Osmanids (part 1) - A Pre-bulgar dynasty from Asia at the origin of the Osmanli Turks

1 И В А Н Д О Б Р Е В ПОТОМЪК НА ПРАБЪЛГАРСКИЯ ДИНАСТИЧЕН РОД ДУЛО ОСНОВАВА ТУРСКАТА ДЪРЖАВА (п ъ р в а ч а с т) The Huns are the immortal topic of human pioneering spirits П Р Е Д И С Л О В И Е...............................................................................................................2 ТАМГАТА НА ОГУЗСКОТО ПЛЕМЕ КАЙЪ КАТО ЕПИГРАФСКА НАХОДКА............................................................................................2 ДИНАСТИЧНО-ХЕРАЛДИЧНИЯТ ЗНАК НА ПРАБЪЛГАРСКИЯ РОД ДУЛО........................................................................................17 НАХЛУВАНЕ, ЗАВЛАДЯВАНЕ И НАСТАНЯВАНЕ НА ОГУЗО-СЕЛДЖУКСКИТЕ ПЛЕМЕНА В МАЛА АЗИЯ............................................49 Огузското племе кайъ...............................................................................................................49 Преминаване и разпростиране на огузските племена в Средна Азия...................67 Империята на Великите Селджукиди.................................................................................95 Съдбовната за Византия и Европа велика битка при Манцикерт.........................121 Не селджукският, а узо-огузският произход на гагаузите.........................................146 Нахлуване на огузо-селджукските племена в Мала Азия..........................................174 Решаващо-ръководната роля на племето кайъ за проникването на огузските племена в Мала Азия и за разгрома и завладяването на Армения и Византия................................................202 ТАМГАТА НА ПЛЕМЕТО КАЙЪ ПРИ КНЯЗ ОСМАН, НАЙ-БЛИЗКИТЕ МУ ПРЕСТОЛОНАСЛЕДНИЦИ И СЪВРЕМЕННИТЕ ИМ ПОТОМЦИ..................................................................................222 Основателят на турската държава княз Осман и тамгата на племето кайъ....................................................................................................222 Тамгата на племето кайъ при най-близките престолонаследници на княз Осман.....................................................257 Тамгата на племето кайъ при днешните потомци на Османидите......................309 Б И Б Л И О Г Р А Ф И Я......................................................................................................320 Цитирана литература.................................................................................................320 Източници.......................................................................................................................324 Съкращения....................................................................................................................326


Osmanids (part 1) - A Pre-bulgar dynasty Dulo from Asia at the origin of the Osmanli Turks

Transcript of Osmanids (part 1) - A Pre-bulgar dynasty from Asia at the origin of the Osmanli Turks

  • 1

    ( )

    The Huns are the immortal topic of human pioneering spirits






    - ............................................49





    , - .........................................146

    - ..........................................174







    - .....................................................257






  • 2



    , .



    , ,



    -, -

    , , ,


    - , .

    - -

    , . -

    , .

    1964 ., ,

    Hermann V{ry Bochum

    - .

    (. 1).

    . 1

  • 3


    - ,

    [Vry 2011, 50-51].

    -, - Karayaz

    Dz (2300 ) (. 2-3). 25 .



    . . - .

    . . .



    Kazbl Da,

    . - Karata (2500 ) (. 4).


    Cunni - Cunni-Hhle. ,

    15 .


    . ,


    (. 5-6).

    , , , , , .

    , .

    Bayro , :

    . 2

    . 3

  • 4

    2. Dagegen mssen die nur wenige Kilometer sdwestlich gelegenen Snnet-Hhlen bis

    zuletzt eine armenische Kultsttte gewesen sein, wie aus der teilweise erhaltenen Schriftmalerei,

    dem zerstrten Freskenschmuck der rechteckigen Rume, den Apsiden, Sulen, Kapitalen und

    Spitzbogen zu schlieen ist. Verzierte Schalen und Kannen aus Kupfer sollen dort gefunden worden

    sein. Die in schneeweien Kalk gehauene Anlage mu einstmals einen prchtigen Anblick geboten

    haben. Seit Jahrzehnten jedoch wird der Kalkstein von den Bewohnern des nahen Dorfes Bayro zur

    Mrtelherstellung gebrochen und diese seltene, aus dem Fels gehhlte Architektur zerstrt. Die

    Lage dieser Hhle im schwer zugnglichen Hochtal einer Quelle des Kazbil-Baches hat im Vergleich

    zur Cunni-Hhle keine in alten Zeiten wnschenswerten Vorteile.

    20 km stlich der Cunni-Hhle liegen zwischen den Drfern Kanisipi (mit einer Burgruine) und

    Memitan ebenfalls zwei grere Hhlen, die ich nicht besucht habe. Herr stud. agr. Ahmet Aras aus

    Elmalidere (Mollaosman) im Bezirk Karayazi zeigte mir eine von mehreren byzantinischen

    Goldmnzen, die er dort gefunden hat. Diese hatte einen Durchmesser von 2 cm. Die Vorderseite

    zeigt das Portrait des Kaisers mit kreuzgeschmcktem Diadem, sowie die Umschrift: DM TIB

    CONSTANT PP AVG. Die Rckseite zeigt ein auf vier Stufen stehendes Kreuz, darunter die

    Signatur der Mnzsttte CONOB und die Umschrift: VICTORIA AVG... (unleserlich) [Vry

    2011, 51-53,78].

    . 5 . 6

    . 4

  • 5


    , 50

    , :

    An den auf dem Plan angegebenen Stellen (Z) finden sich, unregelmig ber die Wnde

    verteilt, rund fnfzig Zeichen und Bilder eingemeielt. Auerdem sind zwei Inschriften zu je 18

    und 28 Schriftzeichen erhalten, von denen nur die erstere ohne Zweifel altarmenisch ist. Allgemein lassen sich unterscheiden:

    a Oghusische tamga

    b Uigurische Sippenmarken

    c Alttrkische Runen

    d Tier- und Reiterdarstellungen

    e (altarmenische) Inschriften

    f ungedeutete Zeichen [Vry 2011, 53].



    VII-VIII . (. 7-9), Tier- und Reiterdarstellungen.

    Alttrkische, ..

    , . Hermann Vry


    V . - ,


    1 . 7 A S,


    V-VI . 2 - R




    , - VII

    . .

    3 , ,

    . A. v. Gabain

    - -

    . 4

    . Q.

    . 7



    . 8

    . 9

  • 6

    III . - Qiniq,


    . 5


    2-5 karischen ,

    : 2 se, 3 ti, 4 th, 5 ri. ,

    : Talas - Talas-Kerbschrift,

    -, -

    spthellenistischer Zeit, Marakanda (Samarkant)

    Alexandreia am Jaxartes (Kokand bei Takent).

    Satrapie Baktrien/Sogdiane/Margiane Karer. Oxos Xerxes

    Milesier. Herodot (484-425) Karer Halikarnassos. ,

    Skythenland, -

    altaistmmige Skythen, z.B. (IV, 103) :

    Die Amazonen heien bei den Skythen orpata, das ist Mnnermrderinnen, denn or heit,

    Mann und pata ermorden. Man denkt dabei an alttrk. r- Mann + bat- untergehen.

    323 . .. - Karien Sldner

    (10000 Fusoldaten und 3500 Reiter), . Kariatai (Strab. XI,

    517). - , -

    160 . ..: Kariye-negara devata (Gott der Stadt

    Kari). E

    - untrkisch (A. V.

    Gabain). ,

    - . -



    - palotrkischen,

    V-VI .

    II-III ., . ,



    2 . 8 -


    . 3

    [Vry 2011, 61-65,70-71].

    - . 9 ..

    Armazem, altgeorgichen.

    , pahlavik.

    22 ,

  • 7


    , . , -

    , altgeorgiche Hutsuri () -


    , , .

    Armazi. Cunni

    Mhedruli, - Hutsuri.

    F. Altheim 300 . .

    . ,

    , -

    [Vry 2011, 61-66,70].

    , 1.5-2

    20-40 , (. 10-



    -. .



    Bilg Qaan Kl Tegin.

    , .

    , , .

    , ,

    . Alp Arslan



    Hocharmenien, - Trans-kaukasien,

    - Capriden-Gattung, .



    - Bezoar-

    Ziege, capra hircus L., geyik, .

    . 10

    . 11

  • 8

    - , ,

    [Vry 2011, 65-67].

    - -I ., .. ,


    Volkssprache Ramkoren (. 12), , -


    T*+r A*stua+c oorme(c') = Herr, Gott, erbarme dich! (oder : ... erbarmte sich).

    , ... [Vry 2011, 67-68].


    (. 13).

    , . ,

    alttranskaukasishe, ,

    400 . . ,

    29 . , - ,

    - ,

    , ,


    (S. Taylor), - .


    , - Kharosthi,

    . Kharosthi

    V . .. III . ..,


    Kharosthi ,


    , , -


    VII .





    . 12 . 13

  • 9





    , . 28 ,




    [Vry 2011, 68-


    , ,


    24- : Qay, Afar, Bayat, Yazr,

    Salur, Bgdz, ymr, Igdir, Ula Yundlu, uvaldar, Bnk, pni (. 14).

    . 14

  • 10

    , Divan Lgat-it-Trk

    Mahmd al-Kgar 1073 .

    Gami' al-Tawrh Rad ed-Dn 1306 .

    Mahmd al-Kgar 45 180

    , .


    A. v. Gabain ,

    . Mahmd al-Kgar ,

    . Rad ed-Dn

    Bozoq, oq.


    , ,

    . Cumont Universitt Gent 1900 .

    - Karata, 10 Suehri.

    , Ksedai, . Aksu,

    Kelkit (Lycus). Suehri, Akar Ovasi,

    Aq-ahr, Aqer-abd, .

    , Cumont Karata Yaylasi Saroudjar,

    . , ,

    , . Cumont

    (. 15), .

    , .

    Salgur Qayig.

    Bgdz Ula Yundlu.

    , , .

    - Apotropon,


    , .



    . 15

  • 11



    , .

    , ,


    sog. yo - Feiern, Orchon-

    Inschriften Mahmud al-Kasgari, VI .

    dochia. , ,



    , - alttrkischen



    , Cunni

    Karata balbal.

    . -

    trkischen Donaubulgaren, ,

    . -

    Proto-Bulgaren, , 893 . ,

    Krki-jaba. ,


    Qayg. ,


    Qayg (. 16):

    Zurckkommend auf die Donaubulgaren mu die auffallende Tatsache erwhnt werden, da die

    von ihnen hinterlassenen Tamas mit wenigen Ausnahmen alle das Symbol des Qay-Volkes

    darstellen. MAVRODINOV [14] hat die proto-bulgarischen Zeichen, die auf Felswnden und

    Grabsteinen, auf Keramik und Ziegeln vorkommen, auf Tafel 46 seines Buches zusammengestellt.

    Wir finden allein zwanzig Varianten des Qay-Tama. (s. Tafel S. 57).

    1 18 (. 16)

    - alttrkisches Tamga, -

    - protobulgarischen Zeichen.


    19,20,21, Qayg-Tamga ,


    . Qayg

    2.3 Prestovatz, I .

    Kunsthistorischen Museum (. 17):

  • 12

    Das Stammessiegel der Qay ist besonders schn auf einem goldenen Ring aus dem Schatze

    von Prestovatz ausgefhrt [15]. Mit einer Platte von 2,3 cm Durchmesser, in welche das tama

    eingraviert ist, handelt es sich wohl tatschlich um einen Siegel-Ring. Das Zeichen ist an seinen

    Enden mit je drei kleinen Doppelringen verziert, die im Dreieck angelegt sind. Die Schmuckstcke

    stammen aus dem 9. Jh. Sie befinden sich im Kunsthistorischen Museum in Wien. In der

    vorgenannten Publikation wird das Symbol als drei eingravierte Zeichen, vielleicht ein aus drei

    Teilen bestehendes Zeichen beschrieben [16].


    . -

    , II .

    Mahmd al-Kgar .

    III-IV . , Rad ed-Dn



    III . ,

    Qiniq, , I .

    . Cunni ,

    Rad ed-Dn Qiniq.

    , Seljuk.

    . 16

  • 13


    kktrkische Rune, .

    Bayat ymr,


    - . , I

    . , III .

    fremdlndischem, .

    Binh, .

    . Faruk

    Smer .


    Aq-qoyunlu Bayindir.

    , Qayg,

    V-VI . II , ,

    22- ,


    Die Osmanen, die dem Stamme Qay angehrten, haben ihr tama noch im 15. und 16.

    Jahrhundert benutzt. Murad II. lie es auf sein Geld prgen, und von Sleyman II. ist im

    Istanbuler Heeresmuseum ein 22 Tonnen schweres Kanonenrohr zu sehen, das mit dem Qay-

    Tama als Relief geschmckt ist.

    Herr Prof. Dr. inasi Tekin (Cambridge/Mass.) ,

    - alttrkische tama, Uludag Bursa.

    - ,


    ber Herkunft und ursprngliche Bedeutung des Wortes tama wre noch zu sagen, da es

    wahrscheinlich aus der Sprache der Alanen entlehnt worden ist. Eine trkische Etymologie lt

    sich nicht nachweisen. Die Osseten jedoch, die Nachfahren der Alanen, nennen das Emblem bzw.

    das Symbol eines Stammes damygh, abgeleitet von myg 'Sperma', (mygkak 'Sippe', 'Clan';

    wrtlich : dem Sp. zugehrig, i.e. vom selben Samen) [20]. Das vorgestellte da (d) wre die

    kultisch-rhetorische Anrufung Dein (entsprechend dem englischen thy), womit sich also da-

    myg auf den symbolisierten Stammvater-Schutzgeist bezge.

    - Uigurische Sippenmarken (. 18).

    III-IV . ,


    , :

  • 14

    Fnf Zeichen aus der Cunni-Hhle knnen mit uigurischen Haus- oder Sippenmarken

    verglichen werden, wie sie auf den Rechtsurkunden der Turfan-Texte aus dem 13. und 14.

    Jahrhundert von Vertragschlieenden und Zeugen angebracht worden sind [21]. Von rund 400

    derartigen Urkunden sind erst 150 verffentlicht. Es mu sich um Klan- oder Sippenmarken

    handeln, weil gleiche Unterschriftensiegel oft von verschiedenen Personen gefhrt werden. Bekannt

    ist, da der Gebrauch von Siegelmarken im sozialen Leben der Uiguren eine bedeutende Rolle

    gespielt hat und von ihnen geradezu kultiviert worden ist. Das mag seine Ursache darin haben, da

    sie mehr als andere Trkvlker in den Bindungen ihrer Sippen- und Geschlechtergemeinschaften

    verhaftet waren. Durch ihr strkeres Festhalten an der halbnomadischen Lebensweise zogen sie die

    Blutsgemeinschaft der greren, politischen Einheit vor.

    Zu einem Vergleich eignen sich drei Arten der vielfrmigen uigurischen Sippenmarken: der nach

    oben gerichtete Pfeil, das gabelfige Kreuz, sowie ein T-frmiges Zeichen. (Gegenberstellung auf

    s. 60). Die zwei komplizierteren Zeichenbildungen aus der Cunni-Hhle erinnern an oben

    gerundete Schilde oder Setztartschen. Auch unter den Turfan-Siegeln gibt es die gleiche Form der

    Kartusche. Wenn wir nun diese Umrahmung weglassen, so bleiben die oben genannten drei

    Zeichen als Kombinationselemente zurck.

    Die Kreuzvarianten knnten sehr wohl Ausdrcke christlichen Glaubens sein. Im 11. und 12.

    Jahrhundert verbreitete sich dieser Glaube vom Zentrum der uigurischen Christen, dem Dorfe

    Bulayq im Osten der Turfanoase ausgehend, bis tief in die Mongolei. Buddhismus und

    nestorianisches Christentum traten an die Stelle des Manichismus, den die Uiguren 300 Jahre

    zuvor angenommen hatten [22]. Deshalb glaube ich in den Kartuschen die Vereinigung eines

    alttrkischen mit dem christlichen Symbol, nmlich Pfeil und Kreuz, zu sehen.

    Wenn uigurische Stammesgruppen nicht schon frher in Anatolien aufgetreten sein sollten,

    dann kommt dafr sptestens das 13. Jahrhundert, also die Zeit der Turfantexte, in Frage. Damals

    kamen sie im Gefolge der Mongolen. Schon ingiz Han lie sich im Lande Kaiman durch einen

    uigurischen Siegelbewahrer in die uigurische Schrift einfhren. In der Folge waren die

    Staatsbeamten des mongolischen Hofes grtenteils Uiguren, die sich im Amte ihrer eigenen

    Schrift bedienten. Die Eretna-Oullari waren uigurische Adelige, die als Statthalter der

    mongolischen Ilhane in Sivas residierten. Das Gebiet um Erzurum unterstand ihrer Herrschaft wie

    ganz Ost- und Zentralanatolien [Vry 2011, 53-61].

    . 18

    . 17

  • 15

    , ,

    , .

    350 .


    Karata. ,

    , Karata.

    qara ,


    qara Karayazi , , yazi - ,

    , ,


    , 1.5

    Kazbil-su .

    Kangha Kanka .

    . 1-2 ,

    . -

    , ,


    Kulturoase Choresmien (Hvrezm) Oxus Jaxartes

    Aralsee (. 19).

    Kelte Minar III . ...,

    I . , Afrigh-Kultur, ..

    - vorislamisclien ra Choresmiens.


    . VII .


    Die Verzierungen finden sich in jeder Kulturschicht, vom Neolithikum am Beginn des 3.

    Jahrtausends (Kelte Minar) bis zur Mitte des 1. Jahrtausends unserer Zeit-rechnung (Afrigh-

    Kultur), also bis zur letzten vorislamisclien ra Choresmiens. Sogar das Katzentritt-Muster

    kommt in der K'ang-k (Kan-gha)-Kultur (etwa 500 vor bis 500 nach Chr.), welche die Bltezeit

    Altchoresmiens war, als Ziegelstempel vor.

    . 19

  • 16

    In diesem Zusammenhange sei ein in Ungarn gefundenes, sptavarenzeitliches Tongef (Hhe

    14,7 cm) erwhnt. Es ist mit eingekmmten, umlaufenden Wellenlinien verziert, und auf seinem

    Boden zeigt es, ca. 5 cm gro im Relief, jene Szekler Rune , die wir eingangs besprochen haben.

    Dieser Typus der avarenzeitlichen Keramik mit Wellenlinienverzierung und Bodenstempel tritt in

    Ungarn seit der Mitte des 7. Jahrhunderts n.Chr. auf, und zwar ausschlielich entlang der beiden

    Donauufer [76].

    Kangha Choresmiens,

    . 126 . . .



    (VII- .) K'ang. Kang

    . , .

    III .

    II .:

    Der Name Choresmiens mag Sonnenland bedeuten, wie VERNADSKY [77] ausfhrt. (var-

    zem, von avestisch: var; alanisch: ur, beides 'Sonne' bedeutend.) TOLSTOV fhrt in seinem

    Buche den fr uns interessanten Beweis, da Kangha der eigentliche Name Choresmiens gewesen

    ist: Schon im Avesta und in der spteren zoroastrischen Literatur ist die Rede von Kangha, das

    hochragende, heilige (Ardw sr Jt, V, 54.57). Im a-nm ist Kangha (bzw. Kang-Diz und

    Kang-i-Sijawas) der Ort, wo Sijawusch lebte und wirkte. Der groe Choresmier Al-Brn (geb.

    973) wiederum bezeugt, da sich dessen Auftreten in Choresmien ereignet hat.

    Der chinesische Gesandte Tschang K'ien, der sich 126 v.Chr. im Auftrage des Kaisers Wu-ti

    vergeblich bemhte, Choresmien zu einem Bndnis gegen die Hunnen zu bewegen, sowie die

    Annalen der frhen Han-Dynastie zeugen von dem groen, aus fnf Frstentmern bestehenden

    Reiche K'ang-k. Der Name vrezm jedoch ist in keiner chinesischen Quelle zu finden.

    Andererseits kennen die griechisch-rmischen Quellen kein K'ang-k. Damit wird die Identitt der

    beiden Namen bewiesen. Das Reich mu sich in den Jahrhunderten um die Zeitwende bis zum Ural

    und bis zum Kaukasus ausgedehnt haben. Noch in den Annalen der T'ang-Dynastie (7.-10.

    Jahrhundert) wird dieses Land K'ang erwhnt. Vielleicht kann man dazu auch das in

    georgischen und armenischen Chroniken oft genannte Gebiet Kang-ark[78] im Bogen der oberen

    Kura, dessen Bewohner als Fremdvolk gelten, stellen.

    Den Namen Kangha leitet TOLSTOV von dem gemein-indogermanischen Stamm qan 'Kanal'

    ab, dessen Bedeutung sich bis in die heutigen europischen Sprachen erhalten habe. Der

    ursprngliche Name Choresmiens Kangha bedeutet demnach Land der (Bewsserungs-)kanle

    (bzw. Fluarme). Tatschlich haben die russischen Expeditionen in der Wstenzone

    Transoxaniens, zwischen den Deltas des Amu-Darja und Syr-Darya, durch Luftbildforschung

    nicht nur viele stadtartige Siedlungen, sondern auch ausgedehnte Systeme zahlloser Kanle und

    Wasserverteiler festgestellt, und haben das Gebiet demzufolge Land uralter Bewsserung

    benannt [79].

  • 17

    Die Choresmier gehrten wohl jener Vlkergruppe der ostjapheti tischen Steppenbauern des

    iranischen Hochlandes an, denen auch die Subarer bzw. Hurriter zuzurechnen sind [80]. Die

    materiellen Kulturen Choresmiens weisen starke Bindungen zu Kasachstan und Sdsibirien auf, so

    zur Afanassjewa-Kultur des 3. Jahrtausends und zur bronzezeitlichen Andronowa-Kultur des 2.

    Jahrtausends. Es wird jedoch mit fortschreitender Erforschung deutlicher, da dem Aralsee-Gebiet

    dabei die Rolle des Vermittlers von Sd nach Nord zukommt [81] [Vry 2011, 71-75].


    . 1044 .

    . ,

    , vrezm-. III .

    Al'ad-Dn Muammad II (1200-1220)

    . -

    . Kangha [Vry 2011, 75-76].



    , . . [2012]

    , -




    , - - - .

    1). - (, ). -

    , .





    . - - , , , ,


    , .

    - ,

    , -

    , . ,

  • 18

    - ( ),

    , ..

    2). - .


    , , . (, , ,

    ) , ,

    ( ). ,



    (, ).


    ( .., .., 1991, . 62, 63).

    3). - . ,

    , , .

    ( ) , -.

    4). - (). ,

    - (

    , , ..),

    , ,


    - . ,


    , ,



    5). - ().

    , - .


    , , , ,

    II, III . (. 9). ,

    , ,


    6). - .

    ( ) ,




  • 19

    , ,


    7). - . ,




    , ,

    , ..

    8). - . ,


    . (, ,


    , . ,


    ( A.M., 1964).

    , , .

    , ,



    , -

    - ,


    , ,

    . ,



    , - .



    , ,

    . dalamak , ; ,

    - ,


    VII-I . :

    , -, , ,

    .. , ,

  • 20


    , , .. , , i ( ) V

    : " , , ." , - . , i -

    i , , i i * 2009, 285].


    ( 36) .

    , ,


    , . .).


    , - , ' ),



    : , , ,


    - , "

    , " (),

    , ,

    (, , )

    [ 2012, 6-7].

    A tamga or tamgha "stamp, seal" (Mongolian: tamag, Turkish: damga) is an abstract seal or

    stamp used by Eastern Eurasian nomadic peoples and by cultures influenced by them. The tamga

    was normally the emblem of a particular tribe, clan or family. They were common among the

    Eurasian nomads throughout Classical Antiquity and the Middle Ages (including Scythians,

    Sarmatians, Alans, Turkic peoples and Mongols).

    Similar "tamga-like" symbols were sometimes adopted by sedentary peoples adjacient to the

    Pontic-Caspian steppe both in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Archaeologists prize tamgas as a

    first-rate source for the study of present and extinct cultures.

    Logo with the Xiongnu tamga; these five symbols were later used as the tamgas of Genghis Khan

    and his sons.

    Since the time when the ancients, including the Mongol nations have developed into relative

    groups, origins, and ethnic groups, the symbol and belief of a clan have emerged, and a custom to

    distinguish their origins and relatives have been established. Consequently, when labor

  • 21

    distributions within clans began to develop and people started to manage an economy, various

    tamgas, drawings, notes and earmarks have been used as an identification sign for labor

    instruments and utilities as well as in domestication of animals. Every time the clan branched off

    due to internal clashes, the number of derivative tamghas been gradually developed into personal,

    family, lineage, khans, and state tamghas. Those new tamghas were created through adding new

    markings on the original tamgha, in order to conserve the tradition.

    "Tamga" or "tamag" literally means just a stamp or seal in the Mongolian language. Tamgas

    are also stamped using hot irons on domesticated animals such as horses in present-day Mongolia

    and others to identify that the livestock belongs to a certain family while they graze during the day

    on their own. In this regard, each family has their own tamga markings for easier identification.

    Tamga marking in that case is not very elaborate and is just a curved iron differentiating from

    other families' tamgas. The President of Mongolia also passes the tamag "state seal" when he or she

    transitions the position to the new president. In the presidential case, the tamag or seal is little more

    elaborate and is contained in a wooden box.

    The Turks who remained pastoral nomad kings in eastern Anatolia and Iran however, continued

    to use their clan tamgas, and in fact they became high-strung nationalistic imagery. The Ak

    Koyunlu, like many other royal dynasties in Eurasia, put their tamga on their flags and stamped

    their coinage with it.

    For those Turks who never left their homeland of Turkestan in the first place it remained and

    still is what it was originally, a cattle brand and clan identifier.

    Among modern Turkic peoples, the tamga is a design identifying property or cattle belonging to

    a specific Turkic clan, usually as a cattle brand or stamp [Tamga 2012, 1-3].

    Ta ve kayalar zerindeki damgalarn yapl ve kullanm nedenleri unlardr:

    1- Otlaklarn belirlenmesi ve otlaklardan faydalanan kabile ve boylarn iareti olmas gerekir.

    Gnmzdeki tapu senedi yerini tutmaktadr.

    2- Trklerde yu trenine gelenlerin damgalarn vurmalar ile ilgili olabileceidir. Boylarn

    beyleri veya ileri gelenlerinin yu trenine katldklarnn belgesi saylmaktadr.

    3- Eski Trk geleneinde nemli yol kavaklar ve konak yerlerine iaret etmek iin kullanlm

    olabilir [Ceylan 2012, 2].

    Tarihsel kkeni ok eskilere dayanan tamgalar (damgalar) bir iletiim gereksinimi olarak

    tremitir. Bu sebeple hayvan, eya ve hatta silahlarn damgalanmas gibi harmanda elde edilmi

    olan hububat da damgalanrd. Erken Trkler, Kuzey Avrasya ktasnda yaygn olarak yaamlar,

    geimlerini obanlk ve avclkla salamaya balamlard. Yazn yaylakta, kn klakta yar gebe

    hayat srdrmlerdi. Mevsim gleri srasnda, srlerin birbirlerine karmamas iin her boy,

    srlerine kendi tamgasn vuruyordu [Trk Boylarnn Tamgalar 2012, 1].

    The term tamga, originally referring to the "seal" of a given group, was later borrowed by

    Russians to designate customs levies (Russian: tamozhnia). The tamga was embroidered on Central

    Asian tents, incorporated into rugs, filigreed into jewelry, struck into coins, and used as a cattle

    brand. A list of early tamgas is found in Kashgarli Mahmut's eleventh century work the Diwan

  • 22

    Lugat at Trk. It provides, in part, the visual identification component of the membership in the


    As one result, the triad uran, tamga, dastan comprise, if you will, the constitution, passport and

    national anthem of the confederation. Together, they form the emblems of a polity, or statehood. In

    the political party platforms of the proposed Turkistan independent republic, the traces of these

    elements are discernible. This triad was always used by Central Asian polities, even after large-scale

    Central Asian empires, city-states or other smaller entities, dissolved. The triad lay dormant for a

    period, until new conditions favorable for another confederation presented themselves. It happened

    in the fifth to seventh centuries A.D., when the Gktrk empire rose from its earlier roots, and even

    after the thirteenth century Mongol irruption as the Timurid empire demonstrates [Paksoy 2012,

    2, . . 2009, 45; , 2012, 1-2; 1997, 46-58;

    1988, 91-105; , 1984, 219; 1984; Divitiolu 1994,




    1. ,



    2. ,


    , , (. 20)

    [ 2012, 13],

    , - -,

    - .



    3. , ,

    , , , -

    , , , , .,

    . -

    , .


    , ,


    , - ,

    (. 20) *-

    1980, 11+:

  • 23

    , ,

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    ), . . , . , . .

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    (. , ) ,

    , , ,


    , -

    , IYI,

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    , .

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    , ,

    . 20 . 20

  • 24

    , IYI , . .


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    IYI, .

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    , , ,

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    . IYI, Y,

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    - IYI , ,

    . .

  • 25

    , .

    , , ,

    , , , .

    , . ,

    , .



    , , . IYI

    , ; ,

    . , .


    . .

    . IYI

    , ,


    IYI e ,

    , . 79-

    I: , ,

    , . -

    * 2012, 2-4].

    , , . (. )- ,

    , . .

    , (, , )

    , , - . ,

    , , ,


    -, , , , ,

    . , ,

    , .

    V .:

    ( - ,

    . 20). ,



    . ,

    , - , ,

    , . ,

  • 26

    , - 30 . ,

    , . (. . ,

    , 1965 . 3.).

    , ,

    . , ,


    , , ,

    , . .

    , -,

    . (. .

    , 57) * 2009, 43-45].


    (. 20)

    (803-814), .

    , ..


    I. Boba *1982+,

    , , 670-680 .

    , ,


    . ,

    . , . , ,

    800-803 . ,

    , ,


    ; ,

    . . , ,

    , , ,

    , - -


    , , ,



    [ 2005, 59-60].


    , :


    . ,


  • 27

    . ,

    , ,

    (. ) , ,

    - ,



    (. ; . ; . )

    , .

    , ,

    , ,

    (. ).

    , , ,

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    IYI, /,

    ?/ (. ).


    , :


    . IYI, V,

    , . IYI,

    , Y

    , . .


    , ,

    , . - IYI ,

    , .



    . , ,

    , , , , .

    , . ,


    . .


    , , . IYI

  • 28

    , ,

    . , .


    . .

    . IYI

    , ,


    IYI e ,

    , . 79-

    I: , ,

    , . -



    . ,

    , ,

    , ,

    , .

    * 2009, 13-14, . . 1993, 163-171; 1987, 15-23].


    - (. ),

    (. 21) * 2012, 406+


    * 1988, 93,99+, 965 .

    (. 21-21) [Fetisov 2011, 33+. , ,



    (K. Brook).

    (. 22):

    Moreover, Svyatoslavs seal is also mentioned in written sources. For instance, seals on the peace

    treaty document with the Greeks in 971 are mentioned in the Russian Primary Chronicle (Povest

    vremennykh let). The Russian closing of the document reads: Dont doubt the honesty of what we

    have promised you today, and have written in this charter, and have sealed with our seals [Fetisov

    2011, 33].


    . 943-944 ,

    , , ,

    , ( ).

    The ivory plate with a bident was found during the excavations of Sarkel, the largest Khazarian

    fortress in the Lower Don area (fig. 6.2). After Svyatoslavs campaign against the Khazarian

  • 29

    Khaganate in 965, Sarkel was turned into a Russian city called Belaya Vezha. Published for the first

    time by M. I. Artamonov, this plate had not yet been related to Svyatoslav and neither to the events

    of 965.

    Only later was it associated with the knyaz, though the hypothesis was poorly substantiated.

    There is a consensus in historiography that the sign on this plate is that of Svyatoslav. Still, the

    director of the excavations did not describe the archaeological context of this find, nor did he

    mention its level of discovery or its dating. S. V. Beletsky refers to this round plate as a referential

    object, but its origin, its purpose and the meaning of the depicted sign remain unclear. Two more

    bidents (scratched upon pieces of amphorae) were also found at Sarkel (fig. 6.3 and 6.4).

    The images are linear and, albeit resembling some of the bidents scratched upon dirhams, they

    could belong to the local Iranian and Turkic tradition. In Sarkel was also found a bludgeon from

    10th to 12th century, with a series of tamgas incized on it. There is a bident among them (fig. 6.5),

    possibly dating, according to Beletsky, back to the 10th century, a supplementary proof of its

    Rurikid origin.

    There is one more very interesting example. Bidents were found on the walls of the sepulcher on

    the Tsarsky tumulus, near Kerch. The history of this site very much resembles the one of the

    Basarabi complex. It is a sepulcher of a Bosphoran king, located on the top of a tumulus which was

    erected in the fourth century B.C. During the 9th-10th centuries A.D. it was transformed into a

    Christian church. The walls of a 75 meter long corridor, leading to the burial chamber, are covered

    with graffiti from different periods. There are three bidents among them, probably dating back to the

    10th century (fig. 6.6-6.8). A. O. Amel'kin supposes they could be Rurikid signs and associates

    them to the eastern campaign of Svyatoslav, when the knyazs army reached the lands on the

    eastern coast of the Kerchensky strait (A. Fetisov).

    - , 4-5 . -,

    , . .

    . 21

    . 22

    . 21 . 21

  • 30


    , ,

    . ,


    (. 23) *Barabi; Fetisov 2011, 30, .

    Agrigoroaei 2012, 2-51]:

    Upon the south-western wall of the B3 churchs nave at Basarabi has been scratched a drawing

    of a bident shape (fig. 1 and 2). The drawing has the approximate size of 12x12.5 cm. Both jags are

    sharpened at their top, and the lower part of the sign (the stem) is quite wide. This stem is

    divided into two parts by a vertical line. A recently proposed hypothesis interprets this drawing as

    a patrimonial sign of the Russian prince (knyaz) Svyatoslav (957-972).

    Since the 1920s, bidents and tridents of similar shapes have been regarded in Russian

    historiography as private and patrimonial signs of the Rurikid dynasty.

    The appearance of Svyatoslavs bident on Low Danube at Basarabi can be related only to his

    wars with Bulgaria and afterwards with Byzantium, in 967-971 (the chronology is based on the

    Povest vremennykh let). The presence of the Rurikid signs in sites located not far from the border

    with Old Russia and exposed to invasions of Russians (as above-mentioned bidents from Kerch,

    Sarkel and Basarabi if we assume a Russian and not a local origin for these signs) could have

    some special meaning.

    Since all these regions certify to a local tradition of using tamgas, one may suppose that

    inscribing the Rurikid sign upon local objects could imply the understanding of this gesture by

    local dwellers (A. Fetisov) [. . 2011, 3-6; 2010, 1-2;

    2010, 2010, 11; , 1983, 57; 2010, 11-14; Brook 2010a,

    1; Fetisov 2011, 1-13, . 1997, 45-65; 2010, 1-7] [ 2011, 519-522, .

    . 2012, 372].

    . . *2012], -


    , ..

    . 23

  • 31



    X-XIII . -

    - . ,

    , , .




    ( .., 1999).


    - ( .., 1999, . 320, 321).

    , .







    . , ,

    , ,

    ( ,



    ( , , , ),

    ( ).

    . , (986-996),


    , , , , , , , .

    , ,


    , ,

    , ,

    . ( , . , ,

  • 32

    - . , ,

    , , .





    , X-XIII .

    - - .

    , - ,

    , ,

    - * 2010, 5+.

    The Rurikid signs (both bidents and tridents) have been found on objects of different types in

    pre-Mongolian Russia (10th through 12th centuries) such as metal pendants, pendent seals

    (Novgorod and its region), bludgeons (Minsk, Sarkel, Kiev), silver Arabian dirhams, first Russian

    coins srebrenniks and zlatniks; on pottery (as potter marks), etc. A trident has been also inscribed

    upon a wall of Saint Sofia in Kiev (as graffito) (A. Fetisov).


    , .


    (. 24).

    . ,


    , -

    , ,



    , . Fetisov *2011, 34+,

    (. 25).

    , ,

    , ,

    , .

    . ,

    , ,

    . ,


  • 33

    , , , -

    - :

    Two pendants of the 10th century representing bidents were found in the territory of Old

    Russia. One of them is from Gnyozdovo (Smolensk region), the other one is from Novgorod.

    The pendant of Novgorod was made of ivory (fig. 4.2). It was found during excavations in a level

    dating from 954-973. There is a trident on one of its sides, while the other side bears a bident, later

    transformed into trident. The side bearing the bident is the obverse. It has been suggested by V. L.

    Yanin that the bident could have been transformed into a trident, because its middle jag is traced

    very lightly. This trident can be ascribed to prince Vladimir, and it was during this very period that

    Novgorod passed from Svyatoslav to Vladimir. The initial bident could have been Svyatoslavs sign,

    later altered to become the patrimonial sign of Vladimir.

    Certainly, such a reconstruction is strictly hypothetical. Still, one should bear in mind that the

    pendants dating and the way it was depicted allow its ascription to Svyatoslav [Fetisov 2011, 6].



    , .


    . XIX

    , .

    . 24

    . 25

  • 34

    ( ,

    , .) (

    , , , )

    , , .

    , , ,

    , -

    . -




    * 2010, 11+.



    , , . .

    *2012+ - ,

    *406+. , -, ,

    , .

    (. 26) *Fetisov 2011, 37+ ,

    . , ,

    , - ,


    (. 27).



    The same seal became one of the main arguments for the attribution of the bident sign to prince

    Svyatoslav Igorevich. N. P. Likhachyov has read an epigraphic fragment as

  • 35

    reads prince Svyatoslav. The most convincing interpretation was given by A. A. Molchanov, who

    has read it as the name Svyatoslav written in Greek (A. Fetisov).


    - .

    , -

    , , ,

    -, , - ,

    - , , , . -


    Two most remarkable objects, bearing bidents (although their attribution is rather questionable),

    are a lead seal from Kiev and a round ivory plate from Sarkel (Rus. Belaya Vezha). While frequently

    mentioned in Russian historiography, they still havent been sufficiently studied yet (Fig. 6-1).

    The lead pendent seal with bident depictions was found in 1912 during the excavation of the

    Desyatinnaya church, conducted by D. V. Mileev (fig. 6.1). By 1970, when V.L. Yanins

    fundamental work on bulls was published, the object has been lost and only drawings of it have

    survived. On both sides there were bidents with barely legible inscriptions around them. Though

    these drawings were published more than once, Yanin in 1970 was the first to analyze and interpret

    the bident.

    His hypothesis was based on the evolutive patterns of the Rurikid sign, reconstructed according

    to the tradition of Russian historiography. V. L. Yanin traced a certain regularity in their

    inheritance: each sign appears as a combination of patrimonial features - the graphic base that is

    common for all the Rurikid signs and personal details distinguishing individual princes. Thus we

    have here the same inheritance system as in Bosphoran/Alanian tradition already mentioned as

    such for the Rurikid signs by A. V. Oreshnikov: the passage of the sign from father to son with the

    addition (or elimination) of various details.


    (. 28)

    [Fetisov 2011, 40+. ,



    In the time of Svyatoslav and his sons the sign began to change while passing on to successors.

    Every following prince altered just one element in it, a fact S. V. Beletsky pays special attention

    to.47 Vladimir added one more jag to Svyatoslavs bident, transforming it into a trident. Each of his

    sons, Izyaslav and Yaroslav, altered the central jag through the addition of a new element.

    Svyatoslavs grandson Svyatopolk, having kept the bident, added a cross to one of its jags (this sign

    must have stemmed from the unknown sign of his father Yaropolk). So, after Svyatoslavs ruling

    the Rurikid signs became private and patrimonial ones.

    The difference between inheritance traditions before and after Svyatoslav (preserving the sign

    intact vs. altering it by every new heir) can be possibly explained by the crucial changes in the

  • 36

    nature of princely authority in the last quarter of the 10th century. In the time previous to

    Svyatoslavs reign, the domain of the Rurikids never split up, and there was always only one heir

    (Oleg-Igor-Svyatoslav). The fist division of lands was carried out by Svyatoslav, who divided them

    between his sons Yaropolk, Oleg and Vladimir, which caused a war between the heirs after their

    fathers death.

    Fig. 7 Srebrenniks coined by Svyatopolk and Vladimir:

    1 Svyatopolks srebrennik;

    2,3 Bidents on Svyatopolks srebrenniks;

    4,5 Vladimirs srebrenniks;

    6,7 Tridents on Vladimirs srebrenniks

    (Sotnikova 1995; Beletsky 2000).

    Since then, Rurikids signs began to change when being inherited. It is worth mentioning that

    Vladimir got his sign (or, at least, began to use it) when his father was still alive. Svyatopolk began

    to use his private and patrimonial sign (the altered bident) exactly the same way, during Vladimir

    Svyatoslavichs lifetime.

    Id like to pay special attention to one notable detail of the Basarabi sign, namely to its stem,

    which is divided vertically into two parts. This element is absent from Russian analogies of

    Svyatoslavs sign49; but it can be found in signs of his closest heirs. The images of Svyatopolks

    bidents and Vladimirs tridents on their srebrenniks have such a stem with a vertical line (fig. 7).

    And here we can notice the same logic of the signs transformation when transferring it from father

    to son by way of preserving its basic form and altering or adding secondary elements. This detail of

    the Rurikid sign (the stem divided by a vertical line) was perhaps inherited by Vladimir and

    Svyatopolk (via the sign of Yaropolk, yet unknown) from their father and grandfather Svyatoslav. If

    so, the Basarabi drawing may be regarded as a missing link in the typological chain of Old-Russian

    princes signs of the tenth and early eleventh century (. Fetisov) [ 2011, 649-653].

    . -

    -, - ,


    *. .

    1993, 163-171; 2005, 152-158, . 29; 1993, 69-78, . 30;

    - 1980, 160-163, . 31-32; 2005, 243-247, . 33;

    2008, 25-31, . 34-35].

    . 28

  • 37



    , ,


    -- ,

    - .




    . 31 . 32

    . 29

    . 30

  • 38

    . ,

    (. 36), . [1998]


    (???) [102].



    , ..


    (. 33) , .


    [98]. , ,





    . 33

    . 35 . 34

  • 39

    - [100-101],

    (. 37). , ,

    , ,



    . ,



    - , ..

    . ,

    , .


    , .

    , .


    . -

    , , I .

    , .

    ; ,



    , ,

    , , ,

    * 1998, 100-102].


    (. 38),

    (. 39),

    (. 41) *- 1980, 45+, ,

    , .. (. 40) * 2012, 6;

    - 1980, 48+.

    . 37 . 36

  • 40

    (. 42) * 2012, 7+, (. 43)

    * . 1997, 74+;

    , (. 43);

    * 1993, 72-76].

    , ,


    , , , .

    , -.



    ( I- .) :

    , ,

    , 3 4, ,

    . 39 . 40

    . 42

    . 38

    . 41

    . 43 . 43

  • 41

    , , .

    , .

    , , , -

    . .

    , ,

    [ 1998, 101].


    , , ,

    , .

    , .

    * . 1997, 70].

    - ,

    (. 43),

    . .

    , - , -







    . ,

    , *. . 1997, 68].




    - :

    . 43

  • 42

    , , ,

    , , , 4

    , ,

    , , ,

    . ,



    * . 1997, 68, . - 1980, 36].

    - (. 44)

    * 2012, 6; - 1980, 37+,

    , * 2012, 7+,

    , (. 45),




    . ,

    , . ,



    , .

    * . 1997, 69+.



    , (.

    46), .


    , -

    - ,

    , (. 46,47-48) *. .

    2012, 282-283; , 1993, 20; - 1980, 167; 1996,

    90; 2012, 1; 1991, 12, . 1990, 39-50].

    . 44 . 45

  • 43

    , ,




    - ,

    , , -

    , - -,


    . 46

    . 47

    . 48

    . 46

  • 44

    , .

    V- , ..

    ( ).

    , . ,


    , .


    . YI, 160

    , , , , , .


    . e , , ,

    " " - .

    . ,

    7 ; 7 ; 7 ; 7 ; 7 . 7


    . - .

    , ,

    - , .

    YI .

    . - (" " - .) ,


    . , , , , ,

    , .


    , . ,

    , .

    - , ,

    , -


    , , .


    ; , " " .



    , , :

  • 45

    . e , , ,

    " " - .

    , -



    , , (

    , ).


    . - ,




    , , , - -

    , , ,

    , , ,

    , , ,

    , , ,

    , , ,

    , , , - -



    - (.), ,

    , ,

    [ 2012, 1-2].


    (. 49-

    50) *- 1980, 33,167+. ,

    . ,

    - ,



    *. - 1980, 33].

    -- ,

    . , . [1996]

  • 46

    (Sic!) ,

    (Sic!), - ,

    I .

    , , -


    . , -,


    , ,

    , ,

    , - -



    , ,


    , - ,

    , (Sic!),



    . , -

    , , , ..,




    . ,




    . [89-94].

    . 49 . 50

  • 47

    - . [1997],


    , - ,

    , , -

    . ,

    - ,





    , .

    Y , () Y

    () (. 51-53).


    , ,

    . -


    , .. .

    - (!!!),

    . .

    - ,

    . -

    - -


    . 51 . 52 . 53

  • 48


    , ..

    , - ,

    ! :

    , , ,

    , , , , -, ,


    , .


    * . 1997, 69+.



    , .


    , ,



    [ 1992, 96-99].

    , . [2008]

    , ,

    - , ;

    , ;

    , 24-

    , -, . 7 ; ,


    ) -



    (Sic!) :

    , .

    , , , (. 5/9

    13). , ,

    () ,

    , .

    II III ., ,

    (. . ) . ,

    , ,

  • 49

    . ,




    - .

    - ,

    . -

    , .

    VIII . .


    . I . -



    . ,


    . 26 1071 .

    IV . , ,

    . -

    , ,

    , .

    II . -




    -. (. 54),



    , ,

    , .

    , - ,


  • 50




    - -. -

    , , -

    , .


    Ouz siyasi birlii (Ouz ili) 24 boydan meydana gelmitir. Boylarn 12 tanesi Bozoklar, 12

    tanesi oklar diye anlrlar. Bozok denilen 12 Boy unlardr: Kaylar, Bayatlar, Alkaevliler,

    Karaevliler, Yazrlar, Dodurgalar, Dgerler, Yaparllar, Avarlar, Bedililer, Kzklar ve Karknlar.

    ok denilen 12 Boy da unlardr: Knklar, Bayndrlar, Peenekler, avuldurlar, epniler,

    Salgurlar, Eymrler, Alayuntlular, Yregirler, dirler, Bdzler ve Yvalar. Bu boylarn neden

    byle ikiye ayrld Ouz efsanesinde anlatlmaktadr.

    Trkler Mete Kaan unutmam ve onu efsaneletirerek, lmszletirmilerdir. Ouzlarn,

    Mete Kaandan treyen efsanesi Ouz Han destandr. Bu destana gre, Ouz Hann birinci

    karsndan Gn, Ay ve Yldz adl olu oldu. Bu oullarndan treyen kabilelere Bozoklar ad

    verildi. Ouz Hann ikinci einden de Gk, Da ve Deniz adl erkek ocuu oldu. Bu

    oullarndan treyen kabilelere de oklar dendi. Ouz Hann her olunun 4 olu oldu. te Ouz

    hann 24 torunundan yukarda adlar saylm olan Ouz Boylar meydana gelmilerdir.

    Her boyun banda bir Bey bulunurdu. Her beyin kendine ait ve sadece onun egemen olduu

    bir yurdu, g alan vard. Beyler Ordu iinde yaarlard. Ordu birok adrdan meydana gelmi

    byk bir karargaht. Bu karargahta bey, ailesi, nkerleri, uaklar ve obanlar birlikte yaard.

    Beyin yanndaki yoldalarndan biri onun yetkilerini kullanabilen kiiydi. Bu kiiye kl-erkin

    denirdi. Beyin yannda onun zel yaamnn bir paras olan inaklar (srda) da vard.

    . 54

  • 51

    24 Ouz boyu arasnda hiyerari vard. Ouz han Kay, Yazar, Avar gibi hiyeraride nde

    gelen boy beylerinden birinden seilirdi. Bu 24 boy, Boz-ok ve -ok olarak iki kola ayrlrd. Her

    kolun banda bir kol beyi bulunurdu. Dede Korkut masallarna gre -ok, Boz-oktan stn

    tutuluyordu. Bu nedenle -ok kol beyine Beylerbeyi deniyordu. -ok ve Boz-ok beyleri

    arasndaki iliki Bat Avrupada daha nce anlatlm ilikiye benzer bir ilikiydi. Vassallar ve

    suzerenler vard. Vassallar belli zamanlarda suzerenin huzuruna gitmekle, arldnda hizmete

    komakla ve hediyeler vermekle ykmlydler. Suzerenler de vassallar korumakla ve onlara

    bakmakla ykmlydler. Her boy kendi beyine, her bey de kendi kol beyine balyd. Byle bir

    hiyerari iinde ilerlenerek en st rgtlenmeye kadar varlrd [Ksakrek, Ksakrek 2013_8,


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    [, 2012, 58-59].

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    [ 2012]:

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    . :

    Barbarus, heu! cineres insistet victor, et Urbem

    Eques sonante verberabit ungula;

    Quaeque carent ventis et solibus, ossa Quirini,

    Nefas videre! dissipabit insolens,


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  • 52

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  • 53

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    Ouzlar, gnmzde Trkiye, Balkanlar, Azerbaycan, ran, Irak ve Trkmenistan'da yaayan

    Trklerin mensup olduu Trk boyuna verilen genel isimdir. Ouz Han'n 6 olu ve onlarn 4'er

    olundan meydana geldii iddia edilmektedir. Bu torunlarn her biri bir Trk boyunu

    oluturmutur. Ouz soyundan gelenlere genel olarak "Trkmen" denilmektedir. Ouz ismine ilk

    kez Barlk ay kysndaki Yenisey Kitabeleri'nde rastlanmtr.

    Ouz Kaan Destan'na gre 24 boydan ve Kagarl Mahmud'un Divn- Lgati't-Trk eserine

    gre 22 boydan oluan Orta Asya kkenli Trk halklar.

    7. yzyl civarnda konar-ger bir yapyla yer deitirmeye balamlar ve corafi olarak Bizans

    kaytlarna gre nce Balkanlara yaylmlardr. Ouzlar, Trkiye'de (Seluklular, Osmanllar,

    dier Trkmen beylikleri ve boylar), Azerbaycan'da, Trkmenistan'da ve Irak'ta yaayan

    Trklerin atas saylmaktadrlar.

    Destanlara gre, Ouzlar Ouz Han'n 6 olu ve onlarn 4'er olundan meydana gelmilerdir.

    Meydana gelen bu 24 boyun ayr ad ve nvanlar vardr. Bu blmleme, Ouz Kaan

    Efsanesi'nden kaynaklanmaktadr.

    Her boyun bir ongunu ve tamgas vardr.

    Ouz kelimesinin kkeni

    Ouz kelimesinin kkeni hakknda deiik grler bulunmaktadr. Bunlardan birisi Ouz

    kelimesinin ok-uz kelimesinden geldiidir. "Ok" eski Trke'de boy anlamna ve "uz" oul

    anlamna gelmektedir. Gnmz Anadolu trkesinde "halim, selim, arbal" kelimeleri ile e

    anlaml kullanlmaktadr.

    Ouzlar iin Araplar Guz, Bizansllar Uz, Ruslar Torki isimlerini kullanmlardr.

    Ouz Kaan Destan'na gre Ouz boylar

    24 Ouz boyunu nce iki kolda (Bozoklar ve oklar) daha sonra Ouz Han'n 6 oluna ve son

    olarak da onlarn 4 oluna ayrmaktadr. Listelerin kaynaklar, Kagarl Mahmud ve 14. yzyl'da

    yaayan Reideddin'e dayanmaktadr. Reideddin 24, Kagarl Mahmut ise 22 boy saymaktadr.

    Bozoklar ve oklar

    Bu boylarn Bozoklar ve oklar olarak ikiye blnmesi ise daha sonradr. Bu iki ana kol

    arasnda kan anlamazlklar, boylarn bir ksmnn batya gmesine neden oldu, bir ksm da

  • 54

    Gktrk Devleti'nin kurulmas ve tken'i igali nedeniyle batya gmtr(6.yy). Kalanlar

    Gktrk egemenlii altna girmitir.

    630'da ilk Gktrk devletinin zayflayp in kontrol altna girmesiyle tekrar birlemeye

    balamlarsa da kinci Dou Gktrk Devleti kurulunca fazla direni gsteremeden tekrar

    egemenlik altna girdiler. (7. yzyl sonlar). 745 ylnda kinci Dou Gktrk Devleti de yklnca

    batya ve in'e gm birok Ouz Boyu da tken'e geri dnerek Kutluk Bilge Kaan'n

    kurduu Uygur Devleti ats altnda birleti. Altaylar'n batsndaki ve Tanr Dalar blgesindeki

    Ouz topluluklar ise Gk Trklerin bat kolu olan Trgi ya da Trke Kaanlna bal olarak

    varlklarn srdrdler. 760'l yllarda blgeyi ele geiren Karluk boyunun kurduu devlette yer

    aldlar. Bu boyun nclnde Yama ve iil boylarnn da katlmyla kurulan Karahanl

    Devleti iinde Ouz boylar da vard. 10. yzylda Hazar Denizi'nin dousunda Ouz Yabgu

    nderliinde ilk devletlerini kurdular. 1000 ylnda Kpaklar tarafndan yklan bu devletten sonra

    Ouzlar ikiye blnd, bir ksm kuzeye giderek bugnk Krm, Kazak, Bulgar ve Tatarlarn atas

    oldular; bir ksm da Seluk bey nderliinde gneye indiler, slam kabul edip slm ordular

    hizmetine girdiler. Dou'daki Ouz kitlelerinin tarihi baka ynde geliti. 840 ylnda Uygur

    Devleti Krgzlar tarafndan yklnca Ouzlarn asl byk g balad ve Asya'nn drt bir

    tarafna ama daha ok kitleler halinde batya gtler ve teki kanda boylarla birletiler.

    Ouz kitleleri iinde Knk boyundan olup, atalar Seluk'un adndan tr Seluklular olarak

    anlmaya balayan bir kol Turul Bey nderliinde 1038 ylnda Irak ve ran'da Byk Seluklu

    mparatorluunu kurdu. Etrafta dank yaayan dier Trk boylar da bu mparatorlua katld.

    1040'da Merv yaknlarndaki Dandanakan Sava'nda Gaznelileri yendiler.

    Seluluk egemenlii ran, Horasan, Merv, Irak, Suriye, Gney Kafkasya ve Anadolu'da bir

    asrdan fazla srd. Son byk sultanlar Sencer'in 1141'de Semerkant ile Buhara arasnda

    bulunan Katavan mevkiinde Mool kkenli Karahtayllar'a yenilmesi ile devlet zlmeye balad.

    1153'te kuzeydoudan gelen Karahtaylar ve Karluklar tarafndan imparatorluk yklnca Ouzlar

    dald. Dalan bu boylarn kimi Harzemahlara baland, kimi Horasan'a, Kirman'a gt,

    kimileri de daha batya gidip Irak'a, Suriye'ye yerleti, kimileri de Anadolu Seluklu Devleti 'ne

    katld. Bunlardan sonra kurulan Akkoyunlu, Karakoyunlu, Safevi Devletleri, Alemdarlar,

    Anadolu beylikleri, Osmanl mparatorluu, Suriye, Irak ve Azerbaycan'da eitli beyliklerde de

    Ouz Kaan Destan mevcuttu.

    Gktrkler ve Ouzlar Vergi memuruna Amga (veya Imga) derlerdi, ve devlet kasasna da Aglk

    [Ouzlar 2012, 1-2].

    Ouzlarn Bozok kolundan, Osmanllarn da mensup olduu bir boy. Kay kelimesi; muhkem,

    kuvvet ve kudret sahibi demektir. Kay boyunun damgas, iki ok ve bir yaydan ibaretti. Ouz Han

    olu Gn Han olu Kay'nn, bu boyun ceddi olduu sylenir. Yirmi sene hkmdarlk yapan

    Kay'nn nesli, uzun yllar bu makamda kalmtr. Bu sebeple Kay boyu, Ouz boylar arasnda ilk

    srada gsterilmektedir. Dede Korkut da eserinde, gelecekte hanln geri Kay'ya dneceini

    bildirerek, Osmanllar' haber vermitir [Kay Boyu 2012].

    Esmi-i avm- Etrk-i Sar-nin ki tammet Dip Ya'b'u drt olnlar neslinden-

    drrler ki ol Abulca Han oldur ki an iml-i ar ve iml-i arb erfna gondermi-idi.

  • 55

    Ve hem ara Han ve Or Han ve Gn Han ve Gr Han ol vsa birle ki ara Han ol

    mvaid oldu. Ve ba' vmlar ki anula mttefi oldlar, iki sm oldlar ve cmlesinu eri

    Ouz-nme'de gelr. Anlar ki Ouz'la mttefi oldlar, mvaid olup Tengri'yi bir bildiler; anlar

    ki ittif itmeyp Ouz'a uymadlar, kfir oldlar, adlar Mool ve Tatar old. Ouz u'besi, ki

    mezkr ara Han'u ol-y-d ve ba' arn ve 'ammuzdelerinden ki anu-ile mttefi oldlar.

    Evvel: ay, ya'ni mukem.

    Sa ar yarn sk, hin u tama (. 55).

    Vasiyyetm mcebince Gn, an ola! Anu ardnca ol, ay an ola.

    Atasndan sora co zamn ay anlar an old [Ouzname-S, 173,185,187,191].


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    *, 42-75].

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    [, 102-103].

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  • 58


    [ 2013, 67-69].

    Bu destann konusu ksaca udur:

    Belerbei Kazan tabileri olan -Ok ve Boz-Ok beyleri ymak olunca evini yamalatrd. Fakat

    son defa evini Boz-Ok (D Ouz) beylerinin bulunmad bir zamanda yalnz -Ok (

    Ouz)'lara yani kendi z koluna yamalatmt. Bu ekilde hareket ediinin sebebi aklanmyor.

    Kazan'n evini kendilerinin bulunmad bir zamanda sadece -Oklar'a yamalatmas Boz-

    Oklar'n ba ve Kazan'n days Uruz Koca'nn ve onun tabileri olan Boz-Ok belerinin arna

    gitti. Bu yzden Kazan'n ordasna varmyarak tabilik vazifesini yerine getirmediler. Uruz Koca,

    Kazan'a dmanln aka bildirdikten sonra kendisine bal olan Boz-Oklu beyleri katma

    okuyup bundan byle kendisine ba emiyecekleri (asi olduklar) yolunda Kazan'a haber

    gnderdiini syliyerek bu hususta ne dndklerini sordu.


    "ne diyelim, nk sen Kazan'a dman oldun, biz de dmanz" dediler. Uruz Koca, Kazan'n

    ina Beyrek'in, Boz-Oklar'dan kz ald iin gveyileri olduunu, bu sebeble de ondan kendi

    saflarnda yer almasn istemelerini, kabul etmez ise ldrlmesini teklif etmiti. Beyrek bir hile ile

    arlm, ona kendileri ile birlik olmas sylenmi, iddetle redd etmesi zerine Uruz Koca

    tarafndan kllanmtr. Beyrek ordasna gtrlm ise de ald yaradan lmtr. Bunu

    renen Kazan pek zlm, gnlerce divana kmam, sonra sevgili naknn cn almak ve

    onlar yeniden itaat altna sokmak iin harekete gemitir. Kazan, Uruz Koca ile yapt teke tek bir

    arpmada onu yenerek ldrd. Bunun zerine teki Boz-Ok beyleri Kazan'n elini pp

    kendisine ba ediler. Kazan onlarn sularn balam, Uruz Koca'nn ordasn aptrm ve

    elini gnn (yani orda halk ve boyunu) yamalatmt. Grlyor ki bu destann konusu

    hazindir. nk karde kavgasn anlatyor. Bu kavgada yakkll, yiitlii ve iyi kalplilii ve

    ahlak ile "Ouz'un imrencesi" lakabn alm olan Beyrek lm, Boz-Oklar'n ba Uruz da

    yeeni tarafndan ldrlm ve her eyi aplp yama edilmitir.

    Burada Beyrek'in kendileri ile birlik olmas gerektii hakknda gsterilen sebep, yani onun Boz-

    Oklar'dan kz almas- bizi doruluundan phe ettiriyor. nk iki kol da birbirinden kz alp

    vermekte idi. Beyrek yaralanp da ordasna dndkten sonra Uruz Koca'nn olu Basat'n ordasn

    basacandan ok korkmaktadr. Fakat olayda Basat'n her hangi bir hareketinden bahsedilmiyor.

    Bu sonuncu destan belki ikinci destandan nce konmalyd.

    nk ikinci destanda Boz-Oklar'n ba artk Uruz Koca deil torunu Kyan Selk olu Deli

    Dndar'dr, teki destanlarda da daima Deli Dndar'n ad geiyor. Bunun gibi Kazan'n naibi

    Klba da bu olayda sadr. Fakat o, kinci destanda kl Melik'in Kazan'n ordasna yapt

    basknda lmtr.

    kinci destann konusu ise ksaca yledir. Kazan beyleri ile ava gittii esnada dman kl

    Melik yapt bir baskn ile Kazan'n byk ordasn apm, naibi Eli Koca olu Klba lm,

    olu Uruz, kars Burla Hatun ve anas tutsak alnp gtrlmtr. Bunu renen Kazan, kl

    Melikin zerine yryerek beylerin yardm ile dman yenmi, olunu, hatununu, anasn,

    hazinesini geri almtr. Bu destann da bize olmu bir olay anlattn sanyoruz. Yani dman

  • 59

    babularndan kl Melik'in, Kazan'n ordasn basp yamalamas bir gerek olacaktr. Fakat

    Kazan basknda ordasnda m idi, deil mi idi, bu hususta bir ey sylenemez.

    Yukarda da bahsedildii gibi, ecere-i Terakime'de Peenek eli babuu Doymaduk'un Salur

    Kazan'n babas Enki'in ordasn bastn Enki ve Kazan'n katklarn, Kazan'n anasnn

    tutsak alnp gtrldn, Enki'in, naibi ile mal gndererek karsn kurtardn anlatan bir

    rivayet bulunmaktadr. Bu rivayette olduu gibi, Kazan'n mal gndererek yalanlarn kurtarm

    olmas da muhtemeldir. Ancak Kazan Be sonra parlak bir zafer kazanarak bu basknn cn

    almtr. Bu destan ile ecere-i Terakime'den naklettiimiz manzume, ite Salur Kazan Be'in bu

    anl galibiyetini aksettirmektedir.

    Destanlarn kahramanlar asilzade tabakasna mensup kimseler, yani beylerdir. Sahnedeki

    ahslar arasnda halktan kimseler grnmezler. Yalnz ikinci destanda Kazan'n Karauk adl

    oban belki bir istisna tekil eder. Bu oban efendisinin srsn dmana kar fedakarca

    korumu ve hatta kardeleri Kyan Gc, Demir Gc bu uurda lmlerdir. Fazla olarak

    Karauk oban Kazan Be'in kl Melik ile yapt savalarda da yararlk gstermitir. Kazan da

    Karauk oban'n gsterdii vefakarlk ve yiitlie kaytsz kalmyarak onu mrahor'u (emir-

    ahur'u) yapmtr. Bu yiit obann tad adn nl Karauk dalarndan geldii grlyor.

    Trkler'in corafi isimleri ocuklarna ad alarak koymalar, slam melliflerince de bilinen, yaygn

    bir gelenek idi [Smer 2012, 10-12, . . Smr 2012, 185-192; Togan 1981, 321-322;

    Uak 2013, 45-50; Uzunarl 1988, 94-97; Qorqud, 30-37].


    Kay Ouzlardan bir oymak,

    (. 57):

    Divan Lgati't-Trk (Arapa: ), (Gnmz Trkesi ile: Trk Diyalektleri

    Szl), Kagarl Mahmud tarafndan Badat'ta 1072-1074 yllar arasnda yazlan Trke-

    Arapa bir szlktr. Trkenin bilinen en eski szl olup, bat Asya yaz Trkesiyle ilgili var

    olan en kapsaml ve nemli dil yaptdr. Kkleik Arap szlk bilgisi ilkelerine gre hazrlanm

    olan szlk, Kagarl Mahmud'un Trk boylaryla ilgili ayrntl bilgisinin yan sra, Arap dil

    bilimi konusunda da esasl bir eitim grm olduunu gsterir [Divnu 2012, 1].

    Kesin olarak Kagarl Mahmud, dnemin btn klasik ilimlerini tahsil etti. Arapa ve Farsa

    rendi. Saciye ve Hamidiye Medreseleri'nde tahsil grdkten sonra kendisini Trk dili tetkikatna

    vakfetmitir. Bu amala Orta Asya'y boydan boya kat ederek Anadolu'ya oradan da Badat'a

    gitmi. 15 yl boyunca Trklerin yaad btn illeri, ehirleri, obalar, dalar ve lleri dolat.

    Bu geziler inceleme amal idi. Trklerin rf ve detlerini mahallinde aratrd. Gezileri

    srasnda, ana dili Trkenin Hakaniye, Ouz, Kpak, Argu, iil, Kepenek ivelerini de rendi.

    yi renim grm, slmiyet'le ilgili bilimsel almalar yakndan izlemitir. Arapa ve Farsay

    da ok iyi renmitir. Trklerin bulunduu blgeleri gezmi, ana dili olan Trkenin btn

    lehelerini yerlerinde renmi, geleneklerini greneklerini yakndan izlemitir [Kgarl

    Mahmud 2012, . 2009, 83-84].

    - ; 22 ,

    , .

  • 60

    , . Beenek Kfak,

    - .

    , ,

    , , . ,


    . ,

    , -, , , ,

    (. 56):

    Ouz ehirleri hakknda aratrmada bulunan Rus Kazbilimci Sergey Pavlovitch Tolstov el-

    drs'nin batda Aral denizi, douda Takend ve kuzey-batda "Murgar Dalar" (bugnk ad:

    Murgajar-tav) arasndaki Ouz blgesi hakknda u bilgileri verir:

    "Ouz ehirleri oktur. (Bu ehirler) imalde (kuzeyde) ve douda kar karya sralanr.

    Ouzlarn eriilmez dalar ve bu dalarda mstahkem kurganlar vardr ve beyleri buralarda

    saklanr, eyalar ile yiyeceklerini muhafaza ederler Bu beyler bu ilin koruyucusudur."

    . 56

  • 61

    Kagarl Mahmud'un izdii harita'da Cebel-i Karauk dalarnn gneyinde "Bild

    al-Guzziyya" yani Ouz ilinde, isimleri yazlmam tane yan yana iaretlenmi ehirlerden

    birisi olduu varsaylr [Sapran 2012, 1].

    Krkz, Kfak, Toxsi, Yama, igil, Urak aruk,


    . omul, Yabaku, Tatar Basml Kay

    , .


    , :

    Awlap meni koymanz

    Ayk ayp kaymanz

    Akar kzm u teniz

    Tegre yre ku uar

    Beni avlayp brakverme,

    Sz verip cayma;

    Gzm dengiz gibi akar,

    Yresinde kular uar.

    [DLT-1, 28-30,55,393-394,465,471,487; DLT-2, 45-46].

    Kay .

    IVI [DLT-1, 55-56; DLT-3, 166] (. 58),

    [DLT] ,

    (. 59):

    , .

    . .

    . ,


    . -. XIII

    () -

    . 58 . 59

    . 57 . 58

  • 62

    , I

    [ 2012, 1].




    XI .,

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    - . 1036 .


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    1027 . , ,

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    - . , 960 .,

    , , -

    , , .

    , ,

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    -, - , , , , .

    , , -

    , , , X-

    XI . - [, 2012, 131].

    , ,

    , ,

    (. 60) ,


    . 60

  • 63

    (izelge 4)'de yer alan iki ayr tamga listesi tam yzyl arayladr. Byle olmasna ramen

    Kay, Salgur, Ula Yontlug ve regir'in tamgalar, hemen hemen ayn kalm *Divitiolu 1994,

    40, . Uzunarl 1988, 97].



    , - -,

    , (. 60).

    N. Trkmen [2009],


    , ,


    Avc kular, Trk mitolojisinin de en karakteristik hayvanlarndan olup, nemli bir yer igal

    ederler. Bahaeddin gel, Emel Esin, Gnl ney ve Yaar oruhlu bu kularn sembolik anlam

    ykleri zerinde incelemelerde bulunmulardr. Yaplan almalar neticesinde ortak bir sylemden

    sz edebilmek mmkndr. rnein oruhlu, bu kularn Orta Asya Trk topluluklarnda

    koruyucu ruh ve asalet sembol olarak kabul edilip, slmiyet'ten nceki Trk devletlerinde

    hkmdarlarn ve devletin ileri gelenlerinin g, kuvvet ve kudretinin bir gstergesi olduunu

    ifade etmektedir. Bir arma, bir totem nitelii tayan kartal ve dier yrtc avc kular Reidd-

    din'in Cmit Tevrih ve Eblgazi Bahadr Han'n ecere-i Terakime'sinde 24 Ouz boyunun

    sembolleri olarak dikkati ekmektedir [80].

    . 60

  • 64


    - , -.

    , -, ,

    , :

    Ala Atl Ki Donl Kay nal Han

    Bu hkmdar yavku unvan ile anlmyor. Kaynamzda bu adlarn manas: ala atl, samur

    elbiseli Kay Boyundan nal Han eklinde izah ediliyor. Ki trkede samur demektir. Kaynaa gre

    Hazret-i Muhammed bu han zamannda zuhr etmi, Kay nal Han da Karu Dede Gezenk' (?)

    Peygamber'in katna gnderip Mslman olmutu; Bayndr'dan Dnger(?) olu Erki Kay nal

    Han'n nibi ve Der'den Ilduz(?) da veziri idi. Kay nal Han'n lm zerine nibi Erki byk

    bir yu (l) a verdi. Bu yu anda iki havuz yaplp birine ayran ve birine de kmz

    doldurulmu, at, sr ve koyun eti tepeler gibi ylmt. Yas iin etraftan gelenler, yu andan

    yemiler ve evlerine dnerken bu adan gtrmlerdir. Kay nal Han'n lm esnasnda bir olu

    oldu [Smer 2012a, 7-8].

    - -

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