ORCID@Pitt Implementing the ORCID ID System at the University of Pittsburgh OSCP Lunch and Learn...

ORCID@Pitt Implementing the ORCID ID System at the University of Pittsburgh OSCP Lunch and Learn #20, 5 March 2015 ORCID@Pitt Communications Group

Transcript of ORCID@Pitt Implementing the ORCID ID System at the University of Pittsburgh OSCP Lunch and Learn...

ORCID@PittImplementing the ORCID ID System

at the University of PittsburghOSCP Lunch and Learn #20, 5 March 2015

ORCID@Pitt Communications Group

Let’s watch a video!

https://vimeo.com/orcidvideos/whatisorcid So what is ORCID?

ORCID: What is it?

Open Researcher and Contributor ID 16-digit number that uniquely identifies and

represents you and your research “A DOI for you and your research”


A way for researchers to identify themselves A way for researchers to connect with their research

“A hub connecting the research landscape”

Researcher benefits of ORCID

Credit where credit is due Makes it easier for others to find your work and attribute it

to you

Common name? Name changes? Name variations? No problem!

Portable: Your ORCID ID goes with you wherever you go

Researcher benefits

Save time, save keystrokes Minimizes time spent entering data

Helps when submitting for publication

Helps when applying for grants


Researcher benefits

All the cool kids have one! Most widely adopted, cross-platform identifier

Publishers: ACS, APA, Nature, PLoS, Springer, Wiley, and more

Funders: National Institutes of Health, Autism Speaks

More “global” than other researcher ID systems Populate local systems to support networking,

collaboration, and reporting

Institutional benefits of ORCID

More easily showcase scholarly output By department

By school

By university/institution

Populate local systems to support networking, collaboration, and reporting

Automate administrative reporting

Why are we doing this?

All of the above Ongoing effort to put ourselves in scholarly spaces

To facilitate faculty research efforts

To facilitate university assessment and compliance needs

To understand and be beneficial to the life cycle of research

ORCID as an organization

Nonprofit, community-driven effort to create and maintain an international system of researcher IDs Governance structure

No data buying and selling

No restrictions Works with all possible publishers and funding agencies

Trusted parties Trusted parties have to meet ORCID’s standards

User can allow or refuse to share data with ORCID’s trusted parties

Data and privacy

Information in an ORCID profile is non-sensitive Profile data is available from other sources Users can set certain information to private—

including their IDs Users can provide trusted parties with access to

their information

ORCID@Pitt implementation project Pilot project with the Swanson School of Engineering

Faculty will register with ORCID to create their IDs

Pitt will become a trusted party Facilitates research needs and connectivity

Facilitates assessment and compliance

Registration done through a web-based application Registrant logs in with Pitt credentials

Registration fields prepopulate with information from CDS

Future plans

Eventual rollout to all Pitt faculty, postdocs, and graduate students School by school, department by department

Implementation and communication timeline FY 15 strategic option January-April 2015

ORCID web application development

Communications and outreach planning

April-May 2015 Web app finalized

Trusted party status

SSOE pilot project

July 2015 School of Medicine residents

School of Dental Medicine residents

August 2015 New faculty orientation

New faculty orientation—Health Sciences

Fall 2015 Rollout to additional schools

& depts. (schedule in development)


Under development To be finalized soon http://stage.library.pitt.edu/orcid Initial registration will be through the ORCID website

(March-April 2015) Afterwards, registration will be done through the

ORCID web application (mid-April 2015-- )

ORCID profiles

Jeff Wisniewski Lauren Collister

D-Scholarship@Pitt & ORCID

Advanced search Displays in individual records

ULS E-Journal Publishing & ORCID

Collister, L. (2013). Detection of Deception in a Virtual World. Linguistic Evidence in Security, Law, and Intelligence, 1(1). doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.5195/lesli.2013.6

A recent example

Your turn

Register for an ORCID ID https://orcid.org/register

Please use your pitt.edu e-mail address to register

Add your information and additional identifiers Where might you use your ORCID ID?

Still your turn—Q&A

Thank you!

OSCP Lunch and Learn #20—ORCID@Pitt: Implementing the ORCID ID System at the University of Pittsburgh

Created by the ORCID@Pitt Communications Team, 5 March 2015

CC BY 4.0