operating system


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The bounded buffer operating system producer and consumer problem

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Project for 423302 Operating System

Term 1/2555

Bounded Buffer Problem in

Microsoft Windows OS


Background: In concurrent programming a critical section is a piece of code that accesses a shared resource (data structure or device) that must not be concurrently accessed by more than one thread of execution. A critical section will usually terminate in fixed time, and a thread, task or process will have to wait a fixed time to enter it (aka bounded waiting). Some synchronization mechanism is required at the entry and exit of the critical section to ensure exclusive use, for example a semaphore.

Semaphore Type

Type 1 : Binary semaphores 1. A mutual exclusion semaphore to prevent the producer and consumer from manipulating the list of buffers at the same time

Type 2 : General semaphores (counting semaphores) 2. A semaphore so that the producer can signal the consumer to start processing when it creates a full buffer 3. A semaphore for the consumer to signal the producer when it creates an empty buffer

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Highlight: The bounded buffer (producer-consumer) problem is a classic synchronization problem introduced by Dijkstra to illustrate two different ways to use his semaphores. In this report, we will design two threads to execute in a single address space. A producer thread creates “widgets,” and places each widget in an empty buffer for consumption by the consumer thread. The consumer retrieves the widget from the buffer, then releases the buffer to an empty buffer pool. If there are no full buffers, the consumer is blocked until new widgets are produced. If there are no empty buffers available when the producer creates a widget, the producer thread must wait until the consumer thread releases an empty buffer.

This problem asks we to design and implement a process with a producer and consumer thread using N different buffers (use a fixed size for N of 20). Base your solution on the solution to the producer-consumer problem. You will need a mutual exclusion semaphore to prevent the producer and consumer from manipulating the list of buffers at the same time, a semaphore so that the producer can signal the consumer to start processing when it creates a full buffer, and another semaphore for the consumer to signal the producer when it creates an empty buffer.

Details: 3 steps for projects 1) Compile and run - Using Dev C++ for compile and run program 2) Try to study code. Source code have 8 important sections ได้แก ่

2.1) Declaration 3 semaphores

- A mutual exclusion semaphore (bufManip) - General semaphores (empty , full)

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2.2) Size of Buffers

Design and implement a process with a producer and consumer thread using N different buffers (use a fixed size for N of 20). 2.3) Create semaphores

2.4) A producer and a consumer thread are created by a parent thread

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2.5) Producer thread function

2.6) Consumer thread function

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2.7) Set Runtime and Sleep

2.8) Terminate thread

3) Modified code. Add code for show number of empty and full semaphore after terminate producer and consumer process.


- “Project1” is execution file for run. - “2” define runtime in second. (because this parameter will be multiply with 1000 in Main thread) - Line 2 show when Main thread create Producer thread - Line 3 show when Main thread create Consumer thread

- Line 1 “#45” refer to Producer run 46 times (0-45 block of buffer) and “#5” mean current buffer position for Producer. - Line 2 “#27” refer to Consumer run 28 times (0-27 block of buffer) and “#7” mean current buffer position for Consumer. - Current buffer position can’t over 20 (Position 0-19) because maximum define is 20 block.

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- Line 1 Consumer Terminating thread. - Line 2 Producer thread running - Line 3 Producer Terminating thread. - Both Producer and Consumer unnecessary terminated at the same time.


- Line 1 Last Empty - Line 2 Last Full - Line 4 Empty - Line 5 Full - Line 6 Terminate Main thread. - Last Empty and Empty maybe Equal or not because Last Empty is last result from thread before terminated but Empty get from all block of Buffer minus by Empty ( N – Empty) and the same way for Last Full and Full.

References: 1) http://www.bloodshed.net/devcpp.html 2) Gary NUTT, Operating Systems Third Edition 3) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_section