Our Social Media Strategy: Bright Pink

Our Social Media Strategy: Bright Pink An Interview with Carli Feinstein, Marketing & Communications Manager By Melanie Stone crain


Carli Feinstein, marketing and communications manager at Bright Pink, discusses the brand's social media strategy.

Transcript of Our Social Media Strategy: Bright Pink

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Our Social Media Strategy: Bright Pink An Interv i ew with Carl i F e inste in , Market ing & Communicat ions Manager

B y M e l a n i e S to n e crain

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A.  Bright  Pink  is  a  na/onal  non-­‐profit  that  educates,  equips  and  empowers  young  women  to  be  proac/ve  with  their  breast  and  ovarian  health.  We  are  focused  on  the  preven/on  and  early  detec/on  of  breast  and  ovarian  cancer  in  young  women,  while  suppor/ng  high-­‐risk  individuals.    

As  the  Marke/ng  and  Communica/ons  Manager,  I  manage  the  look,  feel  and  voice  of  our  brand  and  develop  strategic  cause-­‐marke/ng  engagements  that  help  us  raise  funds,  generate  awareness  and  inspire  women  to  take  ac/on.  On  a  daily  basis,  my  responsibili/es  include  managing  our  social  networks  (primarily  TwiHer,  Facebook  and  Instagram),  digital  presence  on  BrightPink.org,  design  needs  for  printed  and  digital  assets,  and  collabora/ng  with  our  corporate  partners  to  ensure  we  are  op/mizing  these  engagements  to  deliver  the  most  impacLul  resources  to  young  women  throughout  the  na/on.  

Q.  Tell  us  about  Bright  Pink,  the  non-­‐profit  organiza8on  dedicated  to  breast  cancer  educa8on  and  awareness.  As  the  manager  of  marke8ng  and  communica8ons,  what  are  your  daily  and  long-­‐term  responsibili8es?  

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A.  Our  programs  are  targeted  to  young  women  between  the  ages  of  18  and  45.  We  also  rely  on  the  support  of  stakeholders  of  all  ages  -­‐-­‐  medical  professionals,  corporate  partners,  donors,  etc.  that  help  to  fuel  our  mission  to  ensure  we  can  one  day  reach  the  more  than  52  million  women  between  the  ages  of  18  and  45  in  the  US  with  our  programs.      

Our  interac/ons  on  social  reach  all  of  these  individuals.  First  and  foremost,  we  use  social  as  a  vehicle  to  be  in  constant  communica/on  with  the  young  women  we  currently  serve  or  hope  to  empower  in  the  near  future.  We  post  relevant  news  updates  related  to  breast/ovarian  health,  share  informa/on  on  our  life-­‐saving  programs  and  tools,  and  post  about  upcoming  events  and  ways  for  young  women  to  get  involved.  Addi/onally,  we  recognize  key  stakeholders  helping  to  bring  our  mission  to  life  by  sharing  details  on  our  corporate  partners  and  cause  marke/ng  campaigns  (tagging  and  men/oning  both  the  corporate  personnel  and  the  sales  associates  on  the  floor  delivering  our  programs  to  consumers),  thanking  medical  professionals  and  advisory  board  members  for  collabora/ng  with  us  on  special  projects,  sharing  excitement  for  the  support  of  event  sponsors,  and  celebra/ng  key  fundraisers  and  donors  successes.      

Q.  What  are  your  target  audiences?  How  do  your  social  profiles  interest  several  audiences  at  once,  such  as  donors,  physicians  and  clients?  

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A.  Bright  Pink’s  online  voice  reinforces  our  organiza/ons  tone  principles  of  sincere  warmth,  playful  elegance,  and  visionary  courage.  Our  voice  is  consistent  across  social  channels  but  the  way  content  is  presented  will  vary.  We  include  more  links  and  photos  on  Facebook  as  they  have  proven  to  have  more  trac/on  in  this  environment,  and  use  quick  calls  to  ac/on,  /ps  and  facts  on  TwiHer.  On  Facebook,  we  have  the  flexibility  to  include  more  copy  but  push  ourselves  to  s/ll  limit  to  3  sentences  max  per  post  and  include  visuals  as  o[en  as  possible.    

Q.  How  would  you  describe  Bright  Pink’s  online  voice,  and  how  do  you  keep  it  consistent  across  plaForms?  How  do  you  re-­‐purpose  content  for  different  plaForms?  (i.e.  pos8ng  to  Facebook  and  TwiJer)  

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A.  We  currently  do  not  put  a  significant  amount  of  money  towards  social  media.  It  is  important  to  us  to  ensure  the  money  raised  is  funneled  directly  into  programs.  However,  we  do  see  the  vitality  of  connec/ng  young  women  to  these  lifesaving  programs  and  resources  via  social,  so  we  have  started  to  explore  the  power  of  promoted  posts  that  include  a  clear  call  to  ac/on  to  allow  for  measurable  impact.  In  our  first  implementa/on  we  saw  incredible  results  that  led  to  hundreds  of  comple/ons  of  our  Assess  Your  Risk  Tool.  In  this  instance  it  was  evident  that  a  liHle  extra  spend  went  a  long  way  to  arm  hundreds  of  women  with  a  personal  risk  assessment  to  aid  in  the  crea/on  of  a  preven/on  and  early  detec/on  plan  with  their  doctor  so  we  are  excited  to  expand  these  types  of  ini/a/ves.    

Q.  How  do  you  stretch  your  budget  as  far  as  possible  for  social  media  marke8ng?  Do  you  take  advantage  of  Facebook’s  resources  for  non-­‐profits?  

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A.  To  tell  the  truth,  most  of  it  is  incredibly  natural!  The  young  women  in  our  network  are  so  eager  to  share  their  stories  and  connect  others  with  the  suppor/ve  Bright  Pink  resources  on  which  they  personally  have  relied.  Advocates  emerge  very  organically  when  we  post  something  that  resonates  with  them.  

Q.  Supporters  of  Bright  Pink  are  very  ac8ve  online.  How  do  you  maintain  this  constant  engagement  and  encourage  people  to  tell  their  stories?  

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A.  I  work  hand  in  hand  with  our  Na/onal  Community  Manager,  Jenn  Zwillenberg,  to  ensure  we  maintain  a  strong  geographical  balance  of  communica/on.  She  constantly  shares  details  on  events  and  successes  from  ambassadors  and  volunteers  throughout  the  country  so  I  can  share  with  our  na/onal  network.  Addi/onally,  I  rely  on  geo-­‐targeted  posts  on  a  regular  basis  to  encourage  localized  par/cipa/on  in  events,  fundraisers,  volunteer  opportuni/es,  etc.  This  is  an  incredible  feature  we  are  so  thankful  to  have!  Many  of  our  larger  communi/es  do  have  their  own  Facebook  pages  where  they  can  feature  more  localized  updates  on  a  regular  basis  as  well.  We  link  back  and  forth  with  those  pages  to  maximize  engagement.  On  TwiHer  and  Instagram  we  just  have  one  na/onal  account  but  are  in  constant  communica/on  with  our  ambassadors  na/onwide  by  tagging  them  in  posts  and  using  city-­‐based  hashtags  such  as  #BrightPinkAtlanta  or  #BrightPinkLA.    

Q.  Bright  Pink  has  mul8ple  chapters  across  the  country.  How  do  you  manage  the  chapters  using  one  main  Facebook  and  TwiJer  page?  

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A.  Facebook  definitely  sees  the  most  ac/vity,  with  recent  posts  receiving  hundreds  of  likes  and  shares.  Our  fans  just  love  those  visuals!  It’s  incredible  to  see  the  effect  a  designed  post  has  on  our  audience  -­‐-­‐  for  example,  we  kicked  off  September,  Na/onal  Ovarian  Cancer  Awareness  Month,  with  two  designed  posts  filled  with  educa/onal  content.  This  one  had  255  shares  -­‐-­‐  the  most  we  have  seen  to  date!  

Q.  Which  social  media  plaForm  sees  the  most  ac8vity  from  supporters  and  fans  of  Bright  Pink?  The  least?  

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A.  Social  media  is  really  a  tool  for  the  masses;  it  has  allowed  for  a  democra/za/on  of  marke/ng  tac/cs  that  is  incredibly  welcoming  for  non-­‐profit  and  for-­‐profit  companies  alike.  More  of  a  division  in  terms  of  access  emerged  with  the  introducing  of  promoted  posts  -­‐-­‐  a  for-­‐profit  company  likely  has  budget  to  put  against  social  ac/va/on,  where  a  non-­‐profit  more  o[en  feels  the  responsibility  to  stretch  every  dollar  and  funnel  funds  directly  into  life-­‐saving  programs.      

Q.  What  are  the  main  differences  between  social  media  for  non-­‐profits  and  for-­‐profits?  

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A.  Not  necessarily  that  new,  but  s/ll  very  hot  -­‐-­‐  visuals  and  video.  By  far,  these  are  s/ll  proven  to  be  the  most  engaging  posts.    

Addi/onally,  it  doesn’t  look  like  the  never-­‐ending  stream  of  hashtags  on  Instagram  will  die  down  any  /me  soon…  #HashtagEverything  #SoManyHashtags  #HashtagsReplacingSentences  #HashtagMyHashtag  

Q.    What’s  the  hoJest  thing  happening  in  social  media  right  now?  

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To reach Carl i F e inste in , ema i l her at carli@bebrightpink .com .

Have someone we should interv i ew next ? Reach us at @MelanieAlissa and

@TracySamantha .