Open, Linked, Hacked

Open, Linked, Hacked RLUK: Introduction To The European Library 24 Sep 2013 Monday, 30 September 13


Presentation made at the RLUK "Introduction to the European library" event September 2013 ( Introduces linked data, hack days, and gives examples of applications built at hack days and similar events/initiatives using library data

Transcript of Open, Linked, Hacked

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Open, Linked, HackedRLUK: Introduction To The European Library

24 Sep 2013

Monday, 30 September 13

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What does ‘open’ mean?Not a simple binary open/closed... but rather a continuumAmount of friction... Things that create friction:Explicit restrictionsUncertainty about possible restrictionsUnusual/Unfamiliar interfaces (Z39.50 anyone?)Lack of information on data and where it is available

Formats - Paul Walk argues we need a ’richer understanding of openness’ which encompasses not just permissive licensing but, more broadly, the ease with which data can be used, taking into consideration aspects such as format and access mechanisms

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©Monday, 30 September 13

Survey about use of RLUK database carried out on behalf of RLUK found:A public domain licence would support 89% of intended uses An attribution licence would support 55% of intended uses A non-commercial licence would support 17% of intended uses No explicit licence would support 11% of intended uses

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“Yes, you love XML. Guess what? I don’t!”


Monday, 30 September 13


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“Yes, you love XML. Guess what? I don’t!”



Monday, 30 September 13

Complexity of MARC. Sometimes simple is good enoughWhy do I link to amazon? Why do I use the Amazon API?

Survey about use of RLUK database carried out on behalf of RLUK found majority could use MARC 62.9% (n=62)But if you filtered out those from RLUK contributing institutions - changed to more even balance between RDF (format underlying ‘linked data’) and MARC. But some see RDF a complex

All this tells us we need to support multiple formats!

The European Library - offers JSON, XML and RDF

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“Linked”, 30 September 13

Linked DataIdentifiers - create your own, use other peoples

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Gibson, William, 1948-

Monday, 30 September 13

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Gibson, William, 1948-

Monday, 30 September 13

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Monday, 30 September 13

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Monday, 30 September 13

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Monday, 30 September 13

Stuff that you don’t/can’t or won’t capture - but someone else will.(Books about places that are mentioned in MO archive?)Network effect - collapse the network - one more node makes the differenceProvenance

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Monday, 30 September 13

BBC Olympic coverage used linked data:

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Monday, 30 September 13

Google Knowledge Graph uses linked data:

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Monday, 30 September 13

Image from:

Hack days - not ‘hacking’ as in WarGames etc.

The why and what of Hack days: Build relationships - between developers and between data/service providers and developers Rapid prototyping - Show the way - Don’t expect finished products (usually)Different types - some ‘invite only’; some ‘everybody welcome’ Sometimes prizes

The When - hack day to engage developers in RLUK/TEL data:When? Early next year?

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“Note Dump” entry to Jisc’s Summer of Student Code

Monday, 30 September 13

The Who? - Who might want to hack RLUK data?StudentsResearchersTeachersLibrarians/Library developersDevelopers from outside the sector


Hack day planned in conjunction with the Open Knowledge Foundation (OKF) - a non-profit organisation founded in 2004 and dedicated to promoting open data and open content in all their forms – including government data, publicly funded research and public domain cultural content. - See more at:

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http://openbiblio.netMonday, 30 September 13

Earlier this month OKF ran open science/citizen science hack day

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Competitions and events to encourage exploitation suggest that skills and enthusiasm exist to innovate with open data: Discovery developer competition Europeana ‘Hack day’ - incredible outcomesMight question if these would happen without ‘priming’ - manipulating the market

Europeana Hackday example - take photo of picture/art, brings back data from Europeana

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Monday, 30 September 13

Libraryhack entry ‘Queensland Churches’

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Monday, 30 September 13

National Archives of Australia Search

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Monday, 30 September 13

Tim Sherrat’s alternative interface

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Monday, 30 September 13

Tim Sherrat - using API to Australian and NZ newspapers - articles matching phrase search

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http://bookworm.culturomics.orgMonday, 30 September 13

Page 24: Open, Linked, Hacked, 30 September 13 SchmidtAlso mapped this against LC Class - found what types of book published written by women

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Monday, 30 September 13

My local council (Warwickshire) released a number of data sets and ran a competition to encourage local developers to build applications on top of this data. One set of data with a list of new books in the library - and a local developer (nothing to do with libraries) built this - shows books, covers (from Amazon) and links to previews in Google books. This WON the competition.

Not the only example. Rewired State is an organisation which “runs hackdays where developers show government what is possible”, recently ran a ‘Youth’ event - and one of the winners was based around integrating library services into Facebook

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Monday, 30 September 13

Not just about pretty things for library customers thoughThe Getting It System Toolkit (GIST) is a customizable set of tools and workflows that will enhance interlibrary loan and just-in-time acquisitions services; purchase request processing; and cooperative collection development efforts. Developed at the State University of New York College at GeneseoBrings together disparate information sources with key data, such as: uniqueness; free online sources; reviews and rankings; and purchasing options and prices

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V&A created digital replacement for printed labels in their new furniture gallery - using their own API

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Linked data driven bookmarklet linking together sources relevant to classical music & composers

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Based on the linked data representation of the British National Bibliography published by the British Library

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Linked data based narrative

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Monday, 30 September 13

http://www.thepund.itLinked Data based web annotation system

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Monday, 30 September 13

Book marklet to find contemporaries of authors - uses the linked data representation of the British National Bibliography published by the British Library

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Linked data based application that pulls together data from a research project (The Reading Experience Database) and Dbpedia (a linked data representation of wikipedia)

Links to Dbpedia...

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Monday, 30 September 13

Digital Public Library of America (DPLA), Europeana, and Flickr Commons,

brought together a group of twelve digital humanists of diverse disciplinary backgrounds and practical experience to build a working piece of scholarly software