OUHK Comm6024 Lecture 8 - new media technology and their impact on pr

Media Relations and New Media Technology (2011/10) Lecture 8 New media technology and heir impact on PR Developed and Presented by Roy Ying, Msc., B.Comm. Note: Pictures used in this power point file is for academic Purpose only DA010 - Professional Diploma in Public Relations - COMM6024EP



Transcript of OUHK Comm6024 Lecture 8 - new media technology and their impact on pr

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Media Relations and New Media

Technology (2011/10)

Lecture 8

New media technology and heir

impact on PR

Developed and Presented by

Roy Ying, Msc., B.Comm.

Note: Pictures used in this power point file

is for academic Purpose only

DA010 - Professional Diploma in Public Relations - COMM6024EP

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Table of Content• Web 2.0 media landscape in Hong Kong

• Types and characteristics of new media

• Is social media manageable?

• Ways to measure effectiveness in PR performance in social media

• Elements in a blogger’s event

• Resources required in engaging social media in B2B setting

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Social media….what it is?

THAT WAS 2010……..

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What happens this year?

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What is social media?

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What is new media?• Is this what you think as new media?

Class:• Which ones not

available in China?

Class:• Which ones not

available in China?

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Let’s look at some data

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Let’s look at some more data

• From a survey by HKAIM

– 90% have used social media in past 6 months

– 56% of them have 3-5 accounts

– Types of accounts:

• Social network

• Instant messaging

• Video sharing

• Internet forum

• Blogging

– 46% spend 1-3 hours a day, 39% spend less than 1

hour a day, and 5% spend more than 6 hours a day

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Comparison among marketing tools

-- from HKAIM survey

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Media cycle

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Tradition & new media

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Tradition & new media

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Tradition & new media

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Tradition & new media

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Tradition & new media

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How to develop social media


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Why bloggers relations

• 77% of Internet users read blogs

• 89% of journalists conduct research on blogs

• 72% of bloggers blog to share expertise

• Your blogger relations goals:– to secure coverage in outlets that connect with the right target audience/community

– to create opportunities for 3rd parties to share your stories

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What’s a blogger event?

• How to make it successful?

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Keys to success in blogger events

• Find a cool venue. Bloggers are invited to events every day, so even if your product or news isn’t the hottest, you can make sure the venue is. We’ve had success hosting “drop-in”briefings at our office, but we prefer to invite bloggers to a cool place that’s not ordinary.

• Timing. Given work and family schedules, the best time for a blogger event is usually early evening, but we often conduct a straw poll in advance of nailing down the date and time.Remember, bloggers aren’t journalists!

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Keys to success in blogger events

• The takeaway. While we don’t always have

breaking news to report, a good seasonal hook

can go a long way. For example, if you are

appealing to pregnant mothers, talk about new

breathing techniques that can help babies go to

sleep. This is really your CORE MESSAGE!

• Swag. Inexpensive and relevant giveaways are

always a draw, and as long as you remind your

attendees about disclosure rules, it’s a win-win!

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Example from Blackberry

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5 Cs in blogger relations

• Cultivation

• Collaboration

• Content

• Community

• Communication (sometimes, telephone and letters still work for bloggers)

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• Pitches MUST be relevant

• Find opportunities to create a meaningful connection with the individual

• Personalize the pitch – Reference a previous post

– Comment on a shared like or dislike

• Check their Twitter stream for recent nuggets of info

• Include sample tweets or Facebook updates

• Use custom links to report and share stats

• What’s the “ask?”

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Participation Generates Media


• After Gulf oil spill, someone created @BPGlobalPR account.

– Account was a parody, but everyone didn’t

realize it … especially in the beginning.

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as a PR blogger, Heather Whaling saw an opportunity to talk about “brandjacking”and crisis communication

Class:• If you work for

HP’s media relations dept, how would you respond?

Class:• If you work for

HP’s media relations dept, how would you respond?

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reporters were looking for online responses to the oil spill …

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so I responded …

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the outcome?

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How to measure?Does it have to be high tech?

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Monitoring Goals• Start with what is manageable and most


• Differentiate keywords by motive

(researching, buying, customer service)

• Use your customer’s words

• Refine & expand your keywords

over time

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10 social media metrics

• Social media leads. Track web traffic

breakdowns from all social media sources, and

chart the top few sources over time. If members

of your social media networks are sending

referrals, consider measuring this data as well.

• Engagement duration. For some companies,

engagement duration is more important than

page views. For example, if you have a

Facebook application, how much time are social

network members spending using it?

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10 social media metrics

• Bounce rate. Are visitors coming to your site

from SM sites but quickly leaving? Maybe your

landing page needs better, more relevant copy.

Maybe the information they’re seeking isn’t

easily found.

• Membership increase and active network

size. This is the portion of your company’s social

networks (e.g., Twitter, Facebook) that actively

engages with your social media content (e.g.,

Twitter, Facebook Pages, etc.)

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10 social media metrics

• Activity ratio. How active is your company’s collective social network? Compare the ratio ofactive members vs total members, and chart this over time. Activity can be measured in a variety of ways, including usage of social or virtual applications.

• Conversions. You want social network members to convert: into subscriptions, sales (direct or through affiliates), Facebook application use, or whatever other offerings you have in your overall sales funnel and that can somehow be directly or indirectly monetized.

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10 social media metrics

• Brand mentions in social media. So, you have

a highly active social network and members are

talking about your company or the company’s

brands. Measure and track both positive and

negative mentions, and their quantities.

• Loyalty. Are social members interacting in the

network repeatedly, sharing content and links,

mentioning your brands, evangelizing? How

many members reshare? How often do they re-


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10 social media metrics

• Virality. Social members might be sharing Twitter tweets and Facebook updates relevant to your company, but is this info being reshared by their networks? How soon afterwards are they resharing? How many FoaFs(Friends of Friends) are resharing your links and content?

• Blog interaction. This is actually more than one metric lumped together. Blogs are part of an SMM (Social Media Marketing) toolkit, but only if you allow comments and interact with readers by responding. If you’re doing this, encourage responses either directly in the comments section of blog posts, or via Twitter. (Use a blog widget that allows this.)

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How the professionals do it?

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