute for Applied Policy.


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Ending AddictionChanges Everything
