Organizing and Staffing Project Office and Team

2 nd Assignment Organizing and Staffing Project Office and Team ALLAMA IQBAL OPEN UNIVERSITY (Department of Business Administration) Assignment # 2 Project Management (5539) TOPIC: ORGANIZING AND STAFFING PROJECT OFFICE AND TEAM Submitted to: Sir Ateeq-ur-Rehman Submitted by: Ishtiaq Ahmed (0333-6824303) 1


Organizing and Staffing Project office and team

Transcript of Organizing and Staffing Project Office and Team

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2nd Assignment Organizing and Staffing Project Office and Team


(Department of Business Administration)

Assignment # 2Project Management (5539)


Submitted to: Sir Ateeq-ur-Rehman

Submitted by: Ishtiaq Ahmed (0333-6824303)



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2nd Assignment Organizing and Staffing Project Office and Team


All praises to Almighty Allah, the most Gracious, the most Beneficent and the most Merciful, who enabled me to complete this assignment. I feel great pleasure in expressing my since gratitude to my teacher, for his guidance and support for providing me an opportunity to complete my Project.My special thanks and acknowledgments to Mr. Zeeshan for providing me all relative information, guidance and support to compile the Project.I will keep my hopes alive for the success of given task to submit this report to my honorable teacher Sir Ateeq-ur-Rehman, whose guidance; support and encouragement enable me to complete this assignment.


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“The today’s world moves at neck breaking speed & it calls for a decisive action”“Quantum Leap thinking” Project Office is a department responsible for improving project management within an organization. It’s a permanent department within an organization, not a temporary function. There are different types of project offices depend on the organization structure. Project Office is responsible for Resolving project problems, implementing the right project management, Monitoring and reporting on status, and improving project success rates. Some reasons for Establishing Project Office are Project Time Management, Integration Management, Project Time Management, Project Cost Management, Project Quality Management, Project Human Resource Management, Project Communication Management, Project Risk Management and Project Procurement Management.Habib Rafiq (Pvt.) Limited is a project driven company and establish project offices for big projects.


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2nd Assignment Organizing and Staffing Project Office and Team

Table of Contents

Table of Contents Page No

Title page 01

Acknowledgement 02

Abstract 03

Table of contents 04

Introduction to the issue 05

Practical study of organization 12

Practical study of organization with respect to the issue 14

SWOT analysis 18

Conclusion 29

Recommendations 20

References 21

Introduction to Topic


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What is Organizing and Staffing?

Organizing is the act of rearranging elements following one or more rules anything is commonly considered organized when it looks like everything has a correct order or placement. But it's only ultimately organized if any element has no difference on time taken to find it.

Where Staffing Refer to:

Manpower requirements Recruitment Selection Orientation and Placement Training and Development

Project Office:

A Project Office is a department responsible for improving project management within an organization. It’s a permanent department within an organization, not a temporary function. It’s there to coordinate projects and ensure they have the right tools, standards, methodologies and templates needed to boost their chances of success.

Project team:

A project team is a team whose members usually belong to different groups, functions and are assigned to activities for the same project. A team can be divided into sub-teams according to need. Usually project teams are only used for a defined period of time. They are disbanded after the project is deemed complete. Due to the nature of the specific formation and disbandment, project teams are usually in organizations.A team is defined as “an interdependent collection of individuals who work together towards a common goal and who share responsibility for specific outcomes of their organizations”. An additional requirement to the original definition is that “the team is identified as such by those within and outside of the team”. As project teams work on specific projects, the first requirement is usually met. In the early stages of a project, the


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project team may not be recognized as a team, leading to some confusion within the organization. The central characteristic of project teams in modern organizations is the autonomy and flexibility availed in the process or method undertaken to meet their goals.Most project teams require involvement from more than one department; therefore most project teams can be classified as cross functional team. The project team usually consists of a variety of members often works under the direction of a project manager or a senior member of the organization. Projects that may not receive strong support initially often have the backing of a project champion. Individual team members can either be involved on a part time, or full time basis. Their time commitment can change throughout the project depending on the project development stage.Project teams need to have the right combination of skills, abilities and personality types to achieve collaborative tension. Teams can be formulated in a variety of ways. The most common method is at the discretion of a senior member of the organization.

Responsibilities of Project Office:

The Project Office is responsible for: Resolving common project problems Implementing the right project management template tools Monitoring and reporting on status Improving project success rates.

Responsibilities of Project Team: Provide functional expertise in an administrative process Work with users to ensure the project meets business needs


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Documentation and analysis of current and future processes/systems Identification and mapping of information needs Defining requirements for reporting and interfacing User training

Determining the Need for Project Office:

Not all organizations require the structure and discipline of a PMO, sometimes simply called a Project Office. Determining factors might be any combination of:

Number of concurrent projects, High percentage of failed projects, Repeated project management issues, Number of inexperienced project managers, and Need for centralized project monitoring and control.

Establishing the Project Management Office:

Once your organization determines that they should implement a Project Management Office structure, a small cross-functional team (from Finance, Sales, Operations, Administration, etc.) should be assembled to work with the designated PMO Leader to determine PMO objectives and measures of success. Their input on the PMO objectives and success criteria is important because these are the Stakeholders of the individual projects.

The primary product of this team should be the construction of a Project Management Office Charter. I have included a template for a PMO Charter on this page (click on the "folder" icon below this paragraph). Instructions for completing the Project Management Office Charter document are contained within the template.

The approval of the Project Management Office Charter, by the PMO Sponsor and your Executive Management Team will signal the establishment of your Project Management Office. The Charter wills information on funding (for at least the first year of operation), resourcing, objectives, criteria for success, and governance. The PMO Lead must have the Executive Management Team (or your PMO Sponsor, if she/he is a member of the Executive


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Team) communicate, the creation of the PMO, its purpose, structure, benefits to the entire company, while emphasizing the full support of Executive Management.

The Project Management Office Charter becomes the initial “roadmap” for the creation of the PMO. The Charter will also contain an initial setup schedule. There will be a transition point from “PMO setup” to “PMO operation”. The PMO Charter document will also address the issues of PMO operations.

Organizing and Staffing Project Office and Team:

Organizing and Staffing Project Office and Team consist of following steps:

Step#1: Selecting Project Manager

Probably the most difficult decision facing upper-level management is the selection of project managers. Some managers work best on long-duration projects where decision making can be slow; others may thrive on short-duration projects that can result in a constant- pressure environment.The selection process for project managers is not easy. Five basic questions must be considered:

What are the internal and external sources? How do we select? How do we provide career development in project management? How can we develop project management skills? How do we evaluate project management performance?

Skills required for a Project Manager:

Effective program management is directly related to proficiency in these ten skills: Team building Leadership Conflict resolution Technical expertise Planning


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Organization Entrepreneurship Administration Management support Resource allocation

Step#2: Selecting Project office and Personnel

Selecting the project manager is only one-third of the staffing problem. The next step, selecting the project office personnel and team members, can be a time-consuming chore. The project office consists of personnel who are usually assigned as full-time members of the project. The evaluation process should include active project team members, functional team members available for promotion or transfer, and outside applicants.Upon completion of the evaluation process, the project manager meets with upper level management. This coordination is required to assure that:

All assignments fall within current policies on rank, salary, and promotion. The individuals selected can work well with both the project manager (formal

reporting) and upper-level management (informal reporting). The individuals selected have good working relationships with the functional

personnel.Good project office personnel usually have experience with several types of projects and are self-disciplined

Step#3: Meeting

The third and final step in the staffing of the project office is a meeting between the project manager, upper-level management, and the project manager on whose project the requested individuals are currently assigned. Project managers are very reluctant to give up qualified personnel to other projects, but unfortunately, this procedure is a way of life in a project environment. Upper-level management attends these meetings to show all negotiating parties that top management is concerned with maintaining the best possible mix of individuals from available resources and to help resolve staffing conflicts. Staffing from within is a negotiation process in which upper-level management establishes the ground rules and priorities.


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The selected individuals are then notified of the anticipated change and asked their opinions. If individuals have strong resentment to being transferred or reassigned, alternate personnel may be selected to avoid potential problems.There are several psychological approaches that the project manager can use during the recruitment and staffing process. Consider the following:

Line managers often receive no visibility or credit for a job well done. Be willing to introduce line managers to the customer.

Be sure to show people how they can benefit by working for you or on your project. Any promises made during recruitment should be documented. The functional

organization will remember them long after your project terminates. As strange as it may seem, the project manager should encourage conflicts to take

place during recruiting and staffing. These conflicts should be brought to the surface and resolved. It is better for conflicts to be resolved during the initial planning stages than to have major confrontations later.

Problems associated with Staffing:

It is unfortunate that recruiting and retaining good personnel are more difficult in a project organizational structure than in a purely traditional one. Clayton Reeser identifies nine potential problems that can exist in project organizations8:Personnel connected with project forms of organization suffer more anxieties about possible loss of employment than members of functional organizations.Individuals temporarily assigned to matrix organizations are more frustrated by authority ambiguity than permanent members of functional organizations.

Personnel connected with project forms of organization that are nearing their phase-out are more frustrated by what they perceive to be “make work” assignments than members of functional organizations.

Personnel connected with project forms of organization feel more frustrated because of lack of formal procedures and role definitions than members of functional organizations.

Personnel connected with project forms of organization worry more about being set back in their careers than members of functional organizations.

Personnel connected with project forms of organization feel less loyal to their organization than members of functional organizations.


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Personnel connected with project forms of organization have more anxieties in feeling that there is no one concerned about their personal development than members of functional organizations.

Permanent members of project forms of organization are more frustrated by multiple levels of management than members of functional organizations.

Frustrations caused by conflict are perceived more seriously by personnel connected with project forms of organization than members of functional organizations.

Practical Study of the Organization


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Company Profile:

Habib Rafiq (Pvt.) Limited has come a long way to symbolize commitment, distinction and professional Excellence by meeting the stringent, demanding and extra ordinary work requirements of high engineering, national and international importance involving civil, electrical and mechanical works for the last 50 years.The ever increasing efforts towards attaining better and new business ventures have exposed the company to multitude of engineering disciplines. Now it is company's prerogative to be working in infrastructure, housing, design and environmental areas other than its strong standing in industrial projects for power, chemicals, petro chemicals, roads, Motorways and buildings.HRL boasts and claims to have a reputation of company delivering the projects ahead of schedule. This has consolidated trust and confidence with our business entrepreneurs. The repetition of orders we have been getting from the clients is a touchstone of their reliance in HRL and clear emblem of the comfort extended by us.

Mission Statement:


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Our mission is to achieve high standing for HRL. So that we have:

Undisputed leadership in Engineering & Project Management. Providing solutions and services with high level of professionalism.

Profitable growth.


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Practical Study of the Organization with respect to the Issue

Organizing and Staffing Process:

Step#1: Selecting Project ManagerFollowing procedure is adopted for project manager selection in HBL;

Job description Recruitment

Internal recruitments External recruitment Advertisement through news paper Advertisement through official website

Selection After Recruitment Quality of early schooling Extra Curricular activities Age Relevant experience

Step#2: Selecting Project office and Personnel

Job Analysis Job description Recruitment

Internal recruitments External recruitment Advertisement through news paper Advertisement through official website

Selection After Recruitment Quality of early schooling Extra Curricular activities Age Relevant experience


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Step#3: Meeting

Upon completion of the evaluation process, the project manager meets with upper level management. This coordination is required to assure that:

All assignments fall within current policies on rank, salary, and promotion. The individuals selected can work well with both the project manager (formal

reporting) and upper-level management (informal reporting). The individuals selected have good working relationships with the functional

personnel.Good project office personnel usually have experience with several types of projects and are self-disciplined.

Why HRL has a need for project office:

HRL has establish Project office for enhance the performance in the following areas;

Project Time Management

Initiation Scope Planning Scope Definition Scope Verification Scope Change Control

Integration Management

Plan Development Plan Execution Change Control

Project Time Management

Activity Definition Activity Sequencing Activity Duration Estimating Schedule Development


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Schedule Control

Project Cost Management

Recourse Planning Cost Estimating Cost Budgeting Cost Control

Project Quality Management

Quality Planning Quality Assurance Quality Control

Project Human Resource Management

Organizational Planning Staff Acquisition Team Development

Project Communication Management

Communications Planning Information Distribution Performance Reporting Administrative Closure

Project Risk Management

Risk Identification Risk Quantification Risk Response Development Risk Response Control

Project Procurement Management


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Procurement Planning Solicitation Planning Solicitation Source Selection Contract Administration Contract Close out

Success Criteria for PMO:

If you establish a new Project Management Office, remember to align the PMO success criteria, documented within the Project Management Office Charter, with the objectives of the PMO (also contained in the Charter) and the overall business objectives. Since the PMO Objectives will follow the S.M.A.R.T. formula, the Success Criteria must also follow the SMART formula.

The S.M.A.R.T. "formula" tell us that the objectives of your Project Office, as well as the criteria to measure objective attainment, must be:

"S" = "Specific" "M" = "Measurable" "A" = "Attainable" "R" = "Realistic" "T" = "Timely"


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SWOT analysisStrength:

Good Market reputation Maturity Expanding Business

Weakness: Expenses Conflicts Time so much time

Opportunities: Unemployment International Market

Threats: Project Management Conflicts Recession


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The topic which was assign was “Organizing and Staffing Project Office and Team “Project Office is a department responsible for improving project management within an organization. It’s a permanent department within an organization, not a temporary function. There are different types of project offices depend on the organization structure. Project Office is responsible for Resolving project problems, implementing the right project management, Monitoring and reporting on status, and improving project success rates. Some reasons for Establishing Project Office are Project Time Management, Integration Management, Project Time Management, Project Cost Management, Project Quality Management, Project Human Resource Management, Project Communication Management, Project Risk Management and Project Procurement Management.Habib Rafiq (Pvt.) Limited is a project driven company and establish project offices for big projects.


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Following are some recommendations for Habib Rafiq (Pvt.) Limited,

HRL Management has to communicate with project Management for resolving conflicts.

Should have to make effective project team. Should have to take actions for effective project office. Should have to target International Market. Should also avail the opportunity of Unemployment. Should have to avoid from “Hard and Nose Tactics”


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Project report “Organizing and staffing project office and team”