Outline for Wednesday 17 October 2007: Perils of Growth: Stratified Communities and Circumscribed...

Outline for Wednesday 17 October 2007: Perils of Growth: Stratified Communities and Circumscribed Lives 1. Discussion: How did Race Slavery Evolve, 1650- 1750? a.South Atlantic system & implications for North America b.Primary source analysis: 1.Olaudah Equiano (voices, p. 80) 2.Gov. Joseph Dudley & John Winchester (voices, p. 93) c.The Stono Rebellion: context and source analysis 2. Before Next Meeting: Henretta, pp. 99-130; Zabin, pp. 75-176 a. Review discussion themes for Week 5 (Roundtable #2)

Transcript of Outline for Wednesday 17 October 2007: Perils of Growth: Stratified Communities and Circumscribed...

Outline for Wednesday 17 October 2007:

Perils of Growth: Stratified Communities and Circumscribed Lives

1. Discussion: How did Race Slavery Evolve, 1650-1750? a. South Atlantic system & implications for North Americab. Primary source analysis:

1. Olaudah Equiano (voices, p. 80)2. Gov. Joseph Dudley & John Winchester (voices, p. 93)

c. The Stono Rebellion: context and source analysis2. Before Next Meeting: Henretta, pp. 99-130; Zabin, pp. 75-176

a. Review discussion themes for Week 5 (Roundtable #2)b. come to class prepared to discuss from Henretta:a. “Runaway Servants and Slaves” (p. 107)b. “Charles Woodmason” (p. 127)c. Enlightenment & Great Awakening (Henretta, pp. 112-119)

Week #4 Readings: Henretta, pp. 76-98; Zabin, pp. 1-74; Critical Thinking Module, “The Stono Rebellion”

Discussion Themes: • How did the concept of race slavery evolve between 1650 and

1750? • How did slavery compare with indentured servitude and how

did gender and race affect how people experienced life under these systems?

• How did the British imperial system affect how people acquired wealth and who wielded power in North America?

• How did race slavery affect notions of justice and legal authority within the British colonies in North America?

Voices: Olaudah Equiano (The Atlantic World, ca. 1760s), Joseph Dudley and John Winchester (Massachussetts, ca 1700s), Commons House (South Carolina, 1739), William Bull (SC, 1739), Legislative Code (SC, 1740), Daniel Horsmanden (NY, ca. 1740s)

The Century of Imperial Wars• King William’s War (1689-1697; War of the League

of Augsburg—Britain vs France, Spain, Austria)• Queen Anne’s War (1702-1713; War of the Spanish

Succession—Britain vs France and Spain)• Treaty of Utrecht (Hudson’s Bay, Nova

Scotia/Acadia, & Newfoundland to British)• War of Jenkins’s Ear (1739-1741; English seek

markets in Spanish America—Walpole’s policy of trade expansion)

• King George’s War (1740-1748; Capture & return of Louisbourg)

• French and Indian War (Seven Years War, 1753-1763)

• American Revolution (1775-1783)

How did the Concept of Race Slavery Evolve, 1650-1750? • Why did planters in the West Indies sell their most valuable

slaves and replace them with new slaves from W. Africa?• How did the importation of “seasoned” slaves from the West

Indies affect *perceptions* of West Africans in North America?

– How did the South Atlantic system affect the priorities of planters in southern colonies? (from last class meeting)

– Why did race slavery in North America come to mean (primarily) enslavement of African-American people?

– What were the (apparent) advantages of an African American slave as compared with a Native American slave?

– What evidence suggests that race slavery was a conscious choice?– How did American smuggling affect British Imperial plans (why

smuggle & with whom?)– What alternatives did people have to race slavery and how did that

change after 1700?– What were the advantages of slavery over indentured servitude as a

labor-management system?

• How did indentured servitude change, 1650-1750?

– Implications of the First Navigation Act (1651)– Implications of Carolina Proprietorship (1663)– Implications of Bacon’s Rebellion? (1675-6)– Implications of William Penn’s grant (1681)

How did changes in indentured servitude affect the system of Race Slavery?

1. Relative costs/benefits of slavery vs indenture for landowner

1. German (“Pennsylvania Dutch” immigration, 1690s-1740s)

2. Ethnic vs racial boundaries and indenture system

• How did race slavery affect notions of justice and legal authority within the British colonies in North America?

– case study of Olaudah Equiano (Voices, p. 80)—surviving slavery to freedom

– the Henretta text argues that American slavery fostered a uniquely African American culture:

• what factors encouraged the emergence of this African American slave culture?

• What are some negative consequences of the relatively dispersed population of slaves? Positive?

– case study of Governor Joseph Dudley and John Winchester (Voices, p. 93)—deference & resistance

• Note that these voices are in the context of a trial charging (whom?)

• What happened to Winchester & Trowbridge? (verdict?)

What was the “The Stono Rebellion”?• http://www.bedfordstmartins.com/historymodules/


• How did the Stono Rebellion affect race relations in the Carolinas?

– How did the colonial government respond in the aftermath of the uprising?

– What happened to those who rebelled?• How did the Stono Rebellion affect race relations

elsewhere in the English colonies?• How did the Stono Rebellion affect ideas about

race slavery?• Contrast aftermath of Stono Rebellion vs afermath

of Bacon’s rebellion? Status of servants/slaves?

Before Next Meeting (Wednesday)• Henretta, pp. 99-130• Zabin, pp. 75-176• come to class prepared to discuss “voices”

from Henretta:a. “Runaway Servants and Slaves” (p. 107)b. “Charles Woodmason”

• Be prepared to discuss pp. 112-119 in Henretta (The Enlightenment and the Great Awakening, 1740-1765)

• Review discussion themes for Week 5 (Roundtable #2)