Option Prices and the Cross Section of Equity Returns · 2013-01-23 · Ang, Hodrick, Xing and...

Option Prices and the Cross Section of Equity Returns Peter Christoffersen Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, Copenhagen Business School, and CREATES, University of Aarhus 1 2 nd Lecture on Friday

Transcript of Option Prices and the Cross Section of Equity Returns · 2013-01-23 · Ang, Hodrick, Xing and...

Page 1: Option Prices and the Cross Section of Equity Returns · 2013-01-23 · Ang, Hodrick, Xing and Zhang (JF,2006). 11. CBOE SKEW Index Option Implied (Negative of) Skewness 12. Market

Option Prices and the Cross Section ofEquity Returns

Peter ChristoffersenRotman School of Management, University of Toronto,

Copenhagen Business School, andCREATES, University of Aarhus

12nd Lectureon Friday

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Overview of Topics• Earlier

– Portfolio allocation with RV and RCov– Realized beta form RV and RCov– Firm-specific higher moments from intraday data.

• Today– 1) Extracting option implied higher moments– 2) Portfolio allocation with higher moments– 3) VIX and SKEW as equity market factors– 4) Option-implied beta– 5) Factor structure revealed by equity option prices


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First Topic:Option Spanning and Forecasting

• Bakshi and Madan (JFE, 2000) and Carr andMadan (QF, 2001) show that any twice-differentiable (date T) payoff function can bereplicated by a portfolio of bonds, stocks, andEuropean OTM calls and puts.

• If we choose the payoff function to be returnsto the power of 2, 3 and 4 then we get optionimplied vol, skew and kurtosis, respectively.

• Many other payoffs are of course possible…3

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The Replication (or Spanning) ResultCarr and Madan (QF, 2001)

• Any twice differentiable function H(ST) can bereplicated by positions in bond, stock and options:

• The discounted risk neutral expectation is:

• Think of forecasting applications…4

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Quadratic, Cubic and Quartic PayoffsNote: Simple Returns Here


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Now get the Moments from the Quad,Cube and Quartic Contracts


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Compute SKEW andKURT daily using 1Mmaturity.

Use VIX for secondmoment as in theliterature.

Our Vol estimate hasa correlation of 0.99with VIX.

Implementation:Estimate cubicsplines on discretestrike prices andintegrate on spline.Use linearinterpolation to getfixed 1M maturity

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Second Topic: Firm SpecificOption Implied Moments (OIMs)

• Conrad, Dittmar, Ghysels (JF, 2013). Monthly tercilereturns from sorting stocks on their OIMs


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Portfolio Allocationwith Firm-Specific Higher Moments

• Brandt, Santa-Clara and Valkanov (RFS, 2009)• Ghysels, Valkanov and Plazzi (WP, 2011).• Realized moments could be used as well (ACJV)



Unless you assumeparametric portfolio weights:

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Third Topic:VIX and SKEW as Market Factors

• For each stock i, run a time series regression onmonthly data of the form

• Then sort the stocks into quintiles based on thesize of their regression coefficients β∆vol

• Finally compute the average return for eachquintile.

• Use change in VIX for ∆VOL as a measure ofunexpected volatility.


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∆VIX as an Equity Market FactorAng, Hodrick, Xing and Zhang (JF,2006).


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CBOE SKEW IndexOption Implied (Negative of) Skewness


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Market SKEW as a FactorChang, Christoffersen and Jacobs (JFE, 2013)

Regress returns on market skew. Sort on skew beta


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Fourth Topic: Option Implied Betas

• Let us assume a single factor CAPM style modelwith the market return (S&P500) being the factor

• We assume that the idiosyncratic shock has zeromean and is independent of the market factor.

• The conventional estimator of market beta is

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Deriving Option-Implied Beta


Solve for beta:

Then use Carr and Madan (2001) to get moments.

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Option-Implied Beta Across Firms

We scatter plotthe mean OIbeta on the X-axis against themean realizedbeta on the Y-axis for S&P100firms. 6-monthsoptions. Dailyobs. 1996-2005.


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Pfizer/Warner-Lambert Merger:Option–Implied vs Historical Beta


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Fifth Topic:Evidence of Equity Market Factor

Structure Using Equity Option Prices• Black Scholes versus CAPM (MBA Teaching)• Is there a factor structure in equity options• CAPM is dead?• Options are informative about equity risk

– Volatility– Skewness– Beta

• Equity option risk management• Equity option returns


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• Part I: A model-free look at option data• Part II: Specifying a theoretical model• Part III: Properties of the model• Part IV: Model estimation and fit


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Part I: Data Exploration

• Option Data– Use S&P500 options for market index– Equity options on 29 stocks from Dow Jones 30

Index– Kraft Foods only has data from 2001 so drop it.– 1996-2010– Various standard data filters


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Table 1:

Companies,Tickers andOptionContracts,1996-2010

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Table 2:

SummaryStatistics onImpliedVolatility(IV).

Puts (left)Calls (right)


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Figure 1:

Short-Term, At-the-moneyimpliedvolatility.

Simple averageof availablecontracts eachday.

Sub-sample ofsix large firms



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PCA Analysis• On each day run the following regression for

each firm

• For the set of 29 firms do principal componentanalysis (PCA) on 10-day moving average ofslope coefficients.

• Also do PCA on the short-term at-the-moneyIVs.


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Figure 2:

Does thecommonfactor inthe timeseries ofequity IVlevels lookanythinglikeS&P500index IV?


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Figure 3:

Does thecommonfactor inthe firmmoneynessslopes lookanythinglikeS&P500indexslope?

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Figure 4:

Does thecommonfactor in thefirm IV termstructurelookanything likeS&P500index termstructure?

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Part II: Theoretical Model

• Idea: Stochastic volatility (SV) in index andequity volatility gives you identification ofbeta.

• Black-Scholes-Merton: Impossible to identifybeta.

• SV is a strong stylized fact in equity and indexreturns.


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Market Index Specification

• Assume the market factor index level evolvesas

• With affine stochastic volatility


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Individual Equities• The stock price is assumed to follow these price

and volatility dynamics:

• Beta is the firm’s loading on the index.• Note that idiosyncratic vol is stochastic also.• Note that total firm variance has two components


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Risk Premiums

• We allow for a standard equity risk premium(μI) as well as a variance risk premium on theindex but not on the idiosyncratic volatility.

• The firm will inherit equity risk premium via itsbeta with the market.

• The firm will inherit the volatility risk premiumfrom the index via beta.

• These assumptions imply the following risk-neutral dynamics


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Risk Neutral Processes (tildes)


Variance riskpremium < 0

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Option Valuation• Index option valuation follows Heston (1993)• Using the affine structure of the index variance, the

affine idiosyncratic equity variance, and the linear factormodel, we derive the closed-form solution for theconditional characteristic function of the stock price.

• From this we can price equity options using Fourierinversion which requires numerical integration. Callprice:


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Part III: Model Properties

• Equity Volatility Level• Equity Option Skew and Skew Premium• Equity Volatility Term Structure• Equity Option Risk Management• Equity Option Expected Returns


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Equity Volatility

• The total spot variance for the firm is

• The total integrated RN variance is

• Where


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Model Property 1: IV Levels

• When the market risk premium is negative wehave that

• We can show that for two firms with samelevels of total physical variance we have

• Upshot: Beta matters for total RN variance.


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Model Property 2: IV Slope


Figure 5:

Beta andmodel basedBS IV acrossmoneyness

Unconditionaltotal varianceis held fixed.

Index ρ =-0.8and firm-specific ρ =0.

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Model Property 3: IV Term


Figure 6:

Beta andmodel basedBS IV acrossmaturity

Unconditionaltotal varianceis held fixed.

Index κ = 5and firm-specific κ = 1.

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Model Property 4: Risk Management

• Equity option sensitivity “Greeks” with marketlevel and volatility

• Market “Delta”:

• Market “Vega”:


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Model Property 5: Expected Returns

• The model implies the following simplestructure for expected equity option returns


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Part IV: Estimation and Fit

• We need to estimate the structuralparameters

• We also need on each day to estimate/filterthe latent volatility processes


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Estimation Step 1: Index• For a fixed set of starting values for the

structural index parameters, on each day solve

• Then keep sequence of vols fixed and solve

• Then iterate between these twooptimizations.


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Estimation Step 2: Each Equity


• Take index parameters as given. For a fixed setof starting values for the structural equityparameters, on each day solve

• Then keep sequence of vols fixed and solve

• Then iterate between these twooptimizations. Do this for each equity…

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Table 6:

ModelParameters andProperties.

Modelsestimated on2002-2005 dataonly.


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Model Fit

• To measure model fit we compute


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Table 8:


Patternin Bias.

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Summary of Findings

• Model-free PCA analysis reveals strong factorstructure in equity index option impliedvolatility and thus price.

• We develop a market-factor model based ontwo SV processes: Market and idiosyncratic.

• Theoretical model properties broadlyconsistent with market data.

• Model fits data reasonably well.


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Discussion• Specifically

– Study cross-sectional properties of beta estimates.– Add a second volatility factor to the market index.– Add jumps to index and/or to idiosyncratic

process.• Generally

– Think of alternate uses of option impliedinformation using Carr and Madan (2001).

– CJC survey chapter in Handbook of EconomicForecasting, Volume 2.