OPTIMIZATION OF β-SITOSTEROL FROM SWIETENIA MAHAGONI SEEDS EXTRACT USING SUPERCRITICAL CARBON DIOXIDE (SC-CO2) EXTRACTION AND ITS ANTI-DIABETIC ACTIVITIES NUR SALSABILA BINTI MD NORODIN A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Philosophy Faculty of Chemical and Energy Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia DECEMBER 2016


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A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the

requirements for the award of the degree of

Master of Philosophy

Faculty of Chemical and Energy Engineering

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia


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I dedicate this thesis to my parent for their encouragement and motivation

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Praised be to Allah because of His Mercy and Guidance for bestowing me

with the strength and knowledge to complete this thesis. Firstly, I would like to

convey my special thanks to my supervisor, Dr. Liza Md Salleh for her enthusiastic

guidance and continuous advice in completing this research. Her support and

inspiring recommendations have been precious for the improvement of this thesis


My sincere appreciation to Dr. Nik Musaadah Mustafa for her great advices,

idea, assistance and time in completing my experimental work in FRIM laboratory.

Besides, I would like to thank all my friends especially Husnina Arshad and Norul

Aina Alias for their help and cooperation to accomplish this research.

Special thanks also to my family, especially my parents, Md Norodin Bin L.

Jaafar and Hasiah Binti Ramli for their encouragement and moral support to

complete my research. Lastly, I would like to thank those who have motivated and

encouraged me directly or indirectly throughout the completion of the research. Your

contributions are so valuable to me.

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Swietenia mahagoni is broadly used in traditional remedies. It contains

several bioactive compounds such as β-sitosterol. The aim of this study is to

investigate the effect of supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) extraction conditions

(pressure and temperature) on oil yield and β-sitosterol content from switenia

mahagoni seeds and to analyze the anti-diabetic activities of switenia mahagoni

seeds extract. Swietenia mahagoni seeds extracts were obtained by SC-CO2

extraction at pressures of 20-30 MPa and temperatures of 40-60 °C. The

optimization process was done by a three-level factorial design with a response

surface methodology using Statistica software 7.0 (StatSoft, EUA). Quantification of

β-sitosterol content was performed by using a high performance liquid

chromatography conducted on C18 reversed phase Kinetex Biphenyl column using

methanol: acetonitrile (60:40 v/v) as mobile phase. The oil yields at different

conditions obtained were analyzed with α-glucosidase and α-amylase inhibition

assays. One way analysis was used for statistical significance by using Statistica

software 7.0 (StatSoft, EUA) and IC50 (extract concentration causing 50% enzyme

inhibitory) was determined by using GraphPad Prism 6.0 software. The

experimental data of SC-CO2 extraction obtained were fitted to a second-order

polynomial model and the obtained oil yields were between 1.5-14.5%, while β-

sitosterol content obtained were 3.1-9.2 mg/g. The highest inhibition of α-

glucosidase and α-amylase enzymes were 98.4% ± 0.2 and 34.9% ± 1.2, respectively.

The best conditions within the studied ranges were 30 MPa and 40 °C to extract β-

sitosterol in the highest amount. All conditions for extraction of swietenia mahagoni

seeds were potent to α-glucosidase inhibitory assay but showed a weak inhibition

toward α-amylase inhibitory assay. These findings implied that swietenia mahagoni

seeds extract containing β-sitosterol, could be an effective natural anti-diabetic agent.

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Swietenia mahagoni secara umumnya digunakan dalam perubatan tradisional.

Ia mengandungi beberapa sebatian bioaktif seperti β-sitosterol. Tujuan kajian ini

adalah untuk mengkaji kesan keadaan (tekanan dan suhu) pengekstrakan karbon

dioksida superkritikal (SC-CO2) pada hasil minyak dan kandungan β-sitosterol

daripada biji switenia mahagoni dan untuk menganalisis aktiviti anti-diabetik dari

ekstrak biji swietenia mahagoni. Minyak dari biji swietenia mahagoni diperoleh

dengan pengekstrakan SC-CO2 pada tekanan 20-30 MPa dan pada suhu 40-60 °C.

Proses pengoptimuman dilakukan dengan menggunakan reka bentuk faktorial tiga

peringkat oleh kaedah tindak balas permukaan menggunakan perisian Statistica 7.0

(StatSoft, EUA). Pengkuantitian kandungan β-sitosterol telah dilakukan dengan

menggunakan kromatografi cecair berprestasi tinggi yang dijalankan pada kolum

C18 fasa berbalik Kinetex Bifenil menggunakan pelarut metanol: asetonitril (60:40

v/v) sebagai fasa bergerak. Kadar hasil minyak yang diperoleh pada keadaan

berbeza dikaji dengan analisa perencatan enzim α-glukosidase dan enzim α-amilase.

Analisa sehala telah digunakan untuk kegunaan statistik dengan menggunakan

perisian Statistica 7.0 (StatSoft, EUA) dan IC50 (kepekatan ekstrak yang

menyebabkan 50% perencatan enzim) telah ditentukan dengan menggunakan

perisian GraphPad Prism 6.0. Data eksperimen yang diperoleh dari pengekstrakan

SC-CO2 telah dipadankan dengan model polinomial tertib kedua dan hasil minyak

diperoleh adalah 1.5-14.5%, manakala kandungan β-sitosterol diperoleh adalah 3.1-

9.2 mg/g. Perencatan tertinggi enzim α-glukosidase dan enzim α-amilase masing-

masing adalah 98.4% ± 0.2 dan 34.9% ± 1.2. Keadaan pengektrakan yang terbaik

adalah pada julat 30 MPa dan 40 °C untuk mengekstrak β-sitosterol dalam jumlah

yang paling tinggi. Semua keadaan perahan benih swietenia mahagoni menunjukkan

perencatan yang kuat pada enzim α-glukosidase tetapi menunjukkan perencatan yang

lemah pada enzim α-amilase. Penemuan ini menunjukkan bahawa ekstrak biji

swietenia mahagoni yang mengandungi β-sitosterol, berkesan untuk dijadikan agen

anti-diabetik semulajadi.

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1.1 Research Background 1

1.2 Problem Statement 3

1.3 Research Objectives 4

1.4 Scopes of Research 5

1.5 Research Contributions 5


2.1 Overview 6

2.2 Supercritical Fluid Extraction (SFE) 7

2.3 Supercritical Fluids 7

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2.4 Carbon Dioxide as the Solvent for SC-CO2



2.5 Supercritical Carbon Dioxide (SC-CO2) Extraction 9

2.5.1 Diffusivity 9

2.5.2 Viscosity 10

2.5.3 Pressure 11

2.5.4 Temperature 12

2.5.5 Flowrate 13

2.5.6 Particle Size 13

2.5.7 Moisture Content 14

2.6 Swietenia mahagoni 16

2.6.1 Photochemistry in S. mahagoni Seeds


2.6.2 Traditional Uses of S. mahagoni Seeds


2.6.3 Anti-diabetic Effects of S. mahagoni


2.7 β-sitosterol 22

2.7.1 β-sitosterol in Plants


2.7.2 Health Benefits of β-sitosterol


2.7.3 The Anti-diabetic Effects of β-sitosterol


2.8 Anti-diabetic Activity 26

2.8.1 Managing Diabetes with Plants


2.8.2 In Vitro Models for Assessing Anti-

diabetic Activity


2.8.3 Inhibition of carbohydrate-digesting



2.9 Optimization 31

2.9.1 Three Level Factorial


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2.9.2 Box-Behnken Design


2.9.3 Central Composite Design


2.9.4 Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 34


3.1 Introduction


3.2 Chemicals and Reagents


3.3 Sample Preparation


3.4 Determination of Moisture Content


3.5 Supercritical Carbon Dioxide (SC-CO2) Extraction


3.6 Design of Experiment


3.7 Analytical Method from Extraction Process


3.7.1 Quantification of β-sitosterol

Concentration by HPLC Analysis


3.8 In Vitro Models of Anti-diabetic Effects


3.8.1 α-glucosidase Enzyme Inhibition Assay


3.8.2 α-amylase Enzyme Inhibition Assay


3.9 Statistical Analysis



4.1 Introduction 46

4.2 Determination of Extraction Time 46

4.3 Optimization of SC-CO2 Extraction 48

4.3.1 Fitting the Response Surface Model 48

4.3.2 Analysis of Response Surface 54

4.4 β-sitosterol Content


4.5 Correlation of Oil Yield and β-sitosterol


4.6 In vitro study of anti-diabetic property 63

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4.6.1 α-glucosidase activity


4.6.2 α-amylase activity


4.6.3 Comparison with others works 73

4.7 Correlation of α-amylase and α-glucosidase

enzymes activity and β-sitosterol



5.1 Conclusion 78

5.2 Recommendations 79




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2.1 Properties of supercritical fluid vs gases vs liquids 8

2.2 The amount of oil obtained and particle size in the

SC-CO2 extraction of seeds


2.3 The amount of oil obtained and moisture content in

the SC-CO2 extraction of seeds


2.4 Primary compounds found in S. mahagoni seeds

determined by gas chromatography mass spectrometry

(Hashim et al., 2013)


2.5 Summary of studies on anti-diabetic effects of

Swietenia mahagoni


2.6 Summary of studies on β-sitosterol in plants using

supercritical carbon dioxide extraction


2.7 Summary of studies on anti-diabetic effects of β-



2.8 List of medicinal plants that possess anti-diabetic



2.9 Summary of analysis of variance (ANOVA)


3.1 The process parameters for SC-CO2 extraction 41

3.2 The extraction process variables in coded and un-

coded levels


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4.1 Experimental matrix and values of the observed



4.2 Analysis of variance (ANOVA) for the response

surface second-order polynomial model for the yield

of S. mahagoni seed obtained by SC-CO2 extraction


4.3 Analysis of variance (ANOVA) for the response

surface-order polynomial model for β-sitosterol

obtained by SC-CO2 extraction


4.4 Extraction of β-sitosterol by SC-CO2 extraction 59

4.5 IC50 data of α-glucosidase inhibitory activity from S.

mahagoni seeds extract at different conditions

(pressure, P and temperature, T)


4.6 α-amylase inhibitory activity from S. mahagoni seeds

extract at different conditions (pressure, P and

temperature, T)


4.7 Comparison of extraction methods on % inhibitory of

α-glucosidase enzyme from S. mahagoni seeds extract

at concentration of 100 μg/ml


4.8 Comparison of extraction method on % inhibitory

activity of α-amylase enzyme from S. mahagoni seeds

extract at concentration of 200 μg/ml


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2.1 Pressure-temperature phase diagram for pure CO2

(Mendes et al., 2003)


2.2 Diffusivity of carbon dioxide versus temperature at

various pressures (Brignole, 1986)


2.3 Viscosity behaviour of carbon dioxide at various

temperatures and pressures (Taylor, 2009)


2.4 Swietenia mahagoni also known as ‘tunjuk langit’ in

Malaysia (a) tree (b) fruit (c) winged seeds (d) seeds


2.5 a) Structure of β-sitosterol (Saeidnia, 2014) b)



2.6 Various mechanisms of actions and persisting models

of its therapeutic evaluation from anti-diabetic herbs

(Arulselvan et al., 2014)


2.7 The role of α-amylase and α-glucosidase enzymes 30

2.8 Three level factorial of two variables 32

2.9 Box-behnken design of three variables


2.10 Central composite design of two variables


3.1 Flow chart of research activity


3.2 The schematic design of the SC-CO2 unit


4.1 The effect of extraction time on extraction yield of

SC-CO2 at 20, 25 and 30 MPa and the temperature of

50 °C


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4.2 Experimental data (observed) versus predicted values

for S. mahagoni seeds oil yield


4.3 Experimental data (observed) versus predicted values

for β-sitosterol


4.4 Multiple regression coefficients and Pareto chart of

the oil yield


4.5 Multiple regression coefficients and Pareto chart of

the β-sitosterol content


4.6 Surface plot of oil yield from S. mahagoni as a

function of pressure and temperature


4.7 Surface plot of β-sitosterol content from S. mahagoni

as a function of pressure and temperature


4.8 HPLC chromatogram of the standard (β-sitosterol) at

concentration of 80 ppm


4.9 HPLC chromatogram of the β-sitosterol compound

detected in S. mahagoni oil


4.10 The correlation of oil yield and β-sitosterol content of



4.11 The percent inhibition of α-glucosidase enzyme

activity of S. mahagoni seeds extracts of

concentration of 100 μg/ml at different conditions

(pressure, P and temperature, T)


4.12 The percent inhibition of α-amylase enzyme activity

of S. mahagoni seeds extracts of concentration of 200

μg/ml at different conditions (pressure, P and

temperature, T)


4.13 The effect of (a) pressure and (b) temperature on IC50

value of α-glucosidase inhibitory activity


4.14 The effect of (a) pressure and (b) temperature on IC50

value of α-amylase inhibitory activity


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4.15 Correlation of IC50 data of α-glucosidase inhibitory

activity and β-sitosterol concentration


4.15 Correlation of α-amylase inhibitory activity and β-

sitosterol concentration


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SC-CO2 - Supercritical carbon dioxide

RSM - Research surface methodology

CO2 - Carbon dioxide

S. mahagoni - Swietenia mahagoni

HPLC - High performance liquid chromatography

IC50 - Half maximal inhibitory concentration

CCD - Central composite design

BBD - Box-Behnken design

ANOVA - Analysis of variance

p-value - Probability value

NaCO3 - Sodium carbonate

NaNO2 - Sodium nitrite

NaOH - Sodium hydroxide

AlCl3 - Aluminium chloride

DOE - Design of experiment

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Mc% - Percentage of moisture content

m0 - Mass in grams of dish

m1 - Mass in grams of dish and sample before drying

m2 - Mass in grams of dish and sample after drying

mm - Millimetre

µm - Micrometre

g - Gram

mL - Millimetre

MPa - Megapascal

K - Kelvin

°C - Degree celcius

Pc - Critical pressure

Tc - Critical temperature

Xi - Variables

Yi - Responses

Ρ - Density

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A1 Effect of pressure on extraction yield of Swietenia

mahagoni at constant temperature 40 °C in 20 minute

fractionation time.


A2 Effect of pressure on extraction yield of Swietenia

mahagoni at constant temperature 50 °C in 20 minute

fractionation time.


A3 Effect of pressure on extraction yield of Swietenia

mahagoni at constant temperature 60 °C in 20 minute

fractionation time.


A4 Effect of temperature on extraction yield of Swietenia

mahagoni at constant pressure 20 MPa in 20 minute

fractionation time.


A5 Effect of temperature on extraction yield of Swietenia

mahagoni at constant pressure 25 MPa in 20 minute

fractionation time.


A6 Effect of temperature on extraction yield of Swietenia

mahagoni at constant pressure 30 MPa in 20 minute

fractionation time.


B1 Calibration curve for β-sitosterol


B2 Different concentration of β-sitosterol standards for

calibration curve


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B3 Detection of β-sitosterol of S. mahagoni seeds extracts

at different temperature and pressure by using High

Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC).


C F distribution table 104

D The IC50 of α-glucosidase inhibitory activity


E1 Supercritical Fluid Extraction (SFE) unit in CLEAR,



E2 Plate design for α-glucosidase enzyme inhibition



E3 Plate design for α-amylase enzyme inhibition assay


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1.1 Background of The Study

Swietenia mahagoni (S. mahagoni), also known as ‘tunjuk langit’ in Malaysia

is used traditionally to treat various diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure

(Goh et al., 2010). S. mahagoni are usually 30 meters or taller (Eid et al., 2013) and

its wood, is usually being used for making furniture (Falah et al., 2008). Meanwhile,

the bark can be used for natural colorant (Haque et al., 2013). The fruits of S.

mahagoni are woody and consists of capsules containing winged seeds (Blundell and

Gullison, 2003). Whereas, the seed of S. mahagoni can be obtained by removing the

wing. In addition, S. mahagoni seeds have been reported to have various biological

activities such as anti-inflammatory activity, anticancer and antitumor activity (Goh

and Kadir, 2011) as well as antidiabetic activity (Maiti et al., 2009).

β-sitosterol is one of the diversified group of compounds in phytosterols.

Phytosterols are well known as plant sterols, one of the vital components of plant

membranes (Schuler et al., 1991). The most ample compound in natural sterols is β-

sitosterol (Saeidnia, 2014) and it can be found in seeds, nuts, vegetables and fruits.

Furthermore, β-sitosterol have been reported to have various pharmacological

activities such as anti-inflammatory activity (Loizou et al., 2010), chemopreventive

effects (Ju et al., 2004), hypocholesterolemic activity (Miettinen and Gylling, 2002),

antioxidant effects (Vivancos and Moreno, 2005) and also antidiabetic effects (Gupta

et al., 2011).

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Currently, 117 million diabetes cases were reported and expected to rise by 336

million by the end 2030 (Adefegha et al., 2014). Diabetes is a prevalent disease depict

by distorted glucose level in blood also known as hyperglycemia (Kumar et al., 2011).

Hyperglycemia can be depict by the disorder of β-cells, insulin inadequacy and

distorted glucose level in blood (American Diabetes Association, 2009). In managing

diabetes mellitus, one of efficacious way is to delay the glucose level and to achieve

this is by the inhibition of carbohydrate-digesting enzymes such as α-glucosidase and

α-amylase (Kumar et al., 2011). In the final digestive process, α-glucosidase act as

vital enzyme in catalyzing the disaccharides and oligosaccharides into glucose (Cheng

and Fantus, 2005). Meanwhile, α-amylase imply in catalyzing starch to disaccharides

and oligosaccharides. Thus, α-glucosidase and α-amylase inhibitors can be used to

delay the release of d-glucose from carbohydrate which also delaying the absorption

of glucose in the small intestine (Casirola and Ferraris, 2006; Wresdiyati et al., 2015).

Hence, reducing the glucose level in blood and repression of postpandrial

hyperglycemia (PPHG). By retaining the reduction of hyperglycemia, risk of

developing microvascular and macrovascular complications can be reduce (Tas et al.,


S. mahagoni seeds also reported to have various biological activities such as

anti-inflammatory activity, anticancer and antitumor activity (Goh and Kadir, 2011)

and also antidiabetic activity (Maiti et al., 2009). In Malaysia, the raw seeds have been

used for hypertension and diabetes (Balijepalli et al., 2014). Supercritical carbon

dioxide (SC-CO2) extraction is a separation process of matters using supercritical

carbon dioxide as a solvent. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the most frequent solvent used

that is environmental friendly (fairly non-toxic), low cost and can be easily removed

from the extract (Machmudah et al., 2007; Krichnavaruk et al., 2008; Xu et al., 2011;

Md Salleh, 2012; Viganó et al., 2016). The elimination of CO2 is easily achieved as

CO2 is in a gas state at room temperature. In addition, CO2 in the supercritical state is

in a moderate critical temperature (31.3°C) and pressure (7.38 MPa). Supercritical

state is when gas and liquid are indistinguishable where at this state it is compressible

but possessed the density of a liquid. In a word, supercritical CO2 makes a good

solvent due to the gas-like state that attributed to the low viscosity and high diffusion

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coefficient and the liquid-like state that gave the solvating power (Aionicesei et al.,


In this study, the aim is to determine the effect of pressure and temperature of

supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) extraction on oil yield and β-sitosterol content

from S. mahagoni seeds using a response surface methodology (RSM). Furthermore,

the evaluation of antidiabetic activity of Swientenia mahagoni seed extract from SC-

CO2 extraction will be carried out. The antidiabetic activity of S. mahagoni seeds

extract was analyzed by an in vitro diabetic model (inhibition of carbohydrate-

digesting enzymes). Moreover, the correlation of β-sitosterol and the inhibitory

activities of α-glucosidase and α-amylase were also evaluated.

1.2 Problem Statement

According to World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 80% of world

population prefer traditional medicine rather than modern approach. Relatable,

synthetic oral antidiabetic agents such as acarbose was reported with side effect and

failure to reduce diabetes complications (Triggle and Ding, 2014). Therefore, interest

for natural oral antidiabetic agent from medicinal plants is in demand. Swietenia

mahagoni in Malaysia is used traditionally to treat various diseases such as diabetes

and high blood pressure (Goh et al., 2010). Previous research on S. mahagoni seeds

had proven the antidiabetic activity but the conventional methods of extraction were

used. Thus, limited study on antidiabetic study using advance extraction method such

as supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) extraction was studied.

Recently, attention on the importance of natural compounds from plants and

herbs has been reassessing. As a matter of fact, bioactive compounds from plant

sources are chemically sensitive and present in low concentration hence supercritical

carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) extraction is the appropriate extraction method to be used.

In this case, thermolabile and non-polar compounds can be extracted by using SC-CO2

extraction due to the low operating temperature of 30°C without any degradation. The

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downside of this technique is it cannot be used to extract polar compound since SC-

CO2 extraction is more suitable to be used in extracting compounds that is non-polar

(Vilegas et al., 1997). Previously, β-sitosterol has been extracted from various plants

using SC-CO2 since β-sitosterol is a non-polar compound. Therefore, no co-solvent is

needed in the extraction of β-sitosterol using SC-CO2 extraction.

Furthermore, the extraction of β-sitosterol from various plants using SC-CO2

extraction had been reported in the extraction of saw palmetto berries (Catchpole et

al., 2002), Vitex agnus castus fruit (Cossuta et al., 2008) and sea buckthorn seeds

(Sajfrtová et al., 2010). Sajfrtová et al., (2010) reported that low temperature as low

as 50°C was applied in the extraction of β-sitosterol as the degradation of β-sitosterol

exceeds the temperature mentioned. The yield of β-sitosterol increased slightly as

pressure increased and the highest yield found from Vitex agnus castus fruit was 1.1

mg/g at a pressure of 45 MPa and a temperature of 40°C (Cossuta et al., 2008). This

shows that the extraction of β-sitosterol can be manipulated or controlled by pressure

and temperature. Pressure and temperature are the most relevant parameters in

supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) extraction. In general, quantitative recovery of

analytes are influenced by the increase in pressure which leads to the increase in

solvent power. Solvent power is described as the solvent density in any given

conditions. Significantly, high pressure and moderate temperature are favored by the

extraction of β-sitosterol from plants using SC-CO2. Therefore, SC-CO2 extraction

was proposed as the method of extraction for S. mahagoni seeds.

1.3 Research Objectives

The objectives of this study are:

i. To determine the effect of pressure and temperature of supercritical carbon

dioxide (SC-CO2) extraction on oil yield and β-sitosterol content from S.

mahagoni seeds.

ii. To study the antidiabetic activity of the Swietenia mahagoni oil extract.

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1.4 Research Scope

The scopes of the research are:

i. The pre-treatment process involving sample preparation, determination of

moisture content and particle size were performed prior to extraction. The

determination of flow rate and extraction time used during the extraction was

done in order to obtain constant parameters.

ii. The concentration of β-sitosterol in S. mahagoni extract obtained from

extraction using SC-CO2 was studied. A method of high-performance Liquid

Chromatography (HPLC) was developed to analyze β-sitosterol quantitatively.

iii. Optimization of S. mahagoni extraction using SC-CO2 was studied using

Response Surface Methodology (RSM). The optimization of S. mahagoni

extraction was performed at two different parameters, which are pressure (20,

25 and 30 MPa) and temperature (40, 50 and 60°C) using dynamic extraction.

iv. In vitro study of antidiabetic activity of S. mahagoni oil was analysed by α-

amylase and α-glucosidase enzymes inhibition assays.

1.5 Research Contributions

i. The data obtained from this research on the extraction of β-sitosterol from S.

mahagoni seeds using SC-CO2 is very advantageous since no recent

publications reported on the determination of β-sitosterol from S. mahagoni

seeds using SC-CO2 extraction.

ii. The optimum condition of β-sitosterol concentration established from the

optimization process using response surface methodology can be proposed and

used as a reference to the pilot and industrial scale for scaling-up purpose.

iii. The study of antidiabetic property of S. mahagoni seeds using α-amylase and

α-glucosidase enzymes inhibition assays can be contributed in the

pharmaceutical and nutraceutical industries.

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1. Nur Salsabila Md Norodin, Liza Md Salleh, Hartati and Nik Musaadah Mustafa.

(2016). Supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) extraction of essential oil from

Swietenia mahagoni seeds. Presented in Second International Conference on

Chemical Engineering (ICCE) at The Jayakarta Suites, Bandung, Indonesia from

26- 27 October 2016.

2. Nur Salsabila Md Norodin, Liza Md Salleh, Siti Machmudah and Nik Musaadah

Mustafa. (2016). Extraction of βsitosterol from Swietenia mahagoni Seeds by

Using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide (SCCO2) Extraction. Submitted to

Separation Science and Technology in November 2016. In Review.