OPEN DAY -€¦ · Hoskins who not only organised the Year 1 sleepover...

Tuesday July 30, 2013 Term 3,Week 3 Principals’ Report: Education Week From yesterday, Public Schools across NSW started celebrating Education Week. Our school will be hosting an Open Day this Friday, 2nd August commencing at 11:15am. Firstly, there will be an assembly featuring items from all classes except for K/1, who only commenced as a group yesterday. These children will participate with their respective grades. The assembly will conclude at approximately 12:00pm followed by classroom visits then a free sausage sizzle lunch for parents, students and staff. The day will conclude with a Tabloid Sports afternoon with parents welcome to stay and join in. We look forward to seeing you on Friday. It would be greatly appreciated if I could have 2 people to help cook sausages on Friday from 11:00am please. K/1 Class Selected students from both Kinder and Year 1 moved into their new classroom yesterday morning. I must say, Mrs Jarvis has the room looking great with new carpet and furniture as well as excellent resources throughout. Parents are more than welcome to ‘stick their heads in’ and take a look at the classroom. However, I am very disappointed that a number of incorrect stories are circulating regarding the class. It was not set up as a place for behaviour problems. In fact, there are some children in both Kinder and Year 1 who present more challenging behaviour’s in class than those in K/1. Both the Kindergarten and Year 1 teachers were asked to nominate a number of children who would benefit from being in a small class with a particular focus on reading development. Prior to this class being formed, there were 26 children in Kinder and potentially 27 in Year 1. Now numbers are much lower for both Kinder and Year 1 as well as a maximum of 15 children in K/1 with a very experienced teacher as well as a Teacher’s Aide. I have appreciated people with concerns who either attended last weeks meeting or contacted the school directly to discuss their child’s placement in the class. Year 1 Camp My thanks to Ms Huthnance, Mrs Fripp and Mrs Hoskins who not only organised the Year 1 sleepover last Thursday night but stayed all night to ensure our children not only had a good time but were well supervised. We also had numerous parents who assisted with tea and/or breakfast. Anti-Bullying Classes will have the second lesson in a program this week focusing on Anti-Bullying. This week’s lessons will centre on Psychological or Emotional Bullying as well as Cyber Bullying. Children will be taught what it looks and feels like as well as how to deal with it. A question, do you realise that Facebook is not recommended to children younger than 13? Pre-School Visit Mrs Wiggins and myself will be attending Tiny Treasures Pre-School this Wednesday night, 31st July at 5:00pm. We will be outlining the school’s Kinder Orientation and Transition programs for those children starting school in 2014. If you are unable to attend, details are available through contacting the school. Coffs Cup—1/2 Day Holiday A separate note will go home regarding a 1/2 day public holiday for the Coffs harbour Cup this Thursday, 1st August. Our school will finish at 11:45am and parents are required to take responsibility for your child/children from that time. Dates to Remember: Wed July 31 Pre-School Meeting (5:00pm) Thurs Aug 1 1/2 Day Holiday Coffs Harbour Cup (school finishes 11:45am) Fri Aug 2 Education Week Open Day (Assembly 11:15am/BBQ 12:30pm) Mon Aug 5 No School Assembly 1 EDUCATION WEEK OPEN DAY Fri Aug 2 11:15am Free sausage sizzle lunch

Transcript of OPEN DAY -€¦ · Hoskins who not only organised the Year 1 sleepover...

Page 1: OPEN DAY -€¦ · Hoskins who not only organised the Year 1 sleepover last Thursday night but stayed all night to ensure our children not only had a

Tuesday July 30, 2013 Term 3,Week 3

Principals’ Report: Education Week

From yesterday, Public Schools across NSW started celebrating Education Week. Our school will be hosting an Open Day this Friday, 2nd August commencing at 11:15am. Firstly, there will be an assembly featuring items from all classes except for K/1, who only commenced as a group yesterday. These children will participate with their respective grades. The assembly will conclude at approximately 12:00pm followed by classroom visits then a free sausage sizzle lunch for parents, students and staff. The day will conclude with a Tabloid Sports afternoon with parents welcome to stay and join in. We look forward to seeing you on Friday. It would be greatly appreciated if I could have 2 people to help cook sausages on Friday from 11:00am please. K/1 Class Selected students from both Kinder and Year 1 moved into their new classroom yesterday morning. I must say, Mrs Jarvis has the room looking great with new carpet and furniture as well as excellent resources throughout. Parents are more than welcome to ‘stick their heads in’ and take a look at the classroom. However, I am very disappointed that a number of incorrect stories are circulating regarding the class. It was not set up as a place for behaviour problems. In fact, there are some children in both Kinder and Year 1 who present more challenging behaviour’s in class than those in K/1. Both the Kindergarten and Year 1 teachers were asked to nominate a number of children who would benefit from being in a small class with a particular focus on reading development. Prior to this class being formed, there were 26 children in Kinder and potentially 27 in Year 1. Now numbers are much lower for both Kinder and Year 1 as well as a maximum of 15 children in K/1 with a very experienced teacher as well as a Teacher’s Aide. I have appreciated people with concerns who either attended last weeks meeting or contacted the school directly to discuss their child’s placement in the class. Year 1 Camp My thanks to Ms Huthnance, Mrs Fripp and Mrs Hoskins who not only organised the Year 1 sleepover last Thursday night but stayed all night to ensure our children not only had a good time

but were well supervised. We also had numerous parents who assisted with tea and/or breakfast. Anti-Bullying Classes will have the second lesson in a program this week focusing on Anti-Bullying. This week’s lessons will centre on Psychological or Emotional Bullying as well as Cyber Bullying. Children will be taught what it looks and feels like as well as how to deal with it. A question, do you realise that Facebook is not recommended to children younger than 13?

Pre-School Visit

Mrs Wiggins and myself will be attending Tiny Treasures Pre-School this Wednesday night, 31st July at 5:00pm. We will be outlining the school’s Kinder Orientation and Transition programs for those children starting school in 2014. If you are unable to attend, details are available through contacting the school.

Coffs Cup—1/2 Day Holiday

A separate note will go home regarding a 1/2 day public holiday for the Coffs harbour Cup this Thursday, 1st August. Our school will finish at 11:45am and parents are required to take responsibility for your child/children from that time.

Dates to Remember:

Wed July 31

Pre-School Meeting (5:00pm)

Thurs Aug 1

1/2 Day Holiday Coffs Harbour Cup

(school finishes 11:45am)

Fri Aug 2

Education Week Open Day

(Assembly 11:15am/BBQ 12:30pm)

Mon Aug 5

No School Assembly




Fri Aug 2 11:15am Free sausage sizzle lunch

Page 2: OPEN DAY -€¦ · Hoskins who not only organised the Year 1 sleepover last Thursday night but stayed all night to ensure our children not only had a

1/2 Yearly Folders Thankyou to those families who have returned the blue half yearly folders to school as teacher’s will soon start to put Semester 2 work samples/assessments in them heading towards Yearly Reports. If you haven’t returned your child’s, it would be appreciated if you can get it back as soon as possible please. Self Help Raffle Only two weeks left to sell raffle tickets! Extension Groups Extension groups for nominated students in Years 4,4 and 6 commenced today and will continue over the next five weeks. This term’s focus is Science/Technology. I look forward to following their efforts. Assembly Congratulations to our new class, K/1 who were named ‘Class of the Week’ at yesterday’s assembly and who will look after Garbi in their new room. Please note, there isn’t an assembly next Monday due to Friday’s Education Week Assembly.

Congratulations our boys and girls Touch Football teams who both competed well at last Friday’s Gala Day at Coffs Harbour. The girls played 3 matches going down 2-0 to Kororo, 2-1 to Westlawn before defeating Repton 5-2. Meanwhile, the boys won the Coffs Harbour division of the knockout. Along the way the boys defeated Kororo 8-0, Narranga 5-2, Mullaway 4-3 (in extra time) before defeating Sawtell 4-3, again in extra time. It was a tremendous team performance, one everyone can be proud of. The next round will be played later in the term, probably against a school from the Port Macquarie area. A special mention must go to Kai Choice who scored 4 tries against his old school, Mullaway in the semi final. Finally, a big thanks (again) to the Amble Inn for lending us their bus and parents Jeremy Sligar, Michelle Fairleigh and Kristy Simpson. Mr Rayner



Archie Gardiner, Jarrah Paris, Marli

Keating, Ebony Lucas, Heidi Pitman, Zac

Raines, Liam Marsh, Katey McDonald

Bronze Award :

Sapphire Shields, Bohdi Thomson, Jordana

Kerr, Jorji Bradbury, Katey McDonald,

Jaimon Cowling, Kalen Barwise, Jye Hoskin,

Will Lonsdale, Holly Hardwick

Win Bins:

Brocq Holland, Tye Weeding,

Zac Raines

Pre-School Meeting

Wednesday July 31st

Tiny Treasures


Page 3: OPEN DAY -€¦ · Hoskins who not only organised the Year 1 sleepover last Thursday night but stayed all night to ensure our children not only had a

K/1 News…

I would like to welcome all the children and their parents to K/1. We have a lovely new classroom and a lot of our furniture arrived yesterday so our room is looking great. Parents are welcome to come and visit. Year 1 children will have homework each week—spelling and home readers to read each night. It is really important for your children to read every night. Kindergarten children will have home readers to read every night as well. Mrs Jarvis K/1 in their new classroom…….

Year 1 News…

I hope all the students enjoyed our sleepover camp and had tonnes of fun. A big thankyou to all our parent volunteers, your help was invaluable and much appreciated. Special thankyou’s to Mrs Lock for staying back so late to help, Mrs Fripp for staying overnight and providing her amazing support and to Mrs Hoskin who did all of our shopping and also braved a sleepover. I only have 5-6 students yet to return portfolio’s, please get them back as soon as possible. Year 1 is studying ‘Our Stories’ in Cogs. Students are asked to bring in a personal artefact as soon as possible eg, a special toy, something important to their family, an old memento etc. A photo of their artefact might be a good idea if it is too big or valuable. Ms H

District Athletics This carnival will be held Wednesday of next week. All children who came 1st, 2nd or 3rd in a track event or 1st and 2nd in a field event (long jump,shot put etc) will be given a permission note. Mr Taylor, Sports Co-ordinator

Year 2 News…

It was disappointing that on Friday only 6 students returned homework. Homework is given out every Monday and to be returned on Friday. This Friday we are singing a song at the Education Week assembly. Come and sing along! Miss Simmons Year 3 News...

Homework and spelling was given out yesterday. We continue on with our unit ‘Product and Services’. In maths we have been learning about Fractions. Our recorder lessons are progressing with the children learning the notes B,A,G and C. Practice is essential for 5 mins every afternoon. Mr Taylor Year 4/5 News...

Homework and spelling sheets have been issued this week and are due in on Friday. Completed Home Reader Journals are also due in on Friday. In grammar we will be looking at adverbs, and how adverbs can make Narratives sound more interesting. In maths we are continuing to look at decimals, and solving money problems, and then investigate patterns and algebra. In writing we will continue our morning journal writing, using a buddy system to conference our writing. We are also going to continue our Narrative writing on the topic, “An Awesome Holiday.” This week we will be finalising our item for the Education Week Assembly. Project Update We will have a “Where are we up to with our Project?” evaluation session, in week 4 on Thursday and Friday. Year 4 Camp Update

CAMP UPDATE The Cascade permission note and any outstanding money are both due in this Friday 2nd August. Special Dietary needs while at Camp- I need to inform Cascade of any special dietary needs of children or adults who are attending the Year 4 camp by this Wednesday 31st July. An information note about the Year 4 Camp will be issued this week. Mr Hasson Hello From Year 5...

Spelling and maths were handed out yesterday and I would like everyone to return these on Friday. Thank you to everyone who has returned the blue student portfolios and camp notes. Could you please return both of these as soon as possible. If you are unsure of how much money you have left to pay for camp, please pop into the office and see Mrs GS. In COGS this term we are looking at Symbol systems and China. Mrs LaCoste


Sleep over time!

Page 4: OPEN DAY -€¦ · Hoskins who not only organised the Year 1 sleepover last Thursday night but stayed all night to ensure our children not only had a

Year 6 News…

Our item for Friday’s Education Week Assembly requires costumes. If your child has not yet organised their costume and brought it to school, please assist them to do so before Thursday. (Notes went home last Thursday). Mrs Owen

A Note from the Library….

Premiers Reading Challenge Stars!! Only 4 weeks to go till this year’s challenge finishes. Congratulations to these students who have already completed the challenge this year….Jen Henderson, Layne Ortel, Ruby Chisholm, Tayla Murphy. The following students have almost completed the challenge…. Jaimon Cowling, Caitlin Pitman, Madyson Cowling, Tahshi Gatti, Aleisha Quay and Summah Dodd. All kinder, Yr 1 and Yr 2 students have completed the challenge by their teachers reading the books to them. Remember students can log on to the Premier’s Reading website and enter books they have read at home or school. Have a look at your child’s record and see if they can reach the challenge of 20 books.


The school has a Toshiba 1560 Analogue photocopier that is no longer needed, it has only done 35000 copies and if any sporting or community groups would like this please contact the school as soon as possible so we can relocate it. The copier can be seen in the staffroom.

Book Club

There’s still time to get those orders in….lots of quality reads and bargain buys! This months bookclub is due by this Thursday 1st August. Order forms and money to the office please. Mrs Davies

Canteen News:

August is Fruit n Vege month! Starting this week the

canteen will be promoting the very popular FRESH

FOR KIDS competition. This year’s theme is ‘Fuel

your adventure’ Buy any healthy snack to receive an

entry form and sticker. 4 stickers complete the entry

and you receive a pen. Entries go into the major prize

draw of 1st—Home Entertainment package, 2nd—

Ipad mini, 3rd—Escape from Planet Earth Prize packs.

See the poster on the noticeboard. Come and check

out the healthy options at the canteen! Good Luck!


Canteen Roster THIS WEEK NEXT WEEK Tues 30/7/13 Jo Tabone Tues 6/8/13 Jo Tabone, Charntall Hall

Wed 31/7/13 Stacie Nugent, Kristy Simpson Wed 7/8/13 Kristy Simpson, Tammy McCaw

Thurs 1/8/13 Danielle Hemming, Renae McGregor Thurs 8/8/13 Leslie Cox, Pac Kearney

** If any canteen helpers have taken tea towels home to wash, can they please return them to the canteen as soon as possible**


P & C Meeting—Mon 5th August 3pm

The date for the Spring Fair will be Saturday 12th October. If anyone has suggestions on what they would like to see at the fair please let us know ASAP so we can discuss this at our meeting. All ideas welcome! Michelle Gould, P&C president