Overnight cinnamon rolls


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Transcript of Overnight cinnamon rolls

Page 1: Overnight cinnamon rolls


By: Sarah McCarthy and Olivia Little

Page 2: Overnight cinnamon rolls

Imagine that you are sleeping in bed on a Sunday morning. As you wake up, you realize that a wonderful aroma has diffused into your room from the kitchen. As you get closer to the kitchen, you realize that the scent you could smell were cinnamon rolls. As you take the first bite of your Sunday morning treat; you probably do not realize that many physical and chemical changes had to occur in order to result in your delicious cinnamon roll. So today we will examine everything that must happen in order for you to enjoy what you once thought was just a simple snack.

Page 3: Overnight cinnamon rolls

Our Ingredients


4 large egg yolks, room temperature (liquid) (pure)

1 large whole egg, room temperature (liquid) (heterogeneous mixture)

2 ounces sugar, approximately 1/4 cup (solid) (pure)

3 ounces unsalted butter, melted, approximately 6 tablespoons (liquid) (heterogeneous mixture)

6 ounces buttermilk, room temperature (liquid) (pure)

20 ounces all-purpose flour, approximately 4 cups, plus additional for dusting (solid) (homogeneous mixture)

1 package instant dry yeast, approximately 2 1/4 teaspoons (solid) (homogeneous mixture)

1 1/4 teaspoons kosher salt (solid) (pure)

Vegetable oil or cooking spray (liquid) (homogeneous mixture)


8 ounces light brown sugar, approximately 1 cup packed (solid) (homogeneous mixture)

1 tablespoon ground cinnamon (solid) (homogeneous mixture)

Pinch salt (solid) (pure)

3/4-ounce unsalted butter, melted, approximately 1 1/2 tablespoons (liquid) (homogeneous mixture)


2 1/2 ounces cream cheese, softened, approximately 1/4 cup (solid) (homogeneous mixture)

3 tablespoons milk (liquid) (pure)

5 1/2 ounces powdered sugar, approximately 1 1/2 cups (solid) (pure)

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Our ingredients

Acids Bases

egg yolks


unsalted butter


Kosher salt

Cooking spray



all-purpose flour


Brown sugar

Ground cinnamon

Cream cheese


Powdered sugar

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Physical and Chemical Changes

Physical Chemical

Whisking the eggs. Kneading the dough.

Shaping the dough.

Rolling and cutting the cinnamon rolls.

Cooking the rolls.

Whisking all ingredients to create dough.

Yeast making the dough rise.

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Using a Glass Container

pros cons

It won’t melt unless under extreme pressure.

It doesn’t stick to things easily.

It could crack, break, or shatter.

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Conservation of mass

Definition: Law of Conservation of Mass is a relation stating that in a chemical reaction, the mass of the products equals the mass of the reactants.

We proved the law of conservation of mass because our ingredients combined weighed the same as our finished product.

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Energy Transfers/ conservation of Energy

The first time energy was transferred was when the yeast made the dough rise.

The second time energy was transferred was when the boiling water made the dough rise. Heat was involved in the form of the boiling water.

The third time energy was transferred was when the cinnamon rolls were put in the oven. Heat was involved in the form of the oven.

The law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed.

We did not create or destroy energy, we used already existing energy to carry out our cooking experiment.

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1) Mix the dough 2) Shape the dough

3) Let the dough rise

4) Store in the fridge overnight

5) Set over boiling water

6) Bake the cinnamon rolls and frost.

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7) ENJOY!!!!