Osun Defender - March 1st, 2014 Edition

VOL. 9. NO.026 N50 50 50 50 50 SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 2014 www.osundefender.org THE 6TH MOST-VISITED NEWSPAPER WEBSITE IN NIGERIA Front Page Comment Omisore’s Harvest Of Lies And Deceits - See Story On Page 3 Who Killed Chief Bola Ige, formerAttorney- General and Minister of Justice? IGE •The Deputy Governor, State of Osun, Otunba (Mrs) Titi Laoye-Tomori; Adamawa State Governor Murtala Nyako; Sen. Abiola Ajimobi, Oyo State governor; Dr Kayode Fayemi, Ekiti State governor; Governor Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso, Kano State; Aremo Olusegun Osoba; National APC Chairman, Chief Bisi Akande and Alhaji Ibrahim Galdan, Yobe State Governor during the progressive governors’ forum meeting at Lekan Salami Stadium, Adamasingba, Ibadan, Oyo State, last Monday. - See Story On Page 4 Osun Assembly To Approve Council Creation Bill In March •Monarchs Call For Quick Passage Calls For Akeju’s Removal Lack Substance - Commissioner A Yoruba adage says that ‘if the person being de- ceived knows not that he is being deceived, the one de- ceiving his him knows that he is lying’. The above adage is apt in describing the desperate gubernatorial ‘wannabe’ in the state of Osun, former Senator Iyiola Omisore, re- garded in some quarters as ‘Mr. money missroad’. The above adage is apt in describing the desperate gubernatorial ‘wannabe’ in the state of Osun, former Senator Iyiola Omisore, regarded in some quarters as ‘Mr. money missroad’. Going through the inter- view he granted The NIGE- RIAN TRIBUNE published in January 6th 2014 edi- tion of the paper we were taken aback by the tissues of lies that oozed from his mouth all in the name of pursuing inordinate gover- norship ambition. Like the Yoruba would say blood doesn’t ooze from the mouth of a liar’. This is true because if it does, then Omisore’s mouth should be full of blood as he was granting that interview. For a start only a pathological liar could claim that Ogbeni Aregbesola’s programmes in the state of Osun have no human face even as his programmes have im- pacted positively on the... Continue from Pg. 5


Osun Assembly To Approve Council Creation Bill In March... Monarchs Call For Quick Passage

Transcript of Osun Defender - March 1st, 2014 Edition

Page 1: Osun Defender - March 1st, 2014 Edition

VOL. 9. NO.026 NNNNN5050505050SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 2014


Front Page Comment

Omisore’s HarvestOf Lies And Deceits

- See StoryOn Page 3

Who KilledChief Bola Ige,former Attorney-

General andMinister of

Justice? IGE

•The Deputy Governor, State of Osun, Otunba (Mrs) Titi Laoye-Tomori; Adamawa State Governor Murtala Nyako; Sen. Abiola Ajimobi, Oyo State governor; Dr Kayode Fayemi,Ekiti State governor; Governor Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso, Kano State; Aremo Olusegun Osoba; National APC Chairman, Chief Bisi Akande and Alhaji Ibrahim Galdan, YobeState Governor during the progressive governors’ forum meeting at Lekan Salami Stadium, Adamasingba, Ibadan, Oyo State, last Monday.

- See StoryOn Page 4

Osun Assembly To ApproveCouncil Creation Bill In March•Monarchs Call For Quick Passage

Calls For Akeju’s Removal Lack Substance - Commissioner

A Yoruba adage says that‘if the person being de-ceived knows not that he isbeing deceived, the one de-ceiving his him knows thathe is lying’.

The above adage is aptin describing the desperategubernatorial ‘wannabe’ inthe state of Osun, formerSenator Iyiola Omisore, re-garded in some quarters as‘Mr. money missroad’.

The above adage is aptin describing the desperategubernatorial ‘wannabe’

in the state of Osun,former Senator IyiolaOmisore, regarded in somequarters as ‘Mr. moneymissroad’.

Going through the inter-view he granted The NIGE-RIAN TRIBUNE published

in January 6th 2014 edi-tion of the paper we weretaken aback by the tissuesof lies that oozed from hismouth all in the name ofpursuing inordinate gover-norship ambition.

Like the Yoruba would

say blood doesn’t oozefrom the mouth of a liar’.This is true because if itdoes, then Omisore’smouth should be full ofblood as he was grantingthat interview.

For a start only apathological liar couldclaim that OgbeniAregbesola’s programmesin the state of Osun haveno human face even as hisprogrammes have im-pacted positively on the...

Continue from Pg. 5

Page 2: Osun Defender - March 1st, 2014 Edition

2 OSUN DEFENDER Saturday, March 1, 2014News

•An ongoing ATC Middle School construction at Oke-Oye, Ilesa, State of Osun under the administration of GovernorRauf Aregbesola. Photo: GBENGA ADENIYI

Osun Assembly To Approve Council Creation Bill In March•Monarchs Call For Quick Passage By KAZEEM MOHAMMED

THE State Assembly of Osun has said that it wouldapprove the local government creation bill beforethe end of March.

Chairman, HouseCommittee on LocalGovernment andChieftaincy Affairs,Honourable WasiuAdebayo, gave the hint onTuesday during thecommittee’s tour to thedesignated headquarters ofthe proposed local

governments in Odo-Otin,Ila and Boripe LocalGovernments.

He said: “We have againseen Governor RaufAregbesola’s commitmentto bring development to thegrassroots by bringing thisbill before us and we willalso do justice to it.

“Latest by the end ofMarch this year, we willconclude all the processesrequired for the creation ofthe councils and we will giveapproval to the bill.

“However, as we all know,all towns cannot beheadquarters and we wantour monarchs and residentsto accept with love,wherever the new councilsare located. But we assure

our people that we will dojustice on the locations,”, hepromised.

In their separate remarks,the Orangun of Ila, ObaWahab Adedotun; Oloyanof Oyan, Oba KilaniAdekeye and Olunisa ofInisa, Oba JosephOladunjoye urged theAssembly to accelerate thepassage of the bill.

Oba Adedotun, whonoted that the proposed

councils are in line with theagitation of the people foryears, said that the councilswould bring developmentcloser to the people.

In his own submission,the Oloyan of Oyan saidthat the new council in Oyanwould forever beappreciated by the people ofthe community and itsenvirons, if eventuallyapproved.

He stated that evenwithout allocation from thefederation account, theproposed council in Oyanwould be sustained, notingthat there are many natural

and agricultural potentialsthat can be used to sustainthe council, just as there areindustries that can boost itseconomy.

Commending thegovernor for hisdevelopmental strides lessthan three and half years ofhis administration, ObaAdekeye noted that hisprogressive tendency hasmade Osun a reference pointamong its peers.

Also, Olunisa of Inisapromised that the proposedcouncil in the ancient townwould never be backwardinterms of economicdevelopment.

Other town visited wereIree and Ada.

Nigeria’s Unemployment Rate Is Worrisome- APC Governors


THE current spate of youth unemployment inNigeria has been described as unacceptableand one which portends grave danger to the

sustainability of the social, economic and politicalstability of the nation.

Chairman of the AllProgressives Congress(APC) Governors’ Forum,Imo State governor,Owelle Rocha Okorocha,stated this while speakingat the first APCGovernance Lecture seriestagged: “Unemploymentand the Crisis ofGovernance in Nigeria;The Way Forward”attended by APCgovernors and leadershipof the party at the CivicCentre, Ibadan, Oyo Statecapital.

Okorocha opined that,the forum was aimed atbringing about all that itcould gather fromNigerians from all worksall life, with a view tomaking Nigeria work againcome 2015.

He said all hands wouldbe brought on deck, so asto effectively addresscontending issues likegovernance and analarming rate of

unemployment, whichhave been ravaging thecountry and adoptpractical solutions thatcould be easilyimplemented.

Speaking on thenation’s Gross DomesticProduct (GDP), inflationand unemployment rate,the Imo State governorsaid; “as at the time whenNigeria returned todemocratic governance in1999, her real GrossDomestic Product (GDP)rates was put at 1.12 percent; inflation rate was6.6per cent, whileunemployment rate waseight per cent.

“But now, which isabout fifteen years downthe line, an average GDPis at 6.5per cent, inflationis seven per cent, whilethe latest availableunemployment rate is23.9 per cent as at 2011".

Governor Okorochaalso assured that issues

raised at the gathering willbe domesticated at all theAPC states, so as todevelop workablemechanisms meant for jobcreation in these states,adding that the forumwould initiate processes ofinter and intra-stateconsultations, negotiations,planning and mapping outof strategies aimed attaking forwardrecommendations frompresentations and debatesat the lecture.

He added that theemergence of new policyenvironment remains animportant ingredientnecessary to stimulateeconomic growth andempowering the public andprivate sectors to create themuch-needed jobs, notonly for Nigerian youths,but for all categories ofpeople requiring decentjobs.

In his view, the guestlecturer on the occasion,Dr. Ayodele Teriba,disclosed that as Nigeria’sgrowth surged in the pastone and a half decades,unemployment rate hasincreased in three folds andblamed the political classfor not being able toeffectively translate growthto increased employment in

the country.Dr. Teriba hinted that

the reason for thecontinued persistence ofhigh unemployment rate inNigeria was largely due tothe inability of the politicalclass to effectively managethe task of fiscal andmonetary policymanagement in thecountry presently put intothe hands of theirappointees, who haveinadvertently madeweakened policy choices.

He said in the quest tomake democraticgovernance a tool fordelivering economictangibles and enduringeconomic benefits inNigeria, the nation needsto make monthlyemployment data availablebefore the end of eachmonth, fix railtransportation, rethinkfiscal policy, refocusmonetary policy andensure that electedofficials acceptresponsibility for policyformulations andcoordination.

Earlier in his welcomeaddress, Oyo Stategovernor, Senator AbiolaAjimobi, appreciated APCas a party for the initiativeof tackling the menace of

unemployment in Nigeriaand lauded alldevelopmental revolutiongoing on across APC-controlled states in thefederation.

The forum therebyagreed that the secondedition of the lectureseries, focusing oneducation, be scheduledfor between April and May2014 and will come up inKano State, third editionwill address health-relatedmatters and will becoming up in Imo Statebetween July and August,while fourth and the lastseries for this yearfocusing on waterresources will be hosted inKwara State betweenOctober and Novemberthis year.

Present at the lecturewere the Interim NationalChairman of APC, ChiefBisi Akande, the interimPublicity Secretary, AlhajiLai Mohammed, APCgovernors, while DeputyGovernor of the State ofOsun, Otunba (Mrs)Grace Titilayo Laoye-Tomori, representedGovernor RaufAregbesola, and DeputyGovernors of Lagos,Borno and Kwara states,also represented theirgovernors.

INEC Releases Voters’Registers To Political


THE Resident Electoral Commissioner (REC) of theIndependent National Electoral Commission (INEC)in the State of Osun, Ambassador Rufus Akeju, on

Tuesday presented the electronic copies of voters’ registersto representatives of registered political parties in thestate.

Akeju also disclosed thatthe commission has fixed7th to 9th of March as datesfor the distribution ofpermanent voters’ cards toregistered voters in the state.

Represented by hisAdministrative Secretary,Mr Oladipo Bankole, Akejuenjoined those that havejust attained the age ofeighteen to endeavour toregister during thecontinuous votersregistration which willcommence on the 12th of

March.The INEC Commissioner,

who implored all thepolitical parties to help thecommission in ensuringsuccessful registrationexercise, also urged them toexamine the correctness ofthe electronic voters’registers and report back tothe commission.

Oladapo said: “Theelectronic copy of voters’registers presented to allpolitical parties contain thesame quantitative andqualitative information thatshould be kept for yourrecords, examined forcorrectness and reviewedfor comprehensiveness inorder to drive continuousvoters’ registrationexercise”.

According to him,presentation of voters’registers was not just a stepto achieving solidfoundation for theforthcoming gubernatorialelection, but a critical andfundamental building blockin the electoral process, tofirmly establish thecornerstone for transparent,free, fair and credibleelections.

The REC also stated thatthe permanent voters’ cardswould not be collected byproxy, and advised thepolitical parties to submitnames of their agents, whowould monitor thedistribution at each pollingunit, at least a week beforethe exercise.

In their remarks, somechairmen andrepresentatives of politicalparties expressedsatisfaction on the INECpreparation, noting that itwould enhance free, fair,credible and transparentpolls.

Political parties thatreceived the copies of theelectronic voters’ registerincluded APGA, APC, LP,Accord, DPP, NCP, KOWA,UPP, PPA, NNPP, amongothers.

Page 3: Osun Defender - March 1st, 2014 Edition

3 News OSUN DEFENDER Saturday, March 1, 2014

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•A newly-completed road project at Testing Ground area, Ilesa, under the State Government of Osun by Ogbeni RaufAregbesola’s administration. Photo: JESUDOYIN ABRAHAM


Crisis Rocks Osun Labour Party•As State Interim Chairman Storms Out Of State Congress

EFFORTS to re-unite the State of Osun chapter of LabourParty (LP) suffered a setback on Tuesday as the interimleaders of the party staged a walk-out at the state

congress recently held in Osogbo, the state capital.The party state congress,

held at Women and ChildrenDevelopment Initiative(WOCDIF) Centre in the statecapital, was marred with crisisand controversies, as twofactions were pointing accusingfingers at each other over thelegality of the congress.

A faction of the party allegedanother faction of being loyalto the former Secretary to theState Government, Alhaji FataiAkinbade, who was accused ofhijacking the party structurethrough illegal means and vowedto resist the move.

Before the Tuesday congress,the new members who defectedfrom the Peoples DemocraticParty (PDP) alongsideAkinbade and members ofAccord Party have beenengaging in struggle with oldmembers of LP under ChiefDaniel Afilaka, the transitionchairman of the party, over wholeads the party in the state.

Afilaka and other membersof the party had, in protest,boycotted the congress.

Speaking with journalistsshortly after storming out of thevenue of the congress, Chief

Afilaka accused Akinbade andhis supporters of desperationto hijack the party

He claimed that the wholescenario appeared as if the one-time state chairman of PDP andhis supporters were planted inthe Labour Party to scuttle itschances in the forthcominggovernorship poll.

Afilaka, who claimed not tobe interested in the post of statechairman of the party, said hewas only fighting for theinterest of old members toprevent factionalisation, addingthat those in the party beforeAkinbade and his supporters

joined the LP are being relegatedto the background.

He added that the congresswas held in defiance of anexisting court injunction, sayingsome aggrieved members hadalready approached the courtand got an order restrainingINEC from supervising the statecongress of the party untilThursday, February 27, addingthat he was at the venue of thecongress to serve the order onINEC and other parties involvedin the matter.

He said despite being lockedout of the venue, the court orderwas served on the parties, but

the congress was still held.The congress, which was

held amidst tight security andunder supervision of officialsof Independent NationalElectoral Commission (INEC)returned Barrister TimothyBabalola as new state chairmanof the party, while twenty oneother officers were also elected.

“All that was done at thestate congress of Labour Partyon Thursday was against whatour party stands for. Akinbadeand his supporters are bringingPDP way of doing things intothe Labour Party and that willcause problems. It is obvious

Akinbade was planted in the LPby some people to disrupt it.

“I am surprised thatAkinbade could become a willingtool in the hands of those thatwant to disrupt the LP. I reallysuspect that some other politicalparties planted him in our party,but I will not support any illegalmove by those that want toborrow our platform. They haveulterior motives and are hell-benton achieving that even if itinvolves throwing common senseinto the dustbins,” Afilakafumed.

According to him, leaders ofthe LP, including Ondo StateGovernor Olusegun Mimiko andothers will be briefed, while hislegal team considers next legalstep to take on the matter.

Don’t Use New Councils For Violence - OSHAUrges Communities By KAZEEM MOHAMMED

THE State of Osun legislature has appealed to thepeople of the state not to allow the creation of theproposed local government council areas to cause

violence among themselves.

Chairman, House ofAssembly Committee onLocal Government andChieftaincy Affairs,Honourable WasiuAdebayo and the lawmakerrepresenting Irepodun/Orolu State Constituency,Honourable Kamil Oyedelemade the appeal onWednesday during thecommittee members’ visit tothe designatedheadquarters of theproposed council areas inOlorunda, Osogbo,Irepodun and IfelodunLocal Government Councilareas.

The lawmakers statedthat since the creation of thenew councils has become areality and only waiting forthe approval of the stateparliament, the people of thestate must use theopportunity to ensure theeconomic development oftheir areas.

Oyedele said: “This is agreat opportunity for all ofus and we must use it to

boost our economy at bothrural and urban centres.

“We should not allow thelocation of these newcouncils to cause violence,rather, we should takewherever they are locatedwith open hands and lovefor the benefit of all of us,”he said.

Also, Adebayo stressedthe need for the benefittinglocal governments andcommunities to introduceideas that would make themto sustain the councils.

“It is a fact that even themoney being presently

allocated to our existingcouncils is not enough andas a result, we must comeup with ideas for thepurpose of sustaining thenew councils.

“Governor RaufAregbesola has played hisrole and he is not relenting,while the House ofAssembly is also doing thesame thing, but it is now leftfor our communities to playtheir roles to sustain thenew councils,” he added.

Speaking earlier, theExecutive Secretary,Irepodun LocalGovernment, Mrs Sadiat

Ogunsola urged theAssembly to accelerate thepassage of the bill.

This, she said, wouldfurther bring development tothe grassroots in line withthe aspirations of the currentadministration in the state.

The communities visitedwere Ilobu and Erin-Osun inIrepodun Local GovernmentCouncil Area, Ikirun andObaagun in Ifelodun LocalGovernment Council Area,Jameegbo and Oke-Fia inOsogbo Local GovernmentCouncil Area and Ota-Efunin Olorunda LocalGovernment Council Area.

Security Tip In OsunThe government of the State of Osun

has procured special security numbersfor use by people in distress.

The numbers are:08100000481, 08100000482, 08100000483,08100000484, 08100000485, 08100000486.

All the numbers became operationalsince August 17, 2012.

Please, note and call to assist OgbeniRauf Aregbesola, the elected governorof the State Of Osun, in sustaining apeaceful and crime-free environment.

- Management

Man, 18, RemandedOver Threat To Life


Change Of NameI, formerly known as

T A I W OTOLULOPE, nowwish to be known andaddressed as TAIWOT O L U L O P EEMMANUEL. Allformer documentsremain valid. Generalpublic should take note.

THE State of Osun Police Command has arraigned oneMr. Atanda Oluwafemi before the Osogbo Magistrate’sCourt for threatening to murder one Mrs. Olayinka

Oderinde.Mr. Atanda (18) was

allegedly accused on a two-count charge before themagistrate’s court.

According to the chargesheet, which was made availableto OSUN DEFENDER, it wasstated that Atanda on 5th and 6th

October, 2013 at Zone 4, OkeArugbo area, Osogbo, didconduct himself in a mannerlikely to cause the breach atpeace by sending text messagesrequiring N200,000 from MrsOlayinka Oderinde.

When the case came up forhearing, the prosecuting counsel,Barrister Bamidele Salawuapplied before the court that thetwo witnesses should be called

upon.Mrs Olayinka Oderinde,

who was the complainant andalso the first witness, said in hertestimony that she was in herhouse on the 5th of Octoberwhen the incident happened.

Mrs Olayinka, a retiree livesat Oke Arugbo, Capital HotelArea, Osogbo said: “On thatday, I had a purported call onmy cell phone.” She added thatthe caller warned her to call back,if she didn’t want to lose hertwo sons.

The unknown caller also sentMr Olayinka text messagesrequiring a sum of N200,000 inappreciation of saving the livesof the two sons.

On that the same day at8.00pm, the caller sent anothertext message that the moneyshould be sent through MrsOlayinka gatekeeper and theyshould meet at First ClassSchool, also located at OkeArugbo area.

During a chat with OSUNDEFENDER, Mrs Olayinkanarrated her ordeal andconfessed that she had sleeplessnights for almost a week becauseof the incident.

The police officer in-chargeof the case, Corporal OgunleyeThomas told the court that thecase was reported by MrsOlayinka at 8.00pm on 5th ofOctober.

Corporal Thomas, whodisguised to be the gatekeeper,then effected AtandaOluwafemi’s arrest outside theschool. “Two SIM cards werediscovered in his phone,” saidCorporal Thomas.

The accused person, AtandaOluwafemi said in his statementthat, he was a day guard at Plantand Pillars School establishedby Mrs Olayinka Oderinde.

He further said the secondSIM card in the phone wasfound on the floor, when he wasgoing out to call his friends.

“I wanted to establish acomputer and photocopycentre after I might havecollected the N200,000” saidOluwafemi.

The Presiding Magistrate,Olusola Aluko said in his rulingthat the accused should beremanded in police custodybefore adjourning the case till11th of March for furtherhearing.

Osun Nominates Akinrinade,Ex-Speaker 4 Others ToNational Conference

THE state governmentof Osun hasnominated a former

Chief of General Staffduring the military era andelder statesman, GeneralAlani Akinrinade, formerSpeaker of the House ofAssembly in the State,Professor Mojeed Alabi andfour others to represent thestate at the NationalConference beingorganised by the FederalGovernment.

Others on the list ofnominees are a formerPermanent Secretary in theMinistry of Defence Mr.Femi Akande, formerCommissioner for Justice inthe State, Chief GbadegesinAdedeji, Director-General,Development Agenda forWestern NigerianCommission Mr. DipoFamakinwa and Mrs. BolaOgunrinade (mni).

The deputy governor ofthe state, Otunba (Mrs)Grace Titi Laoye-Tomori,acting on the directive ofthe governor, Ogbeni RaufAregbesola, had sinceforwarded a letter to theOffice of the Secretary toGovernment of theFederation, Chief AnyimPius Anyim.

Page 4: Osun Defender - March 1st, 2014 Edition

OSUN DEFENDER Saturday, March 1, 20144

•(L-R) Deputy Governor, State of Osun, Otunba (Mrs) Grace Titi Laoye-Tomori; Governor Rauf Aregbesola; his wife,Sherifat; Mr Ezekiel Salami and Chief of Staff to State of Osun Governor, Alhaji Gboyega Oyetola, during the Milkof Knowledge in aid of the O’ Meal Programme organised by Sheri Care Foundation (SCARF) under the Office of theWife of the Governor of the State Of Osun, Mrs Sherifat Aregbesola, at Nelson Mandela Freedom Park, Osogbo, Stateof Osun, recently.



Yobe Killings: This Mindless Criminality Must End Now - AregbesolaBy ISMAEEL AZEEZ

THE Governor of the State of Osun, OgbeniRauf Aregbesola, has described the killing ofdozens of pupils of Federal Government

College, Yobe by members of the Boko Haram asbrutal and barbaric.

Aregbesola, in astatement by the Directorof Bureau ofCommunications andStrategy, Office of theGovernor, Mr. SemiuOkanlawon, said the killingof the innocent studentswas unconscionable assuch dastardly act couldonly be perpetrated bypeople, who have lostsanity and lack humanfeelings.

The governor said hewas alarmed by theinhumane and brazenmanner in which the BokoHaram now unleashviolence on all cadres ofpeople in the society.

He said the activities ofBoko Haram should worryall in the country becauseattacks on innocent anddefenceless schoolstudents is now becoming

a regular occurrence, atrend that must as a matterof urgency be arrestedforthwith.

Aregbesola called onsecurity agencies to beproactive in safeguardingthe lives of people and theirproperty across thecountry.

“The murder ofinnocent school childrenby some psychopaths ismost barbaric, inhuman

and criminal.“What could drive

people to do such madthing is unimaginable.What for and in the nameof what could anyonemurder innocent schoolchildren in such coldblood?

“Nowhere across thecountry seems safe forpeople again. All securityagencies, particularlythose involved with

intelligence gathering,must gird their loins,improve on their acts andcome to the rescue ofNigerians. This latest actof reckless massacre ofinnocent citizens isunacceptable, mind-boggling, frightening andwicked. It calls forconcerted efforts from allpatriots to find a lastingsolution to this menace.After all, the security andwelfare of citizens remain

the supremeresponsibilities of anyorganized society.”

“On behalf ofgovernment and people ofthe State of Osun, Icommiserate with thefamilies of the murderedstudents, people andGovernment of Yobe .

“May Allah give allconcerned the fortitude tobear the irreparable loss,”Aregbesola said

Calls For Akeju’s RemovalLack Substance- Commissioner

THE call for the removal of Ambassador Rufus Akeju,the Resident Electoral Commissioner (REC) for theState of Osun, by some discontented groups has been

described as baseless.Speaking during a chat

with our reporter in Osogbo,the state capital, theHonourable Commissionerfor Home Affairs, Cultureand Tourism; HonourableSikiru Ayedun, noted thatthe REC had not doneanything wrong to warrantthe call for his removal.

Stressing that Akeju hasno sympathy for AllProgressives Congress(APC), contrary to the beliefin some quarters, hemaintained that the REC hadnot in any way taken anyside, even in past electionsin the state.

He revealed that the lastelection in the state was aone-man-one-vote thingand those calling for hisremoval, especially in the

PDP, were defeated.“The only reason they

have is that they think he issomehow related to AsiwajuBola Ahmed Tinubu.

“I say categorically thatthey should prove the linkbetween the two men? Ithink they are afraid ofdefeat”

On the possiblecandidature of a particularPDP aspirant, Ayedunnoted that he was merelydaydreaming.

“The politician isdaydreaming to becomegovernor, but he shouldunderstand that he has nocapacity to rule this state.

“The State of Osun needsa focused leader and not arabble rousing politician,”Ayedun stressed.

Prevalent Peace In Osun Responsible For TourismBoost - Commissioner

IT has been revealed that notwithstanding the leanfederal allocation coming to the State of Osun, the stategovernment is doing all it could to attract investors,

both public and private, so as to raise the standard of theculture, tourism and hospitality industries to aninternationally acceptable standard.

Osogbo.The commissioner also

revealed that the peace andsecurity being enjoyed inthe state was a factor thatwas responsible for thegrowth of the hospitalityand tourism industry inOsun.

In his words, “added tothis is also the fact that thereare good road network,education and improvedhealth.

“The government hasalso embraced the setting ofstandards as another way toadvance its developmentalplans.”

He attributed the growthof tourism and hospitality tothe four levels of tourism thestate was endowed with.

“Tourism in Osun isdivided into four; socio-religious, religious, socio-traditional and eco-tourism.All these are investor-attractive and the main oneis socio-traditional, becausethe State of Osun is thesocial pot of the Yorubasand other Yoruba people inthe diaspora always want toassociate with the state.”

In another development,the State of OsunCommissioner for HomeAffairs, Culture andTourism also revealed thatgovernments of the South-West states were aware ofthe danger of extinction

facing the Yoruba language.Honourable Ayedun,

while speaking in Osogbo,maintained that it was forthis reason that the stategovernments in the south-west, especially Osun,endorsed therecommendations in theDevelopment Agenda for

Western Nigeria (DAWN)making teaching andlearning of Yoruba languagecompulsory in publicschools educationcurriculum.

“It is a linkage betweenthe past and the presentgenerations,” he added.


Erin-Osun Community DeclaresSupport For Aregbesola


THE Elerin of Erin Osun in Irepodun LocalGovernment Council Area of the State ofOsun, Oba Yusuff Omoloye and the residents

of the ancient town, have declared their totalsupport for the second term bid of Governor RaufAregbesola.

The monarch and theNational President of Erin-Osun Progressive Union(EPU), Alhaji Hassan Alao,made the declaration onWednesday, whilereceiving members of theHouse of Assemblycommittee on LocalGovernment andChieftaincy Affairs duringtheir tour to the ancienttown as the designatedheadquarters of one of theproposed localgovernment council areasin the state.

Oba Omoloye stated thatthe declaration was inappreciation of thedevelopmental stridesinitiated by the currentadministration across thestate and the new council

being proposed to be sitedin the town.

“Though, traditionalrulers don’t engage inpartisan politics, but asleaders, we must supportanything that would bringdevelopment to our townsand cities.

“We have long beenyearning for the creationof new councils withoutsuccess, and we don’thave a choice other thanto support Aregbesolawho has been able to meetour yearnings andaspirations,” the monarchstressed.

Also speaking, the stateCommissioner for LocalGovernment andChieftaincy Affairs,Barrister Kolapo Alimi,

commended the governorfor coming up with theidea of creating newcouncils across the stateto bring developmentcloser to the people.

He called on the peopleof the state to continue tosupport the governor,especially before, duringand after the governorshipelection in the state, forhim to complete histransformation agenda.

In his own address, theEPU President said that theancient town has allresources required tosustain the new council, ifeventually approved.

He added that aproposed befittingsecretariat has alreadybeen prepared for the take-off of the council.

Alao further stressedthat all the communityheads in Erin-Osun and itsenvirons unanimouslyagreed to have the newcouncil located in theancient town.

The State Commissionerfor Home Affairs, Cultureand Tourism, Mr SikiruAyedun, disclosed this tojournalists recently in

Court Remands ManOver Unlawful

Possession Of GunBy ISMAEEL UTHMAN

A 57-year-old man, Oluwole Oguntomilola, has beenordered to be remanded in prison custody by anOsogbo Magistrate’s Court for alleged unlawful

possession of a gun.A charge sheet obtained by

OSUN DEFENDER onWednesday alleged thatOguntomilola was caught witha riffle in his uncompletedbuilding on February 20, 2014,at Erin-Ijesa Area, along Akure/Ilesa Expressway.

The charge sheet stated thatOguntomilola was not licensedto have a gun, just as he did notbelong to any vigilante groupin the area.

According to the chargesheet, the alleged offencecontravened Sections 27 (b)(1)and (11) of the fire arms Actcap F.28 of the Federation,2004.

The accused personhowever, pleaded not guilty tothe count-charge of unlawfulpossession of gun leveledagainst him.

Defence counsel, BarristerOkobi Nagite applied for the

bail of the accused person inthe most liberal term, even ashe promised that reliablesurety would stand for thesuspect.

Reacting to the bailapplication, police prosecutor,Inspector Sunday Akingbade,said bail was at the discretionof the court, praying the courtto exercise its discretionjudiciously.

Chief Magistrate OlusolaAluko however turned downthe oral bail application madeby the defence counsel, andordered that a formal bailapplication be filed at thecourt.

Aluko then ordered theaccused person to be remandedin prison custody, pending thedetermination of the formal bailapplication.

He thereafter adjourned thecase till April 9, 2014 formention.

Page 5: Osun Defender - March 1st, 2014 Edition

5OSUN DEFENDER Saturday, March 1, 2014 News

Omisore’s Harvest of Lies And DeceitsContinued from Pg. 1....positively on the livesof the people and broughtu n p r e c e d e n t e ddevelopment to the state.While Aregbesola’sachievements which cutacross all sectors in thelife of the state are beinggiven national applauseand globalacknowledgement bynumerous people whovalue good governanceOmisore on his partrevelled in rubbishingA r e g b e s o l a ’ sachievement in thatinterview. This is quitemischievous!

To claim thatAregbesola’s policies – asprogressive and as pro-people as they are – lackhuman face is the heightof hypocrisy. And such aposition not only exposesthe hypocritical nature ofOmisore but it also di-minishes his integrity – ifhe had any. And if we mayask here; how much of

have? Therefore it’s nottotally surprising that he ex-pressed such level of liesin that interview. Omisoremust be an exceptional liarnot to see anything good inAregbesola’s policieswhen the latter has suc-ceeded in beating PDP’srecord of achievement justwithin three years of gov-erning the state even asOmisore’s party – PDP –held power for seven and ahalf years.

Quite unfortunate thatOmisore, who now lays aspurious claim to possess-ing a doctorate degreecouldn’t even articulatevery well the plans he hasfor the state. This is a bigshame. For a man whowants to be governor tolack a clear cut vision ofwhat to do for the state ifhe becomes the governor,shows his level of intellec-tual poverty in spite of hisclaim of being a PhDholder.

On Omisore’s claim that


if he becomes governor hewould give Osun youths bet-ter jobs and better pay thanwhat the visionary and cre-ative Aregbesola is givingthem the question people arewont to ask is; what was heable to do for the youthswhen he was a senator evenas he was the chairman ofthe Senate’s AppropriationCommittee? In seriousclimes where competenceand people’s antecedents arethe basis of being electedinto political office a char-acter like Omisore who hada murder case hanging onhis neck couldn’t have evenemerged as a senator not totalk of heading a Commit-tee as sensitive as Appropria-tion Committee. His nause-ating fraudulent entry intothe Senate plus his ridicu-lous emergence as chairmanSenate Committee on Ap-propriation could only hap-pen in Nigeria being a coun-try of anything goes.

The same lies Omisore fedthe public in that interview herepeated again during the launch

OSUN DEFENDERPublisher – Moremi Publishing

House Ltd.

Managing Editor – Kola Olabisi(0803-392-7286)

Editor – Kayode Agbaje (0803-388-0205)

Lagos Editor – Kola Odepeju(08023191891)

Production Editor – Pet-Kola Taiwo Ibitowa

Senior Reporter – Sola JacobsSenior Reporter – Kazeem Mohammed

Reporter – Shina AbubakarReporter – Ismaeel UthmanReporter – Niyi OlasindeReporter – Kehinde AyantunjiReporter – Francis Chukwuma

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Admin. Manager – Murtala Agboola

Computer Operator – Saheed AfolabiComputer Operator – Mary AkintolaAssistant Computer Operator – Lukman Oseni

OSUN DEFENDER is published by Moremi Publishing HouseLimited, Promise Point Building, Opposite Guaranty Trust BankGTB, Gbongan Road, Osogbo, State of Osun.All correspondence to the above mail address.ISSN: 0794-8050Telephone: 0803-392-7286, 08033880205Website: www.osundefender.com/index.phpe-mail: [email protected]

of his governorship cam-paign in Osogbo, the statecapital recently. But quite im-portant to state it again as wehave always maintained in thismedium that Omisore has aright to contest for the numberone seat of Osun. Not onlydoes he has the right to con-test, he also has the right of ex-pression. He is free to rubbishAregbesola’s achievements ashe likes. One thing is howeverclear; no matter the level ofcontemptuous talk against thehoney, it will remain sweetstill. Whatever he likes let himcontinue to say againstAregbesola, he cannot succeedin rubbishing Ogbeni’s goodwork which is being globallyapplauded everyday.

As election is around thecorner Aregbesola’s workwill continue to campaign forhim. He has done well and thepeople of Osun are not readyto replace him in the comingelection with a visionless des-perado who has nothing to of-fer the state save negativepolitics. Until August this yearwhen the people will speakwith their voting power andreturn the man who has turnedOsun around within three yearswho says Omisore should notcontinue to live in fool’s para-dise?

integrity does Omisore even

Page 6: Osun Defender - March 1st, 2014 Edition

OSUN DEFENDER Saturday, March 1, 20146

National Conference And The Yoruba AgendaAFTER several criticisms that

trailed Senator FemiOkunrounmu-led National

Conference Presidential AdvisoryCommittee report on the modalities forthe national conference and consequentdeclaration of President GoodluckJonathan to hold the conference onFebruary 20 this year, Yoruba leaders,ethnics, and self-determinationorganizations in Yorubaland gathered atthe House of Chiefs, Oyo StateGovernment Secretariat, Ibadan, to finda common ground at the conference.

The hall was filled to its brim, whichshowed the eagerness of thestakeholders to harmonize Yorubaagenda at the conference, despite thestiff opposition of the people from theSouth West.

The Yoruba ConstitutionalConference held on Wednesday,February 12, 2014 was convened byleading Pan Yoruba Organisations:Afenifere Renewal Group, Coalition ofOdua Self Determination Groups,which includes Odua PeoplesCongress, (OPC), Odua NationalCoalition, (ONAC), Atayese, CovenantGroup, Afenifere Youth Forum (AYF)and Odua Foundation.

It also had in attendance, prominenttraditional rulers and Yoruba leaders,which include the Secretary General,Conference of South West Obas, ObaAderemi Adadapo, the Oludo of Ido-Osun, General (Rtd) Alani Akinrinade,Senator Olabiyi Durojaiye, Chief IyiolaOladokun, Honourable Wale Oshun,Chief Niyi Akintola (SAN), ProfessorAdemola Ariyo, Professor DayoOyekole

Other eminent personalities on theoccasion included: Professor KolaOwolabi, Dr (Mrs) Keziah Awosika,General (Rtd) O.K Fasasi, General R.AAdesina, Chief Segun Odegbami,Barrister Ramon Shenge, Mr AyoAfolabi, Mrs Jumoke Anifowose, Mr.Tunde Fagbenle, Chief Tunde Odanye,Comrade Moshood Erugbami, ChiefLai Oyeduntan, Chief Ayo Abereoran,Comrade Razaq Olokooba, BarristerGbenga Awosode, Comrade RotimiObadofin among others.

All had gathered to discuss theYoruba agenda and find a commonground that will address the social,economic and political challenges of therace and harmonize positions that willfurther strengthen the development ofthe region within Nigeria system.

Most of the participants faulted themodalities for the proposed nationalconference. It was argued that therepresentation recommended bySenator Okunrunmu was far from theexpectations of Nigerians in relation toethnic organizations. Also that the efforttowards a national conference byPresident Goodluck Jonathan’sadministration is suspicious, as it isglaring that the President lacks the willand sincerity of purpose to midwife agenuine conference.

Core issues at the constitutionalconference included continuous declineof cultural and historical relevance ofthe race, resources control, the currentfederal structure in the country, andinappropriate geographical delineationof south west geopolitical zone, whichleft many Yoruba-speaking states out ofthe zone among others.

Honourable Wale Oshun, Chairmanof ARG set pace for discussion at theconference and condemned themodalities that muffled the conference,especially the unity or indissolubility ofthe country, which the FederalGovernment said is a no-going area.

Oshun said that the Yoruba

constitutional conference is a furthersignpost of the collective wishes anddesire of the Yoruba people and that thespace is a demonstration that Yorubapeople do move in the same direction toachieve common goals and objectives.

“Those of us who love Nigeria somuch argued following the murder ofNigeria’s President-elect, Chief M.K.OAbiola in 1998, that transition into full-blown democracy in 1999 should bepreceded by a Nigerian dialogue andcomplete restructuring.

“Opponents argued that immediatereturn to democracy would resolve allthe issues. Now we all know thatfifteen years after, the decline ingovernance has become total.Whisperings for dialogue andrestructuring have turned into loudexpressions manifesting in the invidiouscreations of Boko Haram, Niger-Deltamilitancy, kidnappings, bare-facedtreasury looting, impunity, as well asthe inability of governments at variouslevels to deliver on issues of goodgovernance.”

Oshun said further that for theYoruba people, the conference, if itwould serve any purpose, wouldconstitute a platform for give and take,stressing that it is no longer necessaryto attempt to justify the need for anurgent restructuring of the country.This is so, according to him, if notrestructure urgently, “we may all havesigned the death knell of the country”.

He said: “Those going for broke andwould rather have status-quo remain;have their case already made for them.Why go to the conference then? Westate categorically that key Yorubarestructuring are well-known demandsthat had crystallized in a periodcovering almost two decades in thedocument now described as YorubaAgenda, which we have fully publishedin today’s programme.”

He posited that Yoruba delegates shallnot allow a return to the status-quo of aunitary mode of government, and maynot mind being pushed out of the Unionif a true Federation is impossible andthat those who may push contrary atthe conference must not be allowedsoft landing return.

Mr Kayode Samuel, who delivered

the lecture on ‘’What Nigeria And ItsFederating Units Are Losing By NotRestructuring,” decried the decline ininfrastructures and economy in theregion, contrary to the vision of the latesage, Chief Obafemi Awolowo andexpressed deep concern that Yorubasare losing their leadership in academiccommunity, banking sector and themedia, which had placed the SouthWest above all other regions in the past.

Samuel identified education,economy, resource control and politicalrestructuring proposals as key issues tobe addressed at the conference beyondthe federal character or allocation ofpolitical offices to the zone, arguingthat the concern of Yoruba is not whoheads any office, but how an ordinaryman on the streets will live a better andconducive life.

He said: “I read a news item in themedia recently, which I considered asan insult to the Yoruba race that thePresidency is considering the SouthWest for the CBN Governor, orController General of Custom Servicesto compensate the zone. That is not ourproblem. Our priority is a system thatwill make life more abundant for thegenerality of our people.”

Chief Niyi Akintola (SAN), whilecontributing at the conference,condemned the “no-go area indicated inthe modalities of the conference andurged the delegates not to fear inagitating for resource control andtasked the leaders to form a think-tankcommittee that will chart a genuinecause for the South West.

Senator Durojaiye, a leadingNADECO activist, advocated adoptionof the 1960 Constitution, whichrecognised regional government, sayingthe present system is too cumbersome.Most of the self-determination groupsfollowed the suit. OPC, Atayese, ApapoOmo Yoruba, the Covenant Group,Agbekoya Reformed Group amongothers, insisted that return toregionalization and adoption of Yorubaagenda for the zone should be the onlycondition for Nigeria unity.

Yoruba-speaking people from Kogiand Kwara States however demandedcreation of a new state andgeographical re-delineation of the 12Yoruba-speaking local government

council areas in Kogi and 7 Yoruba-speaking council areas in Kwara toform part of the South West.

After much deliberation, theconference agreed for moreconsultation of Yoruba leaders beforethe commencement of the nationalconference. In a communiqué issued atthe end of conference read by AsiwajuBisi Adegbuyi, the constitutionalconference resolved among others onfederated regions with liberty to retain,modify or completely alter the presentatomistic state structure.

Also that the Yoruba peopleindigenous in the present Kwara, Kogi,Edo, and Delta states, whose territoriesare contiguous with the rest ofYorubaland must belong to the sameregional government, as the rest of theYoruba in Nigeria.

They also agreed on parliamentarysystem of government, insisting that itis preferred and less-expensive tooperate, when compared to thepresidential system with regionalconstitutions, as was the case in the50s and 60s.

On resource control, the conferencerejected fiscal parasitism and insistedthat each region shall have and exercisecontrol over its natural resources,subject only to payment of 25% of netearnings to the government of the unionand resolved that the present NigeriaPolice Force be abolished and replacedwith a new policing system, reflectingthe true character of a Federal Unionsuch as Union Police, State/Regionalpolice, Community police todecentralise the power of the police.

On defence, the conference proposedthat the Armed Forces in the newNigeria Federation shall be organised onthe basis of strong Regional Commandsand that should the aforementioned beunacceptable to other ethnicnationalities in Nigeria, Yoruba shallinterprete it to forceful rejection frompresent Nigerian state.

The constitutional conferencehowever mandated General (Rtd) AlaniAkinrinade to immediately organise andconvene an all-inclusive Pan-YorubaConference for the purpose of spellingout the details of the Yoruba approachto the national conference.


•Delegates at Yoruba Constitutional Confab… in Ibadan recently.


Page 7: Osun Defender - March 1st, 2014 Edition

OSUN DEFENDER Saturday, March 1, 2014 7PHOTOTALK

State Of Osun Education: Compare And Contrast Between Governor Rauf AregbesolaAnd Prince Olagunsoye Oyinlola’s Administrations As Compiled By GBENGAADENIYI.

•A water system toilet for pupils of Ilare Central Elementary School, Ile-Ife underthe administration of Governor Aregbesola.

•Laro-Timehin Primary School, Isale-Osun, Osogbo, under the administration offormer Governor Olagunsoye Oyinlola.

•An ongoing school project at L.A. Elementary School in Ilesa under theadministration of Governor Aregbesola. •L.A Primary School, Ilesa, under the administration of former Governor Oyinlola.

•An ongoing school project at Laro-Timehin Middle School, Isale-Osun, Osogbounder the administration of Governor Rauf Aregbesola.

•A toilet for pupils at L.A Elementary School, Ilesa, under the administration ofGovernor Oyinlola

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8 OSUN DEFENDER Saturday, March 1, 2014PHOTOTALK

•The Deputy Governor, State of Osun, Otunba (Mrs) Titi Laoye-Tomori; Governor Murtala Nyako of Adamawa State; Senator Abiola Ajimobi, Oyo State and governor and PastorTunde Bakare.

•General Muhammadu Buhari, APC National Leader; Chief Bisi Akande, APC National Chairman and Pastor Bakare.

Progressive Governors Forum Meeting At Lekan Salami Stadium, Adamasigba,Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria Last Monday.

•Ajimobi; Deputy Governor, State of Osun, Laoye-Tomori and Dr, Kayode Fayemi, Ekiti State governor.

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9OSUN DEFENDER Saturday, March 1, 2014 PHOTOTALK

• (L-R) Chief of Staff to State of Osun Governor, Alhaji Gboyega Oyetola; Governor Rauf Aregbesola; Deputy Speaker, Lagos State House of Assembly, Honourable KolawoleTaiwo and State of Osun Head of Service, Mr Sunday Owoeye, at the event.

•Some of the OSG members from Lagos during the courtesy visit to the governor.

•(L-R) Chief Taiwo Ogunjobi; President, Oranmiyan Worldwide, Prince Felix Awofisayoand OSG Chairman, Pastor Olu Alagbe.

Omoluabi Support Group (OSG) Paid A Courtesy Visit To State Of Osun Governor,Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola, In His Office, In Osogbo, Last Thursday. Photo: GBENGA ADENIYI.

•A cross section of OSG members on the occasion.

Page 10: Osun Defender - March 1st, 2014 Edition

10 OSUN DEFENDER Saturday, March 1, 2014PHOTOTALKSome Of The Completed Roads In The State Of Osun Under The Administration Of Governor RaufAregbesola, As Captured By Our Cameraman, GBENGA ADENIYI, Across Osun Recently.

•An newly asphalted road at Ikoyi in Ilesa.

•An asphalted completed road at Ijaregbe, Ijebu-Ijesa.

•Another asphalted road at Amuta road, Ilesa.

Page 11: Osun Defender - March 1st, 2014 Edition

11 OSUN DEFENDER Saturday, March 1, 2014 FEATURE

Markets As Tourists AttractionMARKETS and market

places are two things thatwe cannot historically take

away from our cultural heritage asAfricans.

A quick peep into the historicaldevelopment of most African statesrevealed that towns were developedaround markets.

Even in modern day Nigeria, somecultures still maintain their marketdays which come up every five days.

Markets are so important that somecultures venerate them and havefeasts during which certain gods arehonoured.

In some cultures, especially theYoruba civilisation, the leader of themarket women holds a chieftaincy title(Iyalode) which brings her at par withher male counterparts and we haveeven seen cases where some of theseleaders of market women becameextremely strong, wealthy andinfluential. Efunsetan Aniwura ofIbadanland and Efunroye Tinubu ofLagos are shinning examples.

Modernity came and some townswith a little bit of developedinfrastructure abandoned the marketdays tradition and adopted thebuilding of modern market shops andstalls, but notwithstanding, somesocieties still endured with it and itsturn up again to be a strong force.

Osun, being a state that has agenerality of farmers, also has anabundance of markets, based both onthe line of the traditional market dayssystem or the developed stall orshops on a permanent

basis.Some of these markets with time

had grown from being big places ofcommerce, interaction and exchangeof cultural values to becoming anuisance.

This is due in part to the non-planning of extension of thesemarkets, as the towns that hostedthem grew to the extent that on somemarket days, there would be adeadlock of activities in such townsuntil the markets are over.

Upon resumption of office of thepresent administration in the State ofOsun, plans were in the pipeline tomodernise the market system andcentralise some of them, just like wehave in other states of the Federation,where markets have become centresof tourists’ attraction.

Popular amongst them are theTejuosho Market, Lagos Island;Jankara; Sangross; Aswani; BalogunMarkets, all in Lagos.

Onitsha International Market inOnitsha, Aleshinloye and GbagiMarkets in Ibadan and so on.

Coming to the State of Osun, theold practice of market days is stillvery much in force. There is Oja titunin Ile-Ife, Olufi Market in Gbongan,Atakunmosa Market in Ilesa, AlamisiMarket in Ikirun, Sekona Market inSekona Ede, Kolanut Market inGarage Olode and so on.

Tourism And Markets. Why?Markets back in the olden days warean avenue for traders to travel fromone region to the other in order totrade.

In the process of doing that,cultures are exported, traditions areexchanged, religious worship wereimbibed and marriages werecontracted.

This was tourism, as it affordedtraders the chance to visit someplaces of interests after the day’sbusiness. This still exists today, asbuyers and sellers from onecommunity travel to another in orderto trade.

To emphasize the seriousness withwhich the government takes the issueof markets in the state, the decision toconstruct a big warehouse atDagbolu, under a programme knownas O’Hub in Olorunda LocalGovernment Council Area of the statewas decided upon and also theconstruction of two strategic marketswithin the state capital Osogbo; AjeInternational Market along Iwo-Ibadan Road and AyegbajuInternational Market, Gbongan-Ibadan Road, all in Osogbo.

With the completion of thewarehouse at Dagbolu, tradingbetween Osun and other South-Weststates would be conducted throughthe Nigerian Railway, which is alsoanother vehicle for enhancing thetourism sector of the state.

O’Hub would provide traders inOsun the chance of taking their goodsto other parts of the South-West like

Ibadan, Abeokuta, Lagos and so onfor free, while goods from othersouth-western states would come intothe state also for free.

Taking a look at the modernmarkets under development; that isboth Aje and Ayegbaju InternationalMarkets, it would enhance theaesthetic and landscape of the hostcommunities, bringing in an influx ofpeople.

Realistically, with the establishmentof these two international markets inthe state capital, which would beconnected by rail and air; the MKOAbiola International Cargo Airport,Ido-Osun coupled with the fact thatthe yearly Osun-Osogbo festivalholds in the state.

The markets at least would be aninteresting place to visit and buyinteresting items ranging fromsouvenirs and so on.

Since both markets are intended forthe international space, efforts shouldnot be spared to truly give it theoutlook it so deserved.

We should note that markets of oldwere also places of exchanges ofdiverse depths and so notwithstandingthe international tones that futuremarkets in the State of Osun wouldtake, the possibility for a diverseexchange of cultural, traditional andreligious beliefs should be looked into.

The governments in Osun bothimmediate and present have beenknown to be both tourism and

investment friendly and a marketfriendly State of Osun as Ogbeni RaufAregbesola is going about would bethe better for it.

My advocation is for the marketsystem in the state to be conductedalong the old system but with amodern touch to it in the area ofmodern infrastructural development.

A library detailing the history of thepeople and the market should beincorporated.

These days malls are the in thing.Whether private or government

owned, the truth is that it usuallycomes with its own design andbeauty.

Grand malls exist in choice citiesacross Nigeria. Good examples beingthat of SilverBird Galleria, ShopRiteand so on.

Customers visit these ‘shops’ notonly to buy, but as a form of windowshopping.

This is what most Nigerians dowhen they visit Dubai, Paris, NewYork or London for vacations.

They come home with souvenirsand this is what these big-time shopowners are replicating in the country.

Such a splendid idea should beallowed to take root in this state.

Trado-cultural and religious festivalsare special avenues where touristsflock into Osun and this would be agood time to achieve and meet thetourism potentials of this state further.


The world of buying and selling is so vast that in these days of hi-tech asimple device such as a smart phone can be used to close a transactioneven from one’s living-room.

We are not focusing on such a wonderful definition of market in thispiece but rather as we used to and still have it in our African setting.

This piece by Francis Ezediuno is about how markets can be used as atool for tourism re-awakening in the country with special emphasis on theState of Osun.

•An ongoing project at Ayegbaju Market under the administration of Governor Aregbesola’s administration.

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OSUN DEFENDER Saturday, March 1, 201412


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13 OSUN DEFENDER Saturday, March 1, 2014IN RETROSPECT

A Memorable Quote From A PDPAspirant In The State Of Osun

“Recently, Chief Bola Ige cameon radio here (Osogbo the state

capital), to insult me and myfamily. THAT IS THE LAST

TIME HE WOULDINSULT ME. He was beaten yesterday. The people of Ile-Ife beat him up and he was cry-ing like a baby, as they removedhis cap and glasses. If it had been

at apolitical gathering, he will be

dead by now..... In fact, what thepeople wanted to do was morethan removing his glasses and


•Culled from Vanguard Newspaper.

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14 OSUN DEFENDER Saturday, March 1, 2014

Job Vacancies In Nigeria

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Application Deadline 2nd March, 2013——————————————————Personal Assistant Job Vacancy in Lagos at Betrand Motors LimitedBetrand Motors Limited is recruiting to fill the position of:

Job Title: Personal AssistantLocation: LagosRequirementsAbility to help the director make the best use of time in dealing with administrative and secretarialtasks.Ability to handle work efficiently in the absence of the directorAbility to use discretion and confidentiality in handling official mattersCandidate must possess excellent communication skillsMust have telephone etiquetteCandidate must be proficient in the use of Microsoft applicationsMust be above 35 years

Job Description:To provide administrative support for the Directordevising and maintaining office systems, including data management and filing;arranging travel, visas and accommodation and, occasionally, travelling with the manager to takenotes or dictation at meetings or to provide general assistance during presentations;liaising with clients, suppliers and other staff.carrying out specific projects and research;responsibility for accounts and budgets;taking on some of the manager’s responsibilities and working more closely with management;deputising for the manager, making decisions and delegating work to others in the manager’sabsence;being involved in decision-making processes.screening phone calls, enquiries and requests, and handling them when appropriate;meeting and greeting visitors at all levels of seniority;organising and maintaining diaries and making appointments;dealing with incoming email, faxes and post, often corresponding on behalf of the manager;taking dictation and minutes;carrying out background research and presenting findings;producing documents, briefing papers, reports and presentations;organising and attending meetings and ensuring the manager is well prepared for meetings;

Qualification:BSC/HND from a reputable institution.

Method of ApplicationQualified candidates should send CVs to: [email protected] on or before 24th March2014, using the position applied for as the subject.

Application Deadline 24th March, 2014——————————————————Medical Sales Representative wanted in a Baby Food company in Abuja, Benin, PortHarcourt, Calabar, and LagosAn internationally renowned Baby Food company producing and marketing baby foods productsthroughout the world is looking to recruit strong individuals with drive and ambition, positive cando attitude and willingness/ability to learn and grow; as it expands its operations within Nigeria,to fill the positions below:

Job Position: Medical Sales RepresentativeRef: MSP 101Location: Abuja, Benin, Port Harcourt, Calabar, LagosResponsibil it iesDetail HCP’s (Health Care Professionals) with the appropriate level of scientific and commercialargumentation to recommend the products.Build & manage strong relationships to targeted HCPs and mapping the decision making networksin the region.Organize local symposia/seminars with HCPs as required.Contact and gain hospital listings to create product usage and brand awareness at mothers e.g viatenders, rotatories and negotiatingAnalyze & identify business opportunities in the assigned area and develop plan & tactics to realizethe opportunities.RequirementsHave a degree in Nutrition/Dietetics, Pharmacy, Biochemistry, Microbiology(or any other relatedcourse) with a minimum of 18 months experience.Have a valid drivers license.Hands on experience in field work in the medical or pharmaceutical Sales area (it would be appreciated).Be a self driven professional with excellent selling skills/ability.Have excellent communication skills (inclusive of IT literacy).How to ApplyInterested and qualified candidates should forward their applications with updated CV’s to:[email protected] with job title, code and specific location prefered (as the subject of themail).

Note: Only shortlisted candidates would be contacted.

Application Deadline 18th March, 2014.——————————————————

Page 15: Osun Defender - March 1st, 2014 Edition

15 OSUN DEFENDER Saturday, March 1, 2014

(L-R) The deputy governor, State of Osun, Otunba (Mrs) Titi Laoye-Tomori; Governor, Rauf Aregbesola and Zonal Director, South-West, National Directorate of Employment(NDE), Mr Ola Martins, during a courtesy visit to the governor in Osogbo last Tuesday.

•Aregbesola (3rd left); his deputy (2nd left); Martins (3rd left); State Coordinator, NDE, Mr Sola Daramola (2nd right); Deputy Director, South-West, NDE, Mr Omiwale Taiwo(right), during the courtesy visit to the governor in Osogbo last Tuesday.

Adeleke’s Family of Ila-Orangun Buried Their Mother, Princess Tejumade Adeleke,Recently In Ila-Orangun, State Of Osun. Photo: JESUDOYIN ABRAHAM

•Prince Adesoji Adeleke (Masilo); Chief Depo Ogunwale (Borepo) and members of thefamily of Adeleke at the burial.

•The Special Adviser to Osun Governor on Civil and Public Matters, Comrade WaheedLawal and Prince Adesoji Adeleke, during the burial.

National Directorate Of Employment (NDE) Team Paid A Courtesy Visit To TheState Of Osun Governor, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola, Last Tuesday.

Page 16: Osun Defender - March 1st, 2014 Edition


THE recent suspension of theCentral Bank Governor, MallamSanusi Lamido Sanusi continues

to dominate media and publicdiscourse. As a person, I am notinterested in the propriety of it orotherwise, but my frank assessment isthat we have serious issues at hand tohandle than the suspension of the CBNgovernor. This is not to say that if thereis infraction on the part of the suspendedCBN governor, he should not besanctioned.

However, like some commentatorshave argued, the time was inauspicious.This again depends on the angle atwhich a person is looking at it. For thesupporters of President GoodluckJonathan, the suspension was evenbelated, considering the fact that a queryhad been issued to him in April 2013.The President even toyed with the ideathat Sanusi should offer to resign, whichhe refused outrightly preferring to gowhen his tenure was due to end in Junethis year.

This school of thought holds the viewthat, even though it is not expresslystated in the Central Bank Act that thegovernor can be suspended, the factthat the President puts forward the nameof the CBN governor to the Senatemeans, he has the power to ask him tostep aside for investigation to be carriedout on his activities.

The other school of thought positsthat the oversight power the Presidentholds over the CBN governor is toremove him from office with theconcurrence of two-thirds majority ofthe senate.

Interestingly, Sanusi’s attorneys havereached out to the law court asking forsome reliefs. The coincidence of thequery to Sanusi and the allegation ofnon-remittances of certain money by theNigeria National PetroleumCorporation (NNPC) into theFederation Account, which for now isnot certain, has further compounded theissue at hand.

The first school of thought holds theview that if Sanusi was given query inApril 2013 and he blew the whistle inSeptember, a clear five months later,who does not know that his strategy isto use attack as his best form ofdefence? Critics also posit that the factthat Sanusi has been inconsistent withfigures, which ordinarily ought to be athis finger-tips is a serious minus to him.

Is Sanusi a whistle-blower? SomeNigerians have argued that he is not andcannot be because he is part of thisgovernment; in fact the chief banker? Ifthat is so, why did the suspended CBNgovernor’s letter go public when it wasmeant for the attention of the Presidentalone? Some mischief makers evenposit that Sanusi deliberately leaked the

Is The FG Not ChasingThe Shadow?



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letter to the press.Inspite of the raging argument back

and forth, I personally believe that wehave left unattended to serious issuesthat need prompt attention.

Is it true that billions of naira go downthe drain in the form of subsidy onkerosene, whereas getting the productis not only herculean, but the price isbeyond the ordinary masses?

The perennial fuel queues are backat filling stations. Are we so helplessthat we cannot get enough fuel for localconsumption, which we produce forour citizens? It is a paradox that ourfarmer cannot feed his children, whatan irony?

Besides the allegation of non-remittance of money by the NigeriaNational Petroleum Corporation


OSUN DEFENDER is published by Moremi Publishing House Limited, Promise Point Building, Opposite Guaranty Trust Bank GTB, Gbongan Road, Osogbo, State of Osun. Allcorrespondence to the Managing Editor, KOLA OLABISI, Telephone: 08033927286 ([email protected]); Editor, KAYODE AGBAJE, Telephone: 0803-388-0205, E-mail:[email protected], [email protected]. ISSN: 0794-8050.Website: www.osundefender.org.

(NNPC) into the Federation Account,which is the basis of this currentbrouhaha, there is somethingfundamental, which has been leftunattended to.

Since July last year, the federallycollected revenue has continued todecline. According to the Niger Stategovernor, Dr. Muazu Babangida, thestates have continued to lose 40% fortyper cent of what they were due.

Incidentally, nobody seems to beconcerned about the serious decline,which has significantly affected theperformance of all the levels ofgovernment.

Rather than find ways to stop oil theftthrough bunkering and damage ofpetroleum pipelines, we dissipate ourenergy on sacking or playing politics

with the lives of Nigerians.The current reality of dwindling

fortunes of the country which hasresulted in the delay of payment ofsalaries and slow space of constructionwork or stoppage in some cases oughtto task the mental strength of ourleaders.

One effect of the dwindling revenue,which will come to fore very soon, isthat our national currency will beweakened. This is so because we havebeen compelled to resort to the foreignreserves, which ordinarily could beused for the rainy day. No matter howstrong our political will to defend thenaira is, the dwindling amount in ourreserve will undermine the effort.

Ministries, Departments andAgencies are called upon to defendtheir budgetary projections in theparliament, yet we have left undiscussedthe issue of how to generate morerevenue.

Whatever our plans and projectionsare in the budget, it pales intoinsignificance if we do not generate theincome to match our projections.

In view of this, Jonathan has to domore than the recently live media-chatto convince his countrymen that he isequal to the task.

If things continue to degenerate at thisrate with the incessant massacre ofinnocent citizens in the North-East geo-political zone, dwindling nationalrevenue, fuel queues at filling stations,with its resultant high inflation, high levelof corruption, Jonathan may be forcedto ask why the economy has notcollapsed.

Nigerians will recall that during theregime of General Ibrahim Babangida(Rtd), he once asked why the economyhe was presiding over had notcollapsed. This was because he hadtried all the pieces of advice offered bythe technocrats and experts, yet therewas no relief.

Jonathan is seen in some quarters bythe action of the suspension of Sanusi,as being sectional or partisan. Forexample, some people have argued thatif Sanusi should go on suspension, thenthe Managing Director of NNPC, MrAndrew Yakubu should also follow suit.Critics have even asked that inspite ofthe public outcry on the outrageousprices of BMW cars allegedlypurchased by the former AviationMinister, Ms Stella Oduah, it took thePresident time to act.

Mr President should be seen to befirm and fair to all that would not onlyhelp his image, but build confidence inthe citizens.

I am of the candid view that PresidentJonathan has tarried to announce hisinterest in 2015 presidential electionsbecause he sees it as inauspicious.