OVEMBER 2, 191' :-> L )!BEil - Montana State...

Dleekly £xpnueut. \ ()!. J. BOZEMAN, MONTANA, FRIDAY, :\OVEMBER 2, 191' :-> L" )!BEil ,;_ Work on New Chemistry Building to Sta rt at Once M.S.C.LEADSIN RED CROSS WORK A. S. M. S. C. HOLD PRIMAR Y EL ECTION Bobcats and Bruins Fight For Ch amp i onship Nov. 10 NEW ADDITION TO COLLEGE CAM PUS WILL BE MODERN THROUGH- OUT AND WILL COMPARE FAV DRABLY WITH THE BEST COL- LEGE BUILDINGS IN THE NORTHWEST. WILL BE LOCATE D TO THE REAR OF THE GYMNASIU M AND NEW BOULEVARD WILL BE LAID OUT ON THE NORTH SIDE. WORK WILL BE START- ED AT ONCE AND WILL BE Ullf DER THE SUPERVISION OF FRED WILLSON OF BOZEMAN AND GEORGE CARLSEY OF HELENA. Students Busily Engaged in P reparing Boxes for Soldiers. Organization Given Hearty Support. Ross and Hagen Nominated For Of- fice of President of Associated Students At the last Associated Student as- \Yith the drafting of our army semhly held last Frida)-, Tom Ross <·omt>s the unequaled activity on the rrnd Hoy Hagen were nominated for part of the Red Cross and other sim- piesident of A. s. :\I. 8. c. lluder the MONTANA STATE EL EVEN WILL MEET WITH UNIVERSITY TEAM NEXT SATURDAY ON MISSOULA FIELD. TEAM PRACTICING DAI- LY FOR BIG STRUGGLE OF TH E YEAR. WILL LEAVE HERE A WE E K FROM TO DAY FOR MIS SOULA. LARGE BODY OF SUP- PORTERS WILL PROBABLY SE CURE SPECIAL CAR AND ACCOM- PANY THEM. ROUND TRIP R ATES TO BE SECURED IF POS· SIB LE. ilar organizations in preparing com- Jaws or the c:onstitution Ross would 'lan for th"' long lookerl for Chem- the rt>ar 01 the gymuasium near the fort bag:,;, mufflers and sweaters for not be eligible to hold the office of 'I he hOYti ha Ye been kind of ea!;in;.! later. IL busitwss to ) >Ull tHa.., baH· been rormulated e;roulld that hi now occupied by the the soldier!::i. :\L S. c. is well to the 1 ,rei;idcnt as he already holds the 1p !iinte 1he l'tah game ancl 1nactice c·onC'ern in the matter anu g-a:; iank and weather front in this rn°'·ement having al- liasketball managership. But a reso· U11nng the part ol the week was 1hc initiative on their own he Plans tor U1e campus call for a I read) organii:ed her auxiliary chap- lution was passed that he aulo· 11ather spiritless. But the stimulus halt amt not \\lllt for else 1.Jonlevant 10 the rear of the main rer to the Xalional Red Cross asso· matirally resign this if he be elected. or tile big game has speeded them Ull ro conw around and poke them out hall and in front of the new struc- C'iation. Gray was unanimously elected com- a hit amt under the relentless lute· In atlt>ncl the A special car mre A \\atl!r main has recently This ls one of the tirst organiza· missioner of Interests forensic as was lage or Coac·h Bennion they are under lau lw ul.nainNI if fitty will 1Je1·n 11u1 in the tenter or this of its kind iu t.he countr.v and Homer Taylor, commissioner of a stiff siege or lrnining. There he ahll• 10 over to the game Rail \ ard vn whkh work will he started will be direct.ly under the cerests athletic. For commissioner are hut fh·e more μrankes he fore the road ra1Ps have not yet been deter- iu the This with the removal I supenhiion of rna B. Herrick, or finance there wa!-; more com· trip antl the game will he won or lo:st I mined bm there will be 80tne kind or of the old chemistry building and the dean of women. Mrs. Herrick baa tietition.. Brick Fowler, Al Borton and as a result or them. If we want vie.. n 1iroposition offered Lo students. to a new location wlll add already spent much time and labor Ernest Stanley being nominated out torr let us get. out and the team l·:,·eryhody "anh; to go o,·er it just gr<>atl'.\ to the a11pearante of the cam- bringing about the organization and or which Eruesl Stanley and Al Dor· a !jlight inkling that there Is some· a of who can afford to go x aH•tl n "ill hP begun as soon }1C'rmlt . Last Tuesday 1 g:e Carlsey con:::iulting engineer it th·Iena l\a here and with,the help 1 JJt"'nn Li11fu . •ld \\ llo is chairman of committee of ll. S. C. a.nd t nl ensmcer af;sistants staked out the site o! the new building. Mr r'arsleY will have tharge of the brick o ist uctton work '\ hile Fred Wilson of Bozeman ''ill che tloor pus. will continue to advise the students ton were nominated by ballot. thing bE"hind lhPm instead or just an o\·er. Yiork. It Is hoped that the builcling will in their work. It is thought that A great many other matters of im· af·1.:t1M\\l:Hio11 ot unstudied lessons :-:p111 a lh-e quo1a to 2;, The lt1.!1dlng will be modern in ht> rt.-ady tor occupancy by the first every student and faculty member }JOrtance were brought up before the that \\ill ba\"e t 1 be made 1111 later OYer to the i?:ame last year and we of October, 1918. It bas been so plan- in s<:hool will be<'ome a member. body for consider3.tion. 'fhe assem- The nu:mhers o( the are sacri- ought tu go t.hem one betler or a nf'd that when larger accommodations The Reel Cross work will be done bly was presided over by A. Borton ficing a good deal in order to put the hundred. better. ha\·e demonsLrat art• needed an addition to it can be under the supervision of the Gal1a- who as presi<lent or the senior class name of lhP C'nllege before the pub- l'cl our loyalty iu the t1ast and can <Hided. Even before the old building tin Red Cross Chapter and from time holds that position until a president lk. next week there ::>till summon 11p a little ror pres· burnect down the need of a new one to time :\frs. T. B. Story. president of the A. s. :\1. s. c. is elec·ted. He ough1 10 be a bunch of lusty lungers Pnr 1f s11iri1 not manife!Sted at badly fell by both students and of the local «havter and Arnett announced that the proceeds of the down on the lines with a little the footl.iall eame or the yeai The building. will. will assist the in their knitting I Ctah-M. s. c. game, to en1·ouragement. it stands to reason that the inslitu· l!\"ery respect containing class rooms lnd lalioratones for the c·ollege and f work as well as for the \Ork tarne1t on b) the state food com- mi:;sion. It wilt Ue constructed or hrfck :-<imHnr 1 o that used in the Ag· rlcultural building, will be three ::,;rnrie:; high ·rnd wm measure one hun- great!) to the taullties fo1 teacbmg am! nurses trammg. Help has also was Utied in purchasing Liber- \\"e are uv against hea\·y odds and tion is in a srale of deCay. It dred anll fill) 1eet long by fifty-five chemistry and physics which on ac. 1 been promised by the Joca1 ph):Si· ty 1.Jonds which ob,·iously belong to need all the that au organ- our clnty to demonstrate tha1 fet'I in \\l<ltb ronnt of the new demands made upon cians and by the Murray Hospital o! the A. s. M. s. c. ized llody of supporters c·an give to is not the <'a!:le. that the student TbP new huilding \\ill be located in them are rapidly coming to the fr ont. Butte. It is hoped that lectures wlll The matter of sending the Expon· their tearn. There will be a big rally is ba<'k of the school. Is loyal to be given from time boUl to men stu- ent 10 the M. s. c. men doing mill- next week the announl'e- team aud hPing loyal. will !=;t1pport dents and women studen.ts. tary duty was brought up for consld- ment:; of ·wbkh will JJrobal.ily he matle it with a winning spirit. UTAH LUCKY, OPINION OF UTAH PUBL ICATI ON The toltowlng article taken trom The l"ta.11 C'hroalcle explains their THE RED TRIANGLE IN THE WAR ZONE Among the many that are I era lion. It was stated that there was needed in the trenches at present are about 60 to 7;; college students serv- socks and work will be started at ing in miJitary duty of one kind or once by lhe girls to help satisfy this ;.11otber an1l it wo1lld cheer them up need. Boxes will also be packed to get news from M. S. C. once in position in regard to the Utah-Mon- containing comfort bags, tooth paste, a while. taoa i-i tie game which was Tel li ng Wha t the Young Men's Chris- bandages and smoking tobacco tp be Two v..•ay 5 were suggested by which on the college campus on Oct. 20 · , 0 F h I sent to the sol diers. Every girl in the Exponent could I.le sent to them. Th l't I A · h d th · sld I t1 an Assn Is O•'lCI or t e e a 1 ggies a e 10 e Front schoo l is starli ng her knitting and First. a collection c·ould be taken track on Lhe god of luck last Fr iday Soldiers at the when they executed a forward against in a short the first box will i among the students for the purpose 1 -- I be ready for shipment. of r aising monev to pay for these Montana State in the last fh·e seconds " of play anrl tied the score in what Do you know what the Red T r iangle The boys will r aise a fund for to- papers and second. the students after seemed an ine•;-itable defeal. S tt e!el ' means in the war zone in France? It bacto and knitting supplies as these reading their pape rs cou ld turn It over was on the sendin end and 'Stubby' i. h ti - [must be separate from the regular lO a committee to be sent to these FORMER MINNESOTA ford. Presiclent Hamilton gaYe a short talk on the food and an TEA rHER SPEAKS nounrecl_ that he would every l.J 1 ::-;rndent 111 the l'ollege to do his sharp, lO make the food campaign a sue He said that in a few day1:1 Miss Maria Sar f ord Deliv ers In ter- 11ledge card!:\ would be printed an1t esti ng Addr ess at Special Assem- 1 that each student would one bl y Tuesday. and would be experted to till 1t out ! and nlllde by the tawe.. set forth by tb{' <'ampalgn managers, , :\liss Sanford. a former teac·ber at . "-' P t h g . d f th s 1 e emblem of e Y · · C. A. Red Cross fund. At 1>resent there st udents. It was finally decided that e erson t e rece1vmg en o e I b h h the l'niversi"t)· of .\< 1 ·niiesota, si>oke :\fr. :'\I . .J. AUbey spent several " 1c as done more than any ot her are near one hundred Montana Staie 1 the studen1s after readmg their pa- - l pass and then 'Stubby' romped , to the students at a special assembl.v I this week attending the teachers' in- twenh for a touchdown. The tnlluence lll Lhe war lo keep th e sol-1 ( Co n tinued on Page Four.) (Con tmued on Pa ge t• 1 our .J :-titute in :Musselshell county. Mr. a successful k1ckout diers of our alhes happy and content- last Tuesday Miss $auford iti a wo- Ahbey preparing to launch quite and Stiefel kicked goal ed. clea n and healthy. "It does not s f 12 o T 11 T 1 man over :5e,·enty eai s old yet she an extensh-e dub for tbr. )1ontana made tileir counters ID the I mean cant. poc1 i!:i):. holy Joes, or I co re 0 - e s a e has a bearing that woulc1 leall oae to :\!ontana boyi:; nnd girls for the winter third quarter when they pushed over ceremony: !1 does mean helpful ness, lleJieYe that she was much younger. months, and is very anxious to get in a touchdO\\ n and made the goal. 1 cleanliness of mind at a11 times and f F h D f t F • d To isee her one would not believe touch with the county The tie Friday was the first game of body when that may be, comfort r 0 res man e ea _ fl ay that she the power that 1t 1 f\('herri of the dirferent that has not resulted in a ,·ictory for for the soul at any rate, good fellow- she does, yet she held the attention -..a the this year. good sense ... says Edward Mar. { 1 f her auctience throughout her shall. For the comfort or the Ameri· DI S ASTROUS GAME FOR INFANTS PLAYED IN TWO INCHES OF speech as few other speaker. hare' flRST LFrTURE IN can boys the Y. c. A. \\ill have. SNOW LAST FRIDAY AFTERNOON. SOPHS BREAK THROUGH clone She i• an orator iu e1•ery lJ both iu the cam1>s for training and on I FRESHMAN LINE FOR TWO TOUCHDOWNS. BOTH TEAMS RE- sen'e of the word and delilered a the battle lines within sound and CEl'<l'E LOYAL SUPPORT OF T HEIR CLASSMATES . me"'age that was welt receh·ed and 22 24 . readl of tbe great guns . 200 buildings appreciated by all. .. and JOO tenls where amusements. --.- --- 'li!:IM Sanrord said, ")fontana is a music, reading, hoL tea, wr iting paper l 1Jes11ite t he loya l support of their I sovhs wbo advanced it to within fi\·e glorious state and I am 1n·oud of it. filRL'S CONFERENCE NOVEMBER NEW COURSE TODAY Appointments Made for Fi fth Annual Vocatlor.al Co ng re :!fs to be Held T hi s Month . and pen and ink will be furnished dai;smates. the frosh went down to ya rds of the verdant haven, just as I am proud of the United States of to the men. The association will be I defeat before Lhe onslaught of the the whistle blew for the quarter. whid1 )lontana is a 1iart and t never them _in the American camps, mighty sophs last .E'riday afternoon. A fumble lost the ball for the was :->o proud now during this time "Hh them in the voyage over seas. The game would ha\·e lleen fast but and it was returned to the cen- ot war I wish that Minnesota were with them in the t rain ing camp in for the slippery field and cold weat ter of the field by a forty yard punt at se<"ond 10 Montana, then we President H am ilt on St ar ts New Course With L ec t ure "Wha t a Col lege Is " In As sembl y Toda y. France, it will follow Urnm to the er. Several Limes the play had to be J ily the frosh. Heyn kicked out of would ha Ye a name or which we could Today marks the ot a lie front, be with th em in homesick· l'ilOlJllCfl to C'iear the field or the des- hound!:.-> when near the frosh goal and be more }1roud 1han we are of rhe new system in college instruction Plans tor the fifth annual ,·ocational nesti, weariness. discouragement, Jlerate freshma n rooters, who clam .. the ball went to 1he sophomores on one that we now The !P.(•t11H: :.:iH'n President Ham congress for high school girls are uow Wt'aknt"ss. in their bours of courage t.11red tiO dose lO the line that it was the two yard line. An orfside 011 the ··lf I had a singlp wor<l to tiav to iltou today on lhe 81lbject ·'"'hat definite shape and we are as- and ,.rlash and victory. wi ll follow them almost impossible for the linesmen to part of the frosh brought the sopbs to ihe ,,·cimPn I woultl 'Be beamiru1: i.l College·· was the first. of a ser· t5 ired ot as succ.essful a congress as wl.1en wouncted or taken priso ners, I moYe. The game ended with the score the one yard line and OUerle carried It is a wom:ui"s hirthright. the of similar to this one, was ever held. The officials or the and bear their messages. if need be 12 to 0 in favor of the sop hs. the ball for the touchdown. age woman desired it and did all with· designed lo gb·e the student session are to be as follows: 1 e\en ti1e last mes!"ages, to the loved The sophs bad five JirsL string men The game ended in the center of the in her 110\\er lo make herself more tion on many Urnt h1: would \larjorie Qua"• chairman; Harriet ones at home. In the ir lineup and were able to tear lielcl with tbe frosh figbting hard. aura<.·th·e by nddiug paint to her face not be able to get from his te'.\l books. Arneson and )lary Howe, secretaries; 1·,or the nexl few weeks college Rtu- through the frosh line time an d Coach Bennion wus referee. Al and hy 1n1tting rings in her nose on The subjects deal for the m·ost part Ballinger. C'hairman housing com· are to bear much or the work again for big gaini::;. The frosh tried Borton, timekeeper and Senz. head h£'1' t•a1 t.: and wen ring beautiful with thing$ that will he of value to rnitlee; Helen Rose, chairman recep- and needs of the Y. M. C. A It is opeu play but the cold prev-ented linesman. anfl 1111'.\· other anitle that she thought the srudent during his c·arerr lion committee; Gladys Ritz, head to he hoped that they will take every muc h success. l•'oltowing is the lineup: would make her more attratti\'e. J and are c·onstrurtcd RO that the stu usher, Mary Danielson and Helen opportunity to learn wh at the needs Frc,1J1 the fi r st the sophs showed FRrnSH MEN SOPHS would say IO the woman of toda). dent will get many out of them Lund, chairmen entertainment com· of that work are and what. it accom- :-;.igns or being victors. Several sue- Drittain Schmid ·seek lleauty. not only of thr hocly rhat will mnkp i1 <·ns1er 10 get till' miue ; March Merigold. chairman plishes. T1 does not dupllrate the c-esshc line plunges opened the game. Left but of a yet higher tY!Je, namely beau- most out or the 1 lmt\ that Is Hpent hC'•ise committee; Louise I....angobr , of any _other organ izn.Uou. It I a ni<'c thirty yard pass from Stearns Baker Bush LY of the ::;oul as character stamps here. chairman attendance committee. :\Iarie is 1he recogu1zed and official organ to Mc-Connell, a rew more drives Left Ta<·ktti both the race and the body." In the furnre onl:'· freshmen "iU Flood. chairman information bu r eau; of the American people. authorized through the frosh line and then Ober- DunLar \\'nkefield '·To men I would snr 'Be be required to attend the!=\e Irene Abrahamson, chairman l\fusic IJ.r President \\'ilson. cooperating le c·atTied the ba ll over the line just Left Guard J do not let narcotics or bad habits de- but as the <'Otll"se Is new this y('ar <'ommlt(ee; Florence Switzer, ch air· whh the army officers. to do the as the c 1 uaner ende11. ""yJie failed Kanga::; Tobey prh·e or manllnegs. The man a.11 students will he required ro nt man Gallatin County high sch ool reg· I worli H has undertaken for the Am- 1o kick goal. Center 1 wbo Jeth lhese thinJ.{s become a pnrt tend. A rourse i-;imilar to thii::- is: ration committee: Alice McCone, Priran Like the Red @r oss The [rosh l'ame barli: strong in the Schnei der Larse of his life puts au obstacle in the road Ii; belnt: S"iYen at the 1pnhersity in rhalrman program committee, Flor- \' ith its merciful work. ft. is the rec- l:iec·oud ltuarter. Both teams were Right Guard to aucl cannot clelh·er the :\Ussoula and nt tbe f'\n1l o[ th(' year en P :\'oble, rhafrman Badge commft .. ogntzed agency and the onl.r one frequently held for downs, lhe sophs Hibbert MeC"klenburg maximum amount of effkieiu·.'. You the two instilulions will t·ompatr tee I" hich the arm:· reC"ognfzes. ft must I sufrerccl two fh·e-:·ard penalties for Right Ta<'kle all wont and you a.re gNting noces and a course tommon ro boti'l Tile delegates to send in the ir he helped and main t ained. offside and the frosh Jost fl\"e for the :\!cConnell fit. The state Is growing wealthy and schools wilJ he adopted. numes \\ere Miss Blanche Baird a nd same offenct'. The half ended with Right 8nd I those who live In it profit by the con- Among the other lectures iu thi:-> \tiss Eli1.abetb '\\'bite of Acton) Mon. 1 . M. J.. \\"ilson has retur ned from I the ball in possession. or the second .fone-s Stearns• clition of the Miss Sanford course will be one b. \· Profec;sor Bre" la:rn. St. Paul and the <"onference wit h the year men in the center of the field. Quarterback 'spohe at length on the harm result· er on .. Englisb as a Oasis for all Edn. The program wt JI foll ow th e line Linseed Oil Manufacturers in regard Ragged play in the torm of blocked '"'ylle I ing in the use or narcoti<'s on the suc. C'ation: ProresHor ColJleigh· will gin• or v.ar conditions and women's work, IO the nax situation. Some- 11unt:-<. 11nsuc·C'es fu l passes and fum- L eft Half cess of nnyone. one on :-.:ote Taking. Professor Li' though more definJte fntor matl on will arldillonnl were set as ide tor bles. 111a1ked the beginning or the He)n Pitts I "There- should go out from this in- lngi;ton will lN·tuN• on .. hf' announced late r. Miss Be nne tt , the de\·eJopment of the flax Industry second halt The sophoruor('S soon FuHback stitut iou the deUcacy and beauty of Study Habits ... "ho ga,·e so man y intere sting and to- in )l ontana. this <"On ference. made fi\e succe:5sive whi<'h Sherfield 0bel'le womanhood and the strength ant1 Later In the year :\frs. Herrick s ·udive addre sses last yea r Is to be :'\[i-. ,\ f11 spend the grea ter netted them a total or 3 11 yards and Right Harr character or manhood to 1.ake up the will take th e girls at some spcrial program du ring thf8' 1 part of the next six weeks in the fi el d br ought them to the 20 ya rd line. A Freshman substitutes were Kell'ey, duties of the wor ld and especially of a!"sembl ies and give some talks 011 CfiJ!tt-. · · with the county age n ts in blor ked punt was recovered by t b-e Durkee and Knowles. the state of Montana:· said Miss San· (('ontinuect on Four)

Transcript of OVEMBER 2, 191' :-> L )!BEil - Montana State...

Dleekly £xpnueut. \ ()!. J. BOZEMAN, MONTANA, FRIDAY, :\OVEMBER 2, 191' :-> L" )!BEil ,;_

Work on New Chemistry Building to Start at Once



A. S. M. S. C . HOLD


Bobcats and Bruins Fight For Championship Nov. 10


Students Busily Engaged in P reparing Boxes for Soldiers. Organization

Given Hearty Support.

Ross and Hagen Nominated For Of­fice of President of Associated


At the last Associated Student as-\Yith the drafting of our army semhly held last Frida)-, Tom Ross

<·omt>s the unequaled activity on the rrnd Hoy Hagen were nominated for part of the Red Cross and other sim- piesident of A. s. :\I. 8. c. lluder the


ilar organizations in preparing com- Jaws or the c:onstitution Ross would 'lan for th"' long lookerl for Chem- the rt>ar 01 the gymuasium near the fort bag:,;, mufflers and sweaters for not be eligible to hold the office of 'I he hOYti ha Ye been kind of ea!;in;.! later. IL i~ everybo<l)··~ busitwss to ) >Ull tHa.., baH· been rormulated e;roulld that hi now occupied by the the soldier!::i. :\L S. c. is well to the 1,rei;idcnt as he already holds the 1p !iinte 1he l'tah game ancl 1nactice c·onC'ern them~elYes in the matter anu g-a:; iank and weather In~truments. front in this rn°'·ement having al- liasketball managership. But a reso· U11nng the lir~t part ol the week was t~ke 1hc initiative on their own he Plans tor U1e campus call for a I read) organii:ed her auxiliary chap- lution was passed that he aulo· 11ather spiritless. But the stimulus halt amt not \\lllt for ~omebody else 1.Jonlevant 10 the rear of the main rer to the Xalional Red Cross asso· matirally resign this if he be elected. or tile big game has speeded them Ull ro conw around and poke them out hall and in front of the new struc- C'iation. Gray was unanimously elected com- a hit amt under the relentless lute· In atlt>ncl the ran~. A special car mre A \\atl!r main has recently This ls one of the tirst organiza· missioner of Interests forensic as was lage or Coac·h Bennion they are under lau lw ul.nainNI if fitty ~tUdents will 1Je1·n 11u1 in the tenter or this boule~ tiou~ of its kind iu t.he countr.v and Homer Taylor, commissioner of in~ ~oing a stiff siege or lrnining. There he ahll• 10 ~o over to the game Rail \ ard vn whkh work will he started will be or~anized direct.ly under the cerests athletic. For commissioner are hut fh·e more µrankes he fore the road ra1Ps have not yet been deter­iu the ~Pring. This with the removal I supenhiion of ){r~. rna B. Herrick, or finance there wa!-; more com· trip antl the game will he won or lo:st I mined bm there will be 80tne kind or of the old chemistry building and the dean of women. Mrs. Herrick baa tietition.. Brick Fowler, Al Borton and as a result or them. If we want vie.. n 1iroposition offered Lo students. ~ymnasium to a new location wlll add already spent much time and labor Ernest Stanley being nominated out torr let us get. out and ~iYe the team l·:,·eryhody "anh; to go o,·er it i~ just gr<>atl'.\ to the a11pearante of the cam- bringing about the organization and or which Eruesl Stanley and Al Dor· a !jlight inkling that there Is some· a CJU<'~tirm of who can afford to go

x a H•tl n "ill hP begun as soon ~ eat')er }1C'rmlt . Last Tuesday

1 g:e Carlsey con:::iulting engineer it th·Iena l\a here and with,the help 1 JJt"'nn Li11fu.•ld \\ llo is chairman of

u ildrn~ committee of ll. S. C. a.nd t nl ensmcer af;sistants staked out

the site o! the new building. Mr r'arsleY will have tharge of the brick o ist uctton work '\ hile Fred Wilson

of Bozeman ''ill ~u11enise che tloor pus. will continue to advise the students ton were nominated by ballot. thing bE"hind lhPm instead or just an o\·er. Yiork. It Is hoped that the builcling will in their work. It is thought that A great many other matters of im· af·1.:t1M\\l:Hio11 ot unstudied lessons 'Ji~!-;011h1 :-:p111 a lh-e quo1a to 2;, The lt1.!1dlng will be modern in ht> rt.-ady tor occupancy by the first every student and faculty member }JOrtance were brought up before the that \\ill ba\"e t 1 be made 1111 later OYer to the i?:ame last year and we of October, 1918. It bas been so plan- in s<:hool will be<'ome a member. body for consider3.tion. 'fhe assem- The nu:mhers o( the le~un are sacri- ought tu go t.hem one betler or a nf'd that when larger accommodations The Reel Cross work will be done bly was presided over by A. Borton ficing a good deal in order to put the hundred. better. \\~e ha\·e demonsLrat art• needed an addition to it can be under the supervision of the Gal1a- who as presi<lent or the senior class name of lhP C'nllege before the pub- l'cl our loyalty iu the t1ast and can <Hided. Even before the old building tin Red Cross Chapter and from time holds that position until a president lk. E\"er~ ni~ht next week there ::>till summon 11p a little ror th~ pres· burnect down the need of a new one to time :\frs. T. B. Story. president of the A. s. :\1. s. c. is elec·ted. He ough1 10 be a bunch of lusty lungers Pnr 1f s11iri1 i~ not manife!Sted at wa~ badly fell by both students and of the local «havter and ~trs. Arnett announced that the proceeds of the down on the ~ide lines with a little the llig-~t>st footl.iall eame or the yeai fa<'ult~~ The ne~. building. will. ~dd will assist the ~i:ls in their knitting I Ctah-M. s. c. game, amountin~ to en1·ouragement. it stands to reason that the inslitu·

l!\"ery respect containing class rooms lnd lalioratones for the c·ollege and

f x}rriment~I work as well as for the \Ork tarne1t on b) the state food com­

mi:;sion. It wilt Ue constructed or hrfck :-<imHnr 1 o that used in the Ag· rlcultural building, will be three ::,;rnrie:; high ·rnd wm measure one hun- great!) to the taullties fo1 teacbmg am! nurses trammg. Help has also ~ 2 !-4'.": .UO was Utied in purchasing Liber- \\"e are uv against hea\·y odds and tion is in a srale of deCay. It i~ dred anll fill) 1eet long by fifty-five chemistry and physics which on ac.


been promised by the Joca1 ph):Si· ty 1.Jonds which ob,·iously belong to need all the !itimulu~ that au organ- our clnty to demonstrate tha1 thi~ fet'I in \\l<ltb ronnt of the new demands made upon cians and by the Murray Hospital o! the A. s. M. s. c. ized llody of supporters c·an give to is not the <'a!:le. that the student bod~ TbP new huilding \\ill be located in them are rapidly coming to the front. Butte. It is hoped that lectures wll l The matter of sending the Expon· their tearn. There will be a big rally is ba<'k of the school. Is loyal to it~ be given from time boUl to men stu- ent 10 the M. s. c. men doing mill- ~ometime next week the announl'e- team aud hPing loyal. will !=;t1pport dents and women studen.ts. tary duty was brought up for consld- ment:; of ·wbkh will JJrobal.ily he matle it with a winning spirit. UTAH LUCKY, OPINION OF


The toltowlng article taken trom The l"ta.11 C'hroalcle explains their



Among the many thin~s that are I era lion. It was stated that there was needed in the trenches at present are about 60 to 7;; college students serv­socks and work will be started at ing in miJitary duty of one kind or once by lhe girls to help satisfy this ;.11otber an1l it wo1lld cheer them up need. Boxes will also be packed to get news from M. S. C. once in position in regard to the Utah-Mon- containing comfort bags, tooth paste, a while.

taoa i-i tie game which was pla~ed Tel li ng What the Young Men' s Chris- bandages and smoking tobacco tp be Two v..•ay5 were suggested by which on the college campus on Oct. 20 · , 0 F h I sent to the soldiers. Every girl in the Exponent could I.le sent to them. Th l't I A · h d th · sld I t1 a n Assn Is O•'lCI or t e e a 1 ggies a e 10 e Front school is starling her knitting a nd First. a collection c·ould be taken track on Lhe god of luck last Fr iday Soldie rs at the when they executed a forward against in a short tim~ the first box will i among the students for the purpose

1 -- I be ready for shipment. of raising monev to pay for these Montana State in the last fh·e seconds " of play anrl tied the score in what Do you know what the Red T riangle The boys will raise a fund for to- papers a nd second. the students after seemed an ine•;-itable defeal. S tte!el ' means in the war zone in France? It bacto and knitting supplies as these reading their papers could turn It over was on the sendin end and 'Stubby' i. h ti - ~ [must be separate from the regular lO a committee to be sent to these


ford. Presiclent Hamilton gaYe a short

talk on the food ron~ervation and an


rHER SPEAKS nounrecl_ that he would expe~t every l.J 1

::-;rndent 111 the l'ollege to do his sharp, lO make the food campaign a sue <·es~. He said that in a few day1:1

M iss Ma ria Sar f ord Delivers I n ter- 11ledge card!:\ would be printed an1t es t i ng Address at Special Assem- 1 that each student would re<"el\'~ one

bl y Tuesday. and would be experted to till 1t out ! and nlllde by the tawe.. set forth by tb{'

<'ampalgn managers, , -·

:\liss Sanford. a former teac·ber at . "-' P t h

g . d f th s 1 e emblem of e Y · · C. A. Red Cross fund. At 1>resent there students. I t was finally decided that e erson t e rece1vmg en o e I b h h the l'niversi"t)· of .\<1·niiesota, si>oke :\fr. :'\I . .J. AUbey spent several day~ " 1c as done more than any other are near one hundred Montana Staie


the studen1s after readmg their pa- - l pass and then 'Stubby' romped , to the students at a special assembl.v I this week attending the teachers' in-twenh \ard~ for a touch down. The tnlluence lll Lhe war lo keep th e sol-1 ( Continued on Page Four.) (Contmued on Pa ge t•1ou r .J :-titute in :Musselshell county. Mr. Aggie~ ~arte a successful k1ckout diers of our alhes happy and content- last Tuesday Miss $auford iti a wo- Ahbey i~ preparing to launch quite and Stiefel kicked goal ed. clea n and healthy. "It does not s f 12 o T 11 T 1 man over :5e,·enty ~ eai s old yet she an extensh-e dub pro~ram for tbr. )1ontana made tileir counters ID the I mean cant. h~ poc1 i!:i):. holy Joes, or I co re 0 - e s a e has a bearing that woulc1 leall oae to :\!ontana boyi:; nnd girls for the winter third quarter when they pushed over ceremony: !1 does mean helpfulness, lleJieYe that she was much younger. months, and is very anxious to get in a touchdO\\ n and made the goal. 1

cleanliness of mind at a11 times and f F h D f t F • d To isee her one would not believe touch with the county superintendent~ The tie Friday was the first game of body when that may be, comfort r 0 res man e ea _ fl ay that she pos~essed the power that ~i1d 1t1f\('herri of the dirferent rountfft~ that has not resulted in a ,·ictory for for the soul at any rate, good fellow- she does, yet she held the attention -..a the A~gies this year. ~hip, good sense ... says Edward Mar. {1f her auctience throughout her shall. For the comfort or the Ameri· DI SASTROUS GAME FOR INFANTS PLAYED IN TWO INCHES OF speech as few other speaker. hare' flRST LFrTURE IN can boys the Y. ~I. c. A. \\ill have. SNOW LAST FRIDAY AFTERNOON. SOPHS BREAK THROUGH clone She i• an orator iu e1•ery lJ both iu the cam1>s for training and on I FRESHMAN LINE FOR TWO TOUCHDOWNS. BOTH TEAMS RE- sen'e of the word and delilered a the battle lines within sound and CEl'<l'E LOYAL SUPPORT OF T HEIR CLASSMATES. me"'age that was welt receh·ed and

22 24 . readl of tbe great guns. 200 buildings appreciated by all.

.. and JOO tenls where amusements. --.- --- 'li!:IM Sanrord said, ")fontana is a music, reading, hoL tea, writing paper l 1Jes11ite the loya l support of their I sovhs wbo advanced it to within fi\·e glorious state and I am 1n·oud of it.




Appointments Made for F i fth Annual Vocatl or.al Co ng re :!fs to be Held

T his Month .

and pen and ink will be furnished dai;smates. the frosh went down to ya rds of the verdant haven, just as I am proud of the United States of to the men. The association will be I defeat before Lhe onslaught of the the whistle blew for the quarter. whid1 )lontana is a 1iart and t never "·~th them _in the American camps, mighty sophs last .E'riday afternoon. A fumble lost the ball for the was :->o proud a~ now during this time "Hh them in the voyage over seas. The game would ha\·e lleen fast but ~oph:; and it was returned to the cen- ot war I wish that Minnesota were with them in the train ing camp in for the slippery field and cold weath· ter of the field by a forty yard punt at 1t.~ast se<"ond 10 Montana, then we

P resi dent H am ilton Start s New Course With L ect ure " What a Col lege Is"

I n Assembl y Today.

France, it will follow Urnm to the bat~ er. Several Limes the play had to be J ily the frosh. Heyn kicked out of would ha Ye a name or whi ch we could Today marks the begianin~ ot a lie front, be with them in homesick· l'ilOlJllCfl to C'iear the field or the des- hound!:.-> when near the frosh goal and be more }1roud 1han we are of rhe new system in college instruction Plans tor the fifth annual ,·ocational nesti, weariness. discouragement, Jlerate freshma n rooters, who clam .. the ball went to 1he sophomores on one that we now ban~:· The !P.(•t11H: :.:iH'n b~· President Ham congress for high school girls are uow Wt'aknt"ss. in their bours of courage t.11red tiO dose lO the line tha t it was the two yard line. An orfside 011 the ··lf I had a singlp wor<l to tiav to iltou today on lhe 81lbject ·'"'hat f~ ~akin~ definite shape and we are as- and ,.rlash and victory. wi ll follow them almost impossible for the linesmen to part of the frosh brought the sopbs to ihe ,,·cimPn I woultl ~ay 'Be beamiru1: i.l College·· was the first. of a ser· t5 ired ot as succ.essful a congress as wl.1en wouncted or taken prisoners, I moYe. The game ended with the score the one yard line and OUerle carried It is a wom:ui"s hirthright. the s~n. i~~ of Jpcture~. similar to this one, was ever held. The officials or the and bear their messages. if need be 12 to 0 in favor of the sophs. the ball for the ~ecoml touchdown. age woman desired it and did all with· designed lo gb·e the student in~truC"· session are to be as follows: 1 e\en ti1e last mes!"ages, to the loved The sophs bad five JirsL string men The game ended in the center of the in her 110\\er lo make herself more tion on many thing~ Urnt h1: would \larjorie Qua"• chairman; Harriet ones at home. In their lineup and were able to tear lielcl with tbe frosh figbting hard. aura<.·th·e by nddiug paint to her face not be able to get from his te'.\l books. Arneson and )lary Howe, secretaries; 1·,or the nexl few weeks college Rtu- through the frosh line time and Coach Bennion wus referee. Al and hy 1n1tting rings in her nose on The subjects deal for the m·ost part Mis~ Ballinger. C'hairman housing com· de!ll~ are to bear much or the work again for big gaini::;. The frosh tried Borton, timekeeper and Senz. head h£'1' t•a1 t.: and wen ring beautiful Illu~es with thing$ that will he of value to rnitlee; Helen Rose, chairman recep- and needs of the Y. M. C. A It is opeu play but the cold prev-ented linesman. anfl 1111'.\· other anitle that she thought the srudent during his c·olle~e c·arerr lion committee; Gladys Ritz, head to he hoped that they will take every much success. l•'oltowing is the lineup: would make her more attratti\'e. J and are c·onstrurtcd RO that the stu usher, Mary Danielson and Helen opportunity to learn wh at the needs Frc,1J1 the fi rst the sophs showed FRrnSH MEN SOPHS would say IO the woman of toda). dent will get many thin~~ out of them Lund, chairmen entertainment com· of that work are and what. it accom- :-;.igns or being victors. Several sue- Drittain Schmid ·seek lleauty. not only of thr hocly rhat will mnkp i1 <·ns1er 10 get till' miue ; March Merigold. chairman plishes. T1 does not dupllrate the c-esshc line plunges opened the game. Left ~!l but of a yet higher tY!Je, namely beau- most out or the 1 lmt\ that Is Hpent hC'•ise committee; Louise I....angobr, ~\·ork of any _other organ izn.Uou. It I a ni<'c thirty yard pass from Stearns Baker Bush LY of the ::;oul as character stamps here. chairman attendance committee. :\Iarie is 1he recogu1zed and official organ to Mc-Connell, a rew more drives Left Ta<·ktti both the race and the body." In the furnre onl:'· freshmen "iU Flood. chairman information bu reau; of the American people. authorized through the frosh line and then Ober- DunLar \\'nkefield '·To men I would snr 'Be ~trong' be required to attend the!=\e le«ture~ Irene Abrahamson, chairman l\fusic IJ.r President \\'ilson. cooperating le c·atTied the ball over the line just Left Guard J do not let narcotics or bad habits de- but as the <'Otll"se Is new this y('ar <'ommlt(ee; Florence Switzer, chair· whh the army officers. to do the as the c1uaner ende11. ""yJie failed Kanga::; Tobey prh·e ~ on or manllnegs. The man a.11 students will he required ro nt man Gallatin County high sch ool reg· I worli H has undertaken for the Am- 1o kick goal. Center 1 wbo Jeth lhese thinJ.{s become a pnrt tend. A rourse i-;imilar to thii::- on~ is: ration committee: Alice McCone, Priran ~oldiers. Like the Red @ross The [rosh l'ame barli: strong in the Schneider Larse of his life puts au obstacle in the road Ii; belnt: S"iYen at the 1pnhersity in rhalrman program committee, Flor- \' ith its merciful work. ft. is the rec- l:iec·oud ltuarter. Both teams were Right Guard to ·~urress, aucl cannot clelh·er the :\Ussoula and nt tbe f'\n1l o[ th(' year en P :\'oble, rhafrman Badge commft .. ogntzed agency and the onl.r one frequently held for downs, lhe sophs Hibbert MeC"klenburg maximum amount of effkieiu·.'. You the two instilulions will t·ompatr tee I" hich the arm:· reC"ognfzes. ft must I sufrerccl two fh·e-:·ard penalties for Right Ta<'kle all wont succ·e~u; and you a.re gNting noces and a course tommon ro boti'l Tile Ci~st delegates to send in t heir he helped and main tained. offside and the frosh Jost fl\"e for the ~larl<'arlin :\!cConnell fit. The state Is growing wealthy and schools wilJ he adopted. numes \\ere Miss Blanche Baird a nd same offenct'. The half ended with Right 8nd I those who live In it profit by the con- Among the other lectures iu thi:-> \tiss Eli1.abetb '\\'bite of Acton) Mon.


. M. J.. \\"ilson has returned from I the ball in possession. or the second .fone-s Stearns• clition of the ~'"late:· Miss Sanford course will be one b.\· Profec;sor Bre" la:rn. St. Paul and the <"onference with the year men in the center of the field. Quarterback 'spohe at length on the harm result· er on .. Englisb as a Oasis for all Edn. The program wtJI follow the line Linseed Oil Manufacturers in regard Ragged play in the torm of blocked ~(a<"S1ntdden '"'ylle I ing in the use or narcoti<'s on the suc. C'ation: ProresHor ColJleigh· will gin• or v.ar conditions and women's work, IO the ~fontana nax situation. Some- 11unt:-<. 11nsuc·C'es fu l passes and fum- Left Half cess of nnyone. one on :-.:ote Taking. Professor Li' though more definJte fntormatlon will arldillonn l fund~ were set aside tor bles. 111a1ked the beginning or the He)n Pitts I "There- should go out from this in- lngi;ton will lN·tuN• on .. Formin~ hf' announced later . Miss Benne tt , the de\·eJopment of the flax Industry second halt Th e sophoruor('S soon FuHback stitutiou the deUcacy and beauty of Study Habits ... "ho ga,·e so many inte resting and to- in ) lontana. h~· this <"On ference. made fi\e succe:5sive drh·e~ whi<'h Sherfield 0bel'le womanhood and the strength ant1 Later In the year :\frs. Herrick s ·udive addresses last yea r Is to be :'\[i-. i;~;·nson ,\ f11 spend t he greater netted them a total or 311 yards and Right Harr character or manhood to 1.ake up the will take th e girls at some spcrial ~D t~':,,.. program a~a ln during thf8' 1 part of the next six weeks in the field brough t them to the 20 ya rd line. A Freshman substitutes were Kell'ey, duties of the world and especially of a!"semblies and give some talks 011 CfiJ!tt-. · · with the county agen ts in ~fontana. blorked punt was recovered by t b-e Durkee and Knowles. th e state of Montana:· said Miss San· (('ontinuect on Pa~e Four)

Pa~c 2.

A clean. anit.ary place where you get good service.


Cold Weather srGGESTS

liot Drinks

The \\"eckly E.x1>onenl is st rictly a stud "'nt e:nerprl::e. lt·s chief purpose THE is to present to its readers. enc:n week, an :lCf.'n rate and complete record ot

Lbe developments in coll~ge affairs dur1ng that period and to exert its intlu·


BUNGALOW We appreciate your patronage

l'nder Gallatin Trust and SaYings Bank ence for the upbuilding of .Montana State college. The paper is the reEul t 0! CHOCOLATE

\IOluntarr effort put forth by the stude:1ts who compose the staff.



Letts & Marquis


PubHsbed eYei.r Friday oi rbe college year by a staff chosen from tlle

~U1dcnts or the )1ont::1.11;1 !:Hate ~·allege o[ Agriculture and Mecnanic Arts.

of tbe t:ntver;:c;i;.y of Montana J3ozPmen, l\Jonta:ia. CHRYSANTHEMUMS, ROSES, CARNATIONS



I Special Sale Hawaiian Instruments i !;n"''"'\,~':e:·~~~"-~ 1 ~:'11~~;:~e~r ~;r.i;~~e:,•~s;:1 00tana, I

FOUR FREE LESSONS ON E, .ERY BANJO-ln(E I SUBSCP.IPTION RATE L h ' I TWO FREE LESSONS ON EVERY UKULELE. : Two Dollars Per Yeor Te~ Cen ts Per Copy a n g 0 r s II If ~tudents become Subscribers upon payment of the regulai actrvity fee

Shorten the long winter eYenings b,· planning lo 1

I play the Uke. t ======================== l BANJO-UKES $16.00 I STAFF


l AT OH'l'ON 'S J\IUSIC HOUSE. lWI'l'OR·IN-CH!EF.... . .. 0. G. STRANAHAN '18


I 26 East Main Street. MANAGING EDITOR .. . ... JOHN H. ROHNEN, '20

Phone !l5-W 3l5 So. Tracy.


Melville Brittan, College Agent and Teacher. SOCIF:TY RIDPORTER ......... -·-······ -- -- .. ______ MARGERY QUAW '18

The PA LACE CAFE Serdce and

CJR('11J.ATION MANAGER --·-··-·---·-·········THEO. REDDlCK. 'JS

G~::ORG IA HANNAH ·-·· _


General Reportorlal Staff

···----···············---······· '20

-·-·-····-· .. ·-······· ···-----·-····-······--· ' 20

Proper Food of the Bes t Quality, combined with Cleanliness. 1

Private Booths for Ladies. I I Reporters and other Statf mewb ers being selected by Competition

50 E. Main St. Meals 25c Up



Of ::\l1nltana State Jorever and e\·er·



it'i nn e:xC'ellent inclh·idua l in ev r.v

rPspc1.·t. \Vith her b1· eding, she is

a most vuluahle add it ion to the c:ol­

lt-gl:.l herd.

The animal huslrnndry department

of the C'OJleg-e is certaainly to be con-

1 ~i-atulated on having breeders such as

\\"e carnes1l:r ask For t he belv of .\Ir. Keene & son so interested in

thP college <·nmnrnn.ity in collc~ting I thf' progre:-s 01 the work and the de­

Uooks 1or our soldiers and sn1lors. Yelupc ment of Shorihorus that thev

Our uuention was enlled to this mat I will make ~1 present to the depart.

ter by Preside 11 t HamiUon at our In.st ment. or one of 1he best-bred Short­

a:-;sembly, bnt the l'esponse has not horu heif'ers in the state.

l.Jcen ~ood.

The United State!:i go\ ernm nl has

rucognized 1hat it will be nec·essary

to rnake a definite effort to maintnin


! l


--You can always enjoy a shave or hair cut with us.


Ramsey & Williams 28 W. Main St. Bozeman


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Boze Ill an Hotel Modern Moderate Comfortable

If It Came From Mull' s It Is


£,·er sle ep on a box spring? T alk about your luxurious comfort, real restftilness-that's it!

Yet you may not feel like investing $25 or $30 in a box spring.

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.\Usolutely sagll"ss, noi·ell~ss, unbreakable.

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I I Loose Leaf Books

fhE" morale of our 11£>W arm.:.« so re.

cntly withdrawn from chi! lift•. One

·n«101· in kPeping a1 my tire up to :.1

high !itnndard i~ ple11ty of ('le:u1. in·

tPre~aing- reading matun.

All those of th e junior clas wish·

ing to try out ror assistant manager

in basketball Teport to me at ouce.

THOMAS A. noss,

Yon get a new spring free if it sags within 25 years from date

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For $9.50 you get sleeping comfort for life. .

The only \1.,1ay :i-~ou can really appreci.nte the comfort of this

<..prinQ" is- tn sl~ep on one. Try ii for 30 ll1¢hf$. If you are not de~

hi.d1ti..<l we·11 take the ~prinJr right back an<l return your money. l


I Y. and E. i<'ILfNG SY'iTFMS.

Library buildings ::i.re being c-un­

ln:C-Le<l in all or the training urn1p:-;,

ut books, l.Jooks, nnd still morn books

• e needed to stock them .Briog us

Mgr, Basketball.


tt,rie:-;, lJiograpbit!S, poetry, UooJ.;s of A ttmalJ jt~weled pin, bearing t h e

1 ?Vf'l. imeres1ing 11b1orics and es· letters W. S. was found on the stairs

ys.- and looks or popular scie1wc.

.her comnrnnitles have donated

cuHl m11n1" volume5: librar.v

ha,·e ~iven the @ervice of

ln the Agricultural hall. Owner way

receive property by applYlag at the

office of the \Veekly Courier publi h·

1ng Co.

Drop in any t ime .:m<l look oYcr ou r stock of '1\\ia31" Guaranteetl

l".:di, ~laun~scs, Sµring:s anU Cots.


THE WEEK LY E X POl'iENT FH.liJAY ">:U\"E~lbER 191~

·~~~~~~~~~ - -,

\ i1(·~ \OU v;i5h tht \e-n· I.Jest f I «HI~)".· ·:::r~:~.a~r,~:a:-.:h::,:i·:~ l Mc Cr a c k en's th" H.ry b••• valu~ JJO•slb!e tor )'O r mtmf'f <·ome hPre and at<k for I



\ j Goods Are Better !'I We carry a full line of ?.!en 's Dress Shirts, O"ercoats ,

Suits, and a Nifty ·eckwear line. Come in and compare our

Then come back to Hank and Ed's and have a

Chesteriield 1 prices wit h others in town.

WP ha\·t· 1hr.o f-Xc:lushP a~erH'_\' 11 for 1 lJ local lY J '==========;;;;;:;:;;;:;:;:;;;:;:;;;;;:;:;;;:;:;:;;;~;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;,;;;:;;;;

11 I l ROSE DRUr. ro Ii fi EM THEATRE 1

I U lJ • I ! Pro g ram ! I

t I ~'lll!>A Y The Ghost !louse- I :rA. ~.._,et, a. 1 j tack f'ickford and Loui•e Hutt. I

I ~~~ :

I tiATl"RUAY-)latmee 2:30: ='ight f t ."';-.. Reckle-~~ Romeo"-

Futty Arbuckle. lOc and 20c

Sl"X!IAY-"Pric< )larks .. -Dorotliy DaHon.


The collei::e girl.- r esoh ·ed this \\eek

To stan in Hoo,•erizing.

rtnd hi~ many <·ollege friends here

"i~h him the best of lu<'k

The 0. B. c lub entenaine1l aho11t


P-1-P-E-S BAKELITE $1.00 -- . 1.50.

Complete line of smoker·· articles


!GEO. H. WILLSOI\ co. I '

PINK George


A Gentleman's Shoe

)IOXUAY-''Prlce )larks .. Pnrothy Dalton.

11Jc anti 20c

Tt·r:>'l>A Y-··within The Law .. -Alice .Toyre and Harry :\for ey

!Or and 2:ic·

1 They figured every way they coul d

To make things appet iz ing.

They banished fudge fr om oft lhe ir

! I li•t

twen r~· c·ouples a t a Hallowe'en frolic r-- - --.. -------­\\'eclt!t.·~clay eYen in~. The decorations' G 11 • "ere appropriat~ to lb~ mys.t i< season ! a at 1 n and tht:- party wal':' enilq•netl by 1111111 I Gr~cerY1

8.00 to $10.00 I I

l \I 1-;p:-;i,;suA Y -·'"\Yithin The Law ...

I Ali'"' .Torce and Harry )lorey L ____ toe· and 25c.

And said it was passe ;

The'.\ .. \"e got a substi t u te for it

\\.hi<'h takes if s place today.

t.•rous ·· Ha l1 owe·en stunti;;.:· fo llowt<l I

'~et\€'d a t a la te hou r one liy d:i1wing. 11eliC'ious ··ea1~·· wen• 1 G I G Ph ~~ '

I .Jib::s F lo rence ~olJ i e·~ bnthcla~ "a~ l 5 5 55 J•'or th ~J are no t undaunted no\\ rt.~me-m he red hy a numller ol her

1 J

G I G 5 15

I Reed's At what the taste may b e, fricndc: who l!a,·e her a suri1ri-:e tlin !....---------------- --- ----·--- -------

-- Antl a t their spreads serve cornmeal 1 nPr. ~11nrtay, (kt. 2'-:.

fi ET I At~;·e~~· it cheerfully. h~~:~:.!~rl: lo: ~;,:r·:;:~· Jl;:~re:'.-;::: I If An App I e A Day Keeps

YOUR I ~_l rs. Tom G_ray has been_ spendjl.og <iimwr TuoHday. The first cour>e I The Doctor Away

[BOOTE RY t a 1ew days nsnl og her niece, :\ ts~ "us :-.Pn·ed at the home or ~u~s "~ ' .

'1 1 Helen Gray. a senior studen t in the t~tru Seeley. th e second al the Bun· f

depar lment or home ecooomic's. ) lrs. ga low r:ire. and t he third at the n~si· J A supply of Jonathan, Belflour and Delicious Apples in

your room will help to enterta in the boys when they ca ll. OVERCOAT I' (lray ·" home i> in British C'otumhla. <Ienco of :\!l"s Helen Gray. , I

~1g 75 II Sunday mornin;:-num·J<·r ul ~lb.a::> \liss ~lary 1Jani~ls:1 aucl :\Iiss Huby 1! THQS. tJJ nett' r:;mhof1"s 1ri~n'1~ enjo,·ed I loclgkiss en ter ta ined at d inner Satur· I

COLLEGE STUDENTS ,1 \\' h:n you can get new up- 11 :~;1~~;,;:·~1:·ebit spread in her r~om at ::~~n:t ,~:;. I~~~;: i nH:ll1~1::~~~g d~~:~: 11 HELLO 2~ . H . REA & c o .

to-date coats made by Stand- T11eoda) night was pledge night at --- ---- --

! ar d ma kers like ~IICHAELS, I the sorority houses. The At[lha Omi- • The K. :-;. boys entertained at an I

we are always glad to i'ee you back.

STERN & CO., L System and I cron Phi pledges were: ~l bs 11ar- iulormat smoker lnHt Saturday nigh• I CONKLIN PENS

! ED. Y. PRICE & CO. ! ~aret Uoe. "\l i"t;s :\ l amie Egan. M iss an cl 1ho~e 11 r esent report that the a!

l_lelen Tri\lJI, and )Ii~~ 1''loreuc:e Tyler.' mosphere was 'h l ue· until tbe Wp•· ! f

SELF-F ILLlNG- NON-LEAKABLE Don't orget us when you •


·111P Phi Gamma l'le<lges were: ) Jiss ~ma' hours. 1

fiAL LUMBER CO. look ar ound . ~· 1oro11c·e \\"esch .. \liss 1·:,·etyu Water· I Let us s how you the lates t in these pens.

man. "\ ti ss Huth '.':olJle ancl :\ l i~s Ru th . . ..... •• ·~ i: :: :: :: :: :1 :: · • ::

Phone 20 Opp. Court House WALSH'S l __


FI'.\' E SHOE REPAIRING I ' I Done Whi le You Wait ! I Elt..>ctric.:al :'.\laC'l1ilH:'J'\. b<'!'lt Oak 11

Ta11ned Leather ancl Ex1>en " 'ork· I mansbip dot-!:> il Lallie:-;· hed::: f

11 <I '-l)IP("i3lt~· Low prices.

I ll arcliug •• ll I


11u:~~:: :. ~;i~::~ 1 ,fr~=~-;s ~~u~~~;. u~~hl~ i; •• :: :: :: :: 1! U :: :: ::' :: U ~ Dainty refres:h ments were serYed.

.\fr. l.eo Humphrey was host at a

Hal l owl~·en

hii:; lrit>nch> Tue~ch1~· eYenin~ at his

n•si<lenre 011 Tracy aYcnue. ~oYel r e·

A t the ('ity Y. ~ t. C. A . l ast Thurs·

duy t>veuing a ~ tag reception. in

l'harge of Mr . Pric-e, was gi\'en thf'

short <·ourse student s.

T h 1;> i1n i tation being to stags only

1reshments wt>re sen·ed and all tho~e g,a'e ~ome t h e <.·onrage to come who

111esent had a regular timf'. nlhe n' ise wou ld ha,-e remai ned away.

and evE'n c bronk fusse rs, ncee1nin~

CIL\l\IPION SHOE REPAI R 11 ing. ~" .11~ men only. might 1iro' e to be.

SHOP I l!i a nd 18 Size The en Lertaiument consis(ed of


SERfiE DRESSES ·\ikky ... \ I C' ( 'one gan" a "ar tim e the 11 0,·el t)· or t he situa t ion, ea~ ou1

.;1,rl':td in her Tonm Ia:-;t Friday pyen· to sf'e wh at the e,·eni ng~ fuu, for

I t :\lis!:i Ho5s and .:\llss Hedrick gave games. musiC'. swimming, tug-of-war I

E. ~Iaiu .I Komar. Pi·op •1 $13 ~O $1 ' 50 $J7 50: '.l f:"!rewell party Saturday fo r Mies and seYeral oth er for ms of athktk

1 . v ~p to i$z~.50 .


~'.'.~~::::.:;1 ·'':::~~·~:~:::::~:::~0::~.:~':t::~~ ~:~.;.~;~,~,~~~· ,~~~:·~~~~:~;~-~:~~,~~~~~}; 1

R._o_E c_H_EP~-~~-ipt io_"'~-~~-"~-y. _s T-'.-1-0 ~

Economy ~ake .rnur s nit look bet ter and la t longer by our Dry Cleaning


City Dye Works j PICTURE FRAMING , I J\a,· ~· - Brown - Burg und)

All Extra Values.

nessin~ the .. Birth of a ~alion: Laler kind of am1H;ement. Victrola mnsir

the j?;uests re11ai r ed to .\1iss lledrick's \\ai; rurni~hccl. and later in the e \' ell lil••••••••••••a1111•••••••••••••••lii

I as it



•, '! HHOllLD BE DOJ\'.E


at w A L K E R'S 2;irb das~ at her home Tuesda~ even· staged 011 the h orizontal har. t he ob

I I in~. H allowl~·en games were enjoyed jeC't being to mafmain one·s balance

I THE L IC\TOLEUM & ART tiy .11. anc! h) well directed blows ch'i "e the


11 Specialty Store. - - I opponent f rom his position. ~! an y I

.. Japanese Art Goods'· Tht> l a<:ult)' <'ai-d tlub will me~t to ron ficl ently climbed up an d s ta r ted thE>

I I :: :: !! :: :: :t :: :: :::: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: nL.:ht for :h<• first timt- this :st>a~on in bau le on l y to find th emselves ~prawl

I:: u Lhe home eronom iC's room at t he ag. int; on the mat below. A tug or war I ------ :: ENGIN EE RIN G NOTEb :: rkuhural ha l l. T h e hos t s and hos b~tween t h e c lasses caused not a lit

COMMERCIAL ATIO!'\ AL I, " ll 1 tes,es are 11iss b'lorence fl alliager. j t • excitem nt, everyone 1111llecl as

:: :: :: :: :: :t:: :: n :: :: !1 U t! :i :: :: !\ Ir. and :\frs. A . At kinson, Mr. au l , though the penal ty for losing was a

BANK. I t'ntl Hd~trom l~. failed to paae :\I r~. I". L . Snow, Mr. an d Mrs. O. n. 1 ren t. i 11~ 1 e:Hl of onl y an imaginnr.\·.

Capital Stock . $150,000 I rhe 1>h.1>i«at examination at ramp \\'h ippie. ~fr and )frs . . J. A . Thaler, frog 11ond. The fi rs, yea.. huskie'

I l p f" $2


OOO I LC\\ b aud is expel'tt'd back next ;\Ir. and ).lrs. \\". O. \Vh itcomb. a nd ca me on t viltorious after nrn<·h s t ren

I u rp us a.n c r o its D , week. .\Ir. and :\tr ~. \\· m. Coble igh . uou~ pu lli ng.

home at lhl• Blackmore where a1lpe in~ the plunge and the ~ymnasium

Just Recei\·ed. tizin~ refresh ments were ~ened. \\t:'re ~:Keneo or lhel y arth·it ies and

combats. ). Ir. Prke led in some Yery

:\Jil"s Harri~ e1nertai ned the college exl'il i ng games: a pillow fight was

,-------------1 Montana State College of Agricul-! ture and Mechanic Arts

Prnct1cal courses in Civil , E lectrical and Mechanical Eng ineering, Mechanic Arts, Agriculture, Dairy, Hor­icul t ural, Home E conomics, Industrial Chemistry, Economic Biology, Mu sic and Art.

Beautifu l grounds , commodious buildings, complete wood and iron shops, extensive laboratories, model kitchen and sewing r ooms, mus ic and art studio.

J.M. Hamilton , President Bozeman, Montana.

J . H. Baker, Cashier. I \\'iii l·:doall. ·1 J who is chief elec· A lunch sen-ed in the loblJy ended

I tririau on one of our };\lhmarine1 met T he bo.\ s of th e Omega B eta f ra- the m•ening, an e,·eniug t horou ghl y

~-n----~- - Monana ~ wiLb ~ut accident which rendered h im 1erni ly e n terta ined forty of t h eir enj oyed by e,·e r yoae. thanlcs t o :\Ir. I 111won~r·ious for Fu.,: \ t>ra l . houra .. H• t friends a t a s mok e r Sawrday a l t he- ir I Pr ic- . and t h e- spi r it or fe llow$hi1>

1or111t-rl). he ld a r spons1b le l)OStl ion dub house on Sixcb A Yen. ue South . "h ic h c>xist ~ a t t he Y I TRACY F LORAL COMPANY .. ,it h 1h" 11·es1i ngbou>e company. He 1

BOZEMAN FARMERS' CREAMERY and Designs in season I Louh; H il l. ' 14. jc; 110" a Li euten · ladie~ of the facu lt y Thursday a t t he dr ill h3 ll last Saturday E'\f'O ing. \\US I

JudeYine & Sons

_. . .. ICE CREAM Al\D DAIRY P RODUCTS every flower, bouquets, 1 i::; nu\\ s rntioned at Ne" London, Con. ,I :\ l bs Helen Brewer entertai ned th e Th e short course dan C'e h eld m the t

a specialty. ant 01 Engi neer s in t he r n ited States home of Mr. and Mrs. Conk li ng, attended by only a s ma ll erowd owing

POTTED PLANTS. I armi'. He was la to"·n the day or where she Is residi ng. to the seven ty of the \\eather. 1'hose 'hone 143

t he l "ta h ga m e. He i s now i u Li \•ing. I North Central Avenue

---------4-----... ~ '-to n awaiti ng order a nd ex11e(•ts to I Mrs. Sanfor d was a. dinn e r _guesl ~'h,oe1~•icle:;:)~:i>l~hee'~;;i:gsto 1 m ~pe n l --------------------------------~·

I DROP J ' A ND ENJOY A go to ~·ra nce in the near future. at Hamilton Hall Tuesday evening. I SHA VE Enrl La nn in, ·12. ''isited the <"Ollege - -

H a· C ts S . It I la~n \\ c.'ek :\Ir . L-annin is with t h e T he girl s of t h e Ph i Gamma sor ority The Lnerar:r sor iH~ held It~ l~~U·

t - l r u a pecia y ) lontana Power com11a.ny at Lewie-- celeUra ted the birthd ay nn n iYersary or lar meeting Jasl Thursday evenin ~.

! COMB1~2 B~~~~~ SHOP to"ll. lfon tana H e is the proud ~!i ss Adeline Montgomen· aturday, >:evcra l matters were discussed. alter

rather vf a three weeks old son Oc tobe r 27. \\ hirh Mr. H ol st gaYe n rnlk. 'fhe rn Ptfng \\n~ adjourne<l al ter ~iagin~

,-~: ~~1~K~R ~~ ~~~A~~~~o~R TY



Mr. " Baldy '' H ansen, ·11. left last I ~1 \'eral wen known songs.

"~eek for Seat tle wher e h e v.'ill remain - --

·or a sl1ort time preparatorl to going- I All tbc t:laFses are makfn~ an er

, 1\'asbington, D. C., where be wHl fort to get started t h is week. 'fht"

n the ehemistr:i; de1rnrtment or thP. suits have not Yt"t come. but are (•X·

·n~ir..cerin~ corp~ . 'Paldy' f'".pects to ''" 'f<'d !-)0011, rnea1l\\.hilc t h e Loy~ will

r;n e for France alJOUt Th"anksgh·ln~ l f',.:ln work in Lnsket::.-hootinl{

The Moulting Sel.rnn is He~~

Feed vour hen · ~ Lee's Poultry F ood and help them · through this '1evitalizing period t o

earli er egg product ion . Sold by

Owenbouse Hafdwa~~- Co. ·


Geor•r· noose··elt, '15, has bee:i I drafttll :ind i!i "ailing tor orders to rtport ,1t Cam11 Do·lge, ~Ir. Roose­wdt bas been employed ill the grain l1uslness in A('kJey, Iowa ..


1 t rrom Pa1o;e One. I

1u.·r~ !o.hould 11la1:e their nallleS on tlwm and lUm them over to tbe reg· ihu .. r Rt•g1strar \\" J~on would ~eud


,j,, 11 "'a::. lemporurily suspended in I Miss Olive KJnsella. ·16, is now b e~d I fifty c.arlonde ~, 1 .. 1 lnr <·ast>. of the home c>c-onomi<.'s departme.n t in

It \\ ·h ·1gf:"e"'ted J._. :\k:'.lllla.u that the College of St. Catherine. t Paul, :\Ir \\" L.. Beers has Jus t r~turned ''\l."'r\ :;ti deul who ,10..;sibly t·oulll .. \liunt>:--c>ta, \\hkh is under the direc- from a four weeks' tour or lb nor b- sit~· of Oregon. and nh~o rnspected th honifl .::,o to \li:-.:-.oula for the football c.n ot' \.rl'lthish(\)l treland'"s ~ister. "·su•ru "State~ in the hi terest of study- experimental plan ar Con•allis. \\bkb

...,,:rnw ;\I ~ r Is to play there. Ile il"!~ the various methods of dil)JIOe,ing they n r e de,·elopiug for the care of aid thP rnnnfl lrip coald be in a1te tor blviH Stea ns. Ex-'18 is at Pine ol fruit vrodm·ts. \\{th a view to help fruit by-products. At the latter place,

Columbia. Rh·{'r, a nd east H!< far a Pullman

He spent some tJme at the unh-er

:\f .I. AIJbc; ts auE'nJ1ag the ~lus:sel- IJ·u~t '.\f S. l. ~tudenfs in ilnJlars ~I'; they woultl be able to (' mp \\.atertown. :'\ew York, \"\he r e elindiiate the enormous waste thnt ls '.\lr. Beers bad a very Jlro[itable inter. Pl rt:>dtKed 1-.ues if large enough nuw- ht• is a\\aitim: <'rders to proceed to view with Prof J S Cogswell wb

.. bPll County Telle· he 'S' institute this mil ary dmr '' bosP addresses appear Pr \\t·m Af a meNing howeyer of France with the ).lounted F"leld artil· takin!o!; place n the \\estern part of b • · • I <.•:i ~tate due o the fact that \' e proba ly knows R!-> much about rrutt ·<eh; in the ;.nti:>resl of l>oys' and on il:- rec·ont-- . .\ 1.:omm lC'C 01 fh e ht> athlctk l'Ouncil a ispecial trai.n ery. I by-µroflU<'ls as an~· mnn in thP north drls' clubs. Mrs. R. S. Scott bas re- H umh•·rs w1•re •ll'Jloi:llt.'11 lo l'onfer

, cntlr bC'rn apJlOint.ed dub leader in '' i1h '.\Ir. \\'ilst.n on tlll" maltt:r

\HIS not thought ad\·isable as it h;1\e no truit by-profluct indu~try, \"\'est d · of ·• •• •• :: :-:. :: :: :: :: :: :: .... :: ::: stll'h as <'annerit-:-., lryers. or f'Va}1or-;11~~~1~ttu~·~1:·~c;:- a har sJ11p on man~· U ... •• :: 1 ·lling plants. that county under :\fr. Abbey's clirec- Ht>solut1on~ c·mwe1 ning a :.lgu l·lnc-

tlon. Pd 011 lh<" drill hall tl 1Jriug the f.u·ulty •• E X TE NS ION NOTES !: lit• \·isi t:'cl nt-a,.l) <tll ot the im11ort- lo, - 11•<·,•11tio11 to !)tlHknl~ iorlncillin,..: ho11

:\tis!-l Dt·~s '.\!. RO\\P fs .to~istin~ in, ... rn:s 11on. a ren;l.in.c; tilt• il~1_1~·t., "~~ home dcmonsll'atlon... in Sheridan 1.as pd as n·Ml. I he mem1Jc1~ _or LI c


:: a I t·:rn11i11g fa• turie& aud e\aporat- tu10-e.ro\\Prs of .Jflfff'r~on Yalley •• : : :: :.: :: : : :: U :: :: :: :: :: :.: t: in ... plau1s in Wa:->hinh'ton. lyiuJr be- "\\0 hltebal1, russi~1in~ in 1.he rn-opera

lwl~t·11 :::-ipol.;anp an1l ~euttle. and thPa 1he marketiu~ or ~e,eral hunrtred , ount~ Shf' L ..;pf> l I n -)O C'man a1 ) on hn stmlent or sol·tal af- ~Ir. ·n11I 'lri..: \\". I':. Tom::;on IH\\·e srn11h\\<1rd to l'orth1r1rl; also, many of (·l\rs or i1otatoes Or \\-ekh \\ho a1··I\1;1d in Bo 'r>mnn from '.\tanhnuan. thr imponanr farlori"::i: and f"\·apora.- went to ~Vhitehall with '.\Ir, f'uller. Kansas. Mr. Tomson is a graduate wrs ul \·arious points between Port states that the ~pud crop bas rloubled

t he la tt•r 1 a 1 ,e ruunth f.\11 rnaiutailwd that a~ the :-.hort lourso ~tlHll'llt:-.i \\ere tht'll gue,..1s tor

- h '\ell 1.·· •f'>\ \\ t•rt' 1'ntille1l to at-l1~~1t•1w Al t w ,..ame 11111'1 Coach l't union ,, ill 1alk to the nH•n of the in. titutioa on the sa.me subject.

of the Kansas Agricultural college. 1 1 1 1-, d b 1 h i i ld i s b r \\ilh :>Ji<'dal tr linin~ and ~e,·eral urn ~nc ... ugen<'. an r en a oni: t c n Ye s nee epteru er I~


It"s the very latest thing in a double breasted sport suit; belt all around, patch pockets, well tailored and all-wool.

We arc showing them in dandy colorings at

$25.00, $28.00. $30.00

Holloway's "Qua lity Corner ."

I Thorough '

SIGHT I Testing I

W e assure you abili t y We assure you accuracy

Our ability i sight saving tixami­nations is you!' assnran('c of t;lasiies corrC'rt in apnear~n<'(:l. form~ and Cit

Nor are our prices by a ny mea ns excess ixe

ti•l\I th~ dalll"t' They IOOk the atU-' ":u t t placing 01 such a sign

11n 1h...: •lrill twll tloor ~!towed rude-111 ~ ll\\&1d lht• Iat.:Ult~ and wished

111 1111perclnssmcn to hold n meet-


in~ .rnd tlr.tw np n .. •sol11tions ex

11 , ssmi.:. th_t.' s11u1t.>n1 "'t't~1i111~11t .in re· ~anl 10 tbts matter 1 ht• s11h:-.1unce o( th!? re:;ol11lion was that the stn lit 11t"' regrPL \ t·ry m11d1 1lh· o<·c\ir­

ll <' t or his in.-idt•lll und hrantl it as It :oila,t•d ;tlso 1bat I rnbt·1111c·m•111 y .

• 1 Jd~h ~<'hool µra1luatt>s and <·ollege :-.1111lt•nts lhP) \\('l'l' entitled to more

1\ ilet:.t'~ and 1li~ti1l(·tion a~ befitted. sut"h position. Ir short <'01irse stu· 1 Hlls were t!;iH•n equal 11ri\'ilege .. the)' \\Onld i.;lass th<.•lllf.Chl'S ns ~1. $. C. ~rnrluates \\ hid1 ha~ bern 1\onP sev· c ~ti t imt s in the past.

-\nother serit>s of lectures ls bein.£; 11r1•pnrc>d and will he started :.-;oon .. rJw serie:-: \\Ill he on the nations al

yen rs· experie11<'e along dairy lines. He will assume the duties o! field a1!t'nl in dairying in tlle Extension I .sPn kt', whkh will doubtle::;s be good

\\ ar Ii:ac-h :OJll'a\,t..'1' will gh·c the con- ne\\ s to 1he dairymen of this state, 1li'-i011!.-! arnl will 1lcscribe in tleiail the as he has heeu recommended ns par-1 1 r th~ nation ii:.; playing in the war 1k11larl) well-e1111ipped for this line Tht>s<.> lrc·rnre~ arc something new autl or work. \\ 111 giYC a hCU£>r idea Of the C'Olldi· 1i1111s in Europe 1han could be gained

Ii) rending the difierent perlodicalg. .'\o\ ~mber :L for \\'a~hing1on. IJ C., to ).tany peo11le do not ha\·e mud1 time attend a eonfercnc-e of home e('onom­to folio\\ up tht' war new~ that is be. ics <'Xlension workers. ing publi:::;hl.'d aJI O\"er the <.·ountry but

his rour:-;e will offer a chan<.'e to b - Mr. M, L. "-ilson bas just l'eturned nm10 11o~ted on the subje('t and to 1 rom the counties of Cascade, Phillips, c·ome in touch with the conditions as. V01lley, and ShC'ritlan. where he h as 1 IH'Y e:xit't in Europe tocla~ Among bee11 in c·on~ultation with lbeir reF-pec· tilt· most in111ortnnt lt.>Ctureg, oHered in liH' agent~ in rt·~ard to getting infor­'hb series will be rhe one ~hen b~· 1 malion a:;; to the 3mount of Reed which Pn~:-;illent Hamilton on Belgium will b<' net-rled in these l'Ountie~ next.


HOWARD'S Get a Red and Black Cap for

Game==Be a Real Booster

THE HUB Ed and Lou Hmvard.

\Yalk-Over Shoe Stetson Rab<


lEVERY DAY IS BARGAIN I 'resident Hamilton spoke for a few

m111ntt.•s on 1his :--nbj('Ct of relations J1N\\f'en -:'If s. (' ancl ~hort course srndenb. He l-laid that the subjed


\\a!i ,·ery perplexing and ~a'c him a :..;n•c\l deal of c-oncern. C'hanccllor


1Con1in t.·~I 1rnm l'ag(' One.1

'.\Jr. )furr~· r::. S.tebhins has been se-11

DAY t·urpcl as ('onnty al:{t lt for Yalley coun-ty .\Ir StebbinH is Psperially well - I Ellioll ha~ the ma1ter under 1·011:-;id·

t~ratlon and hC'ld a mct.•ting '' ith a mf'n In lhe t• S s~n·i<'e and enough t·ummittee of 1lw :-ohort 1..·ourse stu- will ht' rai~l d 1 ::;1•ncl onf• c·op_\. of

nts with thf' puq10:-oe or lryin~ to ttw ('ollegP E'Jionenl to t.>al'l1 man .. 1 .H.'h son}(.• :-ooltllinn of the prol>lem al(lng with • h1 ~ 01 eaml)· cllHI the ti• :-:aid tba1 H!!le-:s the probll'lll is n•gulatinn , omfor1 bag <·ont<tining

..:1ihl•rl the ~hort <.'011rse ma~· he l:>ent tomh pa~Ht?. dgarPllt• pnpers. rnhar-

rqnipped to a"11111e 1he duties of ! .\ Vis it Will Com' lnC Yoa_Thaa{t You Can Alwa.' s Ha"e ~lone.' I ro:inty agent inasmuC'h as he is a graduate of lhe North Dakota Agri-rultural college, ha\·ing spet'ialized in

soils and animal husbandry al this i s r~ s I institution; he was reared on a farm: I I a wy e ·1 has hacl several years' experience as I 10 some ot!H•r 11lcu·e as there ire se\"· t·o and cigarettes. a form manager •ilh the additional ral making bids ror it. Jn lime this Thb work will he> done alone with

\\Ork will be ahsorbed Uy the high tht' eourse:o ~l\"C'll in Nurses training, :-.l'ltoob as hey an• <·omnHmdng lo First Aid \\ ork ~lll'h as band11ging and lPadl agri< 111t11n.• hnt it will be some 1rt.'<Hing minor skknesses and mili­lime hefoH· they <.·au huudle thi:-;. 1 fary ~c·ieni;:·e that :irt:' bein~ offered l'1e~ .. Hamilton :-;aicl there were two l"nr 1he fina ti111t.> thiR year

expPricnt·e of baYlng operated with E. ~Iain l c-nn~ideral>IC' suct·e1:1s a large farm en· :.....-----------------------------­gin~ for tilling the soi l.

.\fr .I. H:. Shinn wa~ at the college

\\an•. l<'ir:-.t that the regular stu- ft i~ intl'rei-.tin~ to note the way with Direc-tor Cooler. prior to taking c1t>1;t~ l onld lie k'-.'\ll separnte as mu('h in which the tollege students real- 11 11 count) agent work in Choteau as po:o:sible such a:; separate build- ize 1ha1 the na1ion is at war and the t·o1111ty ings. faculty. social <H:tivities crnd stu- enthusiasm and seriousness that

nn Xm ember fir:.-;t for a conference

dl·nt ncth ilies. and set·ond that they mark~ all of 1he meetings or the ~tu- .Mrs .. H .. G. You n g assisted t he ladies bnH" the same e;1ui11ment, teachers, dt~nt hodr The rah-rahs of former 01 llelf{rade on \\"cdnesday and Tburs­builflings and elC'. Thi::; last i::> the assemhlie$ are 'lis11laced hy the sil- da' of last week to organize and plan onlv po::::-11hle way as the in::;titution Pni seriou~ne~~ and desire to help ac~i,•ities for the ensuing win ter is i .. n sm·h a financial condition as to t·ndt.> Sam in his great tnsh in mak- mcnths. She also gaYe a lecture a nd make nn)· olher wa.r im1io:-;siblC'. ing the worlfl safe tor demot.·ral'Y and demonstration on war b reads at t he

Ile mninlains that as lllt•) vay their ead1 studt:>HI is ghing as much of his hic;h st'l10ol there. par ticu larly ad­dueis, feE's :ind expen~es. they are liuH• tt:-i possihle in helping the organ- dre~sing thf'> ladles a~ well as the entilled rn mo:-;t of the prhi1cges of izaiion of the College Red C'ross so- stmJenti:; ot th e home econ omics de-Lhe insti111tion. Great many people rie1y.. iwrtment o r 1b~ h igh school. O\"C'r the statP are interested in these The Red ('ross i5 a new turn In I ) t r F' .. E. J:<""'u ll e r has just retu r ned short <·oune students and want to college organizations will 110 doub t lrom seYeral week~· work In J effer set> them J!h en fair treatmen t. They bei·unw one of the permanent pa r ts son and )lad isou coun t y, where he tht>mseh'es fa\·or J:<e1iarate bodies and ol l"olh•i;1t activity. hn.s hccn aiding the farmers' associa-want 10 :::!PC'ede and use the monej ---- - t ion with lhe marketing of polatoes. "hic·h they pay toward student a<·ti\'I. •• •• •• •• :: :: :: :.t. U :: ::t :: :: :: ::. T h e output has l>een rather c losely ties. towarcl sum1orting their own •• ;: t'~timated a::; about two-hundred car· iaJ)er, athletk team:s and el('. They •• NEWS NOTES •• !nails or which t h e assOC"iation in its

main1ai11 tlH'.' ~hould ha,·e n \"Oil'e in :: :: adh'ities to daye, has marketed about the s1udent m·tiYtties whkh lbey are •• :: :.: :: ::: :: n :: :: :: :: •••••• -:: ta,ed for. '" 1t now ls. it is 1 RX~1 tion \\hhoul rt-presentation :\lh•ses El izabeth Glover a nd ~la r-

Harold l>ic'kt;on announced tha1 he gupritf' Lindslt') are enjoying a ~hort "as unable longer to hold the pO:$i- ,-bit 10 their 11onw at Fon Y('l\ow-rion of Commi~sioner of Interests s1011t.•. Fina1we as he had lieen t•alled 10 I

-FARI\1-~~:~ .. ;~~~2,) "~::~~-=~~~~: in-:~~-! s hop. I

C'OLLAR-P .-\DS- anrl full line~ of all kind, of Rtrap wor1-. \

AT A $PEC'TAL BARGAIN 5 et s Single Ha rness 8 ~efa Lig ht Drh· ing Harne•• FINE LINE AUTO ROBES I

LARGE STO K HOR8E BL • .\..'\KETH COPPER CLAD RANGES-Finest Range on the :Market . 1 PENINS LAR RANGES-Prit:ed now al $50.00 I Fl E LINE OF HE.\Tl:'o/G STO\"E. - Coal Heaters . Wood

Heater s, Combinat ion Heaters. .-\ GOOD LINE RTFLES - LARGE STOCK Ai\ll\IU:o-;ITIO'.'\ ('0 1l\IUNJTY STL\'ER-\'ery fin e assot"tmenl.

ELLIS~BRANDLEY co. C. ;.I. WOOD". .\ ssignee.

The Centrai Studio jsend the Boys in the Camps a I Picture From Home. I I


I l~~!!~ f .og~~e I niilitnry duty A rising \'Ole of t ha n ks .\tis:-; .\lal'it' Pliger of ll a111il1uu llall was ~1,·eu Dickson in apl)recialion of s\it•nt 1hc \\Pf>k-t>nd at her horn~ in hi~ faithful and elf1dent :-;ervit'es. The 1~u111 rnu• ot tile romai1ution c·om:t-1ning

fh 1• po~ting: of a noti<.:e o[ nomination .\li:-;s l>oris Ingram ''a~ ho~t~:-:.s at a or otfic-ers a w<.•ek hefor the nomiua- dt>\igl111ul feecl to a numbPr or he r ===========--·:::-=-=-=-0:-0:-0:-oo l 'rit•tHls. 811uda~ rvening at llamillon



:'..---------------------·---I ~ri,., ~1,nr .. Kuhns spen 1 '°'""day \VAISTS FOR .Tl 8T LOO -----


HI rlw ranl'l1 nf )Ir. and ). 11'1-i C' r~. \Vl r thmor models and lrue 10 I · · Himr>. th~ir namt·s worth llH>I"<". Air 'l

I I protll'h\le. authentil'. appt>ali:lg 1 I Hnnulton Hall i:i rhc sc enf' of n1111ly nmumn ~ty les I ! Hotel Baltimore

I Municipal Theatre


L-East Main St. New and ;\lodern 11111.1k111" •h~se dU)S. aud suldte1 s I I

-------------------------- tnclgf' is u 1opH. ol 1·0U\t;)r:-:.at1on l l 't- ~111prksmJt ltkewbe l?;mtify· 1 hi•a1 11 JU e'e''" pn 11 of the tlo rmltol' Ing to know that ont- ('i.lll still ~e t

1 --------------; ------------------ ---1

a ~plPndtd ~en·iteable \\3isl to r f ; .\llss. E\'a ).ld\:onfll of Phili11shnrg f

1 1t I Mothers and Purity Bread


The ideal footwear young men

for l he I

When you buy « pa ir of Hannan's, you buy St~·le and Quality.



f 'rt.•l.l 111 l'ul r~. Pit'~. t'akt:>s and ('an- t tlit's-Cakf.'s made to order.

011en en•ning~ u:ili l 8 o'tlock.


TEN CENT<;. plljo) t·tl a , isit from her l"athf'I' O\"e r I I 1

llW \\Oek end. - \ 'HAf1BERS-FiSH ER©· I ).Inn) of the fn<.'llll)' and f;tUdcnts ~:_ALWAY S RE LI ABLE:--­

a1tt·111lt"ll tht> hull'heon beld at the Y. ). \ (' \ .. last $;11urda~· nnd henrd '.\Ir. \\'hitt.~ h air. H Y. -:\I <'. A ~t-netary I I just rt>t.u r netl from Fr<ll~t:·p, '' t~u told

ol th<• i.:.reut work the 'I ... \ l. ( . .-\. ts

This speN·h 1 ... In de\\ ot N ~ a:-.. ooo,.

CREDIT .\ bank •H·eount help~ your cl'ecl-I

dt In~ 1·or 'he !'lo l dit..~rs ··on•r there."


1100 <·nm1nd1?-n for funds \\hkh the Y .. ii A lrhifty man ran a lways bur· ---1 0. H. BUDD & CO.

PLUMBll\"G and HF.AT! .G




. \1 (' A will slnr1 ne~t month I At lht· t'Ollft..'H'IH't• lu fl (.•lt.>nn were-

n~prt·~PTtlutin:·S rrom thf' l ni\·rrsity I n1 .\lissoula unll the '.\l untana \\·e~ley ­

an \\'hile ht Helen a lh e clelegate!i ht:nnt addrrsst>t-1 hy Mr. \Yhite hnir, a se(·retary of lhe · y · in F'ran<·e and ).I r Bnrtholome" from Hn~~la


ou" nt his bank. Pay in,g h) d1ec-k

(' rC'i.l h's n g-ooll i m presi:; ion He-111Pmller Us when you btt \·r nwncy and we will reme m ber ) ou wh n

0J\6t\ nu ac·· l'Olllll wflh



November 7 The Brig-htest. Breeziest of

;\h1-<kal Comedies .

When Dreams Come True


Books and Ly rir$ b.v Philip Banholme . :\1usic by Syh·o Heim.

THE PRETTIEST. FA::'\C'IEST CHORUS IN ..\l\IERIC'.\. 8 Mont hs in ew York ix ·Mont hs in Ch icago.


I I THE w1 LL so Nm., I

1866 . rn·r l I ·~--~--------~---- t


Gallatin Trust Savings Bank

\\'. $. Da \ l cl $on , l'aashh .. ·1 I The ~\ lphu Omi<...-:: Pi sorority re­

spo1HJe<I to lhC' r3 1l of t.ht.> nutlon . and I I purc·hn~t'rl fl l.tbcrty Don d la!:!t "eek .. ~-------------~

PUICES l $2.00, ~ 1.50· $1.00. 75c. and ;)()c.

1 Seat Sale ?IIonrlay-- - Phone 100 . ------·----·---- ---~----------~--~