Ordination Service 2013

THE ORDER FOR COMMISSIONIING AND ORDINATION Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church Friday, June 7, 2012 7:00 p.m. McCabe United Methodist Church, Bismarck, North Dakota


The 2013 Order for Commissioning and Ordination for the 20th Session of the Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Churc

Transcript of Ordination Service 2013

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Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist ChurchFriday, June 7, 2012 7:00 p.m.

McCabe United Methodist Church, Bismarck, North Dakota

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“The Church’s One Foundation” 547

1. The church’s one foundation is Jesus Christ our Lord; we are his new creation by water and the Word; from heaven he came and sought us that we might ever be his living servant people, by his own death set free.

2. Called forth from every nation, yet one o’er all the earth; our charter of salvation: one Lord, one faith, one birth. One holy name professing and at one table fed, to one hope always pressing, by Christ’s own Spirit led.

3. Though with a scornful wonder the world sees us oppressed, by schisms rent asunder, by heresies distressed, yet saints their watch are keeping; their cry goes up, “How long?” But soon the night of weeping shall be the morn of song.

4. Mid toil and tribulation, and tumult of our war, we wait the consummation of peace forevermore; till with the vision glorious our longing eyes are blest, and the great church victorious shall be the church at rest.

5. We now on earth have union with God the Three in One, and share through faith communion with those whose rest is won. Oh, happy ones, and holy! Lord, give us grace that we like them, the meek and lowly, on high may dwell with thee.

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The Order for Commissioning and Ordination


GATHERING—Prelude in F Major J. S. Bach A Mighty Fortress Is Our God M. Luther; arr. D. Hustad Come, Christians, Join to Sing B. Carr & C. H. Bateman; arr. D. Hustad

*PROCESSIONAL HYMN 546—The Church’s One Foundation (text on page 1)


Bishop: The grace of Jesus Christ be with you all.

People: And also with you.

Bishop: We come together to praise God, to hear the Holy Word, and to seek for ourselves and others the power, presence, and direction of the Holy Spirit. Let us pray.

People: Eternal God, by Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit you gave to your apostles many excellent gifts. Give your grace to all servants of your church, that we may with diligence and faithfulness fulfill our various ministries. Grant that we your people may follow where you lead, perfect our ministries, and live in joyful obedience to your will, through Jesus Christ, our Savior. Amen.

All people are seated.

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The bishop stands near a baptismal font:

Bishop: Ministry is the work of God, done by the people of God. Through baptism all Christians are made part of the priesthood of all believers, the church, Christ’s body, made visible in the world. We all share in Christ’s ministry of love and service for the redemption of the human family and the whole of creation. Therefore, in celebration of our common ministry, I call upon all God’s people gathered here:

The bishop may scoop and pour water from the font:

Bishop: Remember your baptism and be thankful.

People: We remember our baptism and affirm our common ministry.

ECUMENICAL GREETING Bishop William (Bill) RindyEvangelical Lutheran Church in America, Eastern North Dakota Synod


A layperson and a member of the Board of Ordained Ministry present to the bishop those who are to be ordained. The bishop stands before the Lord’s Table, facing the people.

Layperson: On behalf of the laity of local congregations who have examined and approved these candidates,

Board of Ordained Ministry Member: and on behalf of the Board of Ordained Ministry of this annual conference, which has recommended these persons, and this annual conference, which has approved them,

Layperson and member of the Board of Ordained Ministry: we present these persons to be commissioned for the work of an elder:

Clay Michael Lundberg, Rob Salmonson, Peggy Stempson

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Candidates come forward from among the congregation. and these persons to be ordained elders,

Amy Marie Atkins, Thomas E. Bowsher, Mark Walter Britton, Mark Jerald Gronseth, Gwen Mader, Sara Lamberson Nelson

Candidates come forward from among the gathered clergy.After all the candidates have been presented, they remain standing, facing the congregation.

Bishop: These persons are by God’s grace to be commissioned or ordained to ministry in Christ’s holy church. Those authorized by the Church to inquire about them have discerned that they are persons of sound learning and of Christian character, and possess the necessary signs of God’s grace, and have demonstrated a profound commitment to serve Jesus Christ. Therefore, we believe them to be duly called to serve God. We ask you, people of God, to declare your assent to the commissioning or ordination of these persons.

Bishop: Do you trust that they are worthy, by God’s grace, to be commissioned or ordained?

People: We do! Thanks be to God!

Bishop: Will you uphold them in their ministry?

People: With God’s help, we will!

All remain seated except the candidates and the bishop, who stand facing one another.


The bishop examines the candidates for commissioning and ordination:

Bishop: My sisters and brothers in Christ, you have been called to a commissioned or ordained ministry. The church now confirms your calling. As commissioned or ordained ministers, you are to be coworkers with the laity, bishops, deacons, diaconal ministers, deaconesses, home missioners, commissioned ministers,

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local pastors and elders. Remember that you are called to serve rather than to be served, to proclaim the faith of the church and no other, to look after the concerns of God above all. So that we may know you believe yourselves to be called by God and that you profess the Christian faith, we ask you:

Bishop: Do you believe that God has called you to the life and work of ordained ministry?

Candidates: I do so believe.

Bishop: Do you believe in the Triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and confess Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?

Candidates: I do so believe and confess.

Bishop: Are you persuaded that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments contain all things necessary for salvation through faith in Jesus Christ and are the unique and authoritative standard for the church’s faith and life?

Candidates: I am so persuaded, by God’s grace.

Bishop: Will you be faithful in prayer, in the study of the Holy Scriptures, and with the help of the Holy Spirit continually rekindle the gift of God that is in you?

Candidates: I will, with the help of God.

Bishop: Will you do your best to pattern your life in accordance with the teachings of Christ?

Candidates: I will, with the help of God.

Bishop: Will you, in the exercise of your ministry, lead the people of God to faith in Jesus Christ, to participate in the life and work of the community, and to seek peace, justice, and freedom for all people?

Candidates: I will, with the help of God.

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Bishop: Will you be loyal to The United Methodist Church, accepting its orderliturgy, doctrine, and discipline, defending it against all doctrines contrary to God’s Holy Word,and committing yourself to be accountable with those serving with you, and to the bishop and those who are appointed to supervise your ministry?

Candidates: I will, with the help of God.

The bishop addresses the candidates:

Bishop: May God, who has given you the will to do these things, give you grace to perform them, that the work begun in you may be brought to perfection.

All: Amen.

The candidates for ordination are seated while the candidates for commissioning remain standing.



Bishop: By affirming the covenant of baptism, all members of Christ’s holy church pledge to serve as Christ’s representatives in the world. Christ gave all of us this command: “Ask the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into his harvest.” We have asked, and the Lord has answered. This sister and these brothers know our Savior’s concern for God’s people, see the plentiful harvest, and are ready to respond generously to the Lord in the words of the prophet: “Here I am; send me.”

HYMN 593—Here I Am, Lord (text on page 18 )

During the hymn, the candidates for commissioning are robed by a retiring member of the Conference. They remain standing, facing the bishop.

The bishop says to the congregation: Bishop: Urged on by the love of Christ and strengthened by the Holy Spirit, these persons now come to declare in public their desire to live out the covenant made

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at their baptism by binding themselves to the service of God under the supervision of the bishop and the guidance of ordained colleagues and by being appointed to share as servant leaders in the body of Christ. Today we commission them to service as they continue to prepare for ordained ministry among us.



The candidates face the congregation.

The bishop, facing the congregation and extending arms over all of the candidates, prays:

Bishop: God of the apostles and prophets, of the martyrs and teachers, you raise up men and women to be apostolic leaders in your church. By your Holy Spirit help these, your servants, to understand and live the mystery of your love with boldness and joy. Deepen their sense of purpose as they exercise commissioned ministry. Empower them, and those who will walk with them to guide their ministry, together with all of your people, to heal the sick, love the outcast, resist evil, preach the Word, and give themselves freely for your name’s sake.

One-by-one, the candidates go to the bishop and kneel. The bishop, standing behind and laying both hands upon the shoulders of each candidate, prays:

Bishop: Pour out your Holy Spirit upon Clay Michael Lundberg, Rob Salmonson, Peggy Stempson. Send him/her now to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ, to announce the reign of God, and to equip the church for ministry, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

All: Amen.The newly commissioned ministers are seated among the clergy.


SERMON—Trouble the Teacher

CREATIVE OFFERING—Help Me Find It The Sidewalk Prophets offered by members of the Conference Council on Youth Ministries

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OFFERING—Upon This Rock P. ChoplinThe 2013 Commissioning and Ordination Service offering will go to the Board of Ordained Ministry to be used for leadership development in the Dakotas Conference (vocation events, interships, seminary

scholarships, deby reduction, etc.).

*DOXOLOGY 94—Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow (text on page 18)

During the Doxology the elder candidates come forward.


The congregation is seated.

The bishop examines the candidates for ordination as elder:

Bishop: An elder is called to share in the ministry of Christ and of the whole church: to preach and teach the Word of God

Here a large Bible may be lifted by an assistant.

and faithfully administer the sacraments of Holy Baptism and Holy Communion;

Here a paten and chalice may be lifted.

to lead the people of God in worship and prayer; to lead persons to faith in Jesus Christ; to exercise pastoral supervision, order the life of the congregation, counsel the troubled, and declare the forgiveness of sin; to lead the people of God in obedience to Christ’s mission in the world; to seek justice, peace, and freedom for all people; and to take a responsible place in the government of the Church and in service in and to the community. These are the duties of an elder.

Bishop: Do you believe that God has called you to the life and work of an elder?

Elder candidates: I do so believe.

Bishop: Will you, for the sake of the church’s life and mission, covenant to participate in the order of elders? Will you give yourself to God through the order of elders in order to sustain and build each other up in prayer, study, worship, and service?

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Elder candidates: I will, with the help of God, and the help of my sisters and brothers in the order of elders.


The bishop, facing the elder candidates, calls the people to prayer:

Bishop: As these persons are ordained by God and the church for the ministry of elders to which we believe they have been called by the Holy Spirit, let us pray for them through song, silence, and word.

HYMN 648—God the Spirit, Guide and Guardian (verses 1 & 2; text on page 19)

Following the hymn, the people pray for the elder candidates in silence.

The bishop, with hands extended over those being ordained, prays:

Bishop: We praise you, eternal God, because you have called us to be a priestly people, offering to you acceptable worship through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Apostle and High Priest, Shepherd and Bishop of our souls. We thank you that, by dying, Christ has overcome death and, having ascended into heaven, has poured forth gifts abundantly on your people, making some apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, to build up Christ’s body, and to fulfill your gracious purpose in the world.

Bishop: Give to these your servants the grace and power they need to serve you in this ministry. Make them faithful pastors, patient teachers, and wise counselors. Enable them to serve without reproach, to proclaim the gospel of salvation, to administer the sacraments of the new covenant, and to offer with all your people spiritual sacrifices acceptable to you; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.

One-by-one the candidates go to the bishop and kneel. Representatives who are to join in the laying on of hands stand with the bishop.

Family members and friends are invited to stand where they are forsilent prayer during the laying on of hands for each ordinand.

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The bishop lays both hands on the head of each ordinand and continues praying:

Almighty God, pour upon Amy Marie Atkins, Thomas E. Bowsher, Mark Walter Britton, Mark Jerald Gronseth, Gwen Ellen Mader, Sara Mary Lamberson Nelson the Holy Spirit, for the office and work of an elder in Christ’s holy church.

All: Amen.

Immediately the candidate places hands on a Bible as the bishop lays hands on the hands of the ordinand and says:

Amy, Thomas, Mark, Mark, Gwen, Sara, take authority as an elder to preach the Word of God, to administer the Holy Sacraments and to order the life of the Church; in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

All: Amen.

An elder’s stole is given to each new elder by a retiring elder of the Annual Conference.


HYMN 432—Jesu, Jesu (text on page 19)

As the congregation sings, the bishop, assisted by a deacon, washes the feet of the newly ordained elders. Following the footwashing, the newly ordained elders receive gifts from the

bishop and then are seated.

INVITATION TO SERVANT MINISTRY—Thy Will Be Done by Joyce Elaine Eilers

We all have gifts for ministry in Christ’s church, but some are called to more specialized, servant ministry. Servant ministry is offered in many forms, be it lay or ordained. As music is offered,

anyone who wishes to make a commitment to servant ministry is invited to come forward to pray with Conference representatives.

PRAYER OF THANKSGIVINGBishop: Let us pray. We thank you, God, for raising up among us faithful servants for ministry in your Church. Clothe them with your righteousness, and grant that we, with them, may glorify you by giving ourselves to others, through Jesus Christ

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our Savior, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.



A deacon invites all to stand and dismisses the people, saying:

Deacon: Go in peace to serve God and your neighbor in all that you do.

People: We are sent in Christ’s name. Thanks be to God!

The bishop blesses the people:

Bishop: The grace of Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all always.

All: Amen!

*RECESSIONAL HYMN 571—Go, Make of All Disciples (text on page 20)

GOING FORTH—Prelude in Classic Style G. Young “Postlude on ‘Italian Hymn’” (“Christ for the World We Sing”) S. Wolcott & F. Giardini; arr. G. Young

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Ministry of Worship

Presiding Minister, Preacher Bishop Bruce R. Ough Dakotas-Minnesota Area

Ecumenical Guest Bishop William (Bill) Rindy Eastern North Dakota Synod, ELCA

Lectors & Worship Assistants Blaine Wilson Dakotas Conference Lay Leader

Rev. Michelle Brennan Representative of the Order of Deacons

Rev. Doug Diehl Chair of the Board of Ordained Ministry

Rev. Theta Wagner Miller Representative of the Order of Elders

Organist Arva Dell Benz McCabe United Methodist Church

Creative Offering Members of the Conf. Council on Youth Ministries Coordinated by Lisa Rhodes, adult member of CCYM

Choir Director Gloria Knoll McCabe United Methodist Church

Choir Accompanist Nancy Nelson McCabe United Methodist Church

Acolytes & Ushers McCabe United Methodist Church

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Special thanks go to: McCabe United Methodist Church for hosting the Commissioning and Ordination Worship Service; to Arva Dell Benz, with the musicians of McCabe United Methodist Church and singers from area United Methodist churches, for their musical leadership tonight; to Bishop Rindy for his presence with us tonight; to Rev. Jennifer Hallenbeck, with Bishop Ough, Sheilah Kyburz, Rev. Keith Nelson, and the Board of Ordained Ministry, for the planning and coordination of this service; and to Doreen Gosmire and the Dakotas Conference Office staff for their work in preparing this worship booklet.


Clay M. Lundberg

Clay M. Lundberg was born and raised in Gregory, SD, the son of Gregg and Pat Lundberg. After high school, he attended college Northern State University in Aberdeen, SD, for music education. Sensing that God was asking him to go in a different direction, Clay transferred to the University of Sioux Falls. Clay attended the University of Sioux Falls earning a B.A. in Theology and Philosophy with a minor in vocal music. After college, Clay attended Sioux Falls Seminary and graduated in May 2013 with his Masters of Divinity. During his time at Sioux Falls Seminary, Clay served as Campus Ministries Coordinator, overseeing the chapel services and fellowship events in the seminary’s life.

Clay met his wife Linse during his time at Northern State University and the two married on June 12, 2010. They make their home in Sioux Falls, SD, where Linse works with in the Sioux Falls School District. Clay currently serves as the Student Associate Pastor at Brookings First United Methodist Church and has been appointed to serve Brookings First UMC as their Associate Pastor starting on July 1, 2013. Clay’s hobbies include music, pheasant hunting, reading, grilling, and spending time with family and friends.

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Robert Salmonson

Rob was baptized by his grandfather Richard Salmonson at Trinity United Methodist Church in Lead, South Dakota. He grew up in the Plankinton United Methodist Church where he was eventually confirmed.

Rob was active in his youth group in high school and served one year on CCYM. Upon graduation, he attended Dakota Wesleyan University, and became very involved in campus ministry. Rob served on the Student Ministry council for three years. One year was spent as chair of Devotion’s Ministry and two years as chair of Worship Ministry. He spent his summers working for Sidewalk Sonday School here in the Dakotas while he was high school and college.

After graduation from DWU, Rob attended St. Paul School of Theology for three years pursuing his M.Div. with a specialization in Wesleyan Studies. While at St. Paul he served Deer Park Grace United Methodist Church for two years as a licensed student pastor and Cameron United Methodist Church for ½ year as an associate student pastor. Rob then transferred to Sioux Falls Seminary in the spring on 2011 and graduated this last May.

For the past two years, he has been serving as a student licensed local pastor for the Mt. Vernon United Methodist Church.

Margaret Lorene Stempson

Margaret (Peggy) Stempson was born and raised in Downey, California, the daughter of Gary Stempson and Maggie Stempson-Carter. She began pursuing higher education by attending Cypress Community College where she earned A.A. in Liberal Studies. She continued her education in Veterinary Studies at California Polytechnic University of Pomona, but God had other plans, which led her to change her major. She graduated in 2008 with a B.A. in Liberal Studies, and a minor in History. Peggy attended the Iliff School of Theology in Denver, Colorado where she served as a student intern at Christ Church United Methodist Church.

In July 2011, Peggy began serving as an Associate Pastor at the First United Methodist Church in Pierre. She continues in that role to date.

Peggy is passionate camping ministries and discipleship formation. Her hobbies include: connecting with family, hanging out with friends, painting, and knitting.

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Amy Marie Atkins

Amy Atkins was born in Rapid City, South Dakota, the daughter of Tom Atkins and Marilyn Spurrell. After graduating high school from Brookings, she attended Dakota Wesleyan University receiving her B.A. in theater and religion and philosophy. Before beginning seminary in 2007, Amy worked at Madison United Methodist Church doing a little bit of everything. She graduated from Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary in 2010.

Amy’s first full-time appointment was at Plankinton and White Lake United Methodist Churches in July 2010. She is currently serving at Parkview UMC in Milbank, Tabor UMC in Big Stone City, and First United Methodist Church in Ortonville, MN.

In her free time, Amy enjoys spending time with her family and friends, swimming, hiking, reading, and the arts.

Thomas E. Bowsher

Thom is originally from Oregon and Hawaii. He grew up in Oregon until he was thirteen years old and Hawaii until he was nineteen. Thom found himself in North Dakota through the United States Air Force and after his four year enlistment, he choose to stay in North Dakota. Thom was blessed with meeting his wife, Deb, in 1987 and they have been married for 25 years. Thom and Deb had four children but their oldest daughter, Alexis, passed away in a car accident in November of 2010. Alexis would be 23 years old this year. Thom and Deb have another daughter, Madi, who is eighteen and attending UND as a pre-med student. They have three sons, Wesley who is fourteen, Carter who is nine, and Braylen who is five.

Prior to entering the ministry, Thom had been working primarily in Purchasing Management in the United States Air Force at Minot Air Force Base, Burdick Job Corps Center in Minot and at Blackfoot Telephone Cooperative in Missoula Montana. He received a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from Colombia Southern University in 2000 and a Master’s of Divinity degree from

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Sioux Falls Seminary in 2010. Thom has been serving our conference for 11 years. Two of those years were as the Director at Lake Poinsett United Methodist Camp and Living Waters Retreat Center, and nine of those years were in service in the local church.

Thom enjoys spending time with his family, reading, hunting, fishing, gardening and watching football.

Mark Walter Britton

Mark was born October 14, 1960, at Fort Belvoir Army Hospital in Virginia to Carol and Lawrence Larson. His stepfather, Kevin Britton, adopted him when he was seven, after his mother and father divorced. He lived throughout Minnesota and Iowa as a child and lived in the ghettos of St. Paul, Minnesota for many years. His dad, Kevin, was physically abusive to his mother and all of the children and they divorced when Mark was eleven. His mother moved from one ghetto to another and Mark became a member of a street gang. His twin brother, Larry, and he are the oldest of the siblings. Eventually all seven of the children were placed into foster homes in Minnesota and then in Iowa. Mark is Native American and is extremely proud of his Dakota Sioux heritage. He has a wonderful relationship with his beloved mother, Carol, as well as his foster dad and mom, Dennis and Marian Miller. Mark has been married to Joni Lea Resch for 30 years and they have four children: Amanda, Dennis, Stephanie, and Joseph and six grandchildren. Mark served in the Air Force for 23 years, retiring in 2005. He graduated from Regents College in 2000, and received his Masters of Divinity from Asbury Theological Seminary in 2010. Mark’s home church was Lansford UMC and he has served as the pastor at Velva, Hitchcock/Broadland, and is currently the pastor of Williston Faith UMC.

Mark Jerald Gronseth Mark Gronseth was born and raised on a farm in Britton, South Dakota and attended Concordia College in Moorhead, Minnesota graduating with a BA degree in Music in 1975. In 1979 he married Colleen Swenson in Moorhead, Minnesota. In 1986 he began a twenty-two year career in church music with a move to

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Michigan to serve as Director of Music at Clarenceville United Methodist Church in Livonia. Following a move in 1993 to Liberal, Kansas, he was Minister of Music and Organist at First United Methodist. In 2000, Mark was Consecrated as a Diaconal Minister and Ordained as a Deacon in 2003, both in the Kansas West Conference. In 2003 he and his family moved to Sioux Falls, South Dakota where he was Minister of Music and Organist at First Presbyterian Church until 2008. During part of that time he was also director of music for St. Dysmas Lutheran Church, which is a congregation inside the South Dakota State Penitentiary. In 2008, a new career began in pastoral ministry. After two short interim positions as pastor of two churches in DeSmet, South Dakota and Wildflower Presbyterian in Sioux Falls, Mark was appointed to be pastor of the Wakonda, Irene and Viborg United Methodist Churches in July of 2009. Mark received his Masters of Divinity degree from Sioux Falls Seminary in May 2013. Mark and CoCo are the parents of two grown sons, Nick and his wife Jessica and their two children, Michaela and Alyssabeth, Carrington, North Dakota and Nate and wife Alison who reside in Fargo, North Dakota.

Gwen Ellen Mader

Growing up, Gwen was active in the Brookings First UMC. She was enrolled at SDSU in theatre and dance, and it was here that God called her to dedicate her life to fulltime ministry. She transferred to Scarritt College in Nashville, TN and completed a BA in 1977 and an MA in Christian Education in 1978. From 1977 until 1991 she would serve churches in Texas, Georgia, Illinois, Tennessee, and Missouri in educational and youth ministries. In 1986-1987 she was Volunteer Coordinator for the Salvation Army in Nashville, TN, working with volunteers in a homeless day shelter. In 1992 she associated with The Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, KS. The church was meeting in a funeral home and had 150 members. She supported herself as a Registered Investment Representative, while serving as a volunteer in numerous capacities for that church. She went on their staff in 1997 as Director of Worship Ministries, and in 2001 as Singles Coordinator. In 2002 Gwen moved back to South Dakota. Here she served in education and youth ministry at Madison UMC and then at First UMC in Sioux Falls as minister to youth and young adults. On May 30, 2003, Gwen married Rodney (Rod) Mader of Colton, SD.

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In 2006 Gwen received her call to the ordained ministry. She enrolled at Sioux Falls Seminary in the fall of 2007. In June 2009 she was commissioned a Provisional Elder in the Dakotas Conference and has served at Presho, Kennebec and Reliance, (February 2010 - June 2012), and Dell Rapids (July 2012 – present).

Sara Lamberson Nelson

Sara Lamberson Nelson grew up in Lincoln, Nebraska, the daughter of Tom and Marjorie Lamberson.

Sara attended the University of Sioux Falls receiving her B.A. in social work and sociology. After college, she became a licensed social worker and worked for the University of South Dakota Early Head Start Program as a family advocate. After serving as a family advocate for several years, Sara enrolled in seminary.

During her time in seminary, she served as a student pastor at Brothersfield United Methodist Church, the Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries at Asbury United Methodist Church, and a part-time chaplain at Sanford Health. In 2010, Sara graduated from Sioux Falls Seminary. She began serving as the Associate Pastor at the First United Methodist Church in Watertown, South Dakota in July 2010. Sara is a founding member and past president of the Watertown Area PACH (People Against Child Hunger) Program, which provides food on the weekends to children living with food insecurity. In her ministry, Sara enjoys leading youth ministries, small group development, and missions.

Sara is married to Mat Nelson. They have two daughters, Mara and Austine. Sara enjoys spending time with her family (especially cheering her daughters on from the sidelines during soccer games), running, and reading.

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“Here I Am, Lord” 593

Refrain: Here I am, Lord. Is it I Lord? I have heard you calling in the night. I will go, Lord, if you lead me. I will hold your people in my heart.

1. I, the Lord of sea and sky, I have heard my people cry, All who dwell in dark and sin my hand will save. I, who made the stars of night, I will make their darkness bright. Who will bear my light to them? Whom shall I send? (Refrain)

2. I, the Lord of snow and rain, I have borne my people’s pain. I have wept for love of them. They turn away.

I will break their hearts of stone, Give them hearts for love alone, I will speak my words to them. Whom shall I send? (Refrain)

3. I, the Lord of wind and flame, I will tend the poor and lame. I will set a feast for them. My hand will save.

Finest bread I will provide, ‘Til their hearts be satisfied. I will give my life to them. Whom shall I send? (Refrain)

Words: Dan Schutte, 1981; Music Dan Schutte, 1981, adapt. by Carlton R. Young, 1988.

“Praise God, from whom All Blessings Flow” 94

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures here below: Alleluia! Alleluia!

Praise God, the source of all our gifts!

Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts! Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit!

Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Words: Thomas Ken,1674; adpated by Gilbert H. Vieira, 1978; Music: Geistliche Kirchengeange, 1623 harm. Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1906

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“God the Spirit, Guide and Guardian” 648

1. God the Spirit, guide and guardian, windsped flame and hovering dove, breath of life and voice of prophets, sign of blessing, power of love: give to those who lead your people fresh anointing of your grace; send them forth as bold apostles to your church in every place.

2. Christ our Savior, sovereign, shepherd, word made flesh, love crucified, teacher, healer, suffering servant, friend of sinners, foe of pride: in your tending may all pastors learn and live a shepherd’s care; Grant them courage and compassion shown through word and deed and prayer.

Words: Carl P. Daw, Jr., 1987. Music: Rowland H. Prichard, 1844: harm. from The English Hymnal, 1906.

“Jesu, Jesu” 432

Refrain: Jesu, Jesu, fill us with your love, show us how to serve the neighbors we have from you.

1. Kneels at the feet of his friends, silently washes their feet,master who acts as a slave to them.(Refrain)

2. Neighbors are rich and poor, neighbors are black and white, neighbors are near and far away.

(Refrain)3. These are the ones we should serve, these are the ones we should love; all these are neighbors to us and you.

(Refrain)4. Loving puts us on our knees, serving as though we are slaves; this is the way we should live with you.

(Refrain)5. Kneel at the feet of our friends, silently washing their feet; this is the way we should live with you.

(Refrain)WORDS: Tom Colvin, 1969 (Jn. 13:1-17) CHEREPONI

MUSIC: Ghana folk song; arr. By Tom Colvin, 1969: harm. by Charles H. Webb, 1988; Irr. with Refrain

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“Go, Make of All Disciples” 571

1. Go, make of all disciples, we hear the call, O Lord, that comes from you, our Father, in your eternal Word. Inspire our ways of learning through earnest, fervent prayer, and let our daily living reveal you ev’rywhere.

2. Go, make of all disciples, baptising in the name of Father, Son, and Spirit, from age to age the same. We call each new disciple to follow you, O Lord, redeeming soul and body by water and the Word.

3. Go, make of all disciples, we at your feet would stay until each life’s vocation accents your holy way. We cultivate the nature God plants in ev’ry heart, revealing in our witness the Master Teacher’s art.

4. Go, make of all disciples, We welcome your command; “Lo, I am with you always.” We take your guiding hand. The task looms large before us, we follow without fear. In heav’n and earth your power shall bring God’s kingdom here.

Words: Leaon M. Adkins, 1955, alt. (Mt. 28:19-20) Music: Henry T. Smart, 1835

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The graphics and design for this year’s Annual Conference artwork encourage us to listen to God as calls us forward to be servant leaders.

The ideas for the images and graphics were developed by Natalie Munger a graphic-art student at Dakota Wesleyan University. Natalie is junior from Kimball, South Da-kota. She most recently returned from a mission trip to Peru with campus ministries at Dakota Wesleyan University.

Also responsible for the layout and graphic design of print and artwork at this year’s Annual Conference are Ian Blumer and Bethany Sheets. Ian lives and works in San Diego, California where he works with photo editing and graphic design.

Bethany works for the Mitchell Daily Repulic in Mitchell, South Dakota where she spends endless hours in layout and graphic design. We thank each of the artists for sharing their gifts with us.

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