Open Learning Analytics

Envisaging an Open Learning Analytics Platform & Ecosystem 1 Simon Buckingham Shum Knowledge Media Institute, Open University UK @sbskmi


Envisaging an Open Learning Analytics Platform & Ecosystem

Transcript of Open Learning Analytics

  • 1.Envisaging an Open Learning AnalyticsPlatform & EcosystemSimon Buckingham ShumKnowledge Media Institute, Open University

2. (My spin on the SoLAR collaborative White Paper) 2 3. #lak15 3 4. Imagine the LAK 2015 KeynoteLooking back to the formative daysof the field in 2011/12, we wonder now why we didnt have the foresight to avoid todays learning analytics silos not only from allthe different vendors but also theresearch systems. 4 5. Imagine the LAK 2015 KeynoteNot a little ironic: the learning analytics fielddidnt manage to join itself up5 6. The scientific argumentanalytics need to be broad- based, multi-sourced, contextual and integrated inorder to mitigate the limitationsof any single dataset or algorithm6 7. The scientific argument the revolutionary impacts ofbig data on science are the unprecedented ability totest claims + replicate results(academic and commercial)uncover unexpected patterns7 8. The economic innovation argumentThe wealth of networks lies inorchestrating mass innovation via open platforms Hybrid Commerce+CommonsEnterprise both enables and benefits from these dynamics 8 9. MissionDevelop an open andextensible learning analyticsplatform Grow an ecosystem of stakeholders and toolsaround this 9 10. Open Learning Analytics platform (1)Anonymized datasets 10 11. Open Learning Analytics platform (1)Analytical EnginesAdaptive Learning Analytics Presentation RecommendersAnonymized datasets11 12. Open Learning Analytics platform (1)Visual AnalyticsAnalytical EnginesAdaptive Learning Analytics Presentation RecommendersAnonymized datasets12 13. Open Learning Analytics platform (2) 13 14. Open Learning Analytics platform (3) 14 15. Open Learning Analytics communityLearnersEducators ResearchersEnterprise 15 16. Researcher value propositionMy students can get I can benchmark mytheir work out there asprototypes on the OLA new plugins a datasets: its TRECcouple have really for analytics gone viral When I publishI can test newpapers, reviewers arehypotheses suspicious if data, empirically without algorithms or toolsnecessarily having to dont have OLA IDs gather new data The feedbackloops are soThis is a great way toI can run controlledmuch faster nowforge collaborativeusability evaluations on prototypesprojects with on the visual academics anddashboards companies 16 17. Combinatorial analytics Does use of social network analyticscorrelate more strongly with socialsciences than hard sciences? Is pass rate correlated with quality ofonline discourse? Can we see a causal link betweenintrinsic learning dispositions andthe number of requests for help?17 18. Educator value propositionIm not locked into anyI play with new pluginsanalytics approach to see which offertheyre all limitedmost insightIve got CPD badges in I track which ones Ethical Analytics and seem best in the Environmental Environmental Politics AnalyticsLA networkIm working withresearchers who I can compare my are tuning theirstudents with otherWhen I try somethingprototypes on mysimilar coursesnew with students, I datahave a toolkit to test its impact 18 19. Learner value propositionIm not locked into anyI play with new pluginsanalytics approach to see which offertheyre all limitedmost insightIve got CPD badges in I track which ones Ethical Analytics and seem best in the Environmental Environmental Politics AnalyticsLA networkIm working withresearchers who I can compare myself are tuning their with my peers andWhen I try somethingprototypes on my students on othernew in my learning, I data similar courseshave a toolkit to test its impact 19 20. Enterprise value proposition We cant handwave soWe get to alpha test much, but when we new products here onmake claims now, real data theyre openly testableWe get to see whatsIts in our interest coming out of the labs to make our datamuch earlier, and canformats OLAsponsor the best compliant studentscustomers lookfor that logo now We can see from the OLA-platform analytics which tools are best suited indifferent domains 20 21. OLA-platform analytics Which analytics are most helpful in assisting learners of Type X manage their learning? Which tools do administrators rate highest? Does educator reputation impact the spread of tools and practices?21 22. Visual, participatory sensemakingGlobal Participatory Platform New models ofscientific disseminationDatasets and sensorInnovation AcceleratorAnalytics andnetworkSimulations PlanetaryLiving Earth Nervous SimulatorSystem 23. Innovation is not a pipeline..$Ack: Frank van Harmelen, FuturICT Project 24. Innovation is an ecosystemAck: Frank van Harmelen, FuturICT Project 25. Open Learning Analytics ecosystem (detailed view)25 26. OLA White Paper: ConclusionThe history of technology adoption in education suggests aconsistent and challenging model: important ideasandinnovations developed piecemeal and inisolation, resulting in a fragmentation and confusion for endusers who are most in need of efficient solutions. Our proposedintegrated learning analytics platform attempts to circumventthe piecemeal process of educational innovation byprovided an open infrastructure for researchers, educators, andlearners to develop new technologies and methods.26 27. Open Learning Analytics ecosystemDo you want to be part ofthis ecosystem?Why? (Why not?) Discuss27