Organic Coffee and the Potential Health Benefits


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You may already love enjoying a hot cup of coffee in the morning or even an icy cold iced coffee in the afternoon. However, what you may not realize is that reaching for organic coffee options can be beneficial to your overall health and wellbeing.

Transcript of Organic Coffee and the Potential Health Benefits

Page 1: Organic Coffee and the Potential Health Benefits

Organic Coffee and the Potential Health Benefits

Page 2: Organic Coffee and the Potential Health Benefits

You may already love enjoying a hot cup of coffee in the morning or even an icy cold iced coffee in the afternoon. However, what you may not realize is that reaching for organic coffee options can be beneficial to your overall health and wellbeing.

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Page 3: Organic Coffee and the Potential Health Benefits

Not only will organic coffee give you the much needed kick start that you look for first thing in the morning, but it can also work to cut down on a number of chronic diseases or even improve the environment and boost the length of your lifespan.

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Coffee that is labeled organic comes from certified farms that are recognized by the USDA. This process of certification makes it so that only organic techniques for farming are performed for a timeframe of three years minimum in order for the farm to be fully certified as organic.

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Page 5: Organic Coffee and the Potential Health Benefits

For an organic coffee growing farm, this will mean no synthetic fertilizers or pesticides are allowed and an inspector will have to study the farm to be sure it fits within guidelines.

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Page 6: Organic Coffee and the Potential Health Benefits

Coffee in general is loaded with beneficial antioxidants. Studies have been done that show how these antioxidants found in coffee can cut down on inflammation in the body and even reduce oxidative stress that can take within the body.

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Page 7: Organic Coffee and the Potential Health Benefits

When you choose organic, you are going to have a chemical free option that also helps to make sure that you are not introducing anything toxic into your system. As a matter of fact, the more that you look into organic coffee, you are going to see that the benefits keep adding up. More info on: