Our Ref: iilliiliililll - WhatDoTheyKnow · .Date: 02/05/2014 29/01/2014 - 07/02/2014 - 10/02/2014...

Date: o2.Jo 5/2014 Account Action Report Our Ref: WIG1 Inquiries:- iilliiliililll & Leigh NHS Trust Finance Department Buckingham Row Brick Kiln Lane Y" ... r Ref: 286026 Debt Type: Overseas Visit or I NHS Medical· Our Ref: 140 1WIG1448392 Date From: Date To: Email: Employer: (not on record) £0.00 £0.00 £ 1 487.22 Last Payment Amount:£ 1,487.22 Last Payment Data: 24/02/2014 00:00:00 'Comments Date !user 10/01 /2014 15/01/2014 15/01/2014 29/0112014 29 /0112014 I Conversation Account Opened. Letter sent- D1 0S: D10S · Letter to Overseas debtor Letter printed- D10S: D1 0S - Letter to Overseas debtor Letter sent- D20S: D20S - Letter to Overseas Debt or Letter printed- D20S: D20S - Letter to Overseas Debtor Internal email sent to- Page 1 of 7 Cur. Bal. £ 18 1.45

Transcript of Our Ref: iilliiliililll - WhatDoTheyKnow · .Date: 02/05/2014 29/01/2014 - 07/02/2014 - 10/02/2014...

Page 1: Our Ref: iilliiliililll - WhatDoTheyKnow · .Date: 02/05/2014 29/01/2014 - 07/02/2014 - 10/02/2014 - 10/02/2014 11/02/2014 E-mail from debtor-From: Sent: 28 January 2014 To: Accounts

Date: o2.Jo5/2014

Account Action Report

Our Ref: W IG1 Inquiries:-

iilliiliililll & Leigh NHS Trust

Finance Department Buckingham Row Brick Kiln Lane

Y" ... r Ref: 286026 Debt Type: Overseas Visitor I NHS Medical · Our Ref: 1401WIG1448392 Date From: Date To:

Email : Employer: (not on record)

£0.00 £0.00 £ 1 487.22

Last Payment Amount:£ 1,487.22 Last Payment Data: 24/02/2014 00:00:00

'Comments Date !user 10/01/2014 15/01/2014 15/01/2014 29/0112014 29/0112014

29~201 4

I Conversation Account Opened. Letter sent- D1 0S: D10S · Letter to Overseas debtor Letter printed- D10S: D1 0S - Letter to Overseas debtor Letter sent- D20S: D20S - Letter to Overseas Debtor Letter printed- D20S: D20S - Letter to Overseas Debtor Internal email sent to-

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Cur. Bal.

£ 181.45

Page 2: Our Ref: iilliiliililll - WhatDoTheyKnow · .Date: 02/05/2014 29/01/2014 - 07/02/2014 - 10/02/2014 - 10/02/2014 11/02/2014 E-mail from debtor-From: Sent: 28 January 2014 To: Accounts

.Date: 02/05/2014

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E-mail from debtor- From: Sent: 28 January 2014 To: Accounts lnbox


Subject: Acct.# 286026 .. Invoice # 21042340

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I am contacting you in reference to your letter (dated 15 January 2014 - Ref 1401 WIG1448392) received in the mail today .. We have attempted to contest some of the charges from my short stay at Wigan Infirmary in May, 2012. We are not in agreement for three of the days we were charged for my stay in the ICU .. Both I and were informed that I would be moved to the ward as soon as a bed was available, bu1 we were being charged 800 pounds per day for my stay in the I CU. Each day we asked and they told us that no bed was available, but we honestly could not believe it when they still charged us the 800 pounds per day. We are now expected to pay for their bed shortage, which is outrageous. The ~way we could argue this was to call the lady In the Wigan office. She told my -that they would send in the complaint if she sent it to her via E-Mail.~id so. and

heard nothing for months, so called her. as well as sent her E-~1 had not pursued this, the Insurance would not have been filed in time, since it appeared that the lady in the Wigan office had more or less forgotten it .. Their idea of lodging a complaint was to do nothing. since that is exactly what occurred .. When tried to explain some of these issues to this lady she simply said "I just work in the office!·· smce she was the only person available to discuss this, then it was the end of the discussion .. In spite of my feelings of being wronged,! am willing to pay you 1000 pounds in full and final settlement of this account. after you send me a E-Mail or letter confirming that you will accept that as payment in ful l. Upon receipt of your agreement . we can pay via credit card or check , at your choice.

Otherwise we will have to go on a payment plan per month of 50 pounds, with the debt amount being capped at pounds 1 ,516.97 • as specified by Ms Martland of NHS In her letter of 5 Dec 2013. or

We are retired and have very little reserves in savings. This is the best we can offer.

-Telephone call from debtor, Address confirmed as: XXX, caller ID: Clla from debtoro . Th customer would like us to explain our client why they are disputing ther invoice partially. I explaiend I would do the nececassry on monday. Go through the email and come abck to thenm,

Email sent to Client: .uk;[email protected] .uk - Dear-

We have been contacted by your patient who is dlspu1ing a part of the invoice. - is ready to proceed to an immediate settlement of the invoice by paying 1000£. · ,;ey are disputing the amount of the invoice because they are not in agreement for three of

the days they were charged for stay in the ICU. stated that:

• Both him and were informed tha.would be moved to the ward as soon as a bed was available. but they were being charged 800£ per day for. staying in the ICU.

added that . every day they requested to be moved to the ward and that they were told that no bed was available." They are therefore disputing the amount of 800£ per day and are willing to settle the matter immediately with 1000 £ because of the bed shortage. Please be so kind and come back to me regarding the matter. I thank you in advance for your prompt support. Regards,

On Client Hold as Account Disputed by Debtor Internal email sent to~

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Date: 02/05/2014

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E-mail from debtor..._._ We received correspondence from your agency today stating that th~ed from you dated Jan. 15th , 2014 was not responded to. This is my second E-Mail in this regard. The first I sent on Jan.27, on the day I received your letter via US mail. You have to take into account the days it takes to send and receive mail from overseas .. I will wait for your response , preferably by E-mail, to the initial request we made. Thank you. I do wonder if they would be so aggressive in their pursuit of this payment if they had gone ahead with their original plans to give me Dialysis. when it turned out I was dehydrated. According to my specialists over here, this treatment would have stopped my heart. They inserted lines, and told my family they would send me to another hospital as soon as they found a dialysis machine. Thank God another doctor came on duty before they found a machine, and he agreed with au- who is a nurse )to try hydration and anti-biotics first.(Which worked .. )

Email from client - Dear-

The Trust will not accept their offer of £1,000 settlement. The issues raised have already been responded too, see attached letter. Payment is required in full although the Trust will waive the late payment charge for immediate settlement.

Kind Regards

~ Finance Department

t 01942 77 3706 f. 01942 77 3735 e. uwwt.nhs.uk w. www.wwl.nhs.uk

Wrightington. Wigan and Leigh NHS Foundation T rust Suite 2, Buckingham Row Brick Kiln Lane Wigan, WN1 1XX

Email sent to Dear sir and Madam,

As agreed on the phone, I have contacted our client who unfortunately categorically refuses a settlement of the amount of for 1000£.

The hospital indeed request the the full amount to be paid immediately, that is to say the amount of £1668.67.

The hospital states that "No additional charge has been made for the line which was placed ineck. The charges made are in accordance with Department of Health guidance for the treatment of the condition he had. Following extensive enquiries, the hospital was advised that id require an HDU bed for the length of his stay. Therefore there will be no reduction to the amount invoiced."

Please come back to me as a matter of emergency regarding this payment. No fees have been added yet and we would like to avoid fees to be added to the outstanding amount. I am looking forwards to hearing from you. Regards,

Account placed on new wor1<flow OSDGR E-mail from debtor - Thank you for the effort you made to get this reasonably resolved .. I'm originally from the Wigan area and have previously experienced the arrogance on display at Wigan Infirmary, and I expected no less than the response they gave. It seems that they are only reading the chart, which will verify WHATEVER the doctors have written, but not what we were told. I can argue this until the cows come home, and it won't change a thing. For them to t reat a member of my American family so shabbily makes me ashamed to be from there. Would there be interest charges applied to any remaining balance? I will await your response, then we can determine how we are going to proceed.

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.Date: 02/05/2014

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E-mail to debtor - Dear -Thank you for your kindness and for your remarquable wisdom. The remaining balance Is exactly 1516.97£. 151.70£ have been added to the debt which brings the amount up to 1668,67£. If you proceed to prompt payment , I would do my best to waive off the collection fees, that is to say the 151.70£. Please be so kind to come back to me and to let me know when you would be able to proceed to payment You will find our GBP HSBC account bank details attached to my email I thank you in advance for your support. Best Regards,

E-mail from debtor- Dear ~ould this be considered credit payment if we us a credit card, or a cash advance transaction? If its credit, then we would have no problem paying the 1516.97 in full at the beginning of this next week. Feb. 17th. We need to pay down some billings prior to that. If it is considered a cash advance then the interest would be extremely high,and not acceptable .. Thank you so much for your help. On top o being quite fragile, this has been very stressful. We will be glad to get it behind us .. I just wish there was somewhere I could lodge a complaint and have it 'extensively investigated.'Since I have the E-mails I sent to the woman in the Wigan office, showing quite clearly that I was the one trying to resolve this, then the only determination I can come to is that I 'ticked them off by have the audacity to question their practices .. Shame on them .. Thank you again .••••

E-mail to debtor- Dear •••

Many thanks for your reply. Once you have paid 1516.97 £,we shall close your file as paid in full. I suggest that you give m a phone call on Monday the 17th and I can take your apyment con the phone by credit card. I will then advise the client of your payment, I will close your file and confirm the hospital closed it as well. I hope this fine with you. I am sorry I cannot do better to help you ... I am therefore waiting for your reply. Please be so kind to email me with a phone number in order I can phone you on Monday, It will cost you less money. I thank you in advance for your cooperation . Best Regards,

E-mail from debtor -Hello Dear, You have been amazingly helpful and caring and I cannot thank you enough. (lfs that warm Spanish heart!) It is actually more convenient for me to call you since we have a 6 hour t ime difference. My mobile is much cheaper than what you pay in the UK. I pay pennies per minute. I will call you and get this taken care of on Monday .. Thank you .-phon~t the house is The woman at the Wigan hospital had this number. Just another example ot her do1ng a very poor job, that she didn't pass it along to you.

The customer will proceed to apayment on monady wi th e on the phone: 151 6.97£ Telephone call to debtor, address confirmed as:..... honed to poroeed to apyment but the payemnt failed .SECURITY CODE MATCH ONLY : -I aws rold to phone again wityhin one hour

Telephone call from debtor, Address confirmed as: XXX, caller ID _,ad the authorisation with the bank . the bank gave the ref "ffie"'Security code - The monies should be on our account tomorrow-

XXXX payment has been authorised by the bank, IT SHOULD REACH PAYPOINT TOMORROW-XXXX Telephone call to debtor, address confirmed as: ... I asked the-to check if the aamount had been debited.- said tahtllil would check with .,anak . I said l would phone again within one hour in oraerto take the payment- 1401WIG1448392

Telephone call to debtor, address confirmed as: Th debtor explained that the monise ahve been debited on their account and sent to We should receive the monies on Friday


E-mail from debtor -We are going on a driving trip to visit with friends, leaving Thurday morning. I will not have access to the internet for several day. If you need to contact me please use my Cell Phone Hopefully this will clear before then .•••• XXXNO WF AS PAYMENRT HAS BEEN AMDE AND SHOULD HIT OPUR ACCOUNT THI S WEEK XXX

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E-mail to debtor- Dear-

Many thanks.

Hopefully the funds will soon be credited.

Have a nice time with your friends.


E-mail from debtor- Dear-1 have never worked harder to pay a bill I don't want to pay. We attempted to send by m'The information the credit company gave us, but after 3 attempts we finally had to give up. It stated that the line was busy each time. The information on the account says that it is a pending charge, that only the Merchant can cancei,(Meaning you!) and the delay it is only to ensure that funds are available in the account. There is enough there, but unfortunately I can't get the information to you .. We will simply have to let this play out. You will get your payment within the next few days, and there simply is nothing I can do until this process is completed. I realize that this puts you in the position were you have to trust an individual you don't know.~s to me that we are both in the same situation. Have faith, it will process soon .~·

Subject: Phone Number We are going on a driving trip to visit with friends, leaving Thurday morning. I will not have access to the internet for several day. If you need to contact me please use my Cell Phone. - opefully this will clear before then . ••••

Email sent to Dear···

Many thanks for your email. I hope you are having a nice time.

I have spoken to our accountant, but still nothing on our account. It just says: failed payment.

Consequently we cannot cancel it either.

I will wait till tomorrow and if no payment appears on our account , I will then ask you to be so kind and see with your banker in order you can proceed to payment again.

Indeed, the payment needs to be effective on Monday.

I will come back to you tomorrow in order to inform you regarding the matter.

I thank you in advance for your understanding and i wish you a good end of staying with your friends.


E-mail from debtor- Dear- - just spoke to the credit card company. They requested your phone number so"t'haT'Tfiey can take care of this charge.lts a good thing he called or this could have been held up even longer. I will be driving down the highway all day toda , nine hour drive into New Mexico!) so if you need to contact me then please use my Cell

o- Lets keep our fingers crossed that this will take care o 11..

Telephone call to debtor, address confirmed as: .. . Telephone call to debtor, address confirmed as: .. .. number of credit card customer care in order we can lr1 from the credit acrd company aws suppoesd to phoen me her name is vas very anagry a~id not conatct me . She asked me to phomne ehr dieretclty. I thanked for he~

Telephone call to debtor, address confirmed as: ..... credit's card Company -·······

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·Date: 02105/2014

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Email sent to Debtor:

I could not access the service as it asked me to entre the 16 digits of the card which I have not kept as per compliance. Please be so kind to come back to me regarding this issue. I think the best solution would be to make the payment again and cancel the other one. I thank you in advance for your reply. Bets Regards,

Internal email sent to •• I Piesae check amaount 1516.97£ on the account

Email sent to Debtor: Dear-

I am feeling very sorry to have to come back to you but our bank has received no payment, our system indicates your payment has failed and we are on Friday.

I am therefore asking you to have the kindness to ccme back to you today or Monday at the latest in order to proceed to the payment again on the phone, once your bank has given you the authorization. You could also make a bank transfer I know this is an awkward situation but . we must find a solution between today and Monday. Indeed as I am keeping the file, I should be adding Admin and collection fees as I have requested to do so , and which I ma not doing as I am aware youru have been very cooperative, However, I will not be able to freeze the fees from next Monday. I am therefore hoping to hear from you today. and I do apologize again for disturbing you in your driving trip.

I thank you in advance for your reply.

Best Regards, .

Telephone call from debtor, Address confirmed as: XXX, caller 10: -...,anted to know if we had had the apayment which has been avallaable to su since larmc;naay. I explalend we doid not have the aapyment .~lad she would call the bank to cancel and in order we can porceed to a payment again on the phone .• said she would call meback this aftrenoon -

Telephone call from debtor, Address confirmed as: XXX, caller ID: Telephone call from debtor, Address confirmed as: XXX, caUer ID: The bank said taht the monies have been available for us to ccllect. we juys neede to sue the ref 096248 . The cerditn~ard co




ed - a aphone number in order I acn coanct the supervisor-

Telephone call to debtor, address confirmed as: ..... DEBTOR'S BANK They would not speak to me withiouyt teh authotrisation from··· Credit card details processed debt amount paid: Commission: 1516.97£. Pay reference 04764B

Telephone call to debtor, address confirmed as: ... MEETING 3 PHNES BANK ••• porcessed vi apaypoint

Debtor's payment noted and ready for processing Payment: £1487.22 PAYPT

. . . .. . ..-:: - .

Monthly part payment received - account placed on hold pending receipt of next instalment XXXWF Diasbeled::. difference between 1516,97£ and 1487,22£ ccrreponds to the 2% taken by the abank. I will collect the when the client comes abck from holiday XXX XXXdo not chase for lpf xxxx

Telephone call from custome Address confirmed aslll,l~ - -.. . . called to say · not had any response to the emalls- sent to ""iiiiiifegarding confirmation of her and had to call our client instead. They advised her that there is still a small balance outstanding against the invoice. Transferred to ­(who was advised that the discrepancy was caused by not adding the fee to the carO""'"""""" payment).

Internal email sent to re: payment processing without fee

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Telephone call from transferred from-Originall~as on the phone and I asked -,aid tm'When he ma~t card payment he was told this was a full and finramoUrit and that confirmation would be sent. Upset that there ls still a balance and that the confirmation has not been received. Advised I would ask -o~ack and he said from 2pm it w~ Texas is 6 hours beh~ ~best contact phone number is_....

Internal email sent t~ Account closed. SFL: Settle For less Amount requested to the customer: 1516.97 £. They paid 1487.22 £. the diffrenec is 29.75 £ that corresponds to the fees charged by their bank to the creditor.

Total Accounts: 1