Organic Chemistry Practice

Organic Chemistry Practice Test Monday

Transcript of Organic Chemistry Practice

Page 1: Organic Chemistry Practice

Organic Chemistry PracticeTest Monday

Page 2: Organic Chemistry Practice

Sugars, phosphates, and bases are building blocks of which organic molecules:

A) CarbohydratesB) LipidsC) ProteinsD) Nucleic Acids

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The elements C, H, O, and N make up which organic molecule?

A) CarbohydratesB) LipidsC) ProteinsD) Nucleic Acids

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The elements C, H, O, and N can be found in which organic element?

A) CarbohydratesB) LipidsC) ProteinsD) Nucleic Acids

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An organic molecule with a ration of 2 hydrogens for every 1 oxygen would be:

A) CarbohydratesB) LipidsC) ProteinsD) Nucleic Acids

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The elements C, H, O, and P are found in which of the following organic molecules?

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An antibody would represent which organic molecule?

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The organic molecule responsible for the storage of fats would be:

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The organic molecule responsible for protein making (genes) would be:

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Sugar would be the building blocks of which of the following organic molecules?

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Which molecule may be formed by the dehydration synthesis of fatty acid molecules and glycerol molecules?

A) CarbohydratesB) LipidsC) ProteinsD) Nucleic Acids

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The building blocks of ______ are amino acids.

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The glucose produced during photosynthesis is an example of a:

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Sugars make up

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Nucleotides make up

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