Opening sequence on any genre and a thriller

Opening Sequence on any Genre and a Thriller Genre BY GEORGE DALY

Transcript of Opening sequence on any genre and a thriller

Page 1: Opening sequence on any genre and a thriller

Opening Sequence on any Genre and a Thriller GenreBY GEORGE DALY

Page 2: Opening sequence on any genre and a thriller

Mission Impossible 2 – How the genre is introduced?

In the opening sequence, the setting is of a natural landscape with rocks and a clear skyline, this suggest the idea to the reader that the film is quite adventurous which has connotations to an Action film

Page 3: Opening sequence on any genre and a thriller

Mission Impossible 2 – How are the characters introduced?

In the beginning opening sequence, the audience are met with a mid-shot of the protagonist character, Ethan Hunt climbing a rock in a deserted location. Seconds after, you can hear non-diegetic sound coming in at a slow intensity. There is then sounds of the wind blowing and the non-diegetic music then becomes fast - paced making it exciting for the audience. This creates the impression of the protagonist to the audience, that Ethan Hunt is athletic and physical.

Page 4: Opening sequence on any genre and a thriller

Mission Impossible 2 – How is the narration introduced?

The narrative is introduced by the narrator who is explaining the opening of the film, which leads into the protagonist of the film. This is key as it provides the audience with more of an understanding of the opening sequence as it is confusing for the audience to why a man is hanging of a cliff in an unusual setting.

What clues do we get about the storyline from the opening sequence? From the opening sequence, we get this impression as an audience that the

storyline is about a “Man on Mission” which is suggested due to the setting and the main protagonist (Ethan Hunt) climbing the rock. The use of diegetic and non-diegetic sound creates tension which links into this idea as well as the amount of screen time Ethan Hunt gets. The title “Mission Impossible” also implies this.

Page 5: Opening sequence on any genre and a thriller

The Silence of the Lambs – How is the genre introduced?

In the opening sequence, the scene starts off with a women running through a dark, naturalistic forest of some sort. This gives the impression that the film is a thriller because the scene is mysterious and has elements of suspense which are key conventions of a thriller film.

Page 6: Opening sequence on any genre and a thriller

The Silence Of The Lambs – How are the characters introduced?

From the Opening Sequence, we learn as an audience that there is a women running through a forest but it comes apparent that it is an assault course and she is an FBI agent. We soon are told as an audience she is called Clarince Starling and it comes clear, she is the main protagonist of the film.

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The Silence of the Lambs – How is the narration introduced?

In the opening sequence, narration is introduced by a man reporting Clarince to see a important figure in the FBI agency. Soon after, we are introduced to Clarince in greater detail when she responds to him.

What clues do we get about the storyline from the opening sequence? From the opening sequence, we can idea that the

storyline involves a manhunt with a high-profile serial killer named the “Buffalo Bill”. We can tell that the main storyline will involve a FBI manhunt and that the idea of Clarince being a female will be raised throughout the storyline since it’s usually a male-oriented job. Also because of the use of woods and darkness in the opening sequence we can tell its going to be a dark thriller film.

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From analysing the action film Mission Impossible, I have learnt that it is important to use narration in an opening sequence, as it provides the audience with a clear-cut understanding of what the film has to offer. This is important because it encourages the audience to continue watching the film.

From evaluating the thriller film Silence of the Lambs, I have gathered that it is extremely significant to stick to key codes and conventions of a thriller film. When filming and producing a opening sequence, you always want the audience wanting more, therefore you have to leave the opening sequence undisclosed.