Ordinary Time a 14

14 th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME A “I bless you Father, Lord of heaven and of earth, for hiding these things from the learned and the clever and revealing them to mere children” (Matt 11: 25). The things of the divine life are secrets hidden to the clever because Jesus is talking about the intelligence of those who are full of themselves and don’t have any space for God. They only allow what they have learnt and what they think they know to get in the way. We also could be these learned people. As soon as we think we know something, our attachment to it can block the greater truths that God still wants to reveal us. Today, Jesus invites us to become “children”, because only one who is a “child” is receptive enough to have faith, to believe in a mystery that passes understanding, the mystery of the incarnation of God.

Transcript of Ordinary Time a 14

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“I bless you Father, Lord of heaven and of earth, for hiding these things

from the learned and the clever and revealing them to mere children”

(Matt 11: 25). The things of the divine life are secrets hidden to the clever

because Jesus is talking about the intelligence of those who are full of

themselves and don’t have any space for God. They only allow what they

have learnt and what they think they know to get in the way.

We also could be these learned people. As soon as we think we know

something, our attachment to it can block the greater truths that God still

wants to reveal us. Today, Jesus invites us to become “children”, because

only one who is a “child” is receptive enough to have faith, to believe in a

mystery that passes understanding, the mystery of the incarnation of God.

The child is one who is at the beginning of a life, has opened eyes to

reality and receives everything as a gift. The child reacts with wonder and

surprise, while the adult sees only what has become familiar, and he sees the

other realities with a suspicious sight.

“Come to me, all you who labour and are overburdened and I will give

you rest” (Matt 11: 28). To be a child, to be one of those to whom the Father

is revealed, is to find rest. In this morning, Jesus Christ tells to you: “Come

to me”, away from your self, away from your worries and anxieties, away

from your suspicions, away from the sins that make life itself unbearable.

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You know very well you can’t become a child by yourself, and you can’t

delete your sins with your only strength. But Jesus the Lord has not let you

alone. In the evening of the Easter Sunday, He gave to the Church the

sacrament of Reconciliation with Him, the sacrament of Confession.

There, in the Confession, you will find the rest you need, and to find rest

is to find salvation, the everlasting life where there is no yesterday neither

tomorrow. Don’t be concerned about tomorrow, but simply with the “one

thing necessary”, with the Presence that refreshes and gives peace of heart.

“Yes, my yoke is easy and my burden light…” (Matt 11: 30). Since the

dawn of sin, we have all laboured for bread, but now Christ has placed the

cross on his own shoulder, and it is God who bears most of the weight, and

gives to us the Eucharistic Bread, the Bread of eternal life.

Lord, call me to yourself, away from myself. Free me from my burdens

and anxieties. Help me to find peace at your side.