Orientation of Madarsa teachers neighbours.


Transcript of Orientation of Madarsa teachers neighbours.

PowerPoint PresentationHygiene education program in Madrasa holds a great significance in bringing transformation in society as it is linked to the behavioural
change of children towards healthy hygiene practices. These kids will be the future of nation and their habits, prospect will play influential
role in maintaining the sustainable environment of country.
As per the present scenario, nation needs utmost consideration to create a healthy and viable environment for the progressive growth and
development which apparently requires a healthy and revolutionary mind. Keeping these motive in mind, Dettol Banega Swasth India
initiative assign it as an important component of initiative and focus on it parallel to community and technology.
It is working on primary students which is aimed to work as “change agent” in community and through them revolutionary change is
expected in whole community.
India is a country of ancient civilization and considered to be a pious nation. But it is a sad reality of our country that all the cleanliness and
piousness is only confined to religious activities or kitchen. Eventually, It’s not in our behaviour to keep our surrounding clean and sanitized.
At the most we keep our own houses clean and it is of no concern of ours to be careful about streets, lanes, parks or other public places.
Even after 65 years of Independence, it is really shameful we display unhygienic behaviour. Realizing this fact, RB (formerly known as Reckitt
Benckiser Pvt. Ltd) initiated “Dettol Banega Swachh India” a ambitious program to address the rising need of hygiene and sanitation in India
and made a commitment to invest towards this initiative, which will aim to:
•Drive behaviour change towards hand hygiene, through numerous awareness initiatives such as the School Hand Wash Program.
• Create hygiene corner in every madarsa
• Formation of ulema committee.
• Wall painting and writing.
• Formation of *Bal sansad* (Youth parliament)
Our Initiative
Hygiene & Sanitation: A Foundation to a Healthy Childhood
Hence it is important to lay a strong foundation From the beginning to have a healthy future.
Objective of Program
Objective 1: To foster an enabling environment in Madrasa and empower teachers as agents of
change for imparting WASH knowledge to children.
Objective 2: Households and madrasa transformed by students' improved hygiene and sanitation
knowledge, attitudes, behaviours and practices.
Objective 3: Communities demonstrate commitment to improved WASH behaviours and
practices with their madrasa.
Components of the Program: Conceptualization & Preparation
The Curriculum consists of Student Workbook, Teachers Lesson Plans, Hands on Games along with Class Room Posters contextualized as per immediate surroundings and use active experiences.
https://youtu.be/ElWGcvHNxtEhttps://youtu.be/1rNiO8WuehY https://youtu.be/KYf8SbtdPL0
Imam Sahab Video
India Imam Organization to launch the Dettol BSI
Handwash Digital Curriculum
- A mix of print, regional and online
- 11 were top tier publications
- Coverage appeared in Dainik Bhaskar, News 24,
Raj Express, Dainik Aaj, Navbharat etc.
Key Highlights: Social Media
Total 156 Exposures Garnered
137 Print 19 Online
• During the launch of the Dettol BSI Handwash Curriculum, we engaged with the audience through live updates from the event and relevant quotes from RB spokes people and Dr. Imam Umer Ahmed Ilyasi
• #PaighamESehat2019 trended in India at number 5 for more than 1 hour, alongside regional trends, making us part of a bigger conversation
• Our hashtag on Twitter - PaighamESehat2019, had 1800+conversations, engaging a total of 256 users with 572 engagements. Witha reach of 22,13,201, the hashtag had 96,22,060 impressions
• The whole launch was broadcast LIVE on BSI’s Facebook page, that had a reach of 3,400+ users
• Published 12 tweets and posts on Twitter and Facebook, with 31,800+ impressions, with an engagement rate of 2.99% on twitter for BSI
• Received ~1000+ engagements on our posts on social media for RB and BSI
• Gathered 248 RTs and 150 likes on Twitter for BSI
• Added live event updates as stories on Facebook for both RB and BSI
• Published an album on RB’s Facebook page, capturing high lights from the event, which garnered a reach of 3,900+ people and 65+ engagements
Key Highlights: Social Media Top Performing Tweet
Impressions - 5303 Likes - 29
~ 1,00,000 Madarsa
~1,20,000 children
Dr. Imam Umer Ilyasi has implemented Madarsa hygiene videos across 1,00,000 madrasa
Outreach through Madarsa Hygiene Videos in Year 1
75 Madarsa
Total Coverage Children ~14,67,700
Pathway 1
Pathway 2
All children will join common platform for training
All children will get books through courier
Briefing by teachers over call Teachers will monitor Monthly Report submission by
Strategy for children Training for Phase II
Digital Curriculum will be provide to Madarsa board
Teachers will teach digital curriculum in 14,677
Teachers will teach Madrasa Hygiene Videos in 2,00,000
Videos will be provide to Dr. IMAM UMER ILYASI
Dr. IMAM UMER ILYASI will take the videos to all madarsa across India
Training of Madarsa Teachers
classes are going on
/ ,
19 (COVID19) ,

1 2.
3. ,
60% 4. ,
7. -
COVID-19 Prevention Awareness sms sent to all teachers of 75 madrasa in Uttar Pradesh
COVID-19 prevention message reached to 234 teachers of Madrasa
Activities - In all the 6 madarsas of
the 3 districts trainings have been
completed in the month of August.
Sanitation rallies, speeches on
are included in these Activities
Aadha Imaan hai is pasted in Azan ghar.
Azan Ghar
model madarsas. On the tiles the logo of
DBSI logo is printed.
In the model madarsas hygiene corners are made for the
betterment of sanitation and personal hygiene.
Hygiene Corner
of the class called Safayi ka Daroga.
Safai Ka Daroga
Teachers Digital Training of madrasa Teachers training
Teachers training on about madrasa program and level wise training through digital platforms.
Material used for training 1.PPT of madrasa program introduction 2.Pre test 3.Video of Dr Swati and Imam Saheb 4.Video of games 5.Posters of each level 6.Test paper of each module
Platform Used 1.Skype 2.Gmail. 3.Whatsapp 4.joinme.com
Lucknow Chitrakoot
Unnav Hamirpur
Raibarailly Mohoba
Hardoi Basti
3. Introduction of RB
4. Introudction of Project
5. Objectives of Project
6. Training Objectives
7. Significance of Training in the light of Saying of Prophet Mohammad (SAW) “SAFAI
8. Significance of Project in Today’s Crona Crises Environment.
9. Significance of On-Line training in the wake of Crona Pendemic
10. Run Video of Dr. Swati and Imam Sahab
11. Introudcue them about the curriculum (L1,L2,L 3(
12. Posters (Show and tell them about it(
13. Vidos show
14. Click Swachhta ki Pathshala website link and deliver content
15. Ask them how will they teach to students
16. Feedback, querries etc.
Level 1 4459
Level 2 4635
Level 3 4019
3700 3800 3900 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700
Level wise children data
Category 1-Children with laptop Category -Children with android phone Category 3-Children with no android phone
Weekly Session of
• Children Recital Quran
the Quran
Key Features of Events:
Outreach in across Uttar Pradesh through Madarsa Hygiene Curriculum in Year 2
Uttar Pradesh Madarsa Board has appreciated Madarsa Hygiene Program and requested Madrasa hygiene curriculum for implementation in 14677 Madarsa across Uttar Pradesh .
They are implement Madarsa Hygiene Curriculum in all madrasa of Uttar Pradesh with their own Curriculum .
Madarsa Board extensively focusing on providing Hygiene education and actively participating in Madarsa Program
Letter From Madarsa Board
~2,00,000 Madarsa
Dr Imam Ilyasi has implemented hygiene videos in 2,00,000 madarsa
Outreach through Madarsa Hygiene Videos in Year 2
Madrasa board letter for support in UP districts and
provided us UP madrasa list
Madrasa board letter for support in across all districts of UP children
training data collection