Outline for Lecture 1: Course goals - Cool Star...

Outline for Lecture 1: Course goals Course topics - any extra? Course structure - lectures - optional workshops – topics Course grading - homeworks - journal discussion - course project (breakdown) - grade division – vote Course schedule - Lectures & workshops – fine-tune workshop schedule - Known missing days and make-up classes – identify - Other important events – CASS seminar & journal club QUESTIONS Context Important patterns - distribution of stars & gas in MW, other galaxies (including kinematics) - brightnesses & colors – HR diagram - chemical abundance patterns - other star related stuff – supernovae (types), planetary nebulae, SNR What we know from Sun - apparent size -> actual size from AU measurement from Venus orbit - mass (or GM) from planetary orbits, later GR effects - temperature & composition – from spectroscopy, indicates primarily plasma - luminosity – from solar constant, distance - average density - estimate core => must be gas - interior pressure – hydrostatic equilibrium - interior temperature – nonrelativistic plasma - spot patterns – rotation, B-field - helioseismology – internal structure, energy transport, rotational structure - other – neutrino emission, abundance patterns relative to planets, planets themselves give important information (age!) Scaling up via HR diagram - absolute brightness (typically V & parallax needed) -> luminosity -> 4πR2sT4 - color & spectrum -> T => R (lines of constant radius) o interesting outliers – supergiants, white dwarfs - star counts – age in region (high density = long phase) - different HR diagrams for different systems – time, composition are factors - asteroseismology – Kepler can now do this for many stars

Transcript of Outline for Lecture 1: Course goals - Cool Star...

Page 1: Outline for Lecture 1: Course goals - Cool Star Labpono.ucsd.edu/~adam/teaching/phys223/lectures/lecture1.pdf · Outline for Lecture 1: Course goals Course topics - any extra? Course


- anyextra?Coursestructure

- lectures- optionalworkshops–topics

Coursegrading- homeworks- journaldiscussion- courseproject(breakdown)- gradedivision–vote

Courseschedule- Lectures&workshops–fine-tuneworkshopschedule- Knownmissingdaysandmake-upclasses–identify- Otherimportantevents–CASSseminar&journalclub


- distributionofstars&gasinMW,othergalaxies(includingkinematics)- brightnesses&colors–HRdiagram- chemicalabundancepatterns- otherstarrelatedstuff–supernovae(types),planetarynebulae,SNR

WhatweknowfromSun- apparentsize->actualsizefromAUmeasurementfromVenusorbit- mass(orGM)fromplanetaryorbits,laterGReffects- temperature&composition–fromspectroscopy,indicatesprimarilyplasma- luminosity–fromsolarconstant,distance- averagedensity-estimatecore=>mustbegas- interiorpressure–hydrostaticequilibrium- interiortemperature–nonrelativisticplasma- spotpatterns–rotation,B-field- helioseismology–internalstructure,energytransport,rotationalstructure- other–neutrinoemission,abundancepatternsrelativetoplanets,planets


- absolutebrightness(typicallyV&parallaxneeded)->luminosity->4πR2sT4- color&spectrum->T=>R(linesofconstantradius)

o interestingoutliers–supergiants,whitedwarfs- starcounts–ageinregion(highdensity=longphase)- differentHRdiagramsfordifferentsystems–time,compositionarefactors- asteroseismology–Keplercannowdothisformanystars

Page 2: Outline for Lecture 1: Course goals - Cool Star Labpono.ucsd.edu/~adam/teaching/phys223/lectures/lecture1.pdf · Outline for Lecture 1: Course goals Course topics - any extra? Course




Page 3: Outline for Lecture 1: Course goals - Cool Star Labpono.ucsd.edu/~adam/teaching/phys223/lectures/lecture1.pdf · Outline for Lecture 1: Course goals Course topics - any extra? Course


•  AdetailedexaminaFonofthestructureandphysicalprocessesgoverningnormalstars

•  FamiliarizaFonwiththetoolsandresourcesforconducFonstellarastrophysicsresearch

•  FamiliarizaFonwiththecurrentbodyofresearchandoutstandingproblems

•  DevelopyourprofessionalscienFficskills:literatureresearch,quanFtaFveanalysis,esFmaFon,programming,scienFficwriFngandpresentaFon

Page 4: Outline for Lecture 1: Course goals - Cool Star Labpono.ucsd.edu/~adam/teaching/phys223/lectures/lecture1.pdf · Outline for Lecture 1: Course goals Course topics - any extra? Course

Topics•  FundamentalproperFesofstarsandcosmologicalcontext;•  Star&planetformaFon•  EquaFonsofstellarstructure&polytropemodels;•  ProperFesofgas,plasma,degenerateand“photonic”

states;•  EnergygeneraFonandnucleosynthesis;•  EnergytransportviaradiaFon,conducFonandconvecFon;•  Pre-MainSequence,MainSequenceandPost-Main

SequenceevoluFon•  Degeneratestars(browndwarfs,whitedwarfs,neutron

stars)•  [maybe]TheSunasastar;•  [maybe]StellarmagneFcacFvity.


Page 5: Outline for Lecture 1: Course goals - Cool Star Labpono.ucsd.edu/~adam/teaching/phys223/lectures/lecture1.pdf · Outline for Lecture 1: Course goals Course topics - any extra? Course
Page 6: Outline for Lecture 1: Course goals - Cool Star Labpono.ucsd.edu/~adam/teaching/phys223/lectures/lecture1.pdf · Outline for Lecture 1: Course goals Course topics - any extra? Course


•  TuTh12:30-2pmLectureSERF383•  We[1:30-3pm]OpFonalWorkshopSERF383–  Python,MESA,MonteCarloMethods,LaTeX,literatureresearch,datavisualizaFon,scienFficwriFng,effecFvepresentaFons

•  Classmakeupdayis[]–  Th9/29&Tu11/8willneedtoberescheduled

•  Otherimportantevents:–  CASSSeminarWe4-5pminSERF383–  CASSJournalClubFr12-1pminSERF383(withpizza!)

Page 7: Outline for Lecture 1: Course goals - Cool Star Labpono.ucsd.edu/~adam/teaching/phys223/lectures/lecture1.pdf · Outline for Lecture 1: Course goals Course topics - any extra? Course

Assignments•  XX%4homeworkassignments–  biweekly,3-5hours– Willincludeprogramming

•  XX%ClassJournalDiscussion–  discussionleadinclass–  1-2pagesummaryofarFclewriteup

•  XX%CourseProject–  Proposal–  10-15pagepaper–  10-15minutepresentaFonduringfinalsweek

•  XX%ClassparFcipaFon

Page 8: Outline for Lecture 1: Course goals - Cool Star Labpono.ucsd.edu/~adam/teaching/phys223/lectures/lecture1.pdf · Outline for Lecture 1: Course goals Course topics - any extra? Course


Page 9: Outline for Lecture 1: Course goals - Cool Star Labpono.ucsd.edu/~adam/teaching/phys223/lectures/lecture1.pdf · Outline for Lecture 1: Course goals Course topics - any extra? Course

Assignments•  XX%4homeworkassignments–  biweekly,3-5hours– Willincludeprogramming

•  XX%ClassJournalDiscussion–  discussionleadinclass–  1-2pagesummaryofarFclewriteup

•  XX%CourseProject–  Proposal–  10-15pagepaper–  10-15minutepresentaFonduringfinalsweek

•  XX%ClassparFcipaFon

Page 10: Outline for Lecture 1: Course goals - Cool Star Labpono.ucsd.edu/~adam/teaching/phys223/lectures/lecture1.pdf · Outline for Lecture 1: Course goals Course topics - any extra? Course


Page 11: Outline for Lecture 1: Course goals - Cool Star Labpono.ucsd.edu/~adam/teaching/phys223/lectures/lecture1.pdf · Outline for Lecture 1: Course goals Course topics - any extra? Course

Assignments•  XX%4homeworkassignments–  biweekly,3-5hours– Willincludeprogramming

•  XX%ClassJournalDiscussion–  discussionleadinclass–  1-2pagesummaryofarFclewriteup

•  XX%CourseProject–  Proposal(LaTeX)–  10-15pagepaper(LaTeXAASJournalstyle)–  10-15minutepresentaFonduringfinalsweek

•  XX%ClassparFcipaFon

Page 12: Outline for Lecture 1: Course goals - Cool Star Labpono.ucsd.edu/~adam/teaching/phys223/lectures/lecture1.pdf · Outline for Lecture 1: Course goals Course topics - any extra? Course

Assignments•  [20-40]%4homeworkassignments–  biweekly,3-5hours– Willincludeprogramming

•  [0-20]%ClassJournalDiscussion–  discussionleadinclass–  1-2pagesummaryofarFclewriteup

•  [30-70]%CourseProject–  Proposal(LaTeX)–  10-15pagepaper(LaTeXAASJournalstyle)–  10-15minutepresentaFonduringfinalsweek

•  [0-10]%ClassparFcipaFon

Page 13: Outline for Lecture 1: Course goals - Cool Star Labpono.ucsd.edu/~adam/teaching/phys223/lectures/lecture1.pdf · Outline for Lecture 1: Course goals Course topics - any extra? Course


Page 14: Outline for Lecture 1: Course goals - Cool Star Labpono.ucsd.edu/~adam/teaching/phys223/lectures/lecture1.pdf · Outline for Lecture 1: Course goals Course topics - any extra? Course


Page 15: Outline for Lecture 1: Course goals - Cool Star Labpono.ucsd.edu/~adam/teaching/phys223/lectures/lecture1.pdf · Outline for Lecture 1: Course goals Course topics - any extra? Course


Page 16: Outline for Lecture 1: Course goals - Cool Star Labpono.ucsd.edu/~adam/teaching/phys223/lectures/lecture1.pdf · Outline for Lecture 1: Course goals Course topics - any extra? Course


Page 17: Outline for Lecture 1: Course goals - Cool Star Labpono.ucsd.edu/~adam/teaching/phys223/lectures/lecture1.pdf · Outline for Lecture 1: Course goals Course topics - any extra? Course




Page 18: Outline for Lecture 1: Course goals - Cool Star Labpono.ucsd.edu/~adam/teaching/phys223/lectures/lecture1.pdf · Outline for Lecture 1: Course goals Course topics - any extra? Course


Page 19: Outline for Lecture 1: Course goals - Cool Star Labpono.ucsd.edu/~adam/teaching/phys223/lectures/lecture1.pdf · Outline for Lecture 1: Course goals Course topics - any extra? Course
Page 20: Outline for Lecture 1: Course goals - Cool Star Labpono.ucsd.edu/~adam/teaching/phys223/lectures/lecture1.pdf · Outline for Lecture 1: Course goals Course topics - any extra? Course


Page 21: Outline for Lecture 1: Course goals - Cool Star Labpono.ucsd.edu/~adam/teaching/phys223/lectures/lecture1.pdf · Outline for Lecture 1: Course goals Course topics - any extra? Course
Page 22: Outline for Lecture 1: Course goals - Cool Star Labpono.ucsd.edu/~adam/teaching/phys223/lectures/lecture1.pdf · Outline for Lecture 1: Course goals Course topics - any extra? Course
Page 23: Outline for Lecture 1: Course goals - Cool Star Labpono.ucsd.edu/~adam/teaching/phys223/lectures/lecture1.pdf · Outline for Lecture 1: Course goals Course topics - any extra? Course
Page 24: Outline for Lecture 1: Course goals - Cool Star Labpono.ucsd.edu/~adam/teaching/phys223/lectures/lecture1.pdf · Outline for Lecture 1: Course goals Course topics - any extra? Course
Page 25: Outline for Lecture 1: Course goals - Cool Star Labpono.ucsd.edu/~adam/teaching/phys223/lectures/lecture1.pdf · Outline for Lecture 1: Course goals Course topics - any extra? Course