Our Town April 16, 1937

PRICE, F IV E CENTS M r s. H o ll in gs w or th Addresses Annual M e et in g of Lower Merion-Narberth Council Ne w Scale for L ab o re rs is Pel' Hour; D ri ve rs to G et 56 c SEVEN F I RM S O F FE R CARS of Shakespearean to G i ve R e ci ta l at School Paid Last Tribute 16 , 1937 CHARLES A. JOHNSON fonncl' COI/Ili.!! political leader, 1(110 died Safll/"(/(l!l aftel' an ilI- ncss of sc!'cral !lcm's. Mona Morgan to Play B ef o re P. T. A. M on . Delineator Roles ICouncil R ~ i s e s Boro Memorial Grouping Plan Approved W s o r k s ~ r s PaYd' Bcuys lAs CommunityCenterImprovement t. 19ns an oupe' I -- u ni or C lu b S co re s Hi t I Legion Given O. K. on Arrange. 50 c as Players Tu m Audience ment of Tablet, Flag- -- pole and Cannon The Narberth Players enjoyed themselves from t he o th e r side of t he f oo tl ig ht s T ue sd ay n ig ht as VETERANS TO A ID W O RK the a p pr e ci a ti v e audience who I witnessed two well presented one- Improvements both in the appear- A new w a ~ e scale for borough I allce an I lltl'I'tv f N b th' C ac t p l a ~ ' s b y t he Junior 'Voman's e I. 0 ar er s om- laborel's and truck drivers was placed Illun't n Ce te at '''' d I \" Club of B a l a- C y n wyd. I I., n I' 'v 111 SOl ane 'v ynne- in e ff ec t by B or ou gh Council at its wood a v en u es , were announced this A p r il s es s io n . The p r od u ctions given at the Iweek. The action f o ll o we d a petition fl'onl A p ri l m e et i ng in tthe Narberth I T he p la ns include the Memorial School w er e " \V om an 's H on or " < , the employes presente<l at the March I Grouping t he H ar ol d D. Speak- an d "The Show is Off." meeting.man Post, American Legion, probably T he i nc re a se s will aggregate $3 In the cast of the former were I to he dedicated Memorial Day; a re- weekly f or t he men, Based on a five- Geol'ge Werner, Bill Hand, Vir- I dedication of the uses o f t he Commu- day, 4 0 -h o ur week, the laborers will ginia Hildreth, Marion :\fcVickar, I nity Building by ~ a r b e r t h Borough be paid 50 cents per h ou r a nd the Gordon Fernow, Glenn Macan, Council who also a u t ho r iz e d r e c r ea - drivers 56 cents with time a nd one- Jean Hoffman, Ruth Reich and tion impro\'ements at the b o ro u gh ' s half for evening, Sunday and holiday I Helen WeatheraI. 'building at 102 C o nw a y a v en u e ; and oveJ'1illJc. P r cv i o us l y t h e l a b or e rs re-I In th e second play 'V. Arthur t h e a n no u nc em e nt o f s ta ff a n d s ea so n ceived weekly salaries of $22 and the' M cV ic ka r, E. E li za b et h S wa n schedule for the p la yf i el d by the drivers, $25, fo r a 50-hour week. The! and Evan R us se ll p la ye d the Xarberth R e cr e at i on B o a rd . overtime is expected automatically to! principal roles. A sketch of the Memorial Grouping r ai se t h ei r w ag es . ' I Two changed dates were an- drawn by Frank A. Schrepfer from Thomas Civitello, o ld es t e mp lo ye I nounced. a working drawi ng and original sur- and rpcognized f or em an , was placed,' The nex t ::-;arberth Players' YCy m ad e by Fred W. G. Peck, in on a salary b as is of $130 m on t hl y, p ro du ct io n will be "l';"ancy' s Priv- charge of the M o nt g om e ry C o un t y 'th Aff '" 'I 7 I 8 Planning s u rv e y g ro up , w a s s ho wn t o WI two w ee ks ' v ac a ti on w i th p ay . I ate..... all' o n ~ , ay a)]( , Council accepted the bid of the Annual electIOn of offic ers Will Borough Council Monday n ig ht by Richards-Fisher Company of Over-I be .1\1a y 1 8. W al li s. B o. il ea u is 1 F ra nk J. D wy er , c om m an de r of th e h f th N t C Xarberth Legion Post. brook for a 60 h. p. Ford Coupe fo r c aIrman 0 e om1l1a 1I1g om-, " the I 't t I Council gave Its approval to use of t he b or ou gh h ig h wa y d e pa r t- ml ee, I 'fi t' , spel'l ea IOns.. T he P a re n t- Te a ch e r Association m e nt ., The bid was $450.60 plus the, TO k f T he p la ns call fo r a c i rc u la r p lo t will hold their April meeting on 1\Ion- h:ade-m value a 1934 F o ~ ' d C o ~ p e . IC ets or Lecture 145 feet in diameter, enclosed by a day e ve ni ng i n t he a u d it o ri u m o f the I SIX other agencIes also subnlltted bIds. 'b , he dg e. W it hi n will be the stone tab- Narberth Public School at e ig ht Purchase of a n ew s et o f b or ou gh , on Sale at L l rarYI'let be arin g th e n ames of the local o'clock. Subject w il l b e t he A pp re c ia - s tr ee ts s ig ns from Lyle Signs, Inc., I -__ men who served in th e World War, tion of the Fine Arts. of Minneapolis, wa s a U ~ h o r i z e d a! Carl Sandburg to Speak at Nar- the flagpole, a n d t he n f a ci n g t he W e st , ~ l o n a Morgan, a c t r e ~ s an d d ra- cost of $848.85. They WIll be obtall1e d I b h S h I A d" the 7000-pound one-time controversial m a t ic recital i st , will present scenes t h r ou g h t h e c o nc e rn ' s local agent, A.! er t c 00 ,u Itorlunl cannon. f r ( ) n ~ "Great Plays.". W. Ende,rs'"o,f ~ p ~ ; r D:rb y . , W I : , e t h ~ r i Next Friday Commander Dwye:' s a i ~ much of ~ I I ~ s ;\!organ has no J'Ival on stag-e to spell It FOlest or Fonest WIll I t he w or k in connecbon WIth prepar- or p latfo rm as she has e vo lv ed a remain a moot question. It's "Forrest I When Carl SUJ:dburg talks ing- t he p lo t would be d on e by the technique and m et ho d a ll her o wn Av e." on the new signs. I seems to. have. a ?I t of a , s to o p, Ll.gionnaires. The cost of materials which is i m p o s ~ i b l e to d up li ca te or ! snow, whIte h ~ l l ' g l v e ~ the I m ] ~ r e s : I O n and fo r moving the memo r ia l tablet imitate. She w as leading lady to J un io r C lu b to Hear : tl:at It combs I.tsc lf, hIS b ~ a c k g'1\'es and flagpole from their present loca- Walter Hampden during his tour in I hl11 : an a p p e a l a n c ~ of bemg c a l e f ~ I l Y tions to a point near th e intersection London, played w ith the Bng lls h Head of Blind Schoolr a t t l r e ~ ; . b ut , he IS fa r ftom, belJlg Continued on Page Two P l a ~ · e r s in Paris and entertained Con- I a. f a s t l d I O ~ S d r e ~ s e r and you \\' Ill fi.nd tinental audiences at Monte Carlo. hlln wearll1g' Ius heavy sho es WIth R br W has in S h a ke s p ea r e M r s. R o y er - Gr e a ve s Ad-1their clumsy any epu omen a nd b ri ng s an e nti re ly n ew concep- dress Meeting Thursday; Of - .ciet,Y. No matter how formal t? e Advised n Plans t io n of his characters. She delights ficers to b e E le c te d ! casJ On, C,ar l S a n d b ur g a p p e a rs 111 hlS in g 'i vi ng children an understanding I usual attn'e. After h e s p ea k s onefor- of t h e f a mo u s p l a yw r ig h t. The Junior \Vomen's C o mm u ni t y! g e t s h i s looks. ~ l i s s l\Iorgan is also the author of Club of Narberth will hold the nex't i That is the description of the "be ~ e \ ' e r a l books on Shakespeare and his r e gu l ar m e et in g at the C om mu ni ty I'loved troubadour" who ":ill ~ p e a k at B a ke S al e N e xt T h u rs d ay characters, B u il d i ng o n Windsor on A p r il , t h e N a r be r t h S c h oo l A u < l I to n u m The L a d i es ' Aid of the Holy Trinity The Invocation will be given by the 22 at 8.15 P. 1\1., when there will be! Friday evening under the auspices of "P os it io ns o f l ea de rs hi p in t he Re- Lutheran Church w il l h ol d a bake ~ a l e Rev. Robert E, K ei gh to n, pastor of an election of officers. Recommenda- I t h e N ar b er t h L i br ar y Association. publican party should be gained on n e xt T h ur s da y m or ni ng f ro m D until the Baptist Church of t he Ev an ge l tions f or t he .offic,es will be presented I ,Plans the lecture chiefl,Y occu- the merit sY,sten: of party work 1 o 'c lo ck at 243 Haverford avenue, j t he Salute t? the F la g, b y Edna by th e n o nu n at l l 1g comn u tt e e. A! plCd the hbrary trustees at thell' meet-,not on contrI butIOns to the campaIgn Narberth. I RIder, There will be musIc by th,e delegate an d alternate delegate will i ing T u es d ay n i gh t. The a d mi s si o n i fund," 1\lrs. James E. Hollingsworth . Parent-Teacher Chorus under the dl- also be elected f or t he S ta te Federa- J wiII be 50 cents. I told m em he rs of t he L ow er Merion- W C T U A d F o ! r ec ti on of M rs . W. ,J. Drennan, w ho t io n to be held at the B el le vu e -S tr at - T ic ke ts ma y be o bt ai ne d only at!Narberth Council of Republican war s 1velwill ~ i n g Schubert's lovely S et ti o f fo rd in M ay. Mrs. Spencer V. S m i th l th e N ar b er t h L i br a ry or f ro m t he iW om en T ue sd ay . Essay Contest Prizes I Sh:.kespeare ""'.ho is Sylvia?" " is the retiring president. Imembers of the board: 1\1rs. C. W 'I The s pe ak er addressed the luncheon I , The Study GIOUp u nd e : t he dll Speaker o f t he evening will be Mrs. 'I Continued on Page Two i m ee ti ng of the Council at Er.skine I bo n the Parent-EducatJO,n Commlt- Jessie Royer-Greaves, of the Royer- i Hall, Haverford, when the y ou ng R e- Honorable Mention is Given II tee \ ~ ' 1 1 J have a . C ov er ed D Is h Lunch- G r e a ve s School f or t he Blind. I Boro Baseball Club ! publicans of the township were guests. Other Narberth P up il s f or e T ' o l ~ ~ t thLe Sl o cl al R C h l11 °lf the HNoly John H. Rice wiII talk on behalf I H ld R I "National committeemen and women J'Il1I y ut leran urc 1 on "' ar - , , lOS eorganlzatlon' k " T e m pe r an c e T h e m es Ib I \'1' 1 1') 30 of the Umted CampaIgn., I should come up t hr ou gh t he ran s, I ert 1 avenue, on "eanese ay at . I :\1 H II' th d t I' I - - - TI ·tt. I Miss C a t he r i ne P a t to n is in charge I I rs. 0 Ingswor avoca ee 111 leI' R ' , l ' I . h bile c omm ,l ee requests t le pat:onage. Offi . I advice as to how the next election can ecent t 1(,1 e as e.en a g re ,a t [of the reSidents and also donatIOns of of the meetll1g. eel'S Chosen; RadiO Party: , deal of enthuslUsm and mterest diS-I anv c o ve r ed d i sh . Th e price is 35 T h e M o t he r 's Da v banquet will be I Plan ed ' po t H i be "on. plaY<;d by the !lu p ils of the Narberth, c e ~ t s , Fo r reservations, phone Mrs. held on l\Iay 13 and is in charge of I ~ a l ~ e ~ : 31 0m e i She advised h e r l i st e n er s to talk to P ~ b h c School a contest spons ored i L. B . l \ Io x o n, Narberth 2434-J. Mrs. R ob er t P ri ce . P la ce and details I y i p e op l e on the s t re e t an d find out what the local Ul1lt of the W. C. T. U., The s]1l'ing concert wiII be held wiII be announced later when the final I A . I " ! t h ey w a nt . L ot F "d f t , th t t t l titS annua reorgal1lzatIOn meet- I "w I' t tl t I' f' a,. II a elnoon e con es an S.l\fav 11 Be sure to come A fine arrangements ar e made I' I e la,e no 1C eC1l11 que 0 ple- .. ' . , 'd I ,. <. ll1g last week the Narberth Baseball 0' t' .". t lb'" h \\ eIe Ie\\ at e<. program is being planned and th e L t Th . d' . tl J ' , C b I ' .. en 1l1g' OUI pOSItIOn a a 01, S e 1\11'1'. R. C. Kennedy, p r es id e nt of folJo\\:ing ~ v i l l take part Narberth CI bas UI s fay . e v e t l ~ I l 1 g tlel U l 11l01 lu r:-e e c t e ~ 1 Raymond A. C a b r ~ y I said. "Get to know their viewpoint J N 'b .hB I h ' T I .. u gave a ascma mg s yes lOW, as preSIdent an d E. H. "Gene" DaVIS , , tI e UI el t ranc 1 of t e "!V. C. . Parent-Teachers' Choru" 1\110 \V F 'h b t 100 I tt d d 1\1 ' an d let them know that \\ e ar e sympa- U t II th I t .th' f I ,. ' . ' -. , . \\ en a ou peop e a en e. rs. as manager. 'h " d " 0( e stue en s some mg 0 t 1C Drennan director. Narberth School J I H M'Il . tl J ' , Ad' . ,t etlc. Don t go out an squeeze beginnings of the W. C. T. U. and O r c h e s t r ~ Jooeph B a ro n e c o n du c t or ' osep 1 .t Ittel' t,le Ul od l01 1 V d ISOl, Other o f fi c er s c h o s e n are Ralph S.! L a bo r 's h a nd just before election." , 'b " <, - , , Was a mos a rae Ive mean an - D . . , 'd t I Ch I E I , . , paId tn ute to F ra nc es E. \VIllard "T, 'b 'tl S'I I GI CI b 1\1' 'unne, VIce-pI eSI en ant ar es . The sampl1l1g of 0p1l110ns of a large , ""al el 1 c 100 ee u, ISS o th er w as M rs Monroe Purse who '·1 I its founder. She t ha nk e d t h e pupils F' F .. k ' d" t . B M ' , ' r arn en, s ec re ta ry a nd treasurer. I numberof the party through question- 1 ances lIe e, n ec 01, ry n awl' . modeled he r own weddll1g gown The .t t t 'II . Id for their interest and the teachers for S' f . tt JIB' d' , . SSIS an reasurers WI 1 I1 C U e naires or forum meetings was advo- 1m onle a, o s ep 1 alone, con u c - f as h IO n s ho w w as 111 charge of Mrs E t B I G S h I their c o -o p er a ti o n i n the preparation t l' Th t' ' 8 15 d '1 ' H . rnes ou ay, eorge c roee e r, c at ed b v the spcaker. °. e Il 1 1e IS . an a Sl vel ulme Browll Rb C J . of the themes. Mrs. Kennedy told the ff " '11 b t k ' . 0 er t ompton, ames Sanford, 'Yarning o f t h e w id e sp re ad g r ow t h boys a nd g ir ls that, while the women 0 el mg WI e a en. The Apnl dance held at th ? Over- Frank F ol tz , L ou is Nicholson and of C om m un is m s he declared that she of the community c o mp r is e d the M' ., I . b r ~ o k Golf Club Saturday evenmg wa s Nathan Montgomery. f e a re d l i he r a li s ts m o re than Commun- nlen1bel '''lll']) of til e l o ca l bl'anch 1111111 I am Line s 0 dest ReSident enjoyed by 75 c ou pl es . l \I rs . Edward ManaO'er D av is has name el :'. lie l- a \, ' t I IbI I C .t < < , - BCd h ' ... < <• < IS S W 10 \vere a e e< as ommullls s. bering seventy-five at t he p re se nt I Observes He r 104th Birthday . a u ga n w as c airman., G av in , S r. , as his.assistant. I "I t is the advanced Socialists such as , I ' 1'1 tf 1I h - - - A mo ng t ho se w ho e nt cr ta m ed at W'II' N',b' 'I I b' h'" ' tll11C, t e J( no ee t wt t ey alone , , ' . I IUm • e\\ 01 g \\ I e 111 c mg e Tugwell, \Vallace and Ickes, who don't could help fight the evil of strong I 1\1rs. Mary F r an kl i n o b se n cd her cocktaIl p a r t I ~ s precedmg .he d an ce of property. ! l'I:alizp that thev arc Communists that d ri nk w it ho ut t he aid of the boYS'104th b i r th d a y a n n iv e r sa r y ,,- edne,,- w er e M rs . , R ~ c h a r d M c Do w el l , l \h :s. Plans a re u nd er w ay f or a radio: wp m u ~ t fpar."· a nd g ir ls of the c om mu ni t y an d ex_ lday at the home of l\Ir. and l\ln. Glenn ,A. \VIIlIams and Mrs. FrankllJl party to be given to raise money for I At t!1C D i ~ c u s s i o n Panel conducted ] l l ' e s ~ e d the hope that they would join I David McCaulleY',:311 C on wa y a ve - Hutchll1son. the club inthe neal' f ut ur e. J im . San-' hl'fore the luncheon Mrs. Herman forces with this organization. I ~ u e , Narberth, WIth whom she has ford is chairman and ] Ji l ot D;l\ 'is and S c hw a rt z , Iegi"lati\'e c h ai rm a n, p r e- TI1< prizes of $2 each were presented In'ed for the last twenty years. Legion Post Makes Quota "Duke" V an D us en are other mem- sided. to the following pupils: I A l t h o u ~ ' h c O ! ~ f i n e d to her b ed by a Commander Frank J. Dwyer,of the bpI'S of this committee. S t a t i n ~ ' that t he t re n ds t od av arc Fourth grade, Selma Breslow; I broken lup suffered two a!1C1 o n e - h ~ l f I H ar ,o l d D . Speakman, Post, American T h e c l ub also plans to issue Boost er \'C'ry da,;g'erous, Mrs. S c h wa r tz u r g e d fifth grade, Barbara ' V oo d ro w ; s i xt h i years ago, Mrs. F r a , n ~ l l I ~ rcmUlI,ls. L e ~ l O n , allnoun,ced tlll,s week that t he C ar ds to its supporters. t he g ro up t o " wo rk hard t o m a in t ai n gradc' G e o r ~ ' e BaileY' seventh O'rade I c he e rf ul a n d t ak e s a n n d mtere"t IJ1 Ulllt had achIeved ItS 1937 State B ur g es s J o hn R. Hall will throw I t' tid f t ' .,• "", . , , (c'mocra IC s an t ar s 0 p : ( ) \ ' ( ~ r n m e n K a t he r in e Uhle' e i gh t h grade H e le n n a tI O na l a ff aI rs. S he IS the l\Iall1 qu ot a of forty-two member". The ou t the fir"t ball at the firot home 'II f II ' t d' ttl' " , , L" I . - 0 1' WC WI a m 0 a IC a ors IIp. Wi])f. lJIl':; oIl est reSident. Narberth Post is one of the first in g am e th e m orn in g of Ma n :31 The I I I I' I . f t J' nc ue ee In leI' review 0 curren H o n o ra b l e menti on \\-ent to fourth Pc'nnsylvania t.o complete its sched- league schedule opens :\fay 16. leg·islation w er c t he l\Ioomaw-l\Ioran g -r ad p. B i ll y T h om p so n ; f i f th grade, Bible Class Musicale 20th nled membershIp th b year. B i ll . t ll P Teacher's T en Ul 'e B il l 1 \I c- Dick Whiting'; sixth grade, June The Frienlbhip C i rc l e B i bl e Class C a sh A c co u nt in Local Bank Ginnis Labor Bill, Chain Store' Ta x lIplkr; s en -n th g ra de . E le a no r H ay - of the Xarberth 1\1. E. C hu rc h will N oe l 25 Y e a rs S e c re t ar y A c as h a cc ou nt n ot to exceed $GOOO Bill, C h il d L a bo l ' B il l , Personal Prop- wood; eighth g ra de , H el en D ot y. g' ivea musicale in the p r i m a r ~ ' room Charles V. ~ o e l , Republican l e ad e r h c 'r e a ft e r will be maintained by Bor- ertv Ta x Bill. The jllllges found it d if fi cu lt to of t h e c h ur c h T u es d ay at 8 P. 1\1. in Narberth, l\Ionday night started ough Treasurer 'Valton 1\1. Wentz in ;\Irs. C on ye rs R ea d d is cu ss ed th e I ~ H l k e selections of winners, llue to the The committee has been successful his t we nt y- si xt h y ea r a s s ec re ta ry o f T he N at io na l B an k of Narberth it l \I er it S ys td m Bill an d the Council lact that so many fine essays were in obtai ning' exceptionally fine talent Burough Council. He is also fire chief was resolved by N ar be rt h Council went on r ec o rd as e nd o rs in g H. B. p.resentecI. ~ h e y w er e M rs. R. C. fol' t he r ec it al a nd invites everyone of the local v o lu n t ee r c o mp a ny and I\Ionday n ig h t. T h e c a s h a cc ou n t now 1758. A letter will be sent to th e h,ennedy, MISS Mary H oo ve r a nd tobe p r es e nt f o r a n enjoyable evening Republican committeeman i n N a r be r t h c ar ri ed w it h the P hi la d el p hi a Na- Govel'l1or recommending that this b'll Mrs. C. H. Woolmington. of m us ic . District No. 1. tional Bank will be closed. c tl d P T I on nue on age wo VOLUME 23 , No. 28 Borough Authorizes I R ep u bl i ca n L ea d er s I Plot Condenl n a t i on I Attend Services i for Span Approach I for Charles Johnson WillTake Legal Action for Land I Pa y Tribute to Former C o u n ty if Owner Refuses G. O. P. Chief at i Offer I F i na l R i te s TOWNSHIP T O DO W OR Klp AR TY H EA D 28 YEARS I C o nd e mn a ti o n p ro cl 'e ding -s w iI I be I R e pu b li c an l e ad e rs and workers at i nv ok ed to obtain a p ie - sh ap e d p ie ce i tended the final r it es W ed n es da y a f of ground needed for a p pr o ac h es to I tprnoon for Charles A, Johnson, 83,: the Rockland a v en u e b r i dg e if the I \'deran Jc'ader of the Republican! o w ne r r p fn s es B o ro u gh C o u n ci l ' s o f f e r I party i n M o nt g om e ry C o un t y. , fo r the plot. I :\Ir. Johnson died Saturday n i gh t i n: Action was t ak en by Council 1\1on- i l\lontg-omery Hospital, Norristown, . da:, night, with William H, Fretz'l following a heart a tt ac k. T hi s fatal' presillent, prpsiding, whell Henry A. complication developed aiter more Frye, borough solicitor, reported that I than two and one-half y e ar s o f serious Joseph Russell, Jr" owner of the i ll ne ss . f ol lo wi ng a p a r a ly t ic s t ro k e g r ou n d a l on g Rockland avcnue, asked: which he suffered in 1!134 and neccessi $2 per square foot for the 250 square i tated his r e ti r ement f r om political feet needed. This, it was pointed out'llife. would amount to a bo ut $86,000 pel' :\Ir, J ohn50n's political career acre, I startl'd when he was little more than Cancellation of $ ]8 0 in delinquent' a b o ~ ' . Born F e b r u U 1 ' ~ - 27, 1855, on a taxes on the Russell pro]J l ' r ty at Rock-! farm in Xorriton Township,he worked land awnue and Grove Place will be,there during h is y o ut h, He went to o ff er ed in exchange for a deed of N o rr i st o wn as a young man, engaged dedication 01 easement on the plot. in the r e al e s ta t e a n d i n su r a nc e busi- Council authorized t he p ay me nt of ness. His political career began as $500 toward the necessary abutments a tax collector and later he was made and approaches to the R oc k la n d A ve - a nll'rcantile a p pr a is e r and succes llUe Bridge w hi ch i s t o b e w id en ed for si\'(,ly deputy sheriff and sheriff. pedestrian t r af f ic b y the Pennsylvania He tool, state office for the firs time Railroad., " in ] 900 when he was appointed resi- Accordml!, to R o b e r ~ F. , v o o ~ l , h lg h- d en t clerk of the H ou se of Represen way con1l11lttee, chaIrman, It was tatiYes. D u ri ng t he eleven years he agreed at a ~ l l e e t m g , between b o r ~ u g h held that p os t, h e directed the Speak and townslllp o ff ic lH ls last Fnday ers' Bureau of the Republican Statc night that this sum s ho ul d be Nar- i Committee and later became treasurer berth's share. ,The ,cost to borne of that committee. bv Lower ::\le1'lon IS approxImately I G J I K T ' t I $i ')30 . o\'ernor 0111 . ener a]lpOJl1 ee ~ U ' l tl t L 'I I him insurance commissioner in 1911 nl er lC' agreemen ower", er- . , T I' 'II 1 11 th k and he was retall1ed by Governor JOn owns 11 p WI e 0 a e wor'. I ' I' Continued on Page Two necessary fo r t le I m pr o ve m en t ane I then bill the borough f o r i ts s ha re . IS I I B d M . 23 d ' c 10 0 oa r eetmg Lucille Stoddart I to A do pt B u dg et , F ix Tax D' I N t W kl Narberth School Board'3 scheduled IS P ay ex ee m o n t hl y meeti ng this Friday evening has b e en p o st p on e d u n ti l A p ri l 23, 8.15 P. M" at t he N a rb e rt h Public Scho ol. On that d at e t he t en ta ti ve budget, n ow o pe n for inspection by anyone interested, will be passed. The t ax r at e fo r 1937 also w ill be fixed at that time. A nn ua l P ro du ct io n to be Out. standing fo r Elaborate Set tings an d Costuming The Lucille Stoddart D a n ce Display will be presented hy the \Voman's Club of Bala-Cynwyd April 23 and 24 at the Lower :l\Ierion Junior High School, Ardmore. 1I1iss S to d da rt 's t h ir d a nn u al pro duction w il l i nc lu de ] 76 specialty stu dents in a reyue which promises to fa r surpass any previous performance, Ideas for the ballet w er e a cq ui r ed b y the well-knowll danseuse in New York. London and Paris. The e l ab o ra t e hallet, "Kitchen on P a r ad e , " w r it t en a n d directed by Miss Stoddart, will be spectacular f or i ts u n us ua l s ta g e s et ti ng s and beautiful costumes, which are being made by :Miss Stoddart's costume department in New York. In producing- the display this year Miss Stoddart is realizing her ambi tion to make the dancing school pro ject one that would arouse the inter est and support of the community. C o -o p er a ti n g in b u il d i ng elaborate stage setting's is t he P hi la de lp hi a Electric Company. A nine-foot icebox, with vegetables, meats and other supplies painted on the inside drop; a model s in k a nd stoves, together with condiment and and h ro om c h es ts , w il l p ro vi de un u s ua l s e tt in g s f ro m which the c ha r a c t e r s, r e p r e se n t i n g ice cubes, lettuce leaYes, soap b u bb l es , e t c .• will emerge. The second ac t will be in an old fashioned garden. PO\\'erful s et s o f l ig ht s a n d u n us ua l lighting effects are being arrangec! by t h e E l ed r ic Company to add to the effecti\'eness o f t he scenes. The Woman's Cluh ha s taken a block of 1000 tickets which they will sell on a percentag-e hasis. They will use the p ro ce ed s in philanthropic work. T he p la y will start promptly at 8 P. 1\1. and will be 0\' ('1' at 10. All seats will he r e se r wc ! this y ea r a nd Miss Stoddart requests that people arrive on time. Tickets wi ll b e on sale at the Wom an's C lu b, LeYe r in g : \f il l r oa d a nd Bala avenue, C Y l 1 \ v ~ ' d , c 'w ry d ay n e xt w e ek f r om g A. 1\1. to 1 P. 1\1. committee chairmen the club co-operating to malw t h is affair a s uc ce ss are Mrs. Ruth 1\1. Ivins. programs; 1111'S. E. B. DeVilbiss, ways and meam'; l\Irs. C. A. Freihofer, ticlwts. The accompanist for the entire dis play will be Eric Wilkinson.

Transcript of Our Town April 16, 1937

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Mr s. H o ll in gsw or th Addresses

Annu a l M e et in g of Lower

Merion-Narbe r th Council

New Scale f o r L ab o re rs isPel' Hour ; D ri ve rs t o

Get 56 c


of Shakespearean

to G i ve R e ci ta l

at School

Paid Last Tribute


CHARLES A. JOHNSONfonncl' COI/Ili.!! political leader,

1(110 died Safll/"(/(l! l aftel' an ilI-

ncss of sc!'cral !lcm's.

Mona Morgan to Play

Before P. T. A. Mon.



I C o u n c i l R ~ i s e s Boro Memorial Grouping Plan ApprovedW s o r k s ~ r s PaYd ' Bcuys lAs CommunityCenter Improvement

t. 1 9 n s an oupe' I--unior Club Scores Hi t ILegion Given O. K. on A r r ange .

50 c as Players Tum Audience ment of Tablet , Flag--- p ol e a nd C a nn o n

The Narberth Players enjoyed

themselves from the o the r side oft he foo tl ight s Tuesday n ig ht a s VETERANS TO A ID W O RK

t he appr eci a ti ve audience who Iwitnessed two well presented one- Improvements both in the appear-

A new w a ~ e scale for borough Iallce an I lltl'I'tv f N b th' Cac t p l a ~ ' s b y t he Junior 'Voman's e I. 0 ar er s om-

laborel's and t r uck dr ive rs was placed Illun'tn Ce te at ' ' ' ' d I \"Club of Bala-Cynwyd. I I., n I' 'v 111 SOl ane 'v ynne-i n e ff ec t by Borough Council at its wood avenues , were announced thisApril ses s ion . The product ions given at the Iweek.

The action followed a petition fl'onl Apri l meet ing in tthe Narberth I T he p la ns include the MemorialSchool wer e " \V oman 's H onor " < ,

the employes presente<l at t he March IGrouping b ~ t he H ar ol d D. Speak-an d "The S how i s Off."

meeting.man Post, American Legion, probably

The i nc rea se s will aggregate $3 In the cast o f t he former were Ito he dedicated Memorial Day; a re-

weekly f or t he men, Based on a five- Geol'ge Werner, Bill Hand , V i r- Idedication o f t he uses o f t he Commu-day, 40-hour week, the laborers will ginia Hildreth, Marion :\fcVickar, Inity Building by ~ a r b e r t h Borough

be paid 50 cents per h ou r a nd the Gordon Fernow, Glenn Macan, Council who also author ized recrea-

drivers 56 cents w it h t im e a nd one- Jean Hoffman, Ruth Reich and tion impro\'ements at t he borough ' s

half for evening, Sunday and holiday I Helen WeatheraI. 'building at 102 Conway avenue; and

oveJ'1illJc. Prcviously the laborers re-I In th e second play 'V. Arthur t he announcement o f s ta ff and season

ceived weekly salaries of $22 and the' McV ic ka r, E . E li zabet h Swan schedule for the p la yf i eld by the

drivers, $25, fo r a 50-hour week. The! and Evan Rus se ll p la ye d the Xarberth Recreat ion Board.

overtime is expected automatically to! principal roles. A sketch of the Memorial Grouping

r ai se t hei r wages . ' I Two changed dates were an- drawn by Frank A. Schrepfer from

Thomas Civitello, o ld es t emp loye I nounced. a working drawing and original sur-

and rpcognized f or eman , was placed,' The nex t ::-;arberth Players' YCy mad e b y Fred W. G. Peck, inon a salary b as is o f $130 monthl y, p roduct ion will be "l';"ancy's Priv- charge of the Montgomery County'th Aff '" 'I 7 I 8 Planning su rvey group , was shown to

WI two weeks ' vaca ti on w i th pay . I ate..... all' o n ~ , ay a)]( . ,Council accepted the bid of the Annual electIOn of officers Will Borough Council Monday n ig ht b y

Richards-Fisher Company of Over-I be .1\1ay 18. Wal li s. Bo. il eau is 1F ra nk J . Dwyer , commande r o f th e

h f th N t C Xarberth Legion Post.brook for a 60 h. p. Ford Coupe fo r c aIrman 0 e om1l1a 1I1g om - , " the

I't t I Council gave Its approval to

use of t he borough h ighway depa r t- ml ee, I 'fi t', spel'l ea IOns..The Pa ren t-Teache r Association ment ., The bid was $450.60 plus the, TO k f The p la ns call fo r a c i rcu la r p lo t

will hold their April meeting on 1\Ion- h:ade-m value ~ a 1934 F o ~ ' d C o ~ p e . II IC ets or Lecture 145 feet in diameter, enclosed by aday e vening in the auditorium of the ISIX other agencIes also subnlltted bIds. 'b , hedge. W it hi n wil l be the stone tab-

Narberth Public School at e ig ht P ur ch as e o f a n ew s et o f b or ough , on Sale at L l rarYI' let be arin g th e n ames of the local

o'clock. Subject wil l be t he Apprec ia - s tr ee ts s igns from Lyle Signs, Inc., I - _ _ men who served in th e World War,

tion of the Fine Arts. of Minneapolis, wa s a U ~ h o r i z e d ~ a! Ca rl S a nd b ur g t o Speak at Nar- the flagpole, and t hen f aci ng t he West ,

~ l o n a Morgan, a c t r e ~ s an d d ra- cost of $848.85. They WIll be obtall1ed I b h S h I A d" the 7000-pound one-time controversialmat ic reci tal i st , will present scenes through the concern 's local agent, A.! er t c 00 ,u Itorlunl cannon.

f r ( ) n ~ "Great P l a y s . " . W. Ende,rs'"o,f ~ p ~ ; r D:rby. , W I : , e t h ~ r i Next Friday Commander Dwye:' s a i ~ much of

~ I I ~ s ;\!organ has no J 'I va l on s tag- e t o spe ll It FOlest or Fonest WIll I t he wor k in connecbon WIth prepar-or p latfo rm a s she has e vo lv ed a remain a moot question. I t ' s "Forrest I When Carl SUJ:dburg talks I ~ ing- t he p lo t would be d on e b y the

technique and met ho d a ll her own Av e." on the new s igns . I seems to. have. a ?I t of a ,s toop, ~ I Ll.gionnaires. Th e c os t o f materials

which is i m p o s ~ i b l e to dup li ca te o r !snow, whIte h ~ l l ' g l v e ~ the I m ] ~ r e s : I O n and fo r moving the memorial tablet

imitate. She w as leading lady to Jun io r C lub to Hear :tl:at It combs I.tsclf, hIS b ~ a c k t l g'1\'es and flagpole from their present loca-Walter Hampden during his tour in Ihl11: an a p p e a l a n c ~ o f b emg c a l e f ~ I l Y tions to a point near th e intersection

London, played w ith the Bng lls h Head of Blind S c h o o l r a t t l r e ~ ; . b ut , h e IS fa r ftom, belJlg Continued on Page Two

P l a ~ · e r s in Paris and enter tained Con- Ia. f a s t l d I O ~ S d r e ~ s e r and you \\'Ill fi.ndt inental audiences at Monte Carlo. hlln wearll1g' Ius heavy sho es WIth R br WShe has specialized in Shakespeare Mr s. Ro y er -Gr e ave s Wil l Ad-1their clumsy b ul ld og t oe i n any so- epu lcan omen

a nd b ri ng s a n e nti re ly n ew concep- dress Meeting Thursday; Of - .ciet,Y. No matter how formal t? e o ~ Advised on Plans

t io n of his characters. She delights ficers to be E le c te d !casJOn, C,arl Sandburg appears 111 hlSin g 'i vi ng children an understanding Iusual attn'e. After he speaks onefor-

of the famous playwright. The Junior \Vomen's Communi ty!gets his looks.

~ l i s s l\Iorgan is also the author of Club of Narberth will hold the nex't i That is the description of the "be

~ e \ ' e r a l books on Shakespeare and his r egu l ar meet ing at t he Communi ty I'loved troubadour" who ":ill ~ p e a k at

Bake Sal e Next Thu rs day characters, Build ing on Windsor avenue on April , the Narberth School Au<lItonum next

The Ladies' Aid of t he Holy Trinity The Invocation wil l be given by t he 22 at 8.15 P. 1\1., when there will be! Friday evening under the auspices o f "P os it io ns o f l ea de rs hi p in t he Re-

Lutheran Church w il l h ol d a bake ~ a l e Rev. Robert E , Keigh ton, pastor of an election of officers. Recommenda- It h e Narber th Library Association. publican party should be gained on

next Thur sday morni ng f rom D until the Baptist Church o f t he Ev an ge l tions f or t he .offic,es w il l b e presented I ,Plans ~ o the lecture chiefl,Y occu- the merit sY,sten: of party work ~ n 1 o 'c lock at 243 Haverford avenue, j a ~ t he S al ut e t ? t he F la g, b y Edna by th e nonunatl l1g comnuttee. A! plCd the hbrary trustees at thell' meet-, not on contrIbutIOns to the campaIgnNarberth. IRIder, There will b e m us Ic by th,e delegate an d alternate delegate will iing Tuesday n i gh t. The admission ifund," 1\lrs. James E. Hollingsworth

. Parent-Teacher Chorus unde r t he dl- also be elected f or t he S ta te Federa- Jw iI I b e 50 cents. I told memhe rs o f t he L ower Merion-

W C T U A d Fo !r ec ti on o f Mrs . W. ,J. Drennan, who t io n to be h eld at the Bel levue -S tr at - T icke ts may be obt ai ned only at!Narberth Council of Republican

• • • • war s 1velwill ~ i n g Schubert's lovely S et ti o f fo rd in M ay. Mrs. Spencer V. Smi th l the Narber th Libra ry o r f rom t he iWomen T ue sd ay .

Essay Contest Prizes ISh:.kespeare ""'.ho is Sylvia?" " is the retiring president. Imembers of the board: 1\1rs. C. W 'I The s pe ak er addressed the luncheon

I , The S tudy GIOUp unde : the dll ~ c Speaker o f t he evening will be Mrs. 'I Continued on Page Two imee ti ng o f the Council at Er.skine

Ibo n o the Parent-EducatJO,n Commlt- Jessie Royer-Greaves, of the Royer- iHall, Haverford, when the young Re-

Honorab l e Mention is Given II tee \ ~ ' 1 1 J have a . Covered D Ish Lunch- Greaves School f or t he Blind. IBoro Baseball Club !publicans of the township were guests .

Other Narber th P up il s f or e T ' o l ~ ~ t thLe Sloclal RCh

l11 °lf the HNoly John H. Rice wiII talk on behalf I H ld R •• I "National committeemen and womenJ'Il1I y ut leran urc 1 on "' ar - , , lOS eorganlzatlon' k "

Tempe r an c e Themes Ib I \ '1 ' 1 1') 30 of t he Umted CampaIgn. , Ishould come u p t hr ou gh t he ran s,I ert 1 avenue, on "eanese ay at ~ . I :\1 H II' th d t I' I

- - - TI · t t . I Miss Cather ine Pat ton is i n charge I I rs. 0 Ingswor avoca ee 111 leI'R ' , l ' I . h bi le comm,l ee requests t le pa t :onage . · Offi . Iadvice as to how t he nex t election canecent t 1(,1 e as e.en a g re ,a t[of the reSidents and also donatIOns of of the meetll1g. eel'S Chosen; RadiO Party: ,

deal of enthuslUsm and mterest diS-I anv covered dish. Th e price is 35 The Mother 's Da v banquet w il l b eI Plan ed ' po t H ibe "on.plaY<;d by the !lupils o f t he Narberth, c e ~ t s , Fo r reservations, phone Mrs. held on l\Iay 13 and is i n c ha rg e of I ~ a l ~ e ~ : 31

0m ei She advised her l i steners to talk to

P ~ b h c School I a contest sponsored iL. B. l\Ioxon, Narberth 2434-J. Mrs. Rober t P ri ce . P lace and details I y i people on the s tree t an d find out whatb the local Ul1lt of the W. C. T. U., The s]1l'ing concert wiII be held wiII be announced later when the final I A . I " !t hey want .L ot F "d • f t , th t t t l titS annua reorgal1lzatIOn meet- I "w I' t tl t I ' f'a,. II a a elnoon e con e s an S.l\fav 11 Be sure to come A fine arrangements ar e made I' I e la,e no 1C eC1l11que 0 ple-.. ' . , 'd I ,. <. •• • ll1g last week the Narberth Baseball 0 ' t' .". t lb'" h\\ e I e I e\ \at e<. program is being planned and th e L t Th . d' . tl J ' , C b I ' ..en 1l1g' OUI pOSItIOn a a 01, S e

1\11'1'. R. C. Kennedy, pr es ident o f folJo\\:ing ~ v i l l take part Narberth CI bas UI s fay . e v e t l ~ I l 1 g tlel Ul11l01 lu r:-e e c t e ~ 1 Raymond A. C a b r ~ y Isaid. "Get to know their viewpoint

J N 'b . h B I h ' T I .. u gave a ascma mg s y e s lOW, as preSIdent an d E. H. "Gene" DaVIS , ,tI e UI el t ranc 1 of t e "!V. C. . Parent-Teachers' Choru" 1\110 \V F 'h b t 100 I tt d d 1\1 ' an d let them know that \\ e ar e sympa-U t II th I t .th' f I ,. • ' . ' -. , . \\ en a ou peop e a en e. rs. as manager . 'h " d

" 0 ( e stue en s some mg 0 t 1C Drennan director. Narberth School J I H M'Il . tl J ' , Ad ' . ,t etlc. Don t go out an squeezebeginnings of the W. C. T. U. and O r c h e s t r ~ Jooeph Barone conductor ' osep 1 . t Ittel' t,le Ul


1VdISOl, Other officers chosen are Ralph S.! Labor 's hand just before election."

, 'b " <, - , , Was a mos a rae Ive mean an - D . . , 'd t I Ch I E I , . ,paId tn ute to F ra nc es E . \VIllard "T, 'b 'tl S'I I GI CI b 1\1' 'unne, VIce-pI eSI en ant ar es . The sampl1l1g of 0p1l110ns of a large

, ""al el 1 c 100 ee u, ISS o th er w as M rs Monroe Purse who '·1 d Iits founder. She t hanked t he pupils F ' F .. k ' d" t . B M ', ' r arn en, s ec re ta ry a nd treasurer. Inumbero f t he party through question-

1ances lIe e, n ec 01, ry n awl'. modeled he r own weddll1g gown The • . t t t 'II . I df o r t hei r i nt er e st and the teachers for S' f . tt JIB' d ' , . • SSIS an reasurers WI 1 I1C U e naires or forum meetings was advo-

1m onle a, osep1 alone, con uc- fashIOn show was 111 c ha rg e o f M rs E t B IG S h Itheir co-operation in the preparation t l' Th t' '8 15 d '1 ' H . rnes ou ay, eorge c roee e r, c at ed b v the spcaker.°. e I l1 1e IS . an a Sl vel ulme Browll R b C J .of the themes. Mrs. Kennedy told the ff " '11 b t k ' . 0 er t ompton, ames Sanford, 'Yarning of t he w idesp read grow thboys and g ir ls that, while the women 0 elmg WI e a en. The Apnl dance held at th ? Over- Frank F ol tz , L ou is Nicholson and o f Commun ism she declared that she

of the community comprised the M' ., I . b r ~ o k Golf Club Saturday evenmg wa s Nathan Montgomery. feared l iherali s ts more than Commun-

nlen1bel'''lll']) of t i le local bl'anch 1111111 I am Line s 0 dest ReSident enjoyed by 75 c oupl es . l \I rs . Edward ManaO'er Davis has nameel :'.liel-a \, ' t I I b I I C . t• < < , - • BCd h ' ... < < • < • , ~ IS S W10 \vere a e e< as ommullls s.

bering seventy-five at t he p re se ntI Observes He r 104th Birthday . a uga n w as c a i rman . , Gav in , S r. , a s his .assistant. I "I t is the advanced Socialists such as, I ' 1'1 t f 1 I h - - - Among t ho se who e nt cr tamed at W'II' N',b' 'I I b' h'" 'tll11C, t 1 C e J( no ee t wt t ey alone , , ' . I IUm • e \\ 01 g \\ I e 111 c mg e Tugwell, \Vallace and Ickes , who don'tcould help fight the evil of strong I 1\1rs. Mary Frankl in obsencd he r cocktaIl p a r t I ~ s precedmg .he d an ce o f property. ! l'I:alizp that t hev a r c Communists thatd ri nk w it ho ut t he aid of the boYS'104th bi r thday anniversary ,,- edne,,- wer e M rs . , R ~ c h a r d McDowell , l \h:s . Plans a re u nd er w ay f or a radio: wp m u ~ t fpar."·

a nd g ir ls o f the c ommuni ty an d ex_ lday at the home of l\Ir. and l\ln. Glenn ,A. \VIIlIams and Mrs. FrankllJl party to be given to raise money for I At t!1C D i ~ c u s s i o n Panel conducted

] l l ' e s ~ e d the hope that they would join IDavid McCaulleY',:311 Conway ave - Hutchll1son. the club i n t h e neal' f ut ur e. J im .San-' hl'fore the luncheon Mrs. Herman

forces with this organization. I ~ u e , Narberth, WIth whom she has ford is chairman and ]Jilot D;l\' is and Schwartz , Iegi"lati\'e chai rman, p r e-TI1< prizes of $2 each were presented In'ed for the last twenty years. Legion Post Makes Quota "Duke" V an Dus en are other mem- sided.

to the following pupils: I A l t h o u ~ ' h c O ! ~ f i n e d to her b ed b y a Commander Frank J . Dwyer , o f t he bpI'S o f t hi s committee. S t a t i n ~ ' that t he t re n ds t od av arc

Fourth grade, Selma Breslow; Ibroken lup suffered two a!1C1 o n e - h ~ l f IHar,old D. Speakman, Post, American The c lub also plans to issue Booster \'C'ry da,;g'erous, Mrs. Schwar tz urged

fifth grade,Barbara 'Voodrow; s ixth

iyears ago,Mrs. F r a , n ~ l l I ~

rcmUlI,ls.L e ~ l O n ,

allnoun,ced tlll,sweek

that t he C ar ds toits

supporters. t he g ro up t o "wo rk hard t o ma in t ai ngradc' G e o r ~ ' e BaileY' seventh O'rade I chee rf ul and t akes a nn d mtere"t IJ1 Ulllt had achIeved ItS 1937 State Burges s John R. Hall will throw I t' tid f t' . , • "", . , , (c'mocra IC s an t ar s 0 p : ( ) \ ' ( ~ r n m e nKather ine Uhle ' e ighth grade Helen natIOnal a ff aI rs. S he IS the l\Iall1 qu ot a of forty-two member". The ou t the fir"t ball at the firot home 'II f II ' t d' ttl' ", , L" I . - 0 1' W C WI a m 0 a IC a ors IIp.Wi])f. lJI l ' : ; oIl est reSident. Narberth Post is one o f t he first in g am e th e m orn in g of Ma n :31 The I I I I' I . f t

J' nc ue ee I n leI' review 0 currenHonorable mention \\-ent to fourth Pc'nnsylvania t.o complete its sched- league schedule opens :\fay 16. leg·islation w er c t he l\Ioomaw-l\Ioran

g-radp. Billy Thompson; fif th grade, Bible Class Musicale 20th nled membershIp th b year. Bill . t llP Teacher's TenUl 'e B il l 1 \I c-

Dick Whiting'; sixth grade, June The Frienlbhip Circle Bible Class Cash Account in Local Bank Ginnis Labor Bill, Chain Store' Ta x

lIplkr; s en -n th g rade . E leanor Hay- of the Xarberth 1\1. E . Church will N oe l 25 Years Secre tary A cash account not to exceed $GOOO Bill, Child Labol ' B il l , Personal Prop-wood; eighth g ra de , Helen Doty. g'ive a musicale in the p r i m a r ~ ' room Charles V. ~ o e l , Republican leader hc 'reafter will be maintained b y Bor - ertv Ta x Bill.

The jllllges found it d if fi cu lt t o of the church Tuesday at 8 P. 1\1. in Narberth, l\Ionday night started ough Treasurer 'Valton 1\1. Wentz in ;\Irs. Conye rs Read d is cu ss ed th e

I ~ H l k e selections of winners, llue to the The committee has been successful his t we nt y- si xt h y ea r a s s ec re ta ry o f T he N at io na l B ank o f Narberth i t l \I er it S ys tdm Bill an d the Council

lact that so many fine essays were in obtaining' exceptionally fine talent Burough Council. He i s a ls o f i re chief was resolved b y Nar be rt h Council went on r eco rd as endors ing H. B.

p.resentecI. ~ h e y w er e M rs. R. C. fol' t he r ec it al a nd invites everyone of the local volunteer company and I\Ionday n igh t. Thecash accoun t now 1758. A letter will be sent to th e

h,ennedy, MISS Mary Hoove r a nd t o b e pr es ent f o r an enjoyable evening Republican committeeman in Narberth c ar ri ed w it h the Phi ladel phi a Na- Govel'l1or recommending that this b'llMrs. C. H. Woolmington. o f mus ic . District No. 1. tional Bank will be closed. c tl d P T I

on nue on age wo

VOLUME 23 , N o. 2 8

Borough Authorizes IRepublican Leaders I

Plot Condenlnation I Attend Services i

for Span ApproachI for Charles Johnson

Wi l l T a ke Legal Action f o r L a ndIPa y Tribute to Fo rme r Coun tyif Owner Refuses G. O. P. Chief at i

Offer I F ina l R i te s


Condemnation procl 'eding-s wiII be I Republican leaders and workers at

i nvoked to obtain a p ie - shaped p iece i tended the final r it es Wednesday a f

of ground needed for approaches to Itprnoon for Charles A, Johnson, 83,:

the Rockland avenue bridge if the I \ 'deran Jc'ader of the Republican!

owner rpfnses Borough Council's offerI party in Montgomery County.,fo r the plot. I :\Ir. Johnson died Saturday n i gh t i n:

Action was t aken by Council 1\1on- i l\lontg-omery Hospital, Norristown, .

da:, night, with William H, Fretz'l following a heart a tt ac k. T hi s fatal'

presillent, prpsiding, whell Henry A. complication developed aiter more

Frye, borough solicitor, reported that Ithan two and one-half year s o f seriousJoseph Russell, Jr" owner of the i ll ne ss . f ol lowing a paralyt ic s t roke

ground along Rockland avcnue, asked: which he suffered in 1!134 and neccessi$2 per square foot for the 250 square i tated his reti rement f rom political

feet needed. This, it was pointed out'llife.would amount t o a bo ut $86,000 pel' :\Ir, J ohn50n's political career

acre, Istartl'd when h e was little more thanCancellation o f $ ]8 0 in delinquent' a b o ~ ' . Born F e b r u U 1 ' ~ - 27 , 1 85 5, on a

taxes on the Russell pro]Jl' rty at Rock-! farm in Xorriton Township, he worked

land awnue and Grove Place will be, there during h is youth, He went to

off er ed in exchange for a deed of Norr i stown as a young man, engageddedication 01 easement on the plot. in the real es tate and insurance busi-

Council authorized t he p ayment o f ness. His political ca ree r began as

$500 toward the necessary abutments a tax collector and later he was madeand approaches to the Rock land Ave- a nll'rcantile appr a is e r and succesllUe Bridge which i s t o be w idened for si\'(,ly deputy sheriff and sheriff.

pedestrian t raff ic by the Pennsylvania He tool, state office for the f irst t ime

Railroad., " i n ] 900 when he was appointed resi-Accordml!, to R o b e r ~ F. , v o o ~ l , h lgh- den t c le rk o f t he Hou se of Represen

way con1l11lttee, chaIrman, It was tatiYes. Duri ng t he eleven years he

agreed at a ~ l l e e t m g , between b o r ~ u g h held that pos t, he directed the Speak

and townslllp officlHls last Fnday ers' Bureau of the Republican Statc

night that this sum should be Nar- i Committee and later became treasurer

berth's share. ,The , cost t o b borne Iof that committee.bv Lower ::\le1'lon IS approxImately I G J I K T ' t I$i ')30 . o\'ernor 0111 . ener a]lpOJl1 ee

~ U ' l tl t L 'I Ihim insurance commissioner in 1911nl er lC' agreemen ower", er- ., T I ' 'II 1 11 th k and he was retall1ed by GovernorJOn owns 11p WI e0 a e wor ' .

I ' I' Continued on Page Twonecessary fo r t le Improvement ane I

then bill the borough f o r i ts sha re . IS I I B d M . 23 d' c 10 0 oa r eetmg

Luc i l l e Stoddart I t o A do pt Bu dg et , F ix Tax

D' I N t W kl Narberth School Board'3 scheduledISP ay ex ee monthly meeting this Friday evening

has been postponed un ti l Apri l 23,

8.15 P. M" at t he Narbe rt h Public

Scho ol. On that d at e t he t en ta ti vebudget, now ope n for inspection by

anyone interested, will b e passed.

The t ax r at e fo r 1937 also w ill be

fixed at that time.

A nn ua l P ro du ct io n t o b e Out .

standing fo r Elaborate Set

tings an d Costuming

The Lucille Stoddart Dance Displaywill be presented hy the \Voman's

Club of Ba la -Cynwyd April 23 and 24

at the Lower :l\Ierion Junior High

School, Ardmore.1I1iss S todda rt 's t h ir d annual pro

duction wil l i nc lude ] 76 specialty students in a reyue which promises to

fa r surpass any previous performance,

Ideas for the ballet were a cqui r ed by

the well-knowll danseuse in New York .

London and Paris.

The elaborate hallet, "Kitchen on

Parade," writ ten and directed by Miss

Stoddart, w il l b e spectacular f or i tsunusua l s tage set ti ngs and beautiful

costumes, which are being made by

:Miss Stoddart's costume department

in New York.In producing- the display this year

Miss Stoddart is realizing her ambi

t io n t o make the dancing school project one that would a rouse t he i n te r

est and suppor t of the community.

Co-opera ting in build ing elaborate

stage setting's i s t he P hi la de lp hi a

Electric Company.A nine-foot icebox, with vegetables,

meats and other supplies painted onthe inside drop; a model s in k a nd

stoves, together with condiment and

and hroom ches ts , w il l p rovide un

usua l s e tt ings f rom which t he cha r

acters, representing ice cubes, lettuceleaYes, soap bubbles, etc.• will emerge.

The second ac t will be in an oldfashioned garden.

PO\\'erful s et s o f l ight s and unusua llighting effects are being arrangec! byt h e Eled r ic Company to add to the

effecti\'eness of t he scenes.

The Woman's Cluh ha s taken ablock of 1000 tickets which they will

sell on a percentag-e hasis . They will

use the p ro ce ed s in philanthropic


The p la y will start promptly at 8

P. 1\1. and will be 0\'('1' at 10. All seats

will he reserwc! this y ea r a nd Miss

Stoddart requests that people arrive

on time.Tickets wi ll b e on sale at the Wom

an's Club, LeYering : \f il l r oa d a nd

Bala avenue, C Y l 1 \ v ~ ' d , c 'w ry day nextweek from g A. 1\1. to 1 P. 1\1.The committee chairmen from the

club co-operating t o m alw this af fai r

a s uc ce ss are Mrs. Ruth 1\1. Ivins.

programs; 1111'S. E. B. DeVilbiss, ways

and meam'; l\Irs. C. A. Freihofer,


The accompanist f o r t he en ti re display will be Eric Wilkinson.

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April 16; 1937

th e



Plows, discs and harrowsin one operation, makinga per fect seed bed. Cult ivating without changeof equipment.

Bm sh ou t the mistakes

made on your last paint

job by using Murphy

Enamels, V arn ish a nd

H ou se P ai nt s th e next

time y ou p a in t.

f raming your Oils, Pr ints

an d \Xlater Colors.

c om e i n an d see us about


We Supply Al l Promptly

J. C. Jackson BallaghSoil Materials and Equipment

A long

Sales and Rental



ROlotill t hem i nt o t he soil-roll,rake a nd seed-NOW-for bestresults.

RemakeYourLawnSpread Hyper-Humus

Pulverized Limestone

Commercial Fert i lizer


Woodstock. VirginiaShenllnaoan ValleY

College preparatory-Commerclal-MusicSplendid equipment

Junior R. O. T. C. UnitA t h l e t i c s - ~ O O acre recreation program

at Camp LuptonFor catalog address Dr. H. J. Benchoff

Head Master, Box 191


Lucille Stoddart's

. Dance Display

Alterations - Installations

G ERefrigerators

• WashersVacuum Cleaners



Lowe r Mer io n J u n io r Hig h Schoo l Audi to r ium

Fr iday and Saturday

Apr i l 23 and 24

P r ompt ly a t 8 P . M .

A l l S e at s R e se rv e d

Ticke ts : 5 0c , 7 5c an d $1 ( pl us t ax )

For tickets: Mrs. C. A. FreiTlOfer, Cynwyd 1854

The Woman'sPresents

On Your Next Drive

~ \ 3 ~ ~f ) \

Shull Lumbe r CompanyThe Link Between Forest and Home

29 Ba la Av e ., B a la -Cynwyd CYNWYD 662


B i rd Ho u se s : You may have Dlce a p ar tm e nt s f or t he

Mar t i n s , bu t h ow a bo ut th e o ther Jays .

41 N . N arberth Avenue


HAIR CUTHarold M. Kirscht

Democratic Women t o Meet

The Democratic Women's LuncheonClub o f Lower Merion and Narberth

wiII meet at Erskine HaB, Haverford,

on Wednesday at 12.30.Miss Ger tr ud e E ly wiI I s pe ak . I ~ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

President Mrs. Erma G. Russell willi


Sunday School Sav ings Stolen

Savings from Sunday School collections f or t hr ee weeks were stolenby a sneak th ief Sunday even ing from

the home of W. C. Griffith, of Chestnut avenue, Narberth.

A metal ba r was used to pry opena window, Lower Merion detectivesdiscovered. Nothing except the th ree

mite boxes containing $3.50 was



They're Fit

The above is for genuineJeddo,Highland Anthracite.

"Moni tor, " the high gradeLehigh, I s $8. 95 and $7.95

in above sizes. These priceswill not endur e. Buy now,


228 Ba!a Ave. Cynwyd 928

102 Forest Ave. Narb . 2602

"For a King

B ut y ou don't need a king's

money to bu y olle of ou r tailor

made suits. We style them ac

cording to your pcrsonal taste

an d guarantee a perfect fit.

Egg, Nut, Stove 9.2511.00 value-now


Pea Coal - - - - 8.259,50 value


We chute

the works!

Ralph S. Dunne



April 2 2, 2 3

April 16, 17



"Ready , Wi ll ing an d Able"

Allen Jenkins, Louise Fazenda



Harvey Stevens, Louise Dresser

Thursday, Friday

"John Meade's Woman"

Gail Patrick, George Bancroft

Tuesday, Wednesday April 20, 21




Friday. Saturday

J oa n C r aw f or d

Will iam Powel l

Robe rt Mon t gome ry

"Thc Last o f M rs . C he yn ey "

Frank Morgan, Jessie Ralph

Sunday, Monday April 18, 19

Edward Arno ld

Francine Larrimore

Sunday Movies, 2-11 P. M.

ContInued from Page Oneincluded i n h is a dm in is tr at io n

Puppe t Show is Scheduled

Tuesday fo r Women ' s Club



Friday and Saturday

Dick Powe l l

Madeleine Car ro l l

A li ce F a ye

The Ritz Brothers

George Barbier

Added:"Three Blind Mouseketeers"

The Smartcst Mllsical Shall'c, 'cr f i lmed!

Th e gra"dcst SOJlgscycr »,ri t te, ,!

EXTRA-Silturday at 1 P. M.Another Hour of Mickey Mouseand Silly Symphony Cartoons!


~ ~ O n the Avenue"

In the Mailbag

Continued from PaJ:'e OnewiI I be about $500. S ix o ak t rees as

a memorial to the s ix Narberth men

who d ie d during the wa r w ill be


Council also passed a resolution re

affirming the use o f t he Communi ty

Building by the Legion, Library and

Girl Scouts .

The installation of shower· baths

and d res s in g r oom f ac il it ie s on the

first floor o f t he borough p rop ert y at

102 Conway avenue, fo r use o f p lay

ground participan ts , was authorized.

The Community Playground season

wiI I be from .June 29 to August 27,

i t w as decided by the Narberth Rec

reation Board .

Paul King', Franklin and Marshal l

ColIege instructo r , again will direct

activities, and he wiII be assisted

again by I sa ac B. Kno ll, manual

t raining teacher at the Narberth Pub

lic School.l\Iiss Julia Gardner Landis, whose

sister, Miss Josephine Landis, was aplayground aide last year, will be anew member of the staff. She is

physical education teacher in the Mer

ion Public School.Frank C. Fe ise h as been employed

to put t he t enni s cou rt s in shape fo r

the season. .be

Tickets fo r LectUl"e

on Sale at Library

Continued from PaJ;'1' OneBates, Mrs. E, C, Drew, Mrs. E, H.

Cockrill, Mrs. H. R. Rinehart , Mrs.

H. A . J ac ob s, M rs . R. F. Wood, the,Rev. R. E. Keig'hton, Clarence Kaeber:

and R. 1\1. Cameron. IIn 1914 Carl S andburg was award - i

ed th e Levinson Prize by the magazinePoet111 f or t he poem "Ch icago ." Two

years la ter he published his f i rs t vol

ume, "Chicago Pocms."

In 1919 and 1921 1\11. Sandberg Ishared half the award of the Poetry;

Socie ty of Ame ri ca . I n 1923 he w as

g iv en t he honora ry d cg rec o f Doc to r

of Literature by Lombard CoI\egc, andin 1928 he was Ph i Beta Kappa poet

at Harvard University.

In 1926 Mr. Sandburg completed

hi s first biographical work, "Abraham

Linco ln -The Pra ir i e Years," which

i s t he first of a three-volume compre-

I1lmsive study of Lincoln. . . __•••• jloliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiOiiiiiiiOiiiiiiiOiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiOiiiiiiiOiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiOiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiOiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-:l

Continuedfrom Page One measure.

B rumbaugh, He rcs ig ned to help the Berlin's "On th e Avenue" l\Jrs. John Y. Huber, Jr., president

late Scnator Penrose in his fight with I Th' W kEd N b th of the Council, gave a resume of, 'f t I f IS ee - n at ar er

t he Va re orga11lzatlon or con 1'0 0 lcgislation of interest at th is t ime.

the Republican party. "0 tl A - - , - ,-tl I t t I' "W e a re f ac in g t he m os t cl'UciaJ

I d C' \ n le \'enue, Ie a es rvmg I

n 1921, Jo 1I1son returne to aJ1l- B I' ' 1 I . tJ ' k d wee k o f the Legislature" s he s ai d. ' G 1 er m muslca , p avmg lIS wee '-en ,.ol HIlI as Deputy AudItor enera, t tJ N b tl ·Th· t f t "No impor tan t labor bilI ha s passed, , d f Ia . Ie ar er 1 e a r e, ea u res I

a. post from whIch he r e s l ~ n e a tel' Dick Powell and Madcleine CarroIl in t o d at e , If Earle doesn 't pass someSIX years to accep t the appomtment of I f J' P II AI' F legislat ion in i ts favor labor mav de-

a arce w lereln owe I c e ' aye . " ISecretary o f t he Commonwcalth under 1 tl R' t B h ' . '. cide the election of 1938"Governor Fisher. alH ~ I z r ot e rs , a p p e ~ r m g m , .' . ,. : '.. .

a mus Ic al Rhow burlesque MISS Car- Cly II se n ICC, labol and rellCf leglR- IHe later became f i rs t Secretary o 1'011 (a d e b u t a ~ t e ) G eor e Barb ier lation arc t he t hr ee major problems,l

Revenue an office c r ea ted bv the 1921 ,g 1\1' ICJ b ' t t d. ' . (her wcalthv father) and Alan Mow- is . .,U cr sac.L e ~ s l a t u r e . Under Johnson , all col- b ra \' ( an e lorer). Of course the Mrs. H. T atna ll Brown, c ha irm anleetlOns of S ta te t ax es a nd fees were' p . f tl t .... ' t 't t, ,., fu rious debutante even tually fall s 111 0 Ie en ehalllmen comml ee, an-

u ~ l f i e d f or t he f i r ~ t tnne 111 the State s Ilove with Powell. nounced that the Council would givehIstory. He reSl6J'11ed at the e nd of \ A. Ii •1St ' 1 ' tIP 1\< '11 b a b ri dg e a nd tea at The Deaner\ '

G F'I'. . l lC l aU lla lia ."". \\1 e, . J'

overnor • IS ICI S term. 1\1 k 1\1 ' t ' I Brvn Ma\\'r College May 18 Ia 1 IC 'eli' o use ma mee. . ." .Fo r a l ~ 1 0 s t ~ J l l r t y ~ ' e a l ' ~ , J o h n s o ~ I " l \ l o r ~ Than a Secretary," Monday I Assisting Mrs. Brown ar e the f?l-

was t he I e c o ~ I : l z e d R e ~ 1 U h l I c a n l ca de l a nd Tuesday. p resen ts Jean Arthur l ow in g h ea ds o f c ommi tt ee s: MISS

of M o n t , g o n ~ c l , ~ ~ o u . n t ~ : .. , . and Ruth DonnelIy as p ropr ie to rs o f:Margaret Bcnade, prizes; .Mrs. John IHe \ ~ a s fOl m a n ~ ~ c a 1 s a membel , . t, .', I I I J' t I I .Twaddell tahles' Mrs. Wilham Edsall I

' ,, ' ,I C " I SCCle ,ill,l sc 100. e,ln, 0 Ie Jl " 'of the Repubhcan N. atlOna omnllt- t 'f l 'I I' t b I cake and c 'l ndv' Mrs Helen G Green-. ou an 111 ucntlU C len, ecomes sec- I ' . ," •

t ee a nd a delegatc to the RepublIcan t t C' B I't f iwood arrangements' Mrs Brown I- . . . l ' l l a r ~ ' ·0 .ICOl 'g'e rent, C( 1 ·01' 0 a:' , ~ . ,conventIOns whIch 1I0imnated Presl- I It! 'tl b l ' . tickets Id en ts T af t, Harding and Coolidge. ]('a .1 n l a g ' ~ Z l l 1 e . len ecomes lIS, . 1

"' 1 J t' I' 1931 I aSSoclUte edi to r, and t hen goes ou t of' len Ie rc Irel In :' " Ie \\ 'as ,scc- the office entirely. ' Lawn Mower s

retarv of t he Rcpubhcan State Com- a \\' I i (C I A d im i t t e ~ . N' ~ t J el n e ay d a;1 Rwa r Repaired and Ground _1'JARUERTH 2 ~ 3 0

He is survived bY his daughter, 1 I ,ames ~ n an " ean og?rs Rebui lt Lawn MOTJ'ers For Sale Nights. Sundays and Holidays-1\1 S ID k' 't! I - I !\ext week-end s attractIOn, Rtartmg" For ~ e ~ a b l e :-"ork land N b h 2651rs. k ~ a n ey ra "e, WI 1, W 10111 ,Ie Thursda\", will be thc "Lloyds of Lon- qu c serVIce ca I ar ert Narbe r t h Elect r l 'c and Radl 'o Co.

macle IllS JIOll1e'111(1 a otCjl"l"tCI' 1\11"s ' . Slnedley ' s Lock Sh o p (Free Calls for Subscribers Only)

, ' .. . '. ' , ,. '11 b ' ' '1\1 t' C ' "Id II J I 1

• '-T 't WI e seen 111 1 VS erlOus rossmg. Hilltop 10280 Bryn Mawr 10280 109 N. Narbe r th Avc. All Work Gtlaralltced

ea . Olnson, ° l,-Orl'lS own. I .. ' I F II" B h I ~ i i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ · i . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ i ~ 9 ~ 6 ~ ~ J I : ~ = : : : : : = = : : : : : : ~ I,, ' (011 Wit 1 • rer l Ie ar t °omew. • • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~\ elI-lmo\\'n RepublIcans j r om t hi S

section who at tendcd the services wel'c Il••••••__ .. .Fred C. Peters, Peter C. Hess, Dr. F.P. K. Burlwr, 0, E. Kl ine , Georgc

Nellings, Elmer Baltz, Albert Lec,Storm V. Patterson, \\ 'alter Lownes,

Thomas Blake, Licutcnan t Wal tcr F.

Brown, Sergeant Clarence Robb,Sergcant Frank J. Pollock.

Republican Leader s Attend

Services f o r C h ar le s J oh n so n


This Matter o f A ge

Death last Saturday removed

the strongest polit ical figure in

MOlltgomery County's history.

Had his illness of t he la st few

years, which caused his retirement

as county Republican leader, not

prevented it, it wou ld h av e b een

of absorbing interest to have known

the views of Charles Johnson in

particular on the Supreme Court


POl ' h er e was a l11an who did no t

ascend to power until he was f if tyand thcn, twenty-eight years later,

climaxed his career when h is o r

ganization turned i n a 32,000 majority for Herbert Hoover in 1932

during the f irst Roosevelt landslide.lIad anyone suggested to "Char

ley" at 10 that he was too old to

continuc on the joh , the one with

such tcmerity prohahly would havc

been thrown bodily out of .John

son's ol'tiee and by .Johllson.In fact he displayed his grcat

est knowlcdgc , ; ;t rcng th and wis

dom hetwecn the agcs o f 70 and 78.

The conclnsion to be drawn from

the rccord o f this one "old man"

and also from the careers of "ninc

old mcn" is that onc's primc of l ifc

and service depcnds to a l arge ex

tent on the individual.

Modernizat ion o f J ap an League Urges Drive Hear i ng on Sign Application

Desc r ib ed Be fo r e Ro t a r y . • Narberth's Boa rd o f Adj us tmen t. _ Agamst Adulteration took ~ n d e r a d v ! s e ~ e n t the question. of

A h is t ory o f Japan since Commo-I grantmg pernllsslon for the erectIOn

Ah , Youth! dore Perry f i rs t v isi ted th e Oriental \L M' B h H Id of a sign approximately 4 by 10 feet

The cri t ic of my a rt ic le c ap ti on ed emp ir e s ev en ty y ea rs a go u nt il t he ower erlon r ~ n c • 0 s in front of the W ~ ' U n e w o o d Inn, 1236"An Ingra te Speaks" is, I b el ie ve , a present was given before th e Bala- Round Table DIscussion Montgomery avenue, after a p ub li c

sevcnteen year old youth. ICynwyd-Narberth Rotary Club Tues- on Food Laws hearing on the matter Wednesday

I admire t he sp ir i t of junior evenIday at the Overbrook Golf Club. night. ,.• • • • • • • • • • • • •though his ideas ar e all wrong be- , The speaker, Lloyd Smith, of Ger- Food l aw s a nd t he legislation per- Spea king in f av or o f t he sign were

cause I , t oo , was a radical at seven- mantown, former t each er and r ep re - t ai ni ng t o t hem wer e discussed at the two officials o f t he B ryn M aw r T'l'ustteen. sentative of the Episcopal Mission in meeting o f t he L ower Merion branch Company, trustees of the property,

(I f i n fl a tion, whose sponsors ar e the flowery kingdom, traced the re- of the League of Women Voters and Max Schoenberger, proprietor of

even now gett ing afraid of, is a last- markab le modernization of the J apan- Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. J. B. the inn.i ng i mp roveme nt in o ur economics ese in less than ,a century. . WeBs was ch ai rman o f t he g roup who Objecting to the size o f t he sign inthen I'll admit I'm t al ki ng t hr ou gh C ha rl es 1\1:. Fltz was c ha Ir ma n of spoke on th e government r egu la t io n a residential neighborhood were sev-

Friday, Apr il 16, 1937 my hat .) the meeting. regarding meat, poul t ry , the shrimp eral r es i dent s o f the vicin ity , wi th

================ I His slur on t he f ai rn es s of OUR Ralph S. Dun ne , c lu b president industry , butter, e gg s a nd milk. George S. Trimb le and George M.

b. d h 1931-32, was welcomed b ac k t o mem- Other phases o f the food l aws were Har'dl'ng as s!lokeslnen.

TOWN was a It cru e , owe ve r.Wit h t he a dv an cement o f a ge a nd b er sh ip . explained by Mrs. Thomas Mills who Schoenberger assured the board that

At thoe F. iftieth D, istr, ict Rotary gave a talk on quack medicines. Mrs. the Wvnnewood Inn \"ould be l'Un onl"(I hope) wisdom h e m ay turn out to ., JConventIOn JI1 AtlantIC CIty on Mon,- WaIter O. Sullivan on cosmetics, Mrs . a s a hl 'gh-elass r 'estaul'all t , that 110be a useful cit izen and not poison the

b td ay w er e W . J am es D re nne n, p re sl - H en ry W. Pos t o n t he adv er t is in g o f dancl'ng or' loud musl'c "'ould be peI '-

community l i ke , he says, the poor u "d en t a nd official delegate; Will iam H. foods an d Mrs. James Gilmore an d Initted.weIl meaning writer does. Durbin, F. Engle Taylor, Dr . Richard Mrs. Robert Wetherald on the foodsHe ha s m y be st wishes at least. C. Mears, Dr. R. M. Staley and Hervey themselves. Mrs. E. Hol t E li a son

(ReaIly) CordialIy yours, IC. Keim. Oth er membe rs a tt en de d g av e a short talk on containers for

WM. J. BUTLER, SR. Tuesday's session. foods.Alvin E. ShulI, first president of AlI urged that steps should be taken

Memor i a l Grouping the l oca l c lub , and J ames P . CarrolI, to make the customer aware of what

Plan is Approved also a past president, were recip ien ts he is b uy in g a nd t o i ns is t that his

of two of the at tendance t roph ies foods and drugs be f ree from adultera

awarded at the in it ial district session. t ion.

Mrs. J. Alden Tifft, president of the

group, and Mrs. Robert Wetherald

were e lec ted del eg at e and alternate

delegate to the State Convention May

Mrs. Marjo r ie T. Flynn, a member 16 , 1 7 and 18.

of the Dramati c S ta ff o f t he Phila- Miss F lo rence Evan s, ch ai rman o f

delphia Inter-State Dairy Council, the Nominating Committee, announcedwi ll g ive an informal talk on the work the election of two vice-chairmen,

o f t hi s o rg ani za ti on a nd a puppet Mrs. John A. Lafore and Mrs. Robertshow at the ne xt m eet ing of the Wethe rald.

\YolUcn's Community Club of Na r-I C. Fenno Hoffman, o f Haver fo rd ,

bcr th , Tuesday af ternoon i n t he Girl gave a short talk on the United Cam

Scout Wing of the Communi ty Build- paign.

ing. The p up pe t s how i s a represen- Mrs. J. Bruce Byall and Mrs. A year's news o f y ou r community

tativc example of the council's visual Arthur Gabel were the hostesses. Tea for $2.

education work was served.

Mrs. Flynn, who is a member of \th e Plays and Players of Philadelphia, FIRE CALLS

f or me rl y pl aye d w it h t he N ar be rt h I Narberth Fire Company:

Players and also at one time in stock. I A "I 12 1') 35 P 1\1 ' fi .Soloist of the af ternoon will be Mrs.1 pI I , ~ . 1 ., gl ass Ie,

C F dK bl J 1\1f' 1\ If tlwvnneWOOdandMontgomervavenues.\

. re ue er, 1'., LISS Luargare 'A'l 2 5 P M fi ld' ~ I S

. '11 b th . t prl 13, ,5 . ., e , >vynne-qUlcr WI c e accompams. ,. M

Th'11 bIt' f ffi wood r oad and CIty lme; 4.15 P. "1

ere WI e an e ec IOn 0 0 cers!fi Id 482 S b'

d. I 11< A th e, a Inc avenue.

prece mg t Ie program. L1"S. l' ur I A '1 14 1 01 AM' '1' d b kSI h

'II b th h t prJ , 1. . . , r al l oa ancat WI e e os ess. bl 69 B 1 1\.<'a aze at , 6 e ac om a ne , menon; ..............................

. 2.23 P. M., field, du e t o ·l'Ubbish fireRepublIcan Women Plan ge tt i ng out o f con trol at 438 Brook-

fo r Next Campaign hurst avenue. '

Page Tw o

at Co-operative Community Newspaperfounded in 1914 by the Nal'qerthCivic Associat ion, and publishedeve1'y F·riday at Narberth, Pa.

Philip Atlee LlvlnJ;'liIlon, PublisherEdwin L. Paxson. EditorAnne Morgan Roberts. Social Editor

Off ice - 209 Haver fo rd Ave. , Narberth

T e l e P h o n e _ N a r ~ 1 0 0 . Cynwyd 811SubscrIption rate, 52 per year In advance

Entered as second-class matter October 13. 1914, at t he Pos t Office at Narberth, Pa" un der the Act of March 3.1179.


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. Lb.

Page Three

Narberth 2324

. . . . 2 Lb .•Jar 25c

. 'l1 Lb. 25c

.29c & 39c bundle

. Doz. 29c & 39c

.2 Large Cans 39c

C om e i n an d let us

which will be exactly

DAVIS'224 Haverford Ave.

With Spr ing comes Base

ball , a nd r ig ht h er e i n N a r

berth y ou c an find a com

plete selection o f equipment

-from "dime" balls fo r

th e kiddies to the bes t fo r

professionals .

The Sports WorldOPENS UP





. . . . , 2 8-0l. glasses 25c


- - -.- ----- -- - ------

MATINEE DAILY 2 ~ d o SOc. 7Sc. 1.00 ~ LOCUST

ST. THEATRE· PhiladelphiaBROAD 05< LOCUST STS.-Phone PEN. 7430

To Sunday night. April 18th, when they will witDE'SS the greatest event in all theatrical history I.. , The Gala World Premiete of the picture thatsurpasses "Mutiny on the Bounty" for adventurous excitement-surpasses "The Great Ziegfeld"for spectacular thr il ls- surpasses "The GoodEarth" for deep emotion-surpasses everythingyou've ever seen for sheer greatness I .. .

I Kipling's magnificent story bursts fromthe screen'l/ as the unforgetlable achievementof its giant cast'S and its proud producer, Me!ro·Goldwyn-Mayer I

' : " " ~ N ~ ~ l :


..' COURAGEOUS ... ~ Star r Ing fREDDIE BARTHOLOMEW\\ Spencer LIonel Melvyn


AND 01 8:30 EVERY EVENING-tnc. SUN, SOc, 75c. 1.00 05< 1.50

Belmont Ave. near City Line, Cynwyd

Th e



Convenient ly located on Belmont Avc nu e o nrolling hills abovc th e Scllliylkill River-217

acres. Family lots as low a s $1 50 . Pcrpctual

care assured by invested fund of well over

$500 ,000. V is it or s welcomc.

National Bank ofNarberth• Deposits Insured under th e Gove rnmen t P l an •

• Member of Federal Reserve System •

• Open at 8 A. M. dai ly f o r y o ur convenience •

Fish, Oysters, Fru1ts, Vegetables, Groceries, Prime Meats

237 Haverford Avenue

Narberth 3668 - 3669 Free Delivery

. , .. 2 Lbs. 37c

CHIPSO-flakes or granules. .Lg. Pkg.

Clorox 2 Pint Bottles 25c-Quart

Rap-In-Wax Lunch Paper. , .2 Pkgs. (4 0 ft.)PENN TREATY FANCY


Fruits for Salad, Large Can 27c


Currant J el ly . . .P E NN T REA T Y

Pure Grape Jam,IVINS


Spiced BolognaBURK'S

Meat Loaf . . . .FRESH ASPARAGUS .

Sweet Juicy Florida ORANGES,

An Individually Owned StoreYour local food store ' s future success depends 011 your con

tinued buyi ng . The re f or e , he zcalously guard s the quality

of th e foods he offe rs you!


Values to $10


Model Ha t s

395 and 49 5 w I \ ~ l( ~

Hats by "Luci lle" Reflect theof the True Milliner

... .





Business m en a re a lw ay s o n

t h e a l er t fo r ne w a n d b e tt er

way s t o ge t things done in l e s s

time at lower cost. That ' s wh y

there ar e m or e a n d m or e long

distancecalls ontelephone bills

eve ry day. Thousand s o fexec

ut ives ar e finding new an d

greater uses fo r Long Distance.

In administration, selling, ser

vicing, credit, collections an d

manyo therbusiness functions,

long distance saves time an d

travel, speeds results and low

e rs costs. Can l o ng d i st a nc e

service help yo u r business?

Le t ' s ta lk it over . Call th e

Eus ines s Office.


" I 'm o ne o f t he g ir ls w h o

make up your month ly tele

phone bills. Ou r aim is to make

every bill correct t o t he penny.

Being human we do make a mis

take o nc e i n a while. Bu t th echances of it getting o n y o ur bill

ar e pretty slim because every

item an d ev er y operation where

there's th e sma ll e st chance fo r

e rr or i s c he ck ed an d double

checked before your bill is mailed . We u se t he m o st modern

billing machines t o i ns ur e accu

racy. An d even t he w or k o f th e

machines is verified."

Seized a nd t ak en in execution as theproperty of Elizabeth E. Prescott. Mort·gagor and Real Owner. and to be sold by \

EDWI:>: H. BELLIS. Sheriff.

Down Money $200.00 on each saleSheriff 's Office. Nor ri s town . P a .

March 30. 1937

The imp rovemen ts t h ereon a re a21,S story s tone an d frame house. 26 feet

f ront by 30 feet deep. with 2·story stoneand frame addition 10 feet by 12 feet, with1.story stone addition 20 feet by 16 feet.with 6 rooms on first Roor. 4 rooms andb at h o n second floor. 2 r oo ms o n thirdfloor. cellar. gas. electr ic lights. S p r i n g ~field water . heating sys tem. porch front.4.car plastered garage 40 feet by 16 feet,

UNDER AND SUBJECT to certain build.ing restrictions as t h er e in f ul l y se t forth.

ALL THAT cERTAIN Lot or piece ofground with the bui ldings and improve- , i - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ! l ' (men ta t h ereon erected. Situate in the Bor .

ough of Narberth. County of Montgomery.and S tate of Pennsylvania. bounded anddescribed as follows, to wit:


15c a linefor Both Newspapers

Count five words to l ine

Phone : NARBERTH 4100

-will be accepted UP to Wednesday, 5 o·clock. tor Friday's Issues.

ALL THAT CERT/\IN lot or piece of Ig ro un d w it h t he b ui ld in gs and improve·nw n ts t h er e on e r ec t ed . Situate in t he B or .ough of Narberth. County of Montgomery.and State of Pennsylvnnia. bounded nnd(It-scribed according La a c e rt a in s u rv e y

t h er e of m adc as follows, t o w it :

Rooms WantedOXE 01' TWO n i c e l ~ ' fUl'nished roomswith usc of hath. "'I'ite SE;\L eal'e of

OUI Town. !\'arlH'rth. ( ~ 8 )


Bridal Room, Second Floor

Better Suits,Coats-

Second Floor

the Spring Bride

the Fortnight for

Vogue's Finds of

Porosa topcoat,


Leonora Ormsby designed

this wedd ing f ro ck , 6 pr in

cess gores of starched white

o r ga ndi e ove r wh it e f ai ll e ,

Going-away suit

of Fors tmann ' s

Porosa ••• $45.



16, 1937 ~ ~ ~ ; ~ !W. F. Francis Will Wed UNDER AND SUBJECT to I. t Mortgagelll•••••· · · · · · · · · I i I ! ! = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = e ~= I THE FIRESIDE 1\ Eva Desimone on Saturday of T $ h 4 : 0 1 : : : ~ v e m e n t . thereon are a


2 If: •• t ory . to ne and p la .t er ed h ou .e 18

Mr. and Mrs. Spencer V. Smith, of I T he m ar ri ag e o f Miss Ev a Desi- feet front by 36 feet deep. with 3 room. on. d ht f M d M C A first floor. 3 room. and bath on second

Hampden avenue, will entertam at a mone, aug cr 0 r. an rs. . · floor. a tt ic . cel la r. ga. . e lect ri c l ight •.house p a rt y t hi s week-end in honor \Desimone, of 166 Stoneway lane, Bala, Springfield water. heating .ystem. enclosed

of Mrs. Smith's t wi n s is te r, . Miss ian d Mr. William F O \ ~ l e s Francis, son front porch.Eleanore M. Clare, of BaltImOre,\ o f M r. G eo rg e FranCIS, of Penn Val-I Seized and taken in execution a. thewhose marriagp . to Dr. David Ander- l ey , w il l take place t h is Sa tu rday property of Guy Croyle and Marion Lewisson, of Glasgow, Scotland, will take I morning at eleven o'clock in S t. Mat - Croyle. hi. wife. and to be sold by

place in July. The guests will be \ th ia s Ch urc h, Bala. Th e Reverend EDWIN H. BELLIS. Sheriff.Mrs. Robert W. Garis, Mrs. Carl Ant hony B. Dunn, will officiate. EXPERT RESTYLING

S J 1\1

' K th ' Koller I 'd '11 b d d b h ALL THAT CERTAIN lot with tenement o f You r Last Year's Hatpeer, r., ISS a erme ,T Ie bl'l e WI e atten eye r thereon. situate In the Borough of Nor·

Miss Dorothy Wagner, Miss Lou is eIsister, Mrs. Paul Golden, as matron berth. Montg. Co.. Pa. "By Skilled Milliners"

Breginzer and ~ i s s Bernadine Bun-Iof honor an d Mr. George ~ Francis BEGINNING in middle of Homewood Ave. ~ ·Z,i: , .129 S. 18th St.Inecke, a ll o f Baltimore. Iwill act as b es t m an fo r hIS brother. 250' N. 20' 26' W. from junction of middle Near Walnut

Miss Clare , a ft e r h e r marriage to \ A recep tion will follOW the cere- line of Homewood Ave. with middle line of PhiladelphiaSabine Ave. Thence in front along Home·Dr. Anderson, will r e si de i n Glasgow, mony at the home o f t he b ri de 's p ar - woo d Ave . 25' and extending in depth You r O ld Felt Ha tScotland. lents. 151.57'. and Expertly Reblocked 75c

Mr. and ~ I r s . Smith " ' ~ ' i l I also enter- .Upon their r e ~ u r n f r o ~ a ~ e d d i ~ g The improvements thereon are a French Dry Oeanedtain at a dmner and bridge on Satur-I t rI p , Mr . FranCIS an d hIS bride Will 2'story plastered house. 30 feet front by • • • • • • • • • • • •••••16 feet deep. with 3 rooms on first floor. 3day evening to celebrate th e birthday Ireside at t he Argyl e Apartments in rooms and bath on second fioor. cellar. gas, 1----------------.:.-----------------of he r sister a nd herself. Bala-Cynwyd af ter May 1. electric lights. Springfield water, heating I i I: () L I I: § %

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Heath, of system. porch front. They're most important right now!

Shirley road, left Tue sd ay by a ut o- Scout Commissioners to Meet Seized and t aken in execution a. the show y ou t he new coiffures--one ofmobile for Boston. Mrs. Heat h will The Apri l meet ing of t he Main Line property of William T. Harris. Jr .. Mort· what you're looking for.gagor . and Loganian Building and Loan

return Sunday. District Neighborhood Commissioners Association. Real Owner, and to be sold by SUZANNE JORET GILLMrs. Dona ld F. Torrey, who ha s Iwill be held Monday evening at 8 EDWIN H. BELLIS. Sheriff.

been spending some t im e i n F lo ri da , o'clock at the horne o f F ra nc is M. 216 Dudley Avenue

will return Sunday to her home on Brooke, Jr., M or ri s a ve nu e, Br yn

Brookhurst avenue. Mawr.

Mrs. Sydney Trotter, of E ssex ave-nue, entertained at a tea Monday af - 1907 Sewer Bond Paid

ternoon in honor of Mrs . T homa s I Among the bills approved by Bor-__, I ,Jackson, of New. York., f ormerl y o f I ough Council t hi s mon th w as one fo r BEGINNING at a point on the Westerly


h h t D side of Essex Avenue at the distance ofN ar e rt , w 0 IS monng 0 own-! $9000, the final payment on the 1907 652.56 feet from its intersection with theingtown, Pa. \ Sewer Bond Issue to t he W es t End Southerly side of Price Avenue. be ing a

Mr. and Mrs. Henry W.oolman, Jr."1 Trus t Company. The issue financed corner of land now or late of W. j. Baily;thence leaving Essex Avenue by land ofof Cresbrook Farm, WIll en ertam t he f ir s t sewers l ai d i n Narbe rt h . said W. j. Baily. South 78 degs. 30 mins.at a d inner and bridge this Friday West 135 feet to other land now or late ofeven ing in honor of Miss Helen D o r o - \ l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , Elizabeth E. Prescott. thence by land ofame South II degs. 30 mins. East 116.65

thy Lafore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Classified feet to a point ; thence North 70 degs. 38John Armand Lafore, of Penn Valley, mins. East 136.29 feet to the Westerly side

Ad. of Essex: Avenue. t he nc e a lo ng t he s ai d side

whose marriage to Mr. Edward For- vertlsements of Essex Avenue North II degs. 30 mins.I stall, son of Mr . \Val ton Forstal l, of West 100 feet to the place of beginning.

Rosemont, will t ake p lace May 29 at Being known as No. 226 Essex A,·enue.-wl1l be charged only to residents

P en n V al le y Farms. Miss Lafore whose names appear In the tele-will also be the guest of honor at a phon e d irect ory o r to SUbscribersto OUR TOWN or the NEWS OFluncheon Saturday to b e g iv en by BALA-CYNWYD.

Miss Mary Oakford, daughter o f Mrs.

James W. Oakford, of Haverford, and

also at a luncheon an d shower to be

given at Green Hill Farms by 1\Irs.

Amos Dot terer, of Wayne.Mrs. Verna R . Woodcock, o f Mont

gomery avenue, spent several days in

Altoona, visiting he r parents, Mr. \and :l\I rs. J. A. D ougherty. l,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;J

Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Minick, of Wind-\ For Sale1:01 avenue, had as their week-end I BOOK HOUSE -Complet e w it h 8 vo lgue st s, Mr. a nd M rs . \ViIliam Zern , urnes-pract ica l ly new. Phone Cynwyd

of Altoona, who were on their way for 924. 6-8 P. M. (to

a stay in Atlantic City. At Your Ser"iceMiss Margaret Bailey, of Narbrook RELIABLE CARPENTER, alterations.

P ar k, a nd Miss Roberta Staley, of screenings. Gottlieb Esslinger. 122 ConAvon road, will en te r ta in a t a party way avenue. Cal l Narberth 3748-R. (to

M d

. h f DRAPERIES. Slip Covers, Venefian

and shower next on ay 111 onor 0 blinds. Awnings. Furniture, UpholsterMiss Jane Kolb, daughter of Mr. and l ng , B eddings. Rugs c leaned . r epai redMrs. \V. S. K ol b, of Have rf o rd ave- a.nd stored. Challenger. 281 Montgomeryavenue. Cynwyd. Phone, Cynwyd 86.

nue. whose marriage to Mr. Geo rge Formerly with John Wanamaker. (t o

D. ' L e e ~ , o f Roxbo rough, will take UPHOLSTERING and rep . S pr ings o fplace April 29 in the Narber th Metho- 3-pleee suitel!l repaired. $10; Chair recovered. $6. Go anywhere. Cal l Lewis,dist Church. 227 E. Lancas te r ave . Wayne 1496.

M i s ~ Kol b w il l a lso b e t he g ue st CARPENTIeR - BUILDI;;R - }i;slimateso f h on or at a party to be g iv en o n checrfully furnished. Jobbing pr9mptly

at tended to. Leander V.'icl<rnan. 305 Con-Wednesday, April 21, by Miss Kuth- way a\' e. Narberth 3888. (to

crine Jane Miller, of N. Narberth -----avenue, and Miss Katherine Wheeler, Real Estat e for Rel ito f Sch il l er avenue, at the h om e o f \\'f'st Phila.-Pine 5038. Beau. Sec. Comb.>;l1h. w it h Ci ty Con \'. a dj . Blk. OakMiss \Vheeler. I"ll']<. Enll House. 6 hrms. H. \Y. H.I\1r. and Mrs . \Vi lI iam Bai ly Good- ~ ' ( ) o d pOlIlL mod. $,,0 1110. cynn. 8,,2, (28)

al l, of DUlll"y avenue, arc on u motor

Fl'om Vogue ' s trip to t he S ou th , . isiting various

t f t ~ ~ ~ Trousseau places in Virginia, including Williams-

' Lim i t ed , - burg and Charlottesville.I ~ The Fortnightly Cl ub w il l meet

,4'1 Rcdingote an d this F l' iday afternoon at t he h ome o f NOT ICEdrcss fo r after- \Mrs. Edward C. Batchelor on Chest- Xotice to holders of Part icipat ion Cer-noon, b ot h o f a nul avenue. tilkatc,: issued to Depositors of the Nar-

"" d bl _ h c A su rp r is e shower was given lastl hel'lh NatlOllal R'.'nk:r II 51 ou c s e r , , . . ' Upon Ilresentatlon of the above CerU-g ,p crepe •• $29.95. 1 h u r s ( h t ~ ' at t he h ome o f MISS, Lllhan \ f ic at e t he l lr st c1i"illend, wil l he payable

j ). Campbell, 8 Schiller avenue, Penn at," the J','ational B ~ n k of ?\arberth on and


MIsses' Shop \' II . I f 1\1 P I" I alte!' April 1. 1!13/., 'a ey, m IOnor 0 r ~ au \.01- 1'RUWI'EES

' t \ Second Floor lert. .' . ( I I . , /,' ?\AHBEWl'li J','.\TIOXAL BA"'K.

"'-1\.A IA Mrs. "'ohlert IS t he f o rmer I \ 1 I ~ S I, .:1)

f i f i d ' . ~ Carol 1\lason, of Cynwyd. SHERIFF'S SALE~ W \ ' - / _ Mrs. El lward Jones , of S. Narberth By virtue of various writs. issued out of

I""' A\. I a\·enlH'. wiIl entertain her club at the Court of Common PI"as of Montgomery,. \} County. Penna" to llIe directed. will be

t _ fJ luncheon and br idge next \Vednesday. sold at Public S al e o n

• 1:.. ./ . 1\11'. and Mrs. Fnmk A. Bedford,.11'., of Penn Valley, wiIl entertain at WED:>:CSDAY. I\PRIL 28, 1937

t he pe rf o rmance of La Tosca b y th e at 12.00 o 'c1ock, Noon, Eastern StandardCivic Grand Opera Company on Tues- Time. in Court Room " /\ " a t the Court

I iouse, in th e Bo ro u !; h o f Norristov ... n. said

day evening. County, the follo\ving described Real Es·

!\lr. an d 1\1rs. E. L. Slllith, of 114 la tc :

Mcr ion avcnu e, who hav c been spend

ing the winter in St. Petersburg,

Florilla, will return this Saturday.

Mr. and 1\1rs. JoO'eph A. I - I o n g l < ~ r ,o f Mer io n road, have rcturned from

a \ \' l' ek 's automobile trip to DetroitamI Toronto. I 3 E G I N ~ I N G a t a point in the middle line

Mrs. Robert J Nash and her of ~ l o n t g o m e r y Avenue 66 feet w i d ~ at the'\. dIstance of 429.84 feet Southeastwardly

daughters, Miss ,Jane Nash anti Miss from a spike marking the intersect ion ofNancy Nash, recent ly returned from th,- middle line of said Montgomery Avc'ln U t ~ an d Narberth Avenue 50 fect \'Vide;

an automobile trip thro ug h the thence along the middle line of Montgom· \


I South , wlwre they visited ten colleges cry A\'enue South 59 deI'S. 32 mins. 30st'conds East. 60 feet, t h ( ~ n c c South 30

I in Virginia and South Carolina. r!<-::s. 27 mins. 30 sf'conds West 17h.24 feetl1 to n p oi n t. t h en c e N o rt h 2 6 c l eg s. 18 mins. \: W C TUM t' M d Wf'st i l .68 feel to a point. thence NorthI •••• ee Illg 011 ay In degs. 2i mins. 30 seconds East 137 feetI The Narberth \V. C. T. U. willmcet, to the first mentioned point and place of I


1\1I' " t 2 ~ P l\I . t l, If' b.·ginninl:. Being known IlS No. 920'

onl . 1 ,\ .' • " l t 1l' IOnIC 0 ; \Iontgomery A"enue (formerly No. 47). I

!\irs. C. A. McIntire, 218 Wayne ave-; " " = = ~ = = = = = = = = = = = = = \~ I-I 1\1rs. Elwood Shannon, of Cynwyd,: '


w il l be the spealwr. \

Mcmber of Gypsy Chorus IMiss Peg-goy MacGutlin, daugh te r o fI

1\11. and Mrs. Ralph D. l\IacGuffin, of,

Merion. was a member of t he Gypsy IDancing Chorus in th e production of i

================== I"La ' l ' raviata" at the Academy of MU-\5 s ic o n Monday evening.

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.... ' i " · ' \ ~ ' · " ~ · · - · ~ : ~ . ' , ' ~ ,"- I . . : ~ " , ; ; •. ". ' - ~ . ' . ~ .. , ~

Page Four OUR TOWN April 16, 1937




Rittenhollse 9090


1714 Walnut Strcet

171di,'idllally Designed


Peter Stalll, 3d, and John Starn ar e

both members of th e Men's Glee Club

of th e college.

Miss Janet McClay, daughter of

Mrs. J. H. McClay, of Essex avenue,

has been spending the spring vaca

tion at he r home. Sh e is a member

o f th e Whea to n Chap el Choir an d

broadcast over r ad io s ta ti on W MBI

(Moody Bible In st i tu t e) j u st before

she l ef t f or h er vacation.






Specializing in Children's CorrectiveShoes . F oo t hea lt h is important to

the normal growth of children.

Ollr book 011


gratis 011 reqllest

Tlii;.> } l i l ' ( , \ ' l ( l ry aPIH.'an-l ill Fi\·l.'

)1;1 ill Lil le n t · \ \ · ~ p a J l I ' r ~ - T i l l ' " ' ~ r a i l lLilli ' !"" ill AnlrllOI'( ' , "The : \ " I ~ W S "oi Bala-c'YIl\\ ',Yd, "Tho .0;(,w:-;" of

Ira \"('rfo!"(l Townsh ip , "U lU' T O \ \ ~ I I "( lUI' Philadelphia l :( 'IIl '( ·l--=l ' l ItatiYcs.

St., will fUl'lIioh full illforlllatIolI,


F OO T H EA LT H INSTITUTE1623 Chestnut S t. RIT 8570

FLOWERING SHRUBSFlowering Almond. Althea. But ter.fly Bush , Dpu tz ia . F or sy th ia , Hyd ra ng ea . Lilacs, Moc k Or an ge .J apal ll 's e Quince. S pi raea (Br idalWreath). Wcigc li a. S tr awbe rry

Shrub. 35c ea .. 3 for $1.00. Postpaid.FREE80·Page Catalogue Describing Them

I. N. SIMON &: SO N 529 Market St.Dept. H Phila.

' Y n Y I I t . , ~ ,~ ( l , l ~ t h

mEmoRIAL/ / lnCE 1868



week meditations for April ar e from

the book of Daniel.


WUR l I T Z ER ' S1031 Chestnut Street

Your pictures deserve the care andattention our laboratory will givethem.




of Xarhe l ' t l t , "Suhl1rl l :l11" ill

.:\e\"illl' & 1 Iitl.'h i 1 11 . - lne .. J:!

tl ' !CpItOIlC' "'alllut O!l(HI,




You can now 11 ~ l O W l c ~ o ~ ~ : n per weekSaxophone Pay for Both--Xylophone a Brand NewBanjo Instrument and

or any Musical 55 Private Les.Instrument sons.

JOHn m.GE/ /LER/fon./: Inc.

Since 1840Luggage That Lasts






a re b ri ng ing the ir




BIDE-A-WEE STUDIOS134 So. 15th S t. , P hi la .





Art: Costume Design: DressmakIng;24-Hour Deli,'ery and Home Management; Interior Decora-

MacCALLUM STORES Mail Service tion; :lliIlinery; Brides' Classes,

llO So. 16th S t. RIT 9200 MacCALLUM STORES S PR IN G G ARDE N I NS T IT U TEE"erything Photographic 110 So . 1 6t h RIT 9200 Bro ad an d Sp ri ng G ar de n S tr ee ts

Everything Photographic POP 3106 Philadelphia

b O ~ b T N U T B A IN S ~ t J ~ S T N U TLeather Goods

D 0 M IN I C Chartered by the Commonwealth ofVERANTI, INC. Pennsylvania since IBiD ] . E. LIMEBURNER CO .

1721 WALNUT STREET ZECKWER-HAHN Dispensing Opticia71s for 44 Years

ORIGINATORS O F T HE LADIES' PHILA. MUSICAL ACADEMY 19 3 Ch STAILORED SUITS 1617 S S 2 cstnut treetp ru ce t re et~ ~ f t l t ~ ~ D C ~ t W ~ 1 $65 W ~ ~ E SUMMER COURSE begins JUNE 28

. (A full season's credits)F..9r over a third of a century Dommic .has been cuttin/,:o fitting and per son- Regul ar FALL TERM beginS Sept. 13 51 W. CheltenAve. 814 Lancaster Ave.

11 __; _ ~ _ I r _ h _ ~ _ u _ r I d _ e _ r e _ i ~ _ l ~ _ ~ _ ~ d _ ~ _ J ~ _ ~ _ m _ ~ _ ~ _ ~ _ ._ m _ a _ k _ i n _ g ~ O _ f _ I I _ ~ _ ( _ R _ e _ g _ i s _ t r _ a _ l J _ '_n_,_w_e_e_k_o_f_S_e_p_t_. _ 7 _ ) ~ _ I __G _ e _ r m ~ a _ n _ t o _ w _ n _ ~ ~__ B ~ r y _ n _ M _ a _ w _ r ~ _II

ALL eghny 0132

BROOKMEAD wishes to

announce THE S I L V E R

MEDAL FO R GUERNSEYMILK at the Harrisburg, Pa"

Fa rm Show was won by Che s

te rbrook Farm, owned b y Mr s.

]. Packard Laird, Berwyn, Pa .

Th is o ut st an di ng h er d is on e

of the main producers of


Th t PrtSbyttrian Church ,Rev. Arche r E . Ander son, Pastor : Th e finest an d widest select ion ofSunday: all foreign an d domest ic cameras

9 .45 A . 1\1.-Bible school.

11 A. M.-l\!orning worship. Theme:

"The Expe ri ence of P en tecos t. "11 A. I t . -The junior church, con

duc te d by Mrs. D igby and Mrs. COOke.,

AFor three-quarters of a Gentury the first

C LL THE I choice of discriminating PhiladelphiansServing the Main Line for 35 Years DiartlOtld IIferchatlts and Jewelers

N CNM'elties atld Fa,'ors I

ew Deal Junk 0 i MAR 0 N W M. SH EW ELL ELLIS STUDIOS We specialize in Longines and Hamilton

Highest Prices Paid For • 11525 Walnut Street RIT 3680 1425 Chestnut Street A I ; - V . j ' . , t ~ ~ k ~ e . f a a r l ; ~ ~ ~ e dPAPER, RAGS, mON 11__ ~ F ~ o ~ u ~ n ~ ~ ~ h ~ I _ . _ . ~ T ~ e = a _ ' _ . ~ L = u ~ n ~ c = h ~ o = n ~ _ I ~ R _ I t _ t _ e n _ h _ o _ u _ ~ _ 9 _ ~ _ 3 ~ 2 _ 7 _ S _ ~ _ 1 7 _ t _ h _ & _ r _ f t _ t L_O_C_0_1_1_9

and METALS 11 __C_H_I_M_N_E_Y_C_L_E_A_N_I_N_G__ 1_r=R:;;;;U ..G= C..;::;E::;:A:::;:N=-7IN = G = = _ = = , - I _ . : . . : H : . : . . . . A : . : I R : . . . : : : ; ; ; ; R ; ; E ~ M : ; O : ; V ~ I : . : N . : : G ~ - = = - - : - _ IWe ...· il l eall anywhere-al'Y time I A Modern and Complete Chimney, ~ 'rerrt'"illn ::cf.J. I} Superfluous Hair

at your con ,' en ienee HEATER a"d FIREPLACE SERVICE a'" NG ' • . . REMOVED FOREVER

WI I I R ·Z We correct your chimney worries . VG CLEftlNI .., d ' I10 esa e eta, I Ch ' ,'";._.,,,.., R nt.P

das Ad. ...n worry ovor unslght y hair, on- - Imneys Scraped, Brushed and Ul ' ' '1- • I face, lLrtD" l.gs or any part of the

SAM. SCHLESINGER I Vacuum Cleaned COlte No r d G o O r · O · D G H . ~ U S E I < . E E P I N G . . ,body. Call and have us relDove ttQUICK REASONABLE v.rtiled In .Ihe MI·RITA Way. Bafe and Sure.

Dally 7 A. M. to 5,30 P. M. Estimates Cheerfully Given NO X·RAY _ NO ELECTRIC NEEDLE

N. W. Cor. 5 6t h a nd V in e Sts. PHILADELPHIA CHIMNEY SWEEPS DR. MARGARET RUPPERT33rd a nd Arch Sis. EVE 1680 3731 WJU.NUT ST. , 'PBIIJL lult. 802-R.al Ellat. Tn.llt Bldg.

, .• , Cor. Brold A Ch.ltnut KIN,II.y 0110



Constipated 30 Years

"For thi rt y y ea rs I had s tu bb or nconstIpntloll, awful gas bloating, headaches an,l "alns in t he buc!e. Adlerilmhelpe<1 rig-ht away. Now, I eat sausage, bananas. " ie . anything I wanta nd n ev er f el t bettcr."-lIIrs, MabelSchott . At all Leading Druggists ,

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Merion 1301





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Town sh ip R el ie f C as es Less

Rclief ca"p;; in Lower Merion

Township dropped l a; :t \ \' eck from

f ifty to forty-five; Narberth's remained thl' ~ a m c , at four families.


Lo w Sprmg Prices-dollars

a to n l es s n ow t h an l a t er

p lu s N ewt on Coal quality

- m akes this m onth th etime for you to bu y coal.

Phone Ardmore 2550

or ALL. 8400 - West 5201

; - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ ! Baseball at Wheaton College

Keeps You th From V ~ c a t i o n

Take this tip-

I11 A. M.-Children's nursery, un -

Ch h N t Idel' the supervision of Mrs. Gilfillan.

urc 0 es I 6.45 P. M.-The three Christian

IEndeavor groups. N F Wh C II. Parker Woolmington, of 23 Nar- ews rom eaton 0 ege

I hrook Park, will no t b e a bl e t o s pe nd Narberth Methodist Episcopal 7.45 P. M.-Narberth's happy Bible Miss Mary Hos le r, who w as f or -

Ihis spring vacation period at home Rev . W. Vernon Middleton, M in is te r h ou r. S er mo n: "The Church That merly accompanis t for t he Woman 's

I this year, because he has b ee n s e- Sunday , Apri l 18: ~ o r g o t . " Th,e Sunday even ing serv- Glee Club of Wheaton College, Wheat-

"!" '- TOMMY MACKLIN !Iccted t o p l ay f i rs t base on the varsity 9.45 A. M.-":Church School. 1\1:0- Ices fo r Apl'll take up th e study of on, Ill., a nd now is conservatory sec-

. Ibaseball team of Wheaton College, tion p i ct u re s o f t he mi ss ionary work IRev. retary and assistant to Mr . PeterAfter dropping games to EPlscopa l 'l Wheaton , I l l inois , where he is a in Alaska. I Tuesday: Starn, Jr., f o rmer r e si den t of N ar -

Haverford School a nd S pr in g City sophomore. Thr ee g ames will be 1\1 M " W' I ' D i 8.15 P. M.-Community Bible class. be rt h , i s v i si ti ng Mr. an d Mrs. Clar-

High School, Lower Merion tUl'l1cd on playcd by the Wheaton t eam duri ng I E 11.OOdAH· K'-II °cd

nJ1lgOtIS UP'f 11"1 Wednesday: c nc e H . Woo lm in gt on , o f N ar br oo k

tl h t 'll T d ft I'· '. (war . 01 st t, secre ar y a t Ie I 8 P 1\1 P t' Th 'dle eavy ar I ery ues ay a ernoonIt Ie sprmg' vacatIOn. B d f H M" 'll hl"- rayer mee mg. e ml - Park. Subscribe now; $2 a year.

in Ilnr initial ~ a r t in S U ~ ~ M oU3 po Ilmne , R m E M ~ ~ r t h ~ P R ~ . • • • • • • • •8&••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •Last year Woolmington wa s a mem- 3 J

f A h' t' f I h' t . 0 . .- Ulllor pwo ague.wa r are. com lI1a IOn 0 goO( I - bel' of the \Vhea ton foo tba ll squad 6.45 P. M.-Intermediate an d Senior I

t ing by Hen tos h, S ev er s, Wi ls on and I an<1 this Vl'ar he won his letter on the. Epworth ~ a g u e s .Ryder, plus fine pitching by Rydcr soccer tcam. I

and a few miscues by th e U pp er 7.45 P. M.-Evening Worship with iHe is also Sergeant-at-arms of th e I

Darby t eam, t ,nahled Coach Fcttcr's sermon.

Celts Literary Society of th e college. Isquad to retul'll \ \ ; th 12-to--1 victory. In ] D34 an d 1935 he wa s a member Tuesday, Apr il 20:

While basehall docs not share thc of the Lower Mer ion b as eb al l team 8.00 P. M.-Friendship Circle Bible Iintcrest that track and field sports and was also a member of th e soccer Class musicale . !enjoy a long t he Main L ine , s ti ll it is team of L. M. f or t hr ee ye ars. H e Wednesday, April 21: IeELMONTAVENUE & LEVE. 'NC MILL .OAO

11('WS when Lower Mc rio n defcats an played on t he N a rb er th Boys' Club 8.00 P. M.-Prayer service. I CYNWYD. PA ,

Upper Darhy hascball ninc, The fact basketball team before leav ing ' fo r Th ursd ay , April 22:

that t he g ame waf; played on cnemy Whea ton . G,30 P. lVL-Junior choir. I C"ce,.vCCD ,.£c c n ' ~ ' D , 'ccsoil makes t he f act more n c w s ~ " . 8.00 P. 1\L-Choir rchcarsal.

Bas eb al l i s s uc h an unccrtain game Narberth Bridge Club Ias play('d by h igh s eh oo l b oy s, s o I do H

April 9-Top scorc, I \1rs . C. A. oly T ..i ,Jity Lutheran Churchnot entcrtain ton muc h h op e that

P e ' ~ n ' ' ' , ' and 1\11 s,s Anlla V. Fole' .·" .s"c- Rev C l e t u ~ A Senft Pastor Iuesday's exhibition will be repeatcd ". ' - ., . " . ,

too often this season, Lower 1\Ierioll and place, l\Irs. Frank X. Pm'cell and 1\Iargaret Squier, Organist

is not addieted to tht, habit of tUl'lling' :\Irs. Walter J. Scott. The t h ir d Sunday after Eas ter . I

ou t winning diamond performcrs and April 10-N. and S. top, \VilJiam April 18:

it is too much to e xp ec t that they will Thompson and 1\1rs. C. B. Stoudt; f lA5 A. 1\L-Bible School. !~ d i f f c ~ n t t h i s y ~ ~ s I T o o d ~ a ~ , M r & Q ~ G o o d y e a r a n d 11.00 A. 1 \ L - T h e m o l ' l l i n g ~ r r i c ~ I • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • •

1',(1, M ~ E. C Gri swcl d; E . and W ~ p Theme, " C h r i ~ i a n A t t i ~ d ~ . " I j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~)'dcr's work should be ('ommelJ( , ;;: ==

H I b f J :.\11. and !\Irs. C. A. Hammer; second GA5 P. 1\1.-Scnior and Intermedi - . . . . . . . . . . ... ...e struc i: ou t a out t t 'n 0 t 1C oJlJ1osi-, " 1 I II tJI" placc, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford D. Good- a t e Lu thc r Leagues, jtJon in Ecven IllJlIng's all( Ie ( , I

WIll. 7.45 P. M.-The Vcsper Scrviceusua lly hard-h itt ing' Upper D a r b ~ ' .combination to foul ' h i t" , This is fin(' April 12-ToJ l score, \Villiam Boyle Theme, "A Good King."

twirl ing and if sonlt' o f h is mates call and Joscph Cooney. I Tuesday, 8.00 P. M.-Bl·otherhood

equal his Icague debut t hc t eam may The women's division of the club, Rally, Zion Church, Olney.do some fine things, bC'ginning April 22, will meet for Thursday, 9.30 to I -Bake sale at

* " duplicate at 1.30 instead of on Friday /243 Haverford avenue.

afternoons. F r i d a ~ ~ 4 M . - C h ~ r r e h e a ~ f ~ ; ~ ~ - ~ - ~ ~ - ~ - ~ ~ - ~ - ~ ~ - ~ - ~ ~ - ~ - ~ ~ - ~ ~ - ~ . ~ ~ - ~ . ~ ~ . ~ . ~ ~ _ ~ . ~ ~_ ~ . ~ ~ _ ~ _ ~ ~ . ~ ~ _ ~ _ ~ ~ _ ~ _ ~ ~ _ ~ _ ~ ~ _ ~ _ ~ ~ _ ~ _ ~ ~ _ ~ _ ~ ~ _ ~ _ ~ ~ ,The s en ior high tra('k team 01'('11" With th e idea of s t imulat ing inter - sal. I BOYS' CAMP FURS MILLINERY

up i l i i s w ~ k , nlt'cting M ~ i a at hl)lll" ( ' ~ i n b c t ~ r ~ n ~ a c t b r i d p , i l i e N a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 7 \ - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _on \Vedncsday and t rave l ing ' to : \ ' o r ~ berth Bridge Club d es ir es t o havc Baptist Ch"rch of the Evangel I OCEAN WAVE A V ~ ~ ~ N ; e ~ ' J. ';&"" C::o ~ l I tl'istOWll on S at ur da y. T he r es ul ts of 'I If' I Sail the CoVE'S of Captain Kldd; hunt for OJ

WIt 1 t ICIll or one evelllnO' date to Robert E Rel 'g n' ton MI'nl'ster his buried (6 9 9 ) t re as ur e! So ut h J er se \' _ ..thc mect tomOl'!'nw at Rno",'\,(.!t Fi('I,1 I "" , I ., beach, Usual sports , 50 boys, Directo'r '. I . : J ~ . I : I ' ' . •will g i \' e a fairly <lceuratt· I'ie-tul'<' ,,;'1 b(' a l l J ~ o l 1 J I I C e d I la t, er , a ~ c n t l e l 1 l a l l k l of Stanley T. Reiff, Organist t rained in Psychology and Hygiene, Hus-

'r('cognIZc( aut lOnty to gl\"e ' \ ta "o n Frida,.', Apri l 16 : sell Ho!':eland. Associate. Booklet. Mainwhat m a ~ ' be expedt'd frll11l th .. "' Iuad' ", Line references, 1714 ' \ NA I -NUT ST.

this y e a ~ the game. 8 p, 1\1.-Minstrel Show g iven by W. M. LUTZ, M.A. PHI LAD E L P H I A

TIl t' e luh \ \' ould bc g lad to ha ve as th e Men' s Ass oc ia ti on . Tickets- Penn A. C. Rittenhouse Square, Phila. ",et store furs" PE", 0510t h ~ r ~ e ~ s a n Y M e i n ~ r ~ ~ d ~ t h e t h i r t ~ f i ~ c ~ t s . 1 1 1 - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ - - - I - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ ~ ~ _ ~ _ I _ ~ __~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ __ ~ ~ __Lower :l1t'rinn .TUllioI' lliph :O;chonl BOTTl.ED GAS HATS

!)]'o!1Osed meeting. Sunda'l.· API'}'1 18' SCHOOl . S -SECRETARIALurnished " I '0 r t w i th t\\11 e h : l l l ~ p i o l l ' n .

In o ~ c r t o g c l M idca a ~ u t ~ w fl.45A. M , - T h e ~ U I T h ~ h o c l . 1 - - ~ ~ ~ - ~ - ~ ~ - - ~ ~ - - - I ; F ~ ~ ~ 2 ~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ = ~ = = ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ S ~ - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ =the ]Iw't w('ek, Onto (If th. ·" ,· hny.' many persons may wish to take ad- 11 A. 1\1.-Morning worship. Ser- ' PYROFAX GAS o r p r ~ m l ~ ; ~ ~ S M ~ I ~ t f ~ : f : ~ m ~ ; d w l ' : h a n y ecIleltvti.al.urned i ll a \\'ol'ld'" l't'cllnl, ",hilt, th(· FELTS and PANAMAS I Abo hort 'III

antage of this opportunity, a tele- mOil: "The Way of Obligation." BOTH LAD IES' a nd MEN'S Shorth;nd T ~ i n 1 7 B ~ ~ k " k : InWOIl a Philadt ' lJ ihia ch: .l Ilpi

nll- phom' call to Fred Moyer, chairman 7 P, l\I.-Young people 's meeting. "Complete Gas Cookillg Service If your hat needs renovating, cal l 011 us ing, ~ : r ; ~ ~ ~ a , . r ~ . ! : ~ / i l . n o n g . : t ~ : .

for Homes BeYOl ld the Gas JIclains" and we will serve you as we served >'our .. -Bill Hou"'on. C,\'n\\'.\'d. \\"011 a of the Committee on Membership, \V cclnesday, April 21: parents. Day SIS-Monthly-Night 56

,, "o ul d he a ]J pl 'c ci at cd . Tc le lJ ll on e 8 P I I I -Tile pastor's cla"'s A dlS PHILADELPHIA FURNACE CO . L. T. MUENCH PHILADELPHIA SECRETARIAL SCHOOLworld's chall1pion"hip \\'jth hi,; mndel . - . . - 17 ·S. 16th Street - LOCUli (GM

airrJlam' at. Con\'('nti"ll 11::11, :'\tlall- Narberth -10--17-\V. cuss ion of the Beatitudes as a way of 1813 Sansom St. RIT 8763 29 So. 17th St. Spruce 1540 37 S c o ~ ~ t ~ n l ~ ~ t r a h ~ f l ' T e r m ~ ~ ~ s 4560There will be a shor t informal gamc livingtic Cit y. Rill flt·\\' hi" Ilhld(' j 101 . .

, IOf duplicate contract after t he t al kminute" 25 ""( ' l I l l l !" t il t il l' t Il l' fOI'Il)('1'r ec ord o f i l1lillllt .. ,; j ~ I ~ e c o n d " , . for those wishing to take part.

Earl Fox. H l ' n l t · ~ ' JoJacl, Ardmol". I

won thc Gre<ltt'r Philadelphia junill]'drumming ('onte:"!, Earl . ~ · a \ ' ( ' :1

demonstration of tilt' llllmht,J'' '' whidl

he played to Will the contt'",t at <1:-'

semhly TUt'",day mOl'ning-, ami tht· dl' cision of the h ( ) ~ ' s and g-irl,; w a "How couid he h av e lo;;t?" Phi ladelphia Art is t s i n Exh ib it

The Junior High opcns the spring The sixth annual cxhibition of

s ea son o f "port.s with a tra('k mcet Philadelphia artists will begin at 8.30

today on PPlll1YjlUckt'r Fidd ag-ain;;l P. 1\1. Wpdnesday \ \ 'i th a formal open

th e high ;;chool SOpIHll1111IPf, Th, · ing ' at the Friends ' Central Country

bascball tcal11 play" Haverford PI'''!, Day School at Overbrook. The exhi

on hOllJe gTounds l1t'xt W ed ncs day . bi ti on will be open to th e public from

April 22 through May 20.

Garden C lub Bridge Party

The Penn Valley Garden Cluh wil l Mrs. Sarah J. Dothard

hold a bridge party at the Philadt'I-/ 2\11'5. Sarah J. Dothard (lied Wednes

ph ia E lect ri c C o m p a n ~ ' aUditorium./ day evening at th e home o f h er son,Wayne, April 22 at 2 P. 1\1. Robcrt J . Dothard, 221 North Wynne-

A shOJi cooking demonstration wil l wood avenue, Narbe rt h , w i th whom

be given following the bridge. A com- she has lived f o r t he last two an d onep le te d i nne r will be g 'i ven away to half y ea rs . S he was 87.

th e winner of the lucky n u m b e ~ Tick- Funeral sc'r\ ' iccs will b e h cl d this

ets may be obtained at the door. Saturday at 2 P. 1\1. Friends may

call at the home from 7 to 9 o'clockDr. King Convention Speaker this Friday evening.

"Financing Education in Pennsyl- She i s a ls o s urviv ed by another son,

vania" wi ll bc discussed by Dr. Le Walter Dothard, of Narbe rt h , and five

Roy A. King this Saturday at the daughtcrs , l'.Irs. Sarah Percival , Wi!

Northea;:tern Convention of the Penn- low Grove ; Mrs . Frank Brown, Newsylvania S tate Education Assoc ia ti on Yo rk C ity ; Mis s Laura Dotha rd and

at Sunbury. Mrs. James Fi tzpatr ick, both o f N a r-

D r. K in g is prcsidcnt o f bo th t he he rt h, al1d Mrs. S amue l Read, Ger

Narberth Sehool Boa rd a nd t he Nar- manto\\'l1.berth Recreat ion Board .