Ormus Blue Water

. Barry Carter is what can be best described as the "...the global librarian on everything Ormus related." His exhaustive website is Subtle Energies found here. The following are excerpts and links to some of his research. Ormus, DNA repair and health It appears that the key to great physical longevity is the discovery of a method for effecting the repair of DNA. Accumulated damage to the DNA has been called one of the major factors in aging. It is also generally considered to be a major factor in cancer, aids and other degenerative diseases. David Hudson in his lectures and workshops claims that the Ormus materials have reversed the progress of cancer and other diseases. Hudson suggests that this reversal is the result of the repair of DNA which is facilitated by the Ormus elements. Here is a quote on this subject from David Hudson's Portland, Oregon lecture: "They claimed that it perfects the cells of the body. Well I can show you tomorrow Bristol-Myers-Squib research that shows that this material inter- reacts with DNA, correcting the DNA. All the carcinogenic damage, all the radiation damage, all is corrected from these elements in the presence of the cell. They don't chemically inter-react with it, they just correct the DNA. This is not an anti-anything. This is not anti- aids. This is not anti-cancer. This is pro-life.



Transcript of Ormus Blue Water

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. Barry Carter is what can be best described as the "...the global librarian on everything Ormus related." His exhaustive website is

Subtle Energies found here. The following are excerpts and links to some of his research.

Ormus, DNA repair and health

It appears that the key to great physical longevity is the discovery of a method for effecting the repair of DNA. Accumulated damage to the DNA has been called one of the major factors in aging. It is also generally considered to be a major factor in cancer, aids and other degenerative diseases.

David Hudson in his lectures and workshops claims that the Ormus materials have reversed the progress of cancer and other diseases. Hudson suggests that this reversal is the result of the repair of DNA which is facilitated by the Ormus elements. Here is a quote on this subject from David Hudson's Portland, Oregon lecture: "They claimed that it perfects the cells of the body. Well I can show you tomorrow Bristol-Myers-Squib research that shows that this material inter-reacts with DNA, correcting the DNA. All the carcinogenic damage, all the radiation damage, all is corrected from these elements in the presence of the cell. They don't chemically inter-react with it, they just correct the DNA. This is not an anti-anything. This is not anti-aids. This is not anti-cancer. This is pro-life.

It literally is the spirit. The material is not here to cure aids. The material is not here to cure cancer. The material is here to perfect our bodies. It makes our bodies be in the state they are supposed to be in. It is our own immune system that fights and cures the disease. If you can correct your DNA at every cell in your body. If you can correct the damage that's been done that brought about the cancer, if you can correct the damage that has been brought about by the virus; the aids you literally will become a perfected being. You will return back to the original healthy state you were meant to be in."

Here is another quote on this subject from Hudson's Dallas lecture: "Now what does it do in the body? It literally corrects the DNA, by a process the equivalent of a denaturing solution, the DNA relaxes and recombines

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corrected. So all diseases that originate with a problem with the DNA can be corrected, but your reason for taking it cannot be to correct a disease.

 Your reason for taking it has to be a philosophical reason. It has to be to enlighten and to raise the nature of mankind. If in doing that, it happens to cure the diseases, so be it. ... Regarding Hudson's negative results with in-vitro cancer cultures. Cell cultures do not behave the same as their in-vivo equivalents, for processes that involve kundalini. Cell cultures contain pranic energy, but they lack nadis, and kundalini. As kundalini generally oversees and directs the use of ORMEs, this means ORMEs actions in vitro will be substantially impaired, and much less effective, than in vivo. Some have asked incredulously and sometimes vituperously how DNA could possibly be repaired and restored to its original sequence by *anything*, once damaged. I have listened to several such exchanges. Some apparently believe that, once the DNA is damaged, nothing remains to base a correction on, and hence have difficulty understanding how ORMEs (or anything else) could know *how* to "fix" sequencing damage, once it has occurred (assuming, of course, that both halves of the DNA have been altered).

Each of us has an etheric double, which is the coarsest of the subtle counterparts of our physical body. This and some subplanes of the astral are the level or home of an 'elemental', associated with the innate consciousness of the physical body. This is a separate consciousness, like those I touched on in explaining the nature of consciousness in matter, earlier.

Regardless of the physical damage cellular DNA may sustain, such as by ionizing radiation, phage-induced mutations, etc., the subtle template is always there, and though it may be depleted of vitality, it is not susceptible to these sorts of structural damage. It is around this prescient organizational form that our bodies grew, in genomic expression, once the individualization phase began in later fetal progress.

Every molecule **related to organization and structure** has its subtle counterpart, within it. This is the same matrix which has been observed in the "phantom leaf effect", etc., in Kirlian photography.

Kundalini and ORMEs both function, in large part, in 4th dimensional

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astral levels. The original subtle "backup copy" of the DNA is readily available to them, at the precise place where it is needed, right at the damage site in the errant cell's DNA. The subtle part lies, superimposed 4th dimensionally, right where the physical part is, and there is no problem at all, in seeing where the two don't agree. There are a variety of mechanisms that repair DNA. In some cases, given sufficient ORMEs in the system, kundalini simply uses the ORMEs as a mechanism, like a read/write head so-to-speak, in repairing the damage. ORMEs are used to transfer a resonance from the subtle template, to guide the DNase, polymerase, endonuclease, and other various enzymes in removing and recoding the damaged base sequences. Each of the bases has a distinct vibrational signature, which the enzymes have no trouble at all in recognizing.

In a cell culture, the cell's own subtle template is present, but no kundalini is present as an organizing force, nor overall template, and virtually no organization is present among the cells, so the genotypical expression elements are largely running open loop. How likely is it that ORMEs may effect a cure under these conditions? Not very(!), though they still seem to have some slight beneficial effect. I suggest they shall have better luck with curing cancers when they experiment on lab mice and other living creatures." In a nutshell, Gary is suggesting that a non-physical template for DNA exists and that where this non-physical DNA template is available to the physical DNA the Ormus elements can facilitate the repair of the DNA to this healthy template. Let's examine these concepts.

Reports of Another Researcher

Another Ormus researcher  is working with several medical doctors who are recording the progress of  patients on these materials. Here is some information that has been gleaned from this researcher''s work with these doctors and their patients.

M-state materials are the same as monoatomic or ORME materials. C-11 or M-11 is all 11 of the m-state materials generally recovered from sea water. The relative concentrations will vary depending on the source. For example the Pacific Ocean will vary from Alaska to Japan. M-3 is just rhodium, iridium and gold. 70% rhodium, 15% iridium and 15% gold. It

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is likely that the gold content in M-3 is higher than it is in C-11. The assay of the m-state elements in natural source materials is difficult and requires that they be converted to their metallic counterparts which are then subjected to conventional assay procedures.  This difficulty of assay is compounded by the propensity of these m-state elements to change from one element to another. Generally they tend to move toward the gold m-state material. The most stable m-state element is gold. The half life of m-state elements is reduced by sunlight. Since these elements move toward gold, in any situation like the Dead Sea, one would expect most of the m-state elements to have converted to gold due to their exposure to sunlight over the centuries. There is definitely a more pronounced effect with the M-3 and the M-1 but whether this is a concentration effect or has to do with people's expectations regarding the elements associated with the gold is not known yet. The M-3 generally comes from mine tailings which have the proper ratio of m-state elements.  If the mine waste material is not available, pure metal is converted to the m-state and mixed in the proper ratio.  The M-3 is measured in fluid ounces and is measured after the liquid m-state material has settled out and concentrated for four or five days.

You can get most of the health benefits from C-11 but it takes a bit longer. The C-11 provides for "general uplifting and total body health." "You can go all the way with it if you continue to take it." Many people who take these materials get a sort of "high" from them. This researcher thinks this is because it increases the efficiency of the body and the brain. He claims that you only need 10% of the energy to run the body that you are normally used to running on. The excess energy that is liberated goes into producing the high feeling. "Any ailment you've had in your life that didn't heal properly, this will attack and re-heal them properly.  So you get all the symptoms back on everything you've ever had as you go through it."  But they are not as severe as they were the first time you went through them. Depending on a person's current psychological state when they start taking m-state materials they may become more active or more passive for example. Some people get real sleepy while their body is repairing itself. When they get up they will "eat everything but the curtain rods and then they will go right back to sleep again." The body needs fuel to repair the damage that has accumulated throughout life. It needs rest so that the body can repair itself. "It forces the body to do what it has to do to get itself fixed. You

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no longer have the mental choice to say 'I'm going to stay awake for a week'; if you need to turn off, you turn off." As with all things that you ingest it is wise to stop taking them when you reach a plateau of effects. Taking anything through the plateau can result in addiction.  If you are not taking these materials to cure a specific disease it is probably best to take them for no more than two weeks at a time with a week of rest between the two week periods. Some early researchers claim that the m-state gold, if taken alone, can tend to lock people into their current physical or mental condition. For example if they are criminals they may just become much more effective criminals. This theory is based on a very small sample over a very short time.

From a David Hudson Lecture in Portland, Oregon 28-July-1995

I really became intrigued with this stuff. What would happen if we give this material to people? It's not metal-metal bonding so it doesn't have heavy metal properties. So first of all we got a golden retriever and gave the material to the golden retriever. This golden retriever had tick fever, valley fever and a large abscess here on his side. And none of the veterinarians could find any medicine that would get rid of it due to the combination of all three diseases. And they just gave up; they weren't going to cure him. We began giving him one cc injections of one milligram of the white powder. One shot in the tumor and one shot in the blood stream. After a week and a half the tick fever was gone, the valley fever was gone, the tumor has shrunk down and disappeared. So we stopped the injections. About a week later it starts coming back again. So we start giving the injections again and it shrunk back down again. This time we continued about a week longer and then when we stopped it never came back. The dog felt great. So then the doctor we were working with said you know this is really incredible stuff. He said you know I have an assistant that works in my doctor's office who is a day or two away from death with aids. He is being fed intravenously right now. He can't speak, he can't dress himself, he is dying. So he said "I'm going to start giving him just a little bit of this material and see what happens. A week and a half later he had pulled out all the feed lines out of his arms, he was feeding himself normally, getting dressed on his own, just doing great. A month and a half later he was on an airplane going back to a

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family wedding in Indiana and nobody even knows he has aids. This doctor says "Dave, this is like a magic material." So he got a patient who had KS; Karposi Sarcoma which is the cancer you get all over your skin. This man had over thirty lesions all over his body and we began to give him one milliliter injections into his blood stream. After a month and a half there was no more active KS on his body. One milligram per day! Now if you are familiar with KS there is only one treatment and that is radiation treatment. And after a while you get the maximum amount of radiation and they have to discontinue the treatment, then you get worse and die. And this totally got rid of KS lesions. Then we started working with another patient who was actually not gay. This woman had received the aids virus in an invitro fertilization that was done down at the University of Arizona. There were ten women who received the semen from this patient who had the HIV virus. She was the only one who got aids. She had it for 11 years. She was really starting to go down hill. Her white blood cell count and her T cell count were really classic. We gave it to her orally for the first time and basically there was no change in her white blood cells and her T cells. Now when we give it by injection the white blood cell count goes from 2200 to 6500 in an hour and a half. Unbelievable. When we take it orally nothing happens to the white blood cell count. Which is the only analytical battle we have available. After a month she said "I want the injection; I want to see this increase my white blood cell count." So we prepared her a shot and she took the material by injection. At the same time we gave her the shot, we pulled blood samples and sent them to [Noing?] Laboratories in southern California for an infected virons per milliliter of blood analysis. She took the first injections. She got high fevers, just like everyone does, so we said cut it in half. She cut it in half, (actually the doctor cut it in half) the next day she took it and she went into seizures and she died. I just found out from a man in San Francisco that people who have taken AZT; that AZT can cause brain lesions and Hodgkin's lymphomas in the brain. Anything that dramatically stimulates the immune system can cause them to go into seizures. And so we don't take someone with AZT and give them the injections. By that time we got our analysis back from [Noing?] Laboratories and it said the infected viron count was so low that this woman shouldn't even know she had aids. Now we didn't do an analysis up front so we decided well we'll start giving this to people after we do a lab analysis. We worked with a man who had an infected viron count of 57,000. He was so weak that he could hardly walk; he used a cane. The

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doctor said he gave him two to three weeks to live. He took this material orally and it took about 60 days to begin to drop the infected viron count. After 60 days it went down 30% every thirty days. By the end of seven months it was so low they couldn't even detect it any more in his blood. And that's taking 50 milligrams per day orally. Now do understand, I'm not a doctor. I have no interest in becoming a doctor. What I wanted to know is, is it possible that this stuff works? That is all my interest was. There was one doctor in North Phoenix that I gave two bottles of the dried material to and he gave it to two cancer patients. One was forty two years old and the other was fifty seven years old. They both had breast cancer. The forty two year old woman had had her breast removed two years earlier and had extensive radiation treatments. After two years she was having pain in her neck, pain in her ribs. She went to a chiropractor that couldn't help her. She finally ended up with an oncologist who said she had cancer in her neck, her shoulder, her back, her spine, and your ribs. He said it is stage four, get your affairs in order. We can give you chemo-therapy but you are going to die. The woman went to this doctor. He gave her these capsules which was a month and a half worth of pills. She took this material, at a hundred milligrams, for a month and a half. At the end of the month and a half she went back to the oncologist. She had no cancer anywhere in her body. I didn't even know who the woman was. I had nothing to do with giving her the material. I get this phone call and this woman says "Mr. Hudson, I don't know who you are or what this material is, but it is really fantastic material. And she told me the story. The fifty seven year old woman it apparently didn't work on. We were then back at the University of Chicago having cancer studies done with mice. And what we found is about half the mice it killed of cancers but the other half the cancers grew faster. But at the end of the study the cancer researchers injected the mice with estrogen. Which should have caused the cancers to even grow faster. Instead as soon as the estrone hit their bodies; within twenty four hours all the cancers were gone. And so what I tell people right now is anyone who is over forty years of age I strongly recommend that they take a DHEA or some female hormone because in treating breast cancer the female hormone plays an important role in the treatment of the breast cancer. Now I'm not presenting this to you as technical information. I'm presenting this to you as my experience and what I can tell you about it. We also had a doctor in Florida who was giving it to a pancreatic cancer patient, last November. He was dramatically loosing weight. He did not expect him to survive. So they

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were desperate for anything. He took this for sixty days and has now gained all his weight back and is doing just great today. The doctor doesn't understand it. He is just totally blown away about how it could happen because nobody survives pancreatic cancer.

This is not an anti-anything.

This is not anti-aids.

This is not anti-cancer.

This is pro-life.

It literally is the spirit.

The material is not here to cure aids.

The material is not here to cure cancer.

The material is here to perfect our bodies.

It makes our bodies be in the state they are supposed to be in.

It is our own immune system that fights and cures the disease. If you can correct your DNA at every cell in your body. If you can correct the damage that's been done that brought about the cancer, if you can correct the damage that has been brought about by the virus; the aids you literally will become a perfected being. You will return back to the original healthy state you were meant to be in. This is not a medicine. This material is, in fact, a philosophical material. It is here to enlighten and to raise the consciousness of mankind. If in doing that it happens to cure diseases so be it. Discusses natural plant sources of monoatomic materials. Essiac tea. Sheep sorrell and slippery elm bark are high in rhodium and iridium. Plug for Vitali-Tea. "Is particularly great for people who have mouth cancer, throat cancer, stomach cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer any cancer of the soft tissues. The one area it doesn't seem to work is cancer of the lymphatic system." Carrot juice has high amounts of rhodium only. Rhodium is the cancer cure. Products made by Emprise corporation: Manaloe and Acemannan DHEA precursor called Emprise Plus. All contain rhodium and iridium. "The product that is made by Carrington Laboratories, it is called Acemannan

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is actually cleared by the AMA and FDA for cancer treatment in animals. It has not been cleared for cancer treatment in humans. However, they are selling more of it than if all the animals in the U.S. had cancer. So what they know is that the aids community has found out about it and is taking the material. When it is injected into the blood stream, which is the way it is administered, there are dramatic increases in white blood cells and T-cells. After injecting Acemannan, which is 90% rhodium, into the blood for a month and a half, the thymus grows by about 40%. The thymus is what produces the T-cells. The thymus grows. If you don't know this, from the age twelve on most peoples thymus begins to shrink. They have evaluated aids patients who have died and done biopsies on them and they find the thymus is unusually shrunken. This does increase the size of the thymus dramatically and it is the rhodium that does it." Discusses different effects of rhodium, iridium and gold. "The iridium and the gold seem to speed up the metabolism of the body about 40% and they seem to not go into the bloodstream and not go through the kidneys. It seems to be taken into the acupuncture system of the body and it seems to be associated with the spinal cord and the thymus. Which, in fact, is the consciousness and the metabolic rate of the body. Other products that you might be familiar with is the Kabuchi or the Chinese mushroom. That has rhodium and iridium. Not that much but it is in there. Another excellent product is the aloe vera plant. The cold extract aloe vera. Now I want you to know there are cold extract aloe veras that are excellent. There is a product called R-Pur Aloe, made over in Colorado, that is an excellent product. I have actually gone to High Health and purchased cold extract aloe vera from High Health and there is absolutely nothing in it. And so just because the label says that it is aloe vera gel doesn't mean it is a good product." Flax oil has rhodium and iridium. Almond seeds also have it. Apricot seeds have it. Grape juice has it as does grape seed. Water cress has a lot in it. Discusses Vibhuti, 94% iridium in the high spin state, forms a long chain polymer. Carrots raised on black humic soil at MIU have no monoatomic material. It must be raised on volcanic soil. Blue green algae also contains rhodium and iridium.

Living Water, Vital Air

Living Water These properties of water appear to be linked to life and

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consciousness. I will try to establish a chain of evidence and reasoning which links the self organizing properties of life and consciousness with the properties of the Ormus elements. In her book, The Rainbow and the Worm, Mae-Wan Ho writes: "The collagenous liquid crystalline mesophases in the connective tissues, with their associated structured water, therefore, constitutes a semi-conducting, highly responsive network that extends throughout the organism. This network is directly linked to the intracellular matrices of individual cells via proteins that go through the cell membrane. The connective tissues and intracellular matrices, together, form a global tensegrity system, as well as an excitable electrical continuum for rapid intercommunication through-out the body." She suggests that: "the instantaneous (non local) coordination of body functions is mediated, not by the nervous system, but by the body consciousness inhering in the liquid crystalline continuum of the body. Implicit in this suggestion is the idea that living systems have a special kind of coherence or wholeness, which is characteristic of macroscopic quantum systems."

Later she elaborates further on this: "I have argued that quantum coherence is the basis of conscious experience, which involves the possibilities of non local inter-communication between distant parts of the brain, the simultaneous recognition of whole and part in our perceptive field, and the distinctive quality of each experienced occasion.45 All that is beyond the scope of the present discussion. I shall mention just one aspect of (brain) memory here. Many people have already remarked on the holographic nature of brain memory in that it is able to survive large brain lesions. The possibility, from what has been said above, is that memory is not only delocalized over the entire brain, but over the entire liquid crystalline continuum of the body which serves as a holographic medium.

Ervin Laszlo,46 philosopher and systems theorist, has recently proposed that much of personal memory may be stored in an ambient, collective quantum holographic memory field delocalized from the individual- in the universal holographic medium of the quantum vacuum- and that memories are accessed by the brain from the ambient field. This is fully consistent with the 'romantic' idea, increasingly validated by the foundations of quantum theory, that all nature is interconnected, and that the separateness and discreteness of things in the common sensible world

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are illusory."

Historic References to Living Water There are a number of historic references to materials which might fit with our experience of these materials. A modern alchemist of our acquaintance writes: Several references might be found in the alchemical literature for the use of dew and rainwater (specially, when coming from a thunder storm near the equinoxes), as having special properties which tap water wouldn't have. The "Aurea Catena Homerii", for instance, contains a very interesting procedure which PRS-PON students have tried. Basically, the water is left to stand for some time, when an earth develops within it. Then the water is distilled by fractions, which are then re-fractionated. Upon reunion of the fractions with the earth, different things are obtained, depending on the particular mixture of fractions which is being used. The earth is the Gur, or universal prime matter, which is vivified by the water to produce a vegetable, animal or mineral generation. Miraculously as it may sound, the idea is you can generate an animal (or plant, or mineral) from that earth when humecting it with the appropriate fractions. As was quantitatively tested by one experimenter, best results were obtained when the rainwater (which had to be previously purified by distillation, due to acid-rain contamination) was electrified by means of a Van de Graaf generator. If dew really rises up, then some sort of electrostatic charge may be present. A popular alchemical text, the "Mutus Liber" shows how to re-collect and use dew to produce the alchemical Stone. This is done by putting blankets hanging on the air, so that the water does not touch the soil, which might make it loose its charge. Some, however, have collected it just by drawing the blankets through a pasture field, collecting the droplets from the herb. Snow may also do, as the surface has not contacted the soil. The dew is then, as the rainwater, separated into a water and an earth, to be worked upon later. Again, water attracted by means of deliquescent materials (potassium acetate, to name but one) is supposed to have special properties. Many alchemical recipes which use water, actually mention "distilled rainwater" (distilled dew, or distilled snow, would be more or less equivalent). So there must be a difference. Thus, if you add something like "take distilled dew, and decoct it with your precipitate", your recipe may begin to sound like an alchemical recipe indeed.

Fluctuations in the earth's magnetic field are related to tidal effects which

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are generated primarily by the sun and the moon.  When the earth's magnetic field is most active might be the best time to collect the ORMUS dew. When the Israelites collected manna in the desert, their collection process was described like a dew collection process.  The material they collected was described as tasting like honey or a sweet oil. EXODUS 16:13-16 And it came to pass, that at even the quails came up, and covered the camp: and in the morning the dew lay round about the host. And when the dew that lay was gone up, behold, upon the face of the wilderness there lay a small round thing, as small as the hoar frost on the ground. And when the children of Israel saw it, they said one to another, It is manna: for they wist not what it was. And Moses said unto them, This is the bread which the LORD hath given you to eat. NUMBERS 11:9 And when the dew fell upon the camp in the night, the manna fell upon it. The Bible also speaks of the manna as having an oily texture and a sweet taste: NUMBERS 11:8 And the people went about, and gathered it, and ground it in mills, or beat it in a mortar, and baked it in pans, and made cakes of it: and the taste of it was as the taste of fresh oil. EXODUS 16:31 And the house of Israel called the name thereof Manna: and it was like coriander seed, white; and the taste of it was like wafers made with honey.

Ormus Variations

There appears to be several ways in which different Ormus materials differ from one another. Briefly, these differences seem to fall into several possible categories. Briefly the categories that we have identified are: Individual elements Concentration Level of Cooper pairing Energy level Coherence Information (resonance) Combination

The first, and most obvious, category would be the division of the Ormus materials into individual elements with each of these elements having different physical properties and biological effects.

The second category relates to how much of the Ormus material is in a given space. The premise being that more concentrated Ormus will be more effective.

The magnetic traps are designed primarily to concentrate Ormus as are the chemical methods. These methods may also energize and program

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the Ormus materials in some way (see below).

The third category is not so obvious and is not scientifically verified. Briefly stated, the theory of this category is that each Ormus element can have different levels of Cooper pairing among its electrons ranging from having only four electrons paired up to having all electrons paired up. According to this theory, the physical properties of the Ormus elements would range between almost metallic at the low end of Cooper pairing to the magical properties that we associate with these elements at the high end of Cooper pairing. The intermediate stages of Cooper pairing would give a mixture of m-state and metallic properties.

The fourth category of Ormus variation would be the charge or energy level of a given Ormus element at any given level of Cooper pairing. The highest energy levels might only be available to the most fully Cooper paired materials. This category is theoretical and has not been scientifically verified.

For the fifth category of Ormus variation we postulate that the Ormus elements are quantum coherent structures which are capable of non-local communication with others of their kind. In this role there may be different types of coherence where they are in the same energy state or in the same spin state or perhaps in the same information state.

A possible sixth category of Ormus variation would be a result of information, resonance or torsion field imposed on a given Ormus element. Different resonances might stimulate different Ormus physical and biological properties.

It is also possible that there is a seventh category of Ormus variation which might relate to different properties in combined or conjoined materials composed of two or more Ormus elements.

Some people believe that the most potent alchemical materials like the Red Lion or the Philosopher's Stone are composed of two or more Ormus elements conjoined into a single (atomic) structure. Keep in mind that all of these potential variation categories are likely to interact with one another. I would suspect that the Philosopher's Stone would combine the "best" attributes of each of these variation spectrums.

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