Open Textbooks and OER in BC: How you can get involved

Open Textbooks and OER in BC How You Can Get Involved Lauri Aesoph, Manager, Open Education, BCcampus Jessie Key, PhD, Chemistry, Vancouver Island University BEAC-TEC 2016, May 5, 2016 Unless otherwise noted, this work is licensed under CC-BY. 4.0 International. Feel free to use, modify or distribute any or all of this presentation with attribution.

Transcript of Open Textbooks and OER in BC: How you can get involved

Open Textbooks and OER in BC How You

Can Get Involved

Lauri Aesoph, Manager, Open Education, BCcampusJessie Key, PhD, Chemistry, Vancouver Island UniversityBEAC-TEC 2016, May 5, 2016

Unless otherwise noted, this work is licensed under CC-BY. 4.0 International. Feel free to use, modify or distribute any or all of this presentation with attribution.

Overview of the BC Open Textbook Project

Open Textbook Collection

How to Get Involved


Open Education & Professional Learning

OER Global Logo by Jonathas Mello is licensed under a CC-BY 30 License

Support & promote the development & use of Open Educational ResourcesSupport the development of effective teaching & learning practices1

Connect the expertise, programs, and resources of all BC post-secondary institutions under a collaborative service delivery framework

BC Open Textbook Project

2012: 40 open textbooks for the highest enrolled 1st & 2nd year post-secondary subjects in BC

2013: 20 open textbooks for technical and skills training, trades

Visual notes of John Yap announcement, Giulia Forsythe Used under CC-SA license

Phase 1

Phase 2

Open Education

Cape Town Declaration on Open Education

“This emerging open education movement combines the established tradition of sharing good ideas with fellow educators and the collaborative, interactive culture of the Internet. It is built on the belief that everyone should have the freedom to use, customize, improve and redistribute educational resources without constraint.”

Open Education is part of an Open Ecosystem

The Open Ecosystem by Clobridge Consulting is licensed under a CC-BY 4.0 License.

Teaching, learning, research materials textbooks readings multi-media files – videos, audio clips software assessment tools – exams, test banks entire courses – online syllabi and lesson plans

Open Educational Resources

Getting Started

Don’t reinvent it by Andrea Hernandez released under CC-BY-NC-SA and based on Wheel by Pauline Mak released under CC-BY license

Faculty Reviews

291/365 by thebarrowboy used under a CC-BY

New Creations

BCOER Librarians

Faculty Fellows Program

• Dr. Jessie Key, VIU (chemistry)• Dr. Christina Hendricks, UBC (philosophy)• Dr. Rajiv Jhangiani, KPU (psychology)

• Rod Lidstone, Camosun (trades / piping)• Dr. Arthur “Gill” Green, UBC/Okanagan (geography)• Dr. Jennifer Kirkey, Douglas (physics / astronomy)

Provincial Partnerships

2013 – MOU Alberta and Saskatchewan

2015 – Campus Manitoba

The BC Open Textbook Collection


University of California, Irvine

University of California, Davis

Merlot Chemistry

Our Numbers (as of May 5, 2016)

143 Open Textbooks489 Adoptions28 Institutions

(22 Public; 6 Private)

14,311 Students


1. Build institutional capacity to enable support for faculty adoption of open textbooks.

2. Produce 50 additional OER resources over the next 3 years, through ancillary resources, open textbooks, openly licensed guides and materials.

3. Engage with the BC post-secondary system to increase commitment to adopt and adapt open textbooks.

4. Facilitate provincial, national, and international leadership and collaboration in OER.

5. Ensure the sustainability of the collection.

The Project in 2016


Ancillary Materials Development Grant

Open Educational Resource Grant

Review an Open Textbook

Festival of Learning

Ancillary Materials Development Grant

This call for proposals is to create ancillary support material for existing open textbooks that could assist faculty in adopting the open textbook. This material can include:

• Testbanks of questions based on an existing open textbook• Presentations (PowerPoint, Open Office, Prezi, etc)• Multimedia content, such as audio or video, that could further • enhance the textbook• Simulations• Instructor and student manuals• Additional learning activities.

Open Educational Resources Grant

This call for proposals is for institutions (e.g. Teaching and Learning Centre, Library, OER Working Group) in British Columbia to provide small open educational resource grants, funded by BCcampus and matched by the Institution. Open Educational Resource grants may be used for, but not limited to:

• Adaptation of open textbooks or open educational resources• Creation of open educational resources• Course redesign using open educational resources.

Resources on

Review an Open Textbook

291/365 by thebarrowboy used under a CC-BY

Why Adopt Open?

Textbook Costs vs Student Success

Source: 2012 student survey by Florida Virtual CampusSlide: CC-BY Cable Green, Creative Commons via (modified)/

Textbook Costs vs Student Success

64% do not purchase books at some point due to book cost

49% take fewer courses due to book cost

31% choose not to register for a course due to book cost

23% regularly go without textbooks due to book cost

27% have dropped a course due to book cost

21% have withdrawn from a course due to book cost

CC BY-SA 3.0,

Total Control of Course Content

Creative Commons logo by Creative Commons used under a CC-BY 3.0 LicenseCC license image from Copyright in Education & Internet in South African Law used under CC-BY 2.5 South Africa license

Open Licenses

The 5 R’s of Open

• Make and own copiesRetain• Use in a wide range of

waysReuse• Adapt, modify, and

improveRevise• Combine two or moreRemix• Share with othersRedistribut

eAdapted (color change) from Open Education: A “Simple” Introduction by David Wiley released under CC-BY license

VIU Chemistry – CHEM 140/141/142/150,204,203,200_.jpg

• We supplement organic chemistry section already (does not meet needs)

• Some faculty feel end of chapter problems are don’t offer enough opportunity for challenge

~150 Students /year x $150 = $22,500

VIU Chemistry – CHEM 140/141/142/150


• 3 to 5 instructors teach lecture sections of these courses

• Textbook decision made by department committee

• Changing textbooks requires significant amounts of time/effort

• Little to no time/money to seek, adapt or generate open alternatives

• Not many good open resources in general chemistry until recently

• Some faculty potentially uncomfortable with using new technology

Create a New TextbookEvaluate an

Existing Open Text

Use “As Is” Adapt/Modify

Assess Course Learning Objectives

Deliver Content to Students

Assessing Course Learning Objectives

Collaboration amongst department members using google docs:

Assessing Course Learning Objectives

Finding Open Texts

Adapting Open Textbooks• Can be as simple as only choosing certain chapters/sections, or combining different


• You can supplement with extra examples, problems etc:

• Timeframe: May – August 2014

• Goal: Bring the text to a level where it could be used at a B.C. post-secondary environment

• Actions Required:

Complete Chapters to Write:- Glossary, TOC and Appendix- Thermodynamics- Kinetics

Partial Chapters to Write:- 3 sections in Gas Chapter- 2-3 sections in Chemical

Bonding Chapter- Redraw figures in Organic


Introduction to Chemistry Adaptation

Adapting Using Pressbooks


Publish Many

Write Once

Getting your own Pressbooks Account

If you are a BC post-secondary instructor…

All others …