Our Lady of the Mountains - Amazon S3

Our Lady of the Mountains 920 Big Thompson Avenue Estes Park, Colorado 80517 970.586.8111/970.586.8112 fax www.olmestes.org SCHEDULE Office Hours: Monday thru Friday 9:00 AM to noon and 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM Holy Mass Schedule Saturday: 4:00 PM Sunday: 8:00 AM 10:00 AM Hispanic Ministry Prayer Group Meeting 6:00 PM Monday—Thursday: 8:30 AM Friday: 8:30 AM Communion Service 8:30 AM Mass Camp St Malo Confessions Wednesday: 7:45 AM to 8:15 AM Saturday: 3:00 PM to 3:45 PM Other Sacraments: By appointment; please call the Parish Office. 22 November 2020 Christ the King ELECTRONIC GIVING We would like to remind you that we offer electronic giving as a convenient way to automate your regular offering and provide much-needed donation consistency for our parish. Please visit olmestes.org and click on the Donate tab to set up an automatic recurring donation plan or to make a one-time donation. Authorization forms and additional information are available in the office reception area. Please feel free to contact our parish Business Manager, Deacon Stan with any questions at 970-586-8111 Ext. 2002 or [email protected] CAPITAL CAMPAIGN 70 years takes its toll and these are the vital projects required: Replacement of roofing Kitchen replacement and expansion Comprehensive exterior renovation Construction of new rectory The Capital Campaign for Our Lady of the Mountains seeks pledges of five years or less to replace the roof, create the new kitchen, do exterior repairs and build a new rectory. Gifts can be accepted in a variety of forms, with an emphasis on those that can be used immediately. Your support is vital. Campaign Envelopes are in pews. Internet fraudsters have been scamming parishioners by sending emails and text messages which appear to come from parish priest asking for help by purchasing gift cards and sending the pin number on the back of the card. Neither the pastor nor any member of the staff will ever make this request. If you receive this type of email immediately contact the local police as well as the Federal Trade Commission at ftccomplaintassistant.gov and click the link to chat with a technical support specialist. Please patronize our advertisers. They make the bulletin possible. Amber Busche, O.D. Mission Statement "Our Lady of the Mountains Parish is one family fed by the Body of Christ, the Eucharist. Our mission is to become the image of God to one another through the practice of our faith and offering hospitality to all." Only the Heart of Christ who knows the depths of His Father's love could reveal to us the abyss of His mercy in so simple and beautiful a way - ---From the Catechism.

Transcript of Our Lady of the Mountains - Amazon S3

Our Lady of the Mountains

920 Big Thompson Avenue

Estes Park, Colorado 80517

970.586.8111/970.586.8112 fax


SCHEDULE Office Hours: Monday thru Friday

9:00 AM to noon and 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM

Holy Mass Schedule

Saturday: 4:00 PM

Sunday: 8:00 AM

10:00 AM

Hispanic Ministry Prayer

Group Meeting 6:00 PM

Monday—Thursday: 8:30 AM


8:30 AM Communion Service

8:30 AM Mass Camp St Malo


Wednesday: 7:45 AM to 8:15 AM

Saturday: 3:00 PM to 3:45 PM

Other Sacraments: By appointment;

please call the Parish Office.

22 November


Christ the King


We would like to remind you that we offer

electronic giving as a convenient way to automate your

regular offering and provide much-needed

donation consistency for our parish.

Please visit olmestes.org and click on the Donate tab

to set up an automatic recurring donation plan or to make

a one-time donation. Authorization forms and additional

information are available in the office reception area.

Please feel free to contact our parish

Business Manager, Deacon Stan with any questions at

970-586-8111 Ext. 2002 or [email protected]

CAPITAL CAMPAIGN 70 years takes its toll

and these are the vital projects required: Replacement of roofing

Kitchen replacement and expansion Comprehensive exterior renovation

Construction of new rectory The Capital Campaign for Our Lady of the Mountains seeks

pledges of five years or less to replace the roof, create the new kitchen, do exterior repairs and build a new rectory.

Gifts can be accepted in a variety of forms, with an emphasis on those that can be used immediately.

Your support is vital. Campaign Envelopes are in pews.

Internet fraudsters have been scamming parishioners by sending emails

and text messages which appear to come from parish priest asking for

help by purchasing gift cards and sending the pin number on the back of

the card. Neither the pastor nor any member of the staff will ever make

this request.

If you receive this type of email immediately contact the local police as

well as the Federal Trade Commission at ftccomplaintassistant.gov

and click the link to chat with a technical support specialist.

Please patronize our advertisers. They make the bulletin possible.

Amber Busche, O.D.

Mission Statement

"Our Lady of the Mountains Parish is one family

fed by the Body of Christ, the Eucharist.

Our mission is to become the image of God to one

another through the practice of our faith and

offering hospitality to all."

Only the Heart of Christ who

knows the depths of His Father's love

could reveal to us the abyss of His mercy in so

simple and beautiful a way -

---From the Catechism.


Rev Fr. Faustinus Anyamele [email protected] Deacon:

Rev Mr. Stan Rymes, [email protected] Business Manager:

Rev Mr. Stan Rymes [email protected]

Pastoral Assistant: Gwyn Duke [email protected]

Weddings: OLM Diane Caddell [email protected]

Religious Education K-5: Gwyn Duke [email protected] R.C.I.A. Susan Lowe [email protected] Middle & High School Youth Sarah Schmidt [email protected] Music Director Sarah Bode [email protected]

Sacristan Linda Kingswood [email protected]

Custodian Ryan Romero [email protected]

Hispanic Ministries: Victor Rojas—


Kent Bosch (chair) Scott Dorman (co-chair)

Johanna Gengler Joe Phillips

Ubaldo Erives Derek Brooks

Sarah Schmidt

Dot Dorman (liaison Finance Council)


Stan Gengler (chair), Scott Dorman, Curtis Ottinger, Jim May, Gary Swoboda, Jim Aubuchon,


Dot Dorman (chair), Willard Munch, Camilla Saint

& Paula Jaklitsch


Prayer Chain:

To request prayers for someone

contact: Jackie Cushing (970) 577-1584

Adult & Family Fellowship:

Diana Franklin at [email protected]


(temporarily suspended)

R.S.V.P. Joanie Jonell

OLM Capital Campaign:

Tony Fink Chair

Fran Grooters Co Chair

Home Bound Ministry

Nancy Almus

MASS INTENTIONS 11/21 4:00 PM +Roy & Verna Jones

11/22 8:00 AM OLM Parish Family

10:00 AM Nancy Lang

11/23 8:30 AM OPEN

11/24 8:30 AM OPEN

11/25 8:30 AM +Jamie Peña Alfaro

11/26 8:30 AM +Jim Kosakowski

Please contact the Parish Office with Mass intentions for your loved ones.


Patrick Almus, Roger Appelhans, Kitty Bosch, Fiona Ashmore,

Nana & Larry Brandley, Nina Bovio, Gretchen Collingwood,

Jill Conway, Isaac Crane, Vickie Danton, Scott Deboodt, Bob

Dorris, Randy Gillis, Sarah Gonterman, Jeannie Hasenkamp,

Diane Gruchow, Charles L’Heureux, Jonathan Jansen, Dan

Kirkpatrick, Kathryn Laubacher, Joe Lee, Herman Mares, Kelly

McClain, Larry McCoy, Yvonne Mechem, Jim Mount, Chase

Murray, Jamie Banker Oberson, Joe Phillips, Andrew Quinn,

Yesenia Rojas, Charlie Schafman, Herbert Sampson, Jean

Serfoss, Matt Thompson, Phyllis Tomaino, Eleanor Vernon,

Betty Wassmer, Anne Wilke, Mary Williams


Thank you to all who are actively participating in this program! The Safeway Giving Card program is a great success, providing thousands of dollars

to Our Lady of the Mountains Parish. Each time you reload this debit card,

OLM receives 3 to 5% of what you add to the card. Cards are available at the Gift Shop and

remember to reload the card at Safeway/Albertsons.

Remember Your Parish Family in Your Will

Anytime is a good time to consider remembering

Our Lady of the Mountains Parish in your will

and estate plan.

When you create your estate plan you are

leaving behind a legacy of your life for your

family, which includes Our Lady

of the Mountains Parish.

Your charitable help will serve to advance the

mission of God here in our community and

around the world, which would serve as a

continuation of your act of faith.

Please consult your tax or legal advisor for

information on additional benefits.

Prayer for the Dead

(The St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology)

In your hands, O Lord, we humbly entrust our

brothers and sisters. In this life you embraced

them with your tender love; deliver them now

from every evil and bid them eternal rest.

The old order has passed away: welcome them

into paradise, where there will be no sorrow, no

weeping or pain, but fullness of peace and joy

with your Son and the Holy Spirit forever and

forever. Amen.


Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

Wednesdays 5:00 PM Lower Level

This program is for anyone who is interested in

becoming a Catholic, & for anyone who would

like to learn more about the Catholic faith. We will meet

once a week in small groups with masks

& distancing. To sign up or for more

information, please call the Church office at 586 8111 or

email [email protected]

“Pain and suffering have come into your life, but

remember pain, sorrow, suffering are but the kiss of

Jesus — a sign that you have come so close to Him

that He can kiss you.” St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta


Would you like to help lead engaged

couples through the marriage preparation

process? Consider joining the staff at

Our Lady of the Mountains as

Wedding Coordinator!

You will assist the engaged couple through the

process of entering into the Rite of Matrimony,

and work closely with the Parish marriage

preparation team.

Please contact the church office or email

Deacon Stan, [email protected], for more

information about this paid, part-time position.

Commemoration of the Faithful departed for the

month of November has begun.

Please turn in your

All Souls Mass Intentions

to be placed on the Altar

for the month of November.

Envelopes are available in the foyer

and upper center next to the office,

We will be doing the memory tables again this

year. Please bring framed photos of your dearly

departed and place them on the table. Please be

sure to put your name and contact number on the

back of photo.

Call for Lectors and Ushers

We are currently experiencing a need for lectors & Ushers especially at the 4:00 p.m. Saturday Mass.

Many of our faithful lectors are not ready to return to weekend Masses. If you would like to volunteer

for these important ministry, please contact the church office.

Training is available.

"One Holy Hour, One Priest,

Each Week, One Heart of Prayer"


Ladies, please consider becoming part of

OLM's Seven Sister Apostolate and be one

of seven women who will pray for our Pastor

one hour at church on one specific day of the

week. Yes, this means our Pastor will have

someone praying for him and only for him

each day of the week! Substitutes will be

available. Visit the link above for more


Gentlemen, Please consider being

a substitute.

Contact me at [email protected] if

you are interested or have questions; it could

change your prayer life as it did mine.

Thank you! Chris Douglas

21 November 2020 The celebration of World

Day of Cloistered Life—

traditionally known as Pro

Orantibus Day (“for those

who pray”)—highlights those

women and men who freely

dedicate themselves to hidden

lives of prayer and penance.

In this way, these chosen souls “serve the God of the living” by wit-

nessing to the world the eschatological reality of the Kingdom al-

ready but not yet. Their lives boldly testify to “the coming age”

where everything will be united to God in an eternal and everlasting

embrace. The Memorial of the Presentation of Mary reminds us that

as a young girl, Our Lady dedicated herself to the service of God in

the Temple. By means of continual prayer and selfless service, she

offered herself as a gift so that God’s plan of salvation might later be

made manifest by her unconditional “Yes” when asked to become the

Mother of the Redeemer. Today, let us pray for all those women

and men who have lovingly embrace the cloistered and monastic

life. May they continually give of themselves by contemplative lives

marked with silence and solitude, generosity and grace. Let us also

beg the Lord of the Harvest to inspire many more young people to

respond to this sublime calling so that the Kingdom may indeed

begin here on earth and be fulfilled in the life to come.




The continuation of our Capital Campaign offers the opportunity for memorials

recognizing family, friends, loved ones, and special occasions and events, while contributing

to the preservation and improvement of our Church.

The recently completed expansion at the main entry of our Church, provides an area for placement of

engraved bricks and pavers. Options include laser engraved bricks or personalized engraved red sand-

stone pavers for inclusion in a prominent setting at the entrance to our Church.

Please contact Joe Miranda at [email protected] for more information on the bricks

and Tony Fink at [email protected] for more information on the pavers.

There are unlimited options for memorials with the stained glass windows. Memorials are available in

the Brass Stained Glass Recognition Book in the Upper Center for the existing windows in the Nave of

our Church depicting Evangelists Luke, Mark and Matthew. This same recognition can be acquired for

the new St. Francis window to be located in the entrance to the Nave, and for a general donation to the

stained glass. An engraved brass plaque will recognize sponsors of the new

windows to be located in our Church’s Divine Mercy Wing. The windows represent The Last

Supper, The Agony in the Garden, The Scourging at the Pillar, The Crowning with Thorns, The

Carrying of the Cross, The Crucifixion and Jesus Laid in the Tomb; all representing Jesus’s life and his

love and mercy for us. The Scourging at the Pillar and The Crowning with Thorns are still

available to be sponsored. Please contact Fran Grooters at [email protected]

for more information on the stained glass options.

These memorial projects for parishioners and visitors will become a part of our Church history,

and a lasting tribute for loved ones in inspirational and distinct settings.

Donor brochures and order forms are available outside our Church office.

Call for Lectors and Ushers We are currently experiencing a need for Lectors & Ushers

especially at the 4:00 p.m. Saturday Mass. Many of our faithful lectors are not ready to return to weekend Masses.

If you would like to volunteer for these important ministry, please contact the church office.

Training is available.

The 2021 Mass Book has arrived.

Please come to the office, send an email or

drop a note in the mail with your Mass

intentions for 2021.