Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications

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  • 8/2/2019 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications


    Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications

    Users Guide

    Release 11i

    October, 2001

    Part No. A86726-02

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  • 8/2/2019 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications




    Send Us Your Comments .................................................................................................................. vii

    Preface............................................................................................................................................................ ix

    About This Users Gu id e ................................................................................................................. x

    Au dience for This Gu ide ................................................................................................................ xi

    Do N ot Use Database Tools to Mod ify Oracle Applications Data ........................................... xi

    Other Inform ation Sources ............................................................................................................ xii

    Related Users Gu ides .................................................................................................................... xii

    Reference Manuals ......................................................................................................................... xv

    Ins tallat ion and System Administra tion .................................................................................... xviOther Sou rces ................................................................................................................................. xvi

    Abou t Oracle ................................................................................................................................. xvii

    Than k You ..................................................................................................................................... xviii

    1 Mobile Supply Chain Applications Overview

    Overview of Mobile Supply Chain Applications ........................................................................ 1-2

    Mobile Applications Server.............................................................................................................. 1-4

    Mobile Manufacturing ...................................................................................................................... 1-4

    Mobile Quality .................................................................................................................................... 1-5

    Mobile Materials Management........................................................................................................ 1-5

    2 Navigation

    Logging On, Selecting Menu Options and Organizations ......................................................... 2-2Selecting Menu Options and Organizations............................................................................. 2-3

    Changin g Organiza tions an d Resp onsibilities ......................................................................... 2-5

    Navigating in Mobile Supply Chain Applications ...................................................................... 2-6

    Win dow List of Values Win dow s .............................................................................................. 2-7

    Function Key and Action Button Mappings.................................................................................. 2-7

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    3 Setting Up

    Overview of Setting Up ..................................................................................................................... 3-2

    Related Prod uct Setup Steps ....................................................................................................... 3-3

    Setup Flow chart................................................................................................................................... 3-3

    Setup Checklist ................................................................................................................................... 3-5

    Setup Steps..................................................................................................................................... 3-5

    Defin ing Parameters ........................................................................................................................... 3-9

    4 Mobile Manufacturing

    Overview of Mobile Manufacturing ............................................................................................... 4-2

    Assembly Transactions ...................................................................................................................... 4-4

    Moving Assemblies ...................................................................................................................... 4-4

    Completing Jobs ............................................................................................................................ 4-6

    Return Transactions...................................................................................................................... 4-8

    Scrapping or Rejecting Assemblies, and Reversing Transactions ......................................... 4-9

    Material Transactions ....................................................................................................................... 4-11

    LPN Transactions .............................................................................................................................. 4-14

    Job and Assem bly Com pletions by LPN ................................................................................. 4-14

    Work Ord er-less Com pletions by LPN ................................................................................... 4-16

    Viewing Job Information ................................................................................................................ 4-17

    Work Order-Less Transactions........................................................................................................ 4-18

    Flow Manufacturing Transactions ................................................................................................. 4-21

    Resource Transactions ...................................................................................................................... 4-23

    5 Mobile Quality

    Overview of Mobile Quality ............................................................................................................ 5-2

    Entering Results for Mobile Quality .............................................................................................. 5-2

    Viewing Specifications ...................................................................................................................... 5-5

    6 Mobile Materials Management

    Overview of Mobile Materials Management ................................................................................ 6-2

    Receiving Transactions ...................................................................................................................... 6-2

    Standard Receipts ....................................................................................................................... 6-12

    Mater ial Receip t Inspections ..................................................................................................... 6-13

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    Deliverin g Mater ial .................................................................................................................... 6-16

    Inventory Transactions .................................................................................................................... 6-19Inventory Receipts...................................................................................................................... 6-20

    Inventory Issues .......................................................................................................................... 6-22

    Inventory Transfers .................................................................................................................... 6-26

    Inventory Move Orders ............................................................................................................. 6-32

    Inventory Rep len ishment .......................................................................................................... 6-34

    Counting ...................................................................................................................................... 6-39

    Picking and Shipping Items ........................................................................................................... 6-43

    Pick Confirm................................................................................................................................ 6-44

    Mobile Shipping.......................................................................................................................... 6-46

    Qu ick Ship ................................................................................................................................... 6-47

    Ship Confirm ............................................................................................................................... 6-48

    Labels .................................................................................................................................................. 6-50

    Com plian ce Labeling Setup ...................................................................................................... 6-50

    Inventory Inquiries .......................................................................................................................... 6-60

    A Mobile Applications Administration

    Overview of the Mobile Supply Chain Applications Server..................................................... A-2

    Mobile Industr ial Device Characteristics .................................................................................. A-3

    Configuring the Mobile Supply Chain Applications Server..................................................... A-4

    Star ting and Stop ping th e Server ............................................................................................... A-4Parameter Descriptions for mwactl File.................................................................................... A-6

    Prop erty Descriptions for mwa.cfg File .................................................................................... A-7

    Property Descrip tion s for Defau lt Dev ice Configurat ion File ............................................... A-9

    Section Descrip tion s for Device Internet Protocol Configuration File ............................... A-11

    Loadbalancing ................................................................................................................................... A-12

    Server Manager Tool ........................................................................................................................ A-14

    Star t/ Stop Server Page .............................................................................................................. A-14

    Monitor Server ........................................................................................................................... A-16

    Configure Server ........................................................................................................................ A-19

    Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................................ A-20

    Forms Functions In Mobile Materials Management ................................................................. A-20

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    B Using Barcode Data Identifiers

    Overview of Barcode Identifiers in Mobile Supply Chain Appl ications................................ B-2

    Oracle DI Functionality................................................................................................................ B-2

    Oracle Mobile Ap plications DI Flow ......................................................................................... B-3

    Setup for DI Sup port .................................................................................................................... B-3

    C Windows and Navigator Paths

    Windows and N avigator Paths ......................................................................................................... C-1

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  • 8/2/2019 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications



  • 8/2/2019 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications




    Welcome to the Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications Users Guide, Release 11i.

    This user s guide includes the information you need to w ork with Oracle Mobile

    Sup ply Chain Ap plications effectively. It contains detailed information abou t the


    s Overview and reference information

    s Specific tasks you can accomplish u sing Oracle Mobile Sup ply Chain


    s Oracle Mobile Sup ply Chain Ap plications setup

    s Oracle Mobile Sup ply Chain Ap plications compon ents and their functions and


    s Oracle Mobile Sup ply Chain App lications wind ows

    This preface explains how this u ser s guide is organized and introduces other

    sources of information that can h elp you.

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    About This Users Guide

    This guide contains overviews as w ell as task and reference information abou tOracle Mobile Sup ply Cha in App lications. This guid e includ es the following


    s Chap ter 1: Provides an overview of Oracle Mobile Sup ply Chain Applications.

    This includes a description the in tegration of mobile client d evices with the

    Oracle Mobile Server and Oracle Sup ply Chain Ap plications. It also describes

    the components included in this produ ct.

    s Chap ter 2: Describes navigation in Oracle App lications u sing mobile devices.

    s Chap ter 3: Provides setup procedu res for the compon ents that comp rise Oracle

    Mobile Sup ply Chain Ap plications

    s Chap ter 4: Explains how to create Mobile Manu factu ring w ork in p rocess


    s Chap ter 5: Explains how to create Mobile Quality transactions.

    s Chap ter 6: Describes Mobile Materials Managem ent tran sactions w hich includ e

    Oracle Inventory, Oracle Receiving, and Oracle Shipping Execution


    s App end ices: Provides informat ion abou t configuring files for the Mobile

    App lications Server and dev ices.

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    Audience for This Guide

    This guide assumes you have a working knowledge of the following:

    s The principles and custom ary p ractices of your bu siness area

    s Oracle Manu factu ring

    If you have never used Oracle Work in Process, Oracle Quality, Oracle

    Inventory, Oracle Flow Manu facturing, or Oracle Shipp ing Execution, w e

    suggest you attend one or more of the Oracle Manu factur ing training classes

    available through Oracle University.s The Oracle App lications grap hical user interface

    See: Other Information Sources on page -xii for more information abou t Oracle

    Applications product information.

    Do Not Use Database Tools to Modify Oracle Applications Data

    We STRONGLY RECOMMEND t hat y ou never use SQL*Plus, Oracle Dat aBrow ser, database t riggers, or any ot her tool to modify Oracle Applications t ables,

    unless w e tell you to do so in our guides.

    Oracle provides p owerful tools you can u se to create, store, change, retrieve, and

    main tain information in an Oracle data base. Bu t if you u se Oracle tools such as

    SQL*Plus to mod ify Oracle App lications d ata, you r isk destroying th e integrity of

    your d ata and you lose the ability to aud it changes to your d ata.

    Because Oracle Applications tables are interrelated, any change you make using anOracle Applications form can up date many tables at once. But w hen you mod ify

    Oracle App lications data u sing anyth ing other than Oracle App lications forms, you

    might change a row in one table withou t making correspond ing changes in related

    tables. If your tables get out of synchronization with each other, you risk retrieving

    erroneous information and you risk unp redictable results throughou t Oracle


    When you use Oracle Applications forms to mod ify your d ata, Oracle App licationsau tomatically checks that your changes are valid. Oracle App lications also keeps

    track of who changes informa tion. But, if you enter information into d atabase tables

    using da tabase tools, you m ay store invalid information. You also lose the ability to

    track who has changed you r information because SQL*Plus and other database

    tools do not keep a record of changes.

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    Other Information Sources

    You can choose from many sou rces of information, includ ing online docum entation,training, and supp ort services, to increase your know ledge and un derstanding of

    Oracle Mobile Sup ply Cha in App lications.

    If this guid e refers you to other Oracle Applications documen tation, use only the

    Release 11i versions of those guid es unless we specify otherwise.

    Online Documentation

    All Oracle Applications d ocumen tation is available online (HTML and PDF). The

    technical reference guides are available in p aper format on ly. Note th at th e HTML

    documentation is translated into over twenty languages.

    The HTML version of this guide is optimized for onscreen reading, and you can u se

    it to follow h ypertext links for easy access to other HTML guid es in the library.

    When you have an H TML wind ow op en, you can use the features on the left side of

    the wind ow to navigate freely throughou t all Oracle App lications docum entation.

    s You can u se the Search feature to search by w ords or p hrases.

    s You can use the expan dable menu to search for topics in the m enu stru cture we

    provid e. The Library option on the m enu expand s to show all Oracle

    Applications HTML documentation.

    You can view HTML help in the following w ays:

    s From an app lication w indow, use the help icon or the h elp menu to open a n ew

    Web browser and d isplay help about that wind ow.

    s Use the docum entation CD.

    s Use a URL provid ed by you r system adm inistrator.

    Your H TML help m ay contain information that w as not available when this gu ide

    was p rinted.

    Related Users GuidesOracle Mobile Supp ly Chain App lications shares business and setup information

    with other Oracle App lications produ cts. Therefore, you m ay want to refer to other

    user guides w hen you set up an d use Mobile Sup ply Chain App lications.

    You can read the gu ides online by choosing Library from th e expan dable menu on

    your H TML help w indow, by reading from the Oracle Applications Docum ent

  • 8/2/2019 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications



    Library CD included in your m edia pack, or by using a Web browser w ith a URL

    that your system adm inistrator provides.If you requ ire printed gu ides, you can pu rchase them from the Oracle store at

    http:/ /

    User Guides Related to All Products

    Oracle Applications User Guide

    This guid e explains how to navigate the system, enter data , and query information,and introdu ces other basic features of the GUI available with this release of Oracle

    Mobile Sup ply Chain Ap plications (and an y other Oracle Applications prod uct).

    You can also access this user gu ide on line by choosing Getting Started and Using

    Oracle Applications from th e Oracle Applications help system .

    Oracle Alert User Guide

    Use this guide to define periodic and event alerts that m onitor the status of yourOracle Applications data .

    Oracle Applications Implementation Wizard User Guide

    If you are imp lementing more than one Oracle produ ct, you can u se the Oracle

    App lications Implemen tation Wizard to coordinate your setup activities. This guide

    describes how to u se the wizard.

    Oracle Applications Developers Guide

    This guide contains the coding stan dard s followed by the Oracle App lications

    developm ent staff. It d escribes the Oracle App lication Object Library components

    needed to implement the Oracle Applications user interface described in the Oracle

    Applications User Interface Standards. It also provides information to help you bu ild

    your custom Oracle Developer forms so that they integrate with Oracle


    Oracle Applications User Interface Standards

    This guide contains the user interface (UI) stand ards followed by the Oracle

    App lications d evelopmen t staff. It d escribes the UI for the Oracle Applications

    produ cts and how to apply this UI to the design of an ap plication bu ilt by using

    Oracle Forms.

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    Oracle Applications Demonstration Users Guide

    This guide documen ts the functional storyline and prod uct flows for VisionEnterprises, a fictional manu facturer of personal comp uters p rodu cts and services.

    This book contains prod uct overviews and deta iled d iscussions and examp les

    across each of the major prod uct flows. Tables, illustrations, and charts summ arize

    key flows and data elements.

    User Guides Related to This Product

    Oracle Business Intelligence System Implementation Guide

    This guide p rovides information abou t imp lementing Oracle Business Intelligence

    (BIS) in your environment.

    BIS 11iUser Guide Online Help

    This guide is provided as online help only from the BIS app lication and includ es

    information abou t intelligence reports, Discoverer w orkbooks, and the Performan ce

    Management Framework.

    Oracle HRMS Documentation Set

    s Using Oracle HRMS - The Fundamentals explains how to set up organizations and

    site locations.

    s Managing People Using Oracle HRMS explains how to enter and track emp loyee


    s Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS explains how to set up p ayroll, do

    withholding, run statutory reports, and pay employees.

    s Managing Compensation and Benefits Using Oracle HRMS explains how to set up

    Total Comp ensation, includ ing 401(k), health, and insuran ce plans.

    s Customizing, Reporting, and System Administration in Oracle HRMS explains how

    customize to the system and design reports.

    Oracle Flow Manufacturing Users Guide

    This guide describes how to u se Oracles Flow Manu facturing functionality to

    sup port th e processes of Flow m anu factur ing. It describes design features of

    deman d management, line d esign an d balancing, and kanban p lanning. It also

    describes produ ction features of line sched uling, production, and kanban execution.

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    Oracle Inventory Users Guide

    This guide describes how to define items and item information, perform receivingand inventory transactions, maintain cost control, plan items, perform cycle

    counting and ph ysical inven tories, and set up O racle Inventory.

    Oracle Order Management Users Guide

    This guide describes how to enter sales orders and return s, copy existing sales

    orders, schedu le orders, release orders, create pr ice lists and d iscoun ts for orders,

    run processes, and create reports.

    Oracle Purchasing Users Guide

    This guide describes how to create and approve purchasing documents, including

    requisitions, different types of pu rchase orders, qu otations, RFQs, and receipts. This

    guide also describes how to manage you r sup ply base through agreements,

    sourcing rules and approved sup plier lists. In add ition, this guide explains how you

    can autom atically create pu rchasing docum ents based on business rules through

    integration w ith Oracle Workflow technology, which au tomates man y of the keyprocurement processes.

    Oracle Quality Users Guide

    This guide describes how Oracle Quality can be used to meet your qu ality data

    collection and analysis needs. This guide also explains how Oracle Quality

    interfaces with other Oracle Manu facturing app lications to prov ide a closed loop

    quality control system.

    Oracle Work in Process Users Guide

    This guide d escribes how Oracle Work in Process provides a comp lete produ ction

    managem ent system . Specifically this guid e describes how discrete, repetitive,

    assemble-to-order, project, flow, and m ixed man ufacturing environmen ts are


    Reference Manuals

    Oracle Technical Reference Manuals

    Each technical reference manu al contains d atabase d iagrams an d a detailed

    description of database tables, forms, reports, and program s for a specific Oracle

    App lications produ ct. This information helps you convert data from you r existing

    app lications, integrate Oracle Applications d ata w ith non -Oracle app lications, and

    wr ite custom reports for Oracle App lications prod ucts.

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    You can ord er a technical reference manu al for any Oracle Applications p rodu ct you

    have licensed .

    Oracle Applications Message Reference Manual

    This manu al describes all Oracle App lications m essages. This manu al is available in

    HTML format on the d ocumen tation CD-ROM for Release 11i.

    Installation and System Administration

    Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide

    This guide p rovides flexfields p lanning, setup and reference information for the

    Oracle Mobile Sup ply Chain Ap plications imp lementation team , and for users

    responsible for the ongoing m aintenance of Oracle Applications p rodu ct data. This

    man ual also provides information on creating custom reports on flexfields data.

    Oracle Applications Product Update Notes

    If you are up grad ing your Oracle Applications, refer to the product up date notes

    app ropriate to your u pd ate and produ ct(s) to see summ aries of new features as well

    as changes to database objects, profile options, and seed d ata ad ded for each new


    Oracle Applications Upgrade Preparation Manual

    This guid e explains how to prepare your Oracle App lications prod ucts for an

    up grad e. It also contains information on completing the upgrade p rocedu re for eachprodu ct. Refer to this man ual and the Oracle Applications Installation Manual when

    you plan to upgrad e your products.

    Oracle Applications System Administrators Guide

    This manu al provides p lanning and reference information for the Oracle Mobile

    Sup ply Chain App lications System Ad ministrator.

    Other Sources


    We offer a comp lete set of formal train ing courses to help you and your staff master

    Oracle Mobile Supp ly Chain App lications and reach full productivity quickly. We

    organize these courses into fun ctional learning pa ths, so you take only those

    courses app ropriate to your job or area of responsibility.

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    You have a choice of edu cational env ironments. You can attend courses offered by

    Oracle University at any one of our many Edu cation Centers, or you can arrange for

    our trainers to teach at your facility. In addition, Oracle training p rofessionals can

    tailor standard courses or develop custom cour ses to meet your needs. For examp le,

    you m ay w ant to u se your organization structure, terminology, and data as

    examples in a custom ized training session d elivered at your own facility.


    From on-site sup port to central sup port, our team of experienced professionals

    provid es the help and information you need to keep Oracle Mobile Sup ply ChainApp lications work ing for you. This team includ es your Technical Representative,

    Accoun t Manager, and Oracles large staff of consultants an d sup port sp ecialists

    with expertise in your business area, man aging an Oracle8 server, and you r

    hardw are and software environm ent.

    About Oracle

    Oracle Corporation d evelops and m arkets an integrated line of softw are produ ctsfor database managemen t, app lications developm ent, decision supp ort and office

    au tomation, as w ell as Oracle App lications. Oracle App lications provides the

    E-business Suite, a fully integrated suite of more th an 70 softw are modu les for

    financial man agemen t, Internet p rocurement, business intelligence, supp ly chain

    man agemen t, manu factur ing, project systems, hu man resources and sales and

    service management.

    Oracle produ cts are available for mainframes, minicomp uters, personal compu ters,netw ork comp uters, and p ersonal digital assistants, enabling organizations to

    integrate d ifferent comp uters, different operating systems, d ifferent netw orks, and

    even different database managemen t systems, into a single, un ified compu ting and

    information resou rce.

    Oracle is the w orlds leading sup plier of softw are for information man agemen t, and

    the w orld s second largest software comp any. Oracle offers its d atabase, tools, and

    app lication prod ucts, along with related consulting, edu cation and supp ort services,

    in over 145 countries around the world.

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    Thank You

    Thank you for using Oracle Mobile Sup ply Chain Ap plications and this user sguide.

    We value you r commen ts and feedback. At the end of this guide is a Reader s

    Comm ent Form you can u se to explain w hat you like or dislike about Oracle Mobile

    Sup ply Chain Ap plications or this user s guide. Mail your comm ents to the

    following address or call us d irectly at (650) 506-7000.

    Oracle App lications Documentation Manager

    Oracle Corporation500 Oracle Parkway

    Redw ood Shores, CA 94065


    Or, send electronic mail to [email protected] .

  • 8/2/2019 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications


    Mobile Supply Chain Applications Overview 1-1

    1Mobile Supply Chain Applications Overview

    This chap ter describes Oracle Mobile Sup ply Chain Ap plications features includ ing:

    s Overview of Mobile Sup ply Chain Ap plications on page 1-2

    s Mobile Applications Server on page 1-4

    s Mobile Manu factur ing on page 1-4

    s Mobile Qua lity on page 1-5

    s Mobile Materials Management on page 1-5

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    Overview of Mobile Supply Chain Applications

    1-2 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications Users Guide

    Overview of Mobile Supply Chain ApplicationsThe deman d for accurate, real-time information through out the sup ply chain hascreated m obile compu ting for manufacturing. Oracle Mobile Supp ly Chain

    App lications su pp orts the interface of a mobile client device with a netw orked

    compu ter system. This app lication provid es the ability to perform sh op floor and

    warehouse transactions from any location in a facility using wireless rad io

    frequency devices that can be han d-held, wearable, ring scanner systems, and lift

    truck moun ted. You can p erform d ata entry functions both m anually and with a bar

    code scanner.

    Default values enable ease of use and accuracy and while performing sup ply chain

    and shop floor transactions. Transactions entered th rough mobile app lications can

    be p rocessed either immediately (on-line transactions) or asyn chronously.

    As show n in th is illustration, Oracles Internet Compu ting Architecture su pp orts

    mobile Internet devices by providing a u ser interface for w ireless devices that

    sup port a Telnet client.

    Through th e use of standard Internet technologies in concert with Oracle Internet

    platform p rodu cts, Oracle Mobile Sup ply Chain Ap plications has th e following


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    Overview of Mobile Supply Chain Applications

    Mobile Supply Chain Applications Overview 1-3

    s The Mobile Server enables you to perform Oracle App lication tran sactions

    using the Telnet Protocol Server. Information is sent from m obile ind ustrialdevices to the Telnet Listener. The information is processed and up dated in the

    application database.

    s You can create Work in Process shop floor transactions such as moves, issues,

    and returns using m obile devices. You can also view job, line and material


    s Mobile devices enable you to enter inventory transactions at the point of use.

    Recording tran sactions in this way avoids d up licate data entry, and mobiledev ice scanning can imp rove data entry accuracy.

    s You can p erform quality collection p lan queries, enter d ata, and record th e

    results of tests in a single business p rocess. You a re able to query u p any

    specification created in Oracle Qu ality wh ether it is an item specification,

    sup plier sp ecification, or a customer specification.

    Note: In some instances the nam e of a wind ow described in th e

    body of the material may not m atch exactly with the n ame in th e

    wind ow. This is due to the nam e in the wind ow being shortened or

    trun cated because of the lack of space.

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    Mobile Applications Server

    1-4 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications Users Guide

    Mobile Applications ServerThe Oracle Mobile Sup ply Chain App lications Server enables you to performtransactions using the Telnet Protocol Server. The Mobile Supply Chain

    App lications Server modu le has tw o sub-modu les:

    s Telnet Protocol Handler functions as the commu nication m odu le between th e

    client and the rest of the Telnet.

    s Presentation Managerimp lements the telnet protocol that actually renders the

    user in terface on th e connected telnet client.

    The Oracle Mobile Applications Server can be configured to fit the needs of your

    organization includ ing starting the server on mu ltiple nod es, specifying the ports

    used , and specifying the database.

    Mobile ManufacturingOracle Mobile Manu facturing provid es Oracle Work in Process transactions using

    mobile devices. You can execute shop floor tran sactions and business fun ctionsincluding:

    s Moving assem blies

    s Comp leting assemblies

    s Scrapping and rejecting items an d assem blies

    s Issuing, returning, and scrapping material

    s Work order-less completions and returns

    s Flow comp letion, return, and scrap tr ansactions

    s Charging resou rces

    You can also view transaction information includ ing job and line status, material

    and move tr ansactions, compon ent requiremen ts, job instructions, and resource and

    comp onent shortages.

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    Mobile Materials Management

    Mobile Supply Chain Applications Overview 1-5

    Mobile QualityThe Oracle Mobile Quality provid es Oracle Quality transactions using m obile

    devices. You can query any qu ality collection p lan, enter data d irectly into it, and

    view sp ecifications. You h ave the ability to d o the following t asks and business


    s Collect quality data

    s View specifications

    s Work in Process transactions

    s WIP Workorderless completions

    s Flow Manufacturing completions

    Mobile Materials ManagementOracle Mobile Materials Management provid es Oracle Inventor y, Oracle Pu rchasing

    receipts, and Oracle Shipp ing Execution transactions u sing m obile devices. You

    have th e ability to d o the following material fun ctions:

    s Receiving

    s Inventory transactions and inquiries

    s Kanban transactions and inquiries

    s Cycle Counting and Physical Inventory

    s Pick Confirm

    s Ship Confirm

    s Intra-organization replenishment

    M bil M t i l M t

  • 8/2/2019 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications


    Mobile Materials Management

    1-6 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications Users Guide

  • 8/2/2019 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications


    Navigation 2-1


    This chap ter d escribes the Mobile App lication Server Configuration an d

    Adm inistration and includes the following topics:

    s Logging On , Selecting Menu Options and Organizations on page 2-2

    s Navigating in Mobile Sup ply Chain Ap plications on page 2-6

    s Function Key and Action Button M app ings on page 2-7

    Logging On Selecting Menu Options and Organizations

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    Logging On, Selecting Menu Options and Organizations

    2-2 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications Users Guide

    Logging On, Selecting Menu Options and Organizations

    . To log on to Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications:

    1. Enter your u sername and correspond ing password as defined in th e Oracle

    App lications System Ad ministrator User s Guide.

    2. Choose Enter.

    Logging On, Selecting Menu Options and Organizations

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    Logging On, Selecting Menu Options and Organizations

    Navigation 2-3

    The Responsibility wind ow ap pears d isplaying the Oracle Mobile Sup ply Chain


    3. Na vigate to the responsibility using the dow n arrow key on the mobile device,

    and then choose Enter,


    choose the num ber next to the responsibility and then choose Enter.

    Selecting Menu Options and Organizations

    To select menu options:

    1. Na vigate to the responsibility you want to u se. Menu op tions for that

    responsibility display.

    2. Navigate to the menu option using the dow n arrow key on the mobile device,

    and then choose Enter,


    choose the num ber next to the menu option.

    After you select a tran saction, you a re prom pted for the Organization, the Select

    Organization w indow displays.

    Logging On, Selecting Menu Options and Organizations

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    gg g , g p g

    2-4 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications Users Guide

    3. Select an organ ization, either by entering the value in the Org Code field,

    selecting from the list of values, or scanning it w ith you r m obile device.

    The window for the transaction or inquiry you selected ap pears.

    Note: Oracle Mobile Sup ply Chain Ap plications menus are

    defined in Oracle Ap plications System Administrator. See: Oracle

    Applications System Administrator s Guide

    Logging On, Selecting Menu Options and Organizations

  • 8/2/2019 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications


    Navigation 2-5

    4. Proceed throu gh the prom pts for the transaction you selected. When you hav e

    completed the transaction, save your work.

    Changing Organizations and Responsibilities

    . To change organizations in your transactions, or to change theresponsibility you selected:

    s Once you have selected an organization, the menu w indows d isplay the

    Change Org m enu op tion to change the organization.

    Select Change Org.

    Select an organ ization, either by entering the valu e in the Org Cod e field,

    selecting from th e list of values, or scanning it w ith you r m obile dev ice.

    s To change responsibilities, select Change Resp.

    The Responsibility menu for Oracle Mobile Sup ply Chain Ap plications

    disp lays, w here you can choose a different responsibility on the m enu .

    Navigating in Mobile Supply Chain Applications

  • 8/2/2019 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications


    2-6 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications Users Guide

    Navigating in Mobile Supply Chain Applications

    The various mobile devices used w ith Oracle Mobile Sup ply Chain Ap plicationsdisplay d ifferent characteristics, but have comm on navigation p atterns. You can

    navigate w ithin the p age displayed , enter data or select from a list of values, and

    use action buttons.

    Some of th e common characteristics are in the following list:

    s You select a menu option to p erform a tran saction or inquiry.


    A page displays the fields ap plicable to that action.s Fields that allow d ata entry have an inverse backgroun d, display fields have no


    s The greater than symbol (>) at the end of a field nam e ind icates the field uses a

    list of values for data validation.

    s The colon symbol (:) at the end of a field nam e indicates that d ata entry is used

    in this field and is not validated by a list of values.

    Function Key and Action Button Mappings

  • 8/2/2019 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications


    Navigation 2-7

    Window List of Values Windows

    List of values w indow is available in p romp ts with greater than symbol (>) at theend of a field name. You can access the list of jobs and assemblies by:

    s Selecting the Enter key at the p romp t.

    s Using the key combination Con trol > L. Opt ional fields are accessed on ly by

    this method.

    s Entering par t of the value in th e field, the List of Values w indow displays

    values limited to this criteria.

    Function Key and Action Button MappingsOracle Mobile Sup ply Chain Ap plications provid es several command s that are

    accessed by function keys and action bu ttons. The function key default values used

    in Oracle Mobile Sup ply Cha in Ap plications are listed in the following table. These

    key map pings are defaults delivered with you r softw are and can be changed. For

    examp le, you m ay wa nt to change a key map ping if your barcode scanner does not

    have on e of the fun ction keys listed here.

    Function Key and Action Button Mappings

  • 8/2/2019 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications


    2-8 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications Users Guide

    Action DescriptionFunctionKey



    Used to enter in more information for currenttransaction


    Can cel Retu rn s to th e last m en u an d can cels an ytransaction that has not been saved

    F2 Cancel

    Cont inue Used to cont inue to next step of enter ing

    information for current transaction


    Delete Clears the field you have entered data Control > K

    Done Retu rn to the last menu and com plete atransaction.



    Displays full error message Control > B

    Generate Generates a new value for whatever field you

    are in. For example, if you a re receiving a lotcontrolled item, selecting genera te in th e lotfield creates a new lot nu mber.

    Control > G

    List ofValues

    Displays the list of values for the designatedfield

    Con trol > L En ter

    Main Menu Navigates to the primary menu of thetransaction

    Control > N

    Next Page Navigates to next page of the transaction F4 NextPage Up Navigates to previous page Control > D

    Page Down Navigates to the next page Control > C


    Navigates to previous page in the transaction F3

    Save, Next Saves the transaction and enables you toperform an other transaction

    Save / Next


    Selects a record Control > S

    Show KeyMappings

    Displays how your function keys are mapped F1

  • 8/2/2019 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications


    Setting Up 3-1

    3Setting Up

    This chap ter provides information abou t setting up O racle Mobile Sup ply Chain

    App lications. The following topics includ ed are:

    s Overview of Setting Up on page 3-2

    s Setup Flowchart on page 3-3

    s Setup Checklist on page 3-5

    s Defining Param eters on page 3-9

    Overview of Setting Up

  • 8/2/2019 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications


    3-2 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications Users Guide

    Overview of Setting Up

    This section contains an overv iew of the steps you n eed to complete to set up OracleMobile Sup ply Chain App lications. For instructions on how to complete each task,

    see the setup sections indicated in each step.

    Setup involves several phases, including setting u p oth er app lications. You m ay not

    need to p erform some of the steps below if youve already p erformed a

    common-application setup.

    Set Up Oracle Applications TechnologyThe setup steps in this chapter tell you how to imp lement the p arts of Oracle

    App lications sp ecific to Oracle Mobile Sup ply Ch ain Ap plications.

    The Imp lementation Wizard gu ides you throu gh the entire Oracle App lications

    setup , including system administration. How ever, if you d o not use the Wizard, you

    need to complete several other setup step s, including :

    s Performing system-wid e setup tasks, such as configuring concurrent

    managers and printers

    s Manag ing data security, which includes setting u p resp onsibilities to allow

    access to a specific set of business data and transactions, and a ssigning

    individual u sers to one or more of these responsibilities

    Oracle Applications Implementation Wizard

    If you are imp lementing m ore than one Oracle Applications p roduct, you may wan t

    to use the Oracle Applications Imp lementation Wizard to coordinate your setup

    activities. The Imp lementation Wizard gu ides you th rough the setup steps for the

    app lications you have insta lled, sugg esting a logical sequence that satisfies

    cross-produ ct imp lementation depend encies and redu ces redun dant setup steps.

    The Wizard also identifies steps that can be completed independ ently by several

    teams w orking in p arallel to help you m anage your imp lementation process most


    You can u se the Imp lementation Wizard as a resource center to see a grap hicaloverview of setup steps, read ou tline help for a setup activity, and op en the

    app ropriate setup w indow. You can also documen t your imp lementation, for

    further reference and review, by using the Wizard to record comm ents for each step .

    Setup Flowchart

  • 8/2/2019 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications


    Setting Up 3-3

    Oracle Mobile Applications Server

    The Oracle Mobile Application Server enables you to perform Oracle Applicationtransactions throu gh th e use of mobile indu strial devices using the Telnet Protocol


    See Also

    Implementation Wizard , Oracle Applications Implementation Wizard Users Guide

    Oracle System Ad ministration, Oracle Applications System Administrators Guide

    Setting Up O racle Workflow, Oracle Workflow Users Guide

    Related Product Setup StepsYou m ust set u p Oracle Bills of Material and Oracle Inven tory to u se Oracle Mobile

    Sup ply Chain App lications. Add itionally, other featu res are available when you are

    using Oracle Flow Man ufacturing Oracle Purchasing, Oracle Ord er Managem ent,

    Oracle Quality, and O racle Work in Process See: Setup Steps on page 3-5.

    Setup FlowchartSome of the steps ou tlined in this flowchart a nd setup checklist are:

    s Required

    s Required Step With Defaults

    s Optional

    Requ ired Step With Defaults refers to setup functionality that comes with

    pre-seeded, default values in the da tabase; how ever, you should review those

    defaults and decide wh ether to change them to suit your business needs. If you

    need to change them , you should perform that setup step. You n eed to p erform

    Optional steps only if you p lan to use the related feature or comp lete certain

    business functions.

    Setup Flowchart

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    3-4 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications Users Guide

    Setup Checklist

  • 8/2/2019 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications


    Setting Up 3-5

    Setup Checklist

    The following table lists setup steps. After you log on to Oracle App lications,complete these steps to imp lement Oracle Mobile Sup ply Chain App lications.

    Setup Steps

    Step 1: Set Up System Administrator (Required)This step is performed w hile setting up different Oracle App lications prod ucts and

    involves the following tasks:

    s Define resp onsibilities. See: Oracle System Adm inistration, Oracle Applications

    System Administrators Guide.

    s Set u p printers (optional). See: Setting Up Your Printers, Oracle Applications

    System Administrators Guide.

    Step 2: Set Up Key Flexfields (Required)

    You need to coordinate th e flexfields of other ap plications you have set up before

    defining key flexfields here . See: Oracle Applications Flexfield Guide

    Step No. Required Step

    Step 1 Required Set Up System Administrator

    Step 2 Required Set Up Key Flexfields

    Step 3 Requ ired Set Up Calend ars, Currencies, and Set of BooksStep 4 Required Set Up Organizations

    Step 5 Required Set Up Oracle Inventory

    Step 6 Required Set Up Oracle Bills of Material

    Step 7 Optional Set Up Oracle Purchasing

    Step 8 Optional Set Up Oracle Work in Process

    Step 9 Optional Set Up Oracle Quality

    Step 10 Optional Set Up Oracle Flow Manufacturing

    Step 11 Optional Set Up Shipping Execution

    Setup Checklist

  • 8/2/2019 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications


    3-6 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications Users Guide

    Step 3: Set Up Calendars, Currencies, and Set of Books (Required)

    This step is performed w hile setting u p d ifferent Oracle App lications p rodu cts. This

    step involves the following tasks:

    s Set up calend ars by d efining p eriod typ es, accounting calendar, transaction

    calendar, and workd ay calendar

    s Define currencies and currency rates

    s Assign you r set of books to a responsibility

    s Set up accoun ting code combinations

    See:Oracle General Ledger Users Guide

    Step 4: Set Up Organizations (Required)

    You m ay not need to perform this step if you have already installed and set up

    Oracle Inventory or performed a common -applications set up . This step involves

    the following tasks:

    s Define organization lookup s

    s Define business groups

    s Define organ izations

    s Define hu man resources organizations

    s Define legal entities organizations

    s Set up inventory organizationss Define organization hierarchies

    s Assign business groups and op erating un its to responsibilities

    See: Oracle Human Resources Users Guide

    Step 5: Set Up Inventory (Required)

    In this step, you define Oracle Inventory comp onents including :

    s Create your organizations

    s Define your organization parameters

    s Define items an d item costs

    s Launch transaction managers

    Setup Checklist

  • 8/2/2019 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications


    Setting Up 3-7

    s Define your u nits of measu re

    s Define your su binventoriess Define your stock locators

    s Define WIP supp ly types

    s Define Receiving Options

    s Define Picking Rules

    s Define Freight Carriers

    s Define Organization Shipping Network

    s Define Shipp ing Methods

    s Define Transaction Types

    See: Overview of Setting Up , Oracle Inventory Users Guide

    Step 6: Set Up Oracle Bills of Material (Required)In this step, you define Oracle Bills of Material comp onents includ ing:

    s Define BOM p aram eters

    s Define dep artm ent classes

    s Define your dep artments

    s Define your standard operations

    s Create your bills of material

    s Create your routings

    s Calculate your manufacturing lead times

    s Create your w orkday calendar

    See: Overview of Setting Up , Oracle Bills of Material Users Guide

    Step 7: Set Up Oracle Purchasing (Optional)

    In this step, you d efine Oracle Purchasing comp onents includ ing:

    s Define Purchasing Op tions

    s Define Line typ es

    s Define Receiving Options

    Setup Checklist

  • 8/2/2019 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications


    3-8 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications Users Guide

    s Define Sup pliers


    Define Man ufacturing System and User ProfilesSee: Setup Steps, Oracle Purchasing Users Guide

    Step 8: Set Up Oracle Work in Process (Optional)

    In this step, you d efine Oracle Work in Process comp onents includ ing:

    s Define WIP Parameters, includ ing Mobile Manu facturing p aram eter values

    s Define WIP Accounting Classess Set Up WIP Profile Options

    s Define Produ ction Lines

    See Overview of Setting Up , Oracle Work in Process Users Guide, and Defining

    Parameters, on page 3-9.

    Step 9: Set Up Oracle Quality (Optional)In this step, you define Oracle Quality comp onents includ ing:

    s Define Collection Elemen ts

    s Set Up Specifications

    s Set u p Collection Plans

    s Set up Profile Options

    See: Setting Up, Oracle Quality Users Guide.

    Step 10: Set Up Oracle Flow Manufacturing (Optional)

    In this step, you d efine Oracle Flow Man ufacturing components including :

    s Flow Line Design and Balancing

    s Set up Events, Processes, and Line Operations

    s Define Flow Routings

    s Schedu ling Rules

    s Kanban Planning

    See Overview of Setting Up , Oracle Flow Manufacturing Users Guide.

    Defining Parameters

  • 8/2/2019 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications


    Setting Up 3-9

    Step 11: Define Oracle Shipping Execution (Optional)

    In this step, you d efine Oracle Shipp ing Execution compon ents including:

    Define Shipp ing Param eters

    Define Pick Release Param eters

    Define Shipping Transact i on Param eters

    Define Delivery

    Define Freight Set-up

    Define Freight Carriers

    Define Carrier Ship

    Define Transp ortation Calend ars

    See Setting Up, Oracle Shipping Execution Users Guide.

    Defining ParametersOracle Mobile Sup ply Chain App lications param eters define operation m ovemen t

    and default values for the transactions you are creating.

    . To define the Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications parameters:

    1. Navigate to the Work in Process Parameters w indow.

    2. Select the Mobile tab.

    Defining Parameters

  • 8/2/2019 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications


    3-10 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications Users Guide

    3. Select an accoun t to u se for scrap transactions in Oracle Mobile Sup ply Chain


    4. Save your w ork.

    See Also

    WIP Param eters, Oracle Work in Process Users Guide

  • 8/2/2019 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications


    Mobile Manufacturing 4-1

    4Mobile Manufacturing

    This chap ter describes the Oracle Mobile Manu factur ing component of Oracle

    Mobile Sup ply Chain A pp lications including the following topics:

    s Overview of Mobile Manufacturing on page 4-2

    s Assembly Transactions on page 4-4

    s Material Transactions on page 4-11

    s LPN Transactions on page 4-14

    s Viewing Job Inform ation on page 4-17

    s Work Order-Less Transactions on page 4-18

    s Flow Manu facturing Transactions on page 4-21

    s Resource Transactions on page 4-23

    Overview of Mobile Manufacturing

  • 8/2/2019 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications


    4-2 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications Users Guide

    Overview of Mobile Manufacturing

    Oracle Mobile Manu facturing provid es Oracle Work in Process transactions usingmobile device hardw are. You can p erform shop floor transactions includ ing:

    s Moving, comp leting, and scrapp ing assemblies

    s Issuing and returning material

    s Comp leting jobs and assemblies with License Plate Nu mber (LPN) data

    s Transacting Work Order-less comp letions w ith LPN data

    s Viewing transaction information includ ing job status, completions, scrap

    quantities, and schedu le dates

    s Work Ord er-less Comp letion transactions w ithout LPN d ata

    s Oracle Flow Man ufacturing comp letion and scrap transactions

    s Resource t ransactions

    Note: In order to access and p erform LPN transactions, you mu st

    have the Oracle Warehouse Man agemen t System ap plication


    Overview of Mobile Manufacturing

  • 8/2/2019 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications


    Mobile Manufacturing 4-3

    Note: If Oracle Quality is installed and at least one qu alifiedcollection p lan exists, the Qu ality button is enabled on Mobile

    Manufacturing w indows. When man datory collection plans are

    used, quality results data m ust be entered and saved before you can

    save you r tran saction. See: Using Oracle Quality w ith Oracle Work

    in Process, Oracle Quality Users Guide.

    Assembly Transactions

  • 8/2/2019 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications


    4-4 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications Users Guide

    Assembly Transactions

    Oracle Mobile Manu facturing provides all the assembly tr ansactions available inOracle Work in Process including:

    s Moving from one operation or intraop eration step to another

    s Comp leting parts of the assembly or the entire quan tity

    s Retu rning to previous operations or steps

    s Scrapping or rejecting p arts of the assembly or th e entire quan tity

    s Reversing reject or scrap transactions

    These transactions are available on the menu in the Assembly Transaction w indow.

    Moving AssembliesAssemblies can be m oved from one operation or intraop eration step to another. You

    can m ove assemblies forward and backward within and between operations, andon to completion.

    To move an assembly in an operation:

    1. Navigate to the Move Assembly window.

    Assembly Transactions

  • 8/2/2019 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications


    Mobile Manufacturing 4-5

    2. In th e Job fieldenter, select from the list of values, or scan the number.

    The assembly displays, and w hen ap plicable the values for From Operation

    Sequence num ber and From Operation Step.

    3. In the To Seq field, select the To Op eration Sequence.

    4. In the To Step field, select the To Opera tion Step.

    5. In the Overcompl field, you can indicate if this transaction is anovercompletion.

    You can over-comp lete and overmove assembly quantities into inventory that

    are greater than the job quantity.

    The unit of measu re for this assembly d isplays in the UOM field.

    6. Enter the transaction quantity in the Qty field.

    7. Choose Save to save you r w ork, or Qua lity to record collection p lan results.

    When you choose Save, a message displays confirming your transaction is

    posted . You can then en ter anoth er Move transaction or access another

    transaction window.

    Assembly Transactions

  • 8/2/2019 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications


    4-6 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications Users Guide

    If a Qu ality collection p lan has been set up for this assembly, you m ust choose

    Qua lity to record the results. This accesses the Quality w indow, see: Entering

    Results for Mobile Qu ality on page 5-2.

    See Also

    Move Assem blies, Oracle Work in Process Users Guide

    Move Transactions, Oracle Work in Process Users Guide

    Over-Completions and Over-Moves, Oracle Work in Process Users Guide

    Move Comp letion/ Return Transactions, Oracle Work in Process Users Guide

    Completing JobsYou can comp lete assemblies from discrete jobs into inven tory, and also complete a

    greater quan tity than th e job amou nt as long as it is within the tolerance level set.

    To complete jobs and assemblies:

    1. Navigate to the Com plete Assembly w indow.

    2. In the Job fieldenter, select from th e list of values, or scan the d iscrete job.

    The default values display for job assembly num ber, unit of measu re, job

    quan tity, quantity p reviously comp leted, quantity available to comp lete, and

    overcompletion flag.

    Assembly Transactions

  • 8/2/2019 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications


    Mobile Manufacturing 4-7

    3. Enter the subinventory and, if app licable, the locator values in the Sub and Loc


    4. Enter the qu antity comp leted in the QTY field.

    5. Choose Save to save you r w ork, or Qua lity to record collection p lan results.When you choose Save, a message displays confirming your transaction is

    posted . You can then en ter anoth er completion tran saction or access another

    transaction window.

    If a Qu ality collection p lan has been set up for this assembly, you must choose

    Quality to record the resu lts. This accesses the Qu ality wind ow, see: Entering

    Results for Mobile Quality on page 5-2.

    See Also

    Assembly Completions and Returns, Oracle Work in Process Users Guide

    Operation Completion Moves, Oracle Work in Process Users Guide

    Complete Assemblies and Complete Operations, Oracle Work in Process Users Guide

    Assembly Transactions

    R t T ti

  • 8/2/2019 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications


    4-8 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications Users Guide

    Return TransactionsYou can reverse an assembly comp letion an d retu rn it from a subinv entory back to

    work in process.

    To return a completed assembly back to an operation:

    1. Navigate to the Return Assembly w indow.

    2. In the Job fieldenter, select from th e list of values, or scan the d iscrete job.

    The job assembly number d isplaysand default values for un it of measu re, job

    quan tity, and comp leted quan tity.

    3. Enter the subinventory and, if app licable, the locator values in the Sub and Loc


    4. In the Qty field, enter the qu antity of this assembly that you are return ing.

    5. Choose Save to save you r w ork, or Quality to record collection p lan results.

    When you choose Save, a message displays confirming your tr ansaction is

    posted . You can then enter another retu rn tran saction or access another

    transaction window.

    Assembly Transactions

    If Q lit ll ti l h b t f thi bl t h

  • 8/2/2019 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications


    Mobile Manufacturing 4-9

    If a Qu ality collection p lan has been set up for this assembly, you must choose

    Quality to record the resu lts. This accesses the Qu ality wind ow, see: Entering

    Results for Mobile Quality on page 5-2.

    See Also

    Completing and Returning Assemblies, Oracle Work in Process Users Guide

    Move Comp letion/ Return Rules, Oracle Work in Process Users Guide

    Performing Move Com pletion/ Return Transactions, Oracle Work in Process Users


    Scrapping or Rejecting Assemblies, and Reversing TransactionsYou can scrap assem blies wh en qu antities are in an y operation, and return

    assemblies from scrap an d assign them to any operation.

    . To scrap an assembly at an operation:

    1. Na vigate to the Scrap/ Reject Assembly wind ow.

    Assembly Transactions

    2 Select a transaction typ e Your choices are Scrap Return from Scrap Reject or

  • 8/2/2019 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications


    4-10 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications Users Guide

    2. Select a transaction typ e. Your choices are Scrap, Return from Scrap , Reject, or

    Return from Reject.

    3. In the Job fieldenter, select from th e list of values, or scan the d iscrete job.

    The assembly nu mber for the job you select defaults in the Assem bly field.

    4. In the Op Seq field, select the Operation Sequence num ber wh ere the quan tity is


    5. In the From Step field, select the From Opera tion Step w here the qu antity isresiding.

    The Overcomp letion and un it of measu re fields display; you can change these


    6. Enter the transaction quantity in the Qty field.

    7. Optionally, select a transaction Reason code.

    Note: The prom pts for all transaction selections in the

    Scrap/ Reject Assembly window are the same. The wind ow n ame

    distingu ishes the transaction typ e either Scrap Assembly, Return

    from Scrap , Reject Assembly, or Retu rn from Reject windows.

    Material Transactions

    8 Choose Save to save you r w ork or Qua lity to record collection p lan results

  • 8/2/2019 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications


    Mobile Manufacturing 4-11

    8. Choose Save to save you r w ork, or Qua lity to record collection p lan results.

    When you choose Save, a message displays confirming your transaction is

    posted . You can then en ter anoth er transaction or access another transaction


    If a Qu ality collection p lan has been set up for this assembly, you must choose

    Quality to record the resu lts. This accesses the Qu ality wind ow, see: Entering

    Results for Mobile Quality on page 5-2.

    See Also

    Scrapping Assemblies, Oracle Work in Process Users Guide

    Rework Production, Oracle Work in Process Users Guide.

    Defining Transaction Reasons, Oracle Inventory Users Guide

    Material Transactions

    Oracle Mobile Manufacturing enables you to perform all work in process materialtransactions. This includes issuing material from inventory to charge against a job,

    reversing compon ent issues, and issuing comp onents from jobs to fill negative

    material requirements.

    Lot and serial nu mber control are maintained w hen issuing comp onents. You can

    issue partial requirement quantities and overissue requirements.

    Note: You can set th e Allow Negative Balances Param eter in

    Oracle Inven tory so that the inventory balances of items can be

    driven negative.

    Material Transactions

    To issue or return material for a job:

  • 8/2/2019 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications


    4-12 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications Users Guide

    j b

    1. Navigate to the Material Transaction window.

    2. Select a transaction type. To deliver p arts to a job, you r choices are Issue and

    Negat ive Issue. To take back p arts p reviously issued, you r choices are Return

    and Negative Return.

    Depending on your selection, the issue or return w indow displays.

    3. In the Job fieldenter, select from th e list of values, or scan the d iscrete job.

    The Assembly nu mber for the job you select d isplays in the Assem bly field.

    This is a default and can be changed .

    Note: The prompts for all material transactions are the sam e. The

    window name distinguishes the transaction type: Issue, Return,

    Negative Issue, and Negat ive Return.

    Material Transactions

  • 8/2/2019 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications


    Mobile Manufacturing 4-13

    4. In the Item fieldenter, select, or scan the item nu mber for the part you aretransacting.

    5. In the Op Seq field, enter or select the operation sequence where you want to

    issue or return the item.

    6. In the Sub and Loc fields, enter subinven tory and locator valu es set for this


    7. In the Qty field en ter the qu antity of the item you are tran sacting.

    8. Choose Save to save you r w ork, or choose Quality to record collection plan


    When you choose Save, a message displays confirming your transaction is

    posted . You can then en ter anoth er transaction or access another transaction


    If a Qu ality collection p lan has been set up for this assembly, you must choose

    Quality to record the resu lts. This accesses the Qu ality wind ow, see: EnteringResults for Mobile Quality on page 5-2.

    See Also

    WIP Mater ial Transaction Types, Oracle Work in Process Users Guide

    Component Issues and Returns, Oracle Work in Process Users Guide

    LPN Transactions

    Negative Component Issues and Returns, Oracle Work in Process Users Guide

  • 8/2/2019 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications


    4-14 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications Users Guide

    LPN TransactionsYou can comp lete jobs, assemblies and work ord er-less comp letions w ith License

    Plate Nu mber (LPN) information. You can u niquely iden tify each container in the

    sup ply chain by the assigned LPNs to these containers. Also, you can comm it the

    contents to inventory by initiating a move order in the Pu t Away Drop w indow. If

    the assembly is und er lot and serial control, you are prom pted to enter on-line the

    lot and serial information.

    There are three types of LPNs:

    s Pre Packed: Comp leting a qu antity into an existing LPN.

    s Packing: Generating an LPN w hen entering the completion transaction. This is

    initiated using a hot key.

    s Pre Generated: Subm itting a concurrent requ est to generate the LPN in ad vance

    of completing th e assembly.

    Job and Assembly Completions by LPN

    To complete jobs and assemblies for LPN with drop capability:

    1. Navigate to the Com plete Assembly w indow.

    2. In the Job fieldenter, select from th e list of values, or scan the d iscrete job.

    The default values d isplay for the job, assembly num ber, unit of measu re, job

    quan tity, quantity previously comp leted, and quantity available to complete.

    Note: To access and perform LPN transactions, you mu st have

    Oracle Warehouse Managem ent System application installed.

    LPN Transactions

  • 8/2/2019 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications


    Mobile Manufacturing 4-15

    3. In the LPN fieldenter, select from th e list of valu es, or scan the d iscrete job.4. Enter the qu antity comp leted in the QTY field.

    5. Choose Drop.

    When selected, a Pu t Away Move order is initiated for committing the assembly

    to inventory now.

    See Also

    Explaining License Plate Man agemen t, Oracle Warehouse Management System UsersGuide

    Oracle Warehouse Management System Directed Putaway on WIP Completion Technical


    Note: The prompts for the Assembly Completion w ithout drop

    capability transaction is the same. The wind ow d isplays with

    button in order to commit the qu antity into inventory at a

    later time.

    LPN Transactions

    Work Order-less Completions by LPN

  • 8/2/2019 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications


    4-16 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications Users Guide

    To perform work order-less completions for LPN with drop capability:

    1. Navigate to the WOL Comp letion wind ow.

    2. In the Assembly fieldenter, select from th e list of valu es, or scan the assem bly.

    The default value displays for the unit of measure.

    3. In the LPN fieldenter or select from th e list of values.

    4. Enter the qu antity comp leted in the QTY field.

    5. Choose Drop.

    When selected, a Pu t Away Move order is initiated for committing the assem bly

    to inventory now.

    Note: The prompts for the Assembly Completion w ithout drop

    capability transaction is the same. The wind ow d isplays with

    button in ord er to comm it the quantity into inventory at a

    later time.

    Viewing Job Information

    See Also

    E l i i Li Pl M O l W h M S U

  • 8/2/2019 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications


    Mobile Manufacturing 4-17

    Explaining License Plate Man agemen t, Oracle Warehouse Management System Users


    Oracle Warehouse Management System Directed Putaway on WIP Completion Technical


    Viewing Job InformationYou can qu ery jobs and view th e job details such as status, completion and scrap

    quantities, and scheduling information.

    To view job and assembly information:

    1. Na vigate to the Manu facturing M obile menu and select View Job.

    The View Job wind ow d isplays showing th e Job prom pt.

    2. Enter or select a Job value.

    The default values for this specific job display, including: assembly number, job

    status, quantities (job, comp letion, scrap), and schedu led start an d completion

    Work Order-Less Transactions

    dates, whether it is closed or has a d ue d ate. If you have installed Oracle

    Manu factur ing Schedu ling the job priority d isplays

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    4-18 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications Users Guide

    Manu factur ing Schedu ling, the job priority d isplays.

    3. Choose Done to end this query.

    See Also

    Discrete Job Statu ses, Oracle Work in Process Users Guide

    Job and Repetitive Sched ule Status Changes, Oracle Work in Process Users Guide

    Work Order-Less TransactionsIn the Work Order-Less wind ow you can complete unscheduled and schedu led

    assemblies to inventory, return un schedu led a ssemblies from inventory. You can

    also scrap a ssemblies and retu rn assemblies from scrap.

    Note: The prom pts for all transaction selections on th e Work

    Order-Less menu are the same. The w indow name d istinguishes

    the tran saction typ e, either WOL Comp letion, WOL Return , WOL

    Scrap, or WOL Return from Scrap .

    Work Order-Less Transactions

    To create work order-less completion, scrap, and return transactions:

    1 Navigate to the Manu facturing Mobile menu an d select Work Ord er Less

  • 8/2/2019 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications


    Mobile Manufacturing 4-19

    1. Navigate to the Manu facturing Mobile menu an d select Work Ord er-Less.

    The Work Ord er-Less menu disp lays.

    2. Select a transaction.

    Your choices are Completion, Return, Scrap , and Return from Scrap.

    Work Order-Less Transactions

    3. In the Assembly fieldenter, select from th e list of valu es, or scan the assem bly


  • 8/2/2019 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications


    4-20 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications Users Guide

    4. In the Sub an d Loc fields, enter subinventory an d locator values w here thisassembly w ill reside.

    5. For comp letion tr ansactions, select the kanban nu mber, if app licable.

    6. For return, scrap, and return from scrap transactions, optionally you can select a

    reason for this transaction.

    7. In the Qty field enter th e quan tity of the item you are transacting.

    8. Choose Save to save you r w ork, or choose Qua lity to record collection p lan


    When you choose Save, a message displays confirming your tr ansaction is

    posted . You can th en enter another transaction or access another transaction


    If a Qu ality collection p lan has been set up for this assembly, you m ust choose

    Qua lity to record the results. This accesses the Quality w indow, see: Entering

    Results for Mobile Qu ality on page 5-2.

    Flow Manufacturing Transactions

    Flow Manufacturing Transactions

  • 8/2/2019 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications


    Mobile Manufacturing 4-21

    You can p erform Oracle Flow Manufacturing comp letion and scrap transactions.

    Both of these transaction types can be queried by schedu le num ber or assembly

    number. When you scrap assem blies, all comp onents are backflush ed.

    To create completion or scrap transactions for Flow Manufacturing


    1. Navigate to the Flow Txn w indow.

    2. Select the tran saction you want to create.Depending on your selection, either the Flow Comp letion or Flow Scrap

    window displays.

    3. Select the m ode for qu erying the flow line, either by Schedu le Nu mber or

    Assembly nu mber.

    Note: The prom pts for Flow transactions are similar. The wind ow

    nam e distinguishes the transaction type either Flow Com pletion orFlow Scrap w indows.

    Flow Manufacturing Transactions

    4. If you are entering information by Sched ule, enter the schedu le num ber in

    Sched N um field. If you are entering information by Assembly, scan or en ter

  • 8/2/2019 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications


    4-22 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications Users Guide

    that nu mber in the Assembly field.5. Select the flow line in the Line field.

    6. Enter the subinventory and, if app licable, the locator values in the Sub and Loc


    7. When completing p roduction kan ban, select the kanban card nu mber in the

    Kanban field.

    8. The quan tity for this flow line displays in the Qty field. You can accept th e

    default value or change the quan tity you are comp leting.

    Resource Transactions

    9. For Flow Scrap transactions, you can op tionally select a reason for this


  • 8/2/2019 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications


    Mobile Manufacturing 4-23

    10. Choose Save to save you r w ork, or choose Quality to record collection plan


    When you choose Save, a message displays confirming your transaction is

    posted . You can then en ter anoth er transaction or access another transaction


    If a Qu ality collection p lan has been set up for this assembly, you must choose

    Quality to record the resu lts. This accesses the Qu ality wind ow, see: Entering

    Results for Mobile Quality on page 5-2.

    Resource TransactionsResources include peop le, tools, machines, out side p rocessing services. They a re

    used to cost and schedule jobs. Oracle Mobile Manu facturing enables you to change

    resources defined to operation sequences, and add new resources to these


    Resource Transactions

    To add resources to operations:

    1. Navigate to the Resource Txn w indow.

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    4-24 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications Users Guide

    2. In the Job fieldenter, select from th e list of values, or scan the d iscrete job.

    The assembly nu mber for the job you select defaults in the Assem bly field.

    3. Select the Op Seq of the resource to chan ge.

    4. Select the Res Seq.

    Resources are assigned to sp ecific resource sequences. The resou rce and un it ofmeasu re displays in the Resource and UOM fields.

    5. Enter the amou nt of this resource used in the Qty field.

    6. Save your w ork.

    See Also

    Charging Resources Man ually, Oracle Work in Process Users GuideOverview of Resource Managemen t, Oracle Work in Process Users Guide

    Defining a Resource, Oracle Bills of Material Users Guide

    Add ing and Upd ating Resource Requirements, Oracle Work in Process Users Guide

  • 8/2/2019 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications


    Mobile Quality 5-1

    5Mobile Quality

    This chap ter d escribes the Oracle Mobile Quality compon ent of Oracle Mobile

    Sup ply Chain Ap plications includ ing the following top ics:

    s Overview of Mobile Quality on page 5-2

    s Entering Results for Mobile Quality on page 5-2

    s Viewing Specifications on page 5-5

    Overview of Mobile Quality

    Overview of Mobile QualityOracle Mobile Quality allows you to enter data va lues into predefined qu ality

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    5-2 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications Users Guide

    collection p lans. Additionally, specific transaction integra tion is provid ed for issuesand return s of material, comp letions, assembly movemen t in work in p rocess,

    movem ent of inventory, and scraping of assemblies. You can also view item,

    sup plier and customer specifications.

    Entering Results for Mobile QualityYou can enter d ata d irectly into the Q uality collection p lans. If you setu p your

    collection plan and associate it with the ap prop riate transaction, you can collect

    data in online plans th at either require data entry, or use background collection plan

    transactions that do n ot require data input.

    To enter information in a collection plan (non-transactional based):

    1. Navigate to the Mobile Quality User menu .2. Choose Enter Results.

    The Quality wind ow d isplays.

    Entering Results for Mobile Quality

    3. Enter a Plan name, or u se the list of values to select one.

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    Mobile Quality 5-3

    4. Enter or select a specification.

    If a sp ecification type has been associated w ith the collection p lan selected, you

    are prom pted for that specification.

    If you want to view the sp ecifications d efined for your p lan, choose View

    Specifications. Specifications d efine th e requirements to w hich the p rodu ct mu st

    conform an d are defined for the characteristics of the prod ucts that you p rodu ce

    or received from supp liers, see: Viewin g Specifications on page 5-5.

    5. Select Enter Data to en ter the d ata value results for the plan selected.

    Entering Results for Mobile Quality

    The specification nam e d isplays on th e window. Specific fields disp lay on th is

    wind ow depend ing on w hether this is an item, customer, or supp lier


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    5-4 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications Users Guide

    6. Enter collection p lan element values in the Item, Quantity, and Com men ts


    Some of th e collection element s associated w ith Work in Process and Flow

    Manu factu ring are: Item, Job, Locator, Operation Cod e, Quan tity, Reason Code,

    Produ ction Line, Schedu le Group, Sched ule N um ber, Transaction Date, and

    Unit of Measure.

    7. Choose Next Record to enter d ata on the next item in this plan, OK to save this

    transaction, or Delete Record to cancel this transaction.

    See Also

    Defining Collection Plan Types, Oracle Quality Users Guide

    Collection Plan Templates, Oracle Quality Users GuideEntering Quality Results Directly, Oracle Quality Users Guide

    Finding Specifications While Enter ing Results Directly, Oracle Quality Users Guide

    Viewing Specifications

    Viewing SpecificationsYou can query any sp ecification created in O racle Quality includ ing an item

    ifi i li ifi i ifi i S ifi i

  • 8/2/2019 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications


    Mobile Quality 5-5

    specification , supplier specification, or a custom er specification. Specifications are

    used to ensure that:

    s Items produ ced internally conform to internal requiremen ts

    s Items shipped to customers conform to customer requirements

    s Items received from suppliers conform to sup plier requirements

    Specification p lans are compr ised of collection element types that specify

    characteristics (such as color, taste, or size), numeric measu rements (such as size,

    viscosity, or temp erature) and common objects defined in other Oracle App lications.

    To view specifications:

    1. Navigate to th e View Specifications w indow.

    You can define your search criteria by sp ecification typ e, item, or

    specificationor all of these values.

    Viewing Specifications

    2. Enter or select from the list of values the Spec Type.

    Your choices are Item, Supplier, or Customer.

    S ifi fi ld di l Q lit lt i d d d i h th th i i

  • 8/2/2019 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications


    5-6 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications Users Guide

    Specific fields display on Qu ality results window dep end ing on whether th is is

    an item, customer, or sup plier specification. For example, sup plier

    specifications have Purchase Order and Sup plier field s. Items under lot control

    have Lot Nu mber fields. Target and limit fields d isplay on this w indow

    according to how you d efined the specification.

    3. In the Item fieldenter, or select from the list of values, an item nu mber.

    4.In th e Specification fieldenter, or select from the list of values, a sp ecificationvalue.

    If there is a specification su btype defined for this specification, the va lue

    displays in the Sub typ e field. Specification subtypes a re used to create more

    detailed specifications.

    If a sp ecification is d efined for a specific sup plier or custom er, the name

    displays in either the Sup plier or Customer field.

    5. Choose Spec Details to display the target, and u pp er and lower limits defined

    for the elements of this specification.

    The Spec Details wind ow d isplays.

    Viewing Specifications

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    Mobile Quality 5-7

    6. Choose Done to end you r query.

    See Also

    Overview of Specifications, Oracle Quality Users Guide

    Specification Collection Elemen ts, Oracle Quality Users Guide

    Defining Specifications, Oracle Quality Users Guide

    Users of Specifications, Oracle Quality Users Guide

    Viewing Specifications

  • 8/2/2019 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications


    5-8 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications Users Guide


  • 8/2/2019 Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications


    Mobile Materials Management 6-1

    6Mobile Materials Management

    This chap ter describes the Oracle Materials Managemen t compon ent of Oracle

    Mobile Sup ply Cha in Ap plications (MSCA) includ ing the following topics:

    s Overview of Mobile Materials Managem ent on page 6-2

    s Receiving Transactions on page 6-2


    Inventory Transactions on page 6-19s Picking and Shipp ing Items on p age 6-43

    s Labels on page 6-50

    s Inventory Inqu iries on page 6-60

    Overview of Mobile Materials Management

    Overview of Mobile Materials ManagementOracle Mobile Materials Man