Otto Von Bismarck- came from Prussia’s Junker class, made up of conservative landowning nobles....

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Slide 2 Otto Von Bismarck- came from Prussias Junker class, made up of conservative landowning nobles. Chancellor- the highest official of a monarchy, and had used his policy of blood and iron to unite the German states under Prussian rule. Slide 3 Realpolitik- realistic politics based on the needs of the state. Annex- took control of several other North German states. Kaiser- it means Emperor Reich- it means Empire Slide 4 Taking initial steps toward unity Between 1806 and 1812, Napoleon made important territorial changes in German- speaking lands. Birth of German Empire In January 1871, German nationalists celebrated the birth of the second Reich, or empire. Slide 5 Citation added: Web.. To copy text, highlight citation and hit Ctrl + C Export to Word Copy & paste E-mail listExport to WordCopy & pasteE-mail list Sort order: Your bibliography Web.Slide 6 Chapter10 Section2 Germany Strengthens Slide 7 Germany Becomes a Industrial Giant Germany had Several factors that made industrialization possible which were -mined iron, steel, and coal and they build railroads -its population grew from 41.0 million in 1871 to 49.7 million in 1891 and 65.3 million in 1911 -growth of chemical and electrical industries. Slide 8 The Iron Chancellor Otto Von Bismarck was a chancellor of the German empire. He wanted to keep France weak while building strong links with Austria and Russia He opposed two groups the Catholic church and the Socialists. Slide 9 Kaiser William II In 1888 William II became the Emperor of Germany. In 1890 he dismissed Otto Von Bismarck His government provided programs for social welfare. He lavished funds on the German military. Slide 10 Vocabulary Kulturkampf-Battle for civilization. William II- Was the German Emperor in 1888. Social welfare-Programs to help certain groups of people. Slide 11 Sources Germany.Web.. Otto von Bismarck,the Iron Chancellor. Web.. Kaiser Wilhelm II. Web.. Slide 12 Chapter 10 sec 3 Slide 13 Obstacles to Italian unity Austria took control of much of northern Italy and other rulers owned other Italian states Between 1820 and 1848 nationalists revolts exploded and each time Austria sent Soldiers to stop the revolts Giuseppe Mazzini started Young Italy in the 1830s Slide 14 The struggle for Italy Giuseppe Garibaldi and 1,000 red-shirted Volunteers fought for the control of Sicily and won Garibaldi surrendered Naples and Sicily to Camillo Cavour Italy formed an alliance with Prussia in the Austro-Prussian War and helped the Italians take control of the Venetia province. Italy was united in 1870 with the victory of the Franco-Prussian War Slide 15 Challenges Facing the New Nation Strong regional rivalries left Italy to solve issues North Italy was richer then south Italy Italy was a constitutional monarchy that had a two house legislatures Italy had anarchists that turned to sabotage and violence Italy had problems with their economy so many Italians emigrated to the united states Slide 16 Vocab Camillo Cavour- Prime minister of Italy that provoked the war with Italy Giuseppe Garibaldi- military leader who was aided by Cavour, invaded Sicily and captured Naples Anarchist- people who want to abolish all government Emigration- movement away from ones homeland Slide 17 Patrick Viola Nationalism Threatens Old Empires Slide 18 The Hapsburg Empire Declines In the 1800s the Hapsburg Empire where the oldest ruling house in Europe. -Austria Faces Change Austrian emperor Francis I and his foreign minister Metternich had upheld conservative goals against liberal forces. Under Francis and Metternich, newspapers could not even use the word constitution, much less discuss this key demand of liberals. Slide 19 Emperor Franz Joseph enters Krakow in 1880 Slide 20 A Multinational Empire The empire also included large numbers of Hungarians and Italians. Francis Joseph inherited Hapsburg empire. Ferenc Deak a moderate Hungarian leader, helped work out a compromise that created a new political power known as the Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary. Slide 21 Section 5Ch 10 Russia: Reform and Reaction Slide 22 CHAPTER 10 NATIONALISM TRIUMPHS IN EUROPE JOHN LOGAN HENRY NGO PAT VIOLA BRUCE DODD JEREMY MELENDEZ JEFFY KERNAGHAN Slide 23 Condition in Russia By 1815 Russia was the most populous and it had great world power. Russia was a colossus nation It vast size gave it global influence It was a great obstacle to progress was the rigid social structure Russia rule with absolute power for centuries Slide 24 Emancipation and Stirrings of Revolution In 1855 Alexander the second came to the throne and it was during the Crimean War He agreed to free all the serfs Alexander the second set up a system of local government The local government were responsible for the road, school, and agriculture But his reform fail to satisfy many Russian Alexander the third respond to his father assassination by reviving the harsh methods of Nicholas. Slide 25 Bloody Sunday In 1905, Russia found itself losing a war to the Japanese, Czar Nicholas II losing support, new political groups arising, and major discontent amongst the citizens. All of these things lead to the horror and death of thousands of people, particularly women and children, in January 1905. The 1905 Russian Revolution was sparked off by a peaceful protest held on January 22nd. This protest may well have been the turning point in the relationship the tsar, Nicholas II, enjoyed with his people. Led by a Russian Orthodox priest, Father Gabon, 150,000 people took to the cold and snow covered streets of St Petersburg to protest about their lifestyle. They were not intent on making any form of political protest in the sense of calling for the overthrow of the government or royal family. The petition they carried clearly shows that they wanted Nicholas to help them. Slide 26 BIBLOGRAPHY ssian_revolution.htm http://image- &version=4000&s=2d0124fe0934caf0 ects/russia/Nick_II/BloodySunday.htm