Online Print 11.12.09

!" $%&’(&)* +,-.,"/,0’ 1-&(2% After a few setbacks, Interna- tional Delights opened in Frenger Food Court at New Mexico State University on Monday and drew large lines of customers who had been anticipating its opening since the beginning of the semes- ter. Fatah Hafassa, owner of Inter- national Delights, said despite de- lays that cost him time and mon- !"# %! &’ %())" *+ ,-(.." +)!-/ “It feels really good to be re- warded and recognized by the community,” Haffassa said, add- ing that the long lines at Inter- national Delights in Frenger this week have shown the campus community has been looking for- ward to its opening. Last week, Hafassa was met with a delay when he was in- formed that his previously ap- proved menu was not to include espresso, because another vendor in the building sells it. Kate Fahrbach, director of Corbett Center and auxiliary fa- cilities, said the menu items are ’*&.. 0!&-1 ,-(.&2!3# 04* (45&.&(6" facilities will not permit vendors serving the same types of primary foods and beverages. “We’re excited he’s in [Frenger],” Fahrbach said. “We’re willing to work with him and oth- er vendors.” “[We encourage] everybody on campus to come get their hum- 74’ ,5 0!8+6! *%!" 1+ *+ 9.(’’#: Hafassa said. $%&’(&)* +,-.," &’ ),0’ ,-&(2% *)- 3*) 4, %,*35,- *( (%6),0’7)8’69,-6 NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY !"#$%&’( *+ !" :,*(5,% ;*)<=2>" 1-&(2% A recent poll conducted at New Mexico State University found that most students, fac- ulty and staff are afraid to be involved in an accident with a bicycle while walking on cam- pus. The poll, which was spon- sored by the NMSU Depart- ment of Journalism, asked students, faculty and staff members how safe they felt while walking, riding bicycles and skateboards or driving on campus. Respondents were asked, “How often in the past year have you been involved in – or witnessed – an acci- dent involving a pedestrian and: a motor vehicle, a skate- board, a bicycle?” The poll re- vealed 160 pedestrian-bicycle ?5,) 0*.@&)< 2) 3*8>6’A 05&35 -2 "26 B,,. "26 *%, 82’( .&@,." (2 4, &)C2.C,- &) *) *33&-,)( 0&(5D E +FGFH I1:J=;1 !J=K=;1 L$MG1!FMHN OE PE QE RE SE TE LGUN1/G VM=U;GK LGMVV =*8>6’ 32886)&(" ,W>%,’’,’ ’*B,(" B,*%’ (5%26<5 ’6%C," !"#$%&#’(%)* $#)",- Board of Regents to announce NMSU president on Nov. 19 !" $%&’(&)* +,-.,"/,0’ 1-&(2% Michael Ortiz, a New Mexico ;*(*! <-&=!6’&*" )6!’&3!-*&(. ,- nalist, visited campus Monday and shared his ties to New Mex- ico, including his friendship with NMSU Interim President Manuel Pacheco. Ortiz, who is president of Cal- ifornia State Polytechnic Uni- versity Pomona and a native of Carrizozo, was approached by Pacheco in October, at the re- quest of the presidential search committee, and after much talk, was encouraged to join the can- didacy, Ortiz said. Ortiz has been the president of Cal Poly for six years and said although he is happy in his cur- rent position, he was excited to explore the opportunity at NMSU. “[I’d be] coming home to a position that would have a statewide impact,” Ortiz said. “The land grant mission prob- ably has the strongest draw.” Ortiz said one of the largest hurdles he has faced during his time at Cal Poly is a budget crisis, with a 21 percent cut in funding and about a 32 percent increase in student fees, along with an enrollment reduction. Ortiz said NMSU should think about its priorities as a whole and focus on reallocating funds internally to deal with budget shortages and the bad economy. “The worst thing you can do is cut across the board,” Ortiz said. Ortiz said the administration and faculty at Cal Poly were at odds when he arrived, but he was able to help. “Being able to turn that around is one of the things I’m most proud of,” Ortiz said, “and the accumulation of the little things we did on campus to make that happen.” Ortiz said the NMSU and Las Cruces communities are attrac- tive to him in several ways, in- cluding diversity, the land grant and space grant missions and green chile. The Withdrawal Ortiz is now one of four presidential ,-(.&’*’# (8*!6 Richard Her- man withdrew his name from the candidacy, NMSU an- nounced Wednesday morning. Herman chose to resign from !"#$% ’(’)** 5&(’ (5, 326%( LXFHGL X9 S Michael Ortiz, now one of four candidates for the presidency at NMSU, is a New Mexico native and current president of California State Polytechnic University Pomona. Ortiz spoke to faculty, staff, students and the public Monday. !"#$%& ()#*&+ %,- ./012 34 /,0 +,W&32 )*(&C, C&’&(’ 3*8>6’A :,%8*) 0&(5-%*0’ B%28 3*)-&-*3" ,).!/$ (")’$!0"()(%0’ !0** "#$/*($ International Delights in Frenger Food Court opened Monday, and were met with ex- citement from the campus community. Vincent Hoppe, NMSU faculty, bought a snack from store manager Geoff Pershing just before closing. !"#$%& ()#*&+ %,- ./012 34 New restaurant opens in Frenger Food Court to the delight of a hungry campus community 5-- 6/** 478 9 Herman 5-- :"%#; 478 9


Online print of the Roundup 11.12.09

Transcript of Online Print 11.12.09

!"#$%&'(&)*#+,-.,"/,0'#1-&(2% After a few setbacks, Interna­tional Delights opened in Frenger Food Court at New Mexico State University on Monday and drew large lines of customers who had been anticipating its opening since the beginning of the semes­ter. Fatah Hafassa, owner of Inter­national Delights, said despite de­lays that cost him time and mon­!"#$%!$&'$%())"$*+$,-(.."$+)!-/$ “It feels really good to be re­warded and recognized by the community,” Haffassa said, add­ing that the long lines at Inter­national Delights in Frenger this week have shown the campus community has been looking for­ward to its opening. Last week, Hafassa was met with a delay when he was in­formed that his previously ap­proved menu was not to include espresso, because another vendor in the building sells it. Kate Fahrbach, director of Corbett Center and auxiliary fa­cilities, said the menu items are '*&..$0!&-1$,-(.&2!3#$04*$(45&.&(6"$

facilities will not permit vendors serving the same types of primary foods and beverages. “We’re excited he’s in [Frenger],” Fahrbach said. “We’re willing to work with him and oth­er vendors.” “[We encourage] everybody on

campus to come get their hum­74'$,5$0!8+6!$ *%!"$ 1+$ *+$ 9.(''#:$Hafassa said.




!"#:,*(5,%#;*)<=2>"#1-&(2% A recent poll conducted at New Mexico State University found that most students, fac­ulty and staff are afraid to be involved in an accident with a bicycle while walking on cam­pus. The poll, which was spon­sored by the NMSU Depart­ment of Journalism, asked students, faculty and staff

members how safe they felt while walking, riding bicycles and skateboards or driving on campus. Respondents were asked, “How often in the past year have you been involved in – or witnessed – an acci­dent involving a pedestrian and: a motor vehicle, a skate­board, a bicycle?” The poll re­vealed 160 pedestrian­bicycle


E+FGFH#I1:J=;1 !J=K=;1 L$MG1!FMHN












Board of Regents to

announce NMSU

president on Nov. 19


Michael Ortiz, a New Mexico ;*(*!$<-&=!6'&*"$)6!'&3!-*&(.$,­nalist, visited campus Monday and shared his ties to New Mex­ico, including his friendship with NMSU Interim President Manuel Pacheco.Ortiz, who is president of Cal­ifornia State Polytechnic Uni­versity Pomona and a native of Carrizozo, was approached by Pacheco in October, at the re­quest of the presidential search committee, and after much talk, was encouraged to join the can­didacy, Ortiz said.Ortiz has been the president of Cal Poly for six years and said although he is happy in his cur­rent position, he was excited

to explore the opportunity at NMSU.“[I’d be] coming home to a position that would have a statewide impact,” Ortiz said. “The land grant mission prob­ably has the strongest draw.”Ortiz said one of the largest hurdles he has faced during his time at Cal Poly is a budget crisis, with a 21 percent cut in funding and about a 32 percent increase in student fees, along with an enrollment reduction. Ortiz said NMSU should think about its priorities as a whole and focus on reallocating funds internally to deal with budget shortages and the bad economy.“The worst thing you can do is cut across the board,” Ortiz said. Ortiz said the administration and faculty at Cal Poly were at odds when he arrived, but he was able to help.

“Being able to turn that around is one of the things I’m most proud of,” Ortiz said, “and the accumulation of the little things we did on campus to make that happen.”Ortiz said the NMSU and Las Cruces communities are attrac­tive to him in several ways, in­cluding diversity, the land grant and space grant missions and green chile.

The Withdrawal

Ortiz is now one of four presidential ,-(.&'*'#$(8*!6$Richard Her­man withdrew his name from the candidacy, NMSU an­nounced Wednesday morning.Herman chose to resign from



Michael Ortiz, now one of four candidates for the presidency at NMSU, is a New Mexico native and current president of California State Polytechnic University Pomona. Ortiz spoke to faculty, staff, students and the public Monday. !"#$%&'()#*&+'%,-'./012'34



International Delights in Frenger Food Court opened Monday, and were met with ex­citement from the campus community. Vincent Hoppe, NMSU faculty, bought a snack from store manager Geoff Pershing just before closing. !"#$%&'()#*&+'%,-'./012'34

New restaurant opens in Frenger Food Court to the delight of a hungry campus community




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"!51*79!*=!*1:9-/3!(/!^(<?-?%$8!"=1()-8!;(/$3!79!,*!1$)$(0$!-!<$-;!91*0(6$6!,:1*75:!6*/-,(*/3!=1*<!WK_K8!-!)*<9-/4!*%/$6!?4!,%*!#&+.!51-67-,$3@Photo Courtesy Jose Rodriguez

The New Mexico Student Public Interest Research Group promotes going green


! B:$! +,76$/,! Q7?;()! O/,$1$3,!W$3$-1):! `1*79! %(;;! :*;6! (,3!3$)*/6! "<$1()-! W$)4);$3! V-4!,*6-4! -/6!X1(6-4! ,*! :$;9!#$%!&$'()*! +,-,$! ./(0$13(,4! 3,726$/,3!?$)*<$!?$,,$1!a-1,:!)(,(2D$/3@! E"!;*,!*=!3,76$/,3!-1$!(/!=-0*1!*=! 1$)4);(/58H! 3-(6! ";$'! V$7)2-;(*/8!+,76$/,!QOW`!91$3(6$/,@!EO! ,:(/>! N,:$! $0$/,P! %(;;! 5$,!<*1$!3,76$/,3!(/,$1$3,$6@H! K7,3(6$! F*1?$,,! F$/,$18!

QOW`!%(;;!:-0$!1$)4);(/5!(/=*12<-,(*/! ,-?;$3@! QOW`! %(;;! -;3*!-))$9,!3,76$/,!3755$3,(*/3!*/2:*%!,*!<->$!,:$!)-<973!<*1$!$/0(1*/<$/,-;;4! =1($/6;48! -/6!,:$!$0$/,!%(;;!=$-,71$!-!F-1?*/!X**,91(/,! F-;)7;-,*18! V$7)2-;(*/!3-(6@!! B:$! )-;)7;-,*18! =1*<! /*/291*=(,! W$6$=(/(/5! Q1*51$338!<$-371$3!-!9$13*/C3!(<9-),!*/!,:$!a-1,:!-/6!:*%!<-/4!/-,721-;! 1$3*71)$! <-,$1(-;3! /$)$323-14! ,*!<-(/,-(/! ,:-,! ;(=$3,4;$8!V$7)-;(*/!3-(6@! &$<?$13! *=! QOW`! %(;;! 6(32)733!,:$!UTTb!c$-1!*=!+73,-(/2-?(;(,48! -/6! 9$13*//$;! =1*<!"55($! W$)4);(/5! %(;;! ?$! -0-(;2-?;$! ,*! -/3%$1! -/4! d7$3,(*/3!

=1*<!3,76$/,38!V$7)-;(*/!3-(6@!! QOW`!(3!-!51-331**,3!-),(0(3,!51*79!,:-,!6$-;3! (/! (337$3!3,726$/,3! -1$! (/,$1$3,$6! (/8!V$7)2-;(*/!3-(6@!! B:(3! 37<<$18! QOW`! 0*;7/2,$$13! )*;;$),$6! -?*7,! S8TTT!9*7/63! *=! 1$)4);-?;$! <-,$21(-;! -,! ,:$! e-/3!J-19$6! B*71!)*/)$1,8! V$7)-;(*/! 3-(6@! B:$!51*79! -;3*! ,**>! 9-1,! (/! W$)42);$<-/(-8! L$$9! +,-,$! `1$-,8!UTTf!a<9,4!A*%;3! -/6! -?*7,!/(/$! *,:$1! )-<9-(5/38! V$7)2-;(*/!3-(6@! QOW`! <$<?$13! -1$! -),(0$!(/! 9*;(,()3! -/6! ,14! ,*! (/=*1<!)*/51$33<$/!-?*7,!);(<-,$!(3237$38!V$7)-;(*/!3-(6@!B:$4!-;3*!:$;9! 3,76$/,3! ?4! :*3,(/5! ,:$!

F:$-9$1! B$',! A**>3! Q1*51-<!-/6!B17,:!-?*7,!F1$6(,!,*!>$$9!3,76$/,3! =1*<!?$(/5! 3)-<<$6!?4!)1$6(,!)-16!)*<9-/($38!V$72)-;(*/!3-(6@!! Ec*7!%(;;!;$-1/!;*,3!*=!,:(/53!N-,! ,:$! $0$/,P8! ,:-,! 4*7! )-/!,$-):!*,:$1!9$*9;$8H!3-(6!&$-25-/!X(//$;;8!QOW`!<$<?$1@! ",!,:$!$0$/,8!QOW`!<$<?$13!%(;;!?$!-0-(;-?;$!,*!-60(3$!3,726$/,3! %*/6$1(/5! -?*7,! :*%!-/6!%:$1$!,*!1$)4);$!-/6!%:-,!3,76$/,3!)-/!6*! ,*! ;*%$1! ,:$(1!$/$154!-/6!%-,$1!73-5$!-/6!?$!(/=*1<$6! )*/37<$138! X(//$;;!3-(6@!! ER(,,;$! ,:(/538! ,:$4! )-/! -66!798H!X(//$;;!3-(6@!! K/)$! 9$*9;$! -1$! -%-1$! ,:-,!

1$)4);(/5! (3! ,:$! $-3($3,!%-4! ,*!:$;9!,:$!a-1,:8!*,:$13!%(;;!9()>!79!,:$!:-?(,8!X(//$;;!3-(6@! Q$*9;$!/$$6! ,*! ;$-1/!:*%!,*!?$! -!9-1,! *=! ,:$! )4);$! -/6! ;(0$!%(,:! ,:$! a-1,:! /*,! 17;(/5! (,8!X(//$;;!3-(6@!!


America Recycles Day to educate, encourage students to become better citizens>;0AB->#A0-C-*0?#D>C

!@$0EF#G.1&"#&+1#H)21&"!@$0A0F#B+#<).+'#.<#-.)5%''### -%+'%)!GB;0F#I#&:9:#'.#J#/:9:

E;?K#,)&16&'%3#,2L%#5&4MLocal business sells shirts to feed children in Africa


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

W*61(57$D!3-(6@!EJ$!%-/,$6!,*! 3$,! 79! -! )*<9-/4! %(,:!5(0(/5! ?-)>! -3! 9-1,! (=! ,:$!)*1$!<(33(*/@H! "))*16(/5!,*!%%%@1*M*-929-1$;@)*<8! WK_K! 6*$3! 6(32)*7/,$6!3)1$$/!91(/,(/5!-/6!$<?1*(6$14! M*?3! =*1! #&+.!-/6! )*<<7/(,4! *15-/(D-2,(*/38! -/6! 6*/-,$3! ST! 9$12)$/,! *=! ,:$! 91*=(,3! ,*! ^(<2?-?%$8! -/6! $-):! 971):-3$!)*<$3! %(,:! -/! $3,(<-,$! *=!:*%! <-/4! <$-;3! ,:$! *16$1!%(;;! 971):-3$! =*1! ):(;61$/!(/!"=1()-@!W*61(57$D!3-(6!,:$!3$10()$! -;;*%3! )-<973! *125-/(D-,(*/38! 37):! -3! 3*1*1(2,($3!-/6!=1-,$1/(,($38!,*!3-0$!<*/$4! */! )73,*<! *16$13!%:(;$! 3799*1,(/5! -! ):-1(,-2?;$!)-73$@! EO/! -! ;*,! *=! %-438! %$C1$!

See Rojo pg. 4

more accessible to help out students, too,” Rodriguez said, adding that he and Jones are on student schedules as well. Rodriguez graduated from NMSU in December 2008 with degrees in finance and economics and then pursued a career at Los Alamos Na­tional Laboratory. Rodriguez said he returned to Las Cru­ces, because he views it as home, and he always wanted to do something to give back. “It’s been really fun and ex­citing to see the positive re­sponse we’ve been getting,” Rodriguez said. “We’re thank­ful for all the support.” ROJO began operations in September, and donations will be sent to Zimbabwe at the end of every month, Ro­driguez said. “We just sent out [the first donations] for our first full

month in operation,” Rodri­guez said. Rodriguez said he and Jones chose to send dona­tions to Zimbabwe because it is one of the most impover­ished countries in the world, and they wanted to donate to an area that needed it most. Rodriguez said ROJO hopes to have a food packaging event in Las Cruces later in the year, where anyone can volunteer to help package hundreds of meals for the children of Zim­babwe. ROJO is partnered with Global Aid Network, which­consists of Christian organi­zations with the goal of help­ing the needy. Gain members in Zimbabwe hope ROJO will travel to Africa, Rodriguez said. “We are looking forward to visiting very soon,” Rodriguez said. “[We know it will be] a life­changing experience. We would like that.”


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accidents, 106 pedestrian­skate­board accidents and 86 pedes­trian­motor vehicle accidents. When asked: “When you are walking on campus, which one of the following do you feel you are most likely to be in an acci­dent with? Choose from – bicy­cle, skateboard, motor vehicle.” Ninety­three responded bicycle. Sarah Sanchez, a sophomore in communications disorders, said she has never been hit by a moving vehicle on campus, but has had several near misses with bikes. “People who ride their bikes [on campus] are reckless, and expect everybody else to get out of their way,” Sanchez said. “They need to make a special place where bikes can go.” Human nutrition sophomore Joe Cecava said he rides his bike on campus almost every day and has never been involved in an accident with a pedestrian or an­other vehicle. When asked what kept him from being in an acci­dent, Cecava said two words: “the brake.” According to the NMSU Police Crime Statistics, bicycles have !""#$ %#&'(&")$ %#$ *+$ ,-./01$ .11%­dents since 2000. The poll was conducted using a random sample from the NMSU 2009 Campus Phonebook, and 243 faculty, staff and students were polled by telephone from Oct. 26 to 28. The poll sampling error is +/­ 6.

7*'%2*"(8'&9( #$( %2*(0/:-(*+#%/"('&+(0'&(1*("*'02*+('%(%"3&*.$4&5$36*+3

,788Continued from pg. 1

his position as chancellor of the University of Illinois at Urbana­Champaign, effective in Decem­ber, after being under pressure concerning special attention the university paid to students ap­plying to the school who were politically connected and ad­

mitted some of them over more 23.(%0")$4,3)"#,45Herman said his decision is based on other obligations that will prevent him from continu­ing as a candidate, according to a University Communications press release.“I understand and respect Dr. Herman’s decision,” NMSU Board of Regents Chairman Blake Curtis said, according to

the release. “We have a pool of /3((6$ 23.(%0")$ 1.#)%).,"4$ .#)$our selection process will con­tinue as planned. On Nov. 19 we have a special Board of Regents meeting scheduled. It is our in­tent to announce our next presi­dent at that time.”


Michael Ortiz shared his ties to New Mexico during his visit to the campus Monday, including his friendship with Interim Presi­dent Manuel Pacheco, his thoughts on diversity and his taste for green chile.!"#$%&'!()$*'+!&,-!./012!34

)9:;<Continued from pg. 1

()=)Continued from pg. 3



The New Mexico State Uni­

versity men’s basketball team

will open its season Friday with

a road game against St. Mary’s.

The Aggies are very optimistic

about the season opener, head

basketball coach Marvin Men­

zies said.

“We are really looking for­

!"#$% &'% '(#% )%#*&% +",-./% 0(1nior guard Gordo Castillo said.

23-4#-%5''678+%+''$.%9(&%!-%0(*&%!"8&%&'%+'%'(&%&:-#-%"8$%;5"<=/% >:-% ?++7-*% )%87*:-$% @A1@B%5"*&% *-"*'8% CD1A% 78% &:-% 3?EF%and failed to make any nation­

al tournaments, including the

NCAA tournament and the NIT.

The Aggies will face a St.

G"#<4*% &-",% &:"&% )%87*:-$% &:-%HIIJ1ID% *-"*'8% !7&:% "% HJ1A%#-K'#$% "8$% "% *-K'8$% ;5"K-% )%81ish in the WCC tournament.

St. Mary’s went 3­0 against

the WAC teams it played last

season. The Gales reached the

L("#&-#% )%8"5*% 'M% &:-% NO>% 5"*&%year to cap off their season. The

last time St. Mary’s reached the

NCAA tournament was during

&:-%HIIA1IJ%*-"*'8=%%>:-%P"5-*%have reached the national tour­

nament only four other times

C@DBD.%@DJD.%@DDA.%"8$%HIIBF= Aside from St. Mary’s record,

the game Friday will be a test of

the Aggies’ preparation, Men­

zies said.

“St. Mary’s will run the same


a good coach and good kids who

K"8%K',-%'MM%&:-%9-8K:=/ The road trip to St. Mary’s,

coupled with the upcoming

home opener against the Uni­

versity of New Mexico, has the

Aggies positioned for a possible

+#-"&% *&"#&% &'% &:-% HIID1@I% *-"1son.

% 2?55%&-",*%8--$%"%+''$%*&"#&./%G-8Q7-*% *"7$=% % 2>:-% )%#*&% &!'%games were scheduled that way

M'#%"%#-"*'8=/ Menzies said the potential for

a good start would do more than

put two Ws in the win column.

“It’s a great way to start off the

season with energy and enthusi­

"*,./%G-8Q7-*%*"7$= The St. Mary’s­NMSU game


to the court. Five players from

St. Mary’s roster are from Aus­

tralia, and NMSU has new arriv­

als from other countries as well,

ranging from Senegal to France

and Canada.

Despite the assumed language

9"##7-#.%&:-%?++7-*%)%8$%8'%;#'91lem with on­court communi­

cation, Canadian sophomore

guard Hernst Laroche said.

“Sometimes [my teammates]

would say they couldn’t under­

stand me when things go wrong,

but there’s no problem with lan­

+("+-./%T"#'K:-%*"7$= For local and more experi­

enced players, the game against

UNM is more interesting than

the St. Mary’s game.

I’m looking forward to the

+",-% "+"78*&% UNG./% *"7$% T"*%Cruces native Castillo. “It will

be big. We have got to beat them

&:7*%<-"#=/ The Aggies lost both meetings

with the Lobos last season.

Junior guard Jahmar Young

!"*% R'&-$% )%#*&1&-",% ?5513?E%during the preseason and Young

said his play on the court is key

for Aggie success this season.

“It took me a little while, but

I’ve been stepping up as the

5-"$-#./%V'(8+%*"7$=% % 2G<% 5-"$1ership has been the main thing I




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Top: Junior guard Jahmar Young

passes to a cutting teammate as fresh­

man center Abdoulaye N’doye defends

the basket Tuesday during practice.

Bottom Left: Center Hamidu Rah­

man spins away from a defender dur­

ing practice Tuesday. Rahman led the

team in rebounds last season. Bottom

Right: Sophomore forward Troy Gil­

lenwater watches the ball as he pre­

pares to defend. Frank De La O/the

Round Up

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Women’s basketball looks for a win against Cal State Northridge!"#$%&'"#()**+',%-|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!"#$%!&& &%'(&$#)*+&)"|$#)*+)"*(,!-.#/& & & & & & & & & & &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&*#0-&123&2445|6


Hawaii is ranked second in

the WAC in total offense and the

Aggies are ranked last.

Still, both teams have strug­

gled. The Aggies and the War­

riors are both 3­6 overall and

each have just one conference

win. While the Aggies have

struggled with a lackadaisical

offense, the Warriors have un­

derachieved with a defense that

gives up more than 33 points

per game.

“Hawaii’s offense is pretty ex­

plosive,” head football coach De­

Wayne Walker said. “They have

decent athletes – they are not

great athletes – but I think the

scheme really helps them rack

up the yards and the points.”

Hawaii runs a spread offense,

similar to the one New Mexico

State University fans grew ac­

customed to under former foot­

ball coach Hal Mumme. With

the spread­style offense, the

!"##$%#&' "#(' )#&*' $+' *,(' !-.'(third in NCAA) in passing of­

fense and eighth in rushing of­


' /"0"$$'0$11' )+$&,' *,(' &("&%+'without starting quarterback

Greg Alexander, who suffered

a knee injury in the team’s 27­6

loss to Louisiana Tech in late

September. Prior to his injury,

Alexander was the nation’s lead­

er in total offense.

Quarterback Bryant Moniz

was thrust into the starting posi­

tion after Alexander’s injury and

,"&')*'$+'+$2(134'5%+$6'$&'#"+7(8')9*,'$+'*,('!-.'$+'*%*"1'%99(+&('and is coming off a 344­yard,

four­touchdown performance

against Utah State Saturday.

NMSU defensive end Pierre

Fils said the pass rush will be

key this week in slowing down

the Hawaii passing game.

“We can’t be too concerned

with containing [Moniz] be­

cause that messes up the pass

rush,” Fils said.

For the Aggies, offense has

been a disaster all year long.

After nine games, Walker

announced Tuesday that Jeff

Fleming will be the starting

quarterback for the rest of the


The Aggies average less than

12 points per game and are near

the bottom in most statistical

offensive categories in the WAC

and the nation.

“During the bye week, we de­

cided to go back to some of the

old things we did well and are

looking to do some of the new

things we’ve been doing well,”

Walker said.

The Aggies have consistently

#:&,(8' 0(114' ;,(' <"27)(18=' 1(8'by running back Seth Smith, is

averaging just over 138 yards

per game. Hawaii averages 111.

Smith has been the primary

Aggie ball carrier this season

and said the time off from the

bye week was much needed.

“[The bye] gave me a chance

to rest and relax a little bit and

refocus,” Smith said.

Refocusing has been a theme

for the Aggies as they prepare

for the last four games of the


“The most important thing

right now is winning as many

games as we can,” Walker said,

“and continuing to build this

program into a respectable foot­

ball school.”







Devin Jackson catches a long pass Tuesday during the bye week in preparation for

the game against Hawaii Saturday. !"#$%&'(&)#&*+,-(&./0$1&23

ll it takes are two letters: e. l. Google knows, of course, I’m refer­ring to women’s

soccer defender Elizabeth Lam­bert, the newest national media starlet of the University of New Mexico. After typing those two letters, !""#$%&'()'(*+'(),)(*%'-(+."/&'lists “Elizabeth Lambert” as the No. 1 search possibility. Elizabeth Taylor and Elvis Pre­sley, step aside, there’s a new Internet celebrity in town. Within a week, Lambert’s questionable sportsmanship has captured national attention. ESPN featured the junior UNM student on several of its pro­grams, dedicating much airtime for soccer pundits to analyze Lambert’s rough plays during the match last Thursday against Brigham Young University. It didn’t stop there. The next stop on Lambert’s unintention­al media blitz was the Today Show on NBC, during which the media giant featured a segment of the infamous Albuquerque resident Monday morning. Next, cable network G4TV featured the video Monday eve­ning on its nightly commentary program, Attack of the Show. After anchors sarcastically con­

gratulated Lambert, they added 0%1'*"'*0%'"2,3(4$'5**436'"2'*0%'Show’s “Dick Hall of Fame.” And let’s not forget the power of the Web. A video spotlighting Lam­bert’s, er, aggressiveness is posted on Youtube and boasts more than 2 million views – not to mention several other You­tube videos of the match – each -(*0'+(#)(,34)*'7(%-'3"8)*+9' Facebook pages have been created idolizing and demon­izing Lambert. A fan page titled “GO ELIZABETH LAMBERT!” has more than 3,000 fans. Similar pages, such as “Eliza­beth Lambert for President” and “Elizabeth Lambert Needs Therapy,” have sprouted throughout the social network­ing site. It would be interesting to know just how many friend requests she received over the weekend on her personal Face­book account. In the blogosphere, some have called her a “loco lobo,” while others are chalking her down to one word: babe. Whatever the case may be, it’s clear she’s a local star, too. The Daily Lobo, UNM’s student­run newspaper, has posted several letters to the editor on its Web site – some claimed Lambert deserves

forgiveness and others have deduced her actions as “thug­gery.” The Internet has proved to be a vehicle toward creating Lambert’s celebrity, and with thousands of hits per day, Lam­bert needs to begin to weigh her ":*(")+9';8+:%).%.'().%,)(*%$<'for her actions, soccer, for now, is out. Rest assured Lambert, there are some positive side effects to your new fangled Internet glory. Here are some suggestions for tackling the fame: ­ Choose your interviews carefully. By now, you’ve likely received numerous calls from media outlets from around the country. Don’t settle for local news interviews or late night cable screamers. Think

bigger: a classy nighttime slot on 20/20 or Larry King Live. I’m thinking dim lights, your silhouette and, of course, tears. For now, try to avoid late night comedy shows, and as a rule of thumb, steer clear of Dr. Phil. ­ Change your sport. Maybe consider a more aggressive out­let: Rugby, perhaps, or maybe a solitary sport, such as run­ning or shot­put. Channel your fervor elsewhere. ­ Write a memoir. Take a few years and develop your craft. Then, let the proverbial wisdom ="-'"8*-41.9'5).&'()'34+%'you’re not aware, memoirs are in. Possible title: “The Story Be­hind the Ponytail Takedown.” ­ Join a celeb­reality show. Use your stardom to strengthen ratings over at VH1 or FOX.

Google says you are much more popular than the pseudo­celebrities who normally star in reality shows. Even in a negative light, it’s important for the people of New Mexico to thank Lambert. For better or worse, her hit video put us on the map. And what has this taught us? Anyone can become an overnight Internet sensation. Plus, as an added bonus, we now have the phrase “ponytail takedown” in our arsenals. Score one, us. Note: As of press time, Google no longer recognized Lambert in its popular search list, thus proving the volatile status of the instant Internet celebrity. On second thought, go for the Dr. Phil interview.

­­Dustin Edwards




















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“Yeah, I think we should be equal. I think we should have equal rights. I mean, if we have a higher education, we should get paid more.”


“Equal rights in the work place should not be considered on gen­der, but on quality.”


“No, because I like the idea of women being housewives, and I like them to be stay­at home­moms. I want to be a stay­at­home mom eventually. “


“I don’t really know what that means. I heard it once.”




“I don’t because I guess the way I was raised. I was always raised to respect women.”

FROM OUR!"#$%#"&&$"",%-'.-"/0%*&

To the folks who hit my scooter !"#$%&#'(% )"*$+%,-.%/-0%0#12$'2$3%1#%"-4%5.6+,%7%*1%!-%"*8#%*$,%1-'#%-/%!0*$9:-0!*!2-$;%%7%6*$$-!%*//-0'%*%6*0%*$'%*%96--!#0%29%*%6"#*:%alternative. % <$%=-$'*,>%4"25#%7%4*9%'-2$3%1,%5*.$'0,%$#?!%!-%!"#%@332#%A?:0#99%$#*0%!"#%B29!*%'#5%=-$!#%*:*0!1#$!9>%,-.%0*$%2$!-%1,%96--!#0;%%7!%4*9%*%/*205,%2$60#'2C5#%!"2$3%!-%"2!>%9##2$3%"-4%,-.%"*'%!-%0-55%.:%*$'%-8#0%!"#%92'#4*5+%!-%!"#%1-!-06,65#%:*0+2$3>%5#*8#%!20#%1*0+9%*$'%"2!%*%C23>%9"2$,%96--!#0%"*0'%#$-.3"%/-0%2!%!-%/*55%over. % D#2$3%-$%*%96--!#0>%7%"*8#%!-%'028#%9*/#5,%C#6*.9#%6*09%'-%$-!%*54*,9%9##%1#%*$'%7%"*8#%!-%#$'.0#%6*!%6*559%*$'%-!"#0%5#4'%0#1*0+9%*9%7%E2:%*0-.$'%!-4$;%%7%F.9!%"*8#%*%/#4%!2:9%/-0%!"#%$#?!%!21#%,-.%"2!%*%8#"265#%*$'%5#*8#%!"#%96#$#(%% GH%I2!!2$3%*%8#"265#%*$'%5#*82$3%!"#%96#$#%29%*%129'#1#*$-0;%% JH%7/%,-.%4#0#%!-%"2!%*%8#"265#>%6*.9#%C-'25,%"*01%*$'%5#*8#%!"#%scene it is a felony. % KH%L#?!%!21#>%!0,%$-!%!-%"*8#%9-%many witnesses. With you hit­!2$3%1,%96--!#0%2$%C0-*'%'*,523"!%*%/#4%:#-:5#%42!$#99#'%2!%*$'%4#0#%*C5#%!-%328#%'#9602:!2-$9%-/%,-.%*$'%,-.0%6-1:*$2-$>%,-.0%8*$%*$'%,-.0%526#$9#%:5*!#%$.1­C#0;% 4) If you were to leave a note -0%!0,%*$'%M$'%1#%7%4-.5'%"*8#%5--+#'%-8#0%!"#%96--!#0%*$'%0#*5­2E#'%!"#%'*1*3#%4*9%12$21*5>%$-!"2$3%*%52!!5#%35.#%*$'%)NO%6-.5'$P!%M?;%% 7%4-.5'%"*8#%!"*$+#'%,-.%/-0%,-.0%"-$#9!,>%#8#$%2/%7%4*9%*%52!!5#%12//#';%%Q-.%*59-%4-.5'%"*8#%0#­$#4#'%1,%/*2!"%2$%".1*$2!,>%"*'%,-.%-4$#'%.:%!-%,-.0%129!*+#;%%R-1#"-4>%921:5,%:0-::2$3%!"#%96--!#0%C*6+%.:%'-#9$P!%6.!%2!;%%% A8#$%!"-.3"%,-.%*6!#'%200#­9:-$92C5,>%7%*1%!"*$+/.5%$-%-$#%4*9%".0!%*$'%1,%96--!#0%29%9!255%


­­Sarah R.Grad Student


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­­Brittany WaggonerLas Cruces Resident

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Crimson ScholarsNMSU Honors College Scholarship informational meeting. A unique

opportunity for a self­designed foreign travel and research experience open to sophomore and junior Crimson Scholars and Honors students.

Honors College Commons1st floor of Conroy Honors Center

Conroy Honors College (corner of University&Espina)

ONSIE staff and past scholarship winners to answer questions and provide information about applying for the scholarship

Thursday, November 19th 5:00pm

Office of National Scholarship (ONSIE)in the NMSU Honors College


!"#$%&"#!%'()&*|+&%,,#-./0'&.' Looking for a way to celebrate the holidays, support New Mexi­co State University arts programs !"#$#%$&%$'()%*($+,($&+*(&&$%)$-­nals week and winter break? The NMSU Choirs’ Holiday Concert, “Festival of Thanks,” will take place in the Atkinson Recital Hall in the Music Building at 7:30 p.m. on Friday and 3:00 p.m. on Saturday. “This is a noncommercial way +%$*(.(/+$%"$+,($,%01#!2&$!&$3(00$as the end of the semester,” said Jerry Ann Alt, director of choirs at NMSU. “It gives people a chance

to think about the season before it hits you right in the face. “Like with all of the arts, it will engage your heart, soul, emotions and intellect,” Alt said. “It’s im­portant for students to take time out of their schedules to see this. Everyone who comes really en­joys it.” The concert will feature a to­tal of six choirs from both the university and the community. Groups include the new 12­mem­ber Crimson Voices, which has been rehearsing under graduate student, Stephanie Sanchez. The group will sing three Christmas songs. Other groups include

Crimson Chord Company, a men’s choir; University Singers, the top choir at NMSU; Master­works Chorale, a combination student and community group; and Concert Choir, a completely non­auditioned group open to all students, no matter their musical background. “Students will love the great variety of musical selections from pop to barbershop to classical,” said David Klement, of the NMSU 45&1/$ #(6!*+4("+7$ 89,(2:00$ #(-­nitely want to come and support their fellow student musicians who have worked so hard to put together this thoroughly enjoy­

able holiday concert.” Each group will sing for about 20 minutes, and at the end, all 150 singers will gather on stage to sing a few traditional songs. Groups have been preparing for the concert since the beginning of the school year, Klement said.$ 8;+:&$!$01<(02$/%"/(*+$-00(#$31+,$3%"#(*)50$ 45&1/$ '(-++1"=$ +,($holiday season,” Klement said. Selections will include music for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Well­known songs like “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christ­mas,” “O Holy Night,” “Joy to the World,” and “Walking in a Win­ter Wonderland” are among the

songs that will be performed, Kl­ement said. “I think that’s important as we get ready to close out the year, the semester,” Alt said. “It will be 5601)+1"=$!"#$*(.(/+1<(7$;$+,1">$3($need more of that on our cam­pus.” Tickets are available for $12 and $15, or $3 with an NMSU student ID. Alt said she recom­mends buying tickets before­hand, as the holiday concert usu­ally sells out.



!"#$%&"#!%'()&*|+&%,,#-./0'&.' There are few ways to better spend a nice fall evening than listening to live, local music for a good cause. Jam for the Kids ’09 will take place on Saturday at the Elks Lodge. Doors open at 4 p.m. and performances start at 5 p.m. Pro­ceeds from the concert will ben­(-+$+,($?!&$@*5/(&$A%2&$!"#$B1*0&$Club. “I love concerts, and it seems like people always have a good time with live music,” said Derek Apodaca, athletic director at the Boys and Girls Club. “We’re working on a club and we need all the help we can get,” Apodaca said. “The club has kind of gone under, people don’t even know we exist, this will hopefully help.” Five local and regional bands of different genres will perform. 9,($-*&+$)%5*$3100$6(*)%*4$%5+&1#($the Elks Lodge. Dusty Low will play acoustic, reggae­style music and will open at 5 p.m. C.W. Ayon, a one man band, plays guitar, drums and sings all by himself. Kene Terry &

The Bourbon Cowboys is a Texas Country band from Clovis, N.M. The Daniel Park Band, a self­described folk­rock band from Las Cruces, is headed by NMSU alumnus, Daniel Park. From 10:30 to midnight, Asper Kourt will play inside the Elks Club Ballroom, as an after party, Apodaca said. Asper Kourt is based in Albuquerque and was named “Best Local Band Headed for Stardom” by Albuquerque the Magazine. “I just thought, let’s involve all these different types of music, and see what happens,” Apodaca said. The bands have all donated +,(1*$+14($+%$'("(-+$+,($A%2&$!"#$Girls Club, so all funds raised by ticket sales go directly to the club, Apodaca said. “It’s a lot of people who are lending their hand and doing it for the kids,” Apodaca said. “I think it shows how music is re­ally keeping the world together today.”


Local musicians donate time and tunes to benefit kids




veryone likes cup­

cakes, so how do peo­

ple react when they

hear the name “John­

ny Cupcakes”? Some

may think Johnny

Cupcakes is a bakery,

or just a name brand of a cup­

cake mix, but surprisingly John­

ny Cupcakes is a person, and a

quite popular person at that.

Associated Students of New

Mexico State University brought

the famous fashion designer

to NMSU Tuesday for a lecture

series. There was a crowd of

people waiting outside of the

Corbett Center Auditorium and

people guarding doors even be­

fore the lecture started.

“I was excited because [John­

ny Cupcakes] grew a business

from the ground up when he

was 18 years old,” said Abby

Goodin, a sophomore. “I was

interested because he is such a

cool icon and what he lives for.”

Johnny Cupcakes is not only

a successful business man

that was voted America’s No. 1

Young Entrepreneur of 2008

by BusinessWeekly, but he also

lives and supports a drug­free

lifestyle. During the lecture, he

mentioned that while his friends

were partying he was focusing

on his business and coming up

with new ideas to advance.

The audience ranged from

NMSU students, to members of

the community and fans from

out of town.

“I went to Las Cruces to see

Johnny Cupcakes lecture at

NMSU, because I have been a

fan of his for several years now,”

said Albuquerque resident Patty

Archuleta. “Why not go see him

in Las Cruces if I went all the

way out to Boston to go to his


Johnny said his name “start­

ed as a joke” and it just stuck.

He began making shirts with

cupcakes on them and wearing

them to shows his metalcore

band played. He then started

to wear the shirts at the record

shop he worked at. According

to a periodical published by

Johnny Cupcakes, “one person

would tell 10 people and those

10 people would tell 10 more.”

Johnny started and continued

his business for a couple years

out of the trunk of his 1989 Toy­

ota Camry. Now, his business,

according to www.johnnycup­, is a “multi­million

dollar, strong, fun, different,

homegrown business.”

“Johnny Cupcakes is an inspi­

ration that shows what motiva­

tion and hard work can do,” said

sophomore Ryan Dinger. “He

is an awesome speaker and I’m

glad I had the chance to hear his





