Os Lab Programs for 4th Sem

R.M.K. College of Engg. & Technology Dept. of CSE & IT EX:NO: 1 WRITE PROGRAMS USING THE FOLLOWING SYSTEM CALLS OF UNIX OPERATING SYSTEM: Fork, exec, getpid, exit, wait, close, stat, opendir, readdir. FORK & GETPID Aim : To Create a process in the following hierarchy Parent Child1 Child2 Child3 Algorithm 1. Declare the necessary variables. 2. Parent process is the process of the program which is running. 3. Create the child1 process using fork() When parent is active. 4. Create the child2 process using fork() when child1 is active. 5. Create the child3 process using fork() when child2 is active. Program //process1.c #include<stdio.h> void main() { int pid1,pid2,pid3; printf("Parent id is %d and root id is %d\n",getpid(),getppid()); CS2257- OS Lab Page | 1

Transcript of Os Lab Programs for 4th Sem

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R.M.K. College of Engg. & Technology Dept. of CSE & IT

EX:NO: 1 WRITE PROGRAMS USING THE FOLLOWING SYSTEM CALLS OF UNIX OPERATING SYSTEM: Fork, exec, getpid, exit, wait, close, stat, opendir, readdir.


Aim : To Create a process in the following hierarchy

Parent Child1



Algorithm 1. Declare the necessary variables.2. Parent process is the process of the program which is running.3. Create the child1 process using fork() When parent is active.4. Create the child2 process using fork() when child1 is active.5. Create the child3 process using fork() when child2 is active.

Program //process1.c#include<stdio.h>

void main(){int pid1,pid2,pid3;printf("Parent id is %d and root id is %d\n",getpid(),getppid());pid1=fork();if(pid1==0){printf("Process 1 id is %d and its parent id is %d\n",getpid(),getppid());pid2=fork();}if(pid2==0){printf("Process 2 id is %d and its parent id is %d\n",getpid(),getppid());pid3=fork();}if(pid1==0&&pid2==0&&pid3==0)

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{printf("Process 3 id is %d and its parent id is %d\n",getpid(),getppid());}}

Sample Output $ cc process1.c$ a.outParent id is 3553 and root id is 2495Process 1 id is 3554 and its parent id is 3553Process 2 id is 3555 and its parent id is 3554Process 3 id is 3556 and its parent id is 3555


Aim To Execute a Unix Command (Who) in a ‘C’ program using execl() system call.

Problem Description The Unix system call transfers an executable binary files into a process that are the

exec family of sytem calls.General Format

Execl(filename,arg0,arg1,………argn,0)Char *filename *Arg0* , arg1* ,…….argn*Where filenames are the executable binary files to be transferred into a process. arg0

through argn define the argument to be passed to the process.

Program //program1.c

#include<stdio.h>#include<sys/types.h>#include<unistd.h>void main(){int pid1;pid1=fork();if(pid1==0){printf("Process id is %d ",getpid());printf("and its parent id is %d”,getppid());execl("/bin/who","who",0);}}Sample Output

$ cc program2.c$ a.out

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Process id is 3553 and parent id is 2495Root ttyp2 jun25 03.30sit ttyp1 jun25 03.30


Aim:To write a C program to display the files in the given directory

Algorithm:1. Start the program2. Declare the variable to the structure dirent (defines the file system-independent

directory) and also for DIR3. Specify the directory path to be displayed using the opendir system call4. Check for the existence of the directory and read the contents of the directory using

readdir system call (returns a pointer to the next active directory entry)5. Repeat the above step until all the files in the directory are listed6. Stop the program


DIR *p;struct dirent *dp;p=opendir("."); //p=opendir("./shantha");if(p==NULL){perror("opendir");exit(0);}dp=readdir(p);while(p!=NULL){printf("%d%s\n",dp->d_ino,dp->d_name);dp=readdir(p);}

}Output:"di.c" [New] 21L, 239C written[test1@localhost test1]$ cc di.c[test1@localhost test1]$ ./a.out1049278.442373..1049279.kde1049364.aa.c.swp1049285.balan.sh.swp

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Aim :To implement UNIX I/O system calls open, read , write etc.

Algorithm:1. Create a new file using creat command (Not using FILE pointer).2. Open the source file and copy its content to new file using read and write command.3. Find size of the new file before and after closing the file using stat command.

Program:#include<stdio.h>#include<sys/types.h>#include<sys/stat.h>#include<unistd.h>#include<fcntl.h>main(){ int fd1,fd2,n; char source[30],ch[5]; struct stat s,t,w; fd1=creat("test.txt",0644); printf("Enter the file to be Copied\n"); scanf("%s",source); fd2=open(source,0); if(fd2==-1) { perror("file doesnot exist"); exit(0); } while((n=read(fd2,ch,1))>0) write(fd1,ch,n);

close(fd2); stat(source,&s); printf("Source file size=%d\n",s.st_size);

fstat(fd1,&t); printf("Destination File size before closing=%d\n",t.st_size); close(fd1); fstat(fd1,&w); printf("Destination File Size after closing=%d\n",w.st_size);}

Sample Output: [test1@localhost test1]$ cc sta1.c[test1@localhost test1]$ ./a.out

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Enter the file to be Copiedsta1.cSource file size=670Destination File size before closing=670Destination File Size after closing=3[test1@localhost test1]$


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To simulate the UNIX command ls.

Algorithm :1. Import dir.h header file2. Create directory structure variable 3. Using findfirst and findnext methods display the files available in the current


Program:#include <stdio.h>#include <dir.h>#include<conio.h>char dir[MAXDIR];void main(void){ struct ffblk ffblk; int done; clrscr(); printf("Directory listing of *.*\n"); done = findfirst("*.*",&ffblk,0); while (!done) { printf(" %s\n", ffblk.ff_name); done = findnext(&ffblk); }getch();}

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Aim : To simulate the UNIX command grep.

Algorithm :1. Create a file with some content.2. Get any one pattern / string as a input3. Read file content as strings and compare it with the input pattern4. If pattern match with file string or part of the string then print that string / line.5. Close the file.

Program:#include<stdio.h>#include<conio.h>#include<string.h>void main(){ FILE *fptr; char ch; int i; char p[10], a[50]; clrscr(); fptr=fopen("input.txt","w"); printf("Enter the data to be stored in the file\n"); scanf("%c",&ch); while(ch!='$') { fprintf(fptr,"%c",ch); scanf("%c",&ch); } fclose(fptr); printf("Enter the pattern to be searched"); scanf("%s",p); fptr=fopen("input.txt","r");

i=0; while(!feof(fptr)) {

ch=getc(fptr);if( ch!='\n') a[i] = ch;else { a[i]='\0'; if(strnicmp(a,p,strlen(p))==0) printf("%s\n",a);

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i=-1; } i++;

} fclose(fptr); getch(); }

Sample Output:

Enter the data to be stored in the fileIndiaCountrywelcomesitwell$Enter the pattern to be searchedwelwelcomewell


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To compute average waiting time and average turnaround time and to draw Gantt chart using FCFS and SJF


Algorithm :

1. Get the no of processes.2. For each process assign the process id and get the process time.3. Set the waiting time of the first process as 0 and its turn around time as process time.4. For each process calculate, Waiting time of process(n) = waiting time of process (n-1) + process time of process (n-1) Turn around time of process(n) = waiting time of process (n) + process time of process (n)5. Calculate the average waiting time and turn around time.6. Print the Gantt chart.


#include<stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include<graphics.h> struct pro { int pid,pt,wt,tat; }; void main() { struct pro p[10]; int n,i,twt,ttat,j,k; float awt,atat; char s[5],e[5];

clrscr(); printf("Enter the no of process\n"); scanf("%d",&n); for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { p[i].pid=i; printf("Enter the processing time of %d process\n",i); scanf("%d",&p[i].pt); } p[1].wt=0;

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p[1].tat=p[1].pt; twt=p[1].wt; ttat=p[1].tat; for(i=2;i<=n;i++) { p[i].wt=p[i-1].wt+p[i-1].pt; p[i].tat=p[i].wt+p[i].pt; twt=twt+p[i].wt; ttat=ttat+p[i].tat; } printf("PROCESSID PROCESSTIME WAITINGTIME TURNTIME\n"); for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { printf("%d\t %d\t %d \t%d\n",p[i].pid,p[i].pt,p[i].wt,p[i].tat); } printf("TOTAL WAITING TIME %d\n",twt); printf("TOTAL TURN AROUND TIME %d\n",ttat); awt=(float)twt/n; atat=(float)ttat/n; printf("AVERAGE WAITING TIME %f\n",awt); printf("AUERAGE TURN AROUND TIME %f\n",atat);

printf(“\nGantt chart \n”);for(i=1;i<=p[n].wt+p[n].pt;i++)

printf(" %c",'-');printf("\n");

for(i=1;i<=n;i++){ j=p[i].wt; printf(" %*d",j,p[i].wt);}for(i=1;i<=p[n].wt;i++)printf(" ");printf("%d",p[n].wt+p[n].pt);

printf("\n");for(i=1;i<=p[n].wt+p[n].pt;i++) printf(" %c",'-');

getch(); }

Sample Output:Enter the no of process 3 Enter the processing time of 1 process

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4 Enter the processing time of 2 process 5 Enter the processing time of 3 process 6 PROCESSID PROCESSTIME WAITINGTIME TURNTIME 1 4 0 4 2 5 4 9 3 6 9 15 TOTAL WAITING TIME 13 TOTAL TURN AROUND TIME 28 AVERAGE WAITING TIME 4.333333 AUERAGE TURN AROUND TIME 9.333333

Gant Chart - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 4 9 15 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Algorithm :1. Get the no of processes.2. For each process assign the process id and get the process time.3. Sort the processes according to the process time.4. Set the waiting time of the first process as 0 and its turn around time as process time5. For each process calculate, Waiting time of process(n) = waiting time of process (n-1) + process time of pocess(n-1) Turn around time of process(n) = waiting time of process (n) + process time of process (n)6. Calculate the average waiting time and turn around time7. Print the Gantt chart.


#include <stdio.h>#include<conio.h>struct pro{int pid;int pt;int wt; int tat;};void main(){struct pro p[10],t;

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int n,i,j,twt,ttat,k;float awt,atat;clrscr(); printf("enter the no of process\n");scanf("%d",&n);for(i=1;i<=n;i++){p[i].pid=i;printf("enter the processing time of %d process\n",i);scanf("%d",&p[i].pt);}for(i=1;i<n;i++)for(j=i+1;j<=n;j++)if(p[i].pt>=p[j].pt){t=p[i];p[i]=p[j];p[j]=t;}p[1].wt=0;p[1].tat=p[1].pt;twt=p[1].wt;ttat=p[1].tat;for(i=2;i<=n;i++){p[i].wt=p[i-1].wt+p[i-1].pt;p[i].tat=p[i].wt+p[i].pt;twt=twt+p[i].wt;ttat=ttat+p[i].tat;}printf("PROCESSID PROCESSTIME WAITINGTIME TURNTIME\n");for(i=1;i<=n;i++){ printf("%d %d %d %d\n",p[i].pid,p[i].pt,p[i].wt,p[i].tat);}printf("TOTAL WAITING TIME %d\n",twt);printf("TOTAL TURN AROUND TIME %d\n",ttat);awt=(float)twt/n;atat=(float)ttat/n;printf("AVERAGE WAITING TIME %f\n",awt);printf("AUERAGE TURN AROUND TIME %f\n",atat);

printf("\nGantt chart \n");for(i=1;i<=p[n].wt+p[n].pt;i++)

printf(" %c",'-');printf("\n");

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for(i=1;i<=n;i++){ j=p[i].wt; printf("%*d",j,p[i].wt);}for(i=1;i<=p[n].wt;i++)printf(" ");printf("%d",p[n].wt+p[n].pt); printf("\n"); for(i=1;i<=n;i++){ j=p[i].wt; printf(" %*dp",j,p[i].pid); }printf("\n");for(i=1;i<=p[n].wt+p[n].pt;i++) printf(" %c",'-');getch();


Sample OutputEnter the no of process 3 Enter the processing time of 1 process 6 Enter the processing time of 2 process 3 Enter the processing time of 3 process 7

PROCESSID PROCESSTIME WAITINGTIME TURNTIME 2 3 0 3 1 6 3 9 3 7 9 16 TOTAL WAITING TIME 12 TOTAL TURN AROUND TIME 28 AVERAGE WAITING TIME 4.000000 AUERAGE TURN AROUND TIME 9.333333 Gantt chart - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 3 9 16 2p 1p 3p - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - RESULT:

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Aim: To compute average waiting time and average turnaround time and to draw Gantt

chart using priority and round robin scheduling algorithms.


Algorithm :1. Get the no of processes.2. For each process assign the process id and get the process time and the priority value.3. Sort the processes according to the priority value.4. Set the waiting time of the first process as 0 and its turn around time as process time.5. For each process calculate,Waiting time of process(n) = waiting time of process (n-1) + process time of process(n-1)Turn around time of process(n) = waiting time of process(n) + process time of process (n)6. Calculate the average waiting time and turn around time.

Program :

#include <stdio.h>#include <conio.h>struct pro{int pid;int pr;int pt;int wt;int tat;};void main(){struct pro p[10],t;int n,i,j,twt,ttat;float awt,atat;clrscr();printf("enter the no of process\n");scanf("%d",&n); for(i=1;i<=n;i++){p[i].pid=i;printf("enter the processing time & priority of %d process\n",i);scanf("%d %d",&p[i].pt,&p[i].pr);}

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for(i=1;i<n;i++)for(j=i+1;j<=n;j++)if(p[i].pr<=p[j].pr){t=p[i];p[i]=p[j];p[j]=t;}p[1].wt=0;p[1].tat=p[1].pt;twt=p[1].wt;ttat=p[1].tat; for(i=2;i<=n;i++){p[i].wt=p[i-1].wt+p[i-1].pt;p[i].tat=p[i].wt+p[i].pt;twt=twt+p[i].wt;ttat=ttat+p[i].tat;} printf("PROCESSID PROCESSTIME PRIORITY WAITINGTIME TURNTIME\n");for(i=1;i<=n;i++){printf("%d %d %d %d %d\n",p[i].pid,p[i].pt,p[i].pr,p[i].wt,p[i].tat);}printf("TOTAL WAITING TIME %d\n",twt);printf("TOTAL TURN AROUND TIME %d\n",ttat);awt=(float)twt/n;atat=(float)ttat/n;printf("AVERAGE WAITING TIME %f\n",awt);printf("AUERAGE TURN AROUND TIME %f\n",atat);getch();}

Sample Output :

enter the no of process : 4enter the burst time for process 1 : 3enter the priority for process 1 : 8enter the burst time for process 2 : 4enter the priority for process 2 : 9enter the burst time for process 3 : 2enter the priority for process 3 : 8enter the burst time for process 4 : 4enter the priority for process 4 : 1

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process id priority burst time waiting time turn around time 4 1 4 0 4

3 8 2 4 6

1 8 3 6 9

2 9 4 9 13

total waiting time : 19total turn around time : 32average waiting time : 4.75average turn around time : 8


Algorithm :

1. Accept the no of processes in the ready queue and time slice.2. For each process in the ready queue accept the burst time.3. Calculate the no of time slices required for each process.4. If the burst time is less than the time slice then the no of time slice is 1.5. Considering the ready queue as a circular queue, calculate Total waiting time for process(n) = waiting time for process (n-1) + burst time of

process (n-1) + the time difference in getting the CPU from process(n). Total turn around time for process(n) = waiting time for process (n) + burst time of

process (n) + the time difference in getting the CPU from process(n).6. Calculate the average waiting time and turn around time.

Program :

#include <stdio.h>#include <conio.h>struct pro{int pid;int pt;int rt;int st;int et;int seen;int wt;int tat;};void main()

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{struct pro p[10];int n,i,ct=0,ts,twt,ttat,q[30],r=0,f=1;float awt,atat;clrscr();printf("\nenter the no of process:");scanf("%d",&n);printf("\nenter the value of time slice:");scanf("%d",&ts);for(i=1;i<=n;i++){p[i].pid=i;printf("\nenter the processing time of %d process:",i);scanf("%d",&p[i].pt);p[i].rt=p[i].pt;p[i].seen=0; r++;q[r]=p[i].pid;}printf("PRID PT ST ET RT\n");p[q[f]].wt=0;p[q[f]].st=ct;p[q[f]].et=ct+ts;p[q[f]].rt=p[q[f]].rt-ts;p[q[f]].seen=1;if (p[q[f]].rt>0){r++;q[r]=q[f];}printf("%d %d %d %d %d\n",q[f],p[q[f]].pt,p[q[f]].st, p[q[f]].et,p[q[f]].rt);f++;ct=ts; while (r>=f){if(p[q[f]].seen==0){p[q[f]].wt=p[q[f]-1].wt+ts;p[q[f]].seen=1;}else{p[q[f]].wt=p[q[f]].wt+ct-p[q[f]].et;}p[q[f]].st=ct;p[q[f]].et=ct+ts;

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p[q[f]].rt=p[q[f]].rt-ts;if (p[q[f]].rt>0){r++;q[r]=q[f];}ct=ct+ts; printf("%d %d %d %d %d\n",q[f],p[q[f]].pt,p[q[f]].st,

p[q[f]].et,p[q[f]].rt);f++;}for(i=1;i<=n;i++){printf("\nwaiting time of %d process is %d:",i,p[i].wt);} getch();}

Sample Output :Enter the no of process : 2Enter the value of time slice : 5Enter the processing time of process 1 : 10Enter the processing time of process 2 : 5

PRID PT ST ET RT 1 10 0 5 5 2 5 5 10 0 1 10 10 15 0

Average Waiting time = 7.5


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Aim : To implement interprocess communication using pipe command.

Algorithm :1. Start2. Create a child and parent using fork()3. Allow communication between both the process4. Stop

Program :#include<stdio.h>main(){ int p[2],pid,pid1; char msg[25],msg1[25]; pipe(p); pid=fork(); if(pid!=0) { sleep(2); read(p[0],msg1,21); printf(“%s”,msg1); }else{ pid1=fork(); if(pid1!=0); { sleep(1); read(p[0],msg1,21); write(p[1],”Grand child says hello”,21); }elsewrite(p[1],”Says hello to grandpa”,29);}}Sample Output; Says hello to grandpaX@


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Aim : To implement the Producer- Consumer problem using semaphores.

Algorithm :5. Create two functions called producer and consumer.6. Set semaphore variable as 1.7. When producer active set the semaphore variable as 1 and allow producer to put data

into the buffer and don’t allow consumer to consume anything.8. After producer complete the process release the semaphore and signal the consumer.9. When consumer active again set the semaphore variable as 1 and allow the consumer

to get data from buffer and don’t allow the producer to add data.10. After the consumer taken release the semaphore variable and signal the producer.

Program :#include<stdio.h>#include<conio.h>int n_semaphore=0; // keep track of no of item in the bufferint s_semaphore=1; // to enforce mutual exclusionchar s;

void producer(){s_semaphore=0; // set semaphore to avoid access to consumerif(!s_semaphore)

printf("Now producer can add data to buffer\n");else

printf("Critical Region \n");s_semaphore=1; // release semaphoresignal_c(); // call to consumer}

void consumer(){buffer_check(); // check buffer is empty or nots_semaphore=0; // set semaphore to avoid access to producerif(!s_semaphore)

printf("Consumer takes from the buffer\n");else

printf("Critical Region \n");s_semaphore=1; // release semaphoresignal_p(); // call to producer}


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n_semaphore=n_semaphore+1;consumer();return 0;}signal_p(){n_semaphore=n_semaphore-1;printf("Enter n to stop\n");scanf("%c",&s);if(s=='n') exit(); return 0;}buffer_check(){if(n_semaphore<=0) {

printf("Buffer is empty\n");exit();

} return 0;}

void main(){ clrscr(); n_semaphore=0; while(1) { producer(); }}

Sample Output;Now producer can add data to bufferConsumer takes from the bufferEnter n to stopNow producer can add data to bufferConsumer takes from the bufferEnter n to stopn



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Aim:To implement Fixed Partition Memory Management Scheme.

Algorithm:1. Get the number of pages and their sizes.2. Create pages with corresponding sizes using linked list as free nodes.3. Get the number of programs <= number of pages to be allocated and their sizes. 4. Start with the first page, if the first program size fits with this page then allocate first

page for the first program. Otherwise check with next program and so on.5. Continue the process with next pages.6. Maintain the allotted pages as a separate linked list.7. Calculate internal fragmentation – balance spaces in each page and external

fragmentation – sizes of unallocated pages.8. Display the starting and ending address of Free nodes and allotted nodes and also the

internal and external fragmentations.


#include<stdio.h>#include<conio.h>struct node{int size;int busy;int pid;struct node *start, *end, *next;};struct node *freenode=NULL, *allotnode=NULL, *newnode, *temp1=NULL, *temp2=NULL, *anode;int internal=0, external=0;int no_of_pages, size[20], allot[10]={0};int no,np,x,y,t=0;

void partition();void allocate();void display();

void main(){int ch;clrscr();

while(1){printf("\n \nEnter the choice: \n 1.Partition \n 2.Allocate \n 3.Display \n 4.Exit \n");scanf("%d",&ch);

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switch(ch){case 1:


case 2:allocate();break;

case 3:display();break;

case 4:exit(0);break;

default:printf("Wrong Choice");break;

} }


void partition(){int addr;printf("\nEnter the no of pages\n");scanf("%d",&no_of_pages);printf("\nEnter the page sizes in Bytes\n ");for(no=0;no<no_of_pages;no++){scanf("%d",&size[no]);addr=(int *)malloc(size[no]);newnode=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));newnode->start=addr;newnode->end=addr+size[no];newnode->size=size[no];newnode->busy=0;newnode->pid=0;newnode->next=NULL;if(freenode==NULL) freenode=newnode;else { temp1=freenode; while(temp1->next!=NULL)


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temp1->next=newnode; }}}void allocate(){int no_of_prog, sizep[20];anode=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));do{printf("\nEnter the number of programs<= %d\n",no_of_pages);scanf("%d",&no_of_prog);}while(no_of_prog > no_of_pages); printf("\nEnter the program sizes in Bytes\n");for(np=0;np<no_of_prog;np++)scanf("%d",&sizep[np]);

//Program to allocate the pages to the programs using firstfit

temp1=freenode;while(temp1 != NULL) {


if(temp1->size>=sizep[y] && temp1->busy==0 && allot[y]==0){

temp1->busy=1;allot[y]=1;anode->pid=y+1;anode->busy=1;anode->size=temp1->size;anode->start=temp1->start;t=(int)temp1->start;anode->end=t+sizep[y]-1;anode->next=NULL;internal+=temp1->size-sizep[y];if(allotnode==NULL) allotnode=anode;else{ temp2=allotnode; while(temp2->next!=NULL) temp2=temp2->next; temp2->next=anode;}

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printf("Proces id %d \n",allotnode->pid);printf("Start addr %u \n",allotnode->start);printf("End addr %u \n\n",allotnode->end);if(temp1->busy==0)


} printf("Internal Fragmentation = %d\n",internal); printf("External Fragmentation = %d\n",external);}

void display(){temp1=freenode;printf("\n\nFree nodes are\n\n\n"); while(temp1!=NULL) {

if((temp1->busy)==0){printf("Start addr %u \n",temp1->start);printf("End addr %u \n",temp1->end);printf("Size %d \n",temp1->size);}temp1=temp1->next;


Sample Output:

Enter the choice: 1.Partition 2.Allocate 3.Display 4.Exit1

Enter the no of pages3

Enter the page sizes in Bytes 204060

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Enter the choice: 1.Partition 2.Allocate 3.Display 4.Exit3

Free nodes areStart addr 2310Endaddr 2330Size 20

Start addr 2350Endaddr 2390Size 40

Start addr 2410Endaddr 2470Size 60

Enter the choice: 1.Partition 2.Allocate 3.Display 4.Exit2

Enter the number of programs<= 33

Enter the program sizes in Bytes153070Proces id 1Start addr 2310End addr 2324

Proces id 2Start addr 2350End addr 2379

Proces id 2Start addr 2350

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End addr 2379

Internal Fragmentation = 15External Fragmentation = 60

Enter the choice: 1.Partition 2.Allocate 3.Display 4.Exit4


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To implement Variable Partition Memory Management Scheme.

Algorithm:1. Get the number of bytes for the memory and allocate a common space.2. Partition the memory according to the process id and the request memory size from

the user one by one until the memory is full.3. After the process finishes, the memory is deallocated and any other process can use

this.4. When deallocating the memory, if any two consecutive partitions are free merge them

as a single partition.5. Allocate the process in partitions according to the process sizes. Balance space in that

partition is treated as a separate partition or merge with the nearby partition if that is free.

6. Display the starting and ending address of Free nodes and allotted nodes.


#include<stdio.h>#include<conio.h>struct allotnode{ int *startaddr; int pid; int flag; //it indicates whether the block is empty or not , if it is 1 then the block is busy int *endaddr; struct allotnode *next;};

void partition();void allocate();void Deallocate(int);void Merge();void print();int block_size,*addr,t;double up_size;

struct allotnode *headallot=NULL,*node1=NULL,*node2=NULL,*temp,*freenode;

void main(){int id;int choice;clrscr();printf("Enter the Block size \n");

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scanf("%d",&block_size);addr = (int *) calloc(block_size,1);freenode = (struct allotnode *)malloc(sizeof(struct allotnode));freenode->flag=0;freenode->pid=0;freenode->startaddr=addr;freenode->endaddr=addr+(block_size/2);freenode->next=NULL;

while(1){printf("Enter the choice \n 1.Partition \n 2.To Allocate \n 3.To Print \n 4.To Deallocate \n 5.Exit \n");scanf("%d",&choice);switch(choice){ case 1 :


case 2:allocate();break;

case 3:print();break;

case 4:printf("Enter the process id which you want to Deallocate \n");scanf("%d",&id);Deallocate(id);break;

case 5:exit(0);break;


void partition(){ int size; node1 = (struct allotnode *)malloc(sizeof(struct allotnode));

printf("Enter the process id\n"); scanf("%d",&node1->pid); printf("Enter the size of the proces"); scanf("%d",&size);

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node1->next=freenode; node1->flag=1;

if(((int)freenode->endaddr-(int)freenode->startaddr)>=size){ if(headallot==NULL) {


} else {


} node2=node1; t=node2->endaddr; freenode->startaddr=t+1;}

elseprintf("Less Memory ! \n\n\n");


void allocate(){ int pid,size,allot=0; node1 = (struct allotnode *)malloc(sizeof(struct allotnode)); printf("Enter the process id\n"); scanf("%d",&pid); printf("Enter the size of the proces"); scanf("%d",&size); temp=headallot;

while(temp != NULL) {if(temp->flag==0 && ((int)temp->endaddr - (int)temp->startaddr)>=size && allot==0)


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void print(){temp=headallot;printf("\n\nAllocated nodes are\n\n\n"); while(temp != NULL) {

if(temp->flag==1){printf("start addr %d \n",temp->startaddr);printf("pid %d \n",temp->pid);printf("end addr %d \n\n\n",temp->endaddr);}temp=temp->next;

} temp=headallot; printf("\n\nFree nodes are\n\n\n");

while(temp != NULL) {

if(temp->flag==0){ if(temp->startaddr == temp->endaddr)

printf("\n No Free nodes \n"); else { printf("start addr %d \n",temp->startaddr);

printf("end addr %d \n\n\n",temp->endaddr); }}temp=temp->next;


void Deallocate(int id){temp=headallot;

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else printf("\nProcess not available\n");temp=temp->next;}Merge();}

void Merge(){int f=0; temp=headallot; while(temp!=NULL) { if(temp->flag==0 && temp->next->flag==0) { temp->endaddr=temp->next->endaddr; temp->next=temp->next->next; f=1; } temp=temp->next; } if(f==1) Merge();}Sample Output:

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Enter the Block size100Enter the choice 1.Partition 2.To Allocate 3.To Print 4.To Deallocate 5.Exit1Enter the process id1Enter the size of the process20

Enter the choice 1.Partition 2.To Allocate 3.To Print 4.To Deallocate 5.Exit1Enter the process id2Enter the size of the process40Enter the choice 1.Partition 2.To Allocate 3.To Print 4.To Deallocate 5.Exit3

Allocated nodes arestart addr 2296pid 1end addr 2315

start addr 2216pid 2end addr 2355

Free nodes are

start addr 2256end addr 2396

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Enter the choice 1.Partition 2.To Allocate 3.To Print 4.To Deallocate 5.Exit2

Enter the process id3Enter the size of the proces30

Enter the choice 1.Partition 2.To Allocate 3.To Print 4.To Deallocate 5.Exit3

Allocated nodes are

start addr 2296pid 1end addr 2315

start addr 2216pid 2end addr 2355

start addr 2256pid 3end addr 2385

Free nodes are

start addr 2286end addr 2396

Enter the choice 1.Partition 2.To Allocate 3.To Print 4.To Deallocate

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Enter the process id which you want to Deallocate2Enter the choice 1.Partition 2.To Allocate 3.To Print 4.To Deallocate 5.Exit3

Allocated nodes are

start addr 2296pid 1end addr 2315

start addr 2256pid 3end addr 2385

Free nodes are

start addr 2216end addr 2355start addr 2286end addr 2396

Enter the choice 1.Partition 2.To Allocate 3.To Print 4.To Deallocate 5.Exit2

Enter the process id2Enter the size of the process10

Enter the choice 1.Partition 2.To Allocate

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3.To Print 4.To Deallocate 5.Exit3

Allocated nodes are

start addr 2296pid 1end addr 2315

start addr 2316pid 2end addr 2325

start addr 2256pid 3end addr 2385

Free nodes areRESULT:

start addr 2226end addr 2355

start addr 2286end addr 2396

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